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    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 It's still pretty fun, though

    Guild Wars 2 It's still pretty fun, though

    It's still pretty fun, though

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Nightly Meta Trains are a magical place

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    So say we all

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Today's agenda: the procreation of the norn.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    7 years of losing giveaways, and I finally made my own

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    How to win a keg brawl? how about killing the goal keeper?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    The life of a Deadeye

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    undiscovered kitty cat in lions arch?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    was bored, checking out the festival merchants in hooligan's route in LA, decided to run around the back of the merchants, fell underwater and saw a cave, went in and found a kitty. there isnt anything interact-able or clickable in there, no doubt its old content, but wondering if anyone discovered it before?


    submitted by /u/Gunnho
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    That_Shaman datamined those icons on June 2, 2019. I never understand what those hero points were for, I guess they will use them for the third expansion

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    A friend of mine gifted me this watercolor painting of my sylvari (but she's too shy to share it)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I hope the new Cantha trailers will be dope. Maybe even a CGI trailer...

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT


    ...like Factions? I really liked that one. It was amazing. Can't find that one in at least 1080p tho.

    submitted by /u/egomaniacXFR
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    The Weekly Map Recap - Week 4, Caledon Forest

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we will look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 51 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    We took quite a long break there - some of you might not remember this series. I was a bit dispirited about the game, but with the new expansion announcement I'm back and ready for more!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    4 of 51 - Caledon Forest - Levels 1-15

    Caledon Forest was revealed in the last beta weekend, in late July 2012. Among other changes that are relevant to our analysis, players were able to play as asura and sylvari for the first time. Additionally, vistas were introduced following positive response to the basic jumping puzzles from the first batch of starter zones. According to interviews at the time, vistas were intended to provide more clear signposts to players that these puzzles existed.

    Caledon Forest was clearly worked on quite late in development, potentially changing along with the overhaul of the sylvari race. That last bit is speculation on my part, but informed by the aesthetic changes between shots of The Grove in the initial reveal trailer for the game. This production so close to release means that the design is in many ways more 'advanced' than earlier maps.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    The sylvari starting area has a lot going on, and for good reason. This is supposed to be our first introduction to a brand-new race in the world of Guild Wars. So accordingly, we've got a meta theme (us discovering who the sylvari are and how they interact with the world) as well as an in-world theme (from the perspective of the sylvari, discovering the world around them).

    It's hard to know how much the theme informed design choices versus early response to environment and jumping puzzle design. Regardless, we can see that discovery is well represented on this map. Not only do we have a number of renown hearts which show off different elements of sylvari culture, we also have some which show sylvari interacting with different other species. On top of that, we've got the most jumping puzzles in the early zones - 4, the most in any zone, actually - and lots of verticality and nooks and crannies.

    Finally, we can't mention the theme without talking about later developments in sylvari lore. This zone has to represent (to some extent) the inner darkness that the sylvari must resist. It does that well, with Wychmire Swamp providing lore buffs speculation material as far back as release.

    Lore - 7/10

    Caledon Forest doesn't have too much it needs to do, in terms of lore representation from GW1. The zone back then was represented primarily by the Arbor Bay map, and there were only a couple primary elements that map focused on. First, you had Ventari's Refuge - which is naturally represented by the Grove in this game. Additionally, you had a large estuary area (say that 10 times fast) crawling with krait. That's represented here, too. One thing which has gone a bit missing are ancient mesoamerican-style stepped temples hidden underground. Given the unfortunate abandonment of GW: Utopia plot points (and a mesoamerican society somewhere to the west of Tyria), it's no surprise that the ruins were dropped as well.

    In terms of GW2 lore, though, Caledon Forest is packed. We've got some of the most information on the Domain of Winds here, as well as a strong amount of stuff on the hylek, krait, and even the Lion's Arch sanctuaries. Given that Caledon Forest is the closest starting zone to Orr (and given that the sylvari until HoT are positioned as the 'canon' main character race), we've got a lot of foreshadowing of Orrian plot elements.

    Finally, we've got everything to do with sylvari and how they encounter the world. Of special note for lore enthusiasts is the Soundless island. Although the Soundless are somehow dropped (never to be heard from again (get it? Because they don't make sound)) in the story, they are interesting to think about. Wychmire Swamp and the Nightmare Court are also interesting in a Mordremoth context, but less so after their plot was cut from Heart of Thorns for time. You may be sensing a theme here.

    None of that is the zone's fault, though. Caledon Forest does an enormous amount of heavy lifting, lore wise. Aside from Plains of Ashford, I might argue it does the most lore-wise of any starter map - until the Domain of Winds, that is. We will be getting that as a starter zone for Tengu, right? Right?

    Design - 7/10

    As mentioned above, Caledon Forest is the most vertical and varied of any of the starter maps. It actually foreshadows a lot of later map design choices - it's clear that Caledon Forest was worked on quite late in development.

    The layout of the map is more 'divided' than other starter zones. Large cliffs - often riddled with caves and winding tunnels - separate different sections of the map. These smaller sections usually have one or two exits at different vertical heights into other areas - as well as dead ends which cause some backtracking (such as the Nightmare Camp in the lower right of the map). There is no shortage of tunnels which lead to jumping puzzles and other secrets.

    Additionally, like the other starter maps, there are a high number of dynamic 'fail states' for many events. In keeping with the initial design goals of the game, many of these fail states and dynamic changes affect progression through the map. Morgan's Spiral is perhaps the most clear example of this - a jumping puzzle visible from many of the first sections of the map, which leads into a further, hidden jumping puzzle which is blocked if an event is not succeeded.

    Later design elements are added in the September 2014 Feature pack - including the addition of new renown hearts, which is fairly unusual.

    Gameplay - 7/10

    Your mileage will vary with Caledon Forest. As we've talked about, it leans perhaps the most heavily on the exploration and discovery side of GW2 gameplay. If you are interested in those elements (which I am), it is the most rich of the starter maps.

    However, its layout can be the most confusing to newer players - especially those just getting grips with mmos for the first time. The map progression does seem to invite players to explore, but it could be easy to get lost in all the hidden spaces and dead-ends.

    Renown heart and event design is an interesting mixture of banal (a lot of farming and tending to animals) and warlike (skinning krait, gross). The southern section of the map gives the impression of an idyllic community, and the center and north conveys an existence constantly under pressure. Again, it has some parallels there with Plains of Ashford.

    Once interesting element is that it has two valid exits for 'next map'. Players can either head on over to Kessex Hills, or into Brisban Wildlands. The Player Story for Sylvari would shephard characters to Brisban, but both are valid. Kessex Hills does have a higher-level area at the entrance from Caledon, but its roads are fairly safe.

    Art - 6/10

    There are many elements of Caledon Forest which are gorgeous. I remember during launch that the zone was often the source of screenshots showing off the graphics of the game. Shots of the Domain of Winds, especially, can still provoke awe. That said, there are many ways in which the zone has not aged well.

    The use of shaders and postprocessing here is hit-or-miss. Some players find that it's too much, and makes the zone feel washed out and overdone. Many of the textures - especially in the wake of more recent jungles, in Heart of Thorns - are not impressive. In comparison to the wild environments of Auric Basin, it can feel a bit like a terrarium - with plants placed 'just so' - more than a natural environment.

    But environments like the Spekk's Lab puzzle and Dark Reverie are still attractive. Morgan's Spiral is still as visually striking as it was at launch, the way the rocks turn in the air.

    Long Term Retention - 8/10

    Caledon Forest will continue to do fine with player count. Sylvari are incredibly popular for alt-aholics, as the reigning champs of Fashion Wars. Their starting zone has a number of fun jumping puzzles for achievement hunters, as well as a world boss which is run regularly.

    Perhaps the only shame of retention is that the Twilight Arbor is not only rarely run, but in some circles actively avoided. Especially considering its Living World Aetherpath, it has a number of mechanics which are considered 'unfun'. I promise this isn't personal salt. Would I lie to you?

    Overall - 7/10

    Caledon Forest is a really fascinating example of map construction in Guild Wars 2. It's clearly influenced by a lot of the elements that would go on to dominate post-launch maps. Its environment is a puzzle more than any of the other starter maps, and for some could be seen as confusing. It's got a lot of moving parts in its event design, as well - and is crammed with lore bits for the sylvari and their interactions with the world.

    Sadly, in a post-HoT world, I find myself looking on it unfavorably. I think part of that has to do with how fantastic the map art/design is of those jungle areas; the other part is frustration with dropped story beats from that expansion. I will look forward to giving it another go when it becomes an entry point into the Domain of Winds (please!).

    That's it for today! Join me next week to look at our next map, Metrica Province! What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others? Which map would you like to see after we round out the starter zones? Should we do them in order of level?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Timeline: An Analysis of Recent Events

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    As most of you are probably aware by this point, Mike Z stepped down as game director reportedly several months ago and a mystery reddit account people are associating with the former head of marketing dumped the news on us. If we are to assume this account was in-fact belonging to Mike Silbowitz, paired with the information Massively already verified as accurate regarding Mike Z, I think it's important to note the timeline of events we're looking at now.

    According to the Massively article, it was in response to the departer of Jason Reynolds where Silbowitz' reddit account first announced that Mike Z had already stepped down, which means at bare minimum he's been gone since November 26th 2019, the date it was originally reported that Reynolds was leaving. That means that we can gleam some insight on the changes in perspective we've seen recently as a possible shift in direction under the new game director, John Taylor.

    While obviously content releases take upwards of a year to create, and we likely won't see the full impact of Z's departure for some time, I think it's very interesting to point out that literally one day after it was stated Mike Z stepped down more community and stream focused content was announced. It's a known fact that social media, streaming, and community engagement is the future of marketing in gaming and this could potentially be the first small evidence of leadership deciding to catch up with modern times.

    Far more likely an example of a shifting development direction though, is the December 20th 2019 roadmap which took the community by total surprise. I don't believe anybody expected Arenanet to actually follow through with a preview of the game's direction like this, and it certainly was never something that happened in the years we know we still had Zadorojny as game director. People speculated at the time this was due to a major shift in the game's direction, and with current context that shift is now very likely due to significant changes in management.

    So what does this all mean? Simply put, Arenanet is trying new things again. If you're an old fan, that can be either a good or a very bad thing, we all know how Arenanet's track record remaking the wheel ranges from great success to...less than successful. But it's also worth pointing out that management realizes what they've been doing simply is not working.

    You can't ignore 3/4 of the game for literally years on end without having it start to effect your bottom line. With the rehiring of Fractal Ben and the announcement of more challenge mote fractals, hopefully the hardcore PvE community will get their much needed attention, and while the glacial release of WvW and PvP content has proven to significantly hurt their popularity hopefully the content releases like the WvW legendary trinket and PvP armor sets are a sign of more to come to help bolster the player numbers in those modes.

    The last point I want to make today is in regards to the Cantha expansion announcement. I've seen some people suggest the idea that this announcement was in response to the news of Zadorojny leaving, as a sort of damage control. I honestly think it's more of a happy coincidence for Arenanet. If Silbowitz did in-fact make this reddit account, then his angry tirade would likely not be something Arenanet's management could predict unless they were already watching him like a hawk. I think it's far more likely the Cantha announcement is a genuine gesture to try and inspire some hope in the playerbase of things to come. Whether it ends up being a repeat of HoT, announcing an expansion two years too early and burning the hype train dry, is yet to be seen however I think it is clear the game's direction is trying to steer more towards making the playerbase happy now. Hopefully their actions can back up their words.

    Edit: aaand of course the nonsensical downvoting ensues z.z thanks GW2 reddit, you really are the worst gaming sub out there.

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    there is always an internal satisfaction in wearing an armour set that you yourself crafted :3

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    3 hrs...we spent three hours on this dungeon and still couldnt finish it. Also this bug from 2015....

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    My new background: Embelsahr (Soulbeast) vs Knelson (Dragonhunter) by @atilleart

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    So we have a decent way of spending excess Eternal Ice Shards, can we get the same for Chilli from Grothmar?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I'm siting on a boatload of this stuff and nothing to spend it on. It doesn't need to be a great conversion but some way to spend it would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Novuake
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    100CM Skorvald solo (6:18) - Condi renegade

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT


    The latest balance patch buffed condi renegade somewhat so I decided to do new solos because it's been a while since my previous Arkk and Skorvald kills. Using Ashen Demeanor and sigil of rending helped with vulnerability uptime.

    Tactics in general are the same as before. CCing Skorvald in 2nd phase while he is raising his hand cancels the surge attack, staying in front of him prevents him from teleporting away and in 3rd phase he will move to mid after the beam if you are behind him.


    submitted by /u/Boatmk1
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    New Player Tutorial Achievements and Enhanced Armor - Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Textures won't load in some instances/maps (intermittently). Anyone else dealt with this?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 06:04 AM PDT


    I got back into GW2 about a week ago, and I've been getting the above issue fairly frequently.

    It appears like textures won't load. Everything is greyed out, I can't see weapons, I can't see AoE's, or ground based effects. I can change maps and come back and still have the same problem. I have repaired the game files two now and I've played around with the resolution settings with no results. Occasionaly, it the textures kind of flicker back in, or on a map where things are normal they may flicker to grey very rarely.

    Any thoughts as to what is going on or has anyone else seen this issue before?

    submitted by /u/DrTobagan
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    Gw2 WvW | [KEK | LAYS] Ziggy | NA Officials in 2020

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 08:15 AM PDT

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