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    Monday, December 30, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 Disney Princess's out for a stroll on this fine Wintersday

    Guild Wars 2 Disney Princess's out for a stroll on this fine Wintersday

    Disney Princess's out for a stroll on this fine Wintersday

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:28 AM PST

    The self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity: Don't let GW2 go the way of Wildstar - Profit motive, markets, and why GW2 is in decline

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:39 AM PST

    TL;DR at bottom.

    I've been playing the Guild Wars franchise since the days of Prophecies (05-06). I've probably spent 10,000 hours across both GW1 & GW2 over a span of nearly 15 years, but I am also an MMO veteran. From WoW to Final Fantasy to Wildstar, I have played just about every major MMO out there. Needless to say, I have watched many a game completely change direction, alienate their most dedicated fans, and ultimately crash and burn.

    In fact, I have so much experience with the communities surrounding MMOs on forums and fan sites, especially GW2, that I've come to notice trends in the life-cycles of games. While it's definitely true that there always exists a vocal minority of upset players drowning out the otherwise positive community, there is definitely value in keeping veterans satisfied, or if nothing else, working to actually understand your community and deliver on features that they want, set appropriate expectations, and maintain absolute transparency -- or at least as much as possible.

    Some here may be familiar with another MMO (published by NCSoft to boot!) called Wildstar. I was very excited for Wildstar to launch when I learned about it. Having come off a period of depression after GW2 released, realizing that GW2's designed betrayed a lot of what I loved most about GW1, I was hopeful that Wildstar would fill that gaming void that GW2 left for me.

    Over time, we've seen ArenaNet morph GW2 away from the initial design philosophy with more concrete class roles and niches, which in my opinion, were very welcome changes. I came back to GW2 shortly before Wildstar had the plug pulled and fell back in love with the game precisely because of the changes (elite specs, raids,etc - for the first time, GW2 felt challenging and deep).

    This is an important comparison to make which I will come back to later when I talk about how this all intersects with demographics, player markets, business model, and the profit motive influencing game design principles.

    Initially, Wildstar was marketed to a "hardcore" audience. 40 main raids, interesting build and customization features, active combat like GW2, and dynamic events -- the best of all worlds for people that missed the fun factor of the old WoW days with the polish and detail of a brand new IP. They launched with a sub model, no cash shop, and ultimately an idealistic understanding of how their player base would deal with their game design choices.

    Over time, it became drastically apparent that the "hardcore" scene abandoned the game very early due to various issues as is typical in a lot of competitive or hardcore gaming circles. It became more and more apparent to Carbine that it was not the hardcore, elite gamer that was sticking around their game and pumping money into the game. It was the casual who logged on an hour a day to socialize and play with their housing plot.

    The sub fee became prohibitive and this reality was no longer something Carbine could ignore so they made the game free to play and introduced a cash shop more than a year into the game's life-cycle. The volatile changes to the game made it clear that an MMO's design and business model can be at odds with each other. It's true for most gaming communities that the casual player, while less dedicated, usually is more willing to shell out money on micro-transactions whether they end up becoming whales or not.

    However, the hardcore players are the ones that maintain fan sites, set records, stream, popularize the game, and offer huge opportunities for advertising. In a lot of ways, veterans, hardcore players, and competitive scenes in MMOs are the life blood of passion for the fanbase. Without these people, content creation is non-existent and that is nothing but negative for any online game.

    As mentioned above, game design in this context is a constant struggle of trying to please competing demographics (hardcore vs casual, sub vs ftp, and so on). As most people on this sub are aware, there is a real doom and gloom mentality spreading around with regard to the content pace and delivery we've been seeing from ArenaNet.

    Make no mistake, GW2 has real problems with rewards that need restructuring, whole game modes that are the life blood of replay-ability for the game (sPvP, WvW, Raids, Fracs) that get no attention or re-development, but also we see just absolute failed attempts to bridge the divide between gated content like raids with things like Strike missions which are essentially just like fighting a champ mob in an instance. GW2's design really fails to bring more people into the fold of communities like Raiding, WvW, and sPvP by nature. There isn't enough development put into the content in the game that is the most fulfilling and replayable.

    Instead, like you've already heard so many on this sub whine, we only get about an hour of story content every couple months and all of the flashy items and rewards seem to go to the cash shop first. Loading into an instance to listen to NPC dialogue, kill a couple trash mobs, and then interact with a button every episode is not only not content, but there's really very low replay value, especially if you don't have a desire for that particular map's cosmetic rewards -- at that point there's literally no reason for you to log in. Personally, I am of the opinion that MMOs exist still primarily for the opportunity for meaningful social interaction.

    Really, very little about GW2 encourages meaningful cooperation outside of Raids, WvW, and sPvP. If these things have historically been the driving factors for the success and longevity of online games, why is ArenaNet continuing to invest in content that gets played for a couple hours in a month, maybe generate a few cash shop sales to casuals, and then gets shelved forever? After finishing most of what I wanted out of Bjora Marches and having no desire for the Boreal skins, I literally have no reason to stay in the map or visit it ever again. The reason they are developing with a focus on these type of content drops we've been seeing for so long is that they work for their target demographic. It's time to recognize whether you are within or outside of that target demographic.

    All of these problems that the veteran players complain about are valid, but of course, they only matter to ArenaNet to the extent that they're able to profit on in terms of re-development. Oh, you want a template system that functions like Arc and gives amazing QoL improvement benefits like GW1 had at launch for free? Restrictive paywall. Of course, with GW2's business model, people will always say "They need to make money too!" Without a doubt this is true, but what is the cost to game design and who is driving the implementation of these decisions?

    As long as the current content delivery and content type remains profitable or more profitable than the alternative (You can bet your ass NCSoft is forcibly trying to make sure they cater to the largest demographic in GW2 lest they see GW2 become another Wildstar), ArenaNet will never focus development on Raids, sPvP, or WvW to the extent that PvE or living world receives simply because then the profit flow becomes less predictable. This is the same reason why most meaningful or exciting rewards are funneled through the cash shop. When you can just simply sell the mount skin that you know people will buy, what's the incentive to put it in as a reward for players to earn through fulfilling content experiences? In this sense, development has become a zero-sum game of profitability vs risk for ArenaNet.

    With this in mind, people need to understand that it's okay to move on from a game that no longer suits them. ArenaNet won't change their development methodology until the predictability of their profit from their cornered demographic changes, which it likely won't because gaming culture has shifted over the past two decades and most people are casuals who don't want to put in a ton of dedication or time to achieve in a video game. And in GW2's specific case, the constant negativity from people who fail to recognize that their demographic is just not a profitable market demographic for ArenaNet WILL become a self-fulfilling prophecy of death for what remains of the GW2 community. Market forces have shown in the example of Wildstar that a hardcore fanbase won't sustain a game on its own.

    This is not to say the tired old excuse "if you don't like it, leave" -- no, that's not my intention here at all. I want ArenaNet to develop more re-playable content and stop with the drip fed hour of story content and map every few months. I just want people to understand that the resentment is misdirected here on this board. If you want development methods to change, you can't do stuff like constantly steer new players away with negativity about veteran gripes that they may not even identify with. You have to think about each new player as an opportunity to influence your demographic which will in turn influence development direction. Coming together with clear eyes and a clear head about why development has been like this is the only way GW2 can continue into the future. I've seen the rampant negativity destroy good games that still had a lot of potential. This is a call for people in this sub and in online GW2 communities to recognize that they have the power to influence the development of the game.

    GW2 NEEDS both its dedicated veterans and its casual community. And ArenaNet needs to do a better job at balancing the demand to bring the community back to a healthy state of transparency, communication, and appropriate expectations for the future.


    Living world drops and funneling all rewards through cash shop has become a zero-sum game of profitability vs risk for Anet in developing different game modes with balanced attention and investment. Demographics of casual vs hardcore control how much effort we see going into different types of content. Realize that your negativity and cynicism can become a self-fulfilling prophecy of defeat for the game's community. If you care about the game, help it grow and have clear eyes about the root of the problem. ArenaNet needs to put more investment into re-playable content and listen to their community. We have to come together and realize we need both casual and hardcore players for GW2 to live up to its potential.

    submitted by /u/Cruxisinhibitor
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    Looks like another has moved on :(

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:01 PM PST

    If only...

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST

    i love snowball mayhem

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:36 AM PST

    i love the skill bars

    i love the tactics

    i love the rage

    i love this gamemode

    submitted by /u/_Walter_White_
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    Copperfed and Silverfed Salvage-O-Matic are on Sale

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:19 PM PST

    Both items are currently 30% off on Gem Store. Go get them especially the Copper-fed if you didn't have one yet.

    submitted by /u/TerminatedTerminator
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    I'd like some feedback about the quality of WvWvW on Desolation and WSR

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:53 AM PST

    As the title says, I'm a huge WvWvW fan but my current server isn't really active or organized so I'm going to transfer away. I checked a bit of stats (timezones, k/d ratio, etc.) and I've narrowed down the choice between these two, anyone got any suggestion or feedback to give?

    submitted by /u/Mantequillaaa
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    Monthly AT rewards bugged, support refuses to help.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    Recently Automated Tournaments in sPvP have been not sending out the rewards as they should, this includes 100s of gold, and mystic coins to the players who have played them.

    Yesterday when the Monthly Automated Tournament took place the same bug happened to a handful of players, including me, a member of the team who won first place on NA.

    I lost out on all of my unique rewards, the gizmo, the title, the mini, and the lounge pass. One of those items is only able to be won once a year, only in December, its incredibly unique.

    Anet has refused to provide me with a reason to not spawn said items in to my account as they do for any players with lost or unobtained items, even though I have provided them with more than enough proof to show that I am infact telling the truth.

    https://gyazo.com/2d1589304926cb4fe16e1387227af7a5 This is a still image of the final round's bracket of the monthly AT. 2 teams, mine and a different team.

    https://gyazo.com/99ec100fab1219693c23cbd632e1d3f6 This is an image of what the Match History says on the AT UI. If you are on NA, you will see the same thing when clicking on Kormir's Clash.

    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/527512564?t=2h40m58s This is the VOD of the monthly's finals from an ArenaNet partners stream, yet this is still not considered to be ample proof even when combined with the rest of it.

    ArenaNet has infact spawned these very special rewards into the game before, infact you can see in this next screenshot; a player who SCAMMED support for the Champion's Sun. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/444897731299901460/650411099610415124/gw922.jpg

    There are plenty of ways to tell if a player has really won an item like this but somehow a player who has never even stepped foot into the Semis or Quarters of a monthly AT, has provided enough proof to ArenaNet to spawn them the item. And I with everything I've said and provided, I have not provided enough proof.

    edit/update1: CMC has said they will be looking into the rewards not being sent out starting on Thursday. Thanks CMC for communicating with us!

    submitted by /u/Grimjack8130
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    The Commander And Rivalry

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:21 PM PST

    How did someone get 25 Shared Inventory Slots?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:41 AM PST

    I was looking at gw2efficiency today and noticed that I had dropped to 2nd in shared inventory slots on the stats screen. How did someone manage to get 25 of them?


    submitted by /u/SomethingMatter
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    Open letter to ArenaNet about the communication policy: addendum to the Christmas card sadness

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    This was originally a reaction I wanted to add to my previous whining about a Christmas card, but it ended up too long and off-topic, so I made a separate thread for it.

    To be honest, this wasn't even about the Christmas card. I am still grateful I got it and I know that post makes me sound like a spoiled priviliged brat, and for a while I didn't really want to write about it at all. The card didn't really make me sad, it just made me realize I was sad about the general state of things.

    At some point, ArenaNet adopted the "don't show, don't tell" policy. When your game community sees something is happening behind the scenes but has no idea what and why, other than announcements of massive layoffs and tons of other people leaving on their own, they will generally assume the worst. We knew for quite a while that ArenaNet was working on other projects, but after the layoffs we were being reassured that the focus would be 100% on Guild Wars 2 again. And now we see they're working on some kind of a console title. When you lie to your community this openly, it will react accordingly. That post was an example of that, the ad disguised as a Christmas card just tipped me off.

    When GW1 development ended and we were told that the studio would work on a sequel, the community was very understanding that no new content would be added to the game from now on, and then we were even pleasantly surprised when Beyond started dropping into the game. I would love there to be more games made by this studio, I would love it if they could afford to have more projects running at the same time, but you can't destroy your studio and long-lasting trust with your community at the same time.

    We are starved for information. About Guild Wars 2 and about everything else. And as long as that is the case, these threads grasping at the smallest tidbits of information will keep popping up. Until there's no one around to make them.

    Please, ArenaNet, try to reconsider your community management strategy, because this is not working. If you know that 100% of your studio focus will not be on Guild Wars 2, if you have some side-projects you really feel are worth pursuing, please, be open about it. But until then, this is the game you have, and it would be a real shame to see it die.

    submitted by /u/keirbhaltair
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    Wintersday bell novelties should be considered musical instruments, not inventory space eaters

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:33 AM PST

    Change my mind

    submitted by /u/Another_Roccocat
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    Warrior bulls charge not connecting

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:39 AM PST

    Hi guys, i have always noticed that when im playing warrior in pve, sometimes my bulls charge will run past my enemy. It will hit my target properly if i stand very close to my enemy.

    I have just started pvping today and noticed that same thing happens in pvp with my bulls charge. Sometimes it would dash past enemy and knock the person down (when i walk back they have already gotten back up). Or it would miss completely (they didnt evade but they were running and jumping).

    I did some 1 on 1 pvp with a guy and hes noticed the same thing with my bulls charge. What is wrong with the skill? Are there any ways to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Lumiv
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    Your daily routine to become a milionaire...

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:31 AM PST

    Yo guys :)

    I always thought about things I can do on daily routine to get rich. There are many videos about this theme but I think we can help each other maybe :)

    My daily routine:
    1) Do daily for 2 gold + 10 AP

    2) run Pact Supply Network

    3) Do Bjora chests + Strike + META for Eirite Ingots (Restored Boreal weapons)

    4) Daily T4 Fractals

    5) Alts parked at few JP chests

    Any other ideas? Everything is welcome :)

    submitted by /u/Belqo
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    State of Boneskinner Strike

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:37 AM PST

    So rn it's undoable with pugs and too easy with an organized group.
    What is it supposed to be at this point?

    submitted by /u/Ionenschatten
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    When you tag up on Desolation

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:06 AM PST

    When you tag up on Desolation

    Hello GW2 players,

    It happens that i tag up from time to time, when we're outnumbered and there's no commander online, at the best i'm followed by one or two rangers. It helps to give information where players are, to put some sieges, to do some ppt, it's never meant to do 2vs25+. I would like to know if like me you experience insults or harassements when you tag up or simply when you play this game.


    I hate insults, any kind, i don't understand these player's mindset, especially in games.

    let me please know.

    EDIT1: Thanks SupremeSausageXXL removed player name

    submitted by /u/bcbmasm
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    Why do players in Gw2 get punished for being absent for a longer time?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    I just came back into the game with my girl after a longer absence. While I still logged in for a few minutes from time to time but without doing anything my gf had a full break for a long time after the PoF release.

    In any other MMO I know, I get rewarded for coming back - I know it's mostly trash-items but sometimes there are nice giveaways that can motivate to start playing again, sometimes even ingame money like in BDO.

    In Guild Wars 2 you get punished instead - even though she spent nearly 200$ in the past because of the game packages and the gem store she cannot play the new story episodes anymore because we're both short on ingame money. As a result we cannot play together the storyline... We'd have to do shitty grindig for gold again which was one of the reasons why we left ...

    Why does Anet do that? It just doesn't make sense to me locking episodes behind a paywall just because she hasn't logged in O_o

    submitted by /u/kyeloon
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    Triple Trouble

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:15 AM PST

    I'm a rather new player - have done pretty much every world boss now.

    And I don't think I'll ever do them again: because they're boring af. They're so braindead easy, they're as compelling as picking my nose.

    The only exception is the Evolved Jungle Worm.

    That's actually kinda fun. Even small things like needing three separate groups to succeed, coordinate the first kill for timer etc are fun mechanics.

    So why is no one doing Triple Trouble?

    Every time he's up, I check: and there are barely enough people to take out one head. But 80% of people don't even know what to do (because apparently watching a quick Youtube video is too much to ask for) so it's not only impossible to do Triple Trouble, it's barely possible to take out a single head lol.

    Why? I don't get it....

    submitted by /u/Dr_Foppo
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    Big issue with downloading the game. Stuck after 23GB.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:25 AM PST

    I tried restarting, uninstalling, reinstalling, adding a command like to the shortcut's target, forwarded ports, rebooted modem, rebooted PC, uninstalled and reset my LAN driver, disabled QoS in adapter properties, disabled antivirus, disabled firewalls, reset winsockets and even waited forever.

    My in-game ping averages around 20ms - 60ms. I have 1Gbps download and 40Mbps upload with my internet service and the client keeps bouncing from 40MBps and 20MBps before it decides to slowly decline and crash at 0kbps.

    The game just barely manages to get up to 35% complete and then stops after that. The reason I was having to do this in the first place was that I was making a clean installation for my PC for new hardware I've been receiving. So my PC overall shouldn't be an issue. Even when it shows it's downloading it will stop and never actually change the .dat's file size and get nowhere with completing the game's installation.

    Even worse, my main character is stuck on a map I can't even finish downloading so I'm locked out of the character.

    Anet support suggested switching languages and deleting local dat file.

    OK. I'll start a fresh install from deleting all 3 locations (Documents, roaming and program files) just to be safe. I will change it to french for now and see what happens from there or if I need to change it to like Spanish midway and give it like an hour. So I started with the English version on my laptop and French on my desktop and as soon as they both hit around Downloaded: 15,500MB that's when they both decided to have a slow inclination in their download speeds and the Downloaded: count would only go up in small chunks every 3 - 5 seconds. Going to switch languages, now. Laptop to DE and Desktop to ES.

    After several language switches and trying the second solution the issue just keeps getting worse in the closer I get to my farthest goal I got from repeatedly restarting the client. 320,000 to 250,000 files remaining and it just completely turtles its self to the end. If it were a wintersday update it probably would have finished easily but the entire game it's just not having it. I'm likely never going to be able to get this game to fully download unless there was some torrent to be found for an up to date .dat file.

    So if anyone happens to have a link or ability to share a large .dat file for the game that's up to date that'd be really great.

    submitted by /u/ErikaNPC
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    Should I wait for a sale to buy this game?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:08 PM PST

    I've been playing free to play for a bit off and on and I'm thinking of buying the HOF and POF but I'm wondering if I should hold off and wait for an upcoming sale. I've seen there was one back in January last year if I should hold off and wait a couple of weeks

    submitted by /u/stosci
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