• Breaking News

    Friday, October 15, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Glad they banned all the wintraders! Now back to our scheduled program.

    Guild Wars 2 Glad they banned all the wintraders! Now back to our scheduled program.

    Glad they banned all the wintraders! Now back to our scheduled program.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    More Violets I Say ��

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    So I'm sure you all know the voice line the title is referring to, it's the banker in Lion's Arch and it's instantly recognizable!

    "More violets, I say. Less violence."

    I just want to say this is my all time favorite voice line of any video game I've ever played 😆

    I'm just curious what your favorite voice line from Guild Wars 2 is because there's 10s of thousands of possible options and I might even learn a few new ones!

    Edit: wow this blew up way too much for me to respond to everyone but I'll give my 2nd favorite line. It's the male human tempest overload earth line, at the end of his giant rock pillar he comes back down and says "Back on solid ground" I don't know why it's just so badass lol

    submitted by /u/LockDudeBro
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    What a nice number :-)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    EoD Elite Speculation 10: Bladesworn Proposed Changes

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    How do you even see what is going on in raids and stuff?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    I watched a few videos of raids and fractals and I wonder how I am supposed to even understand what I'm doing.

    Soon as the fight starts, there are just effects and particles and light everywhere, I don't even recognize my own character in all that mass.

    I fail to see how people understand what they have to do, where they have to stand, perform my skills when I can't even see my enemy properly.

    I know this has been discussed multiple times before, I'm just wondering how you guys deal with this and still know what you're doing / what you're supposed to do.

    submitted by /u/mindkingdom
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    Sylvari Mesmer art

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    One hand player learns power quick chrono

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Hi all, I am back! This is a long video but might be interesting for some of you. Power quick Chrono was on my list to learn but I was lazy to make it. Then my friend told me to learn it so I could teach it to her. So I decided to record my training (RA) for anyone that wants to learn it. I put timestamps so you can skip to whatever you want to learn (gear, build, rotation, etc.). I hope you enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiaUkIdyiAA

    submitted by /u/bbbaconboyy
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    Sometimes, I pity bosses.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    OK is this just me? Using portal scroll book, it opens UNDER my inventory screen

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 06:45 PM PDT


    Is it just me?

    Because if it isn't that just doesn't make sense.

    Why would you have an 'activateable' (like a book) that spawns a child window (in this case to select the portal scroll) that pops UNDER an open window?


    submitted by /u/styopa
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    What would you suggest a new or returning play should tackle first.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    With the exodus of players from WoW ive noticed a fair uptick in new players, I myself am a returning player who has, despite numerous previous attempts, finally gotten properly hooked on the game.

    So in the interest of helping out fellow players get themselves properly hooked in the glory that is GW2 what would you recommend they try first?

    I'd say the obvious one is leveling a character to 80 as that's a given and the leveling process in this game is excellent and doesn't require much more in the way of endorsement.

    submitted by /u/greentarget33
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    Tried my best to recreate one of my favourite characters ever. Whitebeard from one piece.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Scrapper brings a whole new flavour to Engineer

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    New player, fresh level 80 engi here.

    I was struggling in HoT zones as a core engineer, even after upgrading my stuff. It was a bit enraging, and I was trying to avoid the problem by looking to other professions I could play.

    But I didn't want to give up engineer, as I like the profession fantasy / aesthetic. So I looked up some builds and went for a Scrapper one (playing HoT and Scrapper came with HoT, I'll try Holosmith when I'll start PoF). Farmed some Hero Points in core Tyria and respeced as a Scrapper.

    Oh my ! It changed everything ! I'm excited to learn more about my profession and have better hope to go through HoT.

    I was just grateful for this and wanted to share it with you. Keep having fun ! :)

    submitted by /u/Shakit
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    Pink Day in LA 2021 – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Anticipating the new EoD character screen!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    I loved the original background. The PoF has been tiresome to look at. Hoping for a bright (not overly saturated) background with cherry blossoms, surrounding foliage, and perhaps a little shrine of sorts on the side

    submitted by /u/MusicalNecro
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    Anet should update or rework the report function

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    I've played pvp since season 28 and on occasion i've reported some people. The report system looks older compared to other games and the options you can choose from do not specify al the reason i wanna report.

    Recently i have played a game where we were winning. A necro on my team started being toxic for doing something that would not cost us a win. He went afk for that reason and that did cost us a win. When i wanted to report i picked idle player and match manipulation. But i dont think its a good fit. I would like some other or newer options like (afk, toxic behaviour etc etc). A new report system could get the the person being punished for the right reason.

    I know the action Anet takes on the reports are not all that great. But i'm not talking about that right now.

    What do you guys think

    submitted by /u/Chonkothechungo
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    Is there an adopt a noob guild? Ive completed everything I wanted to do, now I feel a rush helping others more then grinding. :)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Hello friends, long time player short time grinder. Quick background, been playing on and off since release, got back into playing almost daily few months back. Never really bothered with grinding anything, besides getting my main her 2 elites I was meh towards the rest. Well in about 2 months time I grinded out almost every profession to 500 missing just 1, got EVERY MOUNT. Just back to back needed the next thing, finished every profession with their elite as well. Got my home instance almost to 100 percent, but now it feels more like a grind again.

    Which brings me to my current situation, recently I got a completely random PM asking me what felt like a "stupid" question and I'm like who is this person? Da fuck is going on, well after a few back and forth I realize it's a boosted 80 but the person was clearly stoked to get into the game so I'm like oh man that's what happened to me in WoW I asked questions and got told Lul noob learn 2 Google. So instead I gave them some basic info and they asked if I could help with a few quests and it was a blast, jumped into an alt I didn't use much just followed him around on the older story quests and some basic things here and there but I felt so a great sense of joy knowing I was helping someone get further ahead and actually be able to enjoy the game.

    TLDR - I got a lot of things done in the game and I feel better helping people get ahead. :)

    submitted by /u/Talotta1991
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    When will we know more about end game PvE?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Looking at the winter live stream schedule it makes no mention of anything related to end game PvE. Are new strikes with CMs literally the only thing we are getting with the expansion? No new fractals? No new raids? It would be nice to know because I'd like to figure out whether or not the expansion is worth getting and going along with that, whether the game is worth playing any more or not.

    submitted by /u/s1lky
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    So I was doing fractals...

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    What about improving the Achievement Points menu/hud?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    Hello there, I'm a new player, playing for nearly 3 months. I am in love with AP lol, nearly 5000 already (though both recent events helped a lot to reach the 5000 mark).

    I like the menu and all, but it can be a bit hard to know what is what, until you get used to it over time. I saw players that play for years with almost the same amount of AP as me, so here some ideas to make people engage more with AP and how to improve the hud a bit....

    1) Make Achievements related to some stuff you are doing appear on screen (like dailies), and allow us to remove it on the menu if we want to. For example, the moment you start a mission, like at a Expansion or Living World, make the achievements related to that instance appear by default, so we can see which achievements we can get. There are event tutorial achievements, I only saw they existed recently... If they appeared for us early on, people would be more likely to try doing them.

    2) Separate achievements properly, when we are selecting them to be viewed on screen. For example, if I choose a mission from living world, and a collection, to appear on screen, make them appear separated from each other, and allow me to minimize them, separately. This way we can track dozens of achievements, and chose which group to appear on screen, and which ones to hide.

    What do you think about it?

    submitted by /u/MemoriesMu
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    Prismatic Champion's Regalia effects, any prediction?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    The description says: "The fufillment of a legacy spanning thousands of years flies alongside you."
    What this can be? A sphere with something about the game lore?

    submitted by /u/MarcosPaivaS
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    Game Uninstalled itself?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    So uh. Has anyone had this issue of the game uninstalling itself? Or I guess, you launch the game and it needs to reinstall itself? This has kinda happened twice. I crashed a week or two ago and it I guess crashed so hard that gw2 wouldn't launch and my PC said the games not compatible with my PC. So I go to uninstall it but my PC says its already uninstalled. I go to launch the game today and its reinstalling itself? Unless there's been some massive update I missed?

    submitted by /u/FregionTheLost
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