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    Thursday, September 9, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Charr cooking with magic

    Guild Wars 2 Charr cooking with magic

    Charr cooking with magic

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Charr cooking with magic

    I did this fanart in over 100 hours!

    All my accounts are very low on views and so places like Twitter don't promote anything I post. Hope Reddit doesn't have this problem :p


    submitted by /u/_Kosolap
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    The Elder Dragons of Tyria

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Taimi sure has grown during these years!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Initative to make "Backpack Straps" and avalible Skin

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:44 AM PDT

    "Backpack Straps" is an Item granted after purchasing any backpack item in the gemstore. It can slot in as a backpack without a visual to make you able to skin on the brought backpiece regardless of level. This "no Skin" version of a Backpack can be a great addition to the avalible Skinpool. Why ?

    Just simply put, you may want to use a backpack skin on one armor template, but not at the other. The current way to prevent any backpack skin from displaying is by unchecking the box in the top right corner of the slot. This option will be saved across all templates making it annoying to enable and disable every time you swap. Unlocking "Backpack Straps" as a skin will make this trivial, as u can just skin them on on templates you dont want any skin to be displayed on.

    PS. here's ther Wiki for refercene to the mentioned Item:

    submitted by /u/Holzi1995
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    Left: Ingame, Right: Website. How come you only get The Icebrood Saga when buying ingame? Bought the bundle with the promo code today and found that out just afterwards.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Crendor talking about his experience with gw2

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    So I popped into PoF to grab my mount

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    And now I'm 10 hours deep into the story, holy shit what a ride. I don't even care I'm playing the game out of order, I think it will be cool to go back and put context to the references I'm missing, I love how that is an option in this game.

    I only wanted to grab a mount real quick so I could join in on some hp trains to level my elite spec (which I've now done anyway)

    Anyway, 2nd week player checking in to say I'm having an absolute blast :)

    submitted by /u/lancemate
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    In honor of gw2's best-written character

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Suggestions, some mine, some mentioned here by others:

    • /praisejoko needs to be an emote

    • if you are running with the Disciple of Joko title, every time you turn in a quest or land a killing blow, your character should shout "Praise Joko!" to the level of being really annoying to everyone else around

    • wearing this title and being a commander should unlock you being called a Jokommander, and having your little commander chevron replaced with a tiny joko-head

    submitted by /u/styopa
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    A reminder that Twisted Marionette Public is back

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Have heard really great things about this event as I wasn't around for the original launch. Been trying all day to get into a Public instance with friends and guildies, but always gets to about 25 players max before everyone dips.

    Seems like the reintroduction of Public mode really went under peoples' radar :(

    submitted by /u/AustronautHD
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    I am here to raise awareness: the walls west of Mist Portals in Lion's Arch are clipping, and may render many gamers' experience nigh unplayable due to the immersion breaking. What should we ask of ArenaNet to do when it comes to fixing such game breaking inconveniences?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Build craft is part of what makes this game amazing.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I just wanna point out that I've played a lot of mmos and I feel that build craft is part of what makes this always fresh and fun. I've been playing the game since beta and it is awesome that people craft new ridiculous or fun builds all the time. Has nothing to do with "meta" or benchmarks. That's not the whole game. Obviously some builds are best at certain things, but it's awesome to go on YouTube and find creators making new fun builds to try every day.

    submitted by /u/Naeturefae
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    Choosing between "what's good" and "what's fun" (or: Is it okay to play something not Meta)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Heya everyone!

    I've gotten to a point where I have become a bit stuck and I don't quite know how to get over it. The TL;DR is that I'm stuck trying to find a balance between playing what I enjoy playing and playing what is "good for the team" (in group content, obviously, because in OW I play what I want and nobody's gonna stop me! *shakes fist*)

    This turned out to be a bigger wall of text than I had planned for when I started writing. I trimmed it down the best I could, but it still feels somewhat incoherent and a bit all over the place, so I apologise if it's janky to read.

    A little bit about my MMO background - I come from WoW, where I've spent years doing heroic and a little bit of mythic raiding and doing high M+ keys. I was the type of player who always chose the role and class that was needed, instead of the one that I found most enjoyable to play. (Turns out that doing this over a long period of time is a really good way to get yourself burned out on games you used to love. Who'da thunk?)

    I started with GW2 when it first launched, and then played it on and off over the years, always staying super casual and mostly sticking to open world stuff, until I got into fractals a couple months ago and got up to comfortably doing tier 4s and (most) CMs.

    The reason I haven't played fractals until earlier this year was that - from the outside looking in - the whole concept of the meta surrounding instanced content in GW2 seemed even more elitist and toxic than in WoW (a game which has an actual endgame mode, Mythic+ Dungeons, that is all about clearing dungeons within a timer, or you get less/no loot. You can imagine the kind of elitism and toxicity that comes with that, and somehow it appeared as GW2 was even worse). And, even though fractals aren't timed, with how big a focus the whole "meta" seems to have in GW2 (having heard "horror stories" of people being harassed and kicked for not playing a meta spec etc.), I knew that if I'd get into that content, it would basically be like playing M+ in WoW all over again, where I optimise to eek out every last bit to success, and play the classes that are "acceptable", even if it's at the cost of most of my enjoyment. Lo and behold, that's exactly what happened (even though I ended up playing a condi scourge, which technically isn't meta, but the concept still mostly applies, because I continually feel horrible for not playing an alacren or qCFB)!

    Unfortunately, it turns out that I'm not a big fan of any of the meta/"good" classes for differing reasons, and what I'd actually love to play is a Mesmer (mostly condi mirage, and very likely Virtuoso with EoD). Looking at the mesmer forums, as well as some other places (including reddit), the general consensus seems to be that Mesmer is in dire straits, with Discretize even stating that the "only" fractal build they have for the class (power chrono) is "not that great" and that you're "likely a hindrance for your group by playing it" (!!!) I know they're coming from an ultra-optimised "this is the fastest way to clear content if you have an organised group and people know what they're doing" viewpoint, but, reading a statement like that is probably the best way to scare somebody off of playing a class or trying endgame group content altogether.

    Now, as somebody who likes to not be a burden on others (or get carried), how the frick do I stop feeling like I'm trolling my team for not playing a meta spec? It's not like fractals are the aforementioned "Mythic+" mode from WoW, where you need to beat a timer. They don't need all-out optimisation, because there is no automatic failure condition like the timer running out, barring you from getting loot. Technically, you can beat a tier 4 fractal with just about any class and spec, some just do it faster or make it easier. Fractals aren't all that difficult to begin with, so the optimisation goes from "play these specs to be able to clear the content", to "play these specs to clear the content quicker". Unfortunately, with the way it's presented on the big theorycrafting sites in GW2, it makes it sound like only those specs are viable, when that's obviously not the case. One thing this does manage to do, is make me hyper-aware of when I'm not on a meta spec, because I get stuck in this ever-repeating cycle of:

    I don't want to be a burden on the team, so I play what's meta/"good"-> I don't enjoy playing those classes, so I play something that's not meta but is fun to play- > I feel bad for potentially being a burden on the team, so I go back to playing what's meta/"good"-> Repeat from step 2.

    It's funny, too, because I don't mind at all if I'm grouped with somebody who plays something off-meta, or does almost no DPS (I've done a Sunqa Peaks where the rest of my team did sub 5K dps and it was unironically some of the most fun I've ever had in fractals, because we actually got to see the mechanics for longer than a couple seconds). But whenever I find myself in a situation like that, my mind immediately goes to "If I was on class X now, I'd be doing (insert: Way more damage / provide valuable boons / help my team by trivialising mechanics). Imagine how much smoother/easier that would make the run for everyone involved! I should do that! I should be more useful!" and I have no idea how to get rid of this line of thinking. It's ruining my enjoyment and has gotten me to the verge of just wanting to quit altogether, but I love this stupid game so I'd rather not! I could just stop doing group content, but I like the concepts of fractals (and possibly raids, but I haven't dabbled in those), just not how meta-pushing the community is.

    I don't know if there is anything to discuss here, but I'm really interested in knowing if there are others out there that have/had similar experiences, and how they stopped caring about chasing the meta without dragging down their team, and simply play the class they enjoy. I dunno, maybe I need a videogame therapist?

    submitted by /u/CalanaReye
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    The Commander seeing Aurene at the end of Long Live the Lich; spoiler for those who have not done the episode yet.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    AFNM's Unofficial Guide to choosing your first class!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm Tash and I have been playing the game for over 7000 hours now and so I would like to think that with the help of my friends and guild, we can help you make an informed decision on what you might want to pick for your first class. This was mostly a bit of fun after a friend needed some advice for someone he was helping and we thought we would share this in depth advice to the community.

    If you CLICK HERE, this will take you to our well crafted Google Doc of everything you need to know!

    Also, our guild/community is looking for more members and we would love to have you join us!

    (some stuff is still being edited by myself, hal and pizza but it is pretty much done)

    submitted by /u/hellsqueenie
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    How I see Palawa Joko

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Let's get EVERYONE the Expansions, Heres How! - Guild Wars 2 Coupon Exchange

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Developer Appreciation Post

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    Reddit (and numerous other forums) are not especially known for their positivity towards the developers - especially around subjects such as graphical APIs and story (At least the vast majority of us agree that the gameplay is phenomenal). This post is a change of pace to that because I feel like every once in a while we need it.

    I've been doing world completion on one of my characters recently, and rather than rushing through all of the old game content, I stopped and appreciated the view quite often. I did this because I finally replaced my 10 year old potato PC (1st gen i5 with a GTX 460) and could finally appreciate the graphics in max high res goodness! I appreciated vista scenes, looked at mob behaviors, noted the placement of odds and ends about the world and often couldn't help but think... wow this looks so old.

    There was a marked improvement in Heart of thorns - the texture detail seems more polished and higher detail, mob AI has improved by leaps and bounds, and there's a lot more variety within mobs that often require you to at least think about how you approach them (I'm obviously not referring to zerg use cases).

    The trend of game improvements from Heart of Thorns has actually been quite consistently carried forward and further. We have a very limited number of parasitic design elements (the only ones that I can think of are some of the adventures (kinda the point of mini-games) and a some of the HoT/ LWS3 masteries). The reward systems and the instancing mechanics never make me feel like I'm entirely alone or that putting effort into a specific map is completely and entirely useless. I still run into people working on collections for their skycale, or that legendary or farming map currency or doing whatever. The content is designed to make us go back and maybe help out another player who's new. Yes it can be tedious, but it's still rewarding to go back to those maps, though sometimes we ignore them if there's not an immediate reason to do so. For an MMO of this scale, the game is indeed well designed.

    There are limitations to how we can interact with the world, how much resources can be spent on developing a story with some semblance of meaning and making players feel relevant to that story. There are compromises, but I think they were wisely chosen given the resources available. So here's a note on the DX11 upgrade - We're getting it, and I'm pretty damn sure that the capabilities it brings to the table will be well utilized in continuing the trend of game improvements in new content. If we're lucky it may even be used to augment older content (imagine tessellation in Orr).

    So as a last paragraph in this really long post, I really appreciate the work the devs do. This post barely scratches the surface of the work they continue to do, but nevertheless thanks.

    TL;DR: To the devs: you guys are amazing. Many of us really do see that there's genuine effort and hard that's consistently being applied to the game and we appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Un4verage_Joe
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    I made a spreadsheet for calculating the farming time for PvP Legendary Armor.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Spreadsheet here:


    Copy it to your own Google account so you can enter your PvP data.

    A farming guide is in the Google Sheet.

    Very important: If you can get to Platinum PvP rank (or Legendary if you are a beast) and stay there, your farming will go way faster, because Platinum and Legendary players get bonus pips. To finish a full set of legendary armor, a player in Gold 3 will have to play about 150 more PvP games than a player with otherwise identical stats who is in Plat 1. To get to Plat rank, I recommend using a PvP build from metabattle.com.

    Also important: It may be worth tailoring your build to get a specific Top Stats award during your games, because the award gives 1 bonus pip. If you use a skill that revives allies, it is pretty easy to get Top Revives almost every game.

    submitted by /u/TasteMyPoopsicle
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    PSA to new players when exploring, if mounts arent allowed in a random area, there is probably a Jumping Puzzle nearby

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Took me a while to pick up on this. Go get your chests and achievement points :)

    submitted by /u/ThickAsPigShit
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    I don't see a lot of racing in this sub so i thought i'd do my part and show you the aspect of GW2 I like the most! Enjoy!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    [NA] Monthly Map Completion Train

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Hello GW2!

    On Saturday, September 11 at 9:00 AM PDT (UTC-7), I will be leading a map completion train through all of Heart of Thorns on the NA megaserver. No waypoints, mounts, or masteries are needed aside from the ones listed below. We will be covering the entirety of base Heart of Thorns, including hero points, mastery points, strongboxes, waypoints, points of interest, vistas, jumping puzzles, and hidden achievements. Yes, you read that right. EVERYTHING >:D

    For the train, please make sure you have:

    • Shipwreck Peak Waypoint, [&BN4HAAA=]

    • Basic gliding (will get you 95% of map completion)

    • The ability to read

    • A pleasant attitude!

    Tentative Itinerary for the Day (in PDT time)

    • 9:00 - 9:30 AM . Preparation and introduction to the train [Giveaway]

    • 9:30 - 11:30 AM . Verdant Brink map completion + night bosses.

    • 11:30 - 12:00 PM . Break time, preparation for Auric Basin [Giveaway]

    • 12:00 - 2:00 PM . Auric Basin map completion.

    • 2:00 - 2:30 PM . Break time, preparation for Tangled Depths. [Giveaway]

    • 230 - 4:30 PM . Tangled Depths map completion.

    • 4:30 - 5:00 PM . Break time, preparation for Dragon's Stand. [Giveaway]

    • 5:00 - 5:30 PM . Dragon's Stand map completion (unlocked portion of the map).

    • 5:30 - 6:00 PM . Event wrap-up and final giveaway of Community Chest codes.[Giveaway]

    This will be a full day event, so you are welcome to hop in and out. I will be trying to keep the map as full as possible with overflow squads, but I can't guarantee you a spot if everything fills. This event will also be live-streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/emidotexe. Swing by, say hi even if you're not on the train! I'll be answering most questions there; plus, it might be helpful to have it on in the background since I tend to give warnings/information during the train itself.

    I will be playing on my Chrono 'Emi Nyaa'. Squad will be up at 9 PDT exact. The first 10 minutes will be reserved for whisper invites only. Once it hits XX:10, the squad will be up in LFG → Heart of Thorns → Verdant Brink. Everything is on a first-come-first-serve basis, so please don't spam my chat if the squads are full!

    Feel free to add me on Emikadon.8542 in game or Emi#6622 on Discord. If you have any questions, you're welcome to whisper, mail, or private message me at any time, and I'll do my best to respond. Keep in mind that once the train starts, it'll be hard to respond to individual people, so please be understanding if I don't reply.

    [Giveaway Information]

    Courtesy of my partnership with ArenaNet, Guild MM's Trading Company [TP], and Karma [KA] I have lots of things that will be given away over the course of the event.

    Everything will be done using a giveaway extension on my stream. This means that you do not have to be in the physical train in order to be eligible! Anyone on any server from anywhere in the world can participate, so long as they're present at the time of the drawing and are able to type in chat. Note: You cannot win more than one code.

    Thank you, and I hope to see you there!

    Small screenshot collection from many previous trains.

    submitted by /u/Emikadon
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    This is the best thing ever. Credit to DIESVITAE

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Just finished core campaign. I need motivation.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    Just finished core campaign. I need motivation.

    I just finished the core campaign today, and wow, I don't understand what peoples issue is with the main core story. I loved it! Even though it was difficult even with Dire heavy armor set, haha. I'm looking for motivation now. I started HoT and finished the first 2 or 3 missions. I am now at a point where I need to get masteries to unlock the glider. I am struggling with this area quiet a bit. I'm also feeling very overwhelmed with end game content and where to go and what to get. Struggling to get money as well.


    submitted by /u/GreenGekkeau
    [link] [comments]

    Waiting for EoD release be like:

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:35 AM PDT

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