• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 "Guardian has always been a very flexible and powerful profession. We are working to extend that same diversity to other professions."

    Guild Wars 2 "Guardian has always been a very flexible and powerful profession. We are working to extend that same diversity to other professions."

    "Guardian has always been a very flexible and powerful profession. We are working to extend that same diversity to other professions."

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    Posting bad memes as the mood hits until EoD comes out.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Griffon showcase for new players coming from other games

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    I see your perfect AP, I raise you mine.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Finally got it done, tatto of my Necromancer!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Karen The Indomitable

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    My deepest Gw2 desire

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I Finally did it!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    I Finally did it!

    Just hit 100% world completion. feels so good :D and a few days ago i got my griffon.. this game is amazing!


    submitted by /u/CHARGE
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    When I log in and see that most of my guildies are already on:

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    What I would like to see in GW2: A Bank-Tab Affinity System

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    In a recent update the game Path of Exile got a small (read: big) QoL change for their stash/bank system:

    The Tab Affinity System.
    It lets you set up stash tabs to automatically sort items of a certain sort into their stash tabs.
    (read: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2986656 for more information)

    In Guildwars 2 you could use this system to sort your overflow of ascended mats, gear, etc into predetermined bank tabs without needing to scroll all the way and drag/dropping the items.
    This would of course only benefit people with 10+ bank tabs and probably incentivise people to get more bank tabs as well.
    (While we are at it, increase the max of bank tabs an account can have)

    submitted by /u/Guruubaz
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    Waiting for the right moment to relief the burden from this pack rat.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Virtues Condi Firebrand Guide

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Hey everybody! With the May 11th update came a new Firebrand build and rotation. Here is a video highlighting everything you would want to know about how to play Virtues CFB! Hope you enjoy!



    submitted by /u/Pritch7
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    How do barons spend their gold?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    i have been totally oblivious about the concept of a game economy. i play games to entertain myself but i got intrigued with the gw2 economy. i mean this game has gold barons with 2 million gold to their name. i saw a vid where one uses it to fund people so his server wins wvw. but what do the others do with their gold? just curious.

    submitted by /u/Jerekiel
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    Tyria Pride 2021 - EU & NA Information

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Tyria Pride 2021 - EU & NA Information

    Something stirs beneath the surface. Something... bubbly. And colorful. We all thought it was a dragon. But we were wrong. It's something far, far more powerful. The power... of love! 🌈

    Tyria Pride 2021 is coming!

    Tyria Pride is an in-game march through Tyria, aimed at showing support for our LGBTQ+ friends & guildies, and raising funds for Rainbow Railroad, a non-profit organisation that helps LGBTQ+ individuals escape state-sponsored persecution and violence!

    The event is happening on Saturday June 26 and Sunday June 27 on both EU and NA! Special thanks to Gamers Giving Back for helping shore up the NA side of the organisation!

    When do we meet?

    The events start at 16:00 CEST [EU] / 4 PM CDT [NA], but it's recommended you hop in about 15 minutes earlier \^)

    Commanders & organizers will begin gathering about half an hour earlier, so you should already be able to reach us in advance. You can also get in touch with us on the Tyria Pride discord at tyriapride.com/discord!

    Where do we meet?

    • Day 1: Ebonhawke! If you don't have explored yet, do not worry! You can reach Ebonhawke through a portal in Divinity's Reach, so we will also have a commander showing people the way through DR if needed.
    • Day 2: Lion's Arch, at the Field of the Fallen!

    How do we get on the same instance of the map?

    Organisers will be opening LFGs. If you get confused, another way to get help is the Tyria Pride guild! Contact me in-game (contact at the bottom of the post) for an invite.

    Note: Please don't open LFGs for Tyria Pride unless you are an organiser - if you're looking for a map, join a group in LFG, rather than opening one.

    What do I bring?

    You don't have to bring anything! But, party boxes, kites, transformations, fireworks, and other fun things of all kinds are of course welcome! If you wish to dye your armor in the traditional pride flag colours, that's also a fun way to express support!


    But wait! We're not just talking the talk, we're also walking the walk, and we want to create actual change and improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people worldwide, so we are running a fundraiser for Rainbow Railroad, an organisation focused on helping LGBTQ+ individuals escape state-sponsored persecution and violence around the world. You can find the fundraiser at justgiving.com/tyriapride2021.

    How can I support the event?

    Spread the word! Tell your friends and guildies! For easy sharing of information, you can share this promo image!

    You can also support the event in-game - last year, we raffled off four legendaries to people who supported the fundraiser. If you want to help us give out cool prizes this year, you can donate in-game! If you can spare anything, even just a couple ectos, it'll really help! Please send your donations to Lelling.6795 with the subject "Tyria Pride Donation"!

    Where can I get more info?

    • In-game contact: Lelling.6795
    • Discord: tyriapride.com/discord
    • Tyria Pride guild (contact Lelling.6795 for an invite) - this guild has no representation or activity requirement, it is simply used as a contact list for informing members about Tyria Pride.
    • Official post on GW2 forums: tyriapride.com/2021

    If you would like to help organize this event, please let me know by contacting me in-game, here on reddit, on the GW2 forums, or on discord!

    Please be aware that we are marching in the name of unity and acceptance. Any attacks or discrimination against anyone, whether based on religion, sexuality, race, specific minorities, ethnic groups, religions, etc. are not welcome at this event.


    submitted by /u/RLelling
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    [Art] Duo. An unlikely friendship :D

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 04:41 PM PDT

    Waiting for the rest of the guildmates be like.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 01:20 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    With the upcoming expansion and increase in playerbase i was wondering what people think about the Lorecoverage of GW 1 and 2 on You Tube and other Sites. Do you think it is allready enough presented and up to date?

    submitted by /u/Lorekeen
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    A tool for finding outfits I missed from karma/heart vendors?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Anyone know of anything online? First time through map complete, I didn't have ample $/karma to buy everything, but as a completionist I'd like to go back and get all the skins I don't yet have...I'm hoping someone has figured out a way to use the API to make it easy to find them?


    submitted by /u/styopa
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    Reaper: How a non-meta build made me enjoy the game significantly more

    Posted: 12 Jun 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    I really like Fractals, it's the game mode I play the game for. Despite considering myself a filthy Necromancer main since the very first minute of playing, conditioned by the dungeon-running era of the game, I avoided playing my favorite class in any and all instanced group content. Low benchmarks and general discouragement from Discretize only made it more obvious for me that playing my favorite green class was a sure-fire way to get kicked from all but the most relaxed fractal runs. I struggled playing a power Weaver, since that was the easiest meta build for me to get gear for. Despite a pretty big damage potential, I often struggled to do as much damage as my teammates.

    What really got me confused were the occasional Reapers that joined my team on daily T4 runs. Not only were they not kicked, they often provided consistently the highest damage within the group! Yeah, sure, it was "only" around 15-20k, but when everyone else does 7-8k, and my Ele sits around 4-5k, it's easy to feel jealous. Well, the recent nerf to Ele felt like the sign I needed to finally take the plunge. So I went Reaper... and holy shit, I get it so hard right now.

    You suddenly feel like no matter what team you join, you're going to be a significant asset. You give yourself your own Might, your own Quickness, you provide all the Vuln the team needs, have over-capped crit chance, so Fury doesn't matter that much, you even give yourself Stability while in shroud via Infusing Terror. Yes, you have the meme-worthy second health bar, so mistakes are a lot less punishing than for anyone else. Hell, sometimes you can be a bad-ass and attack stuff while purposefully standing in AoE (like when Multiform Ambulatory Mobile Artillery does its puddle near the end). It also makes it very easy to do mechanics, because you don't care about being damaged that much. And quite frankly, unless you fuck up repeatedly and badly, you literally cannot be killed. So by that metric, you'd fit right into any group ever, and the less meta your teamcomp is, the more appreciated you will be. What's more, big damage isn't the only thing you can provide for your team.

    I remember the first time I switched to Blood Magic after a wipe, because a guide suggested trying that. And my team suddenly just... stopped dying. I didn't play any differently, my rotation didn't change, my damage went a smidge down, but not too much. But turns out if you give everyone else just a squish of extra health via Vampiric and Transfusion, with no extra investment in Healing Power or Concentration, that's more than enough to keep people from going down. If you want the feeling of playing a healer without actually playing one, here's an easy way to do that.

    Outside of being a useful member of your team, it just feels great to play. Let me tell you, a Reaper's greatsword is probably the most satisfying weapon in the entire game, bar none. It's weighty, it feels impactful, it cleaves everything like a monster, and it vomits giant numbers all over your screen all the time. And the kit is just *chef's kiss*. I always loved people that grouped mobs together for a quick burst. But after being able to do it myself with Grasping Darkness, I just can't go back. Spamming Gravedigger while standing in pretty much any combo field is just great, especially when you learn to control your bolts, so you can pick which combo field is best for your team at the time. The insane combo of Nightfall and Soul Spiral skyrockets your DPS to silly territory for a second or two. And all of it flows off of each other to transform you into this edgy blender.

    Axe, while not as fun as GS, is also an amazing tool. It generates lifeforce really, really fast. And Most importantly, it's ranged! So many times have my Ele just stood idly looking at an enemy because of a badly dropped flux bomb, or a PBAoE the boss dropped, because I had no way to actually getting in melee without dropping like a fly. Most fractal builds don't really carry ranged weapons, but not the Reaper, always one weapon swap away from being able to continue their rotation from a reasonable distance. And that will up your damage significantly. Also, the Axe allows you to complete the balls on Arc pretty much by yourself, eliminating the number one reason why inexperienced pugs wipe on that boss.

    Yes, it's obviously not a speedrunning build. Your damage ceiling is a bit low, you don't provide that much benefit to coordinated groups, you may struggle with CC at times, and you can't give any of the important boons to anyone but yourself. But honestly, unless you're a speedrunner, why should you care? I'm a casual scrub, I'm not expecting to beat any world records. And I probably saved more time by surviving and picking up my team because of failed mechanics than I lost because of the potential 10k extra golem DPS I'm not ever doing anyway.

    All in all, my new main fractal-running build completely transformed the experience for me. If you ever hesitated, perhaps try giving it a go, you might be surprised by how fun and useful it can be. Have you ever experienced something similar after switching builds? Is there anything that makes you happy to play the class you play? Do you have any rogue builds you'd want to share with everyone else? Do you just want to gush over Reaper with me? Comment below.

    submitted by /u/EndusIgnismare
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    Unlocking "Mordant Sickle" for Expurgation Unlock

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    New player and trying to get my first ascended weapon. Was trying for Expurgation achievement for Firebrand ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expurgation_(achievement) ). Struggling on the last one "mordant sickle".

    There is a "Recipe: Mordant Sickle" in Vabbi, but you can't buy it until you've "unlocked the skin for the rare tier of this item". This means you can't craft it until you either find a "Mordan Sickle" or acquire "Harsab the Divider of Severance"? I'll note Harsab is 76gold right now... which as a new player is pretty much out of question at this time.

    Any advice? Am I missing something? Are these elite ascended weapon collection unlocks meant to be extremely costly?

    submitted by /u/32Ash
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    Highest damage single target skill in the game?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Just thought this would be fun for curiosity's sake, but what do you think is the highest damage single target skill in the game. I'm gonna say single target in the sense of one tick, so one person getting hit by lightning orb and whirls don't count. What is it, nades, death's judgement, true shot?

    submitted by /u/Neat-Bed-4037
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    I was wrong about collections (achivement discussion)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    For the longest time, achivements in MMO's have been something i could care less about. More often than not, whenever i did them i didt know about them or "had to" do them for progression. Very few times did i actually enjoy it it all seemed to be arbitrary numbers going up and didt give me any satisfaction.

    The collections in gw2 are very diffrent. In my experience they are (for the most part) ways of telling a story and adding depth to tyria. relently ive begun the collection for the HOPE legendary pistol and i was amazed by how much it added to the experience. If i just took the time to read and learn i got so much more out of the experience. Its not just go to A and pickup this to later do B. Its a narritive and they did put some thought into it. Maybe other collections are not the same but i really enjoy the lore behind the weapon something i missed alot in the first gen legendarys.

    The skyscale collection although very very long was rewarding aswell, i was hesitant because of the jumping puzzles (which i cant do, i really really struggle with) but they implemented ways around that which i love. The story behind it and the adventure of taking care of a Skyscale from egg to adolecent to a grown mount that you have a connection with is awesome. I am for the first time activly looking for collections and are exited for them.

    For people who like me avoided these, i urge you to give it a go. Take your time, dont rush. Those would be my tips.

    What are your experiences and thoughts with this?

    submitted by /u/Mintyfresh2MC
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    More ideas for LWS1

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I know the twisted marionette is coming back to Lornar's Pass, but I wanted to brain storm more ways to bring back living world season 1 to the game.

    My top idea is the battle for Lion's Arch, which I think should be a competitive raid event similar to dragon response missions.

    submitted by /u/EnterTheMox
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