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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 playing on an asura when..

    Guild Wars 2 playing on an asura when..

    playing on an asura when..

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:44 PM PST

    My college dorms have whiteboards hanging outside our doors. I decided to draw a raptor today on mine. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    WoodenPotatoes: My Life and The Channel in 2020... & It May Be Time To Unsubscribe

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:29 AM PST

    A little thank you to this game and it's community from a lonely soul

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

    I've been having a tough time lately, struggling with my own mental health and extreme anxiety, and this game managed to take my mind off of things and help me escape reality for a bit. I've been spending all of my time in this game just exploring each map, and standing around appreciating every beautiful area I find, and that feels like it happens every few minutes. I am not much of a social person, I tend to stick to myself and not speak to people because of how anxious I am by nature, but I had an amazing conversation with someone who was in a really out of place spot like me, and we didn't even play anymore, we just talked all night and into the morning. It brought me a lot of happiness, so thank you GW2 :) Even if it can still be a little lonely playing by yourself, it lets you have moments like that just from how the game is designed. <3

    submitted by /u/useronymous15243
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    [SC] The Ruined City of Arah Path 4 solo 28:15 Min | Guardian

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:21 AM PST

    [Art] Eros of Ascalon

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Pepperseed Event stall being looked at

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:31 AM PST

    Boneskinner strike mission damage still bugged but fix planned for next rotation

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:29 AM PST

    WoodenPotatoes and Lore

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:24 AM PST

    just wanted to put this out there. The amount of lore and content available in the WP youtube channel is mindblowing. If anyone of you is interested in lore of GW1 and 2, check the channel out. He has also painstakingly completed the Ghosts of Ascalon audiobook which is a must listen to anyone who loves the lore.

    submitted by /u/rangerstriker
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    Primordus in Far Shiverpeaks (not really)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:00 AM PST


    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    So, uh. Anyone else do that "Hunger for knowledge" achieve and realize Laranthir managed to score a leave of absence to return to the grove *right before* Soulkeeper dies and a Norn gets command of the Pact?

    Like, I kinda figure on the OOC level it was a case of "oh, we really don't want to put another sylvari against another mindfucking dragon", but I'd kinda like to think Laranthir started hearing the whispers and just noped right the fuck out of there. Like nope, double nope, dealt with all this in the jungle, not dealing with it all over again in a fracking blizzard.

    I don't want to see Laranthir leading the Pact against Jormag for precisely the reason I mentioned - it'd be basically Mordremoth Take Two: The Blizzard AU, and that's kinda boring when we can be exploring norn and kodan lore instead.

    BUT. That said, I would love to at least hear how all this whispering is affecting the NPC sylvari. Like, are they all "we've dealt with this before, bring it"? Or is it "Oh no, not again" and bolting back for the grove? (I await with eagerness Canach reappearing on the Commander's radar. I can only imagine with delight the sheer salty snark he'll have at Jormag's whispers.)

    I do find the timing - on the IC level - interesting. And that the writers felt it necessary to insert into an achieve an explanation for why Laranthir is suddenly absent, when he would under ordinary circumstances be in charge. Especially since as explanations go, it doesn't actually explain very much.

    Any hope there'll be more info later?

    submitted by /u/larathia
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    Roca's take on Drakkar and engagement in MMO's

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Allow guilds to open controlled map instances for events.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Open world events are very important for introducing players, specially the newer ones to different kinds of content, the more challenging ones are no exception. Open world is the main contact that players have with the game and it should be also a tool to guide players on the possibilities of challenges and group work the game can offer.

    As we have been discussing Drakkar and engaging open world events, many people helped me to start thinking on how we can lead ayers to wanting to improve and allow harder events into the open world without it turning into a war of people getting carried vs people who carry.

    First of all, I don't consider myself a hardcore player. I can't use as much time as I want to to train my player skills or quickly gear for several roles. Still, I am the type of player that will do whatever I can to contribute with events, work as a group and improve my performance, constantly, even if it's in a slower rate than the hardcore player. I'm basically a hard worker with average player skills and a life that takes more of my time than gaming.

    With that being said, even someone like me has been noticing how we haven't been getting any harder events lately. Sure, we always had easy big events in the game and that shouldn't change, but the developers often show and mentioned their will to add more challenging content into the open world to bridge the players with potential to contents where you need more skill to play such as pvp, wvw, fractals, raids and now strikes. But they struggle hard to find a balance between achievable and too easy.

    I believe this happens mainly not because of difference in capacity for most players but also for the fact that a good group of players are used to being carried. If you are getting the same loot and results as that player working hard all the time by not even trying, why bother? This is a bigger issue than players still learning or with difficulties to do rotations and etc: lack of interest in making an effort cause you have no incentive to actually make an effort.

    Does this happen because everyone prefers to leech all the time? I believe that is not necessarily true. I think the issue boils down more to a cicle of "why bother if I don't make much of a difference" and "even if I work hard, I have no choice but to carry other people with me and pull their weight too if I want to succeed". You either accept and enjoy you have to pull said individuals' weight or you just don't do the event. And not everyone is able to have fun by being forced to carry others.

    This is where the frustrations begin and what my suggestion tries to minimize:

    Allow guilds to open map instances where they control who gets in. This will not only allow players with similar minds to work together, thus, reducing the never-ending clash, but also give opportunity to players willing to learn to bridge into other types of content and get closer to those communities.

    Of course this could come with rules and that's why I opened the topic, to get idea from you smart people out there. Here are the ones I come up with:

    • Guilds should fit some criteria before being able to create instances like level and among of players in them;

    • Guilds should pay and invest resources to be able to do that. If I had to choose, I'd add items made from scribing to also boost that almost forgotten profession;

    • Guilds should have a daily cap of instances they can open, I'd say 2 is a fair number;

    • There should be an overall cap of amount of copy of maps created allowed, the number would be defined considering the capabilities of the game servers;

    • Instances should have an automatic expire time to avoid unused instances to exist;

    • Instances should also have a minimal player count and expire if the amount of players inside it goes lower: this is to avoid people trolling by making instances on their alt guilds and hindering other guilds;

    • For open world events I'd say 25 players is a fair minimum amount, for normal events like achievs it could be lower, like 15. That is, considering the possibilities of that separation based on map or even selection;

    • Guild leaders would be able to blocklist accounts from their instances to minimize trolling and grieving.

    Now, the idea of this is to give hard workers a choice in who they want to play with and if they want to carry the lazy players through content ir not. Moreover, this would also be an incentive to some players to try a bit harder to complete the content, since they can't easily leech off anyone. Lastly, this also would allow players to work together with guilds they identify with and learn from them in the open world events.

    I know this wouldn't solve all the problems, but as it is, the leechers to events hold all the power to do whatever they want and hinder others gameplay while the other side has no choice but endure them if they wish to participate in open world content, thus, leading to frustration and aggravation of the whole war we have here in reddit and in game. It could be a nice step in the direction of incetivizing people to improve and actually contribute in events (since you are removing the non willing carriers out of the equation).

    Tl;dr: - Empower the guilds to act as true community building channels by allowing them to create controlled instances of open world maps (within rules);

    • Give tools to truly group oriented players to challenge and enjoy themselves in open world events without being FORCED to deal with those who are not willing to contribute or have intentions to grieve other people's gameplay.

    • Reduce the power that lazy, leecher and troll players have over other players in open world by giving the latter a choice to avoid them;

    • Reduce the whole flame war among the main 2 different groups by removing a good reason of their conflict in game.

    I thank in advance anyone that is willing to read and contribute to the discussion. I also know this would be probably hard to accomplish given anets current big list of things that need to be done, but it doesn't hurt to write if the idea can at least inspire a simpler solution.

    submitted by /u/MiniJ
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    Beginner advices & Which server should I choose? (beginner)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to GW2 and online I read that there are different server to choose... I don't even know if this is true since I'm downloading the game rn.

    I'm here asking for some help, something you would've want to know as a beginner but you had to struggle with or similar :)

    Thanks to everyone will answer! :D

    submitted by /u/neilpare
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    "Son, today we will hunt a magnificent beast."

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    [art] Zrudel.1427 human warrior (custom production). I saw this head/shoulders on a few players, is it a armor set?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:05 AM PST

    Braham didn't put any meaningful effort into his conversations with the spirits.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    I still don't understand how these supposed spirits even had as much freedom as they did to just decide to give someone other than jormag their magic power. Like are they actually enslaved by jormag or are they just running around in a playpen so u have to walk up to the fence to talk to them?

    I mean they literally are showing us that other characters, like Ryland, can perfectly wield and use the bow and its magic powers the same as Braham. Maybe braham had good aim that day but i dont actually believe he is the only one who could have used the bow to crack the tooth. he hasnt been around for nearly as long as the norn who now seem to look up to him.

    And going back to the spirits, how does it make sense that they spend the entire conversation telling braham why he literally doesnt deserve anything at all and is a failure of a character, and then in one short sentence BAM now Braham is the best guy ever i trust him completely. This episode was a disservice to Norn lore and did not take itself seriously at all during the part where braham asks the spirits for their help. Even the events before / after and around this part are better executed in voice acting, back and forth dialogue, why the characters are saying what they say, etc. Every detail of every single thing AROUND the parts where braham asks the spirits for help was done to a higher level of quality, with more thought put into it, more planning, and more sincere execution than literally everything about the conversations he has with the spirits.

    The spirits lending their power to braham for no reason other than a short conversation proves the teams making these episodes have an agenda other than doing lone-term justice to Norn lore. I wont assume what that agenda is, but its not an excuse to sacrifice meaningful plot development.

    submitted by /u/inertialambda
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    GeForce Now Released Today - Guild Wars 2 compatible

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 11:26 AM PST

    I know there are older discussions regarding GW2 and GeForce Now. With the service launching today, I decided to test out the free version at work and I was fairly impressed.

    The performance was pretty impressive. I tested for about 15 minutes and didn't experience much latency issues. The visuals were okay, I had to fiddle with the graphic settings as the defaults left much to be desired. I do have hopes this continues to improve as I can definitely get excited about having the option to knock out my home instance, doing some banking/trading post and some dailies during my lunch break or when travelling.

    There is a free option with some acceptable conditions if you're wanting to test this out yourself. About 1/10th of my Steam library is also compatible for streaming. This is available for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and Nvidia Shield (coming to Chrome OS later this year.)


    submitted by /u/Sondo1001
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    MightyTeapot: MASSIVE News For Guild Wars 2 In 2020!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:23 AM PST

    Are the essence masteries worth going for?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:45 AM PST

    I have the basic levels but I feel they're far too conditional to use. Maybe finishing the eagle will be better but I'm not sure

    submitted by /u/cale199
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