• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 2, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Yup. This happened. And i nearly cried in joy..

    Guild Wars 2 Yup. This happened. And i nearly cried in joy..

    Yup. This happened. And i nearly cried in joy..

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 03:41 AM PDT

    PvP Lobby - Out of Map Easter Egg

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    How's your day going? Mine I just found out I salvaged the precusor armor and kept the experimental one

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    I help lots of people with JP, but this is the first time I got flowers!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Tried to make a Largos, but this Sylvari face is derping and going cross-eyed on me...

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    okay then

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Weird folks in Timberline Falls today

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    A bunch of anti-vaxxers had a little misinformation campaign while players ran around doing events for the dailies. Strange times.

    submitted by /u/PopeMouthwash
    [link] [comments]

    Thanks again for the help, y'all! From fresh toon to 100% core world in about 3 days played time.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    The current state of GW2.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    I really wanted the Tengu in End of Dragons. To see what was behind those walls. So I decided to make my own version of what their maps could look like. All that sea would have been perfect for skiffs and fishing!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Thats a little lazy, anet. (Stormscale and Caldera Skyscale skin)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Necro Minions Fixed

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    [Harbinger] Feedback and suggestions (Version 2).

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    I think this is a record, 90°

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Finally finished: my necromancer main with her favorite minion, mini undead chicken and The Crossing :D

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Crown Pavilion is loaded with bots

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Made icons of the brand new Deep Wilds Mount Skins. Enjoy!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Colossal list of QoL improvements I would like to see in the game (Final, 2021 Edition)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    I've compiled most of this compendium over the past 2 years, noting down every little thing that actively bothered me during regular gameplay, and I hope ArenaNet notices this and implements at least some of those ideas on how to improve the Quality of Life for Guild Wars 2. Some of those are fixes to the current behaviour of various game elements, some are new features. *Separated into sections for your convenience

    I crossed out features that ArenaNet actually implemented (to show their work), and added some new ones. There will be no better time than now, with plenty of time before the expansion that is supposedly all about raising the overall quality of the game. I feel like if Arenanet doesn't implement many of the much needed things into the game now, they'll never do before it is over, so this is probably the final post, and the final plea to the developers to fix these little things that are lowering the user experience so much yet are mostly so very easy to fix.

    Feel free to discuss and comment about your QoL wishes.


    Mount camera is not abiding "Use Free Camera" interface option, you can't look around without your camera snapping back the moment you let go of the mouse. And if you stand still, it ignores a disabled "Use either mouse button to change direction" option - if you look to the side with left mouse button and press forward, it will go in your looking direction, which is wrong, because that's the functionality of Right mouse button. It behaves correctly when unmounted, but on a mount, it's simply wrong. The current functionality will still be available to anyone through the options menu, but ArenaNet please make sure that people who chose to have it disabled - have it actually, you know, disabled. It really affects the fluidity and intuitiveness of mounts, which is a shame because the mount system is the best out of any game.

    Mount camera is not using "First-person camera" even if it's on. I'm sensing a pattern here.

    When dismounting, there's a good chance the camera will be stuck at some arbitrary zoom level (sometimes almost in 1st person) and then snap back to normal in 2 seconds. Pretty frustrating, please fix.

    Pressing sideways while swimming without holding mouse reorients you strictly to the horizontal plane, which really messes with your controls when you are swimming downwards/upwards and want to slightly correct your course.

    Swimming up by pressing Space is almost twice as slow as swimming forward with camera pointing up. Same goes for swimming down. This is ridiculous, please fix.

    Camera can't be brought strictly up or down. It's like 85 degrees relative to the horizontal plane, not 90. No idea why it is like that, but please change it.

    In first-person mode, camera turns your character from either holding left or right mouse buttons. This is both redundant and wrong - it should behave like in 3rd person mode. You should be able to look around while still running forward in the same direction while in 1st person mode - right now it's literally impossible. Moreover, for people who want that functionality, there is a specific option exactly for this "Use either mouse button to change direction". But it only works for 3rd person, for no reason.


    Skimmer should really have a grace period for the water speed boost. It feels extremely off-putting to be constantly slowed down by the smallest patches of dirt. Even 1 second would be ok - skimmer won't replace raptor or jackal or beetle for ground travel, so Arenanet shouldn't be that apprehensive to make it more useful in water areas. At the very least, its hover ability should preserve the water speed boost, since in most cases you will hover over obstacles, so it makes sense for the energy-spending ability to have this functionality. In fact, it's the most obvious use of it, and I can say for myself that I assumed it would work like that, and still find myself fruitlessly pressing hover to preserve speed over terrain. The skimmer race during Festival of the Four Winds really highlighted that - literally everyone from 20+ people racing was hovering high over the ground parts.

    Skyscale should have an option to drop down as if she wasn't gliding. You can press Mount Ability 2 keybind, but it's painfully slow. And the regular glide down isn't all that fast either. Sometimes you just want to fall like you never pressed Space twice at all. Just like you can put your glider away at whim, it should be possible to disable "floating", disable flapping the skyscale's wings.

    Skyscale's engage skill should be a ground-target ability with a small range, or blast the ground right under yourself, like other mounts do. The current implementation is very clunky to use and sometimes even impossible to properly aim, especially on small ledges, which sounds pretty stupid from a game-design standpoint - an ability that you can't properly aim.

    Skyscale's wall-cling should reeeally be a toggle, or at least 'Hold this button' function. It is very frustrating when you are trying to land on a small ledge, and instead it clings to the edge of the ledge, then to the wall behind the ledge, until you have finally managed to land on it. Or the dragon catches every single branch, stick, rope or flag when you are flying.


    Dye job gets reset if you open the mount/glider/outfit tab, which makes no sense since they are all in the same category as wardrobe tab. The result is that you can't preview mounts/outfits/gliders and see if they dye nicely unless you apply the changes and ruin your whole current setup. And with mounts, you just can't see them dyed at all unless you already own them. This is actually detrimental to sales imo, because more often than not, a nice palette can elevate an otherwise mediocre skin to great heights of awesomeness. And the default colors aren't always the best. Please make a full-fledged dyable preview for mounts, gliders, etc.

    Dyes bug out very often when you switch between wardrobe and dye panels, often requiring you to reopen the whole window for the dyes to be updated. Also when previewing dyes in preview window, it requires previewing an item twice in order for it to receive correct dyes, and even then, helms (for some reason) don't show correct dyes at all until you re-preview a dye, and even then the helm bugs out as soon as you preview any item again.

    Having backpacks and weapons be dyeable would be nice, no idea how hard it is to code it in. But the glider/backpack combos suffer greatly from this limitation, the most recent example being the Lightbinder Blades. Arenanet already went to great lengths to have the animation transition of these packages be as smooth as possible, but it doesn't matter if the colors are different. They don't even have to do dye channels for all backpacks, most of them can have it disabled (like Hellfire shoulderpads which are undyable, for example).

    Dyeable weapons pls? The rumor is backpacks were coded like weapons which was the reason for not being able to dye them, but you solved that problem.

    Wardrobe templates - transmutation charges can go away, I very much doubt anyone is buying them from gemstore, and it's a very disappointing practice in the first place, which discourages a player from experimenting with his outlook. If they absolutely have to squeeze more money, ArenaNet can sell template slots in their place. I'm thinking 5 base slots should be a good number, if they can't be allowed to be infinite. Also, one-click links for those templates would be a splendid idea, and really promote fashion in the community. Just imagine, how eager would people be in sharing their favorite outlook in map/guild chat and discussing it all. Just make sure that this link includes dyes (which you should then be able to remove from the preview, seeing the linked armor in your own color palette).

    At least implement dye templates, character-specific of course.

    If you aren't going to remove transmutation charges, at least make it so Gathering tools don't require them, or better yet, make the bought unlimited gathering tools freely available for all characters (put them in the legendary armory). They cost a fuckton of money, and getting the unlimited benefit for just one character is very unfair and clunky. Nevermind the fact that you have to spend transmutation charge to make a consumable item look like the tool you already own, for a limited amount of time. People would buy skins for gathering tools more, if they didn't have to pay the cost for the unlimited functionality each time.

    Aura wardrobe with multiple slot types is long overdue. Would solve countless problems: infusions will be previewable and transmutable on multiple characters; you'll be able to choose which legendary footprints you want to show; legendary trinket effects will be available for all characters and you'll be able to choose a downgraded version (or even disable them completely), not just the highest because you equipped all 2(3) of them. Winter's Presence/Nightfury won't require a clunky solution of taking up a shoulder slot. Plus with auras being on a slot type, it will partially solve the issue of eye-rending infusion stacking by only allowing one of each type. Would help the game aesthetic immensely; it's almost a meme by this moment how many characters are just walking balls of visual cacophony.

    There should be an option to 'favorite' minis, just like you can already do with dyes.

    Preview window is outdated. It's too small to even show a human wielding a hammer, much less a charr. You should be able to preview dyes from your palette, and RESIZE the window, AND zoom in/out freely along with rotating on more than one axis just like you can on mount previews. For the love of god, CHANGE IT ALREADY. You can't preview SHIT in it. A single default charr without even weapons is literally too big for this ridiculous 'preview'. It's pathetic, it's unacceptable, it's outdated, cumbersome, detestable, dysfunctional and failing to do the one thing it's supposed to do most of the time.

    Also preview window doesn't have anti-aliasing for some reason, contrary to the rest of the game.

    And allow dual-wielding in the preview window. It's ridiculous that you can't even pre-coordinate fashion between main-hand and off-hand.

    Gemstore items should be linkable or at least previewable in their normal UI, not in that tiny half-window inside the gemstore.


    Make Deposit All Materials a separate button, not a menu item - there's plenty of space up there, and that functionality is used almost constantly.

    Material storage should have an option to show yellow/red border around material icons when they are close to/reached the storage limit.

    Full support of "disabled aoe rings" - some abilities, e.g. HoT Jungle Root's 3-shot barrage has literally zero visual telegraph on the ground if you disable red rings. If it's too much work (thinking up VFX for every spell and making sure it shows the area of effect nicely and doesn't detract from other spells is quite an endeavour), then at least separate options to disable friendly aoe rings and enemy ones - incredibly frustrating to have to see all the white circles if you want to know the enemy abilities' area. Combo fields are quite visible anyway, and I definitely don't need to see a million of white lines that show the range of... something? Seriously, look at this picture. What are the rightmost rings even indicating? And you can't even guess which combo field will be the one to interact with your abilities in such a mess, so their lines are just visual clutter too in this picture. An example of a great ground indicator is lightning zone at Festival of the Four Winds, which shows where your Lightning Pull ability will turn into Lightning Tether that pulls you towards a lightning pillar instead of a target zone of your choice. It is concise, dynamic (the lightning circles around), makes it very clear which ability it is related to through the symbol on the ground and the VFX, and has a slight purple hue inside that ties the area together, not just the ring itself. And it is actually useful in its function, nevermind it just being very pretty. A great visual effect, please do more thought-out ones like that.

    Continuing the trend of better readability - make other people's aoe and fx have a very faded and simplified look, while your own combo field and aoes should still have full VFX (in PvE). You did it with Auras, and it was great. Now do it for the actual source of visual clusterfuck in battles.

    Finally, many VFX are utterly outdated, especially on core spells. 'Artsy' style is no excuse for their blandness, especially when you ditched that artsy style yourself for nice crisp VFX in new spells (not all though, some of the new VFX are bland too). For example, Ice Spike, with less polygons on it than in one character's finger and disappointing textures on both the spike and the explosion which looks horribly low-res even on highest settings. The "too much clutter" argument holds zero weight when it's actively detracting from the game's look, and when you can already split your visuals and other people's ones. Just do it for all spells, not just auras, like I said in the previous suggestion, and it won't limit the juicyness of spells' graphics.

    Screenshots are quite unthoughtfully saved in the format "gw543.jpg" which is about the worst possible naming convention. That makes it hard to search through, not to mention transferring screenshots between PCs or after a reinstall, all because of having to resolve name conflicts. Please do what everyone does and name them gw_date_time.jpg or something. Also the screenshot number literally can't go into 4 digits, and in a hilarious (and pathetic) turn of events the game refuses to take a screenshot if you already have 999 pictures in your folder. It only get worse since the game attempts to fill all untaken numbers after having it reach 999, so if you ever deleted a screenshot, the latest one will fill its place, so you'd have, for example, gw134.jpg from February 2019, then gw135.jpg from August 2020, then gw136.jpg from February 2019 again. Which is a nightmare for organizing anything, and is really just unprofessional.

    Please make map materials reset at the same time as dailies, not in 23 hours from harvesting them. It does nothing but annoy players and there is zero point to it, especially when the tech is already there. It's very frustrating to collect, for example, Bloodstone Rubies on Friday night, then wake up on Saturday, and the rubies aren't available for another half day. Ascended mats crafting resets at the same time as dailies, and that has never been a problem.

    Please make a "Mute Sound Toggle" keybind. Many games have it, and it's pretty useful - for example when you want to quickly mute the game only. Going into interface - sound and then dragging the slider is very unwieldy.

    Please get rid of the banner dialogue that pops up when you activate the buff. It messes with Action Camera fluidity by forcing regular camera each time you activate the banner, obscures screen, and just isn't needed at all. Plus you can't activate another banner until you close the dialogue box, which makes it frustrating when multiple banners are next to each other (like usually in Silverwastes) and you have to click/close them all.

    Health bars should be improved. They are too small/thin, sometimes float too high, and the selected target healthbar is very unobvious - just a small red triangle almost a centimeter above the healthbar. It's very hard to see which mob you targeted in a crowd. Instead, selected target's healthbar should become a bit bigger and outlined or something. And the worst part is - the healthbars are barely clickable. It's insane how unresponsive they are as a targeting method - that should definitely be fixed too.

    Please bring back Binding of Ipos book visual while on a mount/chair. It was such a cool and unique feature, and it fit Perfectly with the theme of the legendary - how freaking awesome is it, reading a demonic book while sitting in a chair??

    Bring back downstate Lesser Lava Font. What kind of a idiotic decision was to remove it completely? It was THE most fun, flavorful and useful thing for solo PvE eles, and sorely needed too, since we get one-shotted by everything. What was the purpose of removing it?

    Music just stops sometimes and there is no way to force it to repeat again. So you are just left wandering the zone in quiet, with only the sounds of battle to accompany you (and environmental ambience ala rain). Change this please.

    Please make a separate toggle to show pet names. They are nothing but clutter, yet are lumped together with NPC name toggle. Make them a sub-group of Show All Player Names with a separate option.

    Make boons, conditions and general effects have their own rows in the buffs UI, and make them better organized. It is next to impossible to mouse-over any boss mechanic either on the target or yourself with icons constantly moving. Here's one example https://i.imgur.com/ndIRFVh.png of how it can be done, credit to u/ReLiFeD.

    Legendary Armory is extremely user unfriendly when switching weapons. Each time you equip something instead of a legendary and want to switch back, you have to pick the slot, pick the legendary, choose stats, find and equip sigils/runes, and then transmog it. It honestly makes people want to use ascended weapons for ease of use, which goes agains the very concept of legendary armory. Just make it spawn an actual item like Radiant/Hellfire/Zenith unlocks.

    The first tab of the Hero panel is overloaded with sections that are often used, which results in always having to click in and out of wardrobe/equipment/dyes/miniatures/etc. Meanwhile, other tabs like Story, Training or Crafting are used less often (crafting is usually opened at the crafting table, not out in the wild). Do something about it.


    Achievement tab should remember its state even after closing it, like Hero Panel currently does. For example, I was looking through Living World achievements, then a champion spawned and I closed it to fight him, but then when I opened achievements again, it reset to the starting summary view.

    Achievements panel is not saving the scrolling after returning back to the list from a particular achievement. For example, if I look at the list of all War Eternal achievements, click on the one about bridges, look at it then press "Back" it shows the list from the very top, every single time (and that's even if it doesn't go to the meta-achievement "do 36/36 achievements of this episode" instead of the episode category you were in). Impossibly frustrating for browsing those long categories like Rare Collections.

    Achievement Search behaves very erratically. First, it removes the quick tracking eye button from the search results for no reason, so you can't instantly track achievements but instead have to click on them. Next, when you go into an achievement from the search results list, it doesn't show its category, and there is no Back button, which makes it very hard to discern in which category you can find it.

    Daily categories should be consolidated: all these LW maps are cluttering the daily page, and since they don't even offer a big chest after doing 3 of them, they should be just put up in big "LW3", "LW4" categories that include all dailies from these seasons - and maybe give a big chest with map currency of your choosing for doing a number (5 maybe?) of them across the whole season.

    Activity rotation should include the already existing Aspect Arena and Basket Brawl that most people don't even know about, instead of repeating the long and tedious Southsun Survival and others twice per week. Some achievements to go with that would be nice too.

    There should be a new daily category "Beetle Rider" to promote the beetle races which are actually pretty fun but mostly empty nowadays. Especially now that the rental service includes a mount whistle, so you don't have to walk back to the start each time you're dismounted just to get a new beetle.

    You should be able to preview container rewards from achievement interface, like you can with skin rewards.


    The "Leave Party" button forces focus on the input field for a player name to join/invite, which is incredibly frustrating and honestly, not needed at all. You regularly stop running and instead write WWWWDDDDDAAAA in it.

    There is nothing to indicate the squad leader in the squad UI when it's not maximized to take half the screen. In the regular 50 man squad, you literally can't see the leader at a glance and instead have to manually mouseover everyone. This is just bad design and no amount of workarounds or "why do you need to see your leader" excuses it.

    LFG window should save your position even after closing - so that, for example, I could search parties for Tangled Depths, find none, close the window, wait 5 minutes then open LFG again and it would be already at Tangled Depths tab.

    Moreover, LFG Open world tab should be consolidated for better User eXperience and promotion of less active zones. It should become: Parties, Squads, World Boss, HoT, Living World Season 3, PoF, Living World Season 4. There really aren't that many parties to warrant so much fragmentation. And if people would see all LW3 maps at once, maybe they would join groups for things they didn't originally planned for but would never find in the current system because clicking on every map one by one is long and cumbersome (and sometimes it stops updating the groups until you wait for a minute or so). Also I'm not sure about the usefullness of Mentoring tab. New players probably won't be looking in LFG, and from what I've seen, mentors are usually operating in Map Chat in starting zones anyway.

    Finally, you should be able to click on the whole tab and see groups from all sub-sections combined. Like, I will click on Dungeons and see groups for all dungeons, but I will also be able to click on Ascalonian Catacombs in particular and see groups just for it.

    Also, LFG groups should have a text or icon if the commander's world is full. This is very important to save a lot of people a lot of time hopping from one group to another trying to join worlds and having to close the "the world is full" notification every single time.

    A queue system should be implemented for joining worlds to save people from right-clicking every 5 seconds to get into the commander's instance which is horrible UX(and UI too). To prevent afkers from joining, there should be a confirmation window, but with a 30-60 seconds period during which your spot in the queue is reserved for you.

    There is no Join option in the friends menu, even if the friend is a leader of a squad. Furthermore, there is no join option when right-clicking on a name in chat, only invite, and even that only appears sometimes in some unspecified arbitrary circumstances. And to top it off, there is no indictation that the group of a person you are trying to join is full (or if the invite request was send). Neither through manually writing player's name and clicking join, nor through map - click on commander icon - join squad. Absolutely nothing happens, and you are left wondering if it's a bug or someting. The worst part is in the former case, when manually inputting the name and clicking join. It shows the same error message as when trying to invite an already grouped player - "The player is already in another party, squad, or guild". What in the actual fuck is that even supposed to mean? I'm trying to join a person through Join button, of course he's in another damned party, squad (or guild... What's that have to do with anything?). The only time it shows the right message (Group is full) is when you literally target the player near you, right click his portrait and choose "join".

    LFG window should have its own hotkey.

    It should NOT be possible for squads to merge without a confirmation (commanderless or not). I've seen numerous times how a commander was running a squad for achievements, only for some dickhead to merge a 30 person RIBA squad to it, and both sides are livid as a result, and the commander has to kick them all and they are all squadless as a result. It's awful all around, and it's honestly horrifying UX design.

    Squad members have their names shown even if you disable "Show Player Names". That behaviour is simply wrong, and quite obnoxious too.

    Trading Post:

    The "Delivery Box" design in TP makes it seem like you can click anywhere in that big unified rectangle of yellow to show the full list of bought items. But actually only the top row of text is clickable, which is very counter-intuitive. Please make it all interactable.

    TP search should have a filter that can exclude locked/unlocked items. This would make looking through the mini, dye, skin, novelty and weapon section much easier and enjoyable. Might even encourage people to explore new skins from time to time, if they wouldn't have to scroll past hundreds of "Carrion Pearl Crusher of Sigil Names".

    When selling on Trading Post to the highest buyer with your amount of materials higher than the asked amount, and someone buys part of it while you are in the same window - the rest of your materials are automatically posted as Selling but with a price still set as the highest Buy order. Which defeats the whole purpose of Buy - insta-selling, and moreover goes against the purpose of sell - to sell things slower but at a higher price. Also, if you still want to insta-sell your materials, you will actually lose your listing fee (which you didn't agree to) when canceling the sell auction. Please, remove this automatic feature, it only creates frustration. If you aren't able to, at least make the price match the lowest seller.

    When using custom gem exchange, the input field behaves extremely erratically, constantly moving the text cursor and putting in its own values when you delete numbers. Please fix, make it a regular text field without 'smart' aid.

    Gemstore related:

    Black Lion Statuettes list should include much less minis and more unique stuff. There's already a shitton black lion chest exclusives to put in statuettes, no need to further agonize the players by making 2/3 of the list different shades of minis.

    A long shot, but I think it will be much healthier for the game, if: mount skins that just change color patterns and/or horn(ear, nose, mouth, etc) shape slightly and add dye channels - should be earned through gameplay. The complete and utter lack of ingame skins is very off-putting for a new player and embarassing when telling your friends about the game (see the recent Summit stream and his "where do you earn these mounts, raids? Dungeons? Solo?"). I don't believe that this will cut into the mount licenses profit, since the more flamboyant skins will still attract the sales, and the reduced chance to get 'filler' might even motivate players to spend more. At least it would for me. Honestly, how many players have you seen riding aspenian lizard raptor compared to the cosmic or flaming one? I believe that has everything to do with the fact that players either - choose mount-select licences and pick the most amazing skin since for the average player they already are somewhat pricey - or spent too much money on random chances to ride a less flashy skin. But if you make some skins available through gameplay, they might even have more status than the ones bought from gemstore, especially if the means of acquisition aren't trivial.

    Same goes for Gliders and Outfits. At least some of them SHOULD be available through gameplay (legendary gliders aren't the answer, they are far too costly and time-consuming to make).

    Chat related:

    You can get link-spam-filtered just from messaging to yourself. I am used to linking items' and skins' links to myself so as not to spam the map, say or guild chat, and after 10-20 links it won't allow you to do anymore item links, which is ridiculous.

    If you start writing a message in chat, but leave it unsent and do other stuff and change maps, the item links disappear for no reason, but the rest of the text remains. Super weird behavior, please fix.

    Combat text scrolls down even if you scroll it up, making it impossible to read if you are doing literally anything and especially mid-combat. If I scrolled it up, it already means I want to see a particular part of it. Make it remain still when scrolled.

    Chat timestamps should show seconds too. It is sorely needed for combat log but is useful for regular chatting too.

    Please enable mouse-over tooltips for enemy abilities in combat logs. Sometimes you really want to know what killed you and a generic name doesn't cut it. It's hard to know what you could do to evade "Lightning Strike" when fighting a monster, or if it's unavoidable, or if it is supposed to be aoe, or if it was the one that knocked you down. It's gotten better lately, with an exorbitant 40% of abilities having a tooltip. In the newest releases only. Sometimes even the same boss will have both tooltipped and raw text abilities in combat log.

    When you leave a group, all group chat gets instantly erased from chat log. This is beyond stupid and serves literally zero purpose. Makes it unnecessarily hard to message party members, read what you missed during combat, report offenders after the fact, etc etc. Same goes for squad chat, though in some cases it remains for an arbitrary amount of time.

    Please make a /hug and /pet emote. It's very essential. And just more emotes in general, the current line-up is honestly pathetic.

    Disable Ctrl+click functionality (which is doubled by shift-click anyway but without accidental spamming of guild chat) and put insta-Preview on it, which is incredibly intuitive and is the way it's usually done in other games.

    2 mails per 2 minutes limit is way too small. People hit that multiple times just doing giveaways in guild chat.

    Game Perfomance:

    Trading Post is horrendously slow, 5 seconds to update regularly, sometimes can go up to a minute. Pls fix.

    Game should incorporate DirectX 12 somehow for better FPS, so that people won't have to rely on 3rd party addons that might get them banned (according to multiple GMs I asked, they can ban you anytime if they don't like how the d912pxy behaves). Or at the very least, approve d912pxy the same way you approved ArcDPS, which is far more egregious as far as gameplay fairness is concerned.

    Characters should NOT have clicking priority over objects, chests and other interactable things. That's just game-design 101, not allowing bodyblocking. You can even put camera in 1st person mode and literally have only the chest under your mouse, and yet it will still target the character that stands on his mount over it. This point is for cases when F interaction is sidetracked by other things, like reviving NPCs/players, people placing merchants on top of chests, etc.

    Aviator's Box gives an unremovable debuff (unless you notice it in time and can return to the box) which is stupid, it should give the same droppable bundle skills as all other toys. That mechanic was implemented for good reason, but aviator's box is illogically exempt from it. And it also should have less interaction priority than chests.

    Earthshaker Mining Tool has only 3 strikes per animation. As a result, it takes 4 activations of it to fully mine a Rich Platinum Vein, unlike all other tools that do it in 3. Please fix.

    Earthshaker Mining Tool (maybe other mining tool skins too, but Not logging or gathering) force you to drop bundles when used, which is clearly a bug. Merchants' basic 100-charge tools like Orichalcum Mining Pick don't make you drop bundles btw.

    Focused Solar Logging Tool has a moderate (30%) chance to have a visual bug where the sun rays are misplaces relative to the small sun FX. Like, there's a glowing orb above your character, but the rays all originate from a point 1 meter to the left, or down from the orb, resulting in a weird cone hanging miserably in the air.

    There should be a native(not 3rd party) radial menu for mounts, their amount is getting a bit too high for keybinds.

    Please reroute NPCs in Lion's Arch that patrol to Bank and Trading Post, making you greet them instead of interacting with the bank/TP. There's no point to it when other cities don't have that problem.

    Many events are broken and can't be finished from time to time or at all, sometimes blocking collection/achievement/merchant progress. Examples: Portal of Rhand in Diessa Plateau, Sven in Wayfarer's Foothills, larvae in Teku Nuhoch in Tangled Depths, and many more.

    Whisper of Jormag is bugged to hell. Spreading Ice is dealing damage just at any random point in time, regardless of anything. I had it deal its 10k damage at the very start of the spreading / 2 seconds after the 'explosion' / 1 second before the telegraphed expanding circle reaches the edges / deal its damage 2 times (without stepping into other people's aoe of course). Sometimes it even deals damage without the ability even active - you just randomly receive 10k damage, look at combat log - and it's spreading ice. Sometimes chains bug out and apply 6 chains in total. Sometimes the frostbite aura ticks 3 times instead of 1. And of course the last phase, a clusterfuck of abilities that just fire one after another without any regard to timers or each other. Two coalescing green circles one after another. Spreading Ice at the same time as green orb, sometimes with knock up for good measure. Fix it all, make it an actual skill-dependent and interesting boss.

    P.S. Change the god damned preview window, it is riddled with bugs and pathetic user experiences. It is probably the most shameful piece of UI I have ever seen in a game, especially since it's the forefront for the 'fashion' which is the main bulk of GW2 income and endgame.

    submitted by /u/Faleonor
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    I love festivals but... Why aren't the tokens in our wallet?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Queen's Gauntlet Entry Tickets

    I love festivals, but why isn't this item part of the wallet system? I have to keep going to the bank to deposit my tickets, so I can use them on a different character every time I want to try a different tactic. It's quite cumbersome.

    Baubles and Bauble Bubbles are the same story. Why exactly aren't they in the wallet yet? It doesn't make any sense to me.

    Anyone has any clue? Or a way to deal with the gauntlet tickets? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Iscera
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    ScuffedMouse: A Linux solution/guide for the absence of YoloMouse

    Posted: 02 Sep 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    ScuffedMouse: A Linux solution/guide for the absence of YoloMouse

    Hey there,

    I switched to Linux a few months back, being glad that Guild Wars 2 runs fine. However there was one important addition that I strongly missed and was unable to get working on Linux; YoloMouse.

    Today I got fed up with it and made my own solution, but beware, it is SUPER scuffed. Hence the creative name, ScuffedMouse.

    If you intend to use this, I warn thee.

    This solution only works on Xserver desktop environments due to the tools used. I have only tested and run this on my own Kubuntu (KDE Plasma) install and played with it without significant problems for about 5 hours. That's what I call quality assurance.

    Steps to install

    1. Download and build the following; https://github.com/mortoray/pqiv/tree/feature/click-through, this is a special version of pqiv, an image viewer for linux. This special version allows for the blocking of clicking events. Created by https://mortoray.com/2018/08/04/creating-a-local-screen-overlay-for-streaming-obs-linux/ for his live streaming overlay or something, good find.
    2. Install prerequisites for the bash script: xdotool xinput
    3. Put the Bash script somewhere:

    #!/bin/bash # Open cursor image in special version of pqiv (scuffed) pqiv --click-through --keep-above --transparent-background --hide-info-box --window-title=mouseoverlay ~/Pictures/test.cur & sleep 2 # Fetch window id using xorg tools window_id=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --name mouseoverlay) # Fetch mouse id mouse_id=$(xinput --list | grep -i -m 1 'mouse' | grep -o 'id=[0-9]\+' | grep -o '[0-9]\+') # Actually half the cursor size but too lazy to rename cursor_size=32 while : do # Mouse location command returns list of VAR=value, so we eval it for ez extraction eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell) # Get the x and y the window should go to based on mouse window_x=$(($X - $cursor_size)) window_y=$(($Y - $cursor_size)) # Move it as such (Unreal how scuffed this method is) xdotool windowmove -- $window_id $window_x $window_y # Get mouse button states mouse_state_left=$(xinput --query-state $mouse_id | grep 'button\[1\]') mouse_state_right=$(xinput --query-state $mouse_id | grep 'button\[3\]') # If any mouse button pressed we're probably camera turning or something if [[ $mouse_state_left == *"down"* ]] || [[ $mouse_state_right == *"down"* ]]; then # So we unmap the window, hiding it (can it get any more scuffed?) xdotool windowunmap $window_id else # Otherwise show it xdotool windowmap $window_id fi done 

    Short explanation. It launches the scuffed image viewer, fetches the image viewer's window id, fetches the mouse id. It then indefinitely fetches the mouse position and moves the window there. If mouse button go clicky window also go hidy.

    1. Replace the final path argument at the very top command with the path to the cursor you wish to use. I use a YoloMouse blue round circly cursor (see demo). Oh yeah, and also change the cursor_size variable to half the cursor size. Cursor image must be square.

    Running it

    I have found that to run it properly, the window manager has to set Guild Wars 2 to be "always below", so that every window is always on top of GW2 (shouldn't be necessary but im too lazy to find out why it otherwise wont work, gw2 ignores the always-on-top property of the image viewer).

    Additionally, Lutris and KDE seem to disable desktop effects on game launch, this should be disabled (ctrl + alt + f12 on Kubuntu), if this is not done the cursor will likely not have any transparency and black parts.

    Now just run the script.

    If you want it to stop, you have to both close the cursor window, and stop the script running.


    1. It's really scuffed
    2. Might affect performance, as the program is constantly calling the compositor and window manager to do things it usually wouldn't. Especially the re-enabling of desktop effects can harm performance.
    3. The mouse cursor clips near the edges of the screen, since the window manager does not like windows moving beyond the display borders or something, deal with it, its scuffed.
    4. Original mouse cursor is still present.
    5. Cursor is the same everywhere, always. No editing specific cursors. The cursor image follows the cursor everywhere in every program.
    6. It's made by me and I do not take any responsibility for you having a bad time, a bricked computers, or a loss of funds.


    Scuffed demo with a YoloMouse cursor.

    submitted by /u/Placeless
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    Made a silly video about some of the weird things in gw2 we don't talk about

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Just Started Playing, Coming from FFXIV decided to montage my play time of my experiences so far. (PS: I am enjoying it)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Game Update Notes: September 1st, 2021

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:01 PM PDT

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