• Breaking News

    Monday, September 13, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 You hoped that GW2 will escape Jack-O disease, but then you see Gourdon-O showing off his summerbod in Labyrinthine Cliffs

    Guild Wars 2 You hoped that GW2 will escape Jack-O disease, but then you see Gourdon-O showing off his summerbod in Labyrinthine Cliffs

    You hoped that GW2 will escape Jack-O disease, but then you see Gourdon-O showing off his summerbod in Labyrinthine Cliffs

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    Sometimes this game is just breathtaking

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    "Care to help, adventurer? Here are all the things you can do to assist us!" — "ok so u need me 2 kill things 4 u right??? idk"

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    When will they learn?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    I really hate the fact I can't go thou this hole

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    Restored items and belief

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Hello Players all

    Today Customer Services returned a number of items to me that had been accidentally deleted. These items represent a huge investment of my time in the game and while I supplied proof in the form of achievements and crafting recipies, there is no obligation to credit my account.

    I am relieved, cheered and deeply grateful to the support team for their response.


    submitted by /u/Exciting-Letter-3436
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    The Commander And Manners

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Beware of the cookie-loving bear

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    HARBINGER - based on the concept art

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Heads up! “Return to” maps -> easy currency for Skyscale Saddle

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Just a heads up in case folks aren't aware; the "Return to" achievements give you enough map currency for the Skyscale saddle so you don't have to grind as much when you want to complete the collection for the mount. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/Naeturefae
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    Best 20 AP I earned so far. [Light Up The Darkness]

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    All there is to love about HoT and PoF, and what I hope EoD can learn from them

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:19 PM PDT


    With more and more information about EoD being released and teased, I figure now is a great time to think back on the successes and failures of our past two expansions, and what we hope EoD learns from them.



    1) Elite specializations! HoT introduced Elite specializations, which has had a huge impact on buildcrafting and gave players a new way of expressing themselves and personalizing their characters.

    2) Enemy design! HoT was pretty much the first part of the game where players had to actually consider the moves of enemies they encountered. The snipers, wyverns, pocket raptors, crushers, shadowleapers, arrowheads, vinetooths, rolling devils, smokescales, etc. all felt unique and were a massive leap forwards in encounter design, that I think has been instrumental in GW2s continual growth. I don't see many people talking about this, but it was a monumental success. The enemy/encounter design team deserves praise.

    3) Map Design! Okay, this one might be controversial. Several HoT maps (especially Tangled Depths) have recieved criticism for being tedious to navigate. However, I think the level design of Heart of Thorns is fantastic. It feels so unique and exciting, especially coming from core Tyria which, while it was pretty, was mostly a lot of hilly plains with no real verticality. Exploring the HoT maps on release was exciting and challenging, and made traversal engaging in a way it had never really been before.

    4) Gliding! It may be less exciting now that mounts are in the game, but Gliding added a whole new level of traversal and excitement to exploration. Just getting to run around and see what you could do and where you could reach with gliding was (and still is) a blast. It also made for some cool ways of engaging enemies, as seen in the Octovine fight, as well as the Mouth of Mordremoth.

    5) Story! The HoT story was very engaging and intense, and felt incredibly climactic as the conclusion of the long conflict with Mordremoth. It really showed off ANet's creativity, being able to turn a jungle dragon into such an insidious villian. And then there's the final encounter. Hearts and Minds is such an amazing mission. It's got some pretty cool boss mechanics, great writing, and EXCELLENT music. Seriously. Listen to the Mordremoth theme right now. It's fantastic.

    6) Music! GW2 has always had great music, but HoT managed to take it even further. Every background theme, EVERY SINGLE AB SONG, all the boss themes (especially Mordremoth's), and really just every song in the expansion was fantastic. Auric Wilds especially is my favorite ambient noise of any map, ever. AND THEN THERE'S THE MAIN THEME. The Heart of Thorns theme that played on the character select screen was so goddamn hype I remember just sitting there listening to the whole thing before actually playing. It was fantastic.

    7) Map-wide meta events! These are another point of contention for some people, but charging through Dragons Stand or Auric Basin together just feels so cool. Having access to a "farm" that is actually fun and engaging is wonderful, and it also gives players a good reason to keep coming back to these great maps. It just feels great to work together with a ton of people and defeat massive encounters.


    1) metas. HoT's focus on metas and events in its maps made them very hard to appreciate as a solo player, or if you're unlucky and can't find a populated map. Also, in the case of AB and DS, it was possible for a whole map to fail because just a few people didn't know the mechanics or weren't paying attention. While this has gotten better as more people have learned the maps and commanders have gotten more practice leading them, it created incredibly toxic chats at launch and still is somewhat frustrating today.

    2) general lack of solo content. Aside from meta events, the standard dynamic events in HoT are often incredibly challenging to do alone, and many of the hero points are insanely difficult to get alone. While this isn't really an issue for me, I know that it can be very frustrating for newer or more casual players just trying to explore the maps. In addition, the lack of heart quests means that much of the story of a map is inaccessible to solo players.

    3) adventures. Look, I think adventures were a great idea. Many of them are fun and interesting, and are actual good solo content. However, many of them are also Testament to how floaty the movement in GW2 is. It's very frustrating to try and quickly move to places when when the movement system is actively working against you. I think PoF did a much better job with its adventures, as mounts make them way more fun.

    4) Masteries. Many of HoTs masteries were fine. Some were even great! The gliding ones, the mushroom ones, and the "challenge" ones were all great in my book. However, some of them felt totally useless. Several masteries are mostly just there ad requirements for collections, and almost all of them only help you in HoT, and only in very specific situations. I know that this was on purpose, but it makes the mastery progression feel a bit less satisfying. Also, Ley Line Gliding feels janky as hell. I still LOVE the mastery system though.

    5) the unskippable cutscene after defeating the Mouth of Mordremoth, and the 8 minute wait after defeating the Chak Gerent. Seriously ANet, this is just tedious. Not a major concern at all, I just wanted to vent about it.

    6) no fishing??? HoT has no fishing, which I imagine was probably an accident on ANet's part. They must've forgotten about it.

    I love Heart of Thorns so much. I know some people have their gripes with it, but I'll always love arriving at shipwreck peak for the first time on a new character.



    1) MOUNTS! Starting with the griffon in the room, mounts were probably the biggest addition from Path of Fire. Plenty of people have already sung their praise, but tldr: Mounts are fantastically well implemented, and feel great to use. They flow very well into the gameplay, to the point where they just feel like a core part of the game now.

    2) Masteries! PoF made a bold move, and tied all of its masteries to mounts. I remember being initially skeptical, but I totally love this decision. It makes your mounts feel successively cooler and more useful, while also unlocking new areas and secrets. Furthermore, it is applicable just anout anywhere! With the exception of the Shifting Sands portal mastery, pretty much every one of these is always useful, anywhere in the world.

    3) strong singleplayer content! The return of heart quests and the more appropriate tuning of enemies and events made Path of Fire far more approachable for solo and more casual players. The transition from the leveling process to PoF feels very natural, and (with the exception of a couple small metas and bounties), most content in each map could be cleared by just one person.

    4) Bounties! I'm still a little mixed on bounties, but I really do enjoy them. They often are mini raid bosses with surprisingly high difficulty, and running around the map with a group of people to track them down is pretty fun. However, I do think the champion bounty loot feels pretty low compared to their difficulty. This was a cool way of adding a sort of optional group content to maps.

    5) visual design! While they may not be quite as striking as HoT's crazy jungle maps, PoF's maps were all excellently designed. Desert Highlands and Elon Riverlands especially showcase how ANet was able to meld so many unique enviroments together and still create a cohesive feeling. PoF maps also have lots of things to find and do, making them a lot of fun to explore alone or in a small group.

    6) Palawa Joko! I love this lich as a villian so much. It's such an interesting take on the trope of evil lich villian, and the living world only makes him more and more fun.

    7) the racing music! Seriously. This song goes so hard oh my god. EDIT: I HAVE BEEN INFORMED THAT THIS SONG IS NOT NEW FROM POF.

    8) Elite Specializations! PoF's elite specializations were a lot more crazy and unique than HoT's. Things like Firebrand, Scourge, Holosmith, and Deadeye all fundamentally changed how their classes could play, and many PoF specs were open-ended and allowed for a lot of build variety.

    9) general polish! As great as HoT was, PoF just felt much smoother. There was much less time spent wandering around lost, being stun-locked by a mushroom or arrowhead, or spending 10 minutes walking back up to the canopy because you missed a glide or got knocked off by an enemy. These aren't major knocks on HoT, but PoF has fewer tedious moments in my opinion.


    1) heart quests. While they do add more content for solo players, they also are sometimes pretty boring. Especially because many of them take a super long time to get done. PoF did introduce a lot of new ideas for hearts, but some of them just become slogs of repetitive actions because they barely fill your bar at all. I'm also not really a fan of the repeatable hearts (I don't mind them as much in Living Worls though), but that's totally personal preference.

    2) lack of major events. This one is the big one for me. PoF has some of the coolest areas in the game, and yet there's very little incentive to ever visit them more than once. Beyond the pinata, most people probably hardly visit the crystal desert. There just aren't enough major events, and usually the rewards aren't good enough to make them worth the effort. Usually events are only done by a couple people, or as one-time things for the purpose of collections. While I like that PoF didn't make HoT metas obsolete, it is a bit of a disappointment that there isn't much reason to return to these fantastic maps beyond a couple of bounties.

    3) no fishing, again??? This was a serious oversight by ANet, as they again forgot to put fishing into the game. Seriously guys.

    Overall, PoF feels more "safe" than HoT. There's less nitpicks that I have, but also it didn't have the same connection with me that HoT did. Great expansion, but it felt a little less unique.


    1) a mix of maps with metas and without. While I personally prefer the maps designed around meta events, I think the game should always have options for solo players or people who don't want to be constantly hopping around between metas. I also hope that whatever metas do exist have fewer frustrating mechanics, because it really is incredibly difficult to try and use map chat to explain to people how to do things like Dragon's Stand.

    2) more masteries that have uses everywhere! We've seen this in fishing and skiffs, and can expect it with siege turtles, but I think that these masteries go a long way in making the expansion and the whole rest of the game more enjoyable.

    3) more verticality and map complexity. I think Auric Basin really nailed this, and I hope that at least one or two of the EoD maps really embrace this verticality and make use of the many traversal options players have.

    4) fewer enemies that roll around. Arrowheads, vinetooths, rolling devils, and the legendary Choya bounty are all a fucking pain. The main issue I have with them is that you get hit with a series of small stuns, making stun breaks often ineffective. This is mostly just a personal gripe, but I can't be the only one whi gets really frustrated by these encounters.

    5) a dedicated map for fishing. It could just be a massive fucking lake with an island in the center for all I care. Make a fishing meta where each corner of the lake needs to catch a certain amount of fish while fending off monsters or something. Oh you thought this was going to be a normal discussion post? You didn't notice it was me again, the guy who made the long post about fishing like a month ago? Fuck you. I want a set of fishing legendary armor that's just a poncho. I want a fishing ranking system like in sPvP. I want a fishing tie-in with WvW where you can fish to supply food for your keeps or something. I want a raid where all you do is fish for an hour and the challenge is just overcoming the awkward silence. I want Lures of Destabalized ectoplasm so I can gamble with my fishing rod. I want Canach to have a line about going grenade fishing with us. I want to use my siege turtle to fucking blast people's skiffs out of the water so I can have all the fish for myself. I want a fishing infusion that just makes you look vaguely damp. I will fish every goddamn fish to extinction if that's what it takes to get my full set of moist gear.

    6) some cool secret mastery like the griffon!

    submitted by /u/Spaproling
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    Addiction help and how it could be implemented into Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    What I think would help me and many other players is some kind of addiction help integrated in GW2. I know publishers want players to spend as much as possible time in game and even use some addictive game designs, but I think it would be more beneficial to care about them (players) not becoming too addicted. And... I think I don't have to write about how exactly MMO games are addictive.

    I tried to visualize and explain how I would like to see it in game. Note: turning that on would be optional, not by default.

    Turning it on could be fond in a new tab in options (it could be called "Wellbeing" or something similar). There would be options:

    1. turn on playtime reminders - ON/OFF (off by default) - get shown every 30 minutes like this: https://i.ibb.co/khC3zzM/addictionhelp.png - in the middle of screen and in chat, like client update message. Simply having a perspective on how long I'm playing sometimes brings me back to earth. And I miss that in game. (It's already nightfall? But I just ate my breakfast...)

    2. set daily timer (OFF by default, ON - can be set by increments of 30 minutes) - set the max amount of time in a day you want to spend in game

    • "light" notification - after the chosen amount of time we get the message that our daily planned playtime is over. We get the message the same way as playtime reminder, it doesn't interrupt anything. It would be nice to have an option to set custom message (ie "Hey get your ass off the screen you cabbage~"). The message repeats every 30 minutes if the game isn't closed. If you log in again later, the message repeats in chat every 30 minutes.
    • "stern" notification - after time runs out it logs off the character to character selection screen. Simply kills whatever we're doing and doesn't let you log in the same or any other character. Even after restarting the client. For last 30/15/5/1 minutes we get notifications: "Your session ends in x minutes. After that, you will be logged off."

    * both options have chat notifications last 30, 15, 5 and 1 minute/s before the time runs out

    Of course that the "stern" control could be removed the minute before and after it kills our session. And that many people will do that so they could play some more. But even a small nudge could help many.

    "Well just close the game lmao" - for people struggling with addiction it is not so simple. As many (if not most) people have addictive personalities this implementation could potentially help them a lot.

    Also I think it was around chinese client release that something of this kind was datamined. Do they have it? Idk, but I would love to see it in out client too!

    Edit: Didn't know something like that already exists! But I would like to see something more substantial implemented. Current implementation: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035135614-Responsible-Gaming-In-Game-Tools

    submitted by /u/ivi-gw2
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    TACO questions

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    So ive come across this TACO addon and wondered if there was a "all in one" version of it? One that offers boss times, paths, ranger pet locations?

    [I asked a few weeks about easy/ simple classes to use as im recently disabled] So wanted to thank all those that offered advise too

    submitted by /u/VonPetiteMort
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    Let us sit in our chairs during the one minute prep period before a match starts in sPvP. Ranks past dragon should award unique chairs.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Finishers are cool and all but I just want to gather round with my teammates and flex without having to ram a pole into someones corpse.

    submitted by /u/Final-Verdict
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    StaysafeTV tries the Raptor in PoF

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Time for a achievement UI rework?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    I mean achievement UI has been much more than just for achievements for a long time. Does it really make sense to have "avoid certain attack" mixed in with "big quest chain", mixed with "big crafting undertaking". As I was going back to play "No Quarter" I couldn't for the life of me figure out where to find my "charr commendations" and later realized this was another thing squeezed in to the achievement UI along with special missions. I just wish for some clarity of what's what. What should people care about and what's just some quirky achievement for completion?

    submitted by /u/tobvet
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    Level 61 ranger with 225 leather working - should I continue to 400 now or at level 80?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I posted a while back asking if I should boost my mesmer to 80 - I decided to 'earn' my boost by levelling a character from 1-80; this is said character!

    I've gradually levelled up leather working to 225, occasionally spending a few silver to get raw materials. I love crafting the various armours and seeing what the next tier will be but then as soon as I do so I get a personal quest reward which is way better?!

    Should I keep pushing the crafting (for bonus xp) or wait till 80? I've seen a few people recommend the latter. Crafting ascended gear is super appealing to me but I know I've got a long road ahead of me.


    submitted by /u/CamH00ps
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    I fixed my connection issues (7:1000:7006:462)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    first of all, I would like to apologize. I made a rant post a few days ago, in which I complained about my connection issues and contributed absolutely nothing in order for people to help me.

    I was ranting and insulting and I really feel sorry for it. This is definitely something I have to work on, but that's not supposed to be the core of this post.

    Apparently, I found a solution to my connection issue, which always said something like "The game client lost it's connection to the server. Please try again in a few minutes".

    What finally solved the issue was to set my D.N.S to the Google Servers (at least that's what I think I did, sorry for my lack of knowledge here).

    To do that, do a right-click on the Wifi/Network icon in the system tray (usually lower right corner on your taskbar), click on network and internet settings.

    In the following menu, click on "adapter settings" and now on the adapter you are using, for example your WiFi.

    Now a small window should open and in the lower half there should be "properties" with an admin symbol next to it. Click on it.

    Now search for Internet Protocol Version 4 (sorry if the translation isn't 100% correct, my windows is in German lol) and click on it.

    In the following window, you should be able to set a custom DNS server address.

    Type in: for prefered server and for alternative server.

    You can check the option below so it tests if everything is alright. You might get an error message though or it might say something like couldn't find a problem. But everything should be fine.

    This fixed my problem and I never had an error message ever since. If you have this problem, I hope this is the right solution for you.

    Sorry again for ranting in my last post and have a good day :)

    submitted by /u/mindkingdom
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    PSA: stoneskin infusion in daily vendor

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    Get your once-per-account infusion today for only 600 marks!

    submitted by /u/Periproct
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    Why does Taimi always limp? (Have been doing PoF, LW S4, and IBS but not much before)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 04:52 PM PDT

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