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    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I just want my Mystic Clovers :|

    Guild Wars 2 I just want my Mystic Clovers :|

    I just want my Mystic Clovers :|

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    I wish ArenaNet would rely more on audio cues preceding large, dangerous attacks to better telegraph and communicate combat information.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    Tl;DR - Big, Dangerous attacks in GW2 should have more unique, voiced, audio cues to help communicate dangerous attacks, mechanics and help players better anticipate danger. Not really talking about raids so much as using raids as an example of when communication/telegraphs are done properly and how helpful that is relative to open world .. "shenanigans." Lots of players in open world often have ~ 10-20 FPS and forcing players to exclusively rely on heavily obfuscated visual cues is clumsy at best and an unfriendly, frustrating and extremely punishing experience at worst.

    Dialogue is an easily modified sound-setting in GW2. One thing that we are blessed with in this game is that we have a wide variety of sound-settings. Dialogue can be turned off entirely, you can turn it up or find a balance that works entirely for you.

    I have countless hours in GW2 and I can honestly say that reading attack patterns in this game is often a lost cause when you're stuck in a sea of minions, wells, explosions, legendary weapon effects, phantasms, mesmer clones, fire fields, dark fields & light fields (etc). The game definitely looks pretty, but it's often downright impossible to read combat.

    I feel that audio focused boss dialogue is under-appreciated by ArenaNet and could greatly benefit everyone given how difficult it is to observe animations. For example audio lines could be linked with deadly attacks, similar to the "Xera is poised for a deadly attack," in Stronghold of the Faithful. You could have a boss (or a dynamic event NPC in the open world) provide a brief voice-over - a small sentence preceding a major attack or at least some sort of vague warning). ala "Something's in the waterrrr."

    Visual clarity in GW2 is a problem in ten-man and greater content. It's been a problem going back years and years. It really isn't all that feasible to avoid attacks that you don't know are coming. Being punished for being unable to parse animations from visual armageddon adds needless difficulty to the game's learning curve as well as makes open world feel haphazard, random and unfair.

    It's no surprise that there is such huge disparity in survivability between players when it takes 10x the effort to figure out what bosses are actually doing, what their attack patterns are, which attacks are dangerous and what those attacks look like?!

    Effect LOD is helpful at a bare minimum, as is turning off post-processing. However, I can't help but think that we've been going about this entirely the wrong way. Audio cues would provide ArenaNet with additional flavor whilst also communicating important combat info. These could be disabled via something like, "mute event NPCs," or "disable combat tips."

    Bosses don't really "talk" much in GW2, or if they do, then there's very little purpose to it beyond thematic flair. Perhaps it's time that the game finds a better, more modern way to communicate information instead of relying exclusively on animations that get lost and buried in the game's graphic design and visual appeal.

    submitted by /u/Fiery_Dragon_Sword
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    Is anyone excited for a new log in screen and theme music?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    I know this sounds silly, but after having seen the POF log in and the same music for several years, I'm kinda excited to see the new one!

    submitted by /u/FelicityJackson
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    Role creep is bad. If support and DPS are supposed to be the same role, that philosophy should be unanimous, not selective.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    For awhile now, and especially after this balance patch:

    Why are we seeing so many dps roles now that also crap out boons by default?

    Why are mirages wearing damage gear and crapping out boons while running competitive damage rotations?

    Why do firebrands crap out boons while dealing competitive damage?

    Why do renegades crap out boons while dealing competitive damage?

    All while:

    • Thieves can deal competitive damage, but not while providing boons.

    • Engineers can deal competitive damage, but not while providing boons.

    • Elementalists can deal competitive damage, but provide fewer boons.

    • Druids have a support spec, but it nerfs your pet and you don't deal competitive damage while providing boons.

    Something's really off here. Damage roles are being balanced for damage, but the amount of support those builds are providing is completely ignored in balance considerations.

    I propose the following extremely stupid suggestions that I don't actually think are good ideas but would be completely fine under the way the game is currently balanced, because all damage roles should be completely roided up with garbage:

    • When thieves apply stealth to allies, whether revealed or not, those allies all gain quickness and alacrity. While backstabbing a target you pulse all boons to ten nearby allies. Giving poisons to allies also gives them boons, who cares.

    • All scrapper gyros provide quickness, alacrity and might because scrapper is apparently a support spec according to the balance notes. Function gyro now pulls and rezzes allies instantly. Pulse quickness, alacrity, resistance, fury, and might whenever you revive an ally. Hammer auto attack now provides your enemy with random boons, then immediately corrupts them, then transfers them to yourself, then converts them into boons. Electro Whirl now also reflects balance patches onto other professions. Holosmith Heat Therapy now soothes nearby allies as well, restoring life to ten nearby allies and pulsing alacity, might, protection, and probably a few others too, every second or so.

    • Elementalists pulse protection, quickness, and five stacks of might to nearby allies whenever they change attunements. Tempest overloads give all boons to ten nearby targets. Summoned elementals restore life to ten allies while they exist, constantly. Forming a perfect weave now gives all allies 30s of quickness and alacrity, and they also gain protection because of how big your hair is.

    • Druid now provides 20% more stats to your pets instead of giving a penalty because this is a support role and that means damage. While in celestial form, give yourself 2s of every boon every 1s. When leaving celestial form, copy all of your boons to ten nearby allies, and then copy their boons back onto yourself.

    • Warrior banners are a unique support ability. For that reason, they should also deal damage. Banners now deal strike damage when landing (5.0 power coefficient), restore life and pulse boons to ten nearby allies every 1s while deployed.

    If support and damage are meant to be in the same role, be consistent with that philosophy everywhere.

    And then on top of that, they started to roll out elite spec tradeoffs, which was theoretically a great idea for build diversity, but gave up halfway through and left all of them in.

    • Scrappers have a health penalty.
    • Berserkers have a toughness penalty.
    • Druids have a pet penalty.
    • Soulbeasts lose pet swap.

    Could someone explain what PvE tradeoffs Mirage, Renegade, and Firebrand have to contend with? Shouldn't Firebrands lose stats or have something that hampers their profession mechanic instead of upgrading it?

    Again to speak about consistency, ArenaNet either needs to follow through with this idea and slap a penalty on every single elite spec, or they need to roll back the penalties they put on some of the specs before they gave up.

    submitted by /u/Tulki
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    Making this image probably took more effort than coming up with this skill

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Hot Take: Braham (Champions SPOILERS)

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    should have been a traitor. Instead of the plot making it the 'right' thing to do to become Primordus's champion, it should have been a case where Braham was so obsessed with being the Norn of Prophecy, and willing to do it by any means necessary, even if it meant going against us.

    I mean, it's news to me that Aurene is apparently our justification for flat out slaughtering the elder dragons without making Joko right about us. I know people talk about things being rushed, and maybe they were, but I'm more concerned about how the plot itself seems to be falling apart and all our prior assumptions being made useless.

    submitted by /u/owcjthrowawayOR69
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    Created a meme on the new content *SPOILER WARNING*

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    F99 CM Artsariiv solo [5:43] - Renegade

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Ice Reaver Full Animating Armor Set

    Posted: 12 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Brand new to Guildwars2

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I am brand new to GW2 and have almost 0 experience with MMORPGs besides OS RuneScape which is vastly different. I am currently a level 80 (from buying expansion) thief, is thief variable in end game such as raids? And I have a full set of exotic gear with the proper runes a believe as a more experienced player gave me a full set with runes. My question is how do I go about upgrading further to hear such as ascended, is there a few activities I should be farming or is it more about practicing the combat?

    I was also doing the story mode in PoF and always dying to the mobs/bosses and really struggling is it my gear or just cause I'm really bad at the game?

    I have ran some fraciles but am completely lost I just followed my friend as I said I'm brand new and had no idea what was going on besides killing mobs.

    To sum it all up, any tips for a brand new player would be greatly appreciated. Games like these are very overwhelming to someone with 0 experience there's 1000s of items idk what's good and what's junk lmao but I'm really enjoying the game and eager to learn.

    submitted by /u/YoungGodV
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    Medium Armor Style

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Anyone is able to create style close to Belmont from Netflix Castlevania??

    submitted by /u/Ashen_Blood115
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    I just want to play a scrapper. :(

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    All week I have been planning my build for the new patch. Getting 100% up time on quickness and dish out tons of healing. It feels good and every time im able to get into a group to play it works!

    But 90% of the time its "Sorry, if you aren't a qb then you are useless" Its frustrating! QB have created this impossible expectation that no one will even give me the chance to prove them wrong.

    submitted by /u/NinjaPartyMan
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    Devastation & Invocation cRen Benchmarks - 41.7k & 40.1k

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Why hello there,

    just like many other people I was hyped about Renegade, so I hopped in training area yesterday (and today) trying to push for the highest number I could get and I was not let down. Or at least, not completely.

    • Invo is honestly the rotation I enjoy the most out of all classes, it has really high skill ceiling imo and it's not as easy as it looks to pop off on it in raids; it flows beautifully on most encounters and is just fun.

    • Deva on the other hand is the annoying, presumptuous little brother that your friend used to bring with him at all times cause his mother would force him to. It's pulling really high numbers, too high not to be considered, at the cost of a really wonky rotation and a very unsatisfying 50 energy swap.

    (More reasoning behind the different buffs for the Deva rotation can be found in the video description).

    On a last note, I'll say I very highly doubt Deva cRen will be allowed to exist as it is for more than a couple weeks, the build is simply too strong considering it also brings AP (from super-early testing it's also stronger with RR, but I literally only tried the rotation once and having to cast Orders in Mallyx would greatly cripple your dps, so maybe Invo would manage to pull ahead? Not a clue as of now); I just hope the very-likely-to-happen nerfs will be directed at Deva only and not Invo as well by targeting weapon skills. I truly think Invo is in a good state right now, the damage is pretty high, but the ramp up is slower when compared to the other "new" king of condi builds: cWeaver.

    I'll also be trying Shiro, other than RR, in the upcoming days, so, for anyone who cares, stay tuned! o/

    submitted by /u/iHeldor
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    Do you guys know where the track "Desert Skimming" plays?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    I can't seem to remember it from anywhere in the game :/

    submitted by /u/YAGCompany
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    Condi Quickness Scrapper

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    GW2skills build, in-game build:


    With full Vipers and Firebrand runes, this build achieves:

    • 94% quickness uptime
    • 100% bleed and burn duration
    • 90% crit chance (170% damage)
    • 3123 power, 2403 condi damage
    • 35% damage increase, 5% condi damage increase

    I can't say if this build will compete with cFB. Similar to Heal Scrapper, sacrificing your skill slots for Quickness really puts it on the back foot, and the only other boon this build brings is a hint of stab. That said, nobody's done testing for a condi Scrapper benchmark optimized with Blast Gyro, because Blast Gyro was pretty bad until yesterday. Would be curious to see results. If run alongside Boon Herald, Glint gives the last 6% quickness, plus 100% Fury for Alac Mirage.

    submitted by /u/KablamoBoom
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    Warrior Tactics Rework, 1 year+ later.

    Posted: 12 May 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    Tl;dr - Soldier's Focus and all associated traits are so amazingly low value they're an insult to the concept of a "support warrior", + a suggestion on changes to make this line actually appealing for support. This thread is almost entirely focused on endgame PVE content.

    On 1st October 2019, Warr's Tactics traitline got revamped, to :

    focus more on ways warriors can affect allies while they are still in the fight. The new Tactics traits are focused around empowering allies through boons and effects, helping allies who are taking a beating, and a selection of warrior-enhancing battlefield strategies.

    At the time, I was apprehensive about this new feature ability of the trait line, Soldier's Focus, and was fairly certain it would never see any use due to dramatically undertuned effects. So much so that I made a thread on the forums voicing my concerns.

    As a quick refresher on the feature ability of the traitline, there are 3 traits in Tactics keying off it:

    • Minor Adept: Marching Orders - Periodically gain Soldier's Focus (ICD: 15s). Hitting with a burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant might to nearby allies (3 stacks, 15s, 5 targets)
    • Major Adept: Soldier's Comfort - Soldier's Focus heals affected allies. Healing: 970 (0.8)
    • Major Grandmaster: Martial Cadence - Soldier's Focus partially recharges all of your (currently active) equipped weapon skills (by 3s) when activated. Does not recharge burst skills.

    It's been more than a year since this patch, and true to most people's predictions, Soldier's focus and it's associated traits have seen such little use that the most recent balance patch had this little nugget attached to it:

    Marching Orders): Reduced internal cooldown to gain Soldier's Focus from 15 seconds to 10 seconds.

    Mind you, this is representing a staggering 33%(!) in the effectiveness of everything powered by Soldier's Focus.

    This is coming from the same patch as:

    Chaos Vortex (Staff Ambush): The projectile now only strikes enemies. Up to 10 nearby allies gain boons. The boons gained are now might (8 stacks, 15-second duration in PvE; 4 stacks, 6-second duration in PvP and WvW) and alacrity (3-second duration). (Note: Boons are applied near the mesmer only, not near clones.)

    Which as we now know (and predicted) has created a brand new space for the very powerful Alacrity Mirage in endgame team compositions, even putting aside it's massive confusion damage.

    At this point, I find this downright insulting as a Warrior player, and I really think that everyone else should as well. An uninvested, base ability inherent to the spec which can be powered to be used almost every 5 seconds, has completely blown a fully invested trait line's effects out of the water. Going down the list of Solider's Focus traits:

    • Marching Orders - Pathetically weak might generation even back in 2019, and still sad in 2021 with the new 10s ICD. As a minor trait I suppose it can't be too powerful, but with NO other might generation in the entire Tactics line, the might support concept this establishes has to be outsourced from another trait line, ostensibly defeating the purpose.
    • Soldier's Comfort - Represents a whopping ~250 HPS with full healing power gear at 10s ICD. That you can't actually control when you heal without crippling all other aspects of your Warrior build, all of which revolve around the frequent use of your Profession Mechanic, Burst skills. Btw, competes in the same slot as the evidently support-oriented Warhorn Trait.
    • Martial Cadence - The only trait that actually sees use, for lack of a better DPS option when Warriors take Tactics for Empower Allies. Gets mediocre value by being effectively a decent % reduction out of the already very low CD axe/axe skillset to be able to efficiently put out more Decapitates on Berserker.

    The worst part is, it's understandable why they're tiptoeing around the issue with the huge ICD, because Berserker exists. The ability for one of the Warrior especs to essentially spam burst skills means that no Core Warrior trait keying off "using a burst skill" can be really good, or it becomes either 1) incredibly abusable on Berserker or 2) Good with Berserker and useless for every other spec of Warrior. Imagine if Soldier's Comfort above did not have this ICD, it would still be weaker than some healer builds lol


    Of course, this thread can't be entirely whining about things as they are. I propose the following changes to the 3 Soldier's Focus Traits:

    • Marching Orders - Periodically gain Soldier's Focus (ICD: 5s). Hitting with a burst skill expends Soldier's Focus to grant might to nearby allies (5 stacks, 15s, 10 targets)
      • This lets you get rolling might value from burst skills at a reasonable rate for all warrior specs. It will still be impossible to cap might without investing in boon duration. If you want to spike might up really fast, get it from another traitline, because this is about value.
    • Soldier's Comfort - Swaps positions with EA. This trait has been reworked. Apply Protection and Regeneration to nearby allies when you expend Soldier's Focus.(1 stack, 3s Prot, 5s Regen, 10 targets)
      • Warrior right now has had NO access to team Regen ever since the Banner trait got reworked to Doubled Standards. I don't believe it's possible to be an effective healer without some kind of trickle healing, and we would still need a dedicated espec to really make a "Healer" warrior possible. This is just a set-up for that future.
    • Martial Cadence - This trait has been reworked. Reduces the Cooldown of your skills that grant Boons (by 1s) when you expend Soldier's Focus. Does not affect Burst skills. (List of Boons: Everything except Fury)
      • There's been a few effects that affect a whole class of skills before (pre-rework Improv comes to mind). Stealth Warhorn trait since there are almost no weapon skills other than Warhorn that grant boons on Warrior. Unless a strong powerful espec is on the horizon, eh?
        • Banners are a whole 'nother rant, but incidentally you wouldn't be able to fit too many utilities in while also carrying banners either.
        • I debated suggesting Quickness or Alacrity in here, but decided to leave that space for an Espec.
    submitted by /u/Jeffhzak
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    Patch 05/12/2021

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:37 PM PDT


    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed a bug that caused the Dragonstorm encounter to stall during defiance-bar phases.
    • Explosive Shell: This skill no longer hits the primary target more than once.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented infused and attuned versions of Celestial-stat ascended rings from granting expertise and concentration.
    • Runes of Strength: Corrected erroneous bonus damage granted by these runes.
    • Chaos Vortex: Fixed an issue in which this skill applied more might than intended in PvP and WvW.
    • Purging Flames: Fixed an issue in which the cooldown of this skill was lower than intended in PvP and WvW.
    submitted by /u/drunk_potat0
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    Support class question

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:46 AM PDT


    Even though I preorder the game way back when it originally released I did not played much until now. I would like to play a class/spec that is good for solo leveling/landscape content and can be played as support in group PVE content. I started a ranger with a purpose of making him druid once lvl 80, but I am not sure how strong druid is. Any other recommendations?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Alcoholiclightsaber
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    How much effort is it to unlock heritage armor?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I've never played gw1 and it doesn't really seem to be something I can see myself really enjoying a great deal but I really want the heritage armor skins, at least light armor.

    Is this something I could do without having to sink 100s of hours in?

    submitted by /u/FizzingSlit
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    Best underwater guild in Tyria

    Posted: 12 May 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    When are legendary runes worth it?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:01 AM PDT


    I now have the ingredients to make one legendary rune, but no legendary armor. Does it make any sense? I mean, it's a far stretch to get 6 leg. runes (and 2-4 sigils), but I wonder how the use case really is without legendary armor.

    submitted by /u/wolfgangbures
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