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    Friday, September 17, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Found in the wild for $15

    Guild Wars 2 Found in the wild for $15

    Found in the wild for $15

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    Finally - all those pushups paid off!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Rangers when they don't get instantly finished after getting downed:

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    World Restructuring & Alliances Q&A Recap

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    Hi reddit,

    I took some notes of the Q&A yesterday. Was mostly done for myself, so bare with the inconsistent way of writing down their answers. I also missed a few questions, so if anyone has those and want to share, please comment below.

    Here we go:

    1. Can you name an alliance?
      Yes, you will be able to name your alliance.
    2. How many guilds can be in your alliance?
      There is not a plan for a limit for the number of guilds. It could be considered if the UI get horrible with too many or that players try to make an alliance of, let's say 500 guilds of 1 player each.
    3. How many players can be in a team?
      Being "full" means your team is too big compared to the other teams.
    4. Are players able to transfer?
      NA vs EU transfers will still be available. It's a service that can't go away and has to stay. Currently, you get to pick a team if you transfer between regions. Eventually, there will be more granularity for how people can move between the teams.
    5. Are team names going to be different between NA and EU?
      For the first beta, it's the same names.
    6. What are "seasons"?
      Currently, it's just the name for the time between matchmaking. Maybe there will be more to it in the future.
    7. Are there any rewards coming with alliances?
      There will not be any new rewards while they're working on alliances.
    8. Can you represent your alliance?
      There is no plan to force you to represent someone. Maybe something with repping your alliance just like you represent your guild. Not necessarily representing your alliance and guild at the same time.
    9. Will there be any data available to show which alliances are on which teams?
      They want to talk with the community about what is needed to manage communities in the future.
    10. Can I choose who can put my guild as their WvW guild?
      That is something that has been talked about, but it will not be in the beta.
    11. Will there be leaderboards?
      There is a lot of information already and maybe some of it can be exposed in the future via the API. But it's TBD.
    12. What are your plans to keep an eye on the potential abuse of overstacking a single alliance?
      The ideal scenario is that we don't have to police alliances on an individual level. This is why the cap for a guild and alliances is starting at 500 players.
    13. Are there estimates of how long the phases are going to be for the betas?
      We don't really know. It depends on what shakes out of these betas. The things we deal with on these betas are testing things at scale.
    14. What is matchmaking is being used?
      How much a player is playing WvW. 1 person plays for 10 hours and 1 player playing for 1 hour is different in population. We will look at the data to try to figure out if we can add variables that help predict, that this team is going to dominate.
    15. Will you be willing to run longer betas in the phases?
      We want to get to week-to-week matches that are using alliances. First we have to start slow and we need to create some automatic systems before manual ones before we can scale the system up. Maybe not this beta.
    16. Is there going to be an alliance chat?
      There is not going to be an alliance chat in the beta, but they would love to have one.
    17. Is time-zone going to be used in matchmaking?
      Right now time zone is not going to be used. We want to do the simplest version to make sure they're working and that they do what they're intended to do. What we want to see is, with the population's balance, are time zones the right thing to look at? Or are there other solutions to the problem? Are there things we can do that don't hurt their gameplay?
    18. What is the first problem after alliances?
      After population balance is addressed, then rewards are planned to be the next step. They spent a lot of time looking at what would be the best thing to address and came to the conclusion after talking to a lot of players.
    submitted by /u/rediche
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    DirectX11 Support is Coming to Guild Wars 2 – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    State of the subreddit

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    Thought I'd update this for 2021.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Regarding elementalist memes: please try full celestial gear elementalist

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    Please give it a try. See how it feels. You need to remember just these things:

    fire = damage,

    water = healing and freezing (soft cc),

    lightning = damage, cc, speed,

    earth = damage, defense.

    Celestial gear has more total stat than regular gear. Of course it would be great if you at least glanced over what your skills do, and I know this won't end the meme, but I wish more people could have a wider perspective of things.

    Edit: I'm not saying try it in raid scene or anything like that of course, and maybe you're not wrong in saying that other classes are better at the moment, but if you want to play this class then it's definitely possible, it's alright in open world.
    Here is one build that offers the celestial variant as one of the options. Yeah, it's not the easiest class to play. That's why if you like more straightforward classes maybe it's not for you. But for anyone that likes the idea, yes, absolutely, please try it.

    submitted by /u/DragonFemale
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    As the elite specs are being revealed some people seem to be getting a bit upset.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Painting of my best friend's ranger. I met her through this game and finally get to see her in person for the first time next week.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    PoF champion bounties are unpopular and overscaled

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    It has come to my attention that these bounties have multiple major underlying problems.

    1) Champion bounties are way overscaled. For a small group, boss HP, CC bar, and damage are way too high. Ex: Silkears the Fierce runs when you try to fight it, and its big CC bar makes killing the boss IMPOSSIBLE unless you have a legendary train-size group with waystation cc to stop it. I tried with a small group and everyone gave up after first cc bar.

    2) Champion bounties have bad loot. Unlike legendary bounties, which can give elegy mosaics for legendary crafting, champion bounties do not give any desirable loot. There is no champion bounty train for this reason; it lacks an incentive that legendary bounty trains have, forcing some people to solo them.

    3) Unstable magic abilities are not scaled properly in small groups. Restorer for example heals 2% of the boss's health, which might not seem a lot, but some of these bosses spawn 3+ restorers constantly making it difficult to damage past 50% if in a small group or solo-ing. Phase-shifter makes soloing impossible.

    I just think for a main selling point for the expansion, bounties need a rework. Their scaling needs to be adjusted to match the group size (esp for groups of 3-5), incentive for bounty trains needs to be increased (loot or otherwise), and some champion bounties need to be nerfed or moved to legendary status (Silkears definitely not champion level).

    Thoughts? I know bounties are intended for groups but with low PoF map populations and poor payouts, I think bounties need a change.

    Edit: Most people brought up how they're killable with a few, and some soloable, which is true. I've soloed majority of them. However there are still a decent number of bounties that can't be soloed and is way more difficult than it needs to be compared to legendary bounties. Majority of players who are in PoF maps, especially in Desert Highlands and the Desolation, are new to gw2 and don't know their class well, don't know the instabilities and end up dying to them, or don't have the mounts to get to the spawn area. There is simply little to no reason more experienced players stick in these maps except for the piñata meta in CO, which is why it's hard to find players for these bounties to begin with. Champ bounties that can't be soloed: Scragglebeard, Butch unless else w/ stone heart trait, Silkears the Fierce, to name a few. CC bars are not scaled properly. Try it yourself.

    submitted by /u/LanguageWorldly3715
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    Some leaks for the new specs.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    ~~ As proof here's a massivelyop article.

    https://massivelyop.com/2021/09/16/guild-wars-2s-sixth-end-of-dragons-elite-spec-is-the-elementalists-catalyst ~~

    Edit: the press kit on the wiki, thank you u/TannenFalconwing


    I had an another link for the kit but didn't want to link incase it implicated anybody or something.


    The catalyst is primarily a damage dealer that is adept at controlling areas of the battlefield. Afterbuilding up elemental energy through combat, it can be expended to deploy and maintain the JadeSphere, creating an area of power that bolsters allies and damages enemies.

    Wielding a hammer, the catalyst gains access to a mix of midrange and close-range abilities, allowing itto adapt to the situation at hand. Water and Earth attunements are more melee-focused with some defensive tools for when the catalyst finds itself under pressure, while Fire and Air attunements contain midranged offensive skills to unleash damage on their enemies.

    Augments are the utility skill type of the catalyst. These augments empower the player for a duration oftime with a wide range of effects, including damage bonuses, defense, healing, and even cooldownreduction. Each augment is also associated with an element and can draw power from the Jade Sphere, gaining a bonus effect when used in the area of a matching-element sphere.


    While wielding the gunsaber, the bladesworn gains access to its unique weapon skills, including the ability to launch simultaneous attacks on both melee and ranged foes. With enough flow stored up, they also gain access to Dragon Trigger, where the bladesworn assumes a stationary position while charging for an extremely powerful attack: the Dragon Slash. The longer the gunsaber is in its sheath, the more powerful this attack becomes. At maximum charge, the attack can cut down even the most powerful and resilient of enemies in a single decisive strike.

    Aside from the gunsaber, bladesworn also carry a pistol as an off-hand sidearm, which allows the player to unload an explosion that grows more powerful the more ammo that's stocked. As the gunsaber is considered their primary weapon, bladesworn lose access to the ability to equip and switch between two separate weapon sets while in combat.

    Following their embrace of technology, the rest of the bladesworn's skill set revolves around the management of the ammo system: most of their new abilities can hold multiple charges that have additional benefits when used in quick succession. While in combat, players using the bladesworn will have to keep a delicate balance between efficient use of ammo on their weapon and utility skills, and switching to Dragon Trigger at the opportune time to unleash their strongest attack.


    Vindicators have had their dodge ability modified so that it can only be used at maximum endurance, but in turn it allows them free movement while it's active and triggers a powerful effect when it ends. This ability can be modified via grandmaster traits to inflict further devastation on enemies or provide support for allies. Additionally, the baseline profession skill True Nature has been replaced with Energy Meld and will allow you to trade energy for endurance.

    Greatsword is unlocked for use with the revenant's vindicator specialization, closing gaps, holding ground, and wreaking havoc on multiple foes. Gathering and unleashing the Mists from the blade, this specialization focuses on being in the face of multiple foes and creating dangerous situations that are difficult for them to avoid.

    Lastly, the vindicator will unlock the champions of the Luxon and Kurzick as the dual-natured Legendary Alliance. This legend's abilities function as an ebb and flow, with the abilities of the Luxon Archemorus incentivizing selfish and aggressive behavior and the Kurzick Saint Viktor encouraging defensive and supportive behavior. Each of these abilities flip to their opposing ability upon use, putting the slot on cooldown and creating a back-and-forth style of play. In order to open up more gameplay possibilities when using this stance, Energy Meld will change to Alliance Tactics and immediately flip all current alliance skills to their counterparts.

    submitted by /u/Kompa_
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    Is there a way to kill this guy?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Can we get a Living World tome that holds all other Living World tomes?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I've been participating in all the Return episodes and it would be really nice if near the end if we got a Living World tome that could hold all other completed tomes inside of it.

    I'm mainly mentioning it because it fills up my shared inventory slots.

    Additional thought would be also to have some sort of item that all of our Lobby passes could be accessed from.

    Just some thoughts from a dedicated player.

    Cheers everyone!

    submitted by /u/Alimar777
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    Most of ele mains right now

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Please ANet, don't forget to add Ceremonial Snow Leopard and Wolf Shaman armorskins! Many of us has been waiting for actually be able to equip these amazing Norn Shamans armors for 9 years. ����

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    My Quaggan-Mini just wanted to be part of the living story. He doesn't care about any drama in the background.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Dhuum 4man by [SC] & [qT]

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! We are proud to present the world first 4man Dhuum.


    Player Class Video
    Roul Firebrand click
    Fennec Renegade click
    Zeneles Renegade click
    Kenzo Scrapper click


    Log: https://dps.report/1Osc-20210915-224326_dhuum


    This kill took a lot of practice and theorycraft, as maintaining boons was very difficult due to the continuous splitting up during the fight, caused by greens, shackles and explosions. The dps check was very tight, as we barely managed to phase Dhuum around before his enrage becomes a huge problem. The 500% damage increase means that shackles, bombs, soulsplit, and also the aura tick become detrimental very fast – especially since we didn't have a healer.

    The Scrapper was the most important part of our comp, since it made the pre event go from barely doable to quite reliable. Its power damage was very helpful for killing the Enforcers, and thanks to the stealth gyro we were able to get through the pre event with most Reapers still being quite healthy. In addition to this, the Scrapper also was responsible for kiting Messengers and providing a lot of uptime for several boons and superspeed which helped with bringing out mechanics and breaking shackles. While I usually prefer splitting the strat explanations up in responsibility per class, I think that it makes more sense to do it by boons and other utility, now that the reasoning for scrapper is out of the way.

    Every single class helped contribute to the might in this kill, however the main source of it was the scrapper and one of the Renegades via Lasting Legacy. While Scrapper is technically enough to maintain might, the previously mentioned continuous splitting up made more sources mandatory, which is why the Renegades were running with a Battle Sigil and the Firebrand ran with Zealous Scepter to cover any might downtime. The same goes for quickness. While the Scrapper supplied the group with most of the quickness, the Firebrand also helped out a little bit with the quickness mantra.

    Most of the vulnerability on the boss came from the Firebrand, since Sword of Justice was a very good way to instantly reapply vuln after Soulsplits. That being said, the Renegades and Scrapper also helped a lot with maintaining it. In addition to that, the Firebrand also was in charge of removing torment after every Soulsplit, and also giving protection in the last 10%, which was necessary in order to survive the ritual, as 3 out of 4 players had to do 2 buttons.

    The fury was provided via Pack runes on the Scrapper and the axe symbol from the Firebrand.

    Thanks for watching/reading, we hope you enjoy the kill!

    submitted by /u/FennecOwO
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    "Melee Bruiser"

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    We call them cata?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:00 PM PDT

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