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    Monday, November 1, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I think this one might rustle some jimmies (if they can see it)

    Guild Wars 2 I think this one might rustle some jimmies (if they can see it)

    I think this one might rustle some jimmies (if they can see it)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    The Commander And Investment

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    ANet needs to update the Chest of Loyalty

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    Login rewards were added roughly 7 years ago, and havent been updated since. For the most part, they are fine. Some are better than others, but that is normal.

    The main issue I have is with the final day, which gives the Chest of Loyalty. You are given 4 options:

    1. 20 Laurels

    2. 8 Obsidian Shards and 7 Mystic Clovers

    3. 2 Ascended crafting mats, and a Vision Crystal.

    4. 6 Tomes of Knowledge.

    20 Laurels and the Shards and Clovers are perfectly fine. Laurels are always useful, or valuable, and Clovers are worth ALOT if you are going for a legendary. The ascended crafting mats aren't worth much, especially when compared to what 20 laurels can get you. And the 6 tomes of knowledge is literally a joke. The last 2 should either be buffed, or replaced with something alot better, to match the Clovers and Laurels.

    Side note, the Laurel vendor needs to be changed also. At the very least to get rid of alot of the clutter.

    submitted by /u/Coooturtle
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    Leaving the mech of Mechanist undyeable or without skins will lead to a surge of players with armours gold and green colored.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    Its almost mathematical, believe me.

    submitted by /u/Skaers
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    Heroic Edition Giveaway

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    Heroic Edition Giveaway

    EDIT :Giveaway Ended!

    as previously given away the past loots this time i am giving away the Heroic Edition giveaway



    1. Guild Wars 2 (core version)
    2. A set of armor
    3. 18 Slot Mithril Box
    4. 4x Heroic Boosters

    There are 10 orso, so please leave it to the ones who really needs it! just leave a comment with a reason code will be useful for you!

    submitted by /u/henser
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    Flying through updrafts on Skyscale or Griffon should partially restore your stamina bar

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Title. I mean it does make sense, right?

    submitted by /u/MeesterChair
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    Giving away 10 gifts of 50 gold, with the only condition being you pass on 20 of it to someone else

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Previously I did 2 seperate giveaways of 2k worth of skins which left me a bit skint so this is a bit less extravagant but still something to get people feeling good.

    Obviously I cant police this so if you take 50g and dont pass any on you need to take a look in the mirror. If you're interested just post a comment and you're in game ID and I'll be back in a day or two to pick 10 people and distribute this to them.

    Paying it forward is a great feeling!

    submitted by /u/emcee1976
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    Get Ducked

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    How To Make Gold In Guild Wars 2 While Still Having Fun! Part 1 : The Ultimate Meta Train

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Happy Halloween! (My GW2 Halloween 2021 experience in pictures)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Journal entries of a new player, for vets and newbs to enjoy!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    Hey all! I started a week ago and I'm thinking I wanted to do a little end of week perspective post. Showing vets what a new player is seeing and learning weekly.

    A) would people want that? B) would people like to have an RP section of the post as my characters learnings and journey? C) I'm loving this game. Thank you to everyone who has reached out!!!

    Many love, Nurl

    submitted by /u/NurlRunidae
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    What class did you think “Never in a million years will I play this class” but when you did they were very fun and possibly your new favorite?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    I was curious if anyone else has felt this way during their time in Guild Wars 2. For me that class was the Elementalist. When I got into this game waaaaaay back a couple months after it's launch I thought Necro was going to be my one and only character, but I played for about a month and then lost interest in the game and put it on the back burner for quite some time. I then had a friend get me back into the game when Path of Fire was released so I booted the game up and decided to try Ranger since they have a pet to help them fight and they had the Druid elite spec which sounded amazing to me. I ended up playing for a week and put the game back down. About 2-3 months ago I jumped back on when the same friend told me about the next big expansion being announced. So I got back on and saw the Revenant and thought they look pretty cool and played one for about a month and still wasn't sure if they were the one for me. So at that point I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep playing or give another class a try. I didn't want to play elementalist because that's what my friend played and all he did was complain about how much of a glass cannon they are. So I like to play Tanky classes in most MMO's and didn't think I would like them at all because of that. But then I saw Vallun's Tempest build video and saw all the cool stuff they could do and was like "I gotta give this class a chance!" So I made one and have been very happy with the class since I made them. I also found out they can be a decent support with the water attainment stuff and support classes are always something I find fun. There is just never a dull moment on the class, plus I get to click all the buttons haha. So I'm very curious to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences. I also would like to let newer players or even returning ones know that you should try out a class you haven't played yet if you've been thinking about it and have an extra character space available, because you never know you might find your new main.

    submitted by /u/Rusty-Knucklez
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    Not new but Modniir Ulgoth has been bugged all weekend.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    I searched the subreddit and apparently, it's a thing that this boss bugs a lot as there are posts from 2018 talking about this.

    But I've gone to this boss for the majority of the time slots this weekend and it's been bugged every single time.

    It's pretty ridiculous that this boss is tied to so many collections and that we have to wait till an update or map change (that could take a week or more) to finally unbug and finish this.

    I've sent a bug report each time and I'm sure many of us have. I just wanted to bring it to light again because it's such a major turnoff.

    submitted by /u/xagus012
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    Musings of A Curious Sylvari: Beyond the Forest, Beyond Sylvari

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Musings of A Curious Sylvari: Beyond the Forest, Beyond Sylvari

    Today is my first day leaving the forest that marks my home. I had been near the swamp up north but never into it or past it. Larra, the asura we rescued from the krait, suggested we go to the skritt in Mount Gnashington up north, as she believes they have the mirror Tegwen seeks. I suggested going to the Hylek first to inform them of the death of the one we had freed and lost at the krait spire. Larra seemed rather against the idea, but Tegwen proposed that Carys and I go see the Hylek while she and Larra head north to the skritt. Larra seemed alright with it, and Carys, exuberant as ever, agreed as well. We have some time together before we part, but after that Carys and I are off to the bay to see the hylek.


    Before we split I had some time to talk to Larra. She started a conversation marveling (somewhat) at my ability to write while walking, a skill I suppose I have begun to pick up from my time writing in this journal. I talked to her about her people, and what they are like. She seemed to only placate my questions because she could talk about her studies in "instantaneous material transference." I could not understand what she meant for the most part, except that it was related to gates like the one in the Grove, but it was fascinating to listen to nonetheless.

    It is curious to have a society structured purely on what one knows; research, discovery, invention. A society where the smartest and most innovative rise to the top. I voiced my thoughts on their society, mostly how surprised I was that they had barely spread through the jungle. She began to tell me of a larger issue in their society, that being their natural selfishness. Many asura, at least until recent years, have been incredibly reluctant to share their knowledge with others outside their krewes. Interesting. Why not share what you learned with others? What benefit is there to keeping it to yourself? We split off before I could ask.


    We are alive after our visit to the hylek, unlike Larra's assumption. Some of them were greatly saddened with the knowledge that he had died. They sent a party out in an attempt to recover his body, saying that they needed to "allow Zintl to drink of his essence." I asked what they meant by that, and they brought me to a multitude of slabs of stone arranged near the beach. Atop these stones were a multitude of hylek corpses in various states of decay. Some of them seemed freshly killed, others seemed strangely shriveled. It appears they leave their dead in the sun for weeks to months before burying them, or in this case burning them.

    The stark adherence to tradition is commendable among these hylek, even when the undead are plaguing the coast. The bodies they leave out here often become Zhaitan's thralls, and instead of simply burning the bodies when they die, they are willing to kill their risen brethren simply to uphold what they believe. It is a difficult predicament, one I would not at all enjoy being in myself. If Carys, [Tiachren's name follows but is scribbled out vigorously], or Caithe fell, it would feel horrible to be forced to burn them to avoid having to kill them again.


    I find the skritt strangely endearing, or at least from what I've gathered in my visit to their home in Gnashington. Their frantic enthusiasm they hold as they rush through their lives, as if any moment where they are not moving as quickly as possible could end them. This in part may be due to the constant threat of the "fire-monsters," which Larra explained as the destroyers, minions of another elder dragon who forced the skritt from their old home deep underground many years ago, much like what happened to the Asura.

    Yet despite their quickly-moving day-to-day lives, they are averse to truly working in most situations. They are foragers, building their society off of other societies, using the most useful or shiny things they can find instead of making it themselves. Most would look down on them for such things, but considering their… limited intellect, I find it commendable the things they can accomplish when they gather themselves together. If we could pool our minds together like the skritt, I can only imagine what we might be able to do.

    It took some persuasion, but we finally managed to convince the skritt to allow us to take a look at what possibly is the mirror we have been looking for. Let's hope this visit wasn't for nothing. Understanding this mirror may help me understand Orr, and someday, defeat Zhaitan.


    Tegwen is trapped in the mirror, somehow. Carys and I are taking it to Trahearne, as he knows more about Orr than anyone I know. We need to hurry, so I won't have time to write on the way back.


    submitted by /u/themightylemur
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    For cheaper power food, use Plate of Spicy Moa Wings

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    For much of GW2 lifespan, the meta for Power food tended to be Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash. However this item was oftentimes more expensive than alternative food, especially whenever the meta favored power.

    You should know that LS5 introduced a new food that gives the same benefits, but is much cheaper: Plate of Spicy Moa Wings.


    submitted by /u/Anon_throwawayacc20
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    What is Causing The Greatsword to go all Glowy White?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Any video of a Mechanist using Eureka ?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Catalyst - Unique EARTH Combo Field

    Posted: 01 Nov 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    I cannot help but wonder about how my favourite profession got a horrible elite specialisation this expansion. I did not enjoy playing the catalyst at all (at least, not when compared to the entire paradigm shift that weavers & tempests evoked). So I started thinking of a way to give the catalyst a more pronounced unique flavor. One of the things that honestly bothered me the most, was the Poison field on the Earth attunement.

    To me, this was a perfect opportunity to add an elite-specialisation specific combo field (it would carve out an extremely niche position for it in a lot of different positions), meaning that the elite spec would have a very pronounced impact. Yet, this has not happened, and I wonder why? Was there not enough development time to create an entirely new combo field?

    In any case, an Earth combo field could provide the following interactions:

    • Blast: Area Protection
    • Leap: Magnetic Aura
    • Projectile: Weakness
    • Whirl: Weakening bolts

    This would give a very nice interaction in WvW (area protection) and PvP (weakness application). Of course, this is a very small addition, so I can understand it if people would deem it unnecessary. But at least it could give the Catalyst a more... stand-out idenity.

    submitted by /u/Iscera
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    My take on the Mad King��

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    "Shooting star", fun character showcase as Guild Wars 2 themed music video.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2021 11:58 AM PDT

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