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    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Helping new players - introduction to HoT meta train vol.2

    Guild Wars 2 Helping new players - introduction to HoT meta train vol.2

    Helping new players - introduction to HoT meta train vol.2

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    Hi all, today I would like to continue the Helping new players series. This time aimed at HoT meta train - Verdant Brink -> Tangled Depths -> Auric Basin -> Dragon Stand :)

    Here are past events - Silverwastes RIBA + CF, introduction to Fractals, introduction to Drizzlewood Coast and last instance of HoT meta train event :)

    What is it about?

    New player focused meta run, with explanations (link below) pasted to squad chat on each major step of meta. We will not focus on super fast clearing or top efficiency. Main point is to clear out all the "WTF is going on" new players probably have, when they first run this meta. For those who prefer voiced explanation, I will be going through the texts on my twitch (link bellow), with additional tips and questions answering :)

    Train schedule

    • All times are in UTC+1
    • Verdant Brink meta train will start 18:45
    • Matriarch boss should spawn 19:10
    • Map switch to Tangled Depths
    • Chak Gerent starts at 19:30, ends 19:45
    • Map switch to Auric Basin
    • Octovine starts 20:00, takes ~10 minutes
    • Map switch to Dragon Stand
    • Final meta starts at 20:30, takes ~hour, plus 20 minutes post-meta map looting / exploration

    Important info

    • Event start: 21.7 18:45 UTC+1
    • How to join:
      • Event is hosted on EU servers
      • Use /sqjoin CorwinCZ.3146 when the event runs
      • Find us on LFG, name Helping new players - introduction to HoT meta train
      • Join stream and use !squad command to get the text /sqjoin CorwinCZ.3146
    • What do you need: HoT Expansion, access to all HoT maps (if you want run whole meta). Lvl 80 character you like to play :) Glider. For Dragon Stand you need at minimum updraft gliding, ideally ley-line gliding or flying mounts.
    • Spoiler warning - Dragon Stand is full map spoiler for end of HoT story. It will be the last meta we will do, so you can leave on time if you don't want this spoiler :)
    • Event length: around 3 hours :)
    • Texts for /squad chat - explanation of meta
    • twitch.tv/corwincz for those who prefer voiced explanation with some extra tips on top :)

    Any feedback on event / explanation texts is welcomed :)

    Hope to see u there, happy farming,


    submitted by /u/CorwinCZ42
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    Got the new Devil-Rending Axe skin

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:02 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    Twisted Marionette Update

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    The PvP mini-season is up and the leaderboard is filled with bots.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    The PvP mini-season is up and the leaderboard is filled with bots.

    The mini-season had been up for a couple of hours when this screenshot was taken. Each one of these users is a bot.


    submitted by /u/Tyrone-Laces83
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    My first WvW experience and a pic to describe how 90% of it went.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    So I heard you were waiting for more silhouettes... me too.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Rest in Peace Public Marionette :(

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Daily to do list for the legendaries trinket Aurora and Vision.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    Hi guys, since the legendaries armory have introduced, now I am interested to get this 2 accessories for my character.

    But I normally only do WvW in this few years and all my story and event is normally un touch until this few day. And now I'm working on my WvW legendary armor, which won't finished until I get enough memories of battle.

    So my guildmate told me to better start on the timegated things that requires to do those legendaries. And~ I am very blur at the moment because I didn't really do all the event and stories after I discovered WvW.

    Now I only doing the draconic mons daily heart for the druid stone, and are there any other things I better do it daily from now? so when I start doing the trinkets I won't suffer so much XD

    submitted by /u/Edgar-CKL
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    It's been so long I had honestly forgotten about this mention of Tybalt in Confessor's End...

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Kindly Please, return public version of Marionette.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Why why the event was removed? Just for what? she looked great on the list of common events. As a new content for public squads she was great, yes, the reward was not that great, but still it was a wonderful experience. In private squad version she is doomed to oblivion.

    Problem solved: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/98312-twisted-marionette-update/?tab=comments#comment-1407646

    submitted by /u/avecelestine4075
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    Please help me create a quickness healscrapper tank build/set. I'm not experienced enough at making builds and healscrapper in raids is probably too new so I can't find many things about this topic online to help me. Also any tips on how to go about playing this would also be really helpful.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    So far this is what I came up with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lNwaYeMHWKeyT3tSA-zRRYjBhjENcHlR1FQ6JgvzifbWA-e

    I just made a few deviations to the snowcrows' quickness healscrapper build to make it more tanky, and by few deviations I mean I changed only one trait (took Iron Blooded instead of HGH in Alchemy) and turned everything into Giver's or Minstrel's so I could reach 100% boon duration and I also took bulwark gyro instead of shredder gyro. So it's still more or less the same build.

    I know most people take the most minimal amount of toughness to aggro the bosses, but there are 3 reasons I'm not doing that.

    1. I'm ok with sacrificing my minimal healer DPS.
    2. I'm taking Bulwark Gyro to tank other people's damage.
    3. I've noticed that scrapper deals the least amount of damage out of all the healers cause other than blast gyro none of its utility or heal skills deal damage unlike Druid or HFB whose usual boon rotations deal more damage (not to mention their healing auto attacks do too).

    So unless I'm actively using skills that only do damage my only damage source would be Blast Gyro which is a super tiny amount. And so far I've noticed that I don't get many chances to actively use damaging skills (note that I'm not running with the most hardcore raiders who are perfect and don't make any mistakes, I need to constantly keep healing them).

    submitted by /u/Noelic_vi
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    EoD livestream will be at 09:00 Pacific / 16:00 UTC (27th of July)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Pretty sure there wasn't a confirmed time before, but I just saw this tweet from Nike which had the time:

    Some other timezones here, basically it's the same time as most Tuesday patches get released.

    Edit: /u/that_shaman's timer: https://thatshaman.com/tools/eod/

    submitted by /u/ReLiFeD
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    Can we talk about the admittedly non game-breaking, but annoying little things in Lake Doric and not touched over the past years ?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    On my mind

    • Some hearts progression % per action being too low. The fix would just be about changing a few numbers, why did they never bother doing that ?
    • Some bonkers dailies that are more akin to permanent achievements than dailies (like today we got the one to do all 4 different canon events. Doing 1 or 2 random canons would be a daily. Doing 4, not so much. Doing specifically all 4 so you have to wait for each of them ? Definitely not. Not to mention that they're not an easy task when the map isn't full of people looking for events)
    • The anti-bot mechanic (or anti afk farming) at Watchtower Cliffs (centaurland). Way, WAY too sensitive. As soon as a player is roughly at the same spot for a few seconds, BoOm. Before mounts, it made is nearly impossible to climb this place without a farming squad, be it simply for map exploration or some solo challenge. Before that mechanic was added (specifically against bots/afk which were plaguing the place back then), you had a chance to progress slowly, killing groups of centaur and then healing. Now you just can't fight centaurs at all, you'll get trebbed long before you kill anything slightly challenging. Mounts made it possible to reach the top from the other side, but it's not fix. That mechanic should be balanced to actually fight afk/bot and not normal play (for example, make it trigger after 5 minutes rather than 5 seconds but hurt more)
    • The story step with the green progress bar is bad design. You enter the map for the first time, the story makes you go all around it so, obviously, you participate in events and especially explore (do hearts) on the way. Few steps later, you are asked to do the very same, with a bar that fills slowly enough, that it's basically worth a full map completion ... everything you did before was in vain. Of course, today we are here for a "return" so we don't get tricked again (I just used mounts to progress the story up to that point and then started exploration), but the design is still bad (and we're not all returning)
    submitted by /u/Keorl
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    Are living world season essential for the gameplay?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:34 AM PDT

    I came back to gw2 after about 7 years. I bought the expansions but I see there are living world seasons, are they necessary to buy in order to access all the content?

    submitted by /u/aleksavlaisavljevic
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    Apparently Dragonstorm scales all the way down for just 10ish people to complete it.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Just finished LWS2 and started HoT--feels so mysterious and epic!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    So I recently finished LWS2 and now am about three missions into HoT and honestly loving it!

    LWS2 took a little bit to get into because season 1 was only a history lesson/recap in my case but I grew to really love the characters. Without spoilers, the stakes at the end of the season and how seamlessly the plot intertwined into HoT is awesome! So many questions I have and already the new maps and characters are vibrant and interesting.

    The movie intro for HoT had beautiful art as well. Plus the glider is really fun. :)

    Excited to see where this expansion and further LWS/PoF takes me!

    submitted by /u/StarryEyedGamer
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    Discretize Power Soulbeast build questions

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Hi guys. Relatively new player here. I recently started to try and get my first set of ascended gear for my power soulbeast. I was looking at builds from snowcrow and discretize. I mostly do open world with fractals/strikes when I have the time (even though these build sites are meant for raids and fractals only, I assume the equipment gathered from discretize would work very well in open world as well.. I hope. let me know otherwise lol). However, I was pretty confused when I saw the discretize builds:


    The 162 agony resist build has all berserker armor and weapons, but two assassin accessories and assassin amulet. I assume this maxs out the crit chance so it makes sense to get those 3 assassin trinkets? Makes sense. If it doesnt max out crit, then I would be confused as to why get assassin lol.

    But when I look at the 222 agony resist build, I noticed it changes. This time it has assassin helmet and shoulderguards, and everything else is berserker, including all the trinkets. Not sure why it changes. It does mention that to cap crit chance without banner of discipline, I should switch berserker leggings to assassin leggings and the two berserker accessories with assassin accessories. If thats the case, then why not just do the build similar to the 162 agony resist with the 2 assassin accessory and assassin amulet? Or why not assume that the 162 agony resist build would have banner and discipline and use similar build as the 222 agony resist? Makes me slightly confused as to which equipment I should aim for.

    And then when I look at the 243 agony resist build, I get more confused because its literally all berserker armor, weapon, and even trinkets. Not a single assassin piece. Then the notes say that to cap crit chance without banner of discipline, I should switch berserker leggings to assassin leggings and the two berserker accessories with assassin accessories (same exact note as the 222 agony resist build). But this makes no sense to me since the 222 agony resist build has at least assassin helmet and shoulderguards, so how would this 243 agony resist build have max crit with the same assassin legging and accessories, but no assassin helmet and shoulderguard?

    Im honestly just focusing on the 162 agony resist build since I only plan on getting +9 agony resistances, but I was just curious and confused by the difference in builds since having more agony resistance shouldn't really change your equipment. But discretize seems to change the equipment each build depending on the agony resistance. If someone with experience on discretize and power soulbeast could explain I would greatly appreciate it! Also, if you could advise which items I should actually go for, since I am now kinda confused if I should get the assassin pieces or not, and which assassin pieces I should actually go for.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/imaphleg
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    Ulgoth bugged

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Ulgoth bugged

    I'm working on the Chuka and Champawat collection and need to complete the event "Defeat Ulgoth the Modniir and his minions" but he is unable to be hit. I checked the wiki and it is a knows bug that he remains invulnerable. Does anyone know If there is a way to avoid the bug? or what causes it.


    submitted by /u/BigBadBodyPillow
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    GW2: Fashion Wars ❤️

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:19 AM PDT

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