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    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - March 14, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - March 14, 2020

    Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - March 14, 2020

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


    Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    GW2 community helping eachother out in these trying times

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Matthew Medina is back at ArenaNet as Senior Content Designer

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Any WvWers?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Anet 20/20 . The hype train is real. New Expansion. WvW & PvP Updates. New Maps. Living World Season 1 Return. Raids Still to Come. Fractals Still to Come. Visions of the Past. Core Updates. New Skins. New Strike Missions. New in Game Mount Skin. Festivals being Worked On. Who is still salty?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Guild Wars 2 Game Director Mike Zadorojny and VP of Marketing Mike Silbowitz left ArenaNet

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Choo choo! All aboard the hypetrain. My phone background sure is!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    F99 Challenge Mote Siax Solo | Firebrand [6:46]

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I really liked the design of the mount, so I did a little drawing of the skimmer.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    March Sale - Character Slots, 25% off

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Expansion 3 - Your Wish List

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Ladies and gentlemen, the next expansion is officially being developed.

    So now my question is, whilst we still might impact the final product that we will receive... What is your wish list?

    Personally, I'd love to see the following features:

    • A LIMITED physical collector's edition, which I'll gladly pay up to €200 for.
    • 9 elite specialisations that have an interesting lore background, as we saw in PoF.
    • An entirely new reward system around tradable drops & items; which offers benefits that the top 10% of the playerbase will use, but is very lucrative for the other 90% who aren't interested in it.
    • Expansive maps which focus on a meta, similar to the HoT maps.
    • Material rewards that are actually used in recipes people want to pursue, as was the case with HoT recipes (think of lodestones, new crafting materials, etc).
    • New guild missions, and an update to guild halls to make them actually useful locations.
    • A new PvP map
    • A new underwater mount
    • A new mastery system, which will be as breathtaking and game-changing as gliding and mounts were (personally, I'd love Player-Owned Housing, so that I finally have a reason to train Scribing)
    • (Probably a controversial opinion, but I don't see the value of adding a new race if you compare what we get, and what we could have received in stead of it. If adding a new race would require 1000 hours of development hours, and would be the reason why we would miss, for example, the addition of 3 new, fully fledged world maps, I'd rather have the maps.)

    I'm probably exaggerating, but since we are talking about expansions, I don't think this is *too* impossible.


    submitted by /u/Iscera
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    [Art] Concept art of "The third expansion" remade and animated in Wallpaper engine

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Does GW2 admins really ban account sellers or hackers from game?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    I am playing this game time to time and bought this game from a friend "my homemate from university". And like 1 month ago when i try to login game i couldnt than asked help from CS. They helped me i got logged in because i have all the information like keys adress and my phone number was also registered. But suddenly someone changed it again because 1 more person knows account info. I contacted my friend and asked about it he didnt accept that. He said he knows nothign about it. And we live in seperate cities now i cant reach him dont know his adress. In this time CS told me i am not original owner but he is. And i saw old CS tickets he was using VPN while contacting CS and tried to change email in russian location but he is Turkish. So i wont be suspicious about him. And CS also told me this account will be suspended forever it was also pain for me because i paid for this account. 3 days ago i tried to login game and i did it. Then i bought 800 gems to change my adress information. And ofcourse he took account back with my money again. When i asked for refund they said they cant refund used gems but i didnt used it. Now this guy playing my account which i paid and spend a lot of time and effort. Sad thing is he can do it again theres no punishment for him. Actually i have 2 more gw2 accounts i should also sell my account and scam people too theres a good money in this.

    submitted by /u/Butodu
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    Looking to get back into GW

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Hey all, I've been away for the game for a while, played a bit of PoF but nothing since then. I feel like rather than carrying on with one of my characters, I should start fresh and try and re-learn the game again. Any advice? Any thing I should know for getting back into the game? Advice on recommended race/class for an interesting storyline? Anything I should do in particular? :)

    Any help/advice would be much appreciated!

    P.S just seen capes are now in game, can someone let me know how to get one!!!

    submitted by /u/adammo97
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    New Elite Spec: TP Thief

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    If we ever visit Unending Ocean in the third expansion, please let us fight against creatures similar to Crew of the Flying Dutchman

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    The birthday gift my girlfriend made for me, its my main character

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    A gw2 beginners guide for raiding

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    A gw2 beginners guide for raiding

    Disclaimer: I wrote this (more or less) exhaustive guide on how to optimally prepare for raids for one of my trainingsgroups and thought I'd share it with the rest of the community aswell. This thing is by no means a:

    • Boss Guide
    • Gear guide
    • Behavioral guide.

    It is however:

    • A guide on where to find the most important information
    • A general overview over class compositions and class selection
    • A guide on how to set up ArcDPS
    • A guide on how to correctly use the Special Forces training area

    This guide is aimed at completely new players and will not hold much value for advanced players. Read at your own discretion.

    So you want to get into raids and have no idea where to start between all the 3k, LI, LD, TC and PTSD. Frankly I'm not surprised, the raid scene can be.. Iffy to get into. So here are a few recommendations to where and how to start with your character, the tools and the bosses.

    The most important links:

    This is not a boss guide, for those the almighty Dulfy (May their website rest in peace) has the answers. http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/raid-guides/ has guides on (currently) all available raid bosses with comprehensive overviews on mechanics, strategies and useful screenshots on when to stand where. Same goes for Tekkit who did the same in video form with updated strategies as u/NEM3S1S/ pointed out that Dulfys guides are outdated when it comes to strategies.


    What neither Dulfy nor Tekkit go over however is builds. For those pay https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/ a visit. SnowCrows are the authority over class setups and people will expect you to either play one of their builds or a comparable variant.

    Classes and roles

    So you've at least opened the website, scrolled down the list of classes and are now looking at your screen with a twitching eye and a funny feeling in your throat. That is part of becoming a raider, that feeling will become a cozy feeling of pride when you finally understand why the hell you are supposed to press this button before this other button and get closer to getting the maximum out of your class of choice. Let's go over the basics of class selections, it would be crucial to leave you alone with a selection of thirty something builds and hope for the best.

    First of all, the DPS classes. With the exception of the Banner Warrior all of the classes listed on 'benchmarks' are DPS specs. While all of them are perfectly viable though, not all classes are created equal. All of them have strength and weaknesses, bosses they shine on and bosses that make you roll your eyes and sigh in frustration. These benchmarks are done on a golem in a vacuum, not on a boss. More on that later.

    Let's start with basic party composition. You want to know which role you want to play in the raid when choosing a class to cater to your playstyle, don't you? Every party needs a source of boons, a source of healing and a source of damage. A raid squad consists of two parties so we will assume these three parts to be in every party (Which most players refer to as subgroup or sub).


    Options: Chronomancer or Quickness Firebrand(Quickbrand or Qb) and Alacrity Renegade (Alacrigade or Aren) or Boonthief (beef)

    Job: Keeping up a steady supply of Quickness and alacrity, aswell as aegis or stability for mechanics. Mostly the tank.

    A chrono can upkeep boons in it's subgroup on it's own thanks to the interaction between wells and signets. On top of that it brings utility unique to mesmer to the table: Portals, huge amounts of CC, pulls, and good survivability even on a glassy build. It also allows the Firebrigade to run more offensive builds by making up for their shortage in boon duration if necessary. The chronomancer has by far the biggest gear flexibility in game, ranging from moderate DPS to nigh unkillable tank. And you will be the tank.

    So why would we run a Firebrigade (Which is the name for the Quickbrand/Alacrigade combination)? Besides sharing the responsibility of boon sharing the Firebrigade opens up the party composition thanks to their unique flexibility.

    The renegade is a walking toolbox, allowing the chronomancer to drop their alacrity well in favor for another utility skill (eg. Reflects), beeing a massive help with CC and bringing huge offensive buffs to the fight that can turn the tide of a lost battle. Did I mention that they come with a heal and a damage variant? A good Diviner's renegade brings all the mentioned things to the fight while almost beeing comparable to a DPS spec when looking at raw damage. Almost beeing about half of a dedicated, well executed DPS class.

    Now the alacrigade is already impressive, isn't it? It gets complimented perfectly by it's counterpart. While not boasting as much CC or offensive buffs as the alacrigade, the Quickbrand provides the party with consistent quickness, aegis, fury and stability.A good quickbrand is making the run smooth for the entire party by preventing CC on their teammates and bringing huge amounts of damage to the table. Yes, even more than the alacrigade. Yes, you occasional outDPS people. The quickbrand also comes in a power, condi and heal variant. This flexibility allows it to act as a parties healer or as DPS support for either damage types.

    Now lastly the boon thief is a niche pick. Only viable on six bosses and played on four in the game it provides every buff in the game with the exeption of alacrity permanently to the entire squad, making it beyond potent. The boonthief allows the group to run two more DPS classes which can speed up the encounter dramatically.

    You see that a firebrigade can't replace a chrono but work excellently alongside it. Optimally you want a chronomancer and a firebrigade or two chronomancers.


    Options: Druid AND Scourge (Heal Scourge or HSc), Firebrand (Healbrand or HFB), Tempest

    Now, the druid is mandatory. It's ability to stack 25 stacks of might combined with the utility from spirits, ranger pets, offensive buffs and a wide range of boons aswell as decent CC and a large amount of healing makes it the true king of healers. You want one of these in each squad. However, one of them is enough. Stacking druids is overkill. Think of it as a jack-of-all-trades that gets complimented with barriers, boons or better healing respectively.

    The Heal Scourge is a double edged blade. It's effectiveness is indisputable. Scourge is able to stack barriers worth of 50% of the parties HP while having enough ressurection power to get an entire party back from the brink of a guaranteed wipe. It's CC and condi cleanse are decent aswell, making it literally unkillable and, in the hands of a skilled player with great knowledge of the encounters and class, a power that literally denies the wipe to the party, hard carrying it to a guaranteed clear. You see why the criticism is loud, especially in trainingsraids.

    The Firebrand is a similar beast. It packs amazing burst heals and condi cleanses, aegis and stability enough for two squads, group wide panic buttons and a skill for every situation oyu might find yourself in. You face tanked an attack and got twenty stacks of torment, bleeding and confusion on you? Your Healbrand has you covered. Dies in the middle of the bosses projectile spam? I'm sure your Firebrand has a reflect somewhere. Can't reflect? An absorb it is then. If worse comes to worst it will facetank the attack, rez you and live. Unlike the Scourge which is the bulldozer pushing the group around in front of it, the Healbrand packs the group in cotton to block out the agonized screaming of the boss until it eventually subsides.

    Tempest, oh sweet tempest. It is the undisputed queen of healing. When it comes to pure, raw healing power, the tempest is your class of choice. The combination of constant healing and the utility of shouts makes the group impervious to the next deadly hit while healing any condition or damage they might have sumbled into. It also brings decent flexibility to the table, allowing it to suit the parties needs on the spot.

    The Bannerslave (BS): Huh, what's that? Walking DPS buffs and CC on top of DPS and the guy doing all the work in the team project.. uuuh the mechanics. The BS is a power or condi warrior who is running banners as a raidwide DPS increase. You definetly want one of these.

    Now we know what all the players on the lower end of the DPS meter are doing with their time. Let's get into the people who do the actual 'killing' on the boss. I will not go into detail here since, as I mentioned every DPS class is viable.The most important thing is that the bosses favor either power or condition damage. Thus: You want both. That boss that attacks a lot but dashes around like a cow in a monsoon? Favors condition damage, you're not gonna hit it a lot of the time and if you do you'll probably not be at max HP and max boons because your supports are chasing after the boss just like you.

    That boss having constant phases where it shrugs off conditions and makes you break your rotation for CC constantly? Power boss. Power doesn't have to restack conditions and will thus likely be more effective.

    If you want to know which classes are good on which boss, you can always check SnowCrows. Click on a boss and you see the best DPS classes with actual boss benchmarks aswell as a party composition that is highly unlikely in pugs. If you look at the actual class you are interested in it will show you which bosses favor that class and which don't.

    That boss that is a literal statue not really doing anything? Both works but generally in favor of conditions due to long DPS windows. SnowCrows even provides us with an overview, which classes are good on which bosses and how much damage you can expect. Keep in mind that they are not playing pug compositions so take these with a grain of salt.


    As a rule of thumb: Choose power for burst, conditions for continuous damage and Guardian for both.

    Speaking of Guardian. If you don't know what to play, bring a guard. Dragonhunter is one of the best Power classes, meta on a lot of bosses and easy to gear and learn. Condition Firebrand is one of the best condi classes, meta on even more bosses and slightly harder to learn.

    However. Knowing your class is more important than playing the meta class. The difference between meta and non meta are those two thousand damage you never reach on an actual encounter anyway. So while Guardian gives you a massive boost you might not need a boost if you are already very experienced on reaper and scourge. See what strikes your fancy and see what you already have an interest, gear or a vague idea for. A class that is fun to play to you is much much more valuable to your squad than a class you are playing because someone told you to. Play what's fun, learn what's fun, then branch out, find that the other classes are less fun and onetrick your classes for all eternity or find another one that is fun and play it. Even the supports can be fun. I promise.

    So what does a raid squad look like?

    Chrono, Druid, DPS DPS, DPS

    Quickbrand, BS, Alacrigade, second healer/DPS, DPS

    You can always substitute the second healer with a heal quickbrand. If you don't have a heal quickbrand a scourge or tempest will always do the job.

    Note that this is just the basic setup based on the points mentioned. Some classes rely on a Ranger buff called "spotter" to hit their crit cap for instance, which might influence the subgroups to grant them the buffs they need.

    The elephant in the room: ArcDPS. What it is.. I've been talking an awful lot about damage types, boons, numbers and bosses for someone playing a game without a DPS meter, haven't I? This is because there is a third party DPS tool called arcDPS doing just that. It shows you every damage number you could possibly want from the over all boss damage down to each individual skill and how much damage it dealt. For each squad member. After the run you can also upload the run to dps.report and check boon uptimes, rotations and even watch a replay to watch your positioning. This tool is allowed by arenanet until there is an official gw2 DPS meter by anet themselves and do not validate Terms of Service as long as you're not a Jerk about it. I have never heard of anyone getting banned for using this.

    There are debates about whether or not Arc has a spot in the gw2 raid scene. Popular arguments are Elitism and discrimination of people dealing subpar damage.Which.. is valid. Beeing kicked out of a group because of bad DPS or boons sucks but at the end that only indicates a lack of practice. And not every group wants to be your trainings run. Practice your rotations on the golem so you have an idea of what you are doing, have a look at boss mechanics and mechanics you might have to play. The most important thing is to see Arc as what it is – A tool. You are a new DPS and want to track your improvement on a specific boss over the weeks? Arc can provide you with the feedback you need. You want to learn a new class on the golem and check if you understood the rotation? Again, Arc is your friend. You want to flame other people for their DPS? Please don't. Not saying anything is more productive than flaming. If you have valid criticism, arc can be a tool to find the root of an issue. The DPS might have underperformed because it's boons were low. The boons might have been low because the chrono was backing up a mechanic. Think things through, low group DPS is rarely the fault of everyone but you.

    How do I set arc DPS up? https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/(https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/x64/)YouYou) download the d3d9.dll file from this folder and put it into your gw2 bin64 folder. you have to repeat this process after every major patch If you launch your game now, alt + shift + t opens this window.


    First of all click on logging and tell the tool to save EVTC logs after the encounter. This will allow you to upload your runs later on.


    I recommend giving it some system, in my case I tell it to save the NPC (boss) name and the player character (my character name) which you can do by ticking the corresponding boxes.

    In your folder it will look like this. Once you finish your first encounter your files will be saved at the path shown.


    You now want to click on Area stats, pulling open a window recording the damage of your entire party.


    Hovering over sort advanced opens a window that allows you to filter for.. well advanced stats. You can play with those if you wish, the standard setting for normal DPS shown is "none".


    The more important stat we find under Display though. Hovering over stats format shows us hich stats correspond to which number

    My setup here would be cleave damage total, target TPS [cleave DPS, percentage in squad]. You can copy those if you want or create your own, I recommend having at least target DPS shown though as it is the most important stat.

    Draw bars stats will colour code the professions (light blue), index numbers will number the players*, making it easy to see when you're 9 people instead of 10 and profession will show you which spec is played (Fbd – Firebrand).


    This is it, arc is now fully set up. But how do I upload files?

    The website kind of explains itself. You drag the file from your arc dps folder (documents, not gw2!) into the website, it does its thing and spite a link out, like the ones shown under "Previous uploads". You can copy them and send them to whomstever you want to now.


    If you open them, you find an overview of everyones DPS. You can filter by phase by navigating the bar on the upper side of the screen, aswell as highlight players by clicking on their icon.


    Clicking on buffs shows you just that. General uptimes, aswell as who generated how much by clicking on generation group or generation squad.


    The last major things (and there is a billion tiny ones, it's a fun tool to play around with) are player rotation and player mechanics. Navigating to one of the player icons and player summarysimple rotation shows you which buttons the player what pressing and even which ones were cancelled. Utilities sadly excluded.


    You can even see which mechanics were failed by navigating to the mechanics tab.

    In this run I really liked tanking a mechanic called "tantrum" which might have been an issue in a different run. Figuring out which mechanic is which can be a bit tricky but is usually only a thing of thinking about it for a few seconds. This boss throws his arms on the ground and makes a crying sound while refusing to move. Clearly throwing a tantrum.


    Okay, we've made it so far. Only one part left. We geared a class, we set arc DPS up and we need a place to practice. For that we go to the Aerodrome south of the fractal waypoint in Lion's Arch. Next to the bank is a portal leading to the special forces training area. You need to crate a squad for that, just press P and click create squad and you're good to go.


    After the loading screen you find yourself in your new home. Follow the path to the asuran console.


    These are the current boons ran on the golem for a controlled test environment.

    The console itself will ask you if you want to apply boons, you simply follow it's instructions and apply the boons needed.


    To the left you find the golem spawner. You should train on a huge hitbox with 4.000.000 HP and all of the conditions.

    From there on you can always despawn the golem if you want to reset arc DPS and get training.


    This is everything you need to know getting into raids. With all of this you will be more than prepared for gw2 raids and I welcome you to the raid scene, commander.

    A list of abbreviations - The raid terminology cheat sheet:


    cc- Crowd Control [Hard CC: knockbacks, stuns, etc; Soft CC: blind, chills, slows]

    clear - killing orbs, ads, shards etc.

    ads - (ad)ditional mobs the boss spawns

    g2/g3 (exept Dhuum, Eater of Souls) - (sub)group 2/ (sub)group 3

    stack - standing on the commander tag


    LI – Legendary Insights, one obtained per week per boss in W1-4, used as indication of general experience

    LD – Legendary Divinations, one obtained per week per boss in W5-7, used as indication of general experience

    KP – Kill proof, boss specific guild decorations, used as indication of experience on a specific boss

    Wing specifics:

    Wing 2 -W2

    (On Matthias): FB – Feedback

    Wing 3 -W3

    BW – Backwarg

    Tower (chrono)/cave – The chrono doing portals

    Wing 4 -W4

    MO – Mursaat Overseer

    HK – Hand Kite

    BK – Black Kite

    Wing 5 -W5

    g1 / g2 / g3– green 1,2,3

    SS – Soul Split

    Enf – Enforcer


    SyG – Stand your Ground, Guardian shout

    FmW - Feel my wrath, Guardian shout

    Epi – Epidemic

    Moa/grav – Moa Signet/Gravity well

    submitted by /u/AlmostOriginalSin
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    Missing Thematic Gaps for Third Wave of Elite Specializations

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    This is a big-picture analysis, not speculation or desired propositions, of missing themes for the next/last wave of elite specializations that may potentially be included in the third expansion. From my perspective, it seems like the flavor of the current elite specializations hone in on existing themes within their respective core professions, and then the elite specialization adds a unique twist on top of that focused theme. This twist occasionally feels like a secondary profession mechanic from GW1.

    In this analysis I will not imagine new themes that do not already exist within the core professions, but the thematic twists in elite specializations occasionally result in new themes. For example, the Druid hones in on nature magic themes from the Ranger, and the Druid adds a twist with astral-flavored abilities that do not exist significantly in the core professions. I will not be stretching my imagination to predict added-twist themes like the astral theme. But, please consider, with twists, elite specialization themes are not limited to the narrow thematic gaps I will identify below.

    I will also not analyze what play styles (ranged, brawler, skirmisher, etc.), roles (damage, support, utility, etc.), or weapons are missing with each profession and their respective elite specializations. This analysis is focused purely on themes and flavor.


    • Chronomancer: Chaos, Manipulation, Domination, Slow, Alacrity
    • Mirage: Illusions, Dueling, Confusion, Distortion
    • Missing Themes: Inspiration, Glamour, Mantra, Lyssa's domain over Beauty
      • Potential theme may focus on Performing (Dance and Music) and/or Visual Arts


    • Reaper: Spectral/Soul Reaping, Spite/Darkness, Chill, Grenth
    • Scourge: Curses, Corruption, Torment, Burning, Barrier, Boon Removal
    • Missing Themes: Minions/Death Magic, Blood Magic
      • Potential theme may focus on Flesh, Disease, and/or the Corporeal


    • Tempest: Auras, Conjuring Storms
    • Weaver: Glyphs/Attunement Augmentations
    • Missing Themes: Arcane
      • Potential theme may focus on Arcane Magic


    • Scrapper: Inventions, Turrets, Lightning, Superspeed
    • Holosmith: Kits, Tools, Gadgets, Explosives, Holograms
      • Missing Themes: Alchemy, Elixirs, Firearms
        • Potential theme may focus on Chemical Warfare, Transforming Matter, and/or Medicine


    • Druid: Plants/Nature Magic, Astral Power, Melandru
    • Soulbeast: Beastmastery/Pets, Wilderness Survival, Spirits
    • Missing Themes: Skirmishing, Marksmanship, Traps
      • Potential theme may focus on Weapon/Tool Resourcefulness


    • Daredevil: Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Dodging
    • Deadeye: Shadow Arts, Deception, Critical Strikes
    • Missing Themes: Trickery/Steal, Deadly Arts/Venom/Preparations
      • Potential theme may focus on Fighting Dirty and/or Hidden Tricks


    • Berserker: Strength, Physical, Adrenaline, Burning, Balthazar
    • Spellbreaker: Defense, Interruption, Boon Removal
    • Missing Themes: Arms, Tactics/Banners/Shouts
      • Potential theme may focus on Supplying Conjure Weapons and/or Weapon Versatility


    • Dragonhunter: Zeal/Spirit Weapons, Distance
    • Firebrand: Radiance/Burning, Honor/Shouts, Consecrations, Quickness
    • Missing Themes: Valor, Dwayna
      • Potential theme may focus on Retaliation, Taunt, and/or Tanking

    Revenant: This profession is the profession of all professions. Elite specializations do not expand upon existing Revenant themes. Elite specializations add on to existing Revenant themes. Because of this, I cannot identify missing themes for this wild card profession.

    submitted by /u/ebonblood
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