• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 5, 2022

    Guild Wars 2 Petition for ANet to create a permanent memorial for this kitten, may he rest in peace

    Guild Wars 2 Petition for ANet to create a permanent memorial for this kitten, may he rest in peace

    Petition for ANet to create a permanent memorial for this kitten, may he rest in peace

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:37 PM PST

    Connor is never going to live this down.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:35 PM PST

    Guild Wars 2: End of Kittens

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:36 PM PST

    Leaked logo of the next expac from today's stream!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:53 PM PST

    What happend to Yao?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 07:03 AM PST

    The real reason why the Canthan Empire doesn't trust us

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 04:40 PM PST

    Rip Kitten. This cannot go unpunished!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:33 PM PST

    Zander the Mesmer

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 06:27 PM PST

    I just want to shout out Zander. Tonight, he ran 3 HP trains in a row. HoT, PoF, HoT. Each one takes about an hour. He has helped me and a ton of other people in unlocking all elite specs, and to hoard extra HPs for the EoD specs. He's a true Tyrian hero.

    Watched the stream during the runs for the first time tonight and it gave me a whole new respect for the man. Truly a kind soul who asks for nothing in return.

    For those of you who don't know Zander's HP trains, they're basically speed runs. No flying, just plain ol' canyon jump raptor and gliding. You can find the train in LFG during the weekends mostly. Very helpful if you have a lot of characters that need specs unlocked.

    Thanks, Zander.

    submitted by /u/syntheticgeneration
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    RIP in peace

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 02:21 PM PST

    I built this Gift Skritt with Valentines Day flair

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 11:15 AM PST

    Conner the Kitty Killer in action

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 03:30 PM PST

    (SUMMARY) Guild Chat - New Kaineng City Tour

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:51 PM PST

    Watch the vod here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1286943708

    Please note: the video will not show everything and they were specific with their camerawork to hide things, a lot of the npcs are also hidden which why the map looks empty.

    • Old Kaineng City was destroyed by the rise of Zhaitan 100 yrs ago, that's why we see risen mobs in the trailers.
    • There are new risen variants wearing Canthan attire.
    • Indigo is shown wielding some of the Aurene Legendary Weapons, very flashy even when stowed.
    • Some of the tech in the city has gone 'haywire', which is part of the story/quests,
    • Indigo's inspiration is the 1970s movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
    • To keep the story cohesive they have characters you meet in the main story that are also involved in the overworld events (metas, quests, etc.).
    • Indigo: New Kaineng, unique and exciting to write, very combat-focused. Lots of political changes and is considered very inclusive. The Luxons and Kurzicks are integrated into society and the Tengu have their own district in the city. Hub of Technology, compared to Wakanda. Jade tech is very expensive and not everyone can afford it.
    • Combined large city design with a lot of events, the closest comparison to scale is Divinity's Reach, except everything is built out (no forced perspective line in DR).
    • Seem to indicate that there are only 4 maps: Shing Jea, Jade Sea, Echovald, Kaineng
    • Bottom Disctrict = Poor, Middle = More Opulent, Top= Richest.
    • Cobbleward Tengu District, Southern lower run-down area of the city. Uses steam-powered tech on lower levels since Jade is expensive. There is a heart here that gives you a basic Raptor (another heart gives the Springers). New Tengu models, example: 'Aggressive bowl cut" model.
    • Changed day/night cycle for the night to be longer in Cantha, Connor says the cities look the best during the night.
    • The rewards team took inspiration from BOTW to create mini-activities, when you complete them they will reveal chests. They said this helps people explore the maps as well. Lore behind the chests: The chests that appear will have little fox spirit guardians based on the shrine guardian mount.
    • Connor killed a kitten.
    • A lot of ambient cats and dogs were added to the map than can be petted, besides the one Connor killed.
    • Sidenote: The Skiff animations look a lot better, they 'bobble' in the water and have splash animations.
    • Rivers throughout the city for the Skiffs. There are fishing events and Kappa live by the river. There is stuff to find in the rivers. Mentioned that they have not established where the city's sewage system goes to...
    • Central District is called the Ministry Ward. Jung Lei(sp?) and Ministry HQs. There is a holographic image of a woman who will tell you the news and updates as you progress through the story.
    • Structure of the map meta: Bunch of smaller events in rapid fire succession. Running around fixing things (Jade Brotherhood caused) via events. The metal legion concert is an inspiration but is in a larger area with more time to do events. "Grab bag of Madness". Jade Behemoth Boss Battle: Designed by June to be a failsafe for the city for protection, but something goes wrong.
    • Skiff is shown to have a shield, unknown if this is because of the event they were testing or part of the mastery line.
    • Lots of casual ambiances and npc dialogue to help make the city feel alive, 'crime' mini events as well.

    Edit from the comments:

    • The Raptor and Springer are obtained via hearts for players who do not have them (basic models, not the entire mastery).

    • They mentioned going back multiple times re-designing npcs and even one character that we have seen in the trailers already has a new look.

    submitted by /u/tryhardarchitect
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    Penis handkiting

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:47 AM PST

    Leaked TOPEKA SEASONAL REWARD TRACK. What does that even mean.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:02 PM PST

    New Kaineng Loading with map completion numbers

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:22 PM PST

    An introduction to the Discretize gear optimizer

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:47 PM PST

    The Discretize Gear Optimizer

    After a long time without any reddit updates from the discretize community, I finally found a good time to type out a post about our recent work on the gear optimizer. If you are not interested in theorycrafting or creating efficient builds - this writeup is gonna be boring for you. For everyone else - we will try to fetch everyone, especially newer players and bring you up to speed.

    What is a gear optimizer?

    Have you ever wondered if it is better to switch a sigil or a food item for an alternative? Maybe you already have weapons with certain sigils and don't want to overwrite them, but the meta-build says you must play something else; do you need to overwrite the sigil now to be "meta" again? Have you asked yourself how to reach a certain amount of boon-duration in the most efficient way? Did you try to find out at what break point it is better to use grieving stats over viper/sinister?

    All of these questions and more can be answered with the gear optimizer! The gear optimizer not only supports you with finding the optimal gear for group play, but for any scenario you could possibly model! Be it solo play, or maybe you have a friend that plays a certain build and brings a special boon/buff to the table - the gear optimizer will take that into consideration while calculating your optimal gear setup. It also helps finding support builds for WvW (or any other gamemode) meeting constraints such as toughness and boon-duration.

    Title screen of the optimizer

    HELP THERE ARE SO MANY OPTIONS!!!!! :peeposcared:

    Alright, take it easy there, pal. It might look intimidating at first, but I promise that you will find your way around it - provided you are able to read english (or chinese). At first, if your attention span is extremely short, I suggest you enable the easy mode in the top menu. The easy mode hides a whole bunch of options and relies on the data we are supplying via the templates.

    If you want to create a new build that differentiates from a templated build your attention span better be long enough to read through the explanations ;). While filling out the following sections you will notice that almost every section provides an extensive description and sensible presets on the left side. Oh, and did I mention the explanations?

    A short introduction to the options available

    In the next step you will need to work through the 10 sections and feed the optimizer with information about your environment. Again, it is highly recommended to use a template so that you don't need to fill out every section on your own.

    • Traits: select your traits just like you would in game. Below each trait line you will find modifier. In case you don't want to assume that you a modifier is permanently applied to you, you can either uncheck it or add a percentage uptime. Traits Screen. Keep in mind that some traits like "Legendary Lore" don't work -.-
    • Skills: same like traits
    • Upgrade components & food: Self explanatory. Please note, that not all sigils are present in the selection. Sigils that don't apply any stats or modifiers such as geomancy are included via the "Coefficients" section at the end, since they only add damage. In the case you want to play with one of the sigils, leave the selection empty.
    • Buffs and Boons: Self explanatory.
    • Extra Modifiers: this is an advanced option. In case you want to add arbitrary stats or modifiers to your build for whatever reason you can do that here.
    • Agony Resistance and Infusions: In case you want to create a fractal build, here you can enable the mistlock omnipotion and therefore the stat conversion.
    • Forced Slots: In case you already have equipment with certain stats but the "metasalves" yell at you to regear for the 10th time in 2 years, you can enter these stats here. The gear optimizer will respect these choices! Please note, that by forcing too many slots you might end up getting worse results in the end since it limits the amount of options.
    • Priorities: This one is interesting!! You can select an optimization goal here: "Damage" or "Healing" or "Survivability". You can also add stat combinations here. Please be aware that adding more than 3 stats will lead to significant computational cost. And finally you can enter minimum constraints such as "I want 78% boon duration at least" or "Only show me builds with 2k toughness".
    • Coefficients: I would strongly recommend to not touch this and use the presets, unless you really want to understand how the optimizer works. Freaks click here.
    • Target settings: only relevant for condition builds. Simulates confusion and torment damage.

    If you made it this far, congratulations! Your attention span seems to be above average :) Clicking now on the calculate button will yield you the result!

    Taking a peek-a-boo at the results

    The result table offers you all possible variations with similar effectiveness! Wow, thats so much more choice than on the meta sites! If you select the "% comparison" the optimizer will show you the difference in percent between the selected builds and the rest. That is really handy! If you already have some trinkets and the filthy precasting elitists tell you suddenly you need to get different trinkets because M E T A, you can tell them to bug off; you ran the math and your build is only 0.1% worse than the precaster-edition.

    Result table image

    Clicking on any of the results will bring up the build details, just like you probably know them from the discretize website already.

    Result build image

    If you scroll down further you will find a whole bunch of stats and information. If you want to get more into theorycrafting, then they might become relevant one day :).

    Build sharing capability

    A observant reader might already saw the share buttons. Yes!!! It does exactly what you think it does. It allows you to share/bookmark/store your personally crafted build, so you dont lose your precious results.

    There are two types of build sharing:

    1. Sharing the settings you used. This share button is right next to the calculate button. Here is an exmaple https://go.princeps.biz/uJ84g6jC (dont mind the url, unfortunately we can't get a discretize domain there, thats another story). You will notice that I selected a "Grieving" accessory 2.
    2. Share the final build result: This button is located right above the result character as it can be seen in the screenshot from earlier. Make sure to select the correct weapons and skills for the ultimate build storage and share experience!!. Here's the example in case you dont believe me https://optimizer.discretize.eu/build/?v=1&data=XQAAAAKpAAAAAAAAAABuAACjtmhi3-6Ofe6sAwxja6dYmTmIUh4GjglT4IpSXIq30slp-6UOjTuFTneHTvbg8aSWx2p1ofCAMzrLG6QmUWFdHJRdir9Vx4CovPbLZbGEQLSRYALAvHYTzh8KjeR4XRreJcFHiHrS868j3QJEqYuKWl0_CyQah7pR1WvJLZJ_Gl15tNzn7WdY6ThoxDW_xysqVS1s0b12X__4VLwA

    Build share settings image

    Infusion Helper

    Huiii, that was a lot of input until now. Please don't be scared, there is even more. Marcus implemented an infusion helper. I think the picture is enough to give you an idea what it does! Infusion helper image

    Technically inclined individuals - here is your time to shine

    As tech-stack we currently use React+Gatsby and deploy the site on github pages with github actions as CI. We rely on several libraries - some of them are written by ourselves. Take a look around at our github.

    This new version of the gear optimizer was programmed by Marcus and me (princeps). When I started working on this project in June/July 2021 I barely knew any react or redux. As the project went on I learned more and more about how react works, its limitations and what it means to make bad decisions early on. You don't need to have extensive knowledge if you want to contribute something back to a website, that is used by thousands every day, provided you are willing to read up a bit and more importantly speak with us :)

    Almost all of our projects are open source! Since most of the work currently is handled by Marcus and me, we would really, really appreciate if someone would like to help us out a bit. While you don't have to be experienced with react, it would be beneficial if you had previous knowledge in webdev since we are already stretched thin and can't start to teach someone from scratch. We don't have any deadlines or require commitment. We had a few people that did some work and disappeared again - which is totally understandable. Everyone has a life and the Discretize projects should not be ever be a priority for anyone. After all we are just a small community in a niche game in an even more niche game-mode, which is so niche that even the creator forgot we exist :peeposad:

    If there are any questions regarding the optimizer, Marcus and I are happy to answer them! Btw, the fact that some trinkets are not showing up on the first render is known, but with our current architecture not trivial to fix. Did I mention that we are looking for help?

    Thanks for your attention.

    submitted by /u/SpatiumPrinceps
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    Got 100% world completion after putting it off for a year, feels good

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:15 PM PST

    How not to help New Players

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 01:28 AM PST

    I was seeing more posts lately from new players asking for help in general regarding the game (especially in the FB groups). And our community is great at that, some gw nerds will give such a detailed, yet easily understandable list of things to do and look for, how the game is different, etc. Joy to read.

    However, I also kept seeing a very special kind of response lately to the questions "I hit max level, what do I do?" , which makes me a bit angry.

    More and more, people respond to people who just leveled their first char, literally only experienced a portion of the game with suggestions like:
    - Farm weekly BL keys with new chars
    - Go for infusions, they pimp you out or can sell for 10k
    - Flip TP for your first 1k gold
    - Leggy weapons letssgooo
    - Farm T4 CM daily

    Like.... do they not understand what a new player is? Why do they keep recommending either some very niche activities, or things that only hardcore and rich player could do, or something that only 1% of playerbase has (infusions).

    No, that's not something a new player should do. They should experience the content, the story of the expansions and the Living World. They should try elite specs, get their first full exotic armor. Then could try fractals, achievement hunting, map completion etc.

    But starting with objectives for veteran players, to me it just seems daunting, and might scare away new players.

    (Another sub-type of these responses, when they post a picture of a char as a white blob with 10+ infusions, and say that you should aim for looking like this. That would have turned me away years ago.)

    The reason I am so bumped about this is because this is a special period. WoW is dying, people are trying out new things, and GW2 finally has a chance to see a surge of new players. We should do our best to make them feel welcome, and help their first steps in Tyria, and not scare them away, because we cannot stop boasting about our christmas-light-looking character, and thousands of golds. For most players, these are not realistic expectations ESPECIALLY in their first few months in the game.

    So yeah, have some more tact please when advising new players what to do.

    Rant off.

    submitted by /u/zaleszg
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    I constantly find myself admiring the incredible work of GW2 and in awe of their talented art team. I'd like to share with you about my latest painting, Corrupted Servant Of Kralkatorrik, which is inspired by their wonderful story and game art. ��

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:49 AM PST

    BREAKING NEWS: Colin brutally murders kitten live on stream

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:34 PM PST

    Finally got access to my account after having lost it, apparently for 9 years based off my birthday mail

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 10:43 PM PST

    New Kaineng City Map Tour

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 12:52 PM PST

    In hoelbrak after swimming down for half an hour we found that

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 07:54 PM PST

    Cancel Transformed (Aviator)??

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 08:42 PM PST

    I'm a total noob and clicked on a box out in the world that turned me into an idiot with my arms out like an airplane and turned my display sepia toned. How can I disabled this, the airplane mouth noises are killing me.

    submitted by /u/Taladryn
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    New alien race?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2022 05:29 PM PST

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