• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Even tho I'm happy with the last communication we got, I'm still waiting for my new elites specs

    Guild Wars 2 Even tho I'm happy with the last communication we got, I'm still waiting for my new elites specs

    Even tho I'm happy with the last communication we got, I'm still waiting for my new elites specs

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:03 AM PST

    Here we go again...

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:59 PM PST

    A Message from Andrew Gray

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:03 AM PST

    Silver lining

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    Starting a new Sylvari character and I forgot how beautiful their homeland was

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Let's start being Pro-Active about Negativity in the Endgame

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:09 PM PST

    Heads up, very long post.

    TL;DR:Make an effort to teach & give constructive criticism before resorting to blaming people, or ragging on PUG groups.

    Hey folks,

    This topic is something that I'm really fired up about, and have been for the past 3 or years since I've been teaching Fractals & CM Fractals with my Guild Mates. Note: I'm primarily speaking from the perspective of teaching T4 Fractals + CM's, but I'm 100% certain that this applies to all aspects of this game, and any other game. I personally invest an immense amount of personal time into training CM's & teaching fractals each week on both NA & EU, and my Guild Mates do just as well. Teaching Fractals has become my endgame for GW2 over the past couple years, and these are thoughts are based on experiences I've had personally, heard of from trainees, and experiences in discord/youtube/twitch/etc. Please hear me out.


    Cutting right to the point, the general attitude of PUG's, Randoms, non-static/non-guild mates, and how these people 'suck' is unproductive and just has to stop, at the very least we need more balance to it. The amount of comments/ posts on reddit, in discord, youtube comments, and twitch stream chats complaining about how 'x' person/group of people are not good at 'x' content, dps rotations, boon uptime, etc, compared to the amount of posts of people offering to help instruct/teach these people how to do these things in game is immense, and it's like we just accept this attitude as a community.I legitimately cannot understand why, as a community, we are content with ragging on groups of people for their 'faults' as opposed to doing something about it? It's backwards and makes absolutely no sense, choosing not to take action on something you perceive to be an issue only keeps the issue around.

    If you understand something well enough to explain it, then I believe it's an unsaid responsibility to share that knowledge with people who don't understand it, and at the very least you shouldn't fault people for not knowing what you know. Sharing experience, and meeting people where they're at, is how you lift up the people around you; That's how communities grow, and this is something I've always admired about GW2. This attitude is super prevalent in Open World, but not as much in Endgame PvE (not saying it's nonexistent, but it's definitely not as common.) Endgame PvE is more competitive than Open World, 100% no debate there, but we also don't have to rag on folks who just don't know the in's and out's of it like some us do. GW2 is a casual friendly game, and is advertised as such, and yes even endgame PvE can be done in a pretty casual manner. We don't need to hit perfect benchmarks to get things done, and that's okay.

    I'm like 75% 'hardcore,' I do try my best in every encounter, of course I always want to be the best that I can be. I'm really only bothered to do something if I'm way below average on benchmarks, otherwise if I'm on par with most people then I'm as cool as a cucumber.That being said though, not everyone is like me, and that's okay for both ends of the spectrum. The community needs people who set records like dT, sN, SnowCrows, LuckyNoobs (Not sure if they're all record-setters, but I know of some folks in these guilds, and they're absolute beasts at what they do.)These records give the rest of us something to constantly shoot for outside of just completing the content, record vids posted on YouTube show the possibilities you can get to when you're super organized, and the build sites these groups provide are insanely helpful for getting effectively set up for raids and fractals. Where it's not okay is when people fault other players for not living up to these standards.

    Let me be clear, I'm in no way saying that these guilds & their members are at fault for posting this content, the content they provide is very healthy for the community. What I don't believe is healthy is that, in general, the endgame community as a whole just seems to be obsessed with perfection to the point that peoples' first time completing an encounter isn't worth celebrating if it wasn't done perfectly. It's just unrealistic to expect everyone to do exactly what these people do, especially if someone is still learning. Aside from some folks not being able to do what they do, there's a good amount of people who just don't care to do it to their level day in and day out.Just as the community needs standards to shoot for, the community also needs new people to constantly try out this content and play it to help keep it alive and relevant, and the simple fact is people are just going to be bad at the start, and we need to stop making it seem like it's not okay to suck, failing is how you learn what doesn't work. The #1 thing I hear every single week in my training groups is that at least one person in the group was too nervous to try out 99cm/100cm, or just Fractals in general because they didn't want to get kicked from PUG's, chewed out for failure, or that there's no other listings other than 50+KP minimum for 99/100cm's. Outside of the training's we've run for these people, they never find anyone willing to help them out. The argument of 'make your own group' has some weight here sure, but I'm just going to say that it simply doesn't work for everyone, I don't want to go into made up extremes of results, so I'll just say that experiences there could be inconsistent and I'm going to leave it at that.

    Something that I believe we generally fail to consider is that people have different learning habits and/or handicaps. People may have social anxiety, others could have learning disabilities, some may even have physical trouble like carpel tunnel, which (if you don't suffer from any of these things) may just sound like an excuse, but these are all legit limiting factors, and the list of these factors is endless. Even without some sort of ailment, not everyone learns encounters by reading a walkthrough & watching a YouTube video, some people literally just need someone who's willing to give them their time for slower, hands-on experience, and answer their questions the moment they think of them. That's me to a T whenever I go to learn something new.

    Not everyone has time for a hands on teaching session, it would be generous of you to give your personal time to a stranger on GW2, so if you don't want to offer that time to someone you're very much justified. At the same time though, if you're willing to offer share your thoughts/criticism, find a productive way to get your message across. I can 100% guarantee you that "lol y'all just need to git gud" will not make people listen, let alone even want to get involved in endgame content.


    Sorry if this is blunt/full of run on sentences/scatter brained, & call me casual or whatever, but I really am not trying to be rude or get on anyone's bad side. All in all, as humans, I think we lean on negativity because it's easy, and it's typically more challenging to put yourself in a position where your efforts affect the outcome of someone else's experience; related example, it's nerve wracking to train someone for the first time because you're worried that you'll fail them. Maybe this doesn't apply to you, or maybe I'm focusing too much on the negative remarks made here and there over the years, but this isn't "just a game" when the 4 other people in your party are, in fact, other people controlling those characters.Either way I just believe we could do without the unproductive remarks and instead make them more constructive.

    Hope this makes sense.

    I didn't include this originally because I couldn't find a way to incorporate it without derailing my thoughts. My post focused more on the inexperienced side of the spectrum, but I do believe it's 100% fair to expect clears from groups listed for say 100+ KP, but I think that the point still holds true that even if someone is under performing, there's no reason to be snide about it. Kicking them is justified if they don't understand the basics of the fight sure, but there could be reasons for that: their training, their friends may have carried them, and maybe joining a PUG group is their way of branching out. Who knows, but regardless even if you decide to kick said person, explain why you did respectfully instead of saying ''gg look it up."

    I do believe in being direct, and valuing your own personal time. I've had plenty of shares in trainings where people will afk for 15 minutes out of a 2 hr training session without a word, they'll blatantly ignore what you've already explained 15 times in a row. This is valid reason to kick a person from a group as they're being disrespectful you, and of everyone else's time. The way that this specific situation is handled would be one of the points I'm trying to get at here. I could either A) put them on ignore and never deal with them again, which I believe is not solving anything and is instead putting a band-aid on the problem, or B) tell them exactly why I kicked them, and be direct about it. You're justified in doing so, but communicating why you made a decision is important to helping people understand where their faults lie. Even if a person is being boisterous, or you don't think they'll listen, no matter how excruciatingly frustrating it may be, there's still value in explaining your reasoning in a respectful, regardless of whether the person doesn't like what they hear.

    I know this post is very idealistic, and I definitely do not exemplify everything I'm saying perfectly by any means, this is just a mind set I adopt that's very "shoot for the stars land among the clouds." I'm not like, hellbent on revolutionizing the endgame, I just hope that folks on both sides of the situation can start to be a little more receptive to understanding why someone isn't as good as them, and likewise why some people could learn to take a bit of advice.

    submitted by /u/Rheyo
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    so.. i met this kodan in bjora marches.. (my character's name is denebolia)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:21 PM PST

    Jhavi doesn't run like the Kodan do

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Strike Mission: Boneskinner - a unbeatable raidboss

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:25 PM PST

    SO the Boneskinner is back in the rotation for the first Strike in Bjora Marches and those who have encountered it already on release of the latest episode have noticed an unintentionally high ticking damage which made the encounter impossible clear.

    Now with a recent patch the damage got tuned down to 'intentional' levels but let me tell you, it still hits like truck with around 6,2k damage per second (3,6k with protection).

    But what is the problem here? Personally I enjoyed the 2 hours of wiping after today's reset, because it felt like progressing through an actual raidboss, a really hard one if I may add, dicussing plans with squad and finding solutions to excute the mechanics and overcome a wipe that held us from bringing the boss into the next phase.

    Except, in the current state, there is no solution to kill the Boneskinner.

    What exactly is the issue?

    Before arenanet added the ticking damage, the Boneskinner was pretty much a golem you can train your rotation on, simply joining a lfg squad and expect a kill within the first few tries not taking more than 15 minutes (this is my experience tho, I understand that the majority of players engaging with this content have a more frustrating experience).

    They probably added the ticking damage to force the players to execute the mechanics that come with the encounter, namely the torches which create when blown out by the boneskinner or the wisps a scaling aoe field around the boneskinner which applies the deathly ticking damage and forces the players to take distance from it. It is probably intended to choose a random player here that deals with those torches and reignite them when blown out, so the squad can stack on the boneskinner and dpsing without worries. And this works absolutely fine, until the boneskinner falls to 75% HP. If the Boneskinner reaches the 75% mark he leaps into the air with a following suction that blows out all torches and pulling the squad into the middle of the arena.

    Now that not a single torch is lit the arena is completely filled with aoe that applies the ticking damage and also increases the maxium stack you can get from 10 (6,2k damage per second) to...over 25 stacks killing you instantly every second. This is due to a bug? that creates multiple aoes ontop of eachother. How do you approach this? You can't go out and reignite the torches because you die before you reach them, the CC bar that occurs didn't seem to stop him when broken, so the only solutions we came up with and it was the only successful method to overcome this situation is to stack healers and outheal. It is pretty much a raidboss which is in enrage and you cannot lose a single player or you wipe (I love it, finally some hardcore endgame content and a never ending progression).

    Obviously this doesnt help solving the previous problem (afking in the hitbox of the boneskinner) it makes it even worse, because you are now literally stuck in the hitbox, because the aoes doesn't dispappear and again if you leave your healers (or they leave you by dying to the ticking damage or the hands lol) you cant survive a single second. With a bit of dedication and coordination, meaning literally stacking ontop of eachother and dancing around the boss together as the hands appear, this might actually be doable.

    But this isnt a scenario for entry level raids which also are currently the only source of the new raven armor beyond the achievements. Wether it's another unintentional bug that makes this strike impossible or not, this has to be looked over and to those who have hoped to maybe drop the next piece of your new ceremonial armor...I have bad news for you, atleast until next tuesday.

    Let me know what you think and feel free to correct me on anyhting.

    submitted by /u/AmalgamatedEctoplasm
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    Anyone remembers the audio book project WoodenPotatoes was doing a couple years ago? He just dropped the rest of Ghosts of Ascalon and I couldn't be happier

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Strike missions need their own achievement section !

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Dungeons , fractals and raids all have their own achievement section. Why not Strike Missions as well ? Yes I would add more achievements for specific dungeons but that is another story. But having 37 meta achievement with /shiver emote locked behind achievements from strike missions are a bit to much. Especialy when Boneskinner and Whisper of Jormag are considered harder then some raids. I understand that players want challange but taking rewards from casual players to give it just to those who are doing harder content isnt a good idea. I might sound rough right now I know . I will have that emote myself with Boneseeker or Kodans later (35/37) but others might have it a lot harder and for what ? An emote ?

    submitted by /u/Sw0rly
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    World's First Boneskinner v3.0

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:47 AM PST

    We heard that the boneskinner got a lot harder compared to before episode 2 so we decided to try to take him down and after a few tries we actually did it in a scuffed way. We used 2 scourges and 3 deadeyes with the kiter builds from Qadim 2, meaning they had Parasitic Contagion and Invigorating Precision, who took care of keeping torches lit. After 75% we ranged the boss to death because the ticking damage of the overlapping aoe around him is very noticable.


    My Blood Scourge PoV

    Screenshot: The kill happened at 14:24 UTC+1

    I will upload a video without the beautiful banner later. I have never used recording and editing software before.

    The comp:

    • 3 rifle deadeyes

    • 4 viper dps scourges

    • 1 trailblazer blood dps scourge

    • 1 magi heal scourge

    • 1 heal druid

    Our main tactic was to get behind torches every 25% to not get sucked into the middle and spam f on it to instantly relight them. A few seconds after that a dodge is required to avoid a quite heavy hit. During the fight the non torch players tried to stack around the heal scourge, as he was the only charr of the squad and therefore easily visible.

    The timing of a lot of mechanics like the boss charging onto a torch or the jump where everyone gets sucked in seem to randomly be delayed or even skipped. We had to use our own cc as we did not get the Special Action Key when the Boneskinner had a break bar, which is usually the case in other Strike Missions.

    submitted by /u/Zosin
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    Making events rewarding for both hardcores and casuals

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    There's been some discussion lately about recent meta events and their difficulty, or lack thereof. Is Drakkar a damage sponge? Yeah. Is the Storms of Winter boss a bit of a pushover? Yeah. There was an interesting thread a couple days ago discussing how difficult it is to balance the DPS that a meta build can produce, verses the DPS that most players bring to the table, and how to balance around that. I propose that they shouldn't have to, that open world events should not care too much about DPS at all.

    I believe that in a well made world event, it should be entirely about specific mechanics to that event, not about DPS rotations. If you're already on board with that, you can probably skip this paragraph. The further one gets from personal responsibility, the harder it is to balance DPS. If it's a solo fight, the devs can say "we need 80% of a peak DPS for this one," and that's easy to check. If it's a 5-10 man group, yeah, low DPS players can make everyone's lives harder, but at least they have some chance of policing that. But a 100+ open world boss? There's nothing you can do if portions of the zerg are not dealing adequate damage, so the devs either set the bar very high, leading to damage sponges that are boring for everyone, or they set the expectations low, leading to bosses that burn super fast and present no real challenge. Both outcomes are bad.

    So instead, I think it's better to make DPS checks minimal. Just make them small "burn phases" within a larger meta, but basically anyone can clear them with any amount of effort. They are not the point. The point is reaching those burn phases. Similar to how in a Zelda fight, you do a trick to make the enemy vulnerable, and then wail away at it. Non-burn phases should be based on achieving various tasks around the area, which have little to nothing to do with standard attacks, and then burning the mob down should take roughly ten to twenty seconds per phase, whatever seems "most fun," regardless of how much DPS the group collectively brings to the table.

    Boss fights should split players up into doing multiple tasks at once. Some GW2 encounters already do this, like Vinewrath's lanes, or even how with Drakkar they try to get only a portion of the group into each miniboss fight (although I would argue that it doesn't adequately warn everyone to not pile into the first one, and the debuff wears off quicker than the burn phases in many cases). But there need to be more mechanics like this, and provide very different roles.

    Some players just like to zerg. That's fine. Give the zerg something to mindlessly attack. Have swarms of enemies or respawning boss targets of some kind. Don't make these infinite HP bars, have them "die" periodically and get replaced. These "deaths" will be fun and exciting, and provide some sort of benefit, like buffing people, debuffing other aspects of the fight, or something along those lines, but will not directly damage the boss or advance the goal. This is a very easy supportive role that anyone can do.

    Then have one, and ideally more than one "prestige" role to play. These should have little to nothing to do with DPS, or at least not with standard DPS. These should involve using unique bundles, perhaps unique mounts that can be used in combat, perhaps jumping puzzles or races or other activities that keep players moving, test timing and positioning, etc. Anyone who wants to do these, can try them. There is no hard cap to the number of players who can do this, otherwise people would troll it (intentionally or otherwise) by taking up limited slots and failing. More players won't make it harder to do, or much easier beyond a certain point. Only a limited amount of players would be needed to clear it, but more players can clear it faster or with stronger bonuses after. If nobody can do it, an easier option might appear after a little while to keep things moving, but ideally it would clear relatively quickly as talented players accomplished the individual goals. One other way to handle something like this would be to have multiple options at once, like having a "hard" JP to a goal that is relatively short if you can pull it off, and a "long" route that is easier (but takes much longer), and players can choose which one they prefer.

    Have repeatable achievements. Similar to with the Festivals, have achievements that can be repeated infinitely. Take a lot of the Drakkar achievements, they can each only be completed once. If you do them once, you never know that you've completed them again. If these are repeatable, then each time you fight the boss you can attempt to clear these goals, and know whether you cleared them because you could see the tally. These would not need any massive rewards or AP, just a small token to make it worth bothering and basic tracking. This gives players goals beyond just "can I beat the content," it's "how fast can I beat this minigame," or "how many times can I dodge these attacks?" "Can I clear it without getting hit?" These smaller objectives can give overachievers something to work towards in every run, without making the entire thing impossible for everyone else.

    The point is not whether or not you can finish the content, the point is in how you finish it, in knowing how much of a contribution you made, and knowing that you did your best. Hopefully, by dividing up the roles, and by providing special goals for more determined players to chase, events can be made fun for ALL players.

    TL;DR: open world boss fights should not be about DPS rotations, they should be about mechanics specific to that encounter, provide a variety of specific simultaneous roles ranging from easy, to medium, to hard difficulty, and should have repeatable achievements to highlight strong play.

    submitted by /u/ohoni
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    [Discussion] Did raids really ever need a bigger audience?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Okay, raids are obviously in a bad state at the moment due to past decisions, but hear me out.

    In his recent message to the community Andrew Gray stated:

    "The biggest challenge in creating more [raids] is the small audience they attract."

    This immediately reminded me again of something that Chris Wilson, producer and developer of the pretty succesful Path of Exile once said. I'm talking about this part in particular (I recommend you watch the 1 minute from where I linked (or the entire video), it's quite interesting).

    "You may ask yourself: 'Why are you guys spending like 20% of your developement effort on something that affects 10% of players?' And the reason why is: There are groups of players in there who want to know that there is content that only they can get to."


    "We found that it's incredibly useful to have this endgame content even if not everyone gets a chance to experience it themselves, because there's a good strong overlap between streamers and these top 10% of players, because streamers are generally the better players in the game, and so they can consume this content on stream and everyone else can watch and think 'oh I wish I was that good, I wish I could get characters that strong and be able to play the top Path of Exile content', and so we try to appeal to that group there, which has a lot of overlap with the rest of the playerbase from an aspirational point of view."

    And here's where I think Anet went wrong: When raids only attracted a few percent of top players, they started to design easier encounters! In theory this should've attracted more players, but in reality it just disappointed everyone: the players who weren't into raids kept avoiding them because, well, they're still raids. And the top high-skilled players who were greedy for new difficult challenging content just got served a lukewarm wing that they finished within hours after release (and after waiting months for it). And thus the entire raid scene in the game slowly died.

    In my opinion Anet should have delivered the exact opposite: more frequent, and most importantly even more challenging content! Create challenging, punishing mechanics, create a few bosses so difficult and unfair that they become infamous legends among the playerbase, and that require very specific team compositions, roles and strategies to even stand a chance against them. That will attract the hardcore players! That will attract the streamers, they will attract a greater audience, and that will attract more players playing your game and dropping them dollars on the gem store!

    Do we need strike missions as a ramp to raids? At this point, maybe, but only because Anet let its raid scene die in the first place. In general, there is absolutely no need to attract more players to raids than the top 10%! It's exclusive content, and it's absolutely fine this way.

    But that's just my opinion. I'm really curious to hear what you guys think about this, and really hope I can spark a discussion here! Thank you for reading this!

    tl;dr: Raids would have never needed a bigger audience, Anet should've dared to make newer wings a lot harder, and this guy explains perfectly why in a single minute. Discuss pls!

    submitted by /u/Anon10010
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    Is ArcDps Build Template gone?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:54 AM PST

    So I don't understand ANets Build Templates, and I think ArcDps' Build Templates were much better in terms of organisation and easiness of set your Builds together and switching between them.

    I had a break in GW2 and now I'm here with Build Templates which somehow consume my Infusions and weapons so I can't switch easily between my weapons through my inventory

    submitted by /u/RyIion
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    Why do you raid (PvE)?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:40 AM PST

    **TL;DR:** After a discussion on another thread, I'm now wondering about why people raid in GW2 (PvE).

    I've been raiding for nearly 3 years now, I entered for the challenge only. I continue to raid with an FC static of friends for the same reason. When I talk to raiders and former raiders, they all have different reasons that lead them into raiding...and how these motives changed other times.

    For now, I've listed the following motivation for starting to do raids or continuing raiding:

    - the party you play with (a raid static is, in some case, become a close friend circle);

    - challenge / personal improvement (raids are, with fractal T4, the endgame of PvE in GW2... just before the true GW2 endgame #fashionwars of course);

    - golds (raids give a lot of golds...);

    - legendary armor (PvE legendary armor is obtained through raids in w1 to 4);

    - legendary trinket (the 2nd legendary trinket introduced in GW2 is obtained through w5 to 7);

    - ascended weapons and armors (raids provide ascended gears ...);

    - skins (... with unique skins);

    - minis (unique minis);

    - raid storyline (unique storyline, prequels to season 3 storyline for w1 to 4...);

    And you why do you start raiding? if you continued, why do you raid now?

    [EDIT: grammar]

    submitted by /u/Sapinzeus
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    Issue with increased load times - will be fixed Feb 11th

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Should anet add currency for major rng items?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 01:08 AM PST

    As tittle say, should we finally have rewards for participation over time certain events across Tyria making players who are doing those events capable of obtaining currency that can later lead to rare rng only items like queen bee infusion, chak egg sack, teq hoard , and many other that are currently not obtainable ingame by any means (some even not available on tp). This could not only revitalise meta even train across Tyra but also highly remove need for players using gray zone of gw2exchange to obtain such items.

    What are your thoughts on this , would it make change if implemented well or im mistaken ?

    submitted by /u/deniszerro
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    Don't gimme none of that 2k crap

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:45 PM PST

    [TacO] Bjora Marches Meta timers (with Drakkar)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Didn't see anyone else post this, but I was missing Drakkar in my TacO event timer list.

    To get it, add the following section to your maptimer.xml file in the TacO folder:

     <Map Name="Bjora Marches" Length="120" Start="65" id="s5e2bm"> <Event Name="Drakkar" Length="30" Color="8079afff"/> <Event Name="Construct" Length="20" Color="809dbfb7"/> <Event Name="Champs" Length="15" Color="80a3e4e4"/> <Event Name="" Length="55" Color="00000000"/> </Map> 

    I like to keep the event names short and simple, but you can modify to your liking.

    submitted by /u/kovnojava
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    Boneskinner still bugged?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 07:26 PM PST

    At 75% he sucks everyone into the center and all torches are put out, then you get 1 second before he starts doing map wide 15k/s aura damage.

    What am I missing here? Are you supposed to have 6 people that teleport out and instantly lit the torches back on?

    submitted by /u/mylomilk
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    I don't wanna hear it anymore...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Minion based necro viable??

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:36 AM PST

    I Just started playing and I dont wanna backstab myself with wrong choices, Ive always been interested in minions, are they good???

    submitted by /u/Jugg100
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    Lost Broken Caladbolg

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 05:53 AM PST

    So, as a returning player i was looking for ways to get asc weapons and discovered about the ones you can get by completing the HoT history. So, i went to my oldest character and saw that i did indeed finished the history but i must have trashed the broken caladbolg sword...

    I found i guy saying that i can buy another one from the lady by the mystic toilet, but she has nothing like this sword to sell me.

    Is there something i can do to recover this and finish my asc weapon? i have no idea if exist a npc in HoT that i can talk to about this to continue the quest or something

    submitted by /u/voidhaziness
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