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    Thursday, March 19, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 It's the little things

    Guild Wars 2 It's the little things

    It's the little things

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    I drew my engineer

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    Quarantine goes a long way, one Bulbasaur for each of the Elder dragon's minions

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    I have been brutaly decieved and my day is ruined..

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    [Art] Tengu Inspired Fractal Design (WIP)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    [Art] Tengu Inspired Fractal Design (WIP)


    GW2 Fractal [Part 2] The Breach

    Hey guys, first time posting on Reddit so excuse any mistakes in the post. Although most of the works are posted here, the link leads to my Artstation Portfolio where I upload additional artwork and sketches for this project.

    I am a concept art student that just graduated a few months ago. With all the knowledge i gained, I got started on this project as soon as I got out of school. The idea of a Tengu/Canthan themed fractal have always been in my mind ever since the launch of GW2. I also dream of working at Anet one day. So as a hardcore gw2 gamer and an inspired artist, I present the first part of my fractal level: Temple of the Celestials!

    The fractal will be set during the Pact's encounter with Mordremoth. The fractal will come in 4 parts:

    • Oasis Cavern
    • The Breach
    • Path of Honor/Wisdom/Courage
    • Wayspire/Soulspire
    • Inner Sanctuary

    Brief: When the Mordrem vines tore through the grounds near a Priory campsite, following the vines the Priory scouts discovered a hidden cavern beneath the surface. Upon first excavation it is believed to be of ancient Tengu origin. The Priory contacts the commander and the player and party will accompany a group of Priory Explorers into the Temple to discover its Secrets.

    Oasis Cavern (Design done, working on Loading screen)


    Players arrive at the beach, optional dialogue with Priory NPC. Talking to the marked Priory Explorer will start the fractal.

    The Breach (Design, Mechanics, Loading Screen Art, Props, Characters Finished)

    Loading Screen


    The party enters the gate through the cracked door. A Tengu guardian [Talon Skymantle] entangled in vines confronts the party. The party discoveres that the guardian protects the entrance to the temple, however it is corrupted by Mordremoth. The party decides to free it from the Mordrem control. Boss fight starts:

    The Breach Boss

    100% Talon randomly uses AOE cleave attack

    Sweep Attack

    80% Two Mordrem vines will appear at two sides of the stage. North - East - South - West. The vines will have a variety of AOE knock down attacks and can spread poison if not dealt with.

    Mordrem Vine

    66% Talon will begin spinning his staff and charge for a stage wide AOE attack. This attack can not be avoided. The party needs to either break his defiance bar or hide behind one of the Mordrem vines that popped up earlier. Talon's defiance bar is quite strong so an inexperienced group might not have the CC to break in time. If the party chooses to hide, then a few vines will need to be left alive for this phase. Each vine can only protect 3 players so a party of 5 would need to leave at least 2 vines alive. Be careful when hiding behind the vines as they can still attack and knock players out of the protection zone.

    Charge Attack

    40% 4 Mordrem vines will appear at 4 sides of the stage. NESW



    33% Talon charges for another stage wide AOE.

    0% Vines surrounding Talon will break. Talon collapses, the barrier protecting the gate will vanish and the vines surrounding it will rush in through the gates. (insert short unskippable cutscene? 100cm players triggered) Talon tells the party to continue into the temple to save it from the Mordrem.




    Path of Honor/Wisdom/Courage (WIP)

    Entering the gate the party discovers that the hallways are filled with poison. The party will need to fight through each path to retrieve 3 orbs and bring them to the end which will wipe the poison. Each orb will radiate a bubble that will negate the poison and allow the party to traverse through. When carrying the orb the player will receive a debuff that will eventually down the player if held for too long. (Cliffside Hammer) The party will need to alternate carrying the orb for efficiency. This event acts as a tutorial for the next few bosses.

    Possible mini boss fight at the end of path of wisdom.

    Warrior's Rest/Wayspire/Soulspire (WIP)

    At warrior's rest, the party will need to split up and traverse through either a jumping puzzle or some kind of event. Enemies could spawn each time a player steps on a platform. Or players must follow color coded platforms etc. Mad King says etc.

    At Wayspire and Souspire are two Tengu guardians in the theme of Light/dark Ying/yang so the design and mechanics will go somewhere along that. What i'm thinking for this part is splitting the party up, and utilizing the middle platform to implement a more interesting mechanics. A group of orbs could spawn in the middle and depending on its color the player will need to find the correct orb and bring it to the corresponding boss.

    Inner Sanctuary (WIP)

    Going through the portal will teleport the players to the Inner Sanctuary. It will be a square courtyard with many statues which will correspond to the many celestial gods that the Tengu worship. The mechanics here will be derived from each of the celestial beings. The boss will have a rotating celestial buff at all times. It will also spawn celestial being from different statues around the map. Each celestial spawns with their unique skill. And if not killed within the time limit, the boss it will gain 1 stack of the celestial's buff. If the boss reveives 3 stacks of a celestial's buff at any time, the boss will permanently gain that skill and will add it to their faceroll rotation against the player

    I really enjoyed working on this project so I went a little farther and drew out some of the mechanics of the fights too. I run fractals and CMs often so I payed a bit more attention when it came to mechanics. I wanted this fractal to be unique, in the way of new mechanics never seen before in any other instances, but also keeping consideration of limitations of code and extra assets. Some of these mechanics might be too much for a fractal, I try to keep that in mind, but In the end this is just a fan project, whether its implemented or not I'm having a blast imagining myself running through these mechanics.

    If you've read this far, please feel free to leave a like and subs.. wait no, feel free to give me any feed back on whatever you might want to see drawn/designed. I'd love to hear what you guys think!

    This is quite a long post idk if i'm supposed to TL;DR but I guess here it is anyways:

    TL;DR I designed a fractal based on Tengu and celestials. Go look at pretty pictures I drew the mechanics for you.

    submitted by /u/Charimoo
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    Petition: Bring Back The Old Human Female Idles! (2020 Edition)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    The walls already knew, but I didn't listen.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Free item at gemstore is like cake...

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    … a lie.

    Some of my accounts are currently showing a "free item" at the gemstore. However nothing comes up when I look.

    Just goes to show that Evon Gnashblade is the ultimate troll.

    submitted by /u/Courin
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    Forging Steel takes the best of GW1’s missions and translates it into GW2

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    That mission gave me massive nostalgia for some of the best missions rom GW1. The challenge and variety were great, the length was much longer than most story missions we've had so far but it didn't get boring, and they even had bonus objectives with extra rewards. It reminded me of the better missions from Factions and Nightfall in a lot of ways, and very little other content from this game has felt that way. Not that the regular missions in GW2 are bad, but they don't have that extra special ingredient that sets them apart.

    submitted by /u/throw-away451
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    Guess what 90% of my damage source is...

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Nvidia Gforce NOW giving a Guild wars 2 bundle

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Tour of HoT for you self-quarentinies; NA Server

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    So haven't done this run in like a year and a half but Saturday I'm going to give it a go.... let's spread Covid-19 to the Jungle together!

    Saturday March 21st at 3pm Server Time at Shipwreck Peak WP (that's 10am CDT US). This is NA Server, sorry EU.

    This Run will cover and open all of Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and the non-Meta portion of Dragon Stand. This is moderately paced, helpful and I try very hard not to leave anyone behind. You'll get all of VB, AB and TD opened and a Month's worth grind in a fun relaxed day!

    What you need: Basic Glide - that is it!

    What you'll get:

    All Waypoints opened

    360 Hero Points (Basic Glide gets you 350)

    50+ MPs - Communes, Strongboxes and Achievements (Basic Glide gets you 48-50'ish)

    Some achievements - a bit of AP there ;)

    Quite a few hard to find or reach Vistas and PoI - not full map completion but we get a lot of them.

    Some events we cross

    Pretty good XP and Loot zerg along the way!

    After the main run we'll do Vinetooth Prime, Great Skelk, Potoni the Massive and their event chains for a total of 5 more MPs.

    It is a full day if you stay for the whole thing, about 7-8 hours for the main run including regularly scheduled breaks and another 1.5-2 hours for the MP Champs, but you're free to stay for what you can.

    Starts at 3pm Server Time but will be posted on LFG/Heart of Thorns/Verdant Brink between 2:30 and 2:40 Server Time. I'll try and have the squad up at or around 2:15 Server Time and you can whisper me for an invite. You can contact me at Trixi Morrigna or Morrigna.1704.

    I'm not planning on doing an overflow squad, been a while and one squad might be biting off more than I can chew lulz, so get there early to assure a spot.

    And tips and fees are not required, this is a free event.

    submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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    Eye of the North: Jumping Puzzle

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Eye of the North: Jumping Puzzle

    Me and my friends were kinda bored and we decided to discover/create a jumping puzzle in Eye of the North. We don't know if ArenaNet did this intentionally, but it is possible to reach this point.


    Hint: it starts on the corridor.

    submitted by /u/Lynkaez
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    Shout out to that final fight!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Ok, I loved that final fight, Almorra was truly a badass and she had perfectly balanced mechanics that made her just right.

    But the greatest surprise is her moves are probably an anticipation of the next Guardian elite spec, off-hand sword! I must say, I would have loved to get double axe as well on firebrand, and as a Guardian main I don't really mind double sword (although I would have loved double pistol or such), but if those skills end up being Sword 4 and 5, dayum! Guardian is getting Revenanted!

    submitted by /u/RedRam003
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    New Snargle Goldpaw novel incoming...

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    Is there any reason for three different crystal with the new strike reward?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    I am legitimately wondering. Did i miss something or do they all do exactly the same. I might have missunderstood but to me it feels like they took a very simple idea, having a strike currency, but inflated it to completely absurd volume.

    I mean not only is it three different colours but also in two tiers, shards and crystals? That makes six new currencies in the wallet for strikes, why? Is there any reason as to not simply have shards in one colour only, having the chest upgrade in 20/40/60 shards instead of crystals and leaving the rest as is?

    I have to be missing something, please help me understand :)

    Imagine if they changed legendary insights to that system. And now every week there was a different colour for them. Now they still do the same but you have to grind longer or swap them with each other for a bad exchange rate? Is that just to make it take longer to get the rewards? If they felt that the rewards were to quick, why not just decrease the amount of drops instead?

    Sorry for the rambling but i really do not understand this design.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Sunorat
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    Introducing the new PvE section of Metabattle – complete with raid guides!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, over the last few months we've been working on revamping the PvE Guides on Metabattle and are ready to show them off!

    The plan is to update all the old guides, as well as introducing new ones – work will start soon on a set of Fractal guides. For the moment, the Simple Raid Builds have been updated, and there is a new Introduction to Raiding, as well as a full set of raid guides.


    The Guides

    With the new guides, the aim was to write them in such a way as to focus on the mechanics of the fights, and how to deal with them, rather than including strategies for the current meta – this should keep them relevant in the long term. The guides are somewhat wordy, as an effort has been made to provide as much information as possible.

    One thing I learned while making these guides was just how scant/poor some of the information on mechanics is, and I am sure I have made mistakes here and there so corrections and general feedback are very much appreciated!



    Based on some of the comments in a recent thread, there will be a further update to the simple raid builds soon. The current builds are intended to be the simplest and most effective of the options, but some builds that didn't quite make the cut will be added as as well.

    submitted by /u/wheadna
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    Anet, the TEASE

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Two guys gave me 50g for the bank. I gave them both 25g back. Pretty amazing this community.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Comic - The Fall - 05

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Spa Day, Fallen from the Summit, Delving for Treasure & Heating Up the Delves

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Hey guys, since these all mesh into the same maps, they're all going into the same guide. Before I start, I'd like to credit this awesome lady to the fantastic video she made, helping us out!


    For best results, please run Spa Day & Fallen AFTER you run the Steel strike mission, but while you're still INSIDE the instance.

    (I'm bad and forgot to take a picture of myself in the Spa so I'm going to describe what to do....)

    Spa Day- AFTER, you kill the last boss (that big furnace dude), wp back to the first camp and while Ryland is talking, you must /sit in the hot spring to the right of the camp.

    Fallen from the Summit- are journal pages that are in the form of books when you find them. (Oh and guess what, they're un-targetable again! YAY.....) Given they aren't in order, but you will find them all if you follow the story path. Check the video if you get stuck, I've provided screen shots for what to look for.

    Delving for Treasure- there will be 12 chests throughout this part of the story. It's easier to find them if you have clickable objects checked under settings.

    Heating Up the Delves- There are 3 bonus hidden Champions you'll find on your hunt for chests & books. Make sure you're melting those suspicious looking walls!

    Walkthrough Below

    (I started this guide a little backwards so please excuse the chaos in the screenshots!)

    Screenshots Link Here :)

    5 books in Steel:

    1st book for Fallen is just North West of the Dwarven Waypoint as mentioned in the video.

    2nd book -Continue along the same path till you a narrow path with two dwarven boxes and a blue bouncing shroom that looks like the screen shot. Go up the shroom and behind the archway in the wall is the book.

    3rd book**-** you must go right on the bridge (see video) and it's along the wall hidden behind a tall jagged rock.

    4th book- Make your way to the colosseum where the tank must back up to the wall and look for the blue bouncing mushroom again. Follow the path up and when you get to the top, you'll see a sliver of an edge where the book will be.

    5th book- You can find this book after the boss is dead and the bridge lets you cross over. It's behind this jagged looking wall to the right after you get your chests.

    Delve Cave:

    chest 1- After you get through first big circle door, you'll come up to an old mine cavern. look for the broken mine cart and ramp that goes up. (this will be right next to the entrance where you continue the story) Go up this ramp and follow it around to the first chest.

    6th book- From the 1st chest, drop into the room to the right, there will be a skelk here and the book is on the floor in front of the rubble pile.

    chest 2- From the 6th book, continue back into the hall and you'll find chest.

    Melt this wall and directly to your RIGHT is another ramp, go up this and follow it around until you can get up to the next set of upward tracks. When the tracks can't go any higher, there will be a cavern with your 1st hidden Champion, 3rd chest and 7th book.

    chest 4- Go back the way you entered and go left. The cavern will wrap around to another melting wall where you'll kill a vet troll and on a ledge to the left will be the chest.

    Continue into the next area for the story.

    BEFORE meeting up with your npcs, glide down to the big old bridge in the back. Here you'll find your 2nd hidden Champion. After you kill it, run across the bridge to find chest 5 and on your run back to the top, under the ramp is chest 6.

    AFTER you kill the Champion & adds on the bridge WITH your npcs, back track a bit and go up the path along the wall to your right. At the top, you'll melt this wall to find chest 7 where Almorra jumps from. DON'T JUMP DOWN. Backtrack to the melted wall, follow your initial path up the ramp and you'll find chest 8.

    chest 9- As you get to the next lift (where you go up), raise the lift first, grab this chest, bring it back down by reactivating it. Then ride it to the next level.

    Melt this wall and you'll find a body and you'll see the next chest high above. Fix your levers and go up to the next level. Next two areas will both have two available melting walls each.

    Melt the RIGHT wall in the first intersection to find your 3rd hidden Champion and around the corner in that room is your chest 10.

    Reaching the next intersection, again melt the RIGHT wall first and you'll enter a room with your chest 11 & 8th book.

    chest 12- Will be in a tiny room right before you enter the boss fight. When you reach the jump off point for the boss, turn around and you should see the chest room.

    I hope this helps you with your collection grind, I will post more guides as I reach them!

    submitted by /u/beautiful_wonder
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