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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Guild Wars Returning Player - Where do I start?

    Guild Wars Returning Player - Where do I start?

    Returning Player - Where do I start?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    I recently recovered my original account from 2007 (I think) and so had my friend. We want to start playing and are happy enough to play just the two of us really, but I feel that I wont get the true nostalgia feeling unless there are other players to get involved with too!

    The reason I'm posting here is because I logged into Lions Arch and saw 1 single player, I looked on all 3 districts available to me and didn't see anybody, is there another main city to hang out in and which is the best expansion to make a new character in to ensure some social interactions on our new GW journey?

    Sorry if this question has been asked before!

    Edit: We would have preferred to make a new character in Prophecies!

    submitted by /u/CornerPilot93
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    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Official Guild Wars webstore : https://store.guildwars.com/store/gw/en_US/cat/ThemeID.37893000/categoryID.67871700

    Daily activies in GW : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Daily_activities

    Weekley events in GW : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Weekly_activities

    Price checking, Kamadan chatbox history : https://kamadan.gwtoolbox.com/

    Database for builds (PvE or PvP) : https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/PvX_wiki

    General wiki for Guild Wars 1 : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Main_Page

    Interactive map online (Prophecies+EotN, Factions and Nightfall) : https://thatshaman.com/tools/gw1map/?v=1&x=3960&y=4800&z=4&c=1

    General online forum for GW : https://guildwarslegacy.com/forum/

    Most known for the price checking of items : https://guildwarslegacy.com/forum/board/12-price-check/

    Best Youtube channels for general PvE :

    Péter Kádár : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZmEI7OfVixQ-mtLTzTIkdw

    GW Reborn : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8YrkQO8RC2yvUHU7SPwCcg

    Mozo GW : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxasMX7X9vN0yxalWwc83kQ

    Official Discord for GW1 : https://discord.gg/gw

    LGiT Discord, the biggest alliance in the game (2000 members) : https://discord.gg/mxeWNnA

    Best primary professions in Guild Wars 1 nowadays for PvE and SCs (not in order) :

    - Mesmer : no armor reduction, interruptions, mana destroyer (Esurge).- Ranger : can do many farms solo with SF + whirling defense.- Dervish : Vow of Silence, excellent for AoE damage.- Ritualist : Signet of Spirits or Soul Twisting builds.- Assassin : best tank with Shadow Form (SF).

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Send the link of this post whenever someone asks you for an answer which is just above.

    "What is the item for Nicholas this week please ?" --> LINK THIS

    "Do you have a good build for heroes pls ?" --> LINK THIS

    "How can I get the anniversary skills pls ?" --> LINK THIS


    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Tidus_555
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    When you relicrun in HA and don't realise you're bodyblocked

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Why Fort Aspenwood is dead & Jade Quary is full?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Is there a site with the rough going price for items?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Trying to find if there's a good site where I can find out what to charge for items, in this case bday presents. Recovered my account from several years ago and, well, with all the character slots taken up each of them have 6-9 presents in each incentory(including the vouchers). It also would help to see what people charge for nicholas gifts/sets

    submitted by /u/ryuu745
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    Getting the anniversary skills in 2021

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Returning after several years, I didn't get the new PVE skills. How are we supposed to get them today? Do I still need to look for someone with Proof of Triumph? Tried ingame party search for hours, no response

    submitted by /u/roysland-on-reddit
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    PvE class Tier List

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    This is only a semi-serious thread, but I want to address what I think are outdated perspectives on the "best class" for a player character! It has been long enough since the 15th Anniversary update that I think we can give educated perspectives on the new order of classes. Mesmer heroes are the best, but I think people get carried away acting like player Mesmers are alone on top of the mountain for PvE classes.

    I typed up this tier list in the "guide to PvE" post someone made earlier. I thought I would make a thread for it, since tier lists are quite popular now in general gaming, and I imagine someone some day will google "Guild Wars Tier List" and see this. Plus, it's fun.

    This tier list was prompted by someone(the OP of that post) not even mentioning Paragons, and saying Ritualist was in the top 4 classes for general PvE. I feel like that is a really outdated take post-anniversary update(and a decade since SoS rit became the ubiquitous lazy class).

    My PvE tier list would be(imagining someone only wants to make one character):

    SS tier(meta defining SC builds while very competent at general PvE):

    Dervish, Ranger - these 2 are interchangeable IMO. Tons of farming options, loved by PUGs for ZM/ZB/etc., ubiquitous in SCs, while being good enough at PvE that they're in the running for second under Paragon. Ranger got boosted to this tier with their new Anniversary Elite, because now they have a top tier general PvE build to match their outstanding SC adoption. These are the two classes you can make and never feel left out or suboptimal. I think Dervish is a fair amount better for PUGs and General PvE, while Rangers are probably better for high-end SCs. Dervish is even inarguably the best runner in the game, as if they didn't already have enough going for them. Regardless of their pros and cons against each other, these classes are now kings of GW despite both having rocky histories where they have both been bottom tier classes for long periods of time.

    S tier(Best at something, not both):

    Paragon, Assassin - Paragon is the god of general PvE. Yet another "started from the bottom" story, Heroic Refrain made Paragons the best Hero-leading class and it's not even close. Only held back because there is no SC using Paragons other than for speed boosting and because they are the worst solo farm class. Heroic Refrain puts your heroes on steroids. You can afk your way through HM Slaver's Exile while only casting HR and the occasional "There's Nothing To Fear!" with no cons and not have a single death in the party. I know because I did that last weekend. Paragon is truly broken with a 1healer+1st team comp and 5 mesmers to abuse FC scaling to insanity levels at 20 dom/19fc while being immortal from 20comm Rit spirits.

    Assassin is competent at PvE(probably #5 under the above 3 classes and Mesmer) while maintaining excellent SC adoption. They're just not quite up there with Ranger and Dervish, because they aren't better than those two at SCs and they're a fair amount worse at general PvE.

    A tier(Not the best at anything, but very solid -- limited SC roles):

    Necromancer(Soul Taker), Mesmer -- Mesmer is excellent but Paragon has replaced them as the gods of PvE. Why do damage yourself when you can make your allies do wacko nuts damage? Similar for Necro -- now the #1 damage dealer in PvE, but no major SC adoption and you do less damage than 5 mesmers backed by a crack dealer Paragon while also having a more squishy team than the Paragon(or most other classes, since you're self-nuking). Necro is WAY better than they used to be, pre-anniversary they would have been in D tier IMO. But they're still not in the upper echelons.

    B Tier(Good, but not in the conversation for best at anything):

    Ritualist, Elementalist -- Both solid classes, but Paragon is better than Rit at being lazy and Mesmer is better than Ele at being a nuker. Light to no serious SC use. ST Rit is an SS tier build, but it's a build heroes can run with zero problem and HR para's ST rit hero is actually better than a player ST. I'm an Ele main and LOVE their diversity post-2011 update, but Mesmer's one build is "better" than Ele's 19 builds even if it pains me to admit it.

    D Tier(Worst at most tasks, but still fun. Anything works in general PvE!):

    Monk, Warrior Monk has some adoption in SCs, especially low level/PUG SCs. Worst general PvE class however, and their SC roles are quite minor. Warrior has no adoption in SCs any more and has significant problems in general PvE due to being the worst melee at dealing with CC, evasion, and blind along with having the least energy of any class to use PvE skills. I love warrior. They have some of the best skins, best armor, best flavor. But PvE skills really put them behind. Both classes have roles in farming, but nothing that really stands out from the 8 classes above them enough to list. They're better at solo farming than both members of tier A and paragons, but bring so much less to the table otherwise.

    I think this could be a fun discussion. Tell me why I'm wrong. Post your tier lists(doesn't have to be the same topic -- post a "best female ele armors" tier list if you feel inspired!

    submitted by /u/jsm2008
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    Primary Focus for Returning Player!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    Recovered my account the other day because someone had mentioned to me this game is still alive, to an extent. Used to love this game but I never played it to it's potential because I was 12 when it came out, and not much older than that when I stopped playing it.

    Looking to get back into the swing but my account had been hacked previously, hence why I had to recover it, and most of my toons and stuff is gone. I'm left with a measly 2 plat, thankfully enough to get me rolling, but I can't think of what to do to 1) Earn some money & 2) Gear my character out again.

    Thankfully I still have my D/A20 that was built for running intact. I can't imagine there's a huge demand for running anymore though, besides, I'd have to learn it all over again.

    I still feel though, like my toons are all very poorly geared. I don't really remember focusing much on farming and the like.

    Likely going to build a new toon though and replay the game - any help pushing me in the right direction would be awesome! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Vexed_Viper
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    LF Runner from Ascalon to Lions Arch

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Title states everything. I pay for the run. You can add me and we talk when we can do this. My IGN name is Belamore Prelude

    submitted by /u/ellie_6969
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