• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 2, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 The Balance-Patch/Exposed change isn't that bad. Stop overreacting.

    Guild Wars 2 The Balance-Patch/Exposed change isn't that bad. Stop overreacting.

    The Balance-Patch/Exposed change isn't that bad. Stop overreacting.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    If you've been on this subreddit the past few days, you've no doubt seen the outcry of people saying:

    1. "Condition Firebrand is now mandatory for Fractals"
    2. "Anet is killing build diversity by forcing everyone to play cFirebrand"
    3. "This change proves Anet doesn't play the game or understand how to balance it"

    And frankly it's a bit embarrassing seeing so many people jumping onto this bandwagon, when in reality the patch seems pretty healthy for the game.

    So what caused the outcry? The main factor is that the Exposed debuff (which bosses get when you break their breakbar) has been changed, from providing 50% power damage & 50% condition damage, to 30% power dmg & 100% condition dmg.

    People see the big discrepancy between 30 and 100, and immediately flip out, thinking it's going to force them to all play condition damage builds now... When that's simply not the case.

    For starters, this isn't actually a 20% nerf to power, or a 50% buff to condi... It's a ~15% nerf to power, and a ~33% buff to condi.

    When you go from 150% to 130%, you aren't going to do 20% less damge... Similarly, when you go from 150% to 200%, you aren't doing 50% more damage, you're doing 33% more.

    Condition Damage in Fractals

    Condition Damage was essentially unplayable in Fractals, with the exception of CFirebrand which was good. CFBD was like an A-tier spec, but it definitely wasn't used in most world-record setting speed-runs. It wasn't "amazing", it was just good. All other Condition dmg specs? They were literally garbage.

    Mirage? Condi Thief? Condi Soulbeast? Scourge? When was the last time you saw any of these specs in Fractals? You MAYBE saw them in Sanqua, which is just one fractal, but from my experience most people didn't play them in that Fractal either.

    This patch, along with giving them 33% more damage for 4 seconds on breakbars, gives them some other small tweaks here and there (the torment change is a pretty notable one), and it makes them actually viable.

    This is a good thing.

    The "dps slots" in a Fractal Party are (hopefully) no longer forced to play power burst builds, and might actually get some options with Condi dmg (aside from CFBD). This change objectively opens up more build diversity for the vast majority of players.

    When you see a "dps slot" in the LFG now, you could (hopefully) join with any legitimate dps build, power or condi. How is that a bad thing?

    "Condition Damage will be too strong now though"

    No it won't.

    A 33% buff for a 4 second exposed window isn't going to take something from "literally unplayable" to "fml this is so OP i need to reroll into it now".

    The exception is of course Firebrand, Firebrands will genuinely be very strong now... But why is that the end of the world? There's always been specs that are dominant in dps, they'll never all be equal. Yeah Cfbd is going to be great now, but that doesn't mean every other spec is going to suddenly become garbage.

    Specs that could previously do great burst dps, are going to continue doing great burst dps. Condition Damage specs have just, for the first time, become viable alternatives. Once again, this is a good thing.

    "Pugs will make CFirebrands mandatory in LFG though"

    No they won't.

    People on this subreddit are vastly overexaggerating how picky pugs are. The "optimal" dps slots for the longest time were Soulbeast, Berserker, and Weaver.... But guess how often i found a Pug group asking for those exact 3 specs for dps? Literally never.

    In 99.99% of cases, once a Pug group had their Quickness/Alacrity/Healer covered, they'd run with any three dps which weren't awful. You'd see all sorts of power-dps specs which weren't Soulbeast, or Berserker, or Weaver... And no one really cared.

    If Reddits theory of Pugs on the LFG only asking/taking what's the ABSOLUTE OPTIMAL specs, then you'd only see Pugs with those exact dps slots every time, but that isn't reality. Reddit is lying to you.

    The only real difference is that the Pugs won't look exclusively for Power-dps, and you might be able to get away with playing condi, and actually contribute to dps in a meaningful way.

    "But they nerfed Power damage too much though!"

    They honestly didn't.

    Power damage was nerfed significantly DURING the 4 second exposed debuff, which yeah is very notable for top end speed runners, but it's going to be practically insignificant for most Pug players.

    I get it, the meta strategy in Fractals was to insta-phase the boss to the next phase during the exposed window. Top end players lined up their cooldowns and unloaded all of their burst to maximize this window, and basically one-shot the boss into the next phase, and this will be a ~15% nerf to that... But... So what?

    If you're going to sit here and tell me with a straight face that most groups insta-phase bosses during the exposed window, i'd call you delusional. The vast, VAST, majority of players don't insta-phase the bosses during exposed. It won't be a big difference for them.

    This change slightly shortens the gap between Power & Condi dps, that's all. Power builds are unquestionably still going to be superior at burst.

    "But CFirebrands will be used in all world records and speed runs now!"

    Who fucking cares?

    Do you genuinely believe the game should be balanced around the top 0.00001% of the players rather than the other 99%?

    If the majority of players get more options for Fractal dps, at the expense of the very tippity top feeling pigeon-holed into playing a certain spec, i think that's a healthy change.

    Ultimately, Speed Running is a self imposed challenge. If you're actively deciding to speed run, then yeah, play what's optimal, and deal with it.

    What annoys me the most about this argument is that Speed Runners have always been pigeon-holed into playing specific specs. The only difference is that the specific spec has now changed. Instead of being forced into playing Soulbeast you're now forced into playing Firebrand... And i'm supposed to feel pity or sympathy for this why exactly?

    Furthermore, the game is generally so fucking easy for speed runners anyways, that whether the run takes 5 seconds more with their old specs, or 5 seconds less with Firebrands, i literally could not care less.


    If you're someone complaining about how you need to "reroll" into Firebrand to be "viable" in Fractals now... Take a deep breath, and really think about why you feel this way.

    If you're worried because Pugs won't want you otherwise: Stop worrying about that. It won't change much. You'll still be able to play whatever dps you want with most Pugs.

    If you're worried because Speed Running is going to force you into playing a class you don't want to play: Well that's always been the case since the dawn of gaming, nothing has changed.

    Ultimately the only thing this patch really does, is open up a whole plethora of new dps options for Fractals, for the vast majority of players. It might limit the absolute top-end players (even that part is debatable) but lets be honest... Most of you aren't top-end players.

    This subreddit has a weird bubble mentality where everyone here likes to see themselves as amazing god tier Speed Runners, when in reality most of us are just normal above average players that this change won't negatively impact at all.

    The most laughable part is... I doubt the best comp moving forward will be all firebrands anyways, since you lose out on too many buffs brought by the Berserker/Soulbeast. Plus Firebrands using the Virtue line won't have access to much vulnerability.

    The end game meta legitimately probably won't even change that much, so all this outcry is pointless.

    Overall Firebrand is a bit overtuned, and could use a nerf, but that doesn't make the Exposed change bad. Firebrand is the outlier, not the base-line.

    The Exposed change, in general, takes about half a dozen specs which were previously unplayable, and makes them actually viable. That's a REALLY good balance decision in my opinion. Unfortunately it comes at the expense of making Firebrand even better, but that doesn't make the Exposed change a bad one as a whole.

    submitted by /u/ragnorke
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    Fractals after May 11 balance patch

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Yeah, I'm an artist.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Who would be so monumentally STUPID

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Black Lion Delivery Box Drop Rate Contribution (392 boxes!)

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    Black Lion Delivery Box Drop Rate Contribution (392 boxes!)

    Hi folks. I built up quite the stockpile of Black Lion Delivery Boxes from the Home Instance Requisitions contract, and in double checking my research into which choices were the best I noticed that one of the boxes, the Black Lion Industry Contract, has nearly no drop data research associated with it as I was unable to find drop data on the wiki or the supplemental economic websites I'm aware of. Thus, I documented the drops I received to help alleviate this issue and to further contribute to the data set of the other boxes as well.

    I do not have a GW2 wiki account, nor do I have the knowledge required to make edits to the wiki. If someone wants to add my data there please feel free to do so!

    I had 392 Boxes. Given that I own all the contracts I'll break the drops down by contract.

    Black Lion Hunters Contract (392 boxes):


    • 639 Tiny Totems
    • 300 Small Totems
    • 329 Totems
    • 240 Engraved Totems
    • 597 Intricate Totems
    • 172 Elaborate Totems

    This contract is well documented and totems are the clear optimal choice.

    Black Lion Delivery Box - Season 4 (392 boxes):

    Domain of Istan

    • 1586 Kralkatite Ore
    • 393 Rose Quartz
    • 4693 Powdered Rose Quartz (I accidentally included these in the Drytop Screencap)
    • 409 Corsair Maintenance Oil
    • 405 Corsair Tuning Crystal
    • 362 Corsair Sharpening Stone

    Why did I pick Istan? I have all achievements and rewards associated with Season 4 so I do not need a specific currency. As far as I can tell, Istan provides the most profit via the Rose Quartz and Powdered Rose Quartz, and the Corsair item drops can be vendored in a worst case scenario. The only downside is that Kralkatite has abysmal volatile magic yields.

    Black Lion Delivery Box - Season 3 (392 boxes):

    Dry Top and the Silverwastes

    • 2297 Geodes
    • 102 Zephyrite Lockpicks
    • 2220 Bandit Crests
    • 438 Elder Wood Logs
    • 299 Ancient Wood Logs
    • 412 Mithril Ore
    • 278 Orichalcum Ore
    • 483 Quartz Crystals (I accidentally included these in the Istan Screencap)
    • 976 Pieces of Ambrite
    • 486 Prickly Pears
    • 496 Nopals
    • 318 Superior Ingredient Pouches
    • 189 Exquisite Ingredient Pouches
    • 58 Bowls of Prickly Pear Sorbet
    • 52 Bowls of Prickly Pear Tapioca Pudding
    • 48 Prickly Pear Pies
    • 1170 Piles of Silky Sand (Which gave me an additional 15 Geodes, 4 Lockpicks, and 1 Lump of Ambrite)

    Superior Ingredient Pouches (318):

    • 143 Artichokes
    • 132 Asparagus Spears
    • 124 Tarragon Leaves
    • 134 Raspberries
    • 145 Leeks
    • 50 Butternut Squashes
    • 46 Lemongrass
    • 125 Parsnips
    • 55 Cayenne Peppers

    Exquisite Ingredient Pouches (189):

    • 89 Omnomberries
    • 91 Nopals
    • 27 Orrian Truffles
    • 68 Lotus Roots
    • 79 Prickly Pears
    • 72 Saffron Threads
    • 71 Seaweed
    • 33 Snow Truffles
    • 37 Ghost Peppers

    Why did I pick Dry Top? Dry Top is the only choice with a non-season 3 currency. Given Unbound Magic is nearly worthless I find it far more valuable to have a passive income of Geodes which I find extremely tedious to grind for. It so happens that Dry Top also comes with a lot of useful material drops such as ore, wood, and quartz.

    Black Lion Industry Contract (392 boxes):

    Lastly comes the contract with the least information associated with it. This contract comes with 5 choices; cloth scraps, leather sections, ore, logs, and jewels.

    In calculating which choice I should go for I found that a small sample size was available for leather drop rates. I made the assumption that the non-jewel drops would have similar drop rates for each tier, so I looked up current prices and had my spreadsheet spit out average values. The best choice was Leather which was nearly twice the value of ore in second place.

    Luckily there was also a small sample of jewel drops provided on the discussion page of the wiki. I made the assumption that each jewel within a certain tier had equal chances to drop, so I averaged the values of the gems of each tier. Then, using the jewel tier drop rate from the sample I calculated out an average profit. It wasn't a surprise to learn that jewels are the worst choice by far.

    For those that are curious, my calculated values using the assumed drop rates for May 1, 2021 were as follows, rounded to the nearest copper:

    • Leather - 947
    • Ore - 544
    • Cloth - 441
    • Logs - 269
    • Jewels - 146

    Thus leather seems to be the obvious choice.


    • 160 Rawhide
    • 265 Thin
    • 288 Coarse
    • 278 Rugged
    • 585 Thick
    • 159 Hardened

    Additionally, I had 92 surplus Delivery Boxes drop containing:

    Leather Surplus

    • 40 Rawhide
    • 60 Thin
    • 61 Coarse
    • 63 Rugged
    • 112 Thick
    • 48 Hardened

    The wiki calculates drop rates as per box, so here is a table comparing my results with the small sample on the wiki:

    Drop Rate Comparison

    It should be noted that there is no data at all for logs, ore, and scraps. It may be difficult to get people to verify that the rates are similar for the non-jewel drops given leather is seemingly so valuable compared to the other choices right now.

    Additionally, it seems that the Surplus Delivery Boxes have a near identical drop rate to the base box and seem to have a drop rate of around 25%. Thus, the "true" yield of the contract can be multiplied by ~1.25 to estimate the value you'll receive.

    Final Thoughts:

    I normally don't document stuff like this, but found myself doing so to help fulfill a data gap on the wiki. Either way, I know people love big loot dumps so here you go!

    I'll add an edit to this post once I've been notified that the data has been inputted on the wiki.

    submitted by /u/Slyther_Crimsonclaw
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    Guild MM Present: A Hardstuck GvG Tournament, This June!

    Posted: 01 May 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Greetings Gamers!

    I am very pleased to announce that Guild MM, partnering with Hardstuck and Mightyteapot, will be hosting a GvG (Guild vs Guild) Tournament, and it will be starting in just about a month!

    But Roy, there's no such thing as GvG in GW2!!!

    Fear not, for that has never stopped us even a little bit in the last 8 years, and it certainly won't be stopping us now!


    We've put on Tournaments in the past, but never with the same ambition as this! Starting May 31st Guilds on both regions, EU and NA, will be split up into groups, and will GvG within their groups for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, on June 19/20th each region will have a Final, consisting of the top guilds from each group. Finally, on June 27th we will hold a Global Finals for the top guild from each region. For the first time ever, we will be including Cross Region GvG's in a Tournament!


    You can view the overall structure/rules/dates for the Tournament Here

    You can view the current and future list of signed up guilds here:




    Currently the gold pool is at around 100k Gold. This will be split amongst the top 8 guilds (4 from each region). This gold is also being used to fund transfers during the Tournament in the event a guild is needed to transfer to avoid Guild Hall matches. All leftover gold at the end will be designated as the prizepool. Donations are certainly welcome, and can be sent in game to:

    guild mm.4269




    Please make sure you specify that you are donating for the GvG Tournament. Thank you very much <3


    We will have several streams throughout the duration of the Tournament. Most GvG's, and specifically the Regional/Global Finals will be streamed on either:

    Guild MM


    Secondary streams are currently:


    The list of streams will be updated if more people sign on.

    Sign ups are still open, and will be for the next couple of weeks. If you're interested in taking part in this tournament, join one of the below discords for more information and help with joining in! Anyone also just interested in the tournament and GvG in general is more than welcome to join any or all discords!

    Main Tournament Discord

    EU GvG Discord

    NA GvG Discord

    We are extremely excited to be putting this tournament on, and look forward to seeing everyone compete. Good luck, and see you all in the Arena!


    submitted by /u/Roile
    [link] [comments]

    Me too Lionguard Tyrro, Me too...

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    May 11 balance patch - The bigger picture

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    The preview for the May 11 balance patch is here and needless to say it has led to quite a lot of debates in the PvE scene (raids/fractals - won't talk about other scenes here) surrounding many classes.

    I don't want to go in detail about every change they made but try to look at the bigger picture. In my opinion ArenaNet correctly identified certain balance problems in the PvE scene (not all!). However the solutions they came up with are lackluster and this can create additional problems if the patch goes live with the current patch preview notes.

    Condi vs. Power DPS balance problem

    Looking at the end-game PvE encounters in raids/fractals you can more or less divide these encounters into four parts:

    1. Encounters that strictly favor Power DPS
    2. Encounters that don't strictly favor Power or Condi DPS
    3. Encounters that strictly favor Condi DPS
    4. Encounters that strictly favor Confusion DPS (Mirage/Condi Chrono become only good options)

    Now, Nr. 4 here is a problem on his own and was untouched by this balance patch. So let's not talk about that.

    The big problem in end-game PvE right now is that there really is an extremely low amount of encounters that strictly favor Condi DPS - Nr. 3 above. This is less apparent while pugging raids since the phases tend to take longer but if you have followed the speedrunning scene in the last year or so you will clearly see this pattern. And no, this pattern didn't come to life because of power chrono only.

    In fact I'd go as far to say that there are only two encounters in the entire PvE endgame that strictly favor Condi DPS by a design perspective:

    • Qadim the Peerless (the beloved Qadim2)
    • Sunqua Peak fractal final boss (100CM).

    Qadim2 has long-enough phases that allow condi ramp-up and the boss still taking damage from condis while he is untargetable during the intermission phases makes this encounter design superior for condi DPS. Sunqua Peak final boss has so much boss movement tied to it so that it becomes really hard for power dps classes to cope with condi dps because of their low dps uptime on the boss.

    When it comes to fractal content in general, the trend is clear: Power DPS is strictly favored due to the extremely fast phase timings groups can achieve in combination with the "Exposed" debuff on bosses.

    ArenaNet's solution

    Looking at the patch preview notes, we can identify 3 clear points:

    1. Power DPS overall is nerfed and centered around 36-38k DPS for top cases.
    2. Condi DPS overall is heavily buffed and centered around 41-43k for top cases.
    3. "Exposed" debuff is nerfed for power DPS by around 13.3% for power DPS and buffed by around 33% for condi DPS (mainly a change for Fractals).

    Each of these points at first glance would make sense reading the above-mentioned points, however each point has its own problems:

    1. Overall the least problematic part of the patch, however there are certain issues: First of all there was absolutely no reason to nerf underperforming classes like Power Weaver or Power Tempest. Secondly, the Power Soulbeast nerf is way too much. It deserved nerfs 100% but not on this scale. This quote made by ArenaNet is strictly false in my humble opinion: " We've seen that Soulbeast has extreme burst damage potential, and unfortunately in this case, this has helped create some very homogenous group compositions. " There has never been a case (at least in raiding) in which stacking only Power Slb made sense because of its burst potential. It leads to good results, but not the most optimal ones. Highest burst DPS overall was always achieved with a combination of Slbs, Guards and even Holos/Weavers in some cases. The raid speedruns that were done by stacking Slbs was because of their sustained DPS when stacked - nothing to do with burst DPS. And thirdly, these nerfs to power DPS classes come with a cost: It will reduce the overall diversity amongst power DPS classes. Holo and Slb were the most bursty classes, Guard with a smaller burst that could be utilised more often and Weaver had become more of a sustained power DPS class. This diversity will shrink after the patch since Holo/Slb are being significantly nerfed over their burst DPS capabilities.
    2. Condi DPS having higher average DPS compared to power dps on average is justified by the fact that most encounters are not designed for condi classes. However there are huge concerns over how the condi DPS balance will look like after the patch. If the torment modifiers for moving-/non-moving targets stay the same, this will mean that Torment DPS of every class which has access to it will increase by around 45-50% against static targets. This is a very dangerous change since not every condi DPS class has access to Torment (Ele, Engi, Ranger) and there are differences amongst classes which have access to it (Mirage, Rev, Scourge). Reading the patch preview notes you can come to the conclusion that IF the torment modifiers are left untouched this can lead to a huge mess.An example for the lacklusterness are the changes to Condi Tempest. It is specifically being mentioned that it is intended to buff the DPS of this class since certain other condi classes are being buffed due to the torment change. However reading the changes you can clearly see that the Lightning Orb change alone is enough to nerf the DPS of this class - instead of buffing?
    3. This is perhaps the most controversial change of the balance patch. While we can appreciate the effort made here to make Condi DPS classes more viable for fractals, this is just not a good solution. Specifically because there are huge differences between Firebrand and other condi DPS classes when it comes to burst DPS. Firebrand is already a popular choice for pugging fractals due to overall longer phase times and all this change will do is to basically make it the absolute meta for pugging fractals. For speedruns I don't think this change is enough so that we will only see Firebrand stack records - but fractal speedrunning is not my area of expertise so I might be wrong on this. You be the judge.

    Diversity amongst support/healer classes

    Staff Mirage gaining access to 10 man might/alacrity and Scrapper getting access to 5-man Quickness are interesting additions to the game. We will need to wait and see how these new support variants establish themselves in the meta.

    The first calculations however show that Scrapper will need to sacrifice quite a bit of utility slots to maintain permanent quickness with boon duration requirements of above 45-50%. People mostly agree that increasing the base duration of the quickness shared to allies from 2 seconds to 3 seconds can put it in a much better spot while competing with other 5-man quickness providers: STM Chrono and Quickbrand.

    But Mirage/Scrapper are not main thing I want to focus on.

    The issue here is the fact that the other healers/support in the current meta received zero changes - talking about Power/Condi/Heal Herald, Heal Ren and Heal/Condi Tempest here. These classes all have issues that can be fixed. Ventari tablet needs a complete rework due to its clunky nature and healing profile, Herald needs help with its might generation so it can reliably reach 25 Might with high BD and Tempest might generation needs to be changed as well imo.

    While these changes are still waiting, the biggest problem when it comes to diversity amongst support/healer classes in the game still exists: Heal Druid. And it is the only support class amongst all to receive a change? And it is a buff to its already ridiculous CC potential?

    For the love of god can we please remove the Frost/Sun spirit offensive buffs from the game so that this particular class isn't used in almost every pug squad? Like, pls? Ever since its existence Heal Druid has been the overall most dominant healer/support in the PvE raid scene. Now I can already hear some of you murmuring the following sentence: "But if we remove offensive buffs from spirits no one will take a Druid because the healing is sub-par!!!!!!". Well, the healing is not sub-par, Druid would still have access to Spotter, amazing overall CC and probably one of the most straightforward and easy ways of healing in the game. People would still play it. 100%.


    Firstly, if you've made it this far reading everything: You are a gamer.

    If you jumped to this part: Oh well...

    I hope we can agree that ArenaNet's intentions were good but the solutions presented in the patch preview can lead to a lot of problems that would last until the expansion. And some of the existing problems in the support/healer meta are still being ignored after so many years.

    Edit: Forgot about the Soulcleave nerf. R.I.P Heal Renegade.

    submitted by /u/near-critical
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    CSI Anet, please investigate

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    CSI Anet, please investigate

    Something is wrong in GW2 HQ. I think it's time for Anet to investigate the shady happenings in their self-created world.

    This is EU T1 in WvW:

    EU T1 WvW matchup

    This is, how normal matchups looks like:

    notice the fluctuation in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place?

    Now, if this were the first week of the current linkup period, I'd say: "okay, this can happen. Random servers get stacked and matched, there's obviously two full or very high population servers stacked against a normal one in T1, and one that's almost empty. However we are in week 5 of the current linkup period. And while Gandara is Full+Medium, Deso and WSR are High+High, and FSP is High+Medium.

    (also please remember the scale starts with "Medium", so if you translate the states of the servers into more realistic descriptions, they should read "Low", "Medium", "High" and "Full". We're all aware that it can't be done that way for marketing reasons. No one wants to be a on a "low" population server.)

    Now, now don't think this is the biggest drama ever, weird stuff happens all the time, but maybe, just maaaaybe consider taking a look at this situation and ask yourself: Is this how you imagine a competitive gamemode to be? What could have created this situation? It is matchup manipulation? (hint: it is not, we're all playing as normal)

    Is maybe, just maybe the population control system used for WvW .... in need of improvement or maybe would something else be needed, some additional compensation?

    submitted by /u/Nthmetaljustice
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    Playing this game in a nutshell

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Recipe for Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup in PSNA @Lady Derwena today

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:38 AM PDT


    Recipe is listed for over 600g on the TP.

    Waypoint: [&BC0AAAA=]

    submitted by /u/KazuhaYuki
    [link] [comments]

    [EU Promo] Gems are sold out already

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:55 PM PDT


    ^ this promo was supposed to last 4 days but all the gems are sold out already. After 1 day.

    What a joke.

    submitted by /u/iDemmel
    [link] [comments]

    People inside poles under Hero Points channeling them. Bots? Hackers? Weird bug?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    Fractals LFG next patch will be like:

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    Two little improvements that (imo) would make Heal Scrapper way more viable.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    • Blast gyro: Invert it. Transform the explosion into an implosion (pulling enemies into its center).
      It would help giving the group might, and instead of destroying good pulls it would provide one. (also OT but please consider removing character level up push soon or later, thanks :D)
    • Thumper turret: consistently reduce its CD when picked up.
      It would facilitate protection maintainment while moving around.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Erick-Alastor
    [link] [comments]

    Odd behaviour: GW2 freezes when FPS drop below 6 FPS.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Anyone had a similiar experience?

    submitted by /u/lulztard
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    Poor bots stuck on cache forever?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 04:21 AM PDT

    Guild wars installation

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    My guild wars wont install just keeps crashing. When i played earlier today my game crashed with no errors etc, restarted my pc tried to boot up wouldnt, tried the repair things, nothing happened so uninstalled and trying to reinstall and it wont please anyone help

    submitted by /u/mcfad92
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    Pristine Dragon's Eye

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Does it drop only after you mastered Dragon Slayer Mastery + it's possible rare drop once a day correct?

    submitted by /u/Rihkuazo
    [link] [comments]

    What are your favourite condition damage builds and why?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    Hi, for 8 years I was strictly playing power builds, full berserker gear. I prefered killing mobs with few hits rather than stacking conditions but in the light of recent changes to cdps I'd like to try one now. Could you share your experience about your favourite condi build and classes?

    submitted by /u/Wikisz513
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    Next Revenant Legend Speculation

    Posted: 02 May 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    Speculation about who might be the next Revenant Legend has begun. I spent some time talking about it with members of my Guild, bouncing some ideas around, and have come up with a short list of potential candidates. Some of them are obvious, while others are a bit more... unusual. Here's what we came up with:

    • Oola
    • Master Togo
    • Razah
    • Jora
    • Rurik
    • Yakkington
    • Livia
    • Balthazar
    • Vizier Khilbron
    • Lazarus
    • Devona
    • Gwen
    • one of the Envoys (Torivos, Heleyne, Demrikov, Vetaura)
    • Saint Viktor zu Heltzer
    • Zhu Hanuku
    • Kanaxai
    • Archemorus
    • A Forgotten (Hessper Sasso, Vissh Rakissh)
    • Blish
    • Scarlet Briar
    • Belinda Delaqua

    Any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/UnfairOphelia
    [link] [comments]

    Finally got my first Legendary! These wings were a total pain in the butt.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:41 AM PDT

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