• Breaking News

    Friday, November 26, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 All the classes drawn by an AI. Some of them are just… weird.

    Guild Wars 2 All the classes drawn by an AI. Some of them are just… weird.

    All the classes drawn by an AI. Some of them are just… weird.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 09:04 AM PST

    Tea break

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 11:18 PM PST

    [BLC Unlocked] - The Detailed Results of BETA DATA Event #1

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 12:01 PM PST

    tl;dr - read the bolded headers

    After many hours and late nights entering data into spreadsheets, it's finally here, the results of over 14,000 keys opened in the 3rd elite spec beta, in summarized and over-analyzed fashion. The same data set would have cost nearly $15,000 US via the standard 25 key bundle price. Original post here for the unaware

    The public spreadsheet can be found here: BLC Beta Data #1 Results

    We obtained the answers to several questions and found some unintuitive behavior that should really be advertised better by ArenaNet. Here are the high-level points:

    The Common Drops do NOT have equal drop rates.

    First of all, there are two separate pools for the left and right common drops. It is impossible to get two drops from the same pool, for example, two dye kits, or a Ticket Scrap and TP to Friend.

    Within these loot tables, the drop rates can vary UP TO 300%. Some items, like Revive Orb, Transmutation Charges(x5) and Ticket Scraps have ~15% drop rate, while others like Tyrian Exchange Voucher, Lockbreaker Kit, and Guaranteed Weapon Unlock have ~5% drop rate. Our margin of error is less than 1% on all of these, so these drop rates are just blatantly different.

    The chance for an extra drop is about 10%

    Not much to say here. The sum chance of getting any exclusive/uncommon/rare/super rare is 10%

    The extra drop table HEAVILY favors exclusives

    The chance to get an exclusive unlock from the extra drop is ~40/30/20/0% depending on how many unlocks you already have (0/1/2/3 respectively). We are not sure how this behaves in a chest with only 2 exclusive unlocks.

    This means that your relative chance of getting any OTHER uncommon/rare/s.rare is relatively lower by the same amount.

    If you receive an extra drop that is NOT an exclusive unlock, the rates are ~72.5/ 26.8/ 0.7% for Uncommon/ Rare/ Super rare

    Our sample size is very small for Super Rare, and even Rares tbh, but we still have a defined confidence interval for both. Rares are 23.24% - 30.37% and Super Rares are 0.02% - 1.35% (in other words, somewhere between 1 in 74 and 1 in 5000, lol)

    Keep in mind that these rates are for extra drops (10% chance) that are NOT exclusives (which takes up 40/30/20% of that if you have any exclusives remaining)

    Exclusive unlocks do not appear to have a "pity" system (Guaranteed maximum chests before an unlock)

    The longest streak of chests without an exclusive unlock (other than those where all exclusives were already obtained) was 133. There could be a pity point beyond that, but it's already more than 2.5x the average, so it seems unlikely that such a system exists.

    Somewhat Inconclusive: Exclusive unlocks have the same drop rate as each other

    The first unlock appears to be evenly distributed, each drop with an error margin within 5-6% and are well within that range.

    The second unlock is unexpected, when the helm or boot was unlocked first, the second drop appears very even chance. However, our data when the Mount was unlocked first suggests that the Helm is more likely to drop. This is a small sample size, but is significant enough to fall outside of the 99% confidence interval we have used everywhere. This is likely an outlier, and since there are nearly 100 places we have used a 99% conf. Interval… it's not entirely unlikely for one to be out of place.

    Inconclusive: Black Lion Weapon Skins appear to have the same drop rate as each other

    This is the general assumption based on previous research (such as aetherized weapons in our 1.1 million fractal Encryptions), and we did not get enough data to conclude that any weapon type is more or less likely. Also, the margin of error on Dark Wing Skins is too large to say that it suggests an equal distribution.

    We deserve transparency in our purchases

    Anet, this information should not be up for speculation and study by player funded events abusing a niche behavior in a beta meant for expansion hype. There are mobile gacha games with more transparency in their gambles than you do with these loot boxes. Do the right thing.


    We still have some questions we want to answer in the final EoD beta.

    1. Do any of these drop rates change from chest to chest?
    2. How does the new Vintage Weapon box affect the uncommon tier?
    3. Can we narrow our error margin for rares and super rares?

    So please, if you liked reading this post and would like to help out (and earn some rewards from us along the way) Join the BETA DATA #2 event, more information here.

    The more people join, the more Legendaries we have to give up! (Raffle preview graphic) See you in the beta on Tuesday~

    A massive THANK YOU from us to EVERYONE who made this possible,

    Shiny, Selici and Zanar

    submitted by /u/ShinyMeta
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    Introducing: Divinity's Landing - Tyria Rediscovered

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I am thankful to AGS as it took me playing New World for me to reappreciate the splendor of Guild Wars 2.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:40 AM PST

    In the spirit of the holiday, I feel compelled to thank AGS for reigniting my passion for Guild Wars 2. I had fallen out of love with GW2 nearly 2 years ago, during which time I had found New World's trailer. I became enamored with what I thought NW was going to be and I was so blind by the new infatuation that I had puffed up my hopium to legendary levels.

    In true puppy-love fashion, I dedicated as much of my free time as possible to testing NW in every stage (alpha, preview events, betas), advocating for NW, sweet-talking friends and family into getting the game, being understanding of AGS's actions, and defending those actions from valid scrutiny.

    I had it in my head that when NW was released, that it would be a polished game upon delivery, and from the surface, it appeared polished. But as my Grandma always says, "A polished turd is still just a turd." There was very little evidence that the feedback provided during the testing phase was utilized by AGS and there were extensive threads with supporting evidence on known bugs/exploits, threads with hot debates that had players agreeing en masse about some topics (i.e. quest sharing/Company banking) and other topics that had a split (i.e. Stagger/Mounts). The alpha community was very active and vocal on the forums, for all the good it did the game.

    Pardon me, I was about to go on a rant tangent. Back on point:

    I ignored every red flag of a one-sided relationship because I loved what AGS was creating and I thought they loved it too. I could have deluded myself into believing that the AGS team was sincerely invested in their creation, that they loved what they were doing, and that they loved the player-base that was invested in their world---but I know what that kind of love looks like because I had witnessed it, experienced it, and been deeply involved with it in Guild Wars 2. Love for a gaming community looks like ArenaNet, not like AGS.

    Having endured heartwrenching disappointment over the steaming pile that is New World, I found myself launching Guild Wars 2 again. I didn't think that I would be excited to return to Tyria. I thought loading in this time would be like every time before during these last two years---I'd hop in just to hop out in 10 minutes. But this time...I got caught up in map chat and had a friendly conversation. I had forgotten how nice the inhabitants of GW2 are. I found an event chain and teamed up with other players---we worked together instead of competing for the highest damage for loot purposes. I had forgotten how community-centric GW2 was. I sat down and had tea with a Charr in Divinity's Reach as we discussed our outfits. I had forgotten how easy-going Tyrians are.

    I'm back home and I feel ashamed for having ever left, but having done so---I have come to appreciate ANet and Guild Wars 2 so much more. I'm happy to be settling back into Tyria and adding fuel to my rekindled fire for the story, the diverse playstyles, and the community.

    (Disclaimer: I still believe that New World has a good foundation and potential to become a great game, I just lack the trust in AGS to see it through. I will still be logging in to Aeternum as I have friends who are playing but should their enjoyment waiver and they leave the game---I will have no qualms with dropping NW altogether.)

    submitted by /u/AariciaOfSundown
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    Flying tea time

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 05:37 AM PST

    Guild Wars 2 Annual Raid Training Day

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 05:09 AM PST

    Hello Guild Wars 2 Community!

    Have you ever looked at Raid LFG? Almost all listings have something in common. They ask for KP (Kill Proof) or LI (Legendary Insights). You're new to raids so how are you supposed to do raids if you need raid experience?

    This event is dedicated for people like you but not only.

    On 19th December [UAW] is organising the Annual Raid Training Day, dedicated to training as many gamers as possible in one of the hardest end game contents. Take a break from your Christmas preparations and have some fun while learning new encounters, bosses and more about your class. And don't forget to spread the word about this event to your friends, family and your cat if it plays GW2.

    The day will include many different activities suited for EVERYONE. Those will include Standard Raid Trainings, Class tutoring, Commander Tutoring, Raid related information lfg and even Advanced Raid Trainings for people who want to try things like Middle Tanking Vale Guardian or Throne Strat Dhuum.

    What can you do to help or participate? Look out for another post closer to the day which will include a Discord Link and show up on the day! Our aim is to run trainings and information for the Whole Day, so no matter which timezone you're from, you'll be able to join.

    If you're a commander or experienced player, feel free to message me on Discord at TheGlobalLegend#9999 and I can slot you in whenever you have time. We also need people who could upkeep certain LFGs and provide advice for other fellow gamers. For general inquiries also feel free to message me on Discord.

    Edit: Sadly to NA people, this event is EU only. Depending on the support we get in this one, I might organise something for NA next year ;)

    submitted by /u/TheGlobalLegend
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    Not to steal a joke from ESO but....hippoty hoppity, Asurans are.......property?!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Lost Lore: E

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:43 AM PST

    Firstly, I want to say: this find was pretty serendipitous. I can honestly tell you I wasn't looking for it and it just hit me in the face while I was researching something else. Sorry devs.

    Secondly, I want to put an extra spoiler warning here at the top. After delving deeper into this character, I realized this revelation might affect future content, so if you'd rather wait until then to figure it out, PLEASE don't read any further. Stop here. Go now, seriously...for the love of everything, stop reading! You've been warned. Come back after you've played the expansion.

    With those points out of the way, let's begin.

    E. A character shrouded in mystery. The informant hidden in the shadows. The ghost of Divinity's Reach.

    For those who aren't familiar, the devs introduced an anonymous informant during living world season 1 who was tied closely to human politics and would be used to progress the plot on occasion all the way up to the half-way point of season 2. After that, he mysteriously vanished, and has remained a topic of discussion and speculation to this day. So now that you know who we're talking about, let's go into the details on his appearances in the story so far.

    We first encounter E as the player before the events of Dragon Bash in season 1. While modern players will know of the annual festival that takes place in Hoelbrak, it started as a celebration in Lion's Arch. E was actually our introduction into this patch, sending a letter to us and other capable heroes of Tyria to warn us of impending danger at the effigy lighting ceremony.

    He turned out to be correct. At the ceremony, the Aetherblades attacked and murdered a member of the Ship's Council of Lion's Arch, Theo Ashford under the direction of Captain Mai Trin. And after our failure there, he then suggested we seek out a human named Marjory Delaqua at the Dead End bar in Divinity's Reach, which just so happens to be her introduction to us as a character.

    We don't hear of him again for a while after that, but eventually he contacts Marjory after the fall of the Tower of Nightmares, warning about the machinations of Scarlet Briar. He said that war was coming to Tyria. Then more silence.

    The next we hear from him, he's heard rumors of a disturbance in Brisban Wildlands, and so we assemble our new crew to investigate. After that, he disappeared for good. This was the last known correspondence from him to the commander in the story.

    However, there's still more to his character, it just played out behind the scenes.

    In June 2013, just after the events of Dragon Bash, a 2-part lore story was written about the actual first encounter of E from the perspective of Marjory Delaqua. It delivers the tale of Marjory's "Last Straw" as a member of the ministry guard, in which she details her witness of the murder of a child by the hands of one of her fellow ministry guard members. This led to her resignation and subsequent founding of "Delaqua Investigations".

    Additionally, we discover later in season 2 that he had contacted Anise to inform her that Minister Estelle, the witness to Queen Jennah's alleged rendezvous with Scarlet Briar, was in fact lying, as she had been seen in a bandit gambling parlor during that same time. This tip led to the events of the Dragon's Reach: Part 2 episode, in where we met up with Anise and Kasmeer at a party in Divinity's Reach to confront Estelle. After we poked enough holes in her story to break her, Anise stepped in and took her away. Estelle returned much later to try and take out Queen Jennah in The Head of the Snake, but that girl is mad crazy with the mesmer magic; Estelle stood no chance. I digress.

    The only other mention of E comes in a collection of letters from this same patch. They showcase E's involvement with Krytan politics behind the scenes during this time, and paint a picture of how he had been managing much of the underground investigation into the ministry, the white mantle, and Caudecus Beetlestone while seemingly being unable to make an appearance at the siege himself. On top of this, we find a letter addressed from E to Caudecus that uncovers Caudecus' double-crossing of the previous confessor of the White Mantle (Confessor Esthel) to allow him to take over.

    Apparently, E had his hand in a lot of the cookie jars and serious pull with numerous higher-ups in Divinity's Reach as well as some connection to the Seraph...but we haven't heard from him since.

    So where'd he go?

    Well, he never left. Because E isn't a he, they're a she, and her real name is Marjory Delaqua.

    These two characters have always been intimately entwined, but it didn't click for me that they were the same person until I was replaying the Disturbance in Brisband Wildlands mission. This mission to investigate strange happenings on the edge of Brisban is instigated by a letter from E, but I had never noticed how perfectly juxtaposed Marjory's motivations were for coming here and how she was the only person who could have known about it.

    At the end of living world season 1, she had been injured and was being cared for by Kasmeer. Kasmeer is quite protective, and you can see that she is still worried about Marjory and her health as you arrive in the instance. It's clear by their exchange that Marjory is very much over being cared for and treated like a hurt child and just wants to get back into the action. She even notes at the end of the instance how thankful she was that we called the gang back together, saying she was "over the moon" to get a chance to fight with her sister Belinda. We then mention that it wasn't our idea, but that E had told us to come. How convenient.

    And how'd she find out about it? Well, her sister was stationed there and told her. The Seraph hadn't even sent for backup yet, so the only people who could have known something was up were those stationed there, and E's back channels wouldn't have been that fast. I'm guessing Marjory was forewarned about the encroaching danger from how Belinda was describing her post, and thus got the ball rolling on an intervention utilizing her alias.

    But let's go back now to the beginning.

    Our first encounter with E was her warning about the events planned at Dragon Bash, but once we failed to prevent them, she sent us straight to Marjory. Additionally, it seems Logan was conveniently drawn to the Dead End bar around this exact same time, hinting at him being a major connection with E in the Seraph. But we'll get back to that.

    Marjory then proceeds to aid us in our endeavors herself, not using her alias all that time because she didn't need to. She was on the ground with us, so E wasn't necessary.

    E only ever contacts us through Marjory for the remainder of season 1, and it isn't until Marjory needs an outside force to get the ball rolling that she employs E again, at the beginning of season 2.

    It just all adds up.

    If we move ahead again, through her letters E divulges that she can't be on the scene in Lake Doric at the moment. That's because Marjory can't be there, seeing as she was just smote (smited? smit?) by Balthazar the episode before.

    Fittingly, E's letters to and about Kasmeer have an endearing tone. She even asks her to not endanger herself, hinting at their more intimate connection and adding another piece of evidence to the pile in support of Marjory being E.

    Many of her letters again allude to a connection within the Seraph and some reason why she trusts Logan. I'm alleging it's because she was using E to communicate with Logan THIS WHOLE TIME. That's why he showed up at the Dead End Bar; that's why E trusts him and chooses to protect him.

    This is even supported by a great and terrible secret hidden in the very same instance that drew me to this conclusion: Marjory (as E) had asked her connection within the Seraph to have Belinda reassigned to Fort Salma. If you pay attention as you talk to Corporal Jantzen, he summons Belinda to give her a task just as the Inquest attack the base. I think that he was about to send her to Fort Salma by some order, but was interrupted.

    Marjory, in an attempt to keep her sister out of harm's way, used E to get her relocated to Fort Salma. Unfortunately, Fort Salma was attacked by the Mordrem and Belinda was killed. So yeah, Marjory (in an attempt to protect her sister) sent her to her death...I'm not crying, you're crying.

    E then stops all contact with us because Marjory was in complete shock over this and had shifted her focus to defeating the jungle dragon. Only once Mordremoth is dead do we see E (Marjory) return to her initial goal of rooting out the corruption within Divinity's Reach and the ministry using the vast network of connections she had made as E over the years (with Anise, Logan, The order of whispers, etc).

    E goes dark again after this because her founding goal was achieved. She had successfully prevented a coup and the White Mantle was defeated. Her obsession with Lazarus makes a lot more sense now too, as it's very likely the magic that young boy was murdered for witnessing was related to the White Mantle and their attempts to resurrect Lazarus and claim power.

    She then retires the role that led to her sister's death, an action that haunts her even as far along as the Icebrood Saga. When she succumbs to the whispers, she says "I tried...I can save her this time! Let me save her!" and then "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry". When she snaps out of it we ask if she's okay, and she says no. I mean, who would be okay after confronting the image of their sister they sent to die?

    I will never emotionally recover from this. Thanks Arenanet.

    Now many of you may be wondering how Marjory knew about the attack on the Ship's Council. Well, it's a small theory that Mai Trin, who is Canthan like Marjory and her family, is one of Marjory's sisters. I'm not going to say that this is proven here, but there is a striking parallel to how E gets her inside scoops. I would say that at the very least, Marjory has some deeper connection with Mai than we've been made aware of, and that's why she had to use E to try and prevent the events of Dragon Bash. Mai either would have seen her coming, or Marjory for some reason couldn't be seen divulging Mai's secret plan publicly.

    There's a whole backstory for Marjory and her family involving her mother and other sisters, and how her mother was slighted by the Queen (and the nobility in general) in some way. But yeah, this connection to Mai and the fact we know she will be involved in End of Dragons in some meaningful capacity is why I wanted to warn off any people who care deeply about spoilers. This revelation is my top contender now for how we will start the expansion and head to Cantha, but who knows. Maybe they'll keep it a mystery there as well.

    It just makes a lot of sense that they would pay off on this story now after so much time, seeing as they've mentioned Marjory returns to her role as detective in Cantha.

    If anyone has any other small clues about this that I missed (or thoughtful counterpoints), I'd love to see them, but I want to briefly take a moment to address just how rude people were being about the E story as I was looking up if anyone else had figured it out yet.

    Anyone following these posts can see just how much time and effort was put into crafting this world and the characters we find in it, and I was aghast at how shamelessly derogatory people were being about the writing. I've seen comments that range from "the devs don't care" to "they don't even know who [x] character is anymore" to "typical Anet, dropping story lines left and right" and many more. I can tell you without a doubt, they know what they're doing and want desperately to pay off on all these threads, just at the appropriate time. That much is evident to me.

    So please, if you take anything from these posts, it should be that the writers (and honestly just he devs in general) deserve at a minimum your decency, if not your respect.

    Sorry, my blood boils every time I see some snide comment about how the writers are bad. I just had to say something.

    Anyway, I hope this is a cool revelation. And I apologize for my bad writing, this was hard to form into a cohesive narrative while also covering all the major supporting arguments, so I favored including stuff over flow.


    submitted by /u/mandala30
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    Staying with family for Thanksgiving, got to play with the theater room

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 11:39 AM PST

    When you have no one to drink tea with so you invite your butler

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 04:23 AM PST

    POV: trying to buy the discounted gem cards as a Canadian

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:16 PM PST

    Credit where credit's due

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 07:02 PM PST

    I usually never post stuff like this, because it usually looks and feels kinda like shilling for Anet/GW2, but regardless if the upcoming beta changes are good or not, they actually used the beta to test stuff, get feedback and change things, unlike most other AAA games, naming recently BF42 and NW, which both had a "beta" only weeks before release and we all see how well that ended.

    There are still many things they could do better imo, but this shows they at least care enough to try to not release a broken and/or boring mess of elites. Cal's presentations of them also gave the impression, that they actually are playing GW2 and not only deal with it just because it's their job.

    submitted by /u/Borando96
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    Gem Store still crashes my game and talking to the support is like talking with a robot.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 03:09 AM PST

    For one month I have the problem that if I try to open the gem store the game crashes immintently. I found out that there are a lot of other players with the same issue. The funny thing is that the store is working on my alt account (same computer, same settings, ...). so the problem must be on Anet side.

    I wrote a ticket and the support tells me all the time I should delete temporary files, re-install the game, ... and I did that all but nothing is working. it seems they ignore the fact that it's working on alt accounts. it's like talking to a robot.

    I'm really pissed because I miss a lot of sales right now and can't do shit.


    submitted by /u/Henryk_Spark
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    An AI drew a Sylvari

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 05:42 AM PST

    Solo Skorvald CM 5:48 with Condition Axe Mirage

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:29 AM PST

    Who is this lady and how can I look like her?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 09:52 AM PST

    I found this Pirate Lady image on the Guild Wars New Player Guide and wanted to make a character that looked like her. I don't know if this is an existing NPC or not I just want to look like her.

    The best offhand pistol classes I can think of are Thief and Bladesworn Warrior for EoD, so I would like to know what armor would replicate this character's outfit as best as possible and if there are any katanas that aren't gem store only.

    I plan to make them a Norn, but there aren't any similar short hair options I can find in default character creation. If there are any more similar faces or hairstyles I don't know about, please let me know

    submitted by /u/JesterFarron
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    LATAM countries don't get HoT included with the 50% off PoF sale. Can I get the expansions from the other sites?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Just a short introduction, I'm a native English foreigner that currently lives in Brazil. I also have Amazon Prime, due to an aunt of mine, but I wasn't able to get the Amazon Prime 50% sale, because much like everyone else during the pandemic, I've taken a huge hit with regards to cash flow.

    Anyways, I see the 50% PoF sale, with HoT included, that is - PoF: Standard Edition. Normal stuff, they're usually bundled together nowadays. I notice that Level Up / Hype Brazil is actually a licensed retailer according to ArenaNet themselves, and also have the promotion. It's coming up to $17.50, which is $2.50 more than other countries, but meh, fine.

    Something tells me to check the information, to see if there's anything else included, or if there are any requirements like only available for credit card - stuff like that. As I scroll, down, I see stuff like \Jogadores devem possuir Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns para ter seu guild hall completamente evoluído* or *Players should have Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns to have your guild hall completely evolved, which sounds a bit weird, but whatever.

    Then at the very end, in bold nonetheless, Essa versão não dará direito a acesso a expansão "Heart of Thorns". Or, This version does not give the right to access the expansion "Heart of Thorns".

    After I checked through some other LATAM countries with the same provider, such as Mexico, Argentina and Columbia - it's more or less the same. LATAM countries will not be getting HoT included if they do choose to buy through Level Up/Hype.

    I haven't been able to enter in contact with anyone that did buy through Level Up/Hype to be able to confirm this though, so take it with a grain of salt. Regardless, I don't want to spend more and get less, so does anyone know if I can just buy it on Amazon US or one of the other retailer stores? Are the codes region locked, are there any workarounds? I'd be willing to pay the eventual international tax. Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Judging from the comments, and from a fellow user in Brazil, the problem seems to be with Level Up/Hype, and not the expansions itself. That is, even if I do buy it from Level Up/Hype, although it says it won't come with HoT, it will. Thanks so much guys, that really puts my worries to rest - here's to much adventuring from here on out!

    submitted by /u/Darthemius2
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    I finally joined the tea party.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:41 AM PST

    a little salt and sweet from my table to yours

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 01:22 PM PST

    New Teatime Chairs make me really wonder as why is there no Player Housing in GW2. They should at least give a way for Solo players to unlock Guild Halls and progress through them very slowly (only for decoration purposes)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Destroyer Sylvari

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:07 PM PST

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