• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 NA servers crashed

    Guild Wars 2 NA servers crashed

    NA servers crashed

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    Everybody panic

    Edit: looks like we're back, 7:38 am EST

    submitted by /u/VitarainZero
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    First time I've seen the raid LFG full!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    Living World Season 4 Guides + Skyscale

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    This week we are completing the Return to Living World Season 4, and I wanted to share with you all the guides I made to help with ALL the achievements. These took me longer and a lot of effort but I hope they will be useful for some players.

    Episode 1: Daybreak Achievements Guide
    Episode 2: A Bug in the System Achievements Guide
    Episode 3: Long Live the Lich Achievements Guide
    Episode 4: A Star to Guide Us Achievements Guide
    Episode 5: All or Nothing Achievements Guide
    Episode 6: War Eternal Achievements Guide

    Skyscale Mount Achievement Guide

    I will update the main guide Seasons of the Dragons later today (I'm too tired) and I have a lot more to do!

    Hope it helps!

    submitted by /u/GuildJen
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    What the new mesmer elite spec could have been...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I've been watching New World streams and they somehow still have major problems that GW2 solved 9 years ago.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Massive problem #1: Login queue times. There are streamers who tried to log in on day 1 and literally saw a 200-hour queue time prediction, with over 10,000 people waiting in queue for a server that holds a max of 2000 people. GW2 solved this 9 years ago by automatically booting up new virtual servers ("instances") when demand grows, and letting players play on any instance instead of only a specific one. It amazes me that a brand new MMORPG still has this problem which was already solved over 9 years ago by a studio with much less funding.

    GW2 still has specific servers that dictate WvW teams, which is exactly what they are trying to do away with now, because of the problems that such a system creates. It's crazy that Amazon, with all its resources and tech talent, didn't avoid this problem for their brand new game.

    Massive problem #2: The questing is boring dog shit. Streamers and Youtube reviews have been saying that the questing in New World is tedious and boring, largely populated by traditional MMORPG fetch quests and "travel 10 miles to this cave, kill 10 boars, then come back and tell me" type of shit. And when you get there, you find that the boars you need to kill have already been killed by other players since the starting zones are so packed. GW2 solved this by creating dynamic events which scale based on local player participation, and letting players share loot and kill credit. It's crazy that a brand new MMORPG is still using outdated mechanics despite such a better system already being used by GW2.

    My prediction is that New World will fade into obscurity just like many other MMORPG's that come and go over the years, due to its lack of innovation. Shiny Object Syndrome will wear off in a few months and players will go back to whatever MMORPG they were playing before. The only way to avoid this outcome is if something very innovative and fun exists in New World's end game that we don't know about yet. Supposedly New World has a very fun material gathering system for crafting, so they at least have that going for them.

    submitted by /u/TasteMyPoopsicle
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    The Tyrian Gathering Marker Project

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    I've started a project to map out all of the gathering nodes around every map and stick a TacO marker on them. I know that the spawn points vary a bit, but much like HarvestMap for ESO, knowing where each point is can be valuable information.


    Right now the markers are separated out almost exactly the way the default TacO resource categories are laid out, with the exception of plants. I felt like dividing up the plants by sickle quality was a bit much, so I've alphabetized them and created 3 subgroups: herbs, root vegetables, and mushrooms. All three of the subgroups have overlap within the members of what they can drop and all drop multiple different things.


    I've made custom graphics for each of the nodes out of their respective inventory icons, so they look at least a bit palatable on the map, and it's very easy to distinguish say soft wood from seasoned wood.

    I've also set the nodes to disappear when you press your interaction key on them, and reappear an hour later, which is what I've been told the normal respawn timer for a completely generic node should be.


    So here it is, the Tyrian Gathering Marker Project, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

    submitted by /u/kriana63
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    Solo Sorrow's Embrace Path 1 - Mesmer [6:27]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    What races do you play, from most to least?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    Feel free to explain why, it's always an interesting read.

    Currently my top two are equally human and charr. I've got a human male guardian and a human male thief, who I've had since I've first started playing.

    Then followed by my charr male revenant and my charr female warrior who I've made a year or so later. They're all my favourite characters right now.

    Next is sylvari. I've only got one sylvari, my male ranger, who I really like. He's probably my fifth most played character after the four I mentioned earlier.

    Then is norn. I don't play them much, the men sort of feel a little too sluggish for me, and the only max level one I have is a weaver who is too squishy for me to enjoy.

    After that is finally Asura. I've only got one, a support engineer who I built specifically for when my friends and I play together, but since I play this game a lot more than they do, he doesn't see much play.

    submitted by /u/FLYNCHe
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    New Elite Specs

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:56 AM PDT

    So I've been watching the feedback online from various sources and what i've gathered is that basically every single new espec needs a rework according to the internet. I wasn't there during the PoF betas but I'm curious, was this how that beta went as well? Because to be fair there is NO WAY they can literally rework every espec until launch, maybe 1 or 2 they can that are the biggest offenders but so far I haven't seen much hype for ANY spec. Am I stuck in bubbles and this is just the internet being the internet or are they really all disappointing/bad?

    submitted by /u/zojcotronix69
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    Shadow Mender, an Item that is amazing and doesnt work at all apparently

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    So, with the release of Dragonfall yesterday, i checked out every shop avaible and noticed the item " Shadow Mender ".

    for 5 Minutes, a shadow, that is Immune to damage and can not me targeted. will follow you for 5 minutes and Revive downed allies.

    Thats amazing! i can use an extra item for PVE content to revive allies while i pick up someone other and using my function gyro!

    I was pretty excited to use it in the Drakkar meta, since people die left and right, but i found out it doesnt work, at all. Me and my guild mate tried for 30 minutes to make it work but he just stands there... menacingly while watching people die. so i thought it would only work in Dragonfall, nope, also doesnt work

    such an amazing item that apparently doesnt work

    submitted by /u/Eastcliffer
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    [NA] Heart of Thorns Monthly Map Completion Train

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Hello GW2!

    On Saturday, October 2 at 9:00 AM PDT (UTC-7), I will be leading a map completion train through all of Heart of Thorns on the NA megaserver. No waypoints, mounts, or masteries are needed aside from the ones listed below. We will be covering the entirety of base Heart of Thorns, including hero points, mastery points, strongboxes, waypoints, points of interest, vistas, jumping puzzles, and hidden achievements. Yes, you read that right. EVERYTHING >:D

    For the train, please make sure you have:

    • Shipwreck Peak Waypoint, [&BN4HAAA=]

    • Basic gliding (will get you 95% of map completion)

    • The ability to read

    • A pleasant attitude!

    Tentative Itinerary for the Day (in PDT time)

    • 9:00 - 9:30 AM . Preparation and introduction to the train [Giveaway]

    • 9:30 - 11:30 AM . Verdant Brink map completion + night bosses.

    • 11:30 - 12:00 PM . Break time, preparation for Auric Basin [Giveaway]

    • 12:00 - 2:00 PM . Auric Basin map completion.

    • 2:00 - 2:30 PM . Break time, preparation for Tangled Depths. [Giveaway]

    • 2:30 - 4:30 PM . Tangled Depths map completion.

    • 4:30 - 5:00 PM . Break time, preparation for Dragon's Stand. [Giveaway]

    • 5:00 - 5:30 PM . Dragon's Stand map completion (unlocked portion of the map).

    • 5:30 - 6:00 PM . Event wrap-up and final giveaway of Community Chest codes.[Giveaway]

    This will be a full day event, so you are welcome to hop in and out. I will be trying to keep the map as full as possible with overflow squads, but I can't guarantee you a spot if everything fills. This event will also be live-streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/emidotexe. Swing by, say hi even if you're not on the train! I'll be answering most questions there; plus, it might be helpful to have it on in the background since I tend to give warnings/information during the train itself.

    I will be playing on my Chrono 'Emi Nyaa'. Squad will be up at 9 PDT exact. The first 10 minutes will be reserved for whisper invites only. Once it hits XX:10, the squad will be up in LFG → Heart of Thorns → Verdant Brink. Everything is on a first-come-first-serve basis, so please don't spam my chat if the squads are full!

    Feel free to add me on Emikadon.8542 in game or Emi#6622 on Discord. If you have any questions, you're welcome to whisper, mail, or private message me at any time, and I'll do my best to respond. Keep in mind that once the train starts, it'll be hard to respond to individual people, so please be understanding if I don't reply.

    [Giveaway Information]

    Courtesy of my partnership with ArenaNet, Guild MM's Trading Company [TP], and Karma [KA] I have lots of things that will be given away over the course of the event.

    • 4x 400 gem codes
    • 1000 liquid gold
    • Black Lion weapon skins

    Everything will be done using a giveaway extension on my stream. This means that you do not have to be in the physical train in order to be eligible! Anyone on any server from anywhere in the world can participate, so long as they're present at the time of the drawing and are able to type in chat. Note: You cannot win more than one code.

    Thank you, and I hope to see you there!

    Small screenshot collection from many previous trains.

    submitted by /u/Emikadon
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    The collective noun for a group of roller beetles should be a “derby.”

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Taimi already gave us a "glory" of skyscales, and roller beetles should have one, too.

    submitted by /u/musicmage4114
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    Need advice, is this email fake? Anyone else received it? They used my main characters name.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    Advice for noob commanders

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:48 AM PDT

    Hello community,

    Recently I have acquired the commander tag, so that our guild could raid and do some strike missions.

    I would also like to command some Meta events on various maps from time to time, however I'm not that confident in my knowledge on some of them.

    My question is: are there any guides for commanding in PvE? I spent a some time looking for some, but all I could find were WvW guides or guides on how to get the tag.

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/kalenma
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    What do you guys find fun/like the most about soulbeast?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Returning player here messing around with professions. I have had peoppe recommend soulbeast because it is supposedly a lot of fun. However, I've only messed around with it in the pvp lobby and it seems like base ranger but with 3 new abilities from pet? Mind you, I haven't messed around too much so obviously I'm doing something wrong. As such I came here to ask what you guys enjoy about soulbeast and why it's considered to be a lot of fun.

    submitted by /u/Darkstatic107
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    Dungeons vs DRMs

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    So a general sentiment I am seeing here in reddit is that while people usually like dungeons and want to see them return or updated in some way, DRMs seem to be commonly disliked. Now, I think apart from differences in instancing (its a shame that DRMs do not have unique instances) I am not finding dungeons too distinct from DRMs. Both have long walks and mob packs leading up to the final boss (although in dungeons these can be skipped which may be important) and both have rather simplistic final boss designs.

    However, I would like to get your view on this. If you are a player who likes dungeons but dislikes DRMs, could you share why? What are the different aspects of dungeons that you find appealing, which DRMs do not possess?

    submitted by /u/skelk_lurker
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    The final Prime Gaming drop is available to claim

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:04 AM PDT


    Gives you five dye kits:

    The dyes you get from them are not account bound and can be sold.

    submitted by /u/Skogrheim
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    Grouch will soon release the blog post about another WvW Alliances beta

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    [Help] Building Power/Shatter Mirage pvp build.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    [Help] Building Power/Shatter Mirage pvp build.

    Hi, I'm struggling playing mirage in pvp effectively, and wanted to ask for some help.

    I have a ton of fun with axe/pistol/greatsword and can play that fairly well and have games like this, but when I try other builds (sword/sword, or sword/torch) I die very quickly, often before I can even engage and get in on a player. Any tips on rotations/basic ideas? I feel like I do significantly less damage, and die way too quickly to do any kind of sustained pressure.

    With axe/pistol I can dash in, cc/burst, and dash away and it becomes a dance finding windows to attack, but with sword/torch I feel completely useless.

    Also what do y'all run for sigils on your weapons?

    Also also, do any of the top players in 2v2's run mesmer and have guides/gameplay videos I could learn from? I just started playing guild wars a couple weeks ago, (but not new to mmo/pvp) and don't know any content creators, and youtube has a surprising lack of content for what I'm looking for.

    Any advice would be appreciated!


    submitted by /u/HiFiveBro
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    New Taimi conversation - Parallel Analysis achievment

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    I haven't seen anyone post this, but yet again there is new conversation after finishing an entire seasons return to achievments. This time they start hinting at "Mother", so we will probably have revealed in End of Dragons who that is and what the history of the Elder Dragons is. What are you guys thoughts?

    The convo:

    Taimi: Commander! Can you believe the nerve of some people?
    Taimi: Someone broke into my lab at Rata Sum! Made a huge mess. Huh, you think it was Phlunt again? I bet it was Phlunt again.
    Gorrik: Wait, you didn't tell me this.
    Taimi: Because I didn't want you to worry. See? Eye of the North was the right choice for the lab. Taimi: If I'd been working out of MY lab, I could've been kidnapped. Or worse.
    Gorrik: Don't say that. That's horrible.
    Taimi: I'm fine, Gorrik. I know you'd protect me if anyone came after us here.
    Taimi: Well, you and Aurene. Anyway, Commander, thanks for the new data.
    Gorrik: Who do you think Kralkatorrik was referring to as "Mother"?
    Taimi: Probably his mother.
    Gorrik: Do Elder Dragons have mothers?
    Taimi: Aurene does.

    submitted by /u/Deadlynk6489
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    Where is the source for this Engi Flamethrower build I see everywhere in sPvP?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    I'm legit curious. Every engi I see is projectile vomiting flames and I don't see the build on Meta Battle or GoPvP. Is it straight up homebrew by individual players using (gasp) creativity or is it listed somewhere?

    submitted by /u/Nefarious303
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    Our Lord and Saviour...Joko Palawa

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    Dear Arenanet,

    As a disciple of his most benevolent ruler, slayer of elder dragons, king of kings, the majestic Joko Palawa; I humbly request more items to display our undying loyalty to the saviour of Tyria.

    This includes:

    A Jokomander commander Icon. Note that every squad message shall end with "PRAISE JOKO!" (Not my idea, kudos to the OP)

    A Joko outfit, permanently available to be purchased for gems by the faithful.

    A suitably reverent "PRAISE JOKO!" emote.

    That EoD provides a true account of Joko's victory over Shiro Tagachi, thus saving Cantha from a fate worse than the Jade Wind.

    The faithful may also have other suggestions.


    submitted by /u/SnorriHT
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    Anet really setting out Halloween decorations early. This was all over Dragonfall for me today.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:42 AM PDT

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