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    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I painted my friend's sylvari :)

    Guild Wars 2 I painted my friend's sylvari :)

    I painted my friend's sylvari :)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    ENOUGH memes. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of Weaver's problems. (PvE)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    We have all seen the memes going around about elementalist. I have to admit that It has been quite entertaining, especially since the community is finally paying attention to how lackluster weaver is. However, even though the memes are catchy and fun, they do not tell the entire story. Anet cannot spot the real issues with ele by just looking at quick memes, so I was looking to start a constructive discussion about the real problems with elementalist.

    I see many posts claiming that elementalist has low health and is squishy. I also see the complexity of the rotation being brought up very often in these discussions. Utility also gets mentioned a few times. I have to say that these are merely pieces of the puzzle and not the entire issue. After all, elementalist always was squishy, and it was generally more complex than average. But it was not always this bad of a pick. The truth is that elementalist, and more specifically weaver, suffers from too many weaknesses.

    Tldr: Ele has way too many weaknesses, while it has very few and non-impactful strengths. Every profession is supposed to have strengths and weaknesses, but elementalist suffers from the most weaknesses, while not really offering much in return.

    For anyone who is willing to read about the specifics, here is the rest of the post. It will be a bit long so grab a drink.

    Strengths: There are very few of these, but they exist.

    1. Extra damage against large hitboxes. While tempest benefits from this the most, even some weaver builds can take advantage of it. Most hitboxes are small, but this is still something at least, even if it's a pretty weak bonus these days after the nerfs.
    2. Great ability to self combo. Elementalist in general has plentiful access to a variety of combo fields and finishers. Several weapons have the best type of finisher, which is the blast finisher. The issue is that the usefulness of this strength has greatly diminished over time, due to power creep. Why blast fire for 3 might when you can press a skill and get 8 might and alacrity on staff mirage?
    3. Numerous evade skills. Weaver specifically has access to a few of these on sword. While they are not going to be ideal while doing your dps rotation, there are still certain fights with pauses. For example, these work really well in the orb phases of Ensolyss. Guardian, which by all rights has more defenses, cannot use its blocks and heals to deal with the orbs as effectively as weaver evades can. I realize that this is very niche, but we are scraping the bottom of the barrel here for strengths.

    Weaknesses: Here comes the avalanche.

    1. The dual attunement mechanic. In my opinion, weaver has the elite spec mechanic with the largest trade-off out of all mechanics in the game. You give up the main attraction of ele, which is the flexibility and your rotations become rigid, with very few options to access defenses, utility or cc when needed.
    2. Low Health. This means that you die easier while facetanking or taking mechanics. However, there are two other professions with low health and they do not struggle to survive as much. Really makes you think...
    3. Low armor. A combination of low health and armor makes you inherently the squishiest character stat wise. This is not the biggest difference in the world, but heavy armor grants a further 20% damage reduction, which is nothing to scoff at.
    4. Lack of additional defenses. Technically weaver does have extra evades and access to some barrier. However, if you build for damage your barrier will be extremely low, and you cannot use evades when you actually need them. Compare this to a Dragonhunter, who is almost invulnerable while having litany of wrath, and then also heals pretty well with wings of resolve, and has lots of blocks with shield of courage. All of these are usable with any build.
    5. Almost no utility. Weaver has a severe utility shortage in a meta where utility is becoming more common and powerful. Power builds have near 0 utility, with a couple of small heals that do almost nothing and lose you dps. Condi and hybrids have access to swirling winds for projectile destruction, but condi builds struggle to access this utility due to the lack of fresh air. Meanwhile, actually good dps classes have way more utility, which is almost immediately accessible. While all the weaknesses matter, this one is the death blow that truly finished weaver off.
    6. Most boon-reliant. Boons are essential for everyone, but weaver requires them more than any other class. Especially quickness and alacrity, because executing the rotations cannot be done otherwise, and alacrity also affects attunements and not just skills.
    7. Least self-booning. Weaver doesn't only lack support and carry potential. The truth is that it needs to be carried. It can't generate almost any boons on its own, so if something happens and the support is not there all the time, you will have issues. It can only generate swiftness, the most common boon. Power variants also have a bit of fury, if traited for less burst.
    8. Most vulnerable to slow and chill. This is the same as point 6, just in reverse. The rotations slow to a crawl and weave self rotations are impossible. Attunements take ages to recharge and you are left helpless.
    9. Complex rotations. The builds with the most dps are the condi variants, which also have some of the most complex rotations in the game. I am not here to say if harder rotations deserve more dps, but I will say that having to deal with this while also dealing with all the other issues here is a bit much. Also weave self rotation is basically impossible with high ping, so that is nice.
    10. Pure melee. Being pure melee means that you have to sit there doing nothing while certain mechanics play out. This really feels bad and also lowers your contribution. Meanwhile scourge can do all of its damage from range while not caring. However, even more melee-oriented builds have an advantage over weaver. Many builds such as cFB, reaper, and holosmith are what I would call "melee". They have some ranged options, and even many of their melee options actually have 600 range or are large AoEs around you that can hit stuff way further than sword weaver can.
    11. Lackluster cleave. This is similar to point 10. The actual cleave damage of weaver is not bad , but the radius is way lower than the competition, and it also has no pulls either. So you will end up being quite worse at cleaving.
    12. Lack of burst options. Condi weaver is one of the burstier condi specs, but still nowhere near cFB or power builds. This is fine, but what is not fine is that power weaver is also bad at burst. The damage got nerfed for little reason, since it doesn't even have the main advantage of a power build. It can certainly pull off some burst in a perfect fractal group if you abuse mistlocks as much as possible with staff pre-casting, but this is not realistic for almost any group. In raids it's not even possible.
    13. Lack of CC when needed. CC is critical in certain encounters, but weaver cannot reliably access it unless it's a fresh air power or hybrid build. Since condi variants have the highest damage, this means that you will likely have a lack of CC if you want competitive dps.
    14. Animation lock. Elementalist in general suffers from this more than average. For sword weaver, flame uprising is definitely a very bad offender and can easily get you killed.

    All in all, weaver is in a dire state right now, and it's not due to a single issue. It simply suffers from way too many drawbacks, while bringing very little to the table. Many of these issues stem from the design choice to give it the dual attune mechanic and a pure melee weapon at the same time. However, core elementalist is also very lackluster and it does not help one bit. The utility of core is very outdated with all the power creep. Just look at arcane, the supposed "utility" line and you will see what I mean. Most core utility skills are just damage bonuses and little else. And the weapon skills are very weak these days. You have 4 entire attunements, and somehow less utility than everyone else.

    Tempest is the shining light of the elementalist profession, because it is actually a decent spec. It can heal well and provide numerous boons, even if they are not the most sought after. But the only reason why tempest can be good, despite core being a terrible foundation, is auras. Tempest has crazy synergy with aura traits, which really increases the utility by a lot. There will likely never be another elite spec with an aura focus. So I am afraid that any future elites will suffer because of core ele being a terrible foundation.

    If Anet wants ele to be good, the main focus should be core buffs and reworks. Especially most utilities, many weapon skills, as well as the earth and arcane trait lines. Improvements in the combo system would also do a lot to help elementalist.

    If anyone has anything else to add, such as more strengths and weaknesses or more solutions, I'd be happy to discuss. I am sure that I forgot some weaknesses. Thank you for reading this far.

    submitted by /u/FieryEle
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    Illidan in-game cosplay (featuring the new gemstore horns)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    Return to Living World Season 3 Story Begins June 29 – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of recent posts about Elementalists being glassy and dying a lot, so I put together this guide for quickly reviving ally Elementalists

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    What I like about this community.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    I'm a new player but there is one thing about the GW2 community that kind of endeared me the most.

    Coming from FFXIV, I'm not a FFXIV vet but I've been playing for almost two years now, so I know most of the content I guess. A lot of people say that the ffxiv community is the most welcoming. From my experience it's definitely not lol. The toxicity comes out when you actually criticise the game or community itself.

    On the other hand community GW2 straight up says "the community is toxic". From my experience, it's not. Are there trolls? Of course. Are there toxic idiots? Yea there will always be. But overall from what I personally experienced is that GW2 is by far the most social mmorpg. Players team up, interact with each other and stuff.

    This is from what I learned in my month of playing GW2 atleast.

    submitted by /u/Lazy_Supermarket_968
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    New version of my wallpaper of Dragon Bash [3200x1800px]

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Helping new players - introduction to Drizzlewood Coast

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    Hello there, it is Wednesday and I have another "Helping new players" event ready :) This time I have prepared for Drizzlewood Coast meta! This is 4th event from this series, if you are interested in past events, here they are:

    HoT meta train, Silverwastes RIBA + CF and Introduction to Fractals

    What is it about?

    New player focused meta run, with explanations (link below) pasted to squad chat on each major step of meta. We will not focus on super fast clearing or top efficiency. Main point is to clear out all the "WTF is going on" new players probably have, when they first run this meta. For those who prefer voiced explanation, I will be going through the texts on my twitch (link bellow), with additional tips and questions answering :)

    Important info

    • Event start: 23.6 19:00 UTC+1
    • How to join:
      • Event is hosted on EU servers
      • Use /sqjoin CorwinCZ.3146 when the event runs
      • Find us on LFG, name Helping new players - introduction to Drizzlewood Coast meta
      • Join stream and use !squad command to get the text /sqjoin CorwinCZ.3146
    • What do you need: Access to Drizzlewood coast - Icebrood Saga, chapters No quarter or Jormag Rising. Lvl 80 character :)
    • Event length: One full meta is bit more then 2 hours. I plan to do 2 full runs, so you can join at any time :)
    • Texts for /squad chat - explanation of meta
    • twitch.tv/corwincz for those who prefer voiced explanation with some extra tips on top :)

    Any feedback on event / explanation texts is welcomed :)

    Hope to see u there, happy farming,


    P.S.: I know that Drizzle farm is not exactly for new players. It is really far in story, it took me few hundreds of hours to get there. But still - first time I did Drizzle, I was confused by comm teleporting around map as crazy, where to get keys etc. So I aim to clear out such confusion, if other ppl have it. If not, we will have a nice farm :)

    submitted by /u/CorwinCZ42
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    Taking advantage of no down-state week :p Credit for the build goes to u/kormirsimp (still learning the ways of the bear)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Pre-HoT done, Pre-PoF incoming !

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    My favourite part about no downstate WvW

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Is that it deletes the scrapper's elite spec profession mechanic. We should have more WvW event weeks to delete other elite spec mechanics, such as:

    • The spirits of the wild appear above you and drink your CA bar whenever you try to fill it.
    • Attempting to meld with your pet causes it to get weirded out and run away. Seriously, "melding"? What the hell does that even mean? People are starting to ask questions about you and law enforcement might have to get involved.
    • Full Counter fully counters itself.
    • Much like real life, going into berserk mode is pretty much the same, you're kind of just more angry and nobody cares. Honestly, it's pretty embarrassing to watch.
    • Continuum Split sends you back before elite specs existed.
    • Dodging as a mirage makes you wave your arms around, but you're pretty much just as visible as before.
    • Elementalists are already dead.
    • Deadeye WvW compassion week prevents players from building malice against each other.
    • Daredevil WvW fitness awareness week reminds you that you need to exercise by confiscating one of your endurance bars.
    • There are no dragons in WvW, so dragonhunters have been deemed unnecessary.
    • WvW literacy fundraiser weekend puts firebrands in the shoes of those who don't have access to quality education. Good luck.
    • Stop larping as a dragon. Didn't you see the title of the next expansion?
    • You're following the commander tag just like everyone else, and you call yourself a renegade? Kalla now refuses to help if you're within 1000 range of a tag or in a squad.
    • Reapers are now required to ferry each of their kills through the Domain of the Lost before returning to WvW.
    • Scientific breakthroughs in mRNA vaccine technology have rendered hostile scourge effects and the epidemic skill pretty much worthless.
    • Photon Forge drains completely and becomes unusable whenever you do not have direct line of sight to the sun.
    submitted by /u/Tulki
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    My first thought when I saw Jormag's projection

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    Advice for getting present for teen who loves Guild Wars

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    My son is a big fan of Guild Wars 2, but I have no experience of the game (beyond what he's told me about it). He says he wants a gem card for his birthday, and I wondered was there any way of getting a specific voucher for that, or do I just have to give him money to buy that gem card in-game himself? How much money do you need to spend to be able to buy something decent with the gem card?

    Additionally, he has the Standard Edition of the game - is there any way to upgrade his current edition to the deluxe or ultimate editions? And is there any benefit to doing so, given that he's already been playing the game for a while?

    Any other Guild Wars present suggestions would also be helpful. Thanks for your help :)

    Edit: thanks everyone for your suggestions and nice comments! We'll definitely be getting him some stuff that you have all recommended. Also I have learnt some stuff about the game so I can maybe occasionally join in the conversation when he talks about it 😁

    submitted by /u/FragFlurryAwesome
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    Dragon Bash Event - A time to celebrate, participate, make memes, and eat zhaitaffy!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    I got 27 on Pinata Bashing. And wanted to share it.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or is Journey's Call a little disappointing for 144g

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    This hasn't aged too well

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    Lore: Just curious, why is there Son of Svanir in Hoelbrak?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    Just curious, why is there Son of Svanir in Hoelbrak? Can somebody fill me in on the lore regarding them? I looked up the Point of Interest on the Wiki first and not a lot of information in on that page.
    They the minions of Jormag right? So why they in the city as friendlies?

    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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    "Living World: Scattered stories" idea - thoughts?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Hi. I thought about something.

    What if we got a Living world season that's not about one big story, but rather a set of different stories, each only having one or two chapters dedicated to it at most?

    This would be a great opportunity to experience different things (rather than just sand in LWS4, and just ice in the icebrood saga), as well as to finish some unresolved storylines that had a captivating premise, such as Malyck's origins in the Sylvari's personal story.

    One of those chapters could also be dedicated to the Wizard's tower I mentioned in my earlier thread. This game has many unresolved stories and unsolved mysteries to explore - some who may not be worthy of a full Living world season, but who might be interesting enough for a chapter or two.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Masticates
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    UPDATED Dragon Bash TacO Marker Pack

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Dragon Bash is here once again, and annual achievements beg to be completed:-) Download my updated marker pack and start bashing:-P

    Marker Pack Download: http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download

    Video Guides


    TacO & Markers Installation

    • Download the latest version of GW2 TacO
    • Extract TacO from the archive somewhere - I recommend Guild Wars 2 folder.
    • Download ALL-IN-ONE markers pack from my website.
    • Move downloaded tw_ALL_IN_ONE.taco file into the POIs folder inside the GW2TacO folder (do not unpack it!). Override if asked.
    • You may have to allow using archives from other sources in the file properties or repack the archive (just rename .taco to .zip) it as your own if you don't have admin privileges in Windows.
    • Launch the game in Windowed Full-Screen mode and TacO as an Admin (does not work on Mac).
    • You can toggle my markers in TacO menu -> Filter Displayed Tactical Markers -> Tekkit's Guides ->

    Check this for a more in-depth TacO guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quKSP6hdqFo

    If You like my work, you can support me on PATREON:-) https://www.patreon.com/TekkitsWorkshop

    Or directly via PayPal https://paypal.me/TekkitWorkshop


    submitted by /u/sankurix
    [link] [comments]

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