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    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 It's time to remake Candy Corn Gobbler

    Guild Wars 2 It's time to remake Candy Corn Gobbler

    It's time to remake Candy Corn Gobbler

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:15 AM PST

    With the release of the Snowflake Gobbler its obvious how outdated and painful the Candy Corn Gobbler is. Being able to just double click the buff and get a buff or gift is so nice. With Candy Corn Gobbler we have to sit there and spam for X amount of time until rng smiles upon us and gives us our buffs.

    The change is simple: Remake Candy Corn Gobbler like the Snowflake Gobbler. Remove the costume aspect of it and replace it with a Trick or Treat bag. The random costumes are pointless, they serve no purpose other than annoy. This is a gem store item, it should be convenient.

    submitted by /u/Kyouji
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    Wintersday Maths: Bells Choir vs Winter Wonderland

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:16 AM PST

    With the changes to the rewards for each activities, some people suggested to do Bells Choir rather than the jumping puzzle. While the increase of rewards for Bells Choir is welcome, is it enough to reach Winter Wonderland's income?


    Winter Wonderland (Jumping Puzzle)

    A veteran of this jumping puzzle should be able to chain the Gingerbread path (12 gifts) at a rythm of about once per two minutes. This takes into account the waiting at the start of the path. It's done without taking risks, ie no dodge-jumping trough snowballs, and waiting for the next stairs respawn if necessary.

    If well-chained, it'll take less than 2 minutes, and will leave you some room for a mistake or two at the beginning of the jumping puzzle.

    In one hour, you can expect 12×30=360 for the direct rewards, and 10×5=50 bonus rewards. Total: 410 gifts per hour.


    Bells Choir

    A full round of Bells Choir consists of some waiting at the beginning (before the "match" begins) and the end (scores), 8 songs and 7 potential "waiting for other players" breaks.

    The only compressible part of it are the 7 breaks of 25s, which are skipped if all the stages are full.

    A full round with all 7 breaks seems to take 6:30 (tell me if I made a mistake while measuring). Depending on the number of breaks you get, you should be able to do between 9 and 17 rounds of Bells Choir in one hour.

    The rewards are 2+2+5+5+7+8=29 per round. You also get 3 bonus rewards every 20 songs, knowing there's 8 songs per round.

    For 9 rounds you get 9×29=261 gifts directly and 9×8/20=3.6 bonus rewards, ie 9 gifts (sometimes 12 by cumulation). Total: 270 gifts per hour.
    For 17 rounds you get 17×29=493 gifts directly and 17×8/20=6.8 bonus rewards, ie 18 gifts (sometimes 21 by cumulation). Total: 511 gifts per hour.



    So it all depends on the "waiting for other players" breaks. Let's be clear, it's absolutely irrealistic to expect to never have even one break. So when do the Bells Choir rewards become better?

    29x + 3×8x/20 = 410
    x(29 + 24/20) = 410
    x = 410/(29 + 24/20)
    x ≈ 13.576

    The breakpoint is 14 rounds of Bells Choir per hour: 14×29=406 gifts from direct rewards, and 14×8/20=5.6 bonus rewards, ie 15 gifts (sometimes 18 by cumulation). Total: 421 gifts per hour.

    14 rounds of Bells Choir per hour means an average of 4:17 per round. It means getting 6.5-4.2857≈2.2143min (2:12) of "waiting for other players" 25s breaks. That's an average of 2.2143/0.4167≈5.3139 breaks per round.

    To sum it up, to earn more from Bells Choir than Winter Wonderland, your Bells Choir rounds must have generally 2 breaks skipped, and sometimes only 1. In total (7-5.3139)×14≈23.6, rounded to 24 breaks must be skipped per hour.



    In my opinion, player skill is still rewarded more than pure patience. Skipping 24 "waiting for other players" breaks per hour is a lot and is not something you can act on, making it unreliable and if you really are trying hard, frustrating. However doing 30 jumping puzzles per hour requires to be solid, and gives a lot more fatigue. It's the intense way to get the rewards and it requires more concentration.

    This should give you an idea where you want to go. You can choose based on the importance of rewards for you and what you like to play most, changing your personal breakpoint between these two activities.

    Have fun, and merry Wintersday!

    submitted by /u/user4682
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    Was digging through old screenshots and came across this gem

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Red team in WvW

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:11 AM PST

    Can we just take a moment to contemplate why third place (the people who aren't winning that match) are given the hardest to defend keep in EBG and one of the hardest to traverse home borderlands (you know, the one with a garri that people can glitch into)...

    Let's talk about a few of the disadvantages of being on the red side when you're already getting your butt kicked.

    • Anz hill allows the enemy a high ground advantage to treb inner keep forcing you to climb a massive hill to protect your keep.

    • Charr car can sit on the lower ledge of anz hill and hit outer keep, can also hug the wall of south outer and jump off into the water an infinite number of times until your wall falls.

    • If the enemy gets on lord, the lord is so close to the double door that you're forced to take a longer route through water gate or become a massive bag farm.

    • Camps aren't nestled in nice little mountains that are protected by "Watch Tower" from towers.

    • Ogrewatch can be glitched into with a mount.

    • Ogrewatch can be sieged from ogre camp that gives the enemy an absolute advantage with the choke point.

    • Red keep is the ONLY keep that can have it's outer broken down by trebbing from SMC.

    • Red keep is the only keep that can have it's inner wall broken by placing catas on the ledge below the inner walls where arrow carts have a much harder time hitting them (even with screen scrolled all the way out AC barely reach)

    And don't even get me started on the poorly designed desert map that has more problems than I can fit into a single reddit post.

    All in all, the hardest to defend keep is also given to the side that is doing the worst in the matchup.

    tl;dr red keep should be given to first place, blue keep to second place and green keep to third place. If you're in first, you should have the numbers to cover a harder to defend keep rather than be given the bunker keep.

    submitted by /u/AnabaNiizhoni
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    So what do we do now?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:38 AM PST

    Anyone else feeling like they have nothing to do anymore?

    Sure, I can see GW2 as ChoreWars2 and do dailies, run some fractals, maybe get some raids in.. but..

    For what? the amount of gold you get for it is laughable and its super repetative.

    Dont get me wrong, I got atleast 1k hours of entertainment out of gw2 which is amazing and I think that speaks for how good a game is, but what now? If you're a new player that joins the game and you find out that dungeons and world bosses are basically dead content, and you should buy 2 dlcs and 20 LWS chapters to ''catch up'' I can understand you might think twice about joining, and if you're a veteran that has done everything idk why you would log in just to do your chores and log off again, is it the community and the friends you have? sure, but I mean discord with flashy armor would do the same thing..

    The only thing im having fun with is PvP atm, and thats coming from a PvE player.. thats insane. I intentionally avoided PvP for 2 years because its just not what I play MMO's for.

    on GW1 you could run endgame dungeons with chances of really good items with high value, or solo underworld and have challenging rewarding content.. But on GW2 the rewards are so mediocre that I dont even see the point. Look at a game like OSRS, the moment you reach endgame you can start doing raids that have a pretty decent chance at items with a real world value of over 1000$. I'd lose my mind if I got that. But on gw2 you can get an extremely lucky precursor (that I havent gotten 1 in over 1200hrs) which is the equivalent of 17$? and thats one of the best drops you have to offer? and its almost a once in an accountspan thing? idk man..

    submitted by /u/Hashease
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    The Plaguedoctor Scourge Build Guide!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:28 PM PST

    Have been out of the loop for a while...but is elemental damage a thing in GW2 now? I LOVED this in GW1

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:20 AM PST

    Utility items guide

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 10:35 PM PST

    Ever wonder if your condi could be cranking out more?

    With the array of utility items available these days, it's not particularly easy to see if you've got the best choice for supporting your build. There's 45+ items to choose from; some are common and many are expensive. Still, maybe that raid requires the little extra oomph, or maybe you're actually wasting your time using something that gives no benefit all.

    The charts have been reviewed today; there's been no need for an update in the past year since the release of Plaguedoctor's stats.

    submitted by /u/sarielv
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    LF an explanation Video for Enemy AI behavior in Dungeons

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:22 AM PST

    I started playing dungeons again with some new players. As many of you may know there are some spots in dungeons where enemies will still follow you even when you are invisible. I can remember a great video explaining this behavior and how to avoid it, but I wasn't able to find it on youtube anymore. So do you know if there any Video explaining this?

    submitted by /u/Crigges
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    Proof that the desolation is just a big middle finger to the players

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:06 PM PST


    Edit: To those saying this looks like a dick; Have any of you seen a penis? lol

    submitted by /u/Yensooo
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    Wintersday jp cheater/troll

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    this video needs more attention

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 02:43 PM PST

    Okay ...

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    Living story 3 and 4 character

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Hi all. As a little context, I've played off and on back since open beta and release. Always been a really big fan of the game, the art, the lore, the exploration theme of open world.

    Real life, kids, family, relocating for a job, etc all kind of kept me from really playing as much as I'd like, but I'm getting back into it a little now.

    A long time ago on my engineer I completed the original story that ended with killing the undead dragon, Zhaitan? And also 100% of original maps exploration.

    Didn't play much after that until the heart of thorns expansion, and I switched to my Necro and got nearly 100% map exploration on the maguuma maps, and most of the story done.

    Long break, and I started again with path of fire. Again got most of the maps and story done on Necro.

    All along the way I kept logging in to ensure I got living story 3 and 4 unlocked.

    Another break, and it wasn't until recently I finished the two expansions main stories on the Necro, who is now Condi scourge.

    Along the way I got a Mesmer and guardian to Max, in a mix of some ascended gear. They are both power. Chrono and dragon Hunter. Really enjoy them, and while the Condi Necro scourge is really fun and near unkillable, I find the power spec guys a refreshing blast to annihilate stuff quickly without waiting for dots to tick lol.

    So now I want to go back and so living story 3 and 4, and I can't decide whether to do it on the power Chrono or dragon Hunter, plus get those last couple mounts from POF.

    Both are really fun and I experiment with them on old maps and path of fire maps to similar enjoyment.

    My completions will be spread between my original engineer, the Necro, and one of these two toons but that's fine. Want a little change.

    Which one should I do the living stories on though? Would one be more enjoyable to do those living stories and their maps on? What other pros/cons should I consider? Id really like to pick one and focus, and get those done on him, and maybe slowly catch that toon back up on other stuff. I'm sure either would be fun but I can't decide which haha.

    Any thoughts/help appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Jasper-Vale
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    How to Cluster Bomb (Thief Shortbow 2) properly?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:12 AM PST

    Hey, i got some question.

    I am playing my thief with Staff (for dps) and Shortbow (mostly for mobility, stealth blasting, etc.). I do really like it. I do however have a problem, when i do have to go ranged and want to do dmg.

    I know, that the best pdps skill on Shortbow is Cluster Bomb. Whenever i try to spam 2 however, it just fires off and because of the Detonate Cluster Skill it instantly detonates, not reaching the opponent at all. Is there any way to prevent detonating Cluster Bomb? Like, putting it on another hotkey? I am fine with not Detonating Cluster at all. I just want to be able to Spam Cluster Bomb for dps. Is there any solution to it?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/sigisiegert
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    New Character help and tips

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:39 AM PST

    Hey all, I've recently reinstalled GW2 (I played just a little in the past, maybe 2-3 characters to lvl 20ish) and, I was wondering if i can delete the only character I have (lvl19ranger) so I can start a new Norn Ranger but still keep all the items I have associated with the current char. Is there a way i can send the money/karma/other currency to the new character, as well as the items/gear/food. The only things that i can transfer to the new character are the "account bound" items? Any help will be apreciated. [I want to start the new character because its easy to get to 20 and this way i get a refresh on the lore/info]

    Any tips you might have for a new player are also welcome (I'll probably level as Ranger/Norn or Necro/Sylv. I might buy the expansion(s) in january btw.

    Thank you in advance. GL and HF.

    submitted by /u/Brainswap
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    Hey all! So i recently got into this game and had some questions for the veterans.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:02 AM PST

    So i recently got into this game and bought the newest expansion and just hit level 78 with 72% map completion. I was wondering what are some things that are an absolute necessity to do in this game such as quality of life with pvp and pve. Are the story missions worth it? Should i 100% the map and the expansion maps aswell? Is there an easier way to get skill points other than hearts on the map? I appreciate any info you all have!

    submitted by /u/lilparry
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    Is Launchbuddy development dead?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:46 AM PST

    Hasn't had an update since May and some current Windows update broke the GW2 windows. All you get now are all instances of GW2 on top of each other with an error message that says...ERROR, and nothing else. Cheatsrichter's last activity on github seems to have been at April.

    submitted by /u/hinawerdan
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    Guild Wars 2 Companion app

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

    Any suggestions for a comprehensive companion for Guild Wars 2? I'd prefer Android OS or Windows 19 UWP. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/karmainfinity
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    Infinite loading screen

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:16 AM PST

    So I'm new to Gw2 I've been receiving a problem where when I fast travel I either get stuck in a loading screen that last forever ( the circle keeps spinning tho ) and eventually will time me out. Other times it works as usual and I'm in the new zone/area almost instantly. I cant figure out what the problem is,

    I've check and its not my PC which is a decently high end gaming rig,

    and my internet is also stable and fast, tried to google the problem couldn't find anything on it.

    Couldn't it possible be a file reading error or something of the sorts?

    has anyone else had this problem or heard of something like it, its making an otherwise extremely great game difficult to play

    please help :<

    submitted by /u/treatthegreat
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    Anyone else getting this when doing Living World missions? Same place, same mission, everytime for me.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Requirements for raiding

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:24 AM PST

    After having a lot of comments and statements down voted into oblivion in my previous post. A bunch of people helped me realize and discover a lot about my experiences with the game, and knowing that I just had bad luck in finding groups now I decided to give raiding a new try with a tempest healing elementalist build with renewed courage (a revelation that was quite honestly worth getting a lot of down votes for)

    If any commenters from the previous post are reading this, thanks a lot for all the support and useful tips you gave me! Thanks to you guys I realize that my experiences have been niche and don't reflect the community of the game at all.

    Anyway, to the point: What kind of preperation do I need to do to get into some casual raiding groups?

    • What consumables would I need?
    • Do I need full ascended gear? Or is exotic enough? Or maybe somewhere in between?
    • If I want to look for tips and tricks on playing healing tempest elementalist, where would I look for a decent build? Metabattle?
    • Do you guys have any good specific place to recommend where I can find boss guides?

    Thanks a bunch in advance!

    submitted by /u/AsteronNova
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