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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 FFXIV player here trying out GW2 with some initial impressions.

    Guild Wars 2 FFXIV player here trying out GW2 with some initial impressions.

    FFXIV player here trying out GW2 with some initial impressions.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    I just wanted to share my thoughts on the game and see how the community responds to my initial opinions. I am currently also playing FFXIV, but I've been a hardcore player in games like WoW, BDO, and SWTOR, so I have decent MMORPG knowledge. I'm currently 30ish hours into the game with a fresh character levelled to 55 and a boosted one currently playing the level 80 content. I initially wanted to play for PvP because most other MMOs are lacking and I think GW2 has better sPvP than most MMOs. I definitely wanted to get into WvW and do small scale skirmishes, 1vX, 2vX, etc, but found out I needed good/better (Ascended?) gear to compete as it isn't scaled like in sPvP. However, even though I got into the game for PvP, I always play all the content and I'd like to share my thoughts on the experience I've had thus far. I won't be commenting on anything I haven't experienced yet, like raids, fractals, crafting, etc.



    - Map/level design is amazing.

    Exploring feels fun, probably the best open world environments out of any MMO out there. Jump puzzles that give you rewards, events constantly happening around the world, a huge map, several options for which zone to level in, etc. Especially in the 80 zones, when you progressively unlock movement options to get into new areas really made it feel like a Zelda game where you revisit old areas you couldn't before. Some areas also has multiple ways to get to it which is amazing. 3 tier layered zones are kinda annoying, but that's just a personal gripe. I'd rather have 3 tier layered zones than single tier layered zones.

    - Mounts.

    Best feeling mounts in any MMORPG. I don't know why games don't make different type of mounts have unique abilities like GW2 does (BDO comes close but only have horses). Instant cast time, the time it takes to mount after combat, visible mount health, linear mount progression that unlocks new areas, it's just all so good. Using mounts to traverse the top tier open world zones is one of the best things about this game.

    - Dungeons.

    Dungeons actually feel like dungeons. They feel big and have multiple paths to completion and that's great. I'd rather have that than linear dungeons with bosses at certain checkpoints like in FFXIV. I can't speak about the difficulty of them however with my limited experience.

    - World events, events, meta-events, adventures, etc.

    GW2 is unmatched in this for any MMO I've played. These events feel spontaneous and intricate and make the world feel truly alive. The huge meta-events that gather 50+ players into a zone to coordinate and complete them are amazing and I don't feel like any other popular MMO does them as well as GW2 does.

    With that being said, I'd like to enjoy them without getting 30 fps, or having 10 different things dropping into my inventory constantly. I'd imagine after you do them the first 5 times, they become quite tedious and boring given the length of the meta-events, but this game has great horizontal progression for that. One more thing of note: the difficulty of events are pretty good, many events are deadly if you aren't doing it in a group, which I think is 80% good because you need to pay attention and do some mechanics to do open world events and 20% bad because you can't solo some events in a reasonable amount of time if you're solo.

    - Dyeing, Transmogs, and Outfits.

    Best in class, I wish every MMO used GW2s dyeing and transmog system. The outfits are also very nice and flashy and I love the way they look. There's just no debate here, outfits unlock account-wide as well, multiple dyeing channels for each piece of gear, dyes are infinite and can be applied anywhere, 10/10.

    - Community.

    One of the better communities that I've seen so far because so much content requires large groups to coordinate. People doing map completion trains, shouting out events in chat and providing other free services are amazing.


    No doubt one of the better PvP MMOs. I don't have much experience yet but I can say initially that combat feels better in PvP than it does in PvE for me personally. Best sPvP game modes and maps imo. Can't say anything about balance, but I think MMORPGs need a couple of things for PvP to be good: Hard CC, good movement, defensive and offensive utilities to outplay the opponent, have the ability to kill people quickly, and good PvP systems, I think GW2 has most of those if not all of them. Although FFXIV isn't so terrible like people make it out to be, it lacks most of those elements for it to have good PvP. 1v1ing someone takes forever in FFXIV because every job has fat self heals and low burst outside of melee Limit Break, the only player agency you have is who you target.

    -Build Diversity

    Not much else to say here but having more options is great if balanced correctly. Even if a spec is fun to play, if it's underpowered, nobody will play it. I like the options that GW2 gives, it'd be great if every weapon combination can do all content at relatively the same level, but you take what you can get I suppose.


    Adventures are so cool because moving around the map in GW2 feels so good, they're unique and doing them well gives you better rewards and I think that is awesome. Fun little side content, that I think every good MMORPG should have.

    - NPC AI.

    I like how some NPCs run up to you asking for help, I think that's neat. I like how most things are voiced in this game, even random NPCs.



    - So much content to do as a new player.

    I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of content a boosted 80 like myself can do. This can be good and bad depending on how casual a player wants to be. Sometimes, having streamlined content that's forced upon the player is a good thing, rather than having millions of options. Personally, I enjoy all the options, but I know others might not. The game also doesn't force you to do content or do a very good job of showing you how to get into certain types of content (I don't even know how to get into a Fractal or where they're even located). Compare this to FFXIV, the hottest MMO on the block right now, and the game streamlines all its content through the MSQ, makes you do dungeons, trials, raids throughout the entire levelling experience and holds your hand all the way to end game. This makes it pretty easy for a casual player to just hop in and play.

    People keep saying that GW2 is more casual friendly than FFXIV. How? Some of these grinds on this game are insane, and BiS is way faster to get in FFXIV than in GW2 (as far as I can tell, correct me if I'm wrong on this), not to mention the BiS for your spec. I got endgame ready geared within 2-3 weeks of reaching level 80. I can log into FFXIV and queue up for anything and I'm playing the game immediately, that's pretty casual friendly in my opinion.

    I'm not saying GW2 isn't casual friendly, because I think not having a sub makes it somewhat casual, but rather all the different systems and options makes it intimidating for a casual player. Sure, they can hop in and do anything, but how will they know what each millions of pieces of currency and materials do? I'd say the lack of in-game tutorials makes it even less casual friendly especially when you get a free boost to 80 when you buy the game. You can always argue to level from scratch to not be overwhelmed, but let's be real, the game at 80 is way different than the game at 1-79, and if the game gives you a boost why wouldn't you use it? Especially to get things like mounts to make 1-80 feel better on alts. To me, it feels like GW2 is one of the most hardcore MMORPGs out there, that the only people playing are people who have been playing for years, the majority of players that I see are ones with mastery 200+ beside their names.

    - Levelling.

    I think levelling absolutely sucks if you don't have at least the Raptor mount. Maps are too big and jump puzzles are time consuming if you don't have the Springer. Hearts also take way too long to complete, they feel like those shitty sidequests that you don't want to do in video games that you have to do for map completion (they reduced that for the 80 zones thankfully). Many people on this sub are saying hearts and events are better systems because they don't take as long and that FFXIV has huge fetch quests that last an hour or something asinine. Yes, there are many fetch quests and talk quests in the MSQ, but they're so easy and braindead and give a lot of exp that I don't care. Plus, I get progression in the story. In some ways, hearts and events take even longer to do and it's not like GW2 has such revolutionary combat that I LOVE doing them. Who likes pressing 2 damage buttons and auto-attacking while levelling? It may be a bit less braindead than fetch quests, but it's not super engaging or revolutionary like some people on this sub think it is.

    Combat while levelling feels weird in this game compared to others because you get most of your core abilities pretty early on, but only 2-3 of them do meaningful damage, so it feels like I'm just spamming the same abilities for 79 levels because most utility skills you unlock aren't damage abilities (I think?). However, I do think the options while levelling are great, there are more opportunities to fight things for levelling in this game than others that use more streamlined questing. You can grind mobs to level if you want although that does get pretty boring as well.

    I keep seeing people on this sub say that FFXIV's MSQ is boring. Yes, it can get boring at times, but at least you only have to do it once. What about GW2 alt levelling? Who enjoys doing map completions multiple times? I don't even want to do it a 2nd time. If I'm not mistaken, you have to do Hero Points to unlock your specs, so I have to do some map completion to a certain extent right? What are the alternatives? I would say grinding mobs to 80 is just as boring as doing MSQ in FFXIV, except I have to do it on every single alt. Now, levelling alt jobs in FFXIV is also tedious, but I can actually choose what content to do because they all give the same thing at the end of the day, which is experience. 1-50 is pretty bad in FFXIV alt jobs, but I think I would take that over levelling alts in GW2 (I also have to buy character slots to play every class zzz).

    - Combat.

    It's hard for me to comment on combat because I haven't done raids/fractals and I haven't played every class. I enjoy combat in PvP, there aren't many buttons and the buttons you do have are usually high impact in PvP. In PvE, especially while levelling, I think the low amount of damaging abilities doesn't feel great, even with weapon swaps in the mix. I personally enjoy having 6-8 button damaging rotations because it makes the class feel fun to play when executed properly (I'm not counting auto-attacks as a damaging ability because you automatically do it). However, my opinion of this might change once I do more difficult content because you have to do mechanics and such.

    - The mastery system.

    I'm not sure how I feel about the mastery system. Correct me if I'm wrong but the mastery system basically lets the game stay at level 80, making almost all content relevant. I like that I can replay the first expansion and have it be relevant, but my mastery points is outpacing my ability to spend them, I feel like I shouldn't have to level mastery tracks in order to spend my points in them. At least it's account wide so that's a plus. It does leave tons of content to do at 80 and feels like you get to level up still which is a plus, like paragon levels from Diablo 3 but better because you actually unlock things.

    - Story content difficulty.

    The story content is challenging and the fights have more weight to them to add to the story. Not being able to skip dialogue though is annoying for alts. Even if you want to skip the first time to rush to finish the story content, you can't because there are so many unskippable, scripted events and dialogue. I do think I should be able to zoom through story content for the first time to unlock features, and it is very hard to do that in this game. At least let me fast forward text or something after reading it like most other games right? Maybe adopting a difficulty system like SWTOR for chapters of the story so that people can replay them at higher difficulty for achievements and such so that the initial play-through can be nice and casual friendly.

    - Dailies.

    So many dailies. Just so so so many dailies. Yes, the game doesn't have a sub. But it just feels like it's impossible to catch up to current players when there are people who do 99% of the millions of dailies everyday for years and have 10k+ gold and bought every single cash shop item, when I've already run out of material storage playing 20 hours and I don't want to purchase extra storage space with real money. However, there are so many dailies that you can just do anything you want and be rewarded for it which is nice.

    I just don't like the sense of urgency that dailies create because if you miss any, it feels like you aren't maximizing your daily progression. I'd prefer quality over quantity, but that's just me. Personally, I don't view dailies as content, but as chores. It's one of the reasons why I think FFXIV is successful, and I'm sure many of you that have played it to endgame can agree that the game values your time and dailies are few and far between, with the ones that do exist (mainly Duty Roulette) giving huge amounts of experience for the day and not taking very long to do. I get to log in to play the game, and not "gotta do my dailies".



    - Combat SFX.

    The first thing that I absolutely hated initially is the weak combat SFX. Hits don't feel/sound impactful as they look and the screen shake is annoying with big groups of people. I know this is completely subjective, but to give some examples that I've found that were lacking: Elementalist attacks sound weaker than they look (only Lightning felt decent), Thief hits with a dagger are almost realistic sounding to a point where it's underwhelming. It's grown on me a bit, but I still think it's somewhat weak compared to other games. FFXIV, ESO, Tera, SWTOR for example do a much better job at SFX for abilities hitting.

    - Currencies/Materials.

    There are just way too many random currency and material drops. I went through the HoT zones and I just had no idea what the items I was getting were for and they just kept coming in. At 80, I'm opening chests that have bags that contain bags that contain random things, and then I'm just pressing the deposit materials button because I run out of space. Streamlining these currencies/materials would make it so much more casual friendly and less intimidating to deal with. Maybe cut down the million different vendors in the game. It's one of the things I appreciate about FFXIV, the vendors are centralized, and the currency is homogenized.

    - Monetization of basic functions.

    I know this allows for the game to stay sub free, but sometimes I'd rather pay a sub than to have basic functions like Bank Slots, Inventory Slots, Build Slots, Material Slots be limited. Honestly, this is good and bad. On one hand, as a new player, I'm running out of materials space already. On the other, I can drop the game anytime I want and come back for free. It's definitely not as bad as games like BDO who are much more guilty of doing this.

    - Music.

    The OSTs that I have experienced so far have been underwhelming. Maybe I'm spoiled because I also play FFXIV which has top tier music. Any specific zones/fights I should be looking out for in terms of music?

    - Alt-Unfriendly.

    The map exploration is great, super fun the first time going through it, maybe even the second time with mounts, but I feel like the game is stealing my time by not making it account wide. I asked myself why the hell isn't map completion account-wide and the most common answer I found was that map completion gets you crafting materials to craft Legendaries. I mean, that system is so random and arbitrary, just make those materials get unlocked somewhere else so I don't have to explore maps over and over on alts. I don't know how people did it before mounts. I'm trying to unlock all the mounts on my boosted 80 to make levelling on my alts easier. The story quests also not having skippable dialogue is a punch in the dick, as they are a pretty decent source of experience. I guess this issue won't be as bad with mounts, and maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion because I'm spoiled with FFXIV's 1 character all job system.

    - Optimization.

    The game runs decently well for the most part, but I have to put the character limit to lowest to get ~60 fps in populated areas with a decent rig. Doing social activities with 30+ people (something this game excels at) and half of them are just floating nameplates is lame but it's not really a deal breaker for me.

    - LFG system.

    I personally would prefer a queuing system for instanced content. The LFG system feels old and outdated, but it's definitely great for finding groups for open world content. People will always refute this with "I don't want this game to be people just sitting in town queuing for stuff", but what are they doing now? Is it really that much better to not have this feature? I'm actually genuinely uninformed so I'd love to hear what people think about this. Aren't they just sitting outside the entrance waiting?

    - Visual clarity.

    Let me turn down or turn off other players' effects. The game has such good group PvE content and systems in place, it just sucks that I can't see anything clearly in the shitshow of effects and combo fields. This might be inevitable with the amount of players there are doing group content, but idk, some of these world encounters are deadly and I'd like to be able to clearly see their mechanics and do them.

    - Uncustomizable UI.

    There might be addons for this, but I'm only talking about default UI. It would be great if I could make just my boons bigger, or put my debuffs in another area, or adjust the size of the targeting frame. This seems like such a common feature in MMORPGs these days that I feel like GW2 should have these features but they don't.


    TL:DR; Overall I think GW2 is one of the best MMORPGs currently, but leaves a lot to be desired. If you think I came here to say X game is better than Y game, then you'll be disappointed because both games do different things for different audiences. It will always be 100% subjective.

    Sorry for the length, those are my thoughts so far, and I'd love to hear what /r/Guildwars2 thinks.

    submitted by /u/WishbladeZ
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    Griffon flying, from 2019 to 2021 :D

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    While waiting for EoD. I give another MMO a try. And it make me a little frustrated.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Experiences of a WoW refugee on GW2 and WvW

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    To give out a bit info about myself, I'm an ex-WoW PvP player who has seen 2.8-2.9 rating as healer on WoW arena and played against many AWC e-sport players, WoW arena streamers and so on. I have played WoW in a really hardcore and competitive way for years and enjoyed most of it, but due to recent changes in PvP, the one shot meta which has started to be a real burden for healers, my arena mates dropping and due to the overall state of the game, I stopped playing and decided to find something new and fresh.

    As like everyone who dropped WoW, I first tried playing FF. After reaching level cap, I tried the PvP but it felt like... a joke. Don't get me wrong, overally the game was good, levelling and story experience was great and really enjoyed most of it but I couldn't find what I looked for in that game. PvE is not my thing also so after all this I stopped playing and started searching something else.

    After some time a friend of mine sent me a video about GW2 and it's WvW mode. After watching it I decided to try it asap. I downloaded the game and created a necromancer because after watching some class guides, I really liked concept of it and I was burnt out of support classes because of WoW.

    At the start, levelling felt really bad and boring. Doing hearts instead of quests felt interesting at start but I got bored of it really fast, so I bought PoF and got a level 80 boost and used it on my character. (I know that you guys don't approve this but I'm really happy that I did it, or I could have stopped playing GW2 too)

    So after the boost I went directly into WvW, but now what? This is the only negative I have ever faced with this game regarding WvW. You enter it, spawn in the main camp but there are no tutorials, no indicators, nothing to help you when you first give it a go. You open a map, there are zones, camps, keeps, carts but what you have to do? What are those reward tracks, which should I choose? How will I get gear, these traders want specific currencies, what is the way to get them? How will I get those zones, who am I fighting against? There is a big zerg that just quit the spawn, do I follow them, should I follow them? Maybe I should roam around and explore the map myself, ask around to join a party or find a guild. So after watching some more guides, I joined my first squad and it was really mindblowing.

    We were like 25 strong, we got some camps, a keep or two, did ZvZ against red faction, pushed and wiped them back a couple of times. I really enjoyed it and it really felt great. After some time they called people to discord and also had great time there. I told the commander that I'm really new and it's my first time playing GW2. He and the whole squad helped me at my first hours with everything, before logging off he added me as friend ingame and told me that I can ask any question that comes to my mind. I wasn't expecting community to be this helpful after WoW, where when you find randoms on any mode, it gets really toxic after some loses.

    After my first week, I decided to find a guild and found a WvW based group who are also really cool and helpful people. They helped me with gearing, skill rotation, movement and so on. I did GvG with them this week, and I should accept that GvG is where the WvW mode of the game shines and gets really serious. It's a great feeling when you wipe other guilds, doing duels, and watching randoms follow your guild because you wipe everyone you encounter. It gives a feeling that even years of hardcore WoW couldn't give, you are in a zone where there is action 24/7. You can hop in anytime, do some pvp, roam around, join zergs, do GvG and so on. It's basically wild west but you feel like you are part of something bigger and this games gives me the real MMO feeling I had when I was very little and just started playing MMORPGs.

    This is so far my experience with GW2 and WvW. I haven't really tried anything else so far, only did some unranked arenas. I was thinking of getting back to WoW after the current patch/expansion but now I think I found my new home. I'm really excited for EoD also, the new alliance system sounds really cool and can't wait to try it.

    Sorry for the long read!

    submitted by /u/Atreimedes
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    GS Rev, yes please

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    Me: Logs In. My Characters:

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    New Version: tiny WvW kill counter (Version 2)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:18 AM PDT


    • shows kills and deaths during your current wvw session in a tiny window ingame.
    • This is how it looks

    What is new?

    • multiple accounts support
      • multiple api keys can be added to switch between accounts
    • ui scaling
      • UI size can be scaled in settings dialog (50% - 500%). click for screenshot
      • error/settings dialogs are bigger now, but not affected by UI scaling setting.
    • bugfixes
      • fixed crash when settings dialog is confirmed and a valid api key was already set previously
      • fixed crash when api server fails to answer to the 5 minute interval api calls (happens irregularly). But it will still crash at startup or when the api key is changed and the api server does not respond. (just restart the tool in this case).

    Quick start

    • click to download
    • double click on Gw2TinyWvwKillCounter.exe to start it. The tool should appear on the top left of your screen.
      • If a windows warning appears. close it. rightclick on the exe -> settings -> General tab -> Security: tick the "allow" checkbox.
      • It is a tiny window, you may miss it at first
      • requirement: gw2 in windowed fullscreen or Window mode
    • click gear-icon and then plus-icon to enter one or more api keys
      • api key permissions: account, characters, progression
      • you can create an api key here https://account.arena.net/login -> applications tab -> new key -> check Account, Characters, Progression
    • confirm dialog
    • Kills/deaths counters are updated roughly every 5+ minutes. There can be bigger delays of 15-20 minutes. Gw2 api updates the data really slow and the data can be outdated too
    • optional: click 0-icon to reset kills/death counter to 0 again

    just blabla from here on. You can ignore it if you just want to try out the tool.


    • tiny window: move it to where it does not annoy you
    • no installation needed: everything in a single exe file, no coping of .dlls and stuff
    • not ToS breaking: it just displays information from the official gw2 api and is not messing with gw2 itself.


    • kill/death updates are delayed and can be outdated: the gw2 api only refreshes this data every 5 minutes at best. But even then the data from the gw2 api can be outdated. So dont expect to see your kills in realtime (sadly). You can compare the total kills in the tooltip with the Realm Avenger achievement to see whether the data is up to date

    How does it work?

    possible future features

    • make tiny window more tiny by showing menu buttons only on mouse over.
    • another tiny window or tooltip that shows kills and k/d for each world for each map in current skirmish. Maybe with an skirmish history. maybe in a more minimal way, because there are already many good websites for that.

    why is the exe so large?

    • the tool itself is less than 1MB small. But I wanted to try out the newest version of Microsofts C# runtime (NET 5) which is not included in the current windows 10 version, i think. So i had to put it into that exe, too (microsoft calls that "self contained"). It wont be installed on your PC, but microsoft unpacks it in the background to run my tool everytime you start the exe. It is similiar to the java runtime you have to install for java software. Maybe in a future version i find a different way to solve this.
    submitted by /u/Arkinu
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    We could have so many strikes missions already here in the Living World

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    Here's a Guild Wars 2 Meme

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Abaddon's Ascent Jumping Puzzle

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    Waiting with boys for mighty Tequatl The Sunless

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Please. Can that poor Npc Auris Weirdbringer get its story resolved with the Aetherblades in End of Dragons?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 01:11 PM PDT


    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Hello Gamers!

    We are back with another Tournament, this time we journey into the Mists!

    I present to you the HardStuck Mistlock Madness Speedrun Tournament!

    The tournament will feature a double elimination bracket format, where every match two teams will fight it out LIVE, for a chance to win part of a 30k gold ingame prize pool and more!

    The Fractals will be a full clear run.

    The tournament will take Place on Friday August 27 at 2pm EST, and Saturday August 28 at 2PM EST

    Depending on the amount of teams signed up, we may add an extra weekend for September 3rd and 4th

    The early bracket rounds will be bo3 with the semi final and final games played with a bo5.

    T4 Fractals and all 3 CM's will be randomly picked before each round.

    Bo3 matches will have 2 T4 Fractals and 1 CM randomly chosen.

    Bo5 matches will have 3 T4 Fractals and 2 CMs randomly chosen.

    The following are the 10 T4s that were chosen by a community poll to be drawn in the tournament

    1. Thaumanova Reactor 2. Aetherblade 3. Chaos 4. Uncatogorized 5. Volcanic 6. Sirens Reef 7. Sunqau 8. Cliffside 9. Molten Boss 10. Twilight Oasis

    Prizes can increase and if anybody is interested to donate, you can do so by sending in items to

    guild mm.4269 30,000g prizepool so far


    1ST Place: 50% of total prizepool

    2nd Place: 25% of total prizepool

    3rd Place: 15% of total prizepool

    4th Place: 10% of total prizepool

    I will try to get gem sponsorship and other possible prizes such as titles, if anything happens, I will announce at a later date.


    Most of the rules are in line with the speedrun website

    1 Person from every team must be chosen to stream for their team. The two teams will be shown on the main stream for timers and side by side play

    A. Abilities, Traits & Pets

    • Placing Traps/Preparations, before the timer starts, is limited to one per ability per player.

    • Stacking "Light on your Feet" is prohibited if the corresponding trait is removed before the timer starts.

    • Racial Abilities are prohibited.

    • Abilities exclusive to the Digital Deluxe or Collector's Edition of Guild Wars 2, are prohibited.

    • Ranger Pets tied to Hall of Monument rewards and therefore Guild Wars 1 are prohibited.

    • Precasting any traits or passives before time starts is prohibited.

    B. Equipment

    • Precasting any runes or sigils passives before time starts is prohibited.

    C. Food & Items

    • Enhancements granting attributes upon revival (Sharpening Skulls, Flasks of Pumpkin Oil etc.) are prohibited.

    • Food or utility swapping mid fight is prohibited.

    • All non-food/non-utility consumables, boosters, gizmos, etc. are banned, except the following:

    1. Executioner's Axe ( Updated to banned)

    2. White Mantle Portal Device

    3. Endless Choya Piñata Tonic ( Updated to Banned)

    4. Omni Pot to those asking is allowed.

    D. Interface Glitches

    Abusing the interface to perform otherwise impossible actions is prohibited.

    This includes but is not limited to:

    • Having a Ranger Pet while being merged on Soulbeast

    • Keeping passive effects of Signets after swapping them out

    • Casting skills and swapping them without the slot going on cooldown due to trait line movement

    E. Miscellaneous

    • Map breaking is prohibited.

    • Swapping classes/characters mid fractal is allowed.

    · Classes are restricted to 1 class per player ( e.g you can not have a FireBrand and Dragonhunter in the same party)

    · Agony resistance will be capped at 207 for the tournament

    · A start signal will be sent through the HardStuck Competitive guild chat in which each team will need at least one member to see the signal. Once both teams confirm they are ready for the 3 minute countdown we will begin. Teams will be notified at two minutes, one minute and 30 seconds before the round starts. The final 10 seconds will be counted in chat (10 9 8 7 etc) and then the start signal to begin the round will be the word 'GO'

    E. fiery dragonslayer weapons are banned

    F. Each Team is allowed Two Substitutes that can be swapped between rounds if they choose to do so.

    Best of luck to all teams, we will see you in August!

    Sign ups are open! Click Here: https://bit.ly/3e8bC0K

    Join the stream discord for all tournament info, discussion and more!


    Join the HardStuck Community and become part of an active discord that pushes content, tournaments, ingame support and much more!


    You can find some initial comments on the original reddit post below


    submitted by /u/GuildMM
    [link] [comments]

    Are Gemstore Exclusives becoming too extreme

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Hey there guys, I, as someone with a couple thousand hours logged in gw2, am writing this now, as I recently introduced my girlfriend to the game.

    Shes fascinated by it, loves the world, loves the gameplay, but especially loves the fashion aspect. Now a difficult situation emerged: She was seeing a lot of people with cool, beautiful and shiny outfits, and started asking me how to get these gear pieces (especially weapons).
    And almost every time the answer was, that she would have to buy them from the gemstore; or even worse, you cant get them at all, because they are currently not listed in the gemstore, in order to create urgency when they do arrive.

    This has been really demotivating for her, and I totally understand that. Yes you can farm gold and convert it into gems, but that no fun for most people, that just fells like work.
    Whats your opinion about this, and is there anything we can do, or how could the system change while still respecting anets need to make money?

    submitted by /u/Gleb_T
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    My favorite GW2 past-time- capturing epic moments like these (more in comments)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    I like quaggans, so I had one tattooed!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Tekkit-inspired Orichalcum and Passiflora nodes for TacO

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    I couldn't find any TacO guides for Orichalcum nodes, only online map pictures. So inspired by the great Tekkit, I made a simple guide for the nodes in https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/38543-rich-orichalcum-node-locations

    I also included a Passiflora guide

    Download link:


    To install, just extract to the POIs folder

    submitted by /u/Excellent-Living-716
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    Haven't played for some time. Attempting to get hyped for EoD by making a wallpaper with every profession so far.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    I mean if FFXIV is somehow selling out with garbage clunky combat and ps3 graphics how is this game not blowing up? I feel like all the WoW refugees would like this game more but for some reason no one is even talking about it

    submitted by /u/Sinsiski
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    Could Alliances have a negative impact on WvW?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    This is something I've been thinking about lately. Right now I think one of the major "saving graces" of WvW is how easy it is to jump in and out of. And to be frank, how casual it is. Its a PvP mode that you can jump in, have fun, not really care about winning the skrimish/maps. Just roam around with a zerg fighting and having fun. Talking with friends from games like Albion Online, it is also a major reason they like to play Gw2. Because compared to their Albion Online guilds, its much less stressful and "serious". So they can play it to pretty much relax.

    There's been some concern over alliances making the mode "less casual friendly". It's a weird situation for casual players. They sort of rely upon WvW guilds and their players to lead the zergs and organize everything. They like to be able to jump in, group up with these groups, have some fun, then jump out. But if alliances are released and things start to become more serious (especially if the scoring system changes), then there's concern that the match making system will make it harder for these casual players to find these players who are putting in the work to organize. At the same time those WvW guilds who are organizing are playing at a serious level higher than casual (not necessarily "sweaty" all the time, but they care more than the casual player to try), so they're going to try to get as high in the matchmaking system as they can. With other players who treat it more seriously. Another major thing I've learned from talking PvPers who play Gw2 WvW on the side for fun/casually is that when they try to take the game serious, there are some mechanic issues that they believe severely hinder the game's ability to present a fun competitive scene. Things like the snowball effect, the way AoE target caps work, etc. So if they end up having to play GW2 seriously, they may just go back to their previous games so they don't have to deal with things they find frustrating.

    That's not to say the current system is good either. There are some servers that are either dead or their WvW guilds only play for 1-3 hours a day. So the rest of the day they're pretty much getting steamrolled. But this whole conversation got me thinking on I wonder how they're going to handle the casual playerbase. Will they be left behind? What percentage of WvWers are conisdered "casual"? And will Alliances actually do more harm than good to WvW (wouldn't be the first time something with good intentions ends up causing damage).

    submitted by /u/PalwaJoko
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    Iam going to make a question OLD AS TIME...... do you play whit action camera..?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:46 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Dmask13
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