• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 3, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Legendary Sword Concept: Emberchained

    Guild Wars 2 Legendary Sword Concept: Emberchained

    Legendary Sword Concept: Emberchained

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    Hardstuck Presents: The HRP Raid Tournament Announcement!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:24 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit!

    For far too long raids have not seen live speed running competitions and after a long awaited return, I am very excited to announce the first official HARDSTUCK RAIDING PARTY TOURNAMENT [HRP]!

    You might be familiar with the Elitist Raiding Party and Amateur Raiding Party that MightyTeapot run a while back, they are to this day still the most competitive PvE events the game has ever seen, and now, they're finally coming back!

    This tournament will consist of an open bracket that anyone can enter by signing up, and an invitational bracket for the more established raid guilds that we all know and love.

    But do not be deceived by the open bracket and the tournament rules not being as brutal as the ones that we saw in Elitist Raiding Part 3, such as no downstate, because as far as we can tell by looking at some of these guild names, this is shaping up to be THE MOST competitive raid tournament the game has ever seen. Again.

    The tournament will be 4 days total - the open bracket will be July 9th and 10th, the Invitational bracket will be July 17th and 18th at 5PM UTC - Exact time of day might change slightly to make sure everyone will have no problem participating!

    You can find the full list of rules for the tournament here!

    Here's the Sign-up page


    We're planning to have a 100k Gold prize pool. Lots of Gems on top of that and there might be something else that you might be interested in, so keep an eye out for that!

    If you want to directly contribute to the prizes feel free to send it to MightyTeapot.2093 or Mela.2918

    For more information about prizing, rules or anything else you might want to stay up to date on make sure to join our Competitive Discord!

    Watch the event live at twitch.tv/mightyteapot July 9th/10th and July 17th/18th. If you want to get more involved make sure to join our Discords for more information about all of our events, and if you have any questions let us know! Hardstuck Discord and Hardstuck Competitive Discord

    Stay tuned for the trailer announcement that will be coming very shortly!

    We can't wait to see what EPIC strats you guys will come up with, but until then, have fun practicing and happy raiding!

    The Hardstuck Team

    submitted by /u/Hiimmela
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    Just wanted to share my warrior :) been playing for 2 months and in love with the game.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    Prismatic Dragon [OC]

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    Suggestion: WvW Pip System Redesign

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    Forum link here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96479-suggestion-wvw-pip-system-redesign/

    I came back to this game after years of pause with idea in my mind about aquiring Legendary Armor. I was fine with that being grindy and longterm goal and it gave me some kind of goal in this game and drive to play it consistently. But after that I started counting. Now it is 6 months later and I must say I am exhausted about it and even thinking about abandoning that idea entirely and just do not go for WvW armors entirely.
    Not because of timegate. Not because of scare of grinding materials and running in circles over and over and over. But because of sheer amount of time I am needed to dump into it. I am here to play and relax, not to go to second work for half time.

    But I am not a person shaming devs and telling the game is bad and just bitching about it. So I thought about suggestion, how pip system might be more interesting for everybody.

    A problem:
    You see, according to global numbers through gw2mists.com and gw2efficiency.com, which are big helpers in whole farming in Guild Wars two, the average player level in WvW is around 200 tops.
    That means you are getting 5 - 7 pips per 5 minutes in game, if we do not count that you are commanding or being on outnumbered map. More about that later.
    For getting maximum efficiency every week of getting 365 tickets, which are the main timegate on Legendary and Ascended Gear in GW2 you need to go all way from wood to diamond chest, which is 1450 pips. I will not bother you with maths and give you this link, where mr. Greeny Neko made awesome work about opening your eyes how long you will need to get every ticket and how much time it will cost you.

    I am personally rank 520+ now and I will presume that my server is not best of the best, I am on Aurora Glade and am proud of it, and I am normally getting 5 pips per 5 minutes of my time spent in WvW running around. That presumes I am not on Outnumbered map and I am not commanding group either. Just running with train and capping things here and there to have effective participation.

    That means I need to spend 1450 minutes aka 24 hours and 10 minutes every week in WvW to get to diamond chest.
    Here some people will go and tell me that I should use boosters to pump my WvW EXP for bigger ranks, start commanding or try to catch Outnumbered maps.

    That is problem number one. Outnumbered. At my level it will cut needed time to half if I will count I will spend all my time in WvW on outnumbered map. Through out 6 weeks I had in average 25% pips gained in outnumbered, and just for testing, I spend whole week just jumping from map to map to catch that status. And I ended up being bored in order to make progress.

    You see, outnumbered means that there is not enough people to compete with other two servers on the map. That means less content. More deaths because of enemy roamers. Hard time getting participation intact and no fun at all.
    Current system is pushing new players to sit on outnumbered maps to atleast do some progress. And I thing that is one thing which is rotten in here and needs to be changed.

    Second is that time spent. I am not a student, I need to go to work, same as I presume more than 50% of population of this game. And an idea that after 8 hours of work or more every day during week I need to go and spend around 4 every day more behind computer to get my sweet legendary armor in next 30 weeks of play is hot even hilarious but horrible. And that is not counting you have girlfriend, kids or anything else like hobbies.

    An idea of dedication:
    WvW in Guild Wars 2 is for me about running with people, not standing in base and going for one near camp every 5 minutes to reset timer on participation, but this gamemode at its current state is not supporting you in playing it, presuming that you are not a commander of group bigger than 10 people to grind more pips and do something.

    It is not rewarding guild play, It is not rewarding going with commander and listen to him and make content.

    WvW now is a tag and train behind it which is sometimes blindly rolling through maps to grind WXP for taking objectives.

    My idea is that pips and rewards should be atleast tied in guilds and following / commanding a group.

    The pip system redesign:
    First of all, I do not have problem with timegate on amount of pips every week. It is fine. It will need some dedication for you and it is not bigger than going to raids or PvP for legendaries otherwise. My first assumption is that 365 week cap for pips will stay in place. The change I would like to present here is just for how much time you will spend to earn them.

    Server ranking pips: 3 - 5 according to how good your server is. I am fine with this one. It is not gamemode breaking but it is adding a bit of favor when your server is doing work and it is good.

    Outnumbered pips: Gain reduction from 5 to 3 pips. Here is why. Right now it is so big amount that some people are just slacking in maps and waiting for ticks to land just because for every person under lvl 619 it will double the amount of gain and reduce time spend in half. So current scenario is, I have GW2 opened, waiting in map. Every 5 minutes I will take a camp and reset the timer and in mean time I am doing something else entirely. It is boring, it should stop and it should not support people doing this. I totally understand why they are doing it tho. Current system is not friend to newcomers at all.

    Commander pips: Now you gain 1 extra pip if you command group of 5+ and 3 more pips for group bigger than 10 people. There are some good commanders. I am trying to do it myself but people are sometimes really not responding to what commander is doing and trying to accomplish. On the other hand, I encountered commanders running like mad men and tagging up just because of grinding more pips trying to do nothing at all. My suggestion is that new pip gain will be 1 pip on 5+ people, 2 pips on 10+ people and 3 pips on 25+ people in squad.

    Squad participation pips: This is entirely new. Why? Because right now, running in squad is not gaining you anything in matter of pips what so ever, especially if you are in PPT train. So how about you will gain 1 pip more for being part of squad and not commander at the same time? Sounds good? Ok. There is a catch. You will be eligable to get that pip if for last 5 minutes you have atleast 50% participation on objectives your commander attacked or do some work on. Idea behind this is that if group of people is consistent and listening to commander, doing work for server, it should be rewarded too. This should ideally reduce people being just in squad for sake of it and running elsewhere than squad with commander is.

    Guild run pips: One of the best actions in WvW is when you are part of guild run, on voice with your people and doing battles against another guild. But right now it is done just for fun, with no gain other than kills and WXP. So how about you will gain 1 more pip if you are part of squad of atleast 5 people from your guild (or maybe Alliance in future) for last 5 minutes? Would that be nice? And if you are party of 5 roamers from same guild, you will gain it too.

    Gamemode weekly participation pips: Truth to be said THIS is the biggest pain for me right now. For last six weeks I grinded diamond chests to have biggest amount of tickets possible only just to came back on friday afternoon and start per 5 pips again from start. It is not even bad. It is exhausting. This is the main problem here according to my opinion. There is no reward for new players jumping the train hyped just to be smashed out of that train because it is endless hamster wheel of grind with so little gain. That needs to be changed. Right now you gain +1 pip if you finished atleast wooden chest last week. So if I am really lazy, I will go in WvW to finish wooden chest every week gaining smashing 17 tickets a week when one piece of Ascended armor costs 175 minimum. I must say I would rather go PvE and grind materials to craft it at that point.
    So. How about you will get +1 pip for every finished chest type? That means, for wooden +1, for bronze +2, for silver +3 etc. Will that make you go back and try to pump more time in to it? And how about newcomers? First week I will do wooden chest. I tried, I liked it, I did not have time for it. Next week I realized I can get more. So I ended on Gold and in week three on friday, I am gaining 3 pips for my server being last, 4 pips for gold chest and 0 for being newcomer and did not reach 150 level yet.

    An Example:
    Right now, our guild is doing two guild runs for 2 hours per week. Some of us have children, and other things to do, which are needed to be done instead of playing this game. Welcome to adulthood.
    Lets take me in to account. 520 rank, I have only those 4 hours I can spend playing and chatting with friend on Discord when rolling through the map. And am on Aurora Glade which normally take 3 pips per 5 minutes because of placement.
    4 hours of play in WvW means 48 ticks of gain pips. 3 per placement, 1 for my level, 1 for participation last week. 240 pips a week. And I cannot do more. No legendary armor, because you need 6x1095 + 2620 pips if you want shiny variation or 6x1095 + 1310 if you will be ok with non-shiny variation of your armor. That means 7880 tickets for non-shiny armor. 17 +25 tickets gained for wooden and silver chest. Legendary armor is not gonna happen at this point.

    With new system? We will get same predispositions. So. For my 48 tick I can play, I will get 3 pips for placement, 1 pip for my level, 2 pips because I made Bronze box last week, 1 pip for squad participation and 1 pip for guild run. This is second week of me going to guild runs. I am gaining 8 pips per tick. Means 8*48=384 pips in total. that is almost finished silver chest ( 11 pips missing). So I will scribe myself 10 minutes more with guild run and I will finish Silver chest too. Yay. Accomplishment. I gained 40 +25 +17 tickets in total this week. So If I will not pump that 10 minutes more I will still be on finished bronze next week. And every week after. That means 7880 / 82 = 96 weeks for legendary parts with tickets, but my shiny ascended armor is just 2620 and that means in 30 weeks I can do it.
    What if I pumped those more 10 minutes in and finished the the silver chest. Next week I am gaining 3 per server, 1 per level, 3 per participation, 1 per squad and 1 per guild. 9 pips in total per 5 minutes spent. 9*48= 432 that is wooden, bronze and silver chest this week, but almost 9 more tickets, if I do 5 minutes more, because of gold chest. 91 tickets gained and now, my 10 more minutes last week and 5 more minutes this week gave me an idea that if I spend 5 minutes more participating every week I can spare 1 week of grinding for my shiny ascended armor just because 2620 / 91 is 29 and not 30. And if I spare one more our this week I can even finish Gold chest.

    See I presume this will not degrade the gain of legendary armor grind. You will be still be awarded 365 tickets per week. But in total it will mean that first week I will grind myself to hell to do diamond chest and will go whole weekend and spend those 30 hours in WvW. But next week? I will gain 3 for server, 1 for level, 7 pips for diamond chest. That is 11 per tick. 1450 / 11 is 132 ticks. 11 hours of grind. through out the week.

    I can imagine that might be atleast more reachable for lot of people.
    And for me? I will still go for my diamond chest ideally. But right now, this change will give me an option to discover more of this game than just WvW.

    If you read this up to this point, thank you. Hope this will make some impact.

    submitted by /u/Ernedar
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    What it feels like to use Hammer Guardian (seriously why is there no hammer trait in Zeal?)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    New 'Mossback Skimmer' skin appears to have had more moss originally. It looks like the base model was changed to have less moss, but they forgot to change the mount/dismount models as well...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Can somebody explain to me the 23 farm that's going on right now?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Haven't done fractals for about 2 days and now the t4 LFG is full of 23 nightmare runs looking for DHs. What's the reason for specifically DH and why 23 over something like 42?

    submitted by /u/OfflaneTrash
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    Need help, game crashes on every pre-rendered cutscene since last Champions patch

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    Hi reddit. Since the Champions: Judgement patch, my game constantly hard-crashes every time it is supposed to show a pre-rendered cutscene (like the emerging of Jormag and Kralk in Dragonstorm, or the Samarog cutscene in Wing 4).

    This is really frustrating. It worked fine before, and it does not seem to have anything to do with my installation (tested on older PC with external hard drive).

    Did someone of you by any chance have the same issue and found a solution for it? I report every crash to Anet, but since this seems to be a pretty rare and personal-hardware-related crash, I doubt they will fix it any time soon.

    I am running the game on a 2015s Razer Blade notebook with i7 processor and GTX 1060 graphics card with latest drivers installed.

    Could d12 proxy or the vulcan proxy maybe help with this?

    submitted by /u/joe_chester
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    Comic - Waking - COMPLETE 64 PGS [OC] [ART]

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Countering disables should have a priority listing

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    A tempest channeling an overload skill, with traits harmonious conduit and gale song equipped, should use up the stability boon first before triggering eye of the storm.

    submitted by /u/ohiv21
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    Whats the point in crafting?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    Besides the legendarys and ascended gear, i feel like most professions are pretty pointless for most parts of the game. I used to play a few years ago and was leveling armor and weapon smith, pretty much everything i crafted was completely useless. The stuff i found was always multiple levels ahead of what i could craft, and i could always buy way stronger weapons on the market than what i was producing on my own. There where guids that told you exactly how many materials you needed to speed through the whole process of leveling up, but then whats the point in crafting when your only goal is to speed through 99% of the content as fast as possible to be able to craft the one item you actually want? is there something im missing?

    submitted by /u/UniqueAirline9393
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    I can't verify my E-Mail but without verifying it I can't play

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Since I made my gw2 Account years ago, I changed my email adress. Over the years I forgot the Password for the Email and I lost the piece of paper I wrote it on (I know of No way to Recover the password). I can't even write to the Arena net Support Service since you have to Log in for doing so and I can't Login without verifying. Any Help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/lxurin_hei
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    Local Response Achievement locked

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Hi, I searched for posts with the same question but couldn't find anything.

    I missed last weeks Return to Dry Top 1 Event, but wanted to do the current one.
    But somehow one of the achievements is locked, because I didn't do last weeks achievements and now it seems that I'm not able to complete the Return to The Dragon's Reach achievements and get the Pact Fleet Weapon Cache.

    Anyone knows if thre is a way around it?

    submitted by /u/juliajulie95
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