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    Guild Wars Guild Wars: Monster Arena

    Guild Wars Guild Wars: Monster Arena

    Guild Wars: Monster Arena

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    Take a moment to envisage the not-so-distant future. The year is 2040. Guild Wars as an online game is a distant memory no longer playable as it once was. Instead, after the source code for the game is released, privately hosted versions with new content are enjoyed by players across the globe. One such server hosts a hallowed arena where the ghosts of 2006's reasonably intelligent AI-controlled enemies fight one another to recapture their long-lost glory. Welcome... to the Monster Arena.

    The following is a ranking of the various end-game, elite, and otherwise remarkable enemies and monsters of Guild Wars pitted against each other. This thought experiment tries to remove the foe from their environment and objectively assess their strengths and weaknesses as solo opponents.


    S - Superstar

    A - Astounding

    B - Basic

    C - Crappy

    D - Dunce

    F - Flop

    F Rank

    Undead Lich (Win Ratio: 0%)

    I will never understand how Hell's Precipice so successfully builds frantic tension for the final showdown, only for it to be against an angry man with barely any skills who's so busy walking around he only faintly remembers to attack you. I just double checked, and he has 30 armour. 30. His ability to resurrect himself randomly up to 2 extra times just lengthens the embarrassment. It may just be the Mandela Effect talking, but I do seem to remember in his outing in Nightfall he makes more of an effort to attack his opponent, dealing about 100 damage to 60-armour targets, but it's simply not enough to defeat any other contestants in the arena. F rank.

    Varesh (Win Ratio: 7%)

    Varesh in a 1 v 1 situation performs very poorly, only resoundingly defeating the Lich. Earth Vortex and Frost Vortex are fun skills with long (30 second!) durations, allowing her to trap foes in an endless cycle of decreased movement and repeated knockdowns. Against the other contenders in the arena, however, she simply dies before she can even build the adrenaline for Earth Vortex. On top of that, she has no serious defence or healing beyond Natural Resistance. I don't believe her second form, Commander Varesh, would spawn outside of the context of Ruins of Morah, and even if it did... it's just a level 30 paragon with no useful skills when solo. Disappointing.

    E Rank

    Urgoz (Win Ratio: 14%)

    As a totally stationary opponent with a ranged attack, Urgoz's ability to perform in the arena is somewhat limited. His damage output is quite substantial with his only skill, Forest's Binding, and can hold some enemies in place long enough to kill them before reaching him. It's unclear if the growths that spawn around him are part of his coded effects or are a scripted event in Urgoz's Warren. I would perhaps argue along with Duncan the Black that these creatures are tied to the area and not him, and do not join him in the arena. In Urgoz v Rotscale, he has a remote chance of out-damaging him before dying. In Urgoz v Kuunavang, he would be unable to move out of the way of her Corrupted Spore / Scale effects and would struggle to win. Urgoz with no Growths lands in rank E. (I would say if we did include the Explosive Growth effects, Urgoz would land in rank B instead, as the growths have a devastating amount of damage to foes who stay too close.)

    Kuunavang (Win Ratio: 29%)

    Kuunavang has access to plenty of high damage skills, Dark Chain Lightning chief among them. Given the implementation of the game's AI, it's likely that enemies will waste time standing in range of Corrupted Dragon Scales, inflicting a hefty -10 health degeneration. Her victories against foes in lower ranks stem from simply dealing high damage fast, but if confronted with a foe with a much higher HP (Mallyx) or any form of healing (Glint) Kuunavang would likely not succeed. Her armour, health, and maximum health aren't a match, and Renewing Corruption simply isn't a strong or reliable enough self-heal. Even if Mallyx, as a large melee creature, became stuck / trapped among the Corrupted Dragon Scales unable to plot a path to Kuunavang, his ability to bring her to him using Summoning Shadows makes a Kuunavang victory very unlikely. She therefore lands in the E rank.

    Rotscale (Win Ratio: 29%)

    As probably the first "big boss" creature to exist in Guild Wars outside of the storyline, Rotscale has a respectable reputation and stats to match. His HP total is massive, at 17,700 HP in Hard Mode (I assume less in Normal Mode, but still a huge amount compared to, for example, The Great Destroyer at 2,700). Rotscale possesses hard hitting necromancer spells and can deal high damage to simply outlast opponents that lack self healing. With that being said, however, any opponent that does have decent armour and self-healing will eventually win in a battle of attrition with him. I'm reasonably certain Rotscale v Mallyx would be an eventual win for Rotscale, but against all other D rank opponents, a loss, landing him in rank E.

    D Rank

    Mallyx the Unyielding (Win Ratio: 36%)

    Even when bearing in mind that Mallyx's margonite and torment spirit allies likely don't spawn outside of his chamber, his other abilities still rank him highly when pitted solo against other enemies. Interestingly, Mallyx has the required tools to be placed in rank A and could theoretically defeat Kanaxai (knockdown and enchantment removal) and Shiro (stance removal). However, with no defence or healing, I just don't think he has the durability to outlast Kanaxai's damage output, and I don't believe his AI is sophisticated enough to use Wild Smash fast enough to prevent Shiro from ever benefitting from Battle Scars. He would unequivocally lose in Mallyx v Duncan the Black. In this case it's a question of "can Mallyx outlive all of the reflected damage he is taking to kill his opponent", which in this case, is no. He would also likely lose to Ilsundur due to being unable to attack through the coveted Firebomb ability or stop his high fire damage (see Ilsundur's listing). Because of this, he is pushed down to rank D, being unable to win against anyone in higher ranks. I think his downfall against other monsters is that his build punishes foes for using enchantments and hexes by disabling their skills, but of course, monster skills cannot be disabled.

    Glint (Win Ratio: 43%)

    Glint shares this rank with Mallyx, against whom she has no chance of winning due to his ability to remove Jagged Crystal Skin. However, her skill Crystal Hibernation, if not interrupted, can be used to essentially prevent Glint from dying against many foes, including B tier opponents such as Ilsundur and Duncan the Black. It's likely that in Glint v Ilsundur, she would eventually win by simply outlasting him. Against such a caster opponent she can reduce their maximum energy to zero due to full overcast and use her modest damage (slightly higher than the Lich) to finish the job. With Duncan the Black, it's likely the match up would end in a stalemate. While her damage may overcome his natural health regeneration, Duncan's Defence would oblige her to spend five seconds using Crystal Hibernation to stay alive, in which time his health would replenish. Ultimately, an interesting addition to the Arena's Roster with great defence, but her modest damage is not strong enough to proceed further than rank D.

    Sarlic the Judge (Win Ratio: 50%)

    One can hardly have a monster tourney without considering the power of a Mursaat equipped with Spectral Agony and respectable self-healing given by Blood Renewal and Life Transfer. Given the fact that no monsters are infused, Spectral Agony is a decisive skill to possess, dealing 505 armour-ignoring damage (it is technically damage despite being listed as health loss) in 5 seconds and virtually halting the foe's ability to move or attack. In a Sarlic the Judge vs Mallyx matchup Sarlic should theoretically win quite easily by outdamaging Mallyx while he wastes time disabling his necromancer skills and being unable to consistently attack. Sarlic v Glint would be an interesting match. He would quickly reach full overcast from Crystal Haze and have only Spectral Agony available to use, which Glint can overcome with Crystal Hibernation. In this case, whether Sarlic can outdamage and kill Glint before activating it, or if he dies in the process, results in it being a more or less 50/50 toss-up, and thus they share rank D. Furthermore, opponents in C rank and above can counter Spectral Agony by either reflecting the damage + innate double damage, or using skills to create creatures to serve as cannon fodder.

    C Rank

    Ilsundur, Lord of Fire (Win Ratio: 50%)

    An elementalist boss with big damage but no capacity for health regeneration barely clings onto a C ranking because of one interesting skill: Firebomb. This skill forces the opponent to hold an item until it explodes. Without actually implementing this in the game I don't know if an opponent like Shiro or Kanaxai have any capacity to drop items. Judging by the hero AI, who do not drop the Firebomb, I would say they do not. This means that theoretically (!!!) Ilsundur v Shiro would result in Shiro actually losing, granted that Ilsundur can lock Shiro out of attacking. Otherwise, against foes who do not depend on physical attacks, he performs reasonably well. His Shield of Fire ability reflects damage he takes, staving off challenges from the lower ranks, but lacking any natural health regeneration prevents him from rising any higher in the ratings because he would simply die before being able to kill. It goes without saying that the insta-kill boulders in his room are part of the dungeon's decor and have nothing to do with him.

    Duncan the Black (Win Ratio: 57%)

    Rating Duncan the Black is difficult because players understandably consider this fight in the context of the many, many spirits he is surrounded with. However, I am inclined to say that these spirits are a factor of the dungeon itself, and not Duncan's actual implementation. If Duncan the Black were spawned as a random foe in another area, I don't think spirits would appear (they seem connected to the dialogue / him turning hostile). With that being said, Duncan is still a formidable opponent with a huge amount of HP and Duncan's Defence. Essentially, any opponent fighting him without access to life stealing or excellent self-healing will die before they are able to defeat Duncan, solidly earning him a place in the C category. While he does share this rank with Ilsundur, I believe he has a much greater HP, plus, Ilsundur has no health regeneration at all, making Duncan the Black v Ilsundur a one-sided affair. If Duncan did have all of his spirit allies, he would likely enter rank B but proceed no further, as he loses v all rank A opponents.

    B Rank

    The Great Destroyer (Win Ratio: 71%)

    The Great Destroyer is a mighty foe to face alone, with enormous amounts of armour (120), the ability to summon destroyers to assist it, create patches of burning ground and heal itself. On the other hand, its maximum health is relatively low (2,700 vs Kanaxai's 6,480). Most of its skills, while providing pretty decent AoE damage, are pretty low in damage for a single target, floating around the 75-100 mark with lengthy casting times. However, if we give the Great Destroyer the benefit of the doubt and give it its hard mode only skill, Flame Jet, we have a self-healing, ally-summoning monstrosity dealing 600 damage every 8 seconds. Its ability to summon other Destroyers and heal itself gives it a decisive advantage over all foes in C rank and below, even forcing Glint into defeat after inevitably interrupting Glint's Crystal Hibernation via a knockdown from itself or a summoned ally with Devastating Hammer. It's theoretically possible for it to defeat Kanaxai, though I would say the chance is rather slim, as Kanaxai's summons are far more numerous and able to deal damage and quickly kill the two or three Destroyer allies summoned. No matter how much damage the Great Destroyer is capable of dishing out, however, it has no way to combat Shiro's life stealing, meaning the Great Destroyer just barely misses out on joining the A rank. Still an impressive foe nevertheless.

    A Rank

    Dhuum (Win Ratio: 79%)

    Dhuum is a force to be reckoned with an enormous 80,000 health, more than quadruple that of Rotscale. He can regularly summon minions with Summon Champion and Summon Minions which, while relatively meagre compared to the minions summoned by Kanaxai or the Great Destroyer, are certainly enough to provide an impressive distraction while Dhuum hits hard with his own attacks. One unforeseen factor will hinder Dhuum's ability to win the tournament, however: monsters in PvE do not accumulate Death Penalty. Not from directly dying, at least. It would be very interesting to see if this is the case (perhaps a ranger with a pet can observe if the pet receives Death Penalty from Touch of Dhuum?) but, I assume for now that it will not apply any. In this case, a Dhuum who cannot apply Death Penalty is still an incredible force to be reckoned with, easily obliterating all in lower ranks. In Dhuum v Sarlic the Judge, the latter would make a noble effort with Spectral Agony, but even with pretty decent self-healing, Dhuum will eventually whittle away and kill him probably before even nearing half health. The same applies to Dhuum v The Great Destroyer, as Dhuum will sooner or later work his way past any summoned Destroyers and kill his foe. Off the top of my head I can't remember if Dhuum deals physical or dark damage with his regular attacks. It's once again possible to imagine if his attacks deal dark damage, that he may actually be defeated by Glint (who would be healed from such attacks with Crystal Hibernation, which she can easily activate during his long periods of being untargetable) after an incredibly long and protracted battle lasting days. But realistically, I would say that he can outdamage and kill Glint before his time is up. In A Rank, Dhuum will however meet his match against Shiro's Battle Scars, returning the favour and stealing that 80,000 health quite quickly. Dhuum also lacks any capacity for knockdown, meaning he will eventually lose to Kanaxai. If we were to argue that Dhuum's skill does apply Death Penalty, and thus after using Touch of Dhuum 4 times, his foe automatically dies, Dhuum would immediately move to the top of rank A. Ironically if this skill does work as intended against monsters, his match with his S Rank opponent would be over in mere seconds.

    Kanaxai (Win Ratio: 86%)

    His unique ability to reduce all damage to zero unless he is periodically knocked down gives him a distinct and brutal advantage against most of the enemies in Guild Wars. Coupled with his huge damage output, ability to heal himself, block attacks, and prevent enemy spells with Nightmare Refuge, Kanaxai comfortably lands in the A class. Without actually having access to the source code I can't definitively say that the 24 monsters that spawn every time he is knocked down is an innate Kanaxai ability or part of The Deep (e.g. if Kanaxai spawned in any other area would this still take place?) On this one I will give Kanaxai the benefit of the doubt and say that the 24 extra respawning creatures would spawn anywhere, either way, with or without them he is virtually unbeatable by most of the game's monsters, outright killing them or forcing them into an unwinnable stalemate.

    Shiro (Win Ratio: 86%)

    Shiro, the iconic foe of Factions, is undoubtedly in this rank. His ability to remove all conditions and hexes, deal massive damage while stealing health equivalent to the damage he has taken, spells certain death for any enemy. Kanaxai shares rank A because a Shiro vs Kanaxai matchup could result in a draw or loss for Shiro. On one hand, despite not having access to a knockdown, Shiro's lifestealing attacks would continue to damage Kanaxai while healing himself for copious amounts. The key issue is whether Nightmare Refuge's 50% block rate and 1000HP healing would outperform Shiro's damage. In my experience vs Shiro, a block rate less than 75% allows Shiro to hit his opponent enough to steal back the health lost via Battle Scars. Whether Shiro can outright kill Kanaxai is up for debate, but for now, they both belong in the same rank: second best.

    S Rank

    Minister Reiko (Win Ratio: 100%)

    The justification for Reiko as the only S rank enemy is simple: There is no 1 v 1 matchup with any other creature in Guild Wars that Minister Reiko could lose. Her Grand Illusion ability gives her a personal army of clones, which as well as having a strong variety of mesmer builds, crucially all use Mirror of Darkness. Mirror of Darkness creates a copy of the opponent with access to all of their skills, including PvE-only / monster only skills, with the appropriate AI to use them. (Confirmed that this happens in-game. There is nothing more frightening than seeing a clone of yourself attack you with PvE-only skills). Shiro would come close to winning, having the ability to steal health from all nearby foes with Impossible Odds + Battle Scars, but fighting multiple clones of himself, on top of multiple Ineptitude mesmers, would make any chance of winning remote. Against Kanaxai, the combination of multiple Kanaxai clones on top of a Psychic Instability clone to provide a knockdown makes the battle one-sided, and the nightmares that spawn would simply not have the damage to kill even one Kanaxai clone. Simiarly, any foe in the lower ranks are simply incapable of fighting five versions of itself or the five plus mesmers brutally chipping away with sophisticated mesmer builds including Wastrel's Worry (massive damage vs enemies with Natural Resistance, as today's contenders mostly do) Chaos Storm, and Conjure Nightmare. In Minister Reiko v Dhuum, Reiko would be in for a long fight, and there is a slim chance that the real Reiko may actually be killed before finishing Dhuum off simply from his massive health bar and capacity to hit all foes in the area. On the other hand, the real Reiko has plenty of health herself (would love confirmation of the precise value. I assume less than Dhuum, but more than Rotscale) and if we posit five Dhuum clones all using Summon Minions... an immense and insurmountable distraction for Dhuum, keeping the real Reiko out of his clutches. If Dhuum's Touch of Dhuum has the capacity to apply Death Penalty to monsters, this battle ends before it starts, with every Dhuum clone touching him simultaneously, inflicting him with 60% Death Penalty and instant death. Painful.

    The, ahem, "science", is on these rankings is available here. This is all just for fun so thank you for reading! Who do you want to see fight next? Could any of the match-ups have turned out differently? I would have liked to include more enemies (Undead Rurik, some Am Fah / Jade Brotherhood bosses) but it became a bit time consuming!

    EDIT: I forgot Dhuum existed and had to add him + revise the stats.

    submitted by /u/Koudelka_Lasant
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    Want to finish GWAMM with toolbox minimap but scared of being banned

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    Hello dear fellow Enthusiast,

    as the title already states, I want to finish my GWAMM since it's been a dream of mine for a long time now. So 2 years ago, after taking a break from gw1 for like 7 years, I created a new character, played all campaigns, did all quests and dungeons, maxed my first titles and worked my way through the expansions. I only used toolbox for the vanquishing counter and the minimap - nothing else. Additionally I used "cartographer made easy" with the corresponding injector (not Texmod). However I got scared because roughly half a year ago, people in this reddit started saying that they got banned for toolbox and even the dev of toolbox came in and suggested something along the lines that people better be off not using it (at least thats what I read from his words).

    Now it really feels like an unscratchable itch that I cannot complete my journey towards GWAMM since I don't want to lose my Guild wars 2 account. Yes, you read that right. I wouldn't even mind If my Guild wars 1 account would be banned since I enjoyed as much as I could from that game. But, to my understanding, Gw1 and Gw2 share the same account, hence the same login credentials, which would mean that if I'm banned in one game, I'd be banned in the other aswell. I tried looking for answers to that question online but wasn't able to finde any.

    So first of all: Is my assumption correct? Second of all: What would you do in my place? Should I risk it anyway? Do you have any tips for me?

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/VikingWarriorSkjald
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    Looking for a Kurzicks guild, well any actuve guild.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Returning player just looking for people that dont mind being social, or answering things. I offer corny jokes.

    submitted by /u/Clearly2020
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    Playing again after 10 years? I need your wisdom...

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:55 AM PDT


    I used to play Guild Wars a lot back in the day and really wanna get back into the game.

    I'm glad to have played a game that has been somewhat preserved, one that hasn't turned into a giant mess. I've lost my old account, but that's okay - I wanna start fresh - Relearn what I forgot and build on it.

    I used to play PvP and even more PvE, I was respected among my community and very active in the Guild Wars Wikia. I enjoyed helping people I care about and had a whole persona built around my character - It was awesome. I was Lefy Piyero, the Elementalist.

    I'm 29 now, I have a nine-to-five-job and my life has become rather empty since my last relationship breakup. I hope to relive some of the nostalgia of being a part of a community, a guild maybe, and have people to chat and play with.

    I'm not LFG. That's not the point of this post. My question is whether or not this is something I can still find in the game? I heard mixed opinions on this. Do you think someone of my background would enjoy this game in the after hours? Will I have fun doing events, finding friends and engaging with the content of the game? Or will I clear areas alone with Heroes and Henchmen and drink myself to sleep every day?

    I would appreciate your sincere opinion, and thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/NDV_3
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    Looking for a smalle friendly guild in a large alliance??

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    My guild, The Olympian [Gods] is working hard on expansion, and I'd love to add some more people to our ranks.

    We are currently only around 10+ members, but we are apart of a large Speedclear/teaching Luxon Alliance. We even own Cavalon!

    Our Alliance runs SCs daily, along with HA. We are also looking to get into some GvG. We also have people who enjoy the Zaishen quests, and I have a few people(myself included) who have a perma-pre character. Just looking for those who enjoy the game and are here to have fun!

    I am big on community, and hope to host Raffles, 1v1 Tournaments, Scavenger hunts, and other events with the Guild and Alliance.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or in-game @ Chocori Biro

    submitted by /u/BiioHazzrd
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    Why aren’t Dervishes used more as backline casters?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    Hey all, this is my first post here so let me know if there's any formatting for this post or if there are any in-game things I should add in the future!

    I'm doing a Nightfall playthrough on my Ranger right now. Generally I like to have themed hero teams that I slowly optimize as I reach harder and harder areas. The goal with this team was to run an all-physical damage team built on spears with no 60armor characters in it at all. Originally I was going for petway but I got kinda bored with pets, plus they constantly aggro'd extra stuff.

    So I ended up settling on a team build that looks like this:

    R/P Together as One Spear Player W/P Soldier's Stance spear W/P Soldier's stance spear P/R Song of Purification Motigon with Heket's Rampage for IAS P/R Angelic Bond Commandagon with Heket's Rampage for IAS D/Rt Avatar of Dwayna healer with either Splinter Weapon or Sundering Weapon D/Mo Arcane Zeal Healer/prot hybrid D/N Avatar of Dwayna Orders hero

    Now to get into my question: why don't people use Dervishes as caster replacements more often? I've found this backline to be rock-solid even in harder areas, I even tested a little in FoW and had very little issue. E-management isn't a problem thanks to Meditation and Orders, the level of affordable party healing is nuts, and the backline consistently having 96 base armor before Stand Your Ground makes them really tangy compared to your average Rit or Necro. On top of all of that, Arcane Zeal let's the D/Mo run a really expensive port bar with no energy issues.

    So basically, why don't you see Derv back lines like this more often mixed into meta teams?

    submitted by /u/WraithboundCA
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    Jennur's Horde Mission Unavailable

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I'm trying to complete this mission after having finished the campaign. The other two missions (Dzagonur, Rilohn) worked just fine, but this one is not turning into a "mission" for me. I've tried talking to Master Gardener Kobahl, and Koss is in my party.

    Has anyone run into this? I do not see any other prerequisites from the Wiki. This worked fine on the Paragon I completed Nightfall on within the past few months.

    submitted by /u/DynamicEfficiency
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    What prof should I play for a no hero no PVE skill playthrough?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    I mostly played a paragon before but I want to play through the campaigns with a new character without using heroes or overpowered PVE only skills. LDOA and campaign order doesn't matter.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/hinarin
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