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    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 is now considered a "popular game" on Facebook Gaming

    Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2 is now considered a "popular game" on Facebook Gaming

    Guild Wars 2 is now considered a "popular game" on Facebook Gaming

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    This week on: Ridiculous Anime Transformations

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    I just won something via NVidia but I dont play the game, leave a comment and I will give a random person the code for this!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    I think it is the Path of Fire expansion.

    Edit: please stop downvoting to decrease visibility, I want it to be visible so more people have a chance at winning.

    submitted by /u/Bomber_Max
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    [Suggestion] Let the Advanced Logistics Mastery be active in Eye of the North - Speed Buff in Cities

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    I just realized while going to the Xunlai chest - I am so goddamn slow. I rather enjoy the lack of mounts, that prevents this area from becoming a visual clusterfuck. But it would be neat to enjoy the increased speed I also get in other cities.

    submitted by /u/Arafax
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    [ART] Watercolour Charr by Bibi Znuu

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Is this a good game to level with my girlfriend?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Hey I intrduced my gf to wow and we played it much but now We wanted to look for something that is new for us both.

    Is this a good MMO to have a leveling journey for two players?

    Do you have some other tips or tricks when leveling with a friend?

    Thanks in advance. my first other mmo after 13 years of wow ^

    Edit : thanks for all the nice information!! Stay safe guys <3

    submitted by /u/TristanTrading
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    The Commander And Cravings

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Guild Wars 2 is such an amazing game for casual playera like me. I played it in 2012 and I started levelimg again and I have seen hearts and events that I never saw before. The worls just feels so alive and like it changes every time I log in. The sound design, the art thr music. Leveling alone just

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Calms me down more than a game of fortnite or other games. They really made the perfect game for guys who like to explore maps and do what they want at 80.

    Everything feels so satisfying, leveling doing hearts, helping a farmer with bandits attacking his farm at night. The main cities are beautiful. I bought POF 2 yeaes ago and just had time to get 3 mounts and I look forward to getting the flying mounz just to explore the main maps in the air. I love this game world. Not one player has the same experience as the other.

    The graphics are still beautiful, also. Especially new content. I can't wait to go back to cantha!

    Love this game and happy to ser it made the right steps to an enjoyable game. Mounts are amazing. I love using the skimmer to fly over the large water in main maps, the bunny jumps to places I couldn't. Just great.

    submitted by /u/Natinam
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    Exploring Path of Fire maps for the first time! Like the dynamic terrain in the Desert Highlands. Here is a shot taken in the snowy area

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Rift Events vs newbies

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    I have been playing a lot lately, with the quarantine in effect and all, and I decided to go back and finish a bunch of the side stories that sort of passed me by. While looking through the achievement panel I realized I never really did anything with the rift stalker achievements, so I decided to do those yesterday.

    What ensued was some of the most glorious, buggy and chaotic fun I have had in awhile.

    So first of off, these things are buggy as heck apparently. Even if you do everything right with the timing there is a good chance you will get popped out on the wrong map anyway. So I had to run the entire cycle a few times to get them all. During this time whenever I would pop out on one of the lower maps, I would wait around for the next portal to spawn, and inevitably some excited new player would show up and follow me in the portal.

    The fight with the rift stalker is hilarious as they fight for their life, we smash the thing and they follow me out of the portal. The portal drops us in a higher level zone than the poor newbie. Every mob in 1000 miles is now out to kill that guy, and everything one shots him. Most would TP back to safety but some would try to stick around as I tried to keep a safe zone clear of mobs around them while we waited for the next portal to spawn.

    Almost every trip through had some poor new player dumped out into a hell scape well above their current level, and the sheer enthusiasm for the blind exploration that they showed was endearing.

    All in all, a great way to spend a sunday, and now I just have the roller beetle races left to finish in side stories.

    submitted by /u/moonyeti
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    this is a very niche meme (about 1% a minute)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Casual Sunday evening WvW campfire

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Want to get into commanding raids? I'm hosting a Discord stream to tell people all the things they might need to know about it, and everyone is welcome!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PDT


    Hey all. Quick introduction: I'm a raid trainer with 4 years of experience raiding and 2-3 years of experience commanding raids and teaching new people. I'm also the leader of one of EU's two major raid training guilds, the Raid Training Initiative (RTI).

    Many have come up to me and suggested the idea of organising a run or a stream of some kind where I can teach players how to command raids based on my years of experience. People that are motivated to command raids and teach new raiders are few and far between while being immensely important in the kind of content we do, so I am all for that idea!


    I will be going over the following things:

    • General tips on how to lead people.
    • How to lead people over voice chat and the challenges associated with that.
    • General tips on how to explain things to people and teach them.
    • What you need to start commanding in Guild Wars 2 and general GW2-specific tips.
    • How to use the squad UI - placing ground markers, placing target markers, ready checks, squad message, broadcasts, targeting, map waypoints, etc.
    • How to set up a squad composition - which classes go in which subgroup, dos and don'ts, boon/buff priority, etc.
    • Add-ons that you can download and use to help you with commanding and surveying the squad's performance.
    • Going through each and every boss in each and every wing and giving boss-specific tips, marker placement, and a quick overview on specific roles for each boss, which classes are good for them, and what sort of weapons/utilities/traits/stats they might need to take.
    • Responding to any and all questions along the way.

    How to join:

    The run will be streamed in the public RTI Discord on Friday 3rd April @ 20:00 CEST. All you need to do is join through that link and click on the voice chat channel where the stream is happening. I will be notifying people with an @here in advance, so you can join the Discord from now and be notified when it happens. Everyone is welcome, even if you aren't part of the guild, and there's no expectation at all to speak - you can just sit in there and listen - but questions are welcomed!

    I encourage anyone who's joining to bring a notepad (physical or virtual) with them. There will be a lot of information in this training and anyone who is serious about getting into commanding will need to be able to take notes or they won't remember everything. You are also more than welcome to record the stream - I might do that too and upload it on my YouTube account.

    So whether you're interested in commanding raids, already commanding raids, new to raids, or even just to hear me ramble for a couple of hours, I wholeheartedly encourage you all to tune in to the stream at any point!

    Hit me up if you have any questions @ Step.1285 in-game, @ Step#1937 on Discord, or right here on Reddit!

    submitted by /u/StepW
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    Oldest map in the game?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I'm wondering which maps were developed and built first. I was curious if the .DAT has indications of this.

    submitted by /u/KumaBear2803
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    A Few Tricks for Increased Graphical Performance

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Hi there,

    I got a computer a few years ago, and while it ran Guild Wars 2 better, there were still some hiccups along the way. For reference, I went from an AMD 6500 (the MSI variant so it was essentially a 6700), to an NVIDIA 1070SC (the EVGA one without the voltage pads). My CPU is a 6600 (non-K). I was a bit stumped as to my FPS issues, it could be that I expected the game to run maxed out from the get-go, not understanding that it is still largely CPU-bound. At any rate, I found a thread from a year ago detailing some crucial settings that I forgot about from my 6500 days, so here they are.

    Frame limiter--remove it, set it to unlimited.

    Shadows--set it to low. Not ultra, like me, or high, just settle for low. You'll have better FPS and less spikes, you will be very happy. I promise.

    Reflections--you wouldn't think it would make a huge difference (I didn't at least) going from all to terrain/sky, but it does, 30-40 FPS worth of difference.

    Character model--I wanted to see everyone and their armor, in all their glory. I had to understand and come to grips that I couldn't. I put the model limit on lowest, and quality on low. High fives all around.

    Depth blur, highest-textures--I guess this didn't matter as much since I had everything else maxed out, I still unchecked them.

    Vertical Sync--while the game runs fine at 60 FPS, I do enjoy the nice cushion it gives me with 10-20 in towns, and 30+ in open world. I have yet to see screen tearing. If I do, I'll begrudgingly turn it back on.

    With all this, I still experience the odd spike (think for a millisecond or so) here and there, which is much less noticeable and much more tolerable compared to before, where turning the camera rapidly would cause all sorts of FPS drops. I still experience that spike/drop initially when logging in, which is completely fine.

    Anyhow, hope this helped!

    Edit: I don't know why this is marked as a question, I didn't see any option for flair otherwise I would have marked it as such.

    submitted by /u/Fox_77
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    Some help with The mesmer and game overall

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I just started the game a month ago, and got the expansions last week. I am playing a mesmer right now and i don't know which elite îs better for a solo player to complete The things by myself. I mostly play the assassins in most of the games, but i enjoy the mesmer with double more than the thief. Which elite is better for a double sword mesmer solo player? I have the chrono unlocked and like 60% from the mirage, and i like The mirage more, but i heard is bad for soloing things. Also, i am completing PoF expansion right now, should i continue with HoT? The HoT one seems much harder than PoF and more annoying. And the last thing about the gear. I have full exotics with Power, ferocity and precision. Should i start getting ascended? With what bonuses? Thank you for you Time!

    submitted by /u/SSCrown
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    Beginner's Questions

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Hi, everyone.

    I'm new to GW2 and MMOs in general. I want to create a character which I would like to level up for a long period of time. Right now I want to focus on PvE solo and not PvP at the moment. I want to choose either a Guardian or a Mesmer but I have questions regarded both of these classes.

    For Guardian - I'm concerned that because this class is primarily supportive I would have difficulties playing solo. I might be pulling myself down because I won't have the same impact as a Warrior for example. Is Guardian a valuable choice for playing solo?

    For Mesmer - I had a lvl 10 Mesmer, so I know something about this class. Is this class really hard to master and/or perform good at higher lvls? I know that this class has a high skill-cap, so I'm concerned about that.

    And for third question regarding builds. Should I look up for good builds in order to play effectively? Is that possible that by making my own build with my poor knowledge of the game I would have to play my bad build all the time?

    Thank you for reading and many thanks for answering my nooby questions. Sorry if they are elementary.

    -- EDIT: Thanks everyone for your help! --

    submitted by /u/Luna_Faust
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    As a beginner, what kind of expectations should I keep?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Here's my experience with MMOs - I used to play ESO a lot but left the game a year ago. Jumped into Destiny 2 and did all kinds of quests, PvP, etc. but due to repetitive stuff, I had to leave the game and started looking for a new one to jump into. Ive always wanted to play WoW but the subscription fee is kinda expensive (third world country). Instead, I started playing GW2 - honestly, I'm finding it smooth and engaging. Already changed my Race/Class thrice, and now I'm a Human Ranger. I've still yet to complete the first basic story mission but what happens after that? A friend of mine is interested in joining but I'm not sure when exactly should I invite him. I have a thing for grinding out gear, following deep, narrative-oriented quest lines, finding beautiful weapons, discovering new content. I don't mind paying for the upgrade but is this game something which I might play for many months (even years) to come? I'm currently on an EU server (closest to India, since there's no other servers) and not really interested in PvP. The game seems to have a decent player base but I'm not sure how am I to go about with the PvE content. Some tips would be useful, thanks! P.S. - is it possible to change a character's name? I think I messed up with mine.

    Edit: thanks so much you guys for replying so well! It shows how deeply the community loves this game and welcomes new folks. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tanaysharma97
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    [Question] PoF Mastery Exp Bar Full and Stucked

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    [Question] PoF Mastery Exp Bar Full and Stuck
    Currently training Round up skill for my Raptor Mount. Goal is to get Canyon Jumping before starting Core story>HoT>LS>etc for travel convenience.
    The exp bar went full and stuck, like it didn't level up even if it's full. I did not gain any Mastery Point.
    The only mastery point i have is the one I used to unlock the Ravenous Strike for my Raptor.
    Current Exp points is 261,366/261,366.
    Is this locked behind a quest? Or what Should I do?


    submitted by /u/bumlife911
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    returning EU player with questions about WvW

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    What is the current WvW scene like ? Is it just zergs or smallscale still doable ? Are t2-t3 servers better to roll on for a casual player like me ? Any server reccomendations would be appreciated as well as any new changes to WvW that i don't know of

    submitted by /u/EvilOneHimself
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    Is there a bug with legendary equipment right now?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    My incinerator is not keeping the upgrades applied to it....

    I apply sigil of force and an infusion to the dagger, then as soon as I equip the dagger the two upgrades appear in my inventory as if they're unequipped. Even though they are in my inventory the equipped dagger still shows the upgrades applied. But then as soon as I unequip the dagger, the upgrades are not there.

    Hopefully this made sense.


    Made a short video showing my issue. Sorry its phone recorded, couldnt get obs to capture gw2.


    submitted by /u/coltRG
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