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    Sunday, October 3, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Playing New World made me appreciate GW2 more

    Guild Wars 2 Playing New World made me appreciate GW2 more

    Playing New World made me appreciate GW2 more

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    We take so much for granted. The fluidity of combat, actions blending seamlessly into each other with minimal rooting, able to dodge on command without having to wait for an action to finish. The ability to respec anytime for free. The ease of getting around, with mounts and highly granular, virtually free fast travel. The extremely varied environments, densely packed with puzzles and mechanics. The centralized player economy, accessible anywhere with the push of a button. The megaservers that let you play with anyone, anytime, with integrated group finding. I could go on, but the point is made.

    submitted by /u/Kaleon
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    We all know the thief tease is holding a grody dark magic meat hook. Unless...?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    Guild Wars 2 changed my life

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    I was going through so much in 2016, dealing with my parents divorcing and one of my very close friends death by suicide. I honestly felt like I wasn't going to get through the tough times until one day I decided to turn on my pc and try out Guild Wars 2. I was instantly hooked and it was so easily able to pull my mind away from reality and help me calm down. Not only has it gotten me through the tough times but it's also shapes my career choices as well. I started seeing below the surface with Guild Wars and always wanted to know why games work the way they do so I started diving into programming and game development. I'm 21 years old now and I'm in college actively pursuing a programming degree and minoring in game development. So all around Guild Wars 2 is more than just a game to me, it's a piece of what shaped me into....well, me!

    submitted by /u/LockDudeBro
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    Whatever the next attack that comes at me is, I'm ready for it.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    So it turns out last time I played my old Asura character I logged of dead.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    I thought something was missing and I think it's a bit better now...

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    Every raid boss explained in 3lines or less + video.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    After seeing the 3man slothasor video on the frontpage, I figured lowman runs are great povs to showcase boss mechanics because they do not skip everything with dps. Hence, I collected some decent ones I could find in an attempt to wash away the fear of raids. If people can do it with 5 people, you can do it with 10. The videos hopefully showcase the boss mechanics and the description contains the essentials you need to know to clear the boss and understand the videos. Many of the videos have other povs in the video description, as well.

    Vale Guardian: 4 people stop a green field from detonating, avoid blue fields or teleport and die. you can overheal the green damage and just ignore that mechanic. red guardian takes condi damage, blue guardian has protection. don't pull seekers into the group.
    Gorse: stab slams, break the boss in time, cleanse vulnerability from black fields, don't let the big adds reach the boss. after cc pull in small adds. get good or egged last phase. use updrafts if you don't have the dps. Don't run into orbs (dmg debuff). Clear those in the way. Orange orbs reset the debuff.
    Sabetha: 2 people for cannons, 1 person to kite flak shots, throw sapper bombs on pads to get people up to kill cannons. check minimap which cannon spawned. don't get caught by the flame wall. run out with aoe bombs or pray for aegis, pull adds, kill flame turret, cc second add.
    Fullclear video (4man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Pr93xfiENw

    Slothasor: Breakbar every 20% and at 10%. Stability after each breakbar or squad feared to death. Panic condi cleanse works. Drop special action key (SAC) away from group at walls. 4 people have to eat mushrooms to clean the poison area, don't kill them. Pull the other slublings, ventari if you need it.
    Trio: kill adds, kill bosses, don't let bombers reach the cage (needs mastery). mortar bandits spawn outside the camp. cc them. bee hives for first boss, warg cages for second boss, oil kegs for third boss. bring stability. revenant dwarf road is road to victory.
    Matthias: Drop sac away from the group, but not on wells. If you got poisoned, go to a blue well. Block or dodge shards and haduken attacks. Reflect boss during bubble phase. Don't move around like chickens. Boon thieves still op for convenient carry.
    Fullclear video (5man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zuZ1cXLBVc

    Wing 3:
    Escort: escorts just aren't the real thing. dwarf roads are still roads to victory. if someone ran into a mine, it wasn't an accident, but a calculated break. bring a tower chrono with portal or a tower team. if you want to drug glenna, bring super speed. focus pull into gs push for tower chronos.
    Not like the other videos 'Tower Chrono': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTubAOUUbrk
    KC: kill 2 statues under the boss, then cc the boss. if you fail that, quickly kill the black adds with your colour. don't let 2 statues merge. push orbs for dps boost on boss. stability for kc slams if you are cool, don't stand in the confusion field under the boss unless you know you can take it.
    KC video (5man, older): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz7vgknmX_Y
    Xera: push orbs into rifts or stand on button until 9 stacks for the platform games. don't bring xera into the shard aoes. big cc on xera's breakbar. pull adds. clear shards if you have to move the boss. CLEAR SHARDS or DIE. gliding is hard, glide to middle in an emergency. don't use sac too early.
    Xera video (5man, older): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0-1vg0Wiu0

    Wing 4:
    Cairn: Don't get ported by blues. Special action into greens or skip with stability on normal mode. Don't stand in the group with shared agony. Just don't. Bait it if you are a cool support (7:37 first, every 20s). Orbs above greens show how many people need to stand in it for it to count.
    Mursaat: Last place dps player pays mystic coins. Epi scourge is a cheat for people without dodge keys. Dispel can be bodyblocked. Don't get spiked. Protect can safe you (long cd). Claim is the tank. Reclaim orange tiles after adds claimed them by moving onto the tiles. World record is sub 1min.
    Samarog: the official breakbar tutorial. Dwarf revs are banned from flying with samarog airlines. Push rigom under the boss. Meet up with your friend during the buddy mechanic outside of the stack. Left side: rigom aggro, right side: guldhem aggro. furthest away after each breakbar: boss aggro.
    Deimos: Don't stand in the black (oil) after 60%. Don't stand in the black oil! Don't! You can panic, dodge block it, it triggers in intervals. Aegis the pizza attacks (no stab). Stab the slams at 10%. You need a handkiter. Go into refuge during soul crush. Blocks don't block the health debuff.
    Fullclear video (4man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Hyjq9z--w
    Wing 5:
    Soulless Horror: Epi the add and push it away from the group with a druid. Don't get hit by stuff. Alternate tanking. Trailblazer condi quickness chrono tank is a build that exists. Alac mirage, as well. Don't grief axe mirage players with light fields. Ty ;). Break the breakbar or die. Try not to stun the add.
    SH video (4man, pre confusion patch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHkJRDSuq4M
    Dhuum: 1 person has to kite messengers. 1 debuff-free person into each green, collect 5 orbs clockwise (middle = death). Clear spiders at star. You can stealth reapers . 60% starts shackles (spread to break). 10% seals are a channel. Face middle when Dhuum ports there. collect your soul in the light.
    Dhuum video (4man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TjSKNINrNY

    Wing 6:
    CA: stab the slams, pull swords, don't let swords and shields merge, use swords as dmg buff to kill hands/boss and to break shields. swords spawn left, shield right during split. collect them. adjust rotation to burst after sword buffs are on. save some swords for the arm. shields against clap/laser.
    CA video (don't buy raids, just learn them): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koDpde0XpOQ
    Largos: play 5-5 or 6-4 (kenut) split or 10man portal strat (gliding can work, too). Do damage and don't get hit by stuff. You can kite kenut's boonsteal attack or nikare's dash. First dash to furthest person, last dash to tank. Trailblazer condi quickness chrono is still a cool build. Mirages op.
    Largos video (4man, pre confusion patch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYIRAw8MJX4
    Qadim: 1 person to stop slublings. (1-)2 people into the lamp. thieves op. tanking is proximity based. quickly cc the adds. kill pyres or boss gets boons and fireballs spawn. portals save lives. pull elementals away from the slubs and kill these. 2 people to tank wyverns later. stab/blind for giants in last lamp.
    Qadim video (5man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDtcEB5yc-I

    Wing 7:
    Adina: place pillars outside of group, hide behind pillars during eye attack (2 people each). if you have 2+ dead people, stack pillars. reflect projectiles from hands during split phase (ventari good). furthest people away from boss get pillar mechanic. don't get hit by lasers during splitphase. dont fall.
    Adina video (3man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jbl_cEyOmg
    Sabir: paralyzation sigil exists. big breakbar damage. some breakbars have to be coordinated with special action key. avoid shockwave with tornados or blinks/invul. not all tornados are your friend. ventari against add attacks. someone should clear them though. epi can be good, too, or portals.
    Sabir video (5man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfaQeySdOao
    Qadim v2: 3 people for pylons. tormenting runes op. collect orbs clockwise. tether to pylons when it has orbs for boss debuff. don't spawn fires or roads on the orb spawns. smart fire placement saves work (break adds in fire fields). boonstrip for last phase. 3 people should kite bad tethers last phase.
    Qadim v2 video (4man): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itxjqnea2cQ

    What do I need to start raiding?
    Exotic armor, ascended trinkets (preferably a weapon, too, on power classes). At least one eye, a bit of brain and patience. Preferably, a dodge button. Less hate, more raid.

    Are gw2 raids hard?
    The mechanics somewhat fit into 3 lines and you can do the raids with 5 people. Ofc they are a lot harder when you are starting out and when you do not have voice communication, but the main part is simply being good at your class. There aren't exceptionally many hard mechanics to deal with. Hard enough to be challenging for a while, but not hard enough to be scared of them.

    What is that one thing bosses don't want you to know about?
    You can stand inside their hitbox. Except Qadim, that guy is an evil genius.

    What are those addons in the videos?
    Arcdps. It can show damage, breakbar contribution, a boontable or healing stats.

    Where can I find builds and training guilds?
    For example, on snowcrows.com. They also have a helpdesk discord for stuff that isn't on the site.

    How do I read benchmarks?
    Carefully. Hitbox size can have big impacts on actual damage. Some builds have a good/bad ending, some builds need specific conditions on bosses (slow for dt pchrono) or buffs on yourself (aegis for virtues dragonhunter) to work well. gw2 wingman can give a rough idea of boss dmg.

    What could be done to improve raids?
    In my opinion, difficulty tiers and a better reward structure would go a long way towards replayability.

    Happy raiding. Don't be scared. The hardest part is finding people you like playing with.

    submitted by /u/ahsokavarosan
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    Me too kid T.T

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    Me too kid T.T

    (For those who don't know, it was an annexe activity where you played basket with the power of the aspects, it was really fun, and is by far my favorite ingame sport. It only stayed for about three weeks and never came back. It hurts to see it referenced in PoF as it was removed before it came out.)


    submitted by /u/Pordrack
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    Lara Looks into the Lore of Guild Wars 2! An Introduction for New Players and Veterans Alike

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Provisioner Tokens - Terrible Design

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    I finished my first piece of legendary armor the other day. Almost got it done about a year ago, but for some reason I stopped playing GW2 seriously (other than logging in for Living World updates). Felt great to get it finished, and now that I've got one piece of the armor, I obviously need the rest of the set... So I'm back to it.

    It was all going well, having fun, enjoying a variety of tasks required to gather gold and currencies etc. But it didn't take long until I came across what killed the game for me last time - Provisioner Tokens.

    Seriously, how is this a thing in the game.

    It's essentially a daily task that requires you to sit through a stack of loading screens while you portal around the world for 10 minutes, and tab between the wiki and the trading post a whole lot to copy the names of the weapons into the trading post... There's no sense of being "in" the game - if anything it ruins any immersion you might have, you pretty much have to stop playing the game while you gather them, it doesn't make the armor you're working toward seem any more connected to lore or give it meaning... It's just a plain old unenjoyable repetative task with no benefit to the game other than a gold and item sink.

    I have no problem with the time gating, or the cost. But the way of actually acquiring the things is just so lame. There must be a better to way make players work for Provisioner Tokens.

    submitted by /u/justyeah
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    Addons in Addon Manager Stopped Working After Last Update

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Addons in Addon Manager Stopped Working After Last Update

    Hi everyone,

    If anyone can help me with this please. I cannot at all load mods into the game and I think the attached message is an insight into the reason.

    I am using the latest from GitHub which is version 1.4.3.

    I tried changing the game folder's name, i tried different releases of the addon manager (but the addon manager interface crashes on some versions, or does nothing like this latest one).

    I want the ArcDPS, radial, and dx12.

    pls help :(


    submitted by /u/Pickle_Juice_Can
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    Just started…

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Hey all! I believe I avoided playing this game because I'm not a fan of PvP but after looking into New World, someone suggested this game instead and now I have a lvl 6 Thief! 😆

    Having a blast, just wanted to say hi, and GLHF everyone!

    submitted by /u/cidici
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    Catalyst: Jade Sphere Creatures

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    New Player Guide: Small QoL features that will make your day-to-day better in the game

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Couldn't believe my luck! Randomly decided to check a few stores at my local half vacant mall, with no expectations. Got all 3 for $30 ��

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    How do I make this game not seem like a giant TODO list?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    I played GW2 on and off since launch, and I have about 10k hours total. So I have really enjoyed it at times and put a significant amount of time into it.

    However, whenever I have logged in over the past few years, I get this sinking feeling looking at all the tasks and information in the UI like:

    • Mastery points

    • Skill points for unlocking class specs

    • Achievements


    The game honestly just feels like a giant TODO list that I will never complete, and it overwhelms me and makes me feel kinda inadequate.

    Anyone have advise for playing the game casually and still getting some enjoyment out of it? What game modes and activities does everyone enjoy that are not very connected to the big lists of stuff to do?

    "Ignore all that stuff and just play the game" seems like valid advice but then I am left feeling a bit directionless.

    submitted by /u/knowledgebass
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    Trim the Fat! Cull the 2012 Bloat! Spring Cleaning on the TP!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Trim the Fat! Cull the 2012 Bloat! Spring Cleaning on the TP!

    I marked off every material that's \"worthless\" (less than 1 silver) or \"useless\" (used for one thing and then basically never again ex. Sun Beads)

    If you were given the task of cleaning up GW2's crafting system, trading post, making drops feel rewarding, and fixing the economy; how would you do it? The first obvious problem, to me at least, is: there's way way too much of everything and most of it can be safely ignored. At my IRL job if you want to make sure I will never read your emails, check your Teams chat, or be attentive during a conference call, all you have to do is fill them with pointless garbage. Even if 5% of it is gold or super important, I will never see it because I've already checked out. It's just not worth sorting through the other 95%. GW2 unfortunately has similar issues so here's a list of all the things I would change, combine, or outright remove from the game if I got the chance.

    And before anyone says a word about "balance" I just wanna link this WP video completing the core story without using any skills. Nothing here could possibly make level 1-79 worse than it already is.

    1. Remove all Minor/Major Runes & Sigils completely. As well as all Marks, Talismans, Seals, and Medallions. We keep the Superior versions and Crests but remove their level requirements.
    2. Remove all gear from the TP that is less than exotic rarity. You can still sell unidentified gear but when you identify it becomes account bound.
    3. a) Re-work level 1-79 crafting recipes to use increasing amounts of Tier 6 materials because guess what:✨Tier 1-5 is gone bby~ ✨ (Yes that means the level 2 skale in Queensdale now has an equal chance to drop a Vial of Powerful Blood as a level 80 one, and salvaging has a chance to give you ~nothing~. For the sake of flavor all Tier 6 materials could be renamed to be something more average, like "Vial of Blood")
      b) Replace all intermediate crafting recipes like Dowels, Inscriptions, and Insignias with the equal raw material cost in all crafting recipes. For example; a Cleric's Pearl Quarterstaff would still cost 48 Ancient Wood, 30 Orichalcum Ore, 5 Globs of Ectoplasm, and 5 Elaborate Totems. These "standard" recipes no longer need to be discovered or learned from recipe sheets and are simply known at the relevant profession levels.
    4. Add the "discovery" based crafting recipes to the Mystic Forge. Once you do something once you can select it from the menu to craft multiples and can pull from your bank or material storage like any other crafting station .
    5. Replace the basic skinned exotic gear#item145) (oxymoron) from the TP and normal drops with a rare chance at an account bound drop of one of the 1173 Black Lion weapon skins, sprinkled throughout the world where they would make sense. For example; killing an inquest boss in Metrica Province would have a super rare chance to drop an account bound Inquest Mark II stat select-able and uniquely named exotic weapon like "Oola's Staff".
    6. Remove all "Potion of X Slaying", non-infinite transformation tonics, and under level 80 food and utilities from the TP. They'll still exist, but are account bound, and must be crafted or purchased from merchants instead. Also do the same with Aetherkey pieces, but they only drop inside the Aetherblade path of TA.
    7. Receive a random mini-pet from set 1, 2, or 3 as part of a character's birthday present. Sorry Queen Jennah, a lottery is more fun. Otherwise I don't know how people are supposed to get hooked into collecting mini's. To want to "fill out" your collection you kinda have have the *start* of a collection (this is true for the Black Lion Weapon skins too btw). Is it seriously just buying them in loot boxes off the Black Lion store? Who actually buys these)?
    8. Allow quartz crystals to be charged from material storage, or just make it a daily time gated craft like a Lump of Mithrillium. Also include quartz as a rare drop or salvage material in normal content like any other gemstone.
    9. Allow trading in of Boosters (XP/Magic-find/etc) and Black Lion items (Merchant/TP/Bank/Revive/etc) for small amounts of Black Lion Statuettes. If there's never going to be reasonable way to get Black Lion Keys from playing normal content we should at least be able to convert the items from the daily rewards into something usable. I know I'm not the only one with an entire bank tab filled with hundreds of these items because consumables are just going to get hoarded.
    10. And finally, most importantly: A Side-Quest Log
      GW2 has a massive problem with huge chunks of high quality content being played exactly once and then pretty much never again; like the incredibly epic Balthazar fight and plenty of other story missions. But those can be solved by turning those big moments into Fractals, Strikes, or Raids at some point in the future.
      What's an even bigger problem is content that is either completely missed or ignored. We've seen massive improvements to the Achievements panel to try and fill these gaps by giving you lists of things to do. Some of the latest ones even having mini-map markers showing you where to go while in a relevant map. But now even the Achievements panel is getting as cluttered as everything else with 176 Different Tabs (not counting historical or temporary ones), requiring guides and the wiki to navigate. The watch list also obscures your dailies in-game.
      I don't have an easy fix for this one. Honestly it might not even be worth going back and rewiring everything to work with some new side-quest UI. But I hope we'll see something for future content, and if we ever do; that would be the perfect time to introduce GW1-style Vanquishing to the game. Easily doubling the playable content of the ~entire game~ just by copy/pasting whole maps into instances. Balanced around a 5-man team, clearing the entire map of hard-mode enemies and completing all (hearts and dynamic events turned into) structured quests. Just imagine a 5-man clear of a hard-mode Shadow Behemoth event. Now that's some real content, and worth the effort for some actual rewards.
    11. ✨ Bonus ✨LFG Tool - 62 Different Tabs. Why? By adding so many specific sections for LFG in an attempt to make things more user friendly (?), you've actually made it a nightmare to navigate and ensured most of it will be ignored. Especially if you're a bored player just looking for "something" to do. Keep the Raid, Fractal, Strike, Dungeon, PvP, and WvW tabs, but everything else should just be a combined PvE tab. Or at the very least you should be able to browse through all results in those combined tabs all at once.
    submitted by /u/NezziWezzi
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    Legendary Armor

    Posted: 03 Oct 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    I'm currently trying to crafting legendary armor, but I wonder if it work for all classes or just for the same classes? e.g medium or heavy armored class. I have a set of PVP armor on my rager, but I want to build my guardian for a fractal. that's why I feel hesitant to finish this

    submitted by /u/Square-Brief6236
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