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    Thursday, April 29, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Looking at it from a work benefits point of view we picked the worst Elder Dragon to be a champion for

    Guild Wars 2 Looking at it from a work benefits point of view we picked the worst Elder Dragon to be a champion for

    Looking at it from a work benefits point of view we picked the worst Elder Dragon to be a champion for

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    Now that we've seen how 6/7 Elder Dragons treat their employees/champions we can slow down a little and take a look at the bigger picture (we got some time till EoD anyways):


    Every Elder Dragon has shown to provide shelter for its armies in different way, shapes and forms.

    Look at Zhaitan for example, that madman raised and ENTIRE CONTINENT form ocean floor just for his Risen to retain the place they died at and continue their daily activities. He even brought back their livestock.

    Mordremoth turned out to be the entire jungle, he literally became the shelter for his Mordrem and even turned into a giant pool-noodle in case the drop into the deep end of the leyline pool.

    Kralkatorrik took a big sip of Balthazar juice and decided to relocate the Branded into the Mists so they can be wherever, whenever and however they want while off-duty. Prior to that he just blasted a big strip of land creating the Dragonbrand for them to live in while giving it this spooky-corrupty air so non-Branded stay out.

    Jormag also slurped up some Balthazar via Kralkatorrik so the Mists bonus is also there and they even build and entire Frost Citadel with in case the Mists get too hot during the summer. The entire citadel is even equipped with Blood Collectors so the Icebrood armies can slide along the floor to get quicker from A to B. Also a heliport for Claws of Jormag right outside the door, big brain Dragon right there.

    Primordus probably did the best thing in terms of housing, he straight up shooed the entire Asura population away so his Destroyers wouldn't have to deal with their shenanigans. He also surfaced some volcanoes for the surface holiday resort in case it gets boring bonking stone heads with the Dwarves for all of eternitiy. Also hijacked and Asuran-made volcano, so even more bonus points there.

    And now it is time for Aurene. She decided it'd be the right move to push away Kimmes from his spot he took care for for 250 years just so she can have easy access to her waterbowl. Meanwhile what we got out of this deal is a rundown EotN, creaking floor and broken windows included, that she didn't even bother fixing. We had to buy 200g worth of DLCs to turn it into a decently nice home and for some reason whenever we return she just randomly ports us to the entrance instead of leaving is where we left off.

    Now for part 2: Transportation

    Starting off is Zhaitan with his magic green death explosions that suddenly pop out Risen. Simple, fitting the theme, slightly spooky and easy to notice when it is accompanied by their company slogan "More come here!".

    Mordremoth once again sticking to the plant theme: Vines appear from the ground do vine-y things, twirlin-n-swirling, growing and then turn into Mordrem. Great performance, great entrance and when it is followed by a bunch of one-shot AoE lines or CC about twice the size of the area they spawned in, it leave a lasting impression. Bonus points for Flamerider who do BOTH AT ONCE.

    Kralkatorrik started of simply by popping Branded out of Brandstones with a dash of lightning strikes but switched to Mist portals after getting some of that sweet god nectar. At first it was a nice lightshow, afterwards it is probably the fastest and easiest method to overrun your enemies.

    Jormag, same story as the Zappy Dragon just with some fancy background imagery of an even larger army waiting on the other side of the portals. Before the Claws just airdropped some Corruption Crystals on whatever was on the ground and BOOM - Icebrood. Hit a lot of Quaggans so I personally kinda miss it.

    Primordus just spawns a big lava molehill from the ground and erupts Destroyers all over the place, usually accompanied with some explosions or Destroyers themselves going BOOM for no reason whatsoever other that looking fancy and knocking you back while trying to gather ore.

    And here we are, back at our Dragon. Since Aurene probably had the longest time to suck some of Balthazars juices out that should directly benefit us right ? WRONG. Mist-travel is only available when Aurene is accompanying us (most likely for her own convenience and comfort) and other than that we have to take waypoints like it's 2012 all over again. We even have to pay for them ! No employee waypoint stamp-card, no bonus miles not even a discount for each Elder Dragon we killed. And to make matters even worse, some of those waypoints have been unusable due to Zhaitan or Mordremoth influence since more than half a decade ! (Looking at you Concordia Waypoint)

    All that's left now is abilities and faishon wars.

    Zhaitan gave his armies quite often the ability to explode on death (sometimes even to leave 1 stack of bleeding for half an hour), some snipers good fancy one-shot mechanics or just a bunch of CC overall. Every risen got the usual "Workday Monday morning look" complete with the shambling motion before you get your coffee. The higher-ups can summon other Risen to their aid and usually got some neat extra features like stomach-mouths for shorter food travel distances or just turn into big floaty eyes with crowns so they can even see why Charr cubs like Cinnamon Trombone Crunch.

    Mordremoth took advantage of Aoe discounts weeks at Northern-Wall-mart and slapped as much as possible onto his employees and the higher up they are the more CC they also get (we didn't need Wyverns to be a thing). You also turn into plants which makes you biodegradable in case you meat an early demise by using a gas stove.

    Kralkatorrik decided beside granting everyone cool lightning effects and a new crystall-y appearance SLOW is the way to go and if that doesn't help eating some Zhaitan also reintroduced the explode-and-bleed tactics. As an extra benefit if you got Branded you'd usually retain your old abilities and just get them a Brande power-up. Hydra flamebreath ? Branded-Hydra knockback-flamebreath ! Regular storm ? Branded Storm ! Asura ? Not even Kralkatorrik wasted his time Branding those.

    Jormag decided to crank it up to 11 and turn into Jesus feeding everyone some of the blood of Christ to turn them into parts of the Frost Legions. If that wasn't already enough, if you got yourself a nice high-ranked position let's say Champion you got your weapon Icebrooded as well and turned from regular Charr-size to about 3 1/2 Kasmeers. You also gained the ability to dish out more AoE and CC than a vanilla Hambow Warrior.

    Seeing how Destroyers didn't do well when compared to the other minions Primordus decided to also sip some Zhaitan and turn his coal-power armies into green energy ones so he can destroy Tyria before the lack of an ozone layer can. Latest batches even got the fairly popular treatment of "slap a bunch of AoE on everyone and call it a day" paired with either CC (again, also Destroyer Wyvern, WHY?!) or a fancy new dash of YEEEEEET-ing themselves across half the map onto an unsuspecting Tyrian citizen. In terms of Champions we (once again) got some Wyvern (seriously Anet WHY ?!) that you'd have to punch really, REALLY hard to take their place as shown by big dum² chosen Norn. In return you get all the previous benefits (AoE, CC, many Kasmeer sizes blahblah) PLUS a superhero-landing as your entrance move and big steppy energy that creates earthquakes, eruptions and for some reason calls down meteors while being linked to a subterranean Elder Dragon (How did this even get past QA ? Oh right...)

    And here we go again it's Aurene time ! If she feels like it and is close we sometimes get a laser to shoot at things that we don't even get to keep for extended periods of time. No fancy body modifications either, if you want that Aurenes Champion look you better save up the money you didn't have to blow on fixing your EotN and go look for Evon Gnashblade because it'd appear Aurene sold the entire marketing/franchising part to him and he's gonna make you pay for that sweet look. It's easier to steal the style of other Elder Dragons than getting the one we decided to championize (it's the right word don't look it up) for. The only thing we permanently got out of it is the ability to turn our Jackal into a slingshot and YEET ourselves 5000 units across Tyria in one go by using our "Bond" with Aurene to make sure we don't got totally SPLAT upon hitting something.

    This concludes my lack-of-coffee fueled nonsense post and I hope if you took the time to read through this you didn't do it without a large cup of "Shit I gotta stop procrastinating"-juice.

    P.S.: Anet. please hurry with EoD so I don't have time to do more of these.

    submitted by /u/blubb1234
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    anet be like:

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    People are selling DRMs for 200-250 gold, and I dot know how to feel about it

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Had to enlarge the subtitles

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    I lost my phone for authenfication and my serial code and ANet fixed it in 2 hours

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Title. Lost my phone yesterday and couldnt login because of that. I wrote a ticket to the support, they replied within one hour and requested my serial code. Since i lost my serial code i wrote them back with the bill numbers for my last purchases, 30min later the authenfication was gone and i can play again. Thanks Anet.

    submitted by /u/peace1337
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    Wtf is going on with price of Flame Legion Runes???

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Are there leaks from the balance notez?

    submitted by /u/DPS_Meter
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    [Spoiler] This Part Hits Hard! (WP)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    DRM Tips and Tricks - Easier, Faster, Less Frustrating Clears

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Champions is complete! Now that we have the full scope of DRMs and their rewards, I thought I'd pass down some of my experience for people who are deciding to work on the related Achievements and Weapon Collections. Whether or not you like DRMs, there are a number of tips I've picked up from grinding CMs daily that can help you get through it faster, more easily, or perhaps with a little less frustration. You may well know everything here already, but perhaps you'll find a nugget or two to help you out!

    The Basics

    • This is more clear with the recent update, but all DRMs are soloable in a private instance - they scale with player count. CMs are also soloable.
    • The "pre-events" that run for up to 5 minutes before the mission starts will award you a large attribute bonus for each completed event. These are generally worth doing because you can end the timer by completing them all, and they can make the run a little smoother and faster.
    • Solo players should be running their best DPS build. I run everything on Snowcrows' DPS DH. Cleave is a must - Deadeyes may find a little more of a challenge with the amount of mobs you'll see, but it's still doable. If you have the ability to apply swiftness or superspeed to allies, that's a plus for speeding up escorts, especially in Snowden Drifts.
    • The chest at the end ranks up based on the number of CMs turned on. 0 CMs = Bronze, 1 CM = Silver, and 2-3 CMs = Gold. There's no discernable difference between 2 and 3 CMs in reward, so outside of the "Top Responder" achievements which require all 3 CMs, you can do your runs with 2 CMs to keep it easier and faster while still getting the most loot.
    • The Gold Rank Chest, for 2 CMs, awards 3x the Unidentified Gear, 3x the Upgrade Components (Orbs, Crests, etc), 3x the Crating Materials (Wood, Ingots, etc), and 3x the Defense Seals. If you are competent, it's not much more time to run with 2 CMs than no CMs, so it's recommended to go for the extra loot.
    • These are the CM combinations I find easiest, by instance:
      • Metrica Province: Timer + Final Boss
      • Brisban Wildlands: Timer + Final Boss
      • Gendarran Fields: Timer + Final Boss
      • Fields of Ruin: Timer + Final Boss
      • Thunderhead Peaks: Timer + Stonger Foes
      • Lake Doric: Timer + Final Boss
      • Snowden Drifts: Timer + Stronger Foes
      • Caledon Forest: Timer + Stronger Foes
      • Bloodtide Coast: Timer + Final Boss
      • Fireheart Rise: Timer + Final Boss
    • When Stronger Foes is active, you won't be able to easily group enemies together as they get both Aegis and 5 stacks of Stability. So when fighting mobs with that CM active, I usually enter combat on the Sand Jackal to give barrier to myself and allies rather than wasting a raptor pull that won't work, which makes it easier to survive some of their attacks as well.
    • Your Dragon Slayer Mastery Level affects your Prismaticite Drops. Prismaticite drops are based on which boons are active when the boss is killed - meaning you want to already have gotten the boon from a previous run. Despite the chest appearing after the boon appears on your bar for that run, it will not count towards the chest unless you were already under it when the boss was killed. If you have at least Reins of Power mastered, the end chest will award you:
      • 0 Prismaticite if the boss was killed with neither Champion Boon active.
      • 1 Prismaticite if the boss was killed with only the matching type Champion Boon active.
      • 2 Prismaticite if the boss was killed with only the opposite type Champion Boon active.
      • 4 Prismaticite if the boss was killed with both Champion Boons active.
    • The daily achievements award additional prismaticite for completing up to 3 DRMs per day. There are also 3 DRMs that are "priorities" each day - the only advantage to doing the priorities is the extra chest containing 5 Tyrian Defense Seals, so you can always run a different DRM for your "daily 3" if you'd prefer one that is easier or faster.
    • Because the Champion boons only last 1 hour each, if you are farming prismaticite, it's recommended to keep a single character with the boons active strictly for running DRMs. Competent 2 CM solo runs last 12-17m in general, so you can easily keep the boons running infinitely through daily runs as long as you try to rotate between Jormag and Primordus missions to keep the boons active.
    • "Daily 3" runs with both boons active will net you 12 Prismaticite from drops plus 10 from the daily acheivement. You can get an additional 5 Prismaticite from mining a home instance with up to the Reins of Power mastery., for up to 27 daily. If you add on the new Dragonstorm meta event - ideally with a different character to preserve boons - you'll get an additional 10 prismaticite daily. Finally, the Discount Defense Seal vendor sells up to 50 prismaticite weekly now for 10 Tyrian Defense Seals each (500 seals total). In total, that's 309 prismaticite per week through daily activity.

    Mission Specific Items & Guides

    • Metrica Province
      • This is one of the tighter pre-event timers. I generally turn around to set the challenges, then save the 7 scientists in the building immediately to the right, of exiting Rata Sum, then save 3 from the nearest building. Try to kill destroyers as you go only if they are grouped up and can be quickly cleaved. Braham typically attracts 2 at the entrance, so it's easy to hit those up as they respawn. After grabbing the scientists, Rollerbeetle back to the entrance to drop them off, then start fixing golems and killing destroyers as you go. You should be able to make this timer in around 4 minutes on a decent run. If you miss one of attribute bonuses, no big deal!
      • This boss is relatively easy - try to cleave the adds as they spawn, and dodge when he uses the AOE leap that all Destroyer Soldiers do.
    • Brisban Wildlands
      • There are two routes that Caithe can decide to take. I have no idea what determines it - one is through the caves, while the other is around the caves. They are basically the same as far as enemy composition and time, as far as I can tell. More of a quirk than a tip!
      • This boss is relatively easy as well - the main dodgeable attack is his leap towards the bridge that sends out a shockwave. This is a strong knockdown and can also bump you into lava if you are positioned poorly - dodge towards him when he does it and continue DPSing. During the Fissure phases, ignore the bursters and just head straight for the fissures - they will group around your NPCs and can be cleaved later. Only a certain amount of bursters spawn, so if you kill them now, more will just pop up quickly.
    • Gendarran Fields
      • The pre-events here are relatively fast, but to make it a little quicker, there is one group of 4-5 destroyers that spawns and patrols. I take a counterclockwise route around the farms rescuing villagers and putting out fires, and I look for that patrol to easily cleave through.
      • Another relatively easy boss - if you can time your bar break right as the arrow for its Charge appears, you can prevent the tornados from spawning for a cycle, which makes DPS faster. Otherwise, dodge the harpy fire barrage and rotate away.
    • Fields of Ruin
      • This pre-event seems tight but it's actually pretty quick - I begin by taking the south stairs and pick up 15 citizens right away. I never do the blacksmith - I only engage with the Separatist Sympathizers. Your first goes through a dialogue, but on future ones, while your character is stuck cheering at them, you can weapon swap to cancel the animation and keep moving. Engage all the sympathizers near the entrance - the outer circle is all people who need weapons, and ain't nobody got time for that. Focus on killing the slowly spawning destroyers while you wait for Sympathizers to respawn, which is a bit random, then hit them back up again for a quicker finish.
      • If running in a group, the Elites can be ignored when clearing mobs for the mission. There are exactly enough non-Elite enemies to fill the bar. If running solo, I just kill the Elites because they aren't that much worse.
      • This boss has 3 phase types that it runs through every 20%:
        • DPS - Make sure you avoid the point blank AOE. Having a ranged weapon will let you keep dealing damage until the fire fades. The bar is tougher to break and can basically be ignored.
        • Meteors - you can run into an alleyway and you shouldn't need to jump or dodge much. Run back in as the meteors end.
        • Big AOE - just stand in the green circle until it explodes, then continue. Or, if you are feeling spicy, mount up and fly on top of the statue - the game will get mad and pull you down and dismount you as the AOE explodes but you should be fine.
    • Thunderhead Peaks
      • This is another pre-event set that feels tighter than it is - once again, you can weapon swap to animation cancel when cheering at the Priory members to spar with. There are 2 groups of 4 in the pit below - I interact with 4 at a time, then use Guardian GS 5 to pull them together and cleave them down. Also, don't forget you can mount up when carrying medicine!
      • As this is one of the runs I choose Stronger Foes for, I usually enter combat on Sand Jackal to gain the extra barrier, since pulling doesn't work through their Aegis and Stability.
      • The boss here, if Final Boss is chosen, will reset if the team is defeated. For that reason, I choose to run with Stronger Foes instead of Final Boss - not only is it harder to be defeated at the boss, but for some reason he doesn't seem to reset then either. It can still do decent damage in either mode, so try to avoid the AOEs, dodge towards it when it slams the ground, and try to be standing near a Dragonsblood Spear barrel when it is nearing each 25% of its health. Ranged weapon is very useful here because of its constant movement and to stay near the spears. Also, try to kill the eggs that it drops when it charges - they must be damaged from inside the bubble so ranged won't work on those.
    • Lake Doric
      • Pre-events here are relatively quick and easy. Captains die fast and quaggans and weapons are plentiful. Don't forget you can mount up while carrying a weapon!
      • The boss here is one of the more active fights with Final Boss active. It's a simple damage avoidance fight - you just have to do it constantly. He has two main attacks - a larger AOE at any range, and a smaller AOE at melee range. He has another attack he uses if you stay at range, but that's not ideal for most classes so I won't go over that much. As you enter combat, his first two large AOE attacks will spawn an Empowered Ice Elemental - those can deal decent damage and should be cleaved quickly. After that, they only spawn normal ones. I typically save my endurance to dodge the large AOEs, and keep moving to sidestep the small melee AOEs. I set out a United Legions Portable Waystation on my way to the boss and grab an EMP to ensure I can always break the bar at each 25% mark - but that isn't necessary for some classes. Just be ready to bar break, keep moving out of small AOEs and dodging large AOEs, and cleaving the adds as they come and you should be fine!
    • Snowden Drifts
      • Snowden is probably the hardest CM run! Thankfully the pre-events are dead simple, nothing to say about them but you should do them for the attribute bonuses.
      • During the escort, it's very useful to keep swiftness or, even better, superspeed on the Claw while moving. Dispatch the foes as quickly as you can - I run this one with Stronger Foes so it's harder to cleave them, but they still should go down fast to a good DPS build. You want to save as much time in escort as you can because this is the tightest Timer of all the DRMs.
      • Ryland can be annoying, but is much less annoying without Final Boss active. With Final Boss, he'll keep constant protection on himself and warrants being boon stripped regularly - In a group, I recommend bringing a Chrono or Necro with and keeping them on frequent boon stripping. His PBAoE is also much faster, and he hits way harder with Final Boss active. It's a fun fight, actually, but when I'm soloing I find it easier to avoid those elements.
      • With no Final Boss and only Stronger Foes, the main challenge of the fight is actually the split phases with the Elite mobs. They are affected by Stronger Foes, so they can deal a lot of damage to you and have a bit of HP to them. I find myself most threatened by the melee ones like Crusher and Blademaster - go into the fights prepared to dodge their attack animations and activate active defenses like Aegis, distortion, and shroud. Don't be afraid to pop your heal on them. After each kill, you can mount up to save time if you can avoid being hit by the random ice projectiles - try running behind pillars to let them block for you.
      • Watch out for the Shaman that can shoot you into the roof, which will cause the game to get confused and spit you out at the door to the building.
      • If you are having trouble making it within the Timer, just set it to Stronger Foes and Final Boss. Ryland does not reset, so you can take as much time as you need if you'd prefer. Or - just run a different DRM and give up the 5 Defense Seals. :P
    • Caledon Forest
      • Another super easy pre-event. Barricades are the same as those in the north meta of Thunderhead Peaks, so you can move as soon as you see them start to appear and they will still build.
      • Caledon has a pretty short escort and the timer doesn't start until after Kalidris reaches the village. I run with Stronger Foes on this one and, with the relatively low amount of encounters, it's not a big time sink. You can actually skip some of the first mobs by keeping swiftness on Kalidris - they run behind you initially, so just don't engage them until they engage you and you may skip a few.
      • Like Thunderhead Peaks, the boss of Caledon will reset if your party is defeated and out of combat, but only if Final Boss is active. Without Final Boss, I haven't yet seen it reset on me, but it's also much easier so I only tend to die if I'm just getting a little too impatient and let frostbite build up. Two main things to know about the mechanics - Fires will give you a buff that lasts for a bit outside of the fire and prevents frostbite as well as adding extra burning to your attacks. Frostbite will accumulate while the boss's gigantic wind bubble is up - but when you break its bar, it goes away for a bit. So just keep fire on you to start, then break its bar as the fire is wearing off to keep frostbite off. With Final Boss active, he's much more frustrating with a Taunt added to his "roar" attack - if you are running that, bring stunbreaks to clear it and just play a bit more cautiously to keep yourself around active fires. When he puts one out, rotate to the closest fire to light it and continue.
    • Bloodtide Coast
      • Ok, here we go: The hardest pre-event to get all 3 finished while solo! I can consistently do it, though, so here's how I go about it:
        • Do not choose challenges right away - head straight to the supply pile.
        • Watch on the path that leads to the supply pile - often there will be 2 non-veteran mobs that hang out near each other there. Those are perfect for killing on the way to the pile after dropping off supply. Kill them as they pop up, but only while it's on your delivery route.
        • Your focus is on bringing supply quickly between the pile and the drop off point nearer to the entrance. I rotate between Skyscale flying to the Pile, and Raptor leaping to the drop off. Don't stop to kill mobs while you are holding supply - you cannot drop it and pick it up again like in Verdant Brink.
        • Complete 9 supply runs, killing a few mobs on your way. You are doing well if you have around a minute left and around 16-18 mobs killed. Trust me!
        • For the 10th supply run, pick up the supply and Rollerbeetle up the path to the farther drop off point. Drop it off, then leap off to the quggan cave below. Using your raptor, quickly pick up the 4-5 quaggans there, and then run out onto the ice and make sure to grab the rest of the 10 (I keep a count out loud) while avoiding combat unless you see a juicy clump of enemies. Avoid getting stuck with Chill or Cripple!
        • You should have about 30-40s left to quickly fly back to the entrance. Before you step in the circle, you can stand outside carefully to talk to the Challenge NPC and set your challenges. Then step in to drop off the quaggans - you will either have the events completed, or you may have just a bit of time left to find a couple more kills. This may take a try or two to nail but you can do it!
      • After that, the rest is really easy. Solo only requires 2 woodpiles, so you can manage that no problem. Then kill the mobs and fly directly to the ship to begin the boss. Avoid engaging the mobs outside the ship, just use your mounts to zip around them. They'll stand there and look dumb.
      • The boss is another active AoE dodging fight - he has three main attacks:
        • Orange circle X - just step or dodge back and hit him with a longer melee like greatsword, or ranged weapon.
        • Orange circle lines - step in between the two lines and keep rotating.
        • Breakbar + bullet hell - you can bring an EMP to break the bar quickly, but I just ignore it. The bullet hell only lasts for a few seconds and is easy to dodge through. Don't range him during this attack because it reflects. Then just get back to DPSing.
    • Fireheart Rise
      • Everyone's favorite! This pre-event is unusual because Bursters count as kills, and also seem to drop loot sometimes? So I don't mind the 50 kills at all - just focus on pressing F on things and kill everything when you can. It goes fast as NPCs' kills count for kills as well (just like they do in every DRM).
      • Without Stronger Foes, while it feels like it lasts a bit, the escort and defense are pretty easy. Just...kill the guys.
      • Ah, Tribune Splitgold - look, you're probably going to die a few times in this fight. There's just too many AoEs. Don't worry too much about it, just head on back in. If you do not have Final Boss active, at 50% you'll need to break Braham's bar to continue DPSing as Splitgold becomes invulnerable. However, for some reason, with Final Boss active, the same direction appears to "stagger Braham", but you can just completely ignore it and keep DPSing away. That's where the AoEs get intense - just try to stay ranged, keep your distance, and whittle him down. He doesn't have that much health.

    The Allies

    • I've seen a number of people confused about the Ally system. While there are 14 different allies, each mission only has anywhere from 4-7 that you can actually get in it. Because it doesn't make sense for Kodan to be chilling nearby the Fields of Ruin! You can select an ally for 10 Defense Seals, but I don't think that's particularly worthwhile. I just enjoy when I get a good one and ignore them when I get a bad one. I'll go through some of the good ones to be aware of below.
    • The Shining Champion mastery in Dragon Slayer improves your allies pretty strongly. If you don't have that, they are often much worse. All of the below is assuming you have Shining Champion.
    • Exalted - Possibly the strongest ally. The Exalted themselves will downstate and can be picked up or rallied, unlike every other faction. The suit you can jump in has massive health, a very strong bar break/ranged attack on 2, and a very powerful PBAoE on 3 that heals your allies as well. I recommend hopping in and out as you go - for some people, you might even just have better DPS sticking in a suit the whole time.
    • Deldrimor Dwarves - The strongest special action to add to your rotation. Does huge pulsing damage, conditions, and bar break. You'll get 3 doses of it per pickup - worth using throughout the whole mission and especially when you can stun the boss and drop it.
    • Kodan - The newest ally is also one of the best - the brazier's auto attack bounces between enemies and one-shots normal enemies (without Stronger Foes active). The 3 is a powerful PBAoE that also clears chill. The range on the 1 alone allows you to clear incoming waves of enemies before they even get close.
    • Charr United Legions - The Charrzooka 1 is fine, but the 2 is where it's at on groups and bosses. It pulses absolutely huge damage. Great to carry one into boss fights and, in fields of ruin, for example, you can easily snag one when running back into the alley in the Meteor phase to use on the next DPS phase.

    I think that's all the tips I've got for now. I hope this helps a few people who are looking to dive in now that we've seen the whole episode! Feel free to leave questions, corrections, or your own tips down below!

    submitted by /u/Day2Dan
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    WP: The Elder Dragons Don't Matter

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Expansion is coming - Here are 11 ways for you to prepare now!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    Engineer icon done in my style

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    This is the true ending of the IBS

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    [SPOILERS] I don't think this is the desired ending for anyone

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 06:58 AM PDT

    Now let me make it perfectly clear- I think the ending to the Icebrood Saga was average at best. It was way too short for what it was and didn't answer some of the questions I had, but it was at least sufficient and covered enough plot points to where it wasn't actively the worst ending I've ever seen in media. I've seen it compared to Game of Thrones but as a former fan of the series, it is impossible to ever be that bad.

    But- here's my thing. A lot of people have been saying that ArenaNet didn't care about this ending, or that they just want to steal our money. And while I'm not completely satisfied with this ending, I'm not completely sure if the developers or writers behind the Saga wanted it to happen this way either. You can make a lot of criticism about ArenaNet for not giving WvW or PvP the proper time and dedication they deserve, and that is very fair. I'm a fan of both gamemodes and I think they should've been and should be updated more. But everything about the Icebrood Saga felt like it was going to be bigger than what we got.

    The initial trailer for the Icebrood Saga showed off things like centaurs, some sort of underwater or coastal map, and a massive battle between us and Jormag in front of what looks to be a great lodge of some kind. So many theories about what was to come can be gathered from the trailer, and even the gamefiles support this, with centaurs apparently being cut from the game as an ally.All of the promotional material for the Saga pointed to so many things we never saw, like Jhavi being a more important part of the story outside of Episodes 1 and 2.

    Strikes were totted as being the next big form of raid-like content, and while they were bugged at first, they still genuinely felt fun to me. Visions of the Past was heavily implied to be not one, but four different content releases from the original blog post. And even if the Icebrood Saga only lasted six episodes like the other seasons, that still means we were due to another full map at absolute minimum. Not even counting us potentially getting more episodes than normal, as this is the only season to begin with a prologue. This is all without mentioning the high quality and story of all of the maps that we did get, with Grothmar, Bjora, and Drizzlewood all being undeniably good maps with good accompanying stories.

    Again, you can make plenty of arguments about the Saga. It didn't introduce any massive expansion-like features that people were hoping for. It didn't come with any massive updates to WvW and didn't deliver as much for PvP players as they had wanted. And while Strikes were fun, they varied too much in difficulty and scale from raids. And maybe this is why it got cut short.

    But on the open world PvE and story side of things? They seemed to genuinely want to do so much more than what they were able to. And everything about Episode 5 and how it was laid out feels like the developers trying to rush their way to an ending that would've otherwise been built up and properly developed over many more months with more content releases and resources to work with.
    I'm not sure if it was pressure from the higher ups at ArenaNet, or NCSoft, but the developers and writers were pretty much just asked to hurry up and finish an entire story at it's midway point with half as much time and resources as they were given prior. They were asked to ditch their plans and just work on the expansion while still reaching all of the intended plot points. And that is how I think we reached this point. Not because the developers genuinely wanted to end off their epic saga with a meta-less world boss, or kill off a major NPC like Owl in a single DRM. But because they were forced to do so.

    Do I understand why it was cut short? Yes. Expansions are what drive people in, and it's much easier to sell the game bundled with a new expansion to new players instead of asking them to hop on midway to a story. Did I want this to happen? Of course not. I was invested in the Saga and wanted to see where it could've gone. How Jhavi could've been involved, why the centaurs were here, what happened to Braham's bow, what the plans for Owl were.
    But none of it was because the average developer, voice actor, or writer wanted those plot points to go ignored. While I'm disappointed in how it ended, I have sympathy, not hate, towards all of those people who wanted it to end differently too.

    submitted by /u/SonicFury74
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    wvw links and transfers

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    wvw links and transfers

    wvw has become so dull every relink there is a stacked server only to become even more stacked with bandwagoners,this time it became so unbearable servers are avoiding t1 and the servers in t1 stopped playing even worse some people are feeding points to the 3rd server so they go down,anet needs to step in with a cap on transfers

    last week t1 people feeding at each other spawn before reset

    1.3h before prime time

    submitted by /u/ApartmentMission
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    Casual player's guide to Mystic Coins and Clovers

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Hey all. So I am sure you noticed the recent price jump in Mystic Coins, and I am guessing some new or casual players who are looking to make their legendaries may find this price increase bit discouraging. So I wanted to list some things you can do and select to maximize your Mystic Coin and Clover supply.

    Mystic Coins

    • 20 per month can be obtained from daily logins. (Easy)

    • 1 Mystic Coin per Mystic Forger daily achievement. I am not sure how often these are every month though. (Easy)

    • A chance of 1 Mystic Coin from each daily Fractal chest t2 and onwards. It is supposedly a 'common' drop, but the loot table is bit too bloated so its supply is bit irregular. (Easy/Medium to Hard)

    • 2 Mystic Coins each week from WvW Skirmish Gold end reward chest, and an additional 4 Coins from the Skirmish Diamond end chest. In my experience this requires a little bit commitment to get, especially if you are starting out in WvW and have low pip generation. However, if you can get this no problem then it adds to a total of 24 Mystic Coins per month. (Medium)

    • Up to 5 Mystic Coins can be obtained from each Daily Automated Tournament in PvP, and up to 100 can be obtained from the Monthly Tournaments. To get the maximum number of coins you have to win the tournaments, but getting 2nd or 3rd place also rewards quite a bit of Coins. See the dedicated page for more info. (Hard)

    • 30 per month can be obtained by running by running Leyline Anomaly, which is a world boss that spawns every 2 hours at xx.20. For more info check gw2timer.com. Keep in mind, if you park a character to kill this boss every day and do nothing else with this char, you may get some diminishing returns. So either rotate characters or do few other events with the character somewhere else every so often. (Easy/Medium)

    • 0-3 can be dropped at random from each boss in each challenge mode Fractals (98, 99 or 100). These can be run every day. It is a bit RNG but in my experience running all three nets like 2-4 Mystic Coins daily. Being very conservative, I can estimate that running these fractals daily would net you 50+ Mystic Coins per month. (Hard)*

    *As a disclaimer, you need 150 effective Agony Resistence to be able to run these Fractals. You can increase your Agony Resistence by using Ascended gear with Infusions on them. See this dedicated page for more information, and this amazing page for info about gearing.

    Now, as their name implies these fractals can be challenging and pug groups can ask for experienced people only. Dont be discouraged though, you can put up your training runs in lfg or make runs with guildies, or join dt fractal guild's discord to find groups. Learning curve starts out bit slow, but after a while you should get the hang of it and have enough killproof to pug regularly.

    Mystic Clover

    • 7 per month can be obtained from daily logins. At day 28 reward, simply select the Legendary Crafting Materials option. (Easy)

    • 7+ can be obtained from a sizeable number of non-repeatable reward tracks in PvP/WvW. Even if you are an exclusively PvE player and you are somewhat intimidated by competitive modes, I think just running dailies should be relatively fast, and if you do them regularly you can finish reward tracks without actually grinding either of these modes. Keep in mind, due to their nature these reward tracks are finite and you may run out of them, but devs can occasionally add more of them from patch to patch. You can also get 2 Clovers from each repeatable reward track.(Easy/Medium)

    • 2 can be obtained from each 'reward track' in Drizzlewood, and each track is repeatable here. You can progress in a track by choosing the Legion you are supporting from the Quartermaster. (Medium)

    • 2 can be obtained daily from Fractal vendors, however, each cost 1 Mystic Coin, 3 Ectoplasms and 150 Fractal Relics. While this may seem costly, keep in mind that it is still cheaper than getting them from the Mystic Forge, which gives more or less 1 Clover per 3 Mystic Coins, 3 Ectoplasms and 3 Obsidian Shards. The main barrier here is I think the 150 Fractal Relics, which can be bit challenging to regularly obtain if one is just starting out in Fractals. However, if one is able to get enough relics every day (for instance you can convert one Pristine Relic to 15 Relics), and uses some of the methods above for Mystic Coins, one should be able to get 30+ Clovers per month. (Medium/Hard)

    I hope this helps to players looking to make legendary gear. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/skelk_lurker
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    Crystal Desert News-April 28th, 2021

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    PSA: Ascension Colors

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Found the ascension colors using RGB to HEX code and a gw2 dye matcher within neutral lighting (it looks good regardless of light environments)

    • The Main wings (brown part): Mohair
    • The glass dye is: Celestial Blue, Blue Orchid, Morning Glory, Pastel Blue, antique gold (or sand)

    note these will be updated for each armor type, leather, metal and cloth upon request

    submitted by /u/TheDivision_Builds
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    Champions: Judgment is the Greatest Disappointment I Have Felt in a Video Game

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    Edit: Marked as Spoiler, my mistake.

    I am generally an optimistic person. When it comes to Guild Wars, I have enjoyed nearly everything that has come before. The worst points that had forums in an uproar, to me were only worth a slight shrug. Seeing all the vitriol and negativity thrown around in past circumstances, I always thought people were being dramatic. Now, I suddenly see myself agreeing with it. This sounds like childish whining, but I'm being sincere when I say I got a stomachache after this finale. As such, I want to put my thoughts to page and send it out into the world, hopefully gaining catharsis.

    This arc has been drawn out and stretched incredibly thinly. The Dragon Response Missions mattered, sure, we were helping people deal with big attacks. But they weren't building to anything. This conclusion did not depend upon nor arise from those events. That could be excused to a degree were the conclusion satisfying, but it ended with a pitiful whimper. We not long ago had some amazingly dramatic scenes with Kralkatorrik that were incredible! Now, we just have two dragons staring at each other.

    I'm upset about what this means for Primordus. He didn't do anything in this story. He didn't even take action in this fight. He was a punching bag for Jormag in the final cutscene, and then they are both just erased. The biggest, first Elder Dragon has been ended with almost no ceremony.

    For the first time, I do not trust this game or its story. Is there anyone there who will sincerely say "yes, this was a satisfying conclusion to this story"? Is there truth to the conspiracy suggesting the devs are tired of Elder Dragons, and so wanted to rush to end it? The emotional weight of what came before has not been respected in this story. Dare I risk emotional investment in the next teased story?

    This extends to the prior lore. We were told that the death of one more Elder Dragon would be the end of Tyria. We killed Balthazar because of that knowledge. We saw a vision of Jormag and Primordus annihilating one another, also seeming to destroy the world. Yet they are gone, and nothing has happened. It's possible there is an interesting explanation that reconciles all of this. Yet, I have no trust now that we will get it. Even if it exists, the story so far has not justified it in any way. If "kill them both and have Aurene absorb the power" was our plan, it should have been portrayed as a desperate hope. That she didn't absorb the power should have caused intense panic for everyone there. Instead, we get a bare mention of how it may have some negative consequences.

    This story did not justify itself. It took what should have been the climax of this entire game and made it a footnote. I do not know how this can be fixed. My faith in Guild Wars 2 crumbled in a single night.

    submitted by /u/Lost_in_Hyrule
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    I have never replayed LS content more than during IBS

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    While everyone is shitting all over IBS because of the disappointing story finale and lacking production value of DRMs I'd just like to take a momment to say that I have never replayed any LS content more than Strikes (excluding fs and cw). I hate open world because of how unsignificant everything feels with upscaling and because of the lack of interesting mechanics. I fell in love with doing daily Strikes and I really hope we see more of them in the future. And even though the new world boss is really underwhelming, I really hope that more upcoming bosses will have an instanced 50 man version, maybe even tied to guild missions.

    submitted by /u/BibbyTheBobofruit
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    Bring your salt canisters, the mystic wall has risen

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    So everyone knows about the 100,000 order wall of mystic coins that was set at about 2.10 gold. This has been removed, as you can see https://www.gw2tp.com/item/19976-mystic-coin and reset at various points far above. (orders of 60-80K at various points around 2.40+)

    Just letting y'all know in case you were planning to buy some coins soon.

    submitted by /u/trotsky187
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    Dragon magic is baaaa.... Video Edition

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 01:38 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: I would prefer finishing Icebrood Saga the right way instead of new Living Story after EoD (creating new episodes which would be canon story what happened during champions instead of next season after End of dragons.)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    So after we end EoD I would prefer to get these 4 missing episodes instead of next living story.
    Devs would not to remove champions but could fix the lore this way.
    How the story of Jormag/Primordus was treated completely breaks the lore and is really so bad for whole lore(ruined norn arc, asura, charr, legendary weapons(bow), primordus, dwarves, jormag and more), many people who liked gw2 lore(and gw1 lore) can't really forget how this major plot points were treated.

    submitted by /u/Sznurek066
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