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    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 SAB Tribulation mode be like

    Guild Wars 2 SAB Tribulation mode be like

    SAB Tribulation mode be like

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    The pvp scene be like

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    How to never get bored in a group SAB tribulation run :D

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    The Commander To The Game

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    He really does sound like a Skritt fr.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Fast’n furious

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    [Cmaj] GW2 Quartet: Tale as Old as Time - Beauty and the Beast

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Latency since April 18, 2020

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    For those in SEA or Australia experiencing bad latency from the early hours of April 18th till now as of time of writing on April 20th, I have some news and possible solutions.

    As background, I was prompted for a major Windows update when I ended the Friday night before the lag started. So I tried to complete the windows update thinking it might be the background download causing the latency. Didn't work. Restarted the router, the modem, used ipconfig /release and /renew and /flushdns, didn't work. Only when I used NordVPN and routed straight to a US IP did it finally get the latency down to 300 ping.

    Yesterday, April 19th, someone mentioned that it was caused by damage to the APCN2 submarine cable. Did a check, the damage happened on April 10th. Doesn't tally with the experience of those who started experiencing the lag only on 18th.

    Today, I called my ISP (MyRepublic). They shared that the South-east Asia Japan Cable System (or SJC) was damaged on the night of April 17th. I believe this is very likely to be the case.

    Anyway, I've sent the traceroute to my ISP so that they might try rerouting their connections to get better ping. As far as I know users in Singapore using Starhub appear to be unaffected. Those on M1 and MyRepublic have issues (no feedback for users on other ISPs)

    Those who are not on MyRepublic and experiencing the same situation can either try to use VPN to alleviate the situation or report your traceroutes to your respective ISPs.

    Good luck, everyone.

    Note: Posted this as there's been no information from ArenaNet, ISPs or any news site and I figured it's a frustrating time for the regular players. So this might go some way in dispelling uncertainty.

    submitted by /u/AEsylumProductions
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    Hi guys Im a f2p player and really enjoy this game so far. Im almost lvl 80, and I consider to upgrade my acc, but I dont know which one to choose. And looking for a guild.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    Excited that this came in the mail!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    PS Warrior ported to DND: Bring your favorite Might stacker to the 5th edition! Also including a Weapon Skill mechanic to fully capture that GW2 flavor.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Enchanted treasure chest worth it?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Is it worth the grind from treasure hunting to have the enchanted treasure chest in ur home instance?

    submitted by /u/unicornwheelchair
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    Another piece done for @Darshie_tc, I really enjoyed working on this, with how the effects flowed together.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    The Weekly Map Recap - Week 8, Kessex Hills

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we will look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 51 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    8 of 51 - Kessex Hills - Level 15-25

    Where do we even start with Kessex Hills? It's the natural second map for humans - the most popular species by far. The map has an enormous amount of stuff going on. Even before LWS1, Kessex Hills had a lot of diversity. It had placid seaside villages and underwater cavern towns. Since then, it's only got more complex.

    One thing that can be said about Kessex Hills: it's rarely dull.

    Theme/Concept - 6/10

    Kessex Hills' theme seems to be focused on space and conflict over territory. I'm not sure how to articulate it into a single phrase, but this map contains an enormous number of settlements of different species and groups. The sylvari are pushed up against the krait, the tengu, the humans, the centaurs. The wizard in Garenhoff uses elementals to promote some semblance of security - but there's a necromancer in the swamp and two separate Lionguard Sanctuaries pushing up against the wilderness. Even underwater you have settlements without enough room or resources: the quaggan, the krait, and the hylek.

    All this is to say that there's a lot of folks that want to live here, and not enough room for all of them. I mean, we got this far into the article and I haven't even really mentioned the centaurs yet! There's just so much on this map. Everyone is trying to bite a piece of territory for themselves.

    Despite not having the mechanics to really back this up, Kessex Hills conveys conflict like this better than its sibling, Gendarran Fields. While that map has large towns that can actually 'fall' to competing forces, the map is so open and placid. Kessex Hills is crowded and almost… claustrophobic. It conveys that in a way that I'm not sure any other Kryta map does - and certainly more effectively than a map with competing factions like Brisban.

    Lore - 4/10

    So Kessex Hills is a bit of a Frankenstein's Monster. It's stitched together from pieces of no less than 6-8 maps from GW1 (depending on how we count them). On top of that, the map which is most strongly associated with it - Kessex Peak - doesn't line up. The Wizard's Tower has moved significantly far to the East. Not that I'm saying it can't do that: it's a floating castle, and I assume it does what it wants.

    And don't get me wrong, the Wizard's Tower is awesome. Mysterious since its first appearance in GW1, it has teased us by floating just out of reach for a decade. Rumors persist that one day we'll get a raid out of it. One day…

    All this is to say that it's difficult to pinpoint any strong associations with the lore in this area aside from the Wizard's Tower. There was a strong presence of necromancy in parts of this area, which is represented in Blackroot Cut. The Tengu were strong in those parts of Kryta, and they're still around in the Domain of Winds. Finally, some of these maps had small fishing villages.

    But other than that? There's not much here. Even ruins like the Collapsed Observatory don't have that much that is significant in them lore-wise.

    The biggest lore pieces on this map are new - to do with the Toxic Alliance. Even that though isn't super key. Like the Molten Alliance, they were 'villains of the week', here and then quickly gone.

    Design - 5/10

    Kessex Hills has more in common with Harathi Hinterlands than Queensdale or Gendarran Fields. It's hilly, playing with a considerable amount of verticality - perhaps the most on a Krytan map. In addition, it has a large amount of content hidden underground and underwater.

    It's overall layout, like Hinterlands, is based on the fight against the centaurs. Centaur events and areas form a large crescent on the map - going from the west, up to the north end, and back towards the eastern-central portion.

    That crescent of centaur activity cradles the central lake. This lake is the hub of activity on the map. This was played up during the Tower of Nightmares event in Season 1, but it remains true now.

    The Garenhoff area is part of a slightly separate north-south slice of the map from the Lionguard fort to the Wizard's Tower. If we think of the player's 'flow' around the map, it is disconnected.

    The overall player flow around the map is a little odd - since the highest level events are in the west, but natural progression exits out the east to Gendarran.

    Gameplay - 5/10

    Let me see if I can inventory all of the post-launch events and activities on this map. We have the bandit bosses from LWS3, and the Toxic Alliance everywhere, Mordrem vines at Fort Salma, and rollerbeetle races.

    During Tower of Nightmares, the zone was changed fairly significantly. The Tower itself was built in the middle of the lake, and that was its own temporary Explorable Zone. Outside of that zone, Kessex Hills gained a number of events that are still with us today - all of the Toxic events.

    Events on this map are incredibly varied in difficulty in style. The Arenanet that built them was sometimes years separated from the vanilla design philosophy. Some of the Toxic events require real squads of players. The Bandit Bosses sure do.

    While this means that there's a lot of interesting variety, I do wonder at whether it's off-putting for new players to come across these large difficulty spikes.

    The metas are standard for centaur maps - though I do like that some of the outposts can be taken over by the enemy.

    A lot of the fun on this map comes from exploration. Be on the lookout for some of the ferreted away areas here. There are neat caves hidden all over the place. Additionally, one of the Points of Interest is especially tricky - you need to enter the underwater caverns to get it.

    Art - 6/10

    Again, it's hard to talk about the art of Kessex Hills without discussing the Tower of Nightmares. There's been a lot of arguments back and forth about the long term impact of Season 1, but it's hard to deny that the Tower of Nightmares looked cool. It totally changed the feel of the zone, and is one of the few long-term changes that LWS1 left on the map.

    Beyond that, Kessex Hills has some standout areas for a Krytan map. Garenhoff itself is striking in its layout, nestled in sea cliffs with the Wizard's Tower floating off the coast. The Abandoned Observatory is one of my favorite jumping puzzles appearance-wise - it has a great mysterious feel to it. There's even a centaur structure - at Earthworks Bluff - that I don't believe is replicated anywhere else in Tyria.

    Beyond that, it's a Kryta map. Kryta had a great sense of exotic jungles and swamps in GW1, but in GW2 it's simply 'vaguely Western Europe'. What more can you say?

    Long Term/Retention - 6/10

    Kessex Hills is in a bit of an interesting place with retention. Pristine Toxic Spore Samples are not worthless: they can be used to craft Sigils of Torment and Toxic utility items. Combined with the Beetle Race, Bandit Bosses, and other achievements - not to mention natural player movement - Kessex Hills has higher retention than Gendarran Fields or Brisban Wildlands.

    Overall - 6/10

    I like Kessex Hills - but mainly for what it maintains in historical value. Kessex Hills represents - aside from Lion's Arch - the biggest example of Season 1's mark on the world. It's an interesting case study for that reason alone.

    This has turned it into a somewhat uneven map: the toxic events are a high difficulty spike, and break the flow of the map. On the other hand, those events will keep some level of retention on the map for the foreseeable future.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to Snowden Drifts. I have strong feelings about that map. Get excited.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Heart of Khan-ur infusion SHOWCASE (Rarest infusion in game now)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Heart of Khan-ur infusion SHOWCASE (Rarest infusion in game now)

    Hello, if you are interested in what Hear of khan-ur infusion looks like on human, please see the video clip here:


    Since not so many people doing META on this map, I hope ANET would finally add this infusion into event lootbox (like what they did with Chak, Confetti last them) to make it more accessible to player.

    (Note: This is not mine, I asked the infusion holder for his/her permission to share the clip on reddit and got his/her aprroval)


    submitted by /u/quanquan16
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    4/20 - Last fractal CM anniversary is today! ��

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Original Guild Wars player

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    So I used to play the original guild wars (factions and nightfall) way back in the day. When GW2 first came out I played for just a few days but never picked it up, until now. I've found myself quite bored as of late, so I figured what the heck, I'll give it another try. I've been enjoying it thus far, although it is quite different from Guild Wars. Just purchased the expansions and I'm a lvl 21 ele. Any advice and tips are appreciated, also would be willing to join a fun guild!

    submitted by /u/atcren
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    What is a good server to join for WvW?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    So I'm an old player on Desolation. Recently my friend joined the game and we would like to play WvW with each other among other things. Unfortunately Desolation is full so I'm looking for a good alternative to join with him.

    I'm looking for an active, English speaking server where we could just join a big blob and run around.

    I tried to look for myself, but it is quite hard to get a proper picture how WvW is on a given server without actually playing there. So for instance, I have heard that Far Shiverpeaks is pretty much dead in WvW but Gunnar's Hold might be worth it?

    Besides the Very High population servers I have heard good things about Aurora Glade, Ring of Fire etc. but apparently they are good just because they are linked to other big servers.

    That is another thing - I'm not sure how linking servers actually works, how often it is changed etc. so if anybody could explain it to me really quick, I would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Kokleekio
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    Looking for recommendations

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Hello! I've purchased and read all 3 Guild Wars' books, and I'm totally in love with them. Now that I've finished reading them, I wonder if anyone else here read them as well. Are there any other fantasy books like these?

    Thank you in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/Achertontus
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    Come Play the Super Adventure Festival! | Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Runic cape achievement: PLEASE HELP

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Runic cape achievement: PLEASE HELP

    Hello, I'm trying to finish this achievement 3 weeks but it does not work. Does it mean that I have to keep 3 different crystal in my inventory and open the chest at once???

    I opened the chest 3 times, each time with either Green/Red/Blue crystal but I did not get the final achievement ...


    submitted by /u/quanquan16
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