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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Figuring out how to craft a Legendary be like..

    Guild Wars 2 Figuring out how to craft a Legendary be like..

    Figuring out how to craft a Legendary be like..

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Don't Forget to Wash Your Hands After Going to the Mystic Toilet!

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    You had one job

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    An interaction at today's daily JP inspired me to make this meme.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    a game taking me out of quarantine

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Good morning.
    I excuse myself for a long statement. A history of quarantine (which most of us are going through) and love for what is done well.
    This game is so extremely captivating. Is so beautiful. The design of the maps are absurdly handmade. I started an account on this game completely unaware of its potential and although at that time my computer was a dell notebook with 6gb ram and an I5, the integrated geforce was an innocent 630m and I was unable to have a performance that motivated me to continue the game, having to decrease the graphic qualities to the extreme and still not have a nice fps. Not to mention that cutting the beauty of this game is painful.

    Fortunately now I have a regular computer and having the need to be home I reinstalled GW2. It is so pleasurable to make every little detail of the map, in addition to being rewarded with lore and scenery. Despite all that, i am still a f2p player. Having two free slots I made and undid more characters to know the lore of the classes and races. Now I'm enjoying playing with my thief. I always liked the dynamics of thieves in pve and pvp and I believe that I will keep it up to the maximum level because after a lot of research. It seems that there is a robust meta build for thief even in core f2p even after updates.

    I am a player with no sense of anything yet in the game (which I think is good, because what I already know is passionate). So any comments or advice I will be very grateful.

    But then, like me giving declarations of love to the game and it now costs only 30usd. Why not buy at once? First, I don't have credit cards anymore, otherwise I would have bought without thinking about the financial consequences lol. Second and main reason (after all I could use a friend's card), the exchange of dollars to my currency practically tripled in a few months (also considering taxes on international purchases) which makes 30usd for a "normal" person here who lives alone something not so peaceful because of all the other demands to survive.

    If you go here. Thank you. I am not in a good physiological and mental phase. So your attention means a lot. I hope to be able to develop my characters and buy the game in the future, to feel really integrated.

    Love and hope for all.

    submitted by /u/fuzzychewie
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    Made some Tyrian background studies in my non gamer time

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Visions of the Past unlock criteria and previous episode

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Curious. Has anything been mentioned about unlocking episodes for free. Im counting this as basically being another episode of content. Or will Episode 2 still be free until episode 3s release?

    submitted by /u/Ben-Z-S
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    [ART] Watercolour Asura by Bibi Znuu

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    How many people like 2v2 as a pvp format?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    I just happen to come back to the game after a 6 month brake right at the start of the new 2v2 season and I have to say I'm liking it even if the balance is a bit wacky. What's the community's opinion on it? Will anet ever add 2v2 unranked?

    submitted by /u/scampbell0728
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    Weekly Strike Reward

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Post about how wholesome the GW2 community is

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Camps in WvW

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Strikes: Great concept, convoluted execution

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    With the announcement of the Weekly Strike Rewards, the general consensus seems to be that it's a very convoluted system. I feel this way about Strikes in general, and there are some clear things to be done to improve them even besides this new rewards system.

    Let me preface this by saying that I really like the idea of strikes. It's a great way to partially repurpose story content, they're something for 10 man groups to do daily instead of only having raids weekly, and they introduce high end universal PvE mechanics in a pretty decent way. They're a good intro to raids, and a good piece of first 10 man content. I'm also very glad a strike hub is being introduced, since the mode is clearly going to be supported an a hub like raids was sorely necessary.

    There are still some gripes I have with the system, and I am still disappointed there are no new raids at the same time, but that's another discussion I won't get into here. Strikes have some very clear problems beyond this though, which I'll list individually.



    Even though strikes have some amazing reward concepts like rewarding you more for doing the strike faster and thus rewarding better performance, the general reward system is pretty bad. Eitrite Ingots and Eternal Ice Shards (which open world already floods you with) are not a substitute for more universally useful items or unique skins styled after each boss.

    With really good reward systems being in place for the rest of PvE (Fractals and Raids and even Dungeons to a degree), Strikes feel like a huge step backwards. Pure RNG skin rewards with no consistent way to work towards them (besides farming gold which means it's most efficient not to touch strikes when farming strike rewards) sorely decreases their replayability. The raid reward system is perfectly applicable to strikes and would be great for everyone. A universal strike currency with a weekly cap, with rewards for each strike becoming purchaseable for a high amount of currency after beating the corresponding strike would immensely improve this.

    The weekly rewards are a small step in the right direction, but they seem immensely confusing and convoluted at the same time. An already existing and well-liked system like the raid reward system alongside the weekly rewards would be very welcome.


    Clarity and Mechanics

    Teaching universal mechanics via strikes is great. Move into green circle, move away from others when you have a red circle and dodge telegraphed AoEs are all taught pretty well by strikes. This could still use improvements however.

    Although for the first few bosses the visual clarity and tells were decent, the current strike is a real step backwards in visual clarity. The first time doing the new strike (Whisper of Jormag) for me, I died because of something I couldn't see and my screen looked like this for about half of the last 25% of the fight. I've done every raid in the game (weekly for a long time), but this was telegraphed worse than any raid encounter I've played. Blue effects on a blue tinted floor with insane particle explosions which obscure tells are really not a great fit forr teaching someone 10 man content. Hopefully future strikes can be better in this department.

    Another thing Strikes don't teach well is breakbars. Yes, breakbars do happen during the fight and they do get broken. This is almost purely due to the current masteries though. Instead of players learning what CC is, what their class has in terms of CC abilities and when to use them, the masteries carry them. Every time a breakbar appears a pretty noticeable prompt appears to make people use their special action (which they might not even read the tooltip of), and the breakbar breaks. If strikes want to help people learn high end content, players should learn the actual mechanic you're preparing them for instead of learning to push special action off cooldown.

    A way to further improve their teaching capabilities would be giving each boss a CM, which makes mechanics a lot more dangerous and DPS requirements harder. They don't need to be insanely hard, since this is still introductory content, but could really help in further improving the difficulty rampup. People can learn to avoid the mechanics on normal mode and really test if they understand them on CM. It also gives hardcore players a bit more fun content to do on a daily/weekly basis.


    Weekly rotation

    This is currently, BY FAR the biggest issue with Strikes. Strikes have a nice difficulty curve, ramping up from Icebrood Construct, Fraenir, Kodan Duo, Boneskinner to Whisper. The weekly lockout of two of the three middle ones COMPLETELY ruins this. It's a huge jump from Icebrood Construct to Whisper or Boneskinner, and some weeks that's the only option. To train people better this lockout really needs to go. The new reward system also seems to incentivize one Strike over the others, which means the lockout does not have to be there to focus people on a single Strike anymore.

    The achievements locked behind the lockout, which are only available for a single week and unavailable for 2 entire weeks inbetween are also a very annoying mechanic.

    If there were 5 strikes available each week, dedicated players have 2 extra strikes to do. Just like raids, they do not become irrelevant due to the great GW2 system of not increasing level cap and powercreeping rewards. So why have them on a rotation, when there are already multiple better systems implemented in game for other modes?

    Fractals have a daily rotation that perfectly works to focus people into certain Fractals by giving better rewards, while keeping the rest available for people to do or raise their Fractal level. Raids have Call of the Mists, which focuses a lot of the playerbase into a different wing each week by doubling its rewards, but keeps the rest of the wings available for additional loot and/or progression.

    Strikes could very much benefit from one of these existing, working and well-liked systems, WITHOUT the need of a weekly rotation that keeps almost 50% of the strikes unavailable each week.

    In conclusion, Strikes are an amazing concept and already have good things going for them. They could also still greatly improve in some areas, among which the ones I mentioned. They're not a replacement for Raids, and would still benefit greatly from CMs IMO and they could adopt already existing systems, but they're a great start. With these improvements, they could go from a great start to a solid piece of repeatable 10 man content.

    This became way longer than intended and I've probably incoherently rambled here and there, but I needed to get this off my chest before new Strikes start dropping.


    TL;DR: Strikes are a great concept but try to reinvent the wheel in detrimental ways instead of using existing working systems. They could also still do a better job of teaching people and preparing them for harder PvE.

    submitted by /u/PhoenixOfTheFire
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    What is actual farm map/meta right now?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Was on a long break, what map/meta people are farming the most these days? (not scared of spoliers)

    submitted by /u/selotec
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    Anyone got any advice about the wvw reward track for gift of battle?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    I need it to make my legendary and it's one of the last things I need besides a bunch of gold sinks I can probably finish in an hour or 2

    I'd like to finish the track as soon as possible and I am currently at zero lmao

    Any advice appreciated

    submitted by /u/lowry4president
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    Idea for GW2: Public chessboard in Tyria

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Create a giant public chessboard as a minigame inside Tyria.

    It could work like a siege weapon, whoever interacts first gets to play a game of chess. The winner gets a prize and can stay on the board against a new challenger. Meanwhile spectators can watch and kibitz. Anet could even create a local leaderboard by adapting the rating system from PVP.

    submitted by /u/AsuraMaster
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    Fear Not This Night (Piano Arrangement)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    How viable is Elementalists in PvE?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 04:46 AM PDT


    how viable is Ele in Fractals, Strike Missions and Raids?

    Thought about returning to GW2 again. Stopped right before PoF was released.

    I had played every characterclass except Ele & Engineer.

    Wanted to try Ele, always had kinda fear about the amount of spells you got from the weaponskills and the kinda complexity. I never really played mages in games.

    submitted by /u/swift_beaver
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    Looking for class advice

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Hey guys! My name is Tenah and since my girlfriend really loves this game I want to give it another try. The last time I tried it I played the Warrior and got really triggered by having to change my weapon for combat. She keeps saying it just takes time to get used to but it really triggers something in me, having to change weapon. Like I don't mind stances, but weapons man, feels like middle age and not fantasy...

    Anyways ignore all that just sharing the experiences when I tried the last time.

    So this is the important part:

    I as a person am more like a jump in and destroy everyone person

    The games I used to play before were: Guild Wars(can't remember was very young) -> Aion(Gladiator) -> Blade&Soul(Destroyer, Warlock, Soul Fighter) -> Not found yet

    So therefor I hope that there is some people around have played similar games and might be able to give me tips to surpass the cancer of starting a new game (Like I hated League but after forcing myself to play it, after 2 weeks I found enjoyment, I really hope I can find this with Guild Wars 2, League is just a bad game for having a relaxing evening).

    Alright lots of text, hope there is some bored people in this corona bullshit times that can help me out a bit.

    submitted by /u/TenahBNS
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    Petition: Make SAB last longer due to the coronavirus

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    It's an extra fun activity people could play why at home, make it last a month and a half maybe?

    submitted by /u/VSauceDealer
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