• Breaking News

    Friday, December 3, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Was testing out the turtle by taxiing my partner around Elona. This guy didn't approve

    Guild Wars 2 Was testing out the turtle by taxiing my partner around Elona. This guy didn't approve

    Was testing out the turtle by taxiing my partner around Elona. This guy didn't approve

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 09:12 PM PST

    Snacks for Harbinger mains.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 07:06 AM PST

    Had a truly sad experience in game yesterday

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 07:52 AM PST

    So, I'm new to the game and leveling up my first character, a Norn warrior, and there was a group formed to do Triple Trouble on Bloodtide Coast. I've never seen this done, and there were a bunch of us with a really awesome squad leader explaining every step. Now, I've never been part of a guild, and this was my first time actually doing something with other people in game. It was so much fun. Just being with other players, coordinating how we were going to attack, talking about what banners to bring with other warriors, it was amazing. An experience I'd never had before and I loved it.

    While we were waiting to head out, I disconnected. No problem, log back in, still in squad and can see chat, golden. Until we went to attack. There was nobody on my screen. I went to where my squad dots were on the map, thinking I'd missed a portal or something like it (I don't know if those even exist in GW2), but no one was there. However, squad chat was still happening and I could interact with it.

    Guys. I was in a different instance of the map. I didn't know how to fix it and everyone was in the middle of a fight. I felt so dumb I just left the party and went on leveling on my own.

    And that's my sad experience from yesterday. This game is so much fun I actually got IRL sad over missing out on a group kill.

    submitted by /u/slothpeguin
    [link] [comments]

    The loading screens for DRMs are amazing

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 02:55 AM PST

    The alternative loading screens of maps with DRM are so beautiful and refreshing and it feels like entering a new map. My personal fav would be the DRM art for Caledon Forest and Lake Doric. After the devs are done with EoD, maybe we can have alternative loading screen when entering a map that changes every now and then? Anyway, hats off to the artists! You're doing amazing sweaty

    submitted by /u/Capital-Push-1829
    [link] [comments]

    Still the best trailer for GW2 (I don't even do FotM)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 09:49 PM PST

    [Elite Spec Feedback Round2][PvE]: The good, the bad, and the unaddressed.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 08:39 AM PST


    Here we are again, another round of testing, and that means another round of feedback. Instead of creating 9 different topics, I have tried to put all feedback for all specs into this single post (and yes, I will also make sure to post it on the forums, but since devs at times also read reddit, it never hurts to post it in both places!) It is very possible I write things you disagree with, perhaps even strongly. If so, make sure to give your own feedback to Anet to counteract mine. In the end I think we all want the same thing: Viable, fun and engaging elite specs in End of Dragons.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Virtuoso can be found here

    Shatters need big changes still.

    Change to casting speed,projectile speed, either unique shatters, all shatters becoming ammo skills , reduced shatter recharges (supposed to be the shatter spec, shatters have pretty much same cooldowns as base mesmer, mirage, and even 50% the same as Chrono, no way to shatter more, we shatter the exact same amount, being on recharge)or no CD/conditional no CD on F1 and F2 shatters. Or allow us to spend blades on other things than just shatters if you do not want to change shatters, because who needs 100 blades if I can only shatter 25 of them ( F1 x 2 +F2+F3+F4) and then have to wait for my cooldowns?

    Blades float around you but have no passive effect.

    I don't know about you, but slamming into someone who has blades floating around them should be painful somehow.

    Traits still boring and passive

    The feedback was mainly (from what I saw at least) that we want some unique things that promote active play and NOT MORE BLADES, you ignored this and gave us more blades. Don't do this, we already generate more blades than we can actually shatter. Bonus when using a bladesong should stack, in combination with shatter suggestions from above. Need traits for immobilizes/psionics/blade threshold changes like Deadeyes Maleficent Seven or Scourge's 3 shades become 1 kind of thing. At least try to give the spec some complexity for those of us that crave it.

    Reflects still not adressed.

    That one trait does not solve this problem., not to mention it is not reliably triggered by the player. You cannot reliably plan for this effect to occur since you have to hope for your opponent to do something you can dodge/evade. You cannot setup burst reliably.

    One-dimensional utilities.

    You gave us almost nothing to keep enemies away or keep ourselves away from our enemies. No additional evades or blinks, you nuked mesmer F4 from orbit, meaning we are forced to take that awkward massive CD psionic if we want distortion, pretty much no access to cripple/chill/immob, and Rain of Swords(?) and the elite Thousand Cuts(?) feel like they could be the same skill, except one chucks out blades horizontally, and the other vertically.

    Useless condi option still there.

    Condi Virtuoso does not only play 90% the same as Power Virtuoso, it is still underpowered to the point you should just cut your losses and take these condi traits away. It will either suck and never be played (now), or you buff it into the high heavens and in that way completely invalidate Condi Mirage. Remove it or heavily merge condi with existing traits, freeing up those slots for more interesting things.

    Power DPS nerf is overdone.

    DPS is the only thing Virtuoso brings. If DPS is the only thing a spec brings, it deserves to be on top of the charts. Currently it is not.

    No way to keep enemies away or keep distance yourself (teleports/evades/cripples/chills/immobs).

    This is strange design for something that should be able to put up a fight from range.

    Dagger is still one dimensional

    Dagger needs more than just dmg, and the moving aoe attack gets nullified by a single aegis.

    Quickness/aegis/unblock on evade traits are useless.

    You want these things when going on the offensive, not defensive, and the durations are so short the boons are done once you get out of your dodge animation. You also want to be able to reliably trigger it, not hope for your enemy to do so.

    Still no way to deal with conditions.

    Virtuoso's that want to be able to somewhat deal with conditions will be forced into Inspiration, already locking 2 of your 3 traitlines.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Willbender can be found here

    Power DPS nerf was way overdone and should be reverted at least partially.

    Power Willbender essentially felt like it got nuked from orbit, losing what came down to roughly 24% worth of nerfs and fixes. This wasn't needed. Willbender feels like a spec versatile enough to be able to support a myriad of builds: some form of support (since apparently this is happening considering Alacrity), condi, power, or even a hybrid with (dare I say it) Grieving gear. But it does not support power anymore due to the loss of 120 power from the adept trait and the damage loss from nerfed Lethal Tempo + Tyrants Momentum. Please reconsider.

    Changes for condi DPS were great.

    I like the buffs that condi Willbender got, I think these changes are looking strong, and Lethal Tempo now supporting condition damage is imo a good change.

    Off-hand sword changes are not enough to compete with focus in PvE, it needs more, and if possible it would be great if the 1h sword trait could be updated to also give something to offhand sword.

    Personally I love it when a spec plays differently than what I have been doing on other specs in the past, this includes playing with the new spec weapon. But as a PvE player, I also want DPS. Offhand sword still seems like it is not capable of outdoing Focus. So please make sure the damage it does is at least equal to what focus does.

    Adept trait reworks are great and a big improvement.

    I honestly think that these look a whole lot better now from a creative point of view.

    Lethal Tempo nerf wasn't needed at all.

    If anything it needed a buff. Roll Lethal Tempo and Tyrant's Momentum into a single trait and use the open Grandmaster slot for a buff for Virtue of Justice (that way each virtue has its own grandmaster doing cool stuff, no, just +2s Justice duration doesnt count, look how the other 2 virtues got cool and unique stuff in addition to duration buffs). You already had trouble keeping this buff up in realistic scenarios anyway and the DPS wasnt broken.

    Vanguard Tactics change was very bad for PvP, it needs the resistance back the way it was.

    Don't think this needs more explaining.

    Restorative virtues change is interesting.

    This might change up rotations a little bit.

    Phoenix Protocol change is massive, but also departs from the selfish design Willbender had.

    If you want alacrity Willbender to somehow happen make sure it is maintainable with enough boon duration. The second charge to resolve I am not sure if it should be baseline. Perhaps keep the old version ( 1 charge longer distance) untraited, and make this trait give it a 2nd charge with lower distance.

    Burning for willbender flames should help with the interaction with core burn traits.

    Bad interaction with core traits was a big problem for Willbender. This will help somewhat for the interaction with traits that trigger when your foe burns. If that is enough to fix the interaction with these particular traits remains to be seen, but at least it is better than it was.

    Utility skills still need something extra.

    They still feel halfbaked, bugged ( the heal can still be interrupted/stopped) or not useable (the problem with the elite was not that it wasn't a shadowstep, but that with such a long activation time you are never gonna land it).

    Still no way to keep enemies in your effects (ring of warding effect of sorts?).

    A Mobile spec still bound to fields for its damage. Need ways to keep people in them or make fields and symbols mobile/follow the Willbender.

    Could MAYBE use access to superspeed.

    Want me to chase people? Give me better stuff than swiftness.

    Reversal of fortune still bugged.

    Easy to get ccéd out off, dead skill imho in its current state.

    Needs sustain alternatives in PvP.

    This could be done through the utility skills if anything, but maybe also through traits. No sustain = dead blue class. Thus you will still see the same old Meditations + Shelter going around.

    Still needs some more in PvE to make it feel less like a core guardian plus that still uses greatsword+sword/X + sword of justice.

    Make offhand sword and utilities better, define the new F skills and Willbender flames more, if possible let it interact/change core guardian stuff more, like symbols or something.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Bladesworn can be found here

    Nerfs to Lush forest and Dragon Slash were needed, they overshadowed things to the point it was hard to get a feel for the specs actual performance.

    This was needed, because it shows us exactly what I was afraid of: Take the 2 outliers away, and you get left with a spec that does not excel at anything, and does not really provide a new unique playstyle.

    Lush Forest feels weak now. I'd revert to the older version but give the proc an ICD so it cannot be spammed.

    This feels like a sledgehammer nerf. The old version was way overpowered, granted, but the new functionality feels counter-intuitive and it also kills off (imo) an interesting shouthealer build that was taking shape.

    Damage nerf overall might have been a tad too much.

    Dragon slash was OP, but you hammered it out to the point the entire elite spec feels like it lost its value. It needed a nerf, but not this big of a nerf.

    Fierce as fire trait change looks promising albeit boring.

    Yes it is better, but it is also boring in the sense that it does not make us do anything different from what we already did, being camp the Gunsaber for the hell of it.

    Flow Stabiliser change from stab to fury is thrash, please revert.

    Fury is not a problem to generate, the stability was of amazing value.

    Stab on dragon trigger minor is great.

    Good change imo.

    Did not adress damage or targeting issues in PvP or with elevation.

    Damage in PvP is still horrible, and you can still miss with Dragon Slash (or, if on the receiving end, walk/jump out of it).

    Pistol needs more help.

    It begs to be used, especially with the Fierce as Fire changes, but will I ever? Consider changes/buffs or even adding a pistol mainhand.

    Gunsaber still has an identity crisis and does not know what it wants to be (and is now inferior to all).

    Less damage than pretty much every warrior DPS weapon, no condis to speak of, no actual range, no actual cc, this weapon is nothing. Think about the role that you want Gunsaber to have, and balance accordingly. This is without going over the clunkyness of many of its skill that still isnt fixed.

    You still cannot swap into Gunsaber with weaponswap.

    Please, allow weaponswap to get us in/out of Gunsaber.

    Dragontrigger should be moved to F1 like all of our regular bursts.

    Current way of doing this goes against the muscle memory of all other warrior specs, including core.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Specter can be found here

    Specter got massacred and was better before the balance change. That's the easiest way to sum it up. You saw a problem, but often applied the wrong solution, while leaving glaring problems untouched.

    Consume Shadows change killed the trait and did not adress the problem.

    The problem being the other 2 minor traits being useless and that Shadow Shroud is not worth using either, meaning popping in and out to trigger consume was the only use it had. Buff the other 2 adepts, restore Consume's previous functionality but put a nerf to the output, and make Shadow Shroud a lot stronger.

    Endless Night got killed for nothing.

    Quickness was not the issue, nor was the amount of targets (if anything stuff should be 5 targets instead of 3 2 or 1), the interaction with Rot Wallow venom was. Even worse, you can still maintain quickness on multiple people, it's just more of a pain to do. Revert and fix the interaction with Rot Wallow venom instead. Oh and please get rid of that backwards teleport. I hate to use this description, but this truly is kitten.

    Well problems were not adressed.

    Condi well, boon well, random power damage well and elite well are pretty much useless outside of alacrity fodder. Daze well could be good but needs the recharge go from 30 to 20 seconds. Consider buffing their non-alacrity related components.

    Forced teleport on wells should go and become an active choice, through flip over or trait.

    Forced movement has never been fun, and it sure as hell isnt now.

    Shroud is not worth using, buff it, for example with all shroud skills getting strong Rot Wallow Venom interaction.

    Nothing in shroud is worth staying in it for. Make stuff stronger, make it 5 targets in PvE, give it extremely good Rot Wallow venom interaction, etc.

    The fact that the UI does not support Specter gameplay was not adressed effectively

    I still feel like I have no way to reliably target the right people in the thick of things. The new hotkeys might help somewhat, but they still don't fix this problem. I will never be able to reliably select the correct ally currently.

    Target cap of skills in PvE was not adressed.

    Dear Anet, repeat after me: 'Protect the king/single target support' DOES.NOT.WORK.IN.PVE. Make stuff from scepter and shroud be able to hit 5 targets.

    Siphon still won't give a lot of bonuses when it targets allies.

    If you want people to use Siphon on allies, fix this.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Catalyst can be found here

    Giving hammer more finishers was a good change.

    It surely needed it.

    Hammer still has an identity crisis concerning if it wants to be melee or somewhat ranged.

    It is very confusing to have one half of my kit at 600 range, and then when I switch to another element finding myself to having to move into melee range. Is this supposed to be a melee or a midrange spec?

    Floating orbs from the 3rd hammer skill need a longer duration to not make us feel so pressured.

    If you want any shot at decent DPS you need to keep those hammer 3 orbs up. Which only last a few seconds, meaning you only have time for 1 other attack before you need to swap attunements and hit the next orb so they don't go to waste. The timer on these could really use a lot more leniency imo.

    Sphere changes are not good enough and the field needs to last longer and do something unique like a ranger spirit would.

    Perhaps some people will disagree with me here, but this still doesnt feel unique. It just feels like a toothless tempest overload on a shorter recharge and duration. Press 5 for combofield. okay. Yes, the entire thing is playable with the current changes. But playable does not equal fun, at least not automatically. Oh and perhaps it is not a bad idea to just get rid of the energy mechanic at this point. It's not really doing anything and feels tacked on for the sake of it. I really have the feeling that people are a bit in the honeymoonphase with the Catalyst because everything is new and shiny. But once the DPS gets nerfed (and it will, Anet will not allow a 50k+ DPS Spec and a 40k+ Quickness spec with 0 Boon duration to walk free), what do we have left? Core ele with a field on F5.

    Utility skills are still boring and need something unique, a 'wow factor'.

    These are just as boring as before.

    Duration changes to the aura and defense buff is good.

    They needed the duration changes, I think this was a good change.

    Other traits still boring.

    The traits still feel like it does not really bring many new things or at times feel like they are leftover traits from Tempest or core ele.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Vindicator can be found here

    Mechanic change so stuff only flips when we press the new F3 is AMAZING and fixes a lot of clunkyness.

    This fixes a lot of the issues Vindicator had with reliably accessing its skills. That reliability however also makes it harder to balance, because every buff you make to one half somewhat trickles down to the other half of the alliance.

    Power damage is still not high enough.

    Vindicator has gotten stronger, but it's not quite there yet imo, it could still use just a tad more.

    Dodge changes make them look better now.

    The changes made to these were good. In some cases too spammable maybe.

    Many traits still need help (like Redemptor's Sermon and the stamina master traits).

    Redemptor's Sermon is still crap and cannot be reliably triggered, the stamina traits still lead to a situation where you pick the best and leave the other two in the dust forever, Amnesty does not do enough to push support roles.

    Support Vindicator still won't be a thing.

    Still needs a niche when traited properly, let Victor bring Barrier and aegis to the table at least. Urn of Saint Victor is still utter thrash. Archemorus might work as offensive support if its skills get buffed to share their boons with people around them, but that might also be overpowered as hell.

    Archemorus got a minimal amount of CC, could use more.

    And please, don't put the cc on my stunbreak, meaning if I want to stunbreak I waste my cc and vice versa.

    Spear of Archemorus still hits like a wet noodle.

    This should hit like a train.

    Urn of Saint Victor is still crap.

    There are no words to describe how bad this skill is. At this point I would take an unimaginative "you and people near you get 15k barrier" over its current functionality.

    Alliance skills need more buffs and changes.

    They are still boring, feel like half of a skill, or lack serious impact. Make me want to use these skills. Currently I cannot shake the feel of them being very weak, as if they were Reaper shouts.

    Greatsword could use cc and changes to skill 4

    Skill 4 is never worth it to use offensively, and GS as a weapon could use something like a pull.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Harbinger can be found here

    Condi DPS nerf was a bit overdone.

    Yes, it was extremely strong, but the nerf was overdone. This necro spec sacrifices so much for DPS, it should be topping charts.

    Nerf on shroud skill range should be reverted.

    I feel this change wasnt needed. This spec needs mobility and active defenses. It has none.

    Changes to Blight and Blight Threshold are a step in the right direction, but I'd like to see it affect some more.

    The Holosmith heat-like approach is something I like. Holo heat however not only affects utility skills, but also weapon skills. Pretty please? Skills having multiple Blight levels for effects may also be interesting. Might also be greedy.

    Elixir changes are also a step in the right direction, but aren't there yet.

    I'd still like to give each elixir a unique effect like the engineer ones do ( a reflect, a stealth, an invuln, a stun, create a monstrous minion, etc) but maybe that is greedy. Rethink the thrown part of the elite elixir. It now competes with plaguelands for DPS and loses, while also being massively nerfed for the already weak support build due to the recharge.

    Possibly allow usage of utilities while in shroud.

    Shroud no longer protects our health, so I see no reason we shouldnt.

    Boring traits are not adressed.

    Boring + x% increases, + X in stat Y, or things happening just because I stand in shroud. These still need complete overhauls and become a lot more enticing. THIS SPEC IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO DONE. Elixir traits are not worth using right now.

    Power damage line still needs to go.

    Support power through power scaling modifiers on weapons and skills, but take the traits out to make room for more condi or support options (and open build diversity in the process).

    Condi/power DPS buff based on blight might be a candidate to roll into baseline shroud.

    Use the freed up slot for interesting effects that promote active plays.

    Harbinger lost survivability, but has no active defenses to make up for the loss.

    No damage-absorbing Shroud and you took away lifeforce regenerating our health. But meanwhile we did not get active defenses to compensate. We need more evades, blocks, mobility, etc etc.

    It needs blocks and evades in its kit to compensate for no shroud or barrier to soak damage.

    Elixir skill icons are still horrible.

    Please, don't launch EoD with these horrible icons, I am sure you have amazing artists, make them design proper icons.

    Blight health penalty needs a better visual indicator in the UI.

    Make it something like a green barrier effect starting from the bottom of the health orb or something.


    My Beta 1 feedback on Mechanist can be found here

    Adding pet controls is GREAT.

    This is a step in the right direction, but still feels like it needs some additional fleshing out, possibly with ground targeted commands.

    Not a fan of removing mech attacks and attaching one to the mace.

    Just make those mech attacks easily interruptable so any player command forces the mech to cancel whatever it did and directly use whatever command the player gave. Now you have erased some mech functionality and made another part awkward.

    Mace changes are not enough if you want it to be used as a condi or power weapon.

    Support will use it, but it does not outdamage grenade/bomb auto's for condi/power builds, mainly because nothing in the Mechanist kit buffs confusion for condi, and power still lacking damage modifiers.

    Reduced recharge on mech summon is a GOOD STEP, but it should be even shorter.

    30 seconds max.

    Many traits are still tied to allowing the mech to inherit player stats. This limits trait diversity.

    Make stat inheritance a base functionality or reduce the amount of traits needed.

    Superconducting Signet and Overclock Signet got good changes but still need more.

    I don't want to use the same 4 kits that I have been using since 2012 if I want to play condi. This means Superconducting Signet needs to beat out grenade/bomb/flamethrower, and Overclock needs to be better than Mortar. The difference isn't thát big currently, but I would really like for the new options to be superior, even if only by 0,5k or something.

    Shift signet is overtuned and will likely be mandatory.

    Movement speed, teleport for both me and mech, condi removal, and copies my boons to my mech? How much can you possibly pack in a single skill?

    Traits are still overly mech centralised and almost never give something to the Mechanist.

    Every trait should enhance the Mechanist as well, even if the buff is small.

    Mechanist should have access to some form of toolbelt skills when the mech is not summoned.

    Without the mech you are dead in the water. We need something to compensate for this.

    Crisis Zone is now even better, same goes for Discharge Array.

    Like it.

    Single Edged Cutters nerf, was it needed?

    I am not convinced.

    Make the mech useable underwater

    How hard is this to implement? It would go a long way...


    My Beta 1 feedback on Untamed can be found here

    Reducing Unleash change from 10s to 1s is GREAT.

    That at least invites us to play with the buff more often.

    Scrapping the penalty on Vow of the Untamed is also GREAT.

    This was sorely needed. It is still not enough, but at least this is a step in the right direction.

    Return of pet controls is GREAT.

    There was no reason for this to be gone in the first place.

    Pet Unleash changes still ideally need different skills per pet family, need to become beast skills for trait purposes, or both.

    Entice us using different pets with different unleashed skills.

    Ambush mechanic is a GOOD STEP, but ideally I would like to see more than 1 skill change on anything not hammer.

    Ideally all weapon skills change (just like hammer), or at least 3. Perhaps it is greedy to ask, I don't know. Please, give the hammer treatment to the other weapons as well. Elementalist gets 20+ skills with each new spec, give ranger the same treatment, just this one time!

    Ambush cooldown needs to go down.

    15s is a pain.

    Ambush shared cooldown needs to go.

    It destroys the mechanic.

    Ambush needs a better visual indicator for when it is ready.

    Allow green leaves to swirl over your UI or something, not just a tiny buff icon thats easy to miss.

    Possibly Ambush attacks make the pet do a unique attack as well

    (good excuse to fit more iconic GW1 pet attack in there like Bestial Mauling).

    Ambush needs to be able to get triggered in other ways than just the Unleashed buff.

    Mesmer has more than one way to get access to Mirage Cloak for its ambushes, why not the Untamed?

    Switching between hammer leashed/unleashed skills gets better with 1s recharge on Unleash, but it is not the most elegant solution.

    Unleashed variant imo still needs cc, both versions of the weapon need seperate recharges.

    Play even harder in the 'buff ping-pong' play with the Unleash buff, not just for ambush skills, do more.

    More stuff that triggers on getting/passing it. Damage bonuses, invulnerability, unique buffs, etc.

    Changes to cantrips are GOOD but not enough.

    You want this to fulfill a bruiser role (not unlike Spellbreaker) but are not giving it the supportive tools most bruisers typically need to perform this role. Cantrips doing stuff for allies baseline and the trait that applies barrier upon cantrip usage also giving barrier to allies should be a start, and that might not be enough, with some of the WvW meta moving away from barriers as it is. Elite cantrip should pulse boons, not apply it with one big stack or boon corrupt will kill it. Still no damage and cc (for trait purposes) on the cage cantrip? and the mutate conditions one still doesnt break stun or do cool stuff?

    Restorative Strikes still doesnt affect the pet.

    It should.

    Unleash should give damage or stat bonuses to the pet as well, give us more reason to give the buff to our pet other than to quickly ping-pong it back to ourself so we can use an ambush attack or maybe an F attack if we feel generous.

    We now have somewhat of a reason to put the buff on ourselves, but still no actual reason to put it on our pet.

    Non-unleashed pet attacks should be a different skill ID so the pet can use these attacks themselves.

    There is no reason that I for example have to smash my F1 every three seconds because my pet forgot how to use bite on its own. Make the pet use them automatically or allow us to set these pet attacks to be automatically used.

    CC trait should also trigger on CC applied by the pet.

    Says it all.

    Some traits still need help.

    Stuff like Debilitating Blows or Enhancing Impact are still worthless crap. Can something here not make us dish out AoE damage + dmg bonus whenever we disable stuff or something?

    Damage is still crap.

    Damage for both power and condi is so bad the people over at SnowCrows don't even want to bother putting out an official benchmark for it. That's how bad it is.

    Closing Statement

    Congratulations, you are at the end, you made it! I hope that at least some of the things I have written make sense to you or feel fair. Perhaps you see completely different issues with a spec, or something I missed, or think there are no issues at all. Whatever you think, make sure to let Anet know. And if you feel like there is any value in my observations, please leave an upvote if you have time.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Geralt_Romalion
    [link] [comments]

    Noob here!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 04:22 AM PST

    Hey everyone. This is my first time playing Guild Wars 2 - thought I'd jump in and see how I fared. Have played over 500 hours of Final Fantasy XIV but this feels a little better to grind on.

    Hoping to make some GW2 friends on here and have some fun!

    submitted by /u/darthwilko82
    [link] [comments]

    My one complaint about Vindicator: """5 Targets"""

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 08:30 AM PST

    Thank you wiki, very cool

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 03:32 AM PST

    Turtle appreciation post

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 12:40 AM PST

    I tested out the turtle like many of you peeps. I have to say the turtle is really well done. I was a bit scared on how they would implement the turtle into the gw2 mount system.

    Riding the turtle feels good. You really get the feeling like you run around on a big chonk. They kinda nailed that part. The jumping is not that high. But that not bad. The underwater movement is a bit slow and could also benefit from a bit of a speedboost. But other then the speed the turtle is really good underwater. Trodding on the ocean floor with a buddy nuking all the enemys underwater is great.

    The cannons from te second person do a lot of damage and burning. Me and a buddy had a blast running around in TD and killing chakk left and right. We even could do HP that some people cant do solo. It is really fun.

    To the person of anet that spent a month studying turtle. Ty. The mount is well implemented. They really gave extra attention to details.

    submitted by /u/Chonkothechungo
    [link] [comments]

    A Support Player's Thoughts on Vindicator

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 05:55 PM PST

    So I was seeing a lot of write-ups about the vindicator, but most of them were solely focused on its potential as a damage spec, so I thought I'd get my 2 cents in on it from the other perspective: its role as a healer/utility support. I'm not what people would consider an elite player, so I apologize if my take isn't perfectly encapsulating the current state of the game, but I do a lot of group content and am fairly familiar with Rev at this point, so I don't think I'm unqualified to have an opinion here.

    First off, I think people haven't given the salvation tree a close enough look. I saw a lot of people complaining about how the Urn of Saint Viktor was pretty much useless, but if you spec into resilient spirit + vassal of the empires, even as a solo player you can take zero dmg from the ticks due to passive self barrier application, effectively giving you 50% dmg reduction +50% movement speed permanently while channeling the alliance legend. Pair this with Jalis, sigils of energy, and the charged mist trait in Invocation and you're essentially an unkillable god. There's a lot of fun build craft waiting to be discovered for open world for a variety of different playstyles here, which has me pretty excited.

    And in group content, I think the spec feels really good from a raw healing perspective. With access to AoE healing over time and burst healing, barrier spam with the Saint of zu Heltzer trait, group stun break, crazy condi cleanse, and permanent might and protection application (from the Vassals trait), it's not the worst support I've seen. On top of this, it's the first rev elite spec to really compliment Ventari. I know that people do play heal renegade and boon herald (maybe, sometimes, idk), but as someone who plays a lot of druid, it always felt terrible to be stuck on the non-heal legend when you needed to clutch save the group. With Saint Viktor, we finally have a legend that allows us to truly embrace the role of a primary healer. In more casual settings, I can absolutely see groups getting hard carried by an experienced vindicator.

    That being said, the spec doesn't seem to match up with the meta healers when it comes to boons. Yes, it can give perma-might, protection, regen, vigor, and some occasional resistance, but with no unique offensive boons it just fails to add anything new to the mix for experienced groups. Why would I work my butt off swapping weapons and legends, managing energy, spamming dodgerolls, etc. to buff 5 people when I could turn my brain off playing druid and end up giving MORE boons to MORE people on top of unique squad buffs through frost spirit, sun spirit, and spotter?

    In addition to this, even with the addition of alliance tactics that took it from D tier to A tier for me personally, the spec lacks identity. The dps fanatics aren't even using the Alliance legend, and as I've stated, the support build leaves much to be desired. There are a couple reason why this is the case. First off, Saint Viktor and Archemorous' abilities are far too similar. Why do I want 2 heals, 2 stun breaks, 2 dashes, and 2 ranged, ground-target aoes on the same legend when none of them seem to compliment each other or add unique utility?

    If I'm playing dps, I don't really care about AoE healing, AoE boon application, or group condi cleanse. Conversely, if I'm playing healer I want more utility, not a bunch of mediocre damaging skills with practically none.

    This is where I think they need to take another look and think thematically, "why would I be in alliance with someone who is essentially a clone of me that only wants to pull me in the opposite direction of where I'm trying to go?" These two characters need each other for some reason, but as far as their gameplay is concerned, they might as well go their separate ways. When playing healer, I want a good reason to swap to Archemorous, and as a dps player I want a reason to swap to Saint Viktor. Right now, there is no reason. It honestly would feel better not to even have the option to swap between the two so they could give each more power.

    However, I think that betrays the philosophy of the spec. You need to be able to access both of their skill pools, but I also think the devs should have gone further in allowing us to focus on one legend over the other. As I previously mentioned, there's very little reason to swap to the opposing legend, but even if there were a good reason, it feels SOOOO bad to get stuck on the wrong one. If you're playing healer and you need to swap to Archemorous, you're probably wanting to use 1, maybe 2 skills, then swap right back. You can cheese it a little bit by swapping legends, but then when you swap back you have to blow the alliance tactics cd immediately to get to the skills you actually use. The same goes with dps players. Maybe you have to jump over to Saint Viktor for something, but then you're sitting there with all these healing skills really wishing you hadn't.

    My proposal is that they really own their desire to break the mold with these specs and give us (in practice) 2 legends to channel. Here's how I would do it. You don't even need to separate their trees (although this would be really cool and if they had the time I'd be very much for it). You would just have to give the Vindicator a unique tier 1 minor trait: in place of tenacious ruin you would instead have a selectable minor trait: one for Archemorous, the other for Saint Viktor. If you pick Archemorous, your Alliance legend skillbar is set to him permanently. If you select Saint Viktor, likewise. However, instead of the the alliance tactics skill permanently swapping you over from one to the other, it would act as a temporary channel of the opposite legend. So if you were playing healer, you'd have permanent access to Saint Viktor, but if you wanted to quickly use an Archemorous skill, you'd activate alliance tactics and have a limited window to channel him: in effect, tagging him in for a duration to save your butt.

    The same would happen if you were playing Archemorous. You'd have your skillbar permanently set to him, but if you activated alliance tactics, you could briefly gain access to Saint Viktor's skills. This would remove the "feelsbadman" moments of being stuck on the legend you don't want by allowing you to quickly shift in and out of the "lesser" legend for, say, 5 seconds, then being swapped back forcefully to your "greater" legend (or by either reactivating the ability or just swapping to your core legend).

    I believe this would fix a lot of the flow problems that linger due to the duality of the spec. Right now it feels like you're playing 3 legends at the same time, but one of them is garbage even though you have to use it sometimes just because. With this small change, both halves could shine while still existing together. The strength of the spec would be largely the same, it would just be a huge quality of life buff and make it less confusing for lower-skilled players. This small change would take it from A to arguably my favorite elite spec in the entire game, even with the lack of skill diversity. Thematically and practically it would just make so much more sense.

    Getting back to the support issues, I think it just needs either a unique boon or access to one more desirable boon, specifically when channeling the Urn of Saint Viktor. A cool niche I think it could fill would be to provide pulsing group resolution while you channel, then when you smash it down below 50% you get a burst application for a longer duration. I know conditions are rarely a problem in most encounters, but I feel there's a lot of untapped potential here from an encounter design perspective.

    I know for me personally, encounters with a lot of conditions are hell. When I see Siren's Reef in the rotation, sometimes I just take the day off from fractals. If we had a support uniquely capable of handling groupwide conditions (like Ventari + Saint Viktor alliance legend for example) then perhaps the devs could venture more into the world of condi-heavy fights without making us all depressed.

    And yes, I know FB has access to permanent resolution application, but who wants to see FB be the best at another thing? Not me. Nerf it to the ground.

    There also seems to be a place for Vindicator as a tank, but I'm not nearly experienced enough at tanking to make that call. It just has a lot of dodges and blocks now, so it crossed my mind as something it could be good at.

    Anyway, I just wanted to get my thoughts down for this somewhere and share with anyone who wanted to listen, so if you made it all the way through, thank you. I usually shy away from this kind of speculation, but I really want this spec to be good.

    Good luck to everyone with the rest of the beta!

    submitted by /u/mandala30
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    Can we take a minute to appreciate the GW2 support team

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 01:10 PM PST

    So you always hear about that one friend of a friend of a guildie that accidentally salvaged a precursor... well guess what.

    Let me set the stage. After a long day of work I took some time to relax, get some raids done, collect the last few LI, polish off another piece of envoy armour. Now, ive lost my fair share of runes and sigils stat swapping ascended gear so its now routine to strip everything before it gets mystic forged. Well I bank salvage kits pretty much next to my upgrade extractors and my brain running on autopilot you can guess which one I clicked..

    After recovering from the initial heart attack, I reached out to the support team and they were amazing. Once the salvage rewards were deleted the precursor piece was restored. I haven't had any similar interactions with any other game support staff so I have no point of reference, but I can't imagine many others are as accommodating especially since there was even a "Are you sure you want to salvage this?" confirmation I clicked without thinking.

    So thank you Support Team, on behalf of all the player who do dumb things.

    submitted by /u/Camhaji
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    Is anyone else bothered by how the new Elite Specs weapons don't match with the art design for said class?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 07:21 AM PST

    Is anyone else bothered by how the new Elite Specs weapons don't match with the art design for said class?

    UPDATE: I decided to change a bunch of things in this thread due to some rather unsavory and confused comments.

    It seems like current ArenaNet is undergoing a shift when it comes to the game's art direction. This was a topic of discussion in regards to some of the trailers reveals, but it's now gone as far as affecting weapon skills and utilities.

    While I understand that they're trying to stick close to the whole Cantha theme, I personally find it kind of jarring at how different the new skills look compared to what the core game and Heart of Thorns offered. This was already an issue with the release of Path of Fire (Deadeye, Soulbeast and Spellbreaker), but it was nowhere as predominant as the new specs.

    I'm not really sure how to explain it fully, but the majority of the art created for the new skills doesn't match the original intent and art direction of the original professions and subsequent Elite Specs. The colors and overall aesthetic make these new icons feel out of place. Everything used to be rather form and hint at what these skills were supposed to do, but I can't help but feel like the new icons failed to explain themselves.

    Here's some examples:

    Guardian - Sword/Torch

    Dragonhunter - Bow

    Firebrand - Axe/Shield

    Willbender - Sword/Sword

    Guardian has a heavy focus on blues and different shades of it. I always felt like the icons themselves were pretty straightforward and even memorable. Dragonhunter managed to be just as straightforward. And then there's Willbender; these look more like utility skills and clash with the original design (plus these icons don't really seem to hint at anything in particular, what are these silhouettes supposed to mean?)

    Revenant - Mace/Sword

    Renegade - Shortbow

    Vindicator - Greatsword

    • It went from a wide range of reds, blacks, dark blues and grays... to pure red and blue?

    Warrior - Rifle

    Berserker - Sword/Torch

    Spellbreaker - Dagger/Dagger

    Bladesworn - Axe/Pistol

    • The colors and overall aesthetic don't even match. This was also an issue with the daggers due to use of bright yellows. Berserker's torch fits right in with no issues.

    Mesmer - Greatsword

    Chronomancer - Sword/Shield

    Mirage - Axe/Torch

    Virtuoso - Dagger/Sword

    • The original icons offered a lot of variety not only in colors but in the drawings themselves, which matched the uniqueness of the Mesmer as ArenaNet's baby.
    • The Virtuoso dagger, however, looks too "clean" and sharp. There's almost nothing going for it.

    Necromancer - Staff

    Reaper - Greatsword

    Scourge - Scepter/Torch

    Harbinger - Pistol/Warhorn

    • Necromancer approached its art with a heavy use of greens and different shades of it, with some blue thrown into the mix (similarly to how GW1 did as well). The icons were also pretty unique in the ways they meant to represent the skills, with a big focus on death. You don't have to know much about these skills to know what they do.
    • The pistol clashes with this approach by placing a bigger focus on blues rather than greens. Similar to Virtuoso, it is also too "clean" and there's barely use of anything that would closely associate it with death.

    I can't be the only one, right? It's not as noticeable when it's a two-handed weapon, but the changes are still there regardless.

    submitted by /u/Maulclaw
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    What does Ash Legion say?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 09:03 PM PST

    Was looking all over trying to find the Ash equivalent of "Rely on iron, not false gods". The Blood legion has "Rely on strength, not false gods". So does anyone know Ash Legion's version of it?

    submitted by /u/Druintyr
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    Got the fractal legendary back, kinda want to do something different...what are some in-game awesome items to go for?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 04:14 AM PST

    I love raiding but I don't do it because of how much of a PITA it is to learn them, or even find people to help teach them. So besides raiding, what is some content an avid fractal-er would probably enjoy and get some cool skin/reward from? I like skill based stuff more than time based stuff, but time based stuff is okay too as long as the reward is kinda rare. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bluethunder1985
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    The Originality | Game Design - ArenaNet Guild Wars 2 - Nicholas Hernandez

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Taking lethal fall damage on the turtle kills the passenger.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 03:07 AM PST

    Big Nose Ted Boss Guide

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 06:32 AM PST

    When is a Legendary not a Legendary?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 12:44 PM PST

    When it doesn't contribute towards the 'Legendary Collector' Achievement!

    (Which the new Amulet apparently doesn't)

    "Bind 5 unique legendary weapons or trinkets."

    submitted by /u/Huonwoods
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    Idea: make Jade Mech do a dance.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 01:17 AM PST

    Whenever Mechanist does one of the dance emotes, imagine Jade Mech doing one of it's own aswell.

    I came to this idea while watching it punch stuff in open world and thought it had really good animations so figured what if it could dance aswell.

    submitted by /u/Jastog_ljaponc
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    Game Update Notes: December 2, 2021

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Am I just bad at PvP or Missing Soemthing?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 03:46 PM PST

    I'm a few weeks in, mustered up the courage to take my L80 Condi Rev into PvP.

    Most of my gear is from the L80 boost (celestial) but my weapons and chest piece I've been able to scrape together enough gold for Viper's.

    I. Got. Wrecked. Like, brutally murdered. This is just playing unranked.

    I thought my skill rotations were ok but most people killed me with 70%+ of their life left.

    Somehow I managed my 3 PvP kills for the daily but it took me 4 games (all of which my team lost in what can only be described as massacres).

    I took myself to WvW next, it was fine, mostly because I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. No mounts, somehow I ended up on some random colored team (how does that work?).

    I was able to take some camps and relics I think they were called? Only because there were no other players.

    I did find one other player, I did better. He killed me with 50% of his health left.

    Anyway I got the daily but here are my take always;

    1) WTF is going on? I didn't really understand either the battleground or WvW stuff

    2) Wow I suck, why do I suck?

    3) What's the best place to improve my knowledge and suck less?

    submitted by /u/Xierg
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    Guild Chat: Expansion Gameplay Overview

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 03:17 PM PST

    Busy places to Chill so I can stare at outfits and mounts

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 04:06 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I enjoy chilling out at spots where (a lot of) people come to just afk and relax, maybe talk in map chat. Just to look at various outfits and mounts some people have. I know that Lion's Arch is probably the hotspot for this, but I was wondering if there are other places people come to chill out at?

    submitted by /u/mixantropaz
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    New Elite Specs in a 10 Target World?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 01:27 PM PST

    The new elite specializations seem to be designed with the limitation of 5 targets in mind. This seems to suggest that they will nerf our current 10 man specs to make space for the new specialization. If they do not there simply would not be a reason to run the new specs in non 5 man group content unless they give them giga OP dps, which would be a very unrefined solution).

    If we go back to a 5 target world I also see them making chrono only be able to do quickness or alacrity not both. If chrono can do both we will just be back to the original problem where pug groups only want chrono's because it is easier to fill a group with 2 support slots vs 4.

    Warrior is an interesting space because it has buffs that cannot be supplemented by any other class and making it 5 targets makes it a 2 warrior mandatory spot.(Spirits are strong but far less giga OP than banners.)

    If healing gets brought down to 5 targets it does suck to not be able to heal someone in the other subgroup easily but if they role the ally targeted healing out to other healers that would solve the problem.

    Barrier should probably just never be 10 target it is already so strong.

    If PoF/HoT stays 10 target while EOD is 5 target specs, then the EOD specs will feal bad. This is an issue that must be addressed. The big question is the ripple effect it will have on the game.

    submitted by /u/Pixel5015
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