• Breaking News

    Monday, March 15, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 It would be cool if Elementalists got a dedicated ranged greatsword for their EoD elite spec

    Guild Wars 2 It would be cool if Elementalists got a dedicated ranged greatsword for their EoD elite spec

    It would be cool if Elementalists got a dedicated ranged greatsword for their EoD elite spec

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Font reflects in the Ebb-sword!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Delsin Rowe: inFAMOUS SECOND SON cosplay

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Mildly interesting: Crab Toss got an update.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:42 PM PDT

    I did the Daily Activity Participation in the Crab Toss activity and noticed that the awkward movement stop after the dash skill is gone. It is much more pleasant now. Someone worked on Crab Toss. That is all.

    submitted by /u/Artumess
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    By Raven's eyes, you say, Jhavi...?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    The Commander And Get-Togethers

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    WvW Basics video series — An introduction to World vs. World

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Hi /r/GuildWars2!

    Over the last year I have been working on a video series for WvW meant to introduce new players to the game mode.

    It covers a range of topics from how systems work in World vs. World to something more specific like unlocking your Warclaw or getting your gift of battle.

    Today I posted the 10th video in the series, how to get ascended gear in WvW, and therefore thought it might be a good time to share it here on reddit.

    Check WvW Basics out on YouTube right here.

    If you're a person who enjoys reading more than viewing, then you can also find guides in a written format on my website rediche.stream or on GW2 Mists.

    Should you have any ideas for future guides that I can add to my ever expanding list of ideas on the topic, then feel free to share them below.

    I hope you enjoy and that someone might find it helpful.

    Hopefully I see you all in WvW some day!

    submitted by /u/rediche
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    How to Make Money from DRMs

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    With End of Dragons approaching and the likely need to hoard resources in preparation for it now would be a good time to write up how to efficiently make money off the new and exciting game mode Anet has been shoving down our throats. Dragon Response Missions (DRMs) are closer to short dungeons or fractals than they are story missions, with tons of mobs, bosses, and optional challenge modes available. As of the writing of this guide, there are 10 DRMs, 5 for Primordus, and 5 for Jormag. This fact will be important later. Most players who have gone into a public DRM will know that aside from some of the bosses these DRMs aren't that difficult, and don't need a ton of coordination to complete them. The challenge modes are a different story however, requiring a fractal composition of Healbrand and Alacrity Renegade supports minimum to be successful. Why is this information relevant? Because doing the CMs may increase how much money you end up making.

    The main source of money from DRMs come in the form of selling Prismatium Ingots. These ingots require 50 mithril and orichalcum ingots, 10 ectos, and 10 Prismaticite crystals. The crystals you get from doing DRMs, both from the end chests and the daily chests. So to actually make money off these ingots you need to be doing DRMs for the crystals and have the mats to make them. But to understand how best to get crystals we need a bit more information to start off.

    First and foremost, for this farm to work you need to be up to date on the masteries from Champions. These are the masteries in the Dragon Slayer mastery line. Currently there are five available masteries, with two still waiting to be unlocked. We should be getting one more mastery unlocked before the finale of Icebrood Saga, but fortunately for us we don't have to wait to see what either does. Descriptions for the entire mastery line were datamined by the always wonderful u/that_shaman at the start of Champions which you can view here. For the purposes of this guide the most important ones are Crystal Forger, Blade of Prophecy, and Reins of Power. Take a look at the descriptions of all of them. They all mention gaining additional rewards while under the effects of a dragon boon, the opposing dragon boon, or both boons. What are these boons and how do you get them? Well remember how there are 5 DRMs for Primordus and 5 for Jormag? This is where that comes into play. Completing a Primordus DRM will grant Boon of the Deep Flame , and completing a Jormag mission will grant Boon of the Storm Ice . These are the dragon boons the masteries mention needing to have to get more rewards. So to get the most out of DRMs you need to have the Primordus boon when doing Jormag missions, and the Jormag boon when doing Primordus missions. The boons last 60 minutes, so there's enough time to do other DRMs before it wears off.

    So what is the best way to farm DRMs? Remember first off that you need the dragon boons to get the most rewards. Also remember that you get 6 crystals daily from doing 3 DRMs. If you look at the daily Champions section of the achievement panel you'll see that there are 3 daily DRMs. These are almost always set up so that there are 2 missions for one dragon and 1 mission for the opposing one. If youre starting from scratch the most efficient way to farm is to do one of the missions you have 2 of to get that dragons boon, do the mission for the opposing dragon to get the most rewards out of that, then do the last remaining daily mission. If you're starting off from scratch with no boons, the first DRM you do, you won't get those rewards from, and once we get the Reins of Power mastery, you won't get the most rewards until you've done both a Primordus and a Jormag mission. But the boons are character specific, so if you dedicate a single character to doing DRMs and nothing else, you can do the 3 daily DRMs and log off and retain the boons for the next day. It's not viable for every player to do that obviously, but if you want to farm DRMs and can afford to it's your best bet. Doing DRMs like this, alternating between the Primordus and Jormag missions until all your dailies are done nets you at minimum 12 crystals a day, assuming you have both boons from the start. Once we get the Reins of Power mastery that will go up to 15 a day. There is a chance that the DRMs drop additional Prismaticite, netting up to 4 crystals in a single DRM, but it appears to be RNG. So far I have only seen it happen when getting the gold chest, and that only happens when doing all the CMs. After the costs to produce it that's roughly 5 gold per ingot, plus whatever materials you get from actually doing the DRMs and from buying the supply boxes with defense seals. It's not great money, but doing the CMs is worth it simply for the AP doing them gives.

    One final note, the CMs for these DRMs are no pushover. You can't just go in with any old group and expect to succeed. You will need boons, you will need healing, and you will need good Dps and cc. Fractal composition of f Healbrand and Alacrity Renegade supports are suggested, as well is some for of boonstrip. Spellbreaker is great for that, so the renegade can run either Ventari bubble or Jalis roads. Your other two slots can be for Dps roles. Also remember that the EMP tables from Drizzlewood Coast work in these instances, and the cc from them are super helpful. If you have these roles the DRMs shouldn't be too difficult, but people unfamiliar with the mechanics of each fight might want to learn them first.

    TL:DR: Make sure you have both dragon boons, do the CMs, have CM comp, alternate between Primordus and Jormag missions, turn the Prismaticite into ingots and sell. You get between 2-4 Prismaticite per DRM, not including any you get from daily achievements. Happy farming ya'll! Enjoy the months long grind if you plan on actually making these ridiculously overpriced skins. You only need 576 Prismatium Ingots (worth 9,216 gold) and at least another 1,000 gold worth of miscellaneous materials (seriously Anet wth?).

    submitted by /u/Wolfencrest129
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    Found something rather funny in the Sunspear Refuge

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    Female Norn NPC biggest body vs PC biggest body

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    Prefix Guide [spoilers]

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    Getting GW2 to run better/smoother in large events?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 07:29 AM PDT


    I play gw2 in linux, via Wine (allows (most) Windows executable to operate on a Linux OS), and I built my PC originally not for the intent of gaming, other than some casual gw1 or low demand games (like Among Us, Town of Salem etc). I started playing GW2 during lockdown because I honestly had nothing else to do, and I am enjoying it. I have a Ryzen 5 CPU on a MSI MB and a RX 580 (i know, old, but as I said this was not meant to be a gaming pc originally). Autodetect sets gfx to settings from med to high, but not ultra high. When i try to do big events like Tarir, Dragon Stand, World Bosses etc, theres just too much glowy fancy shit and it bogs down hard and jumps all over the place. Would upgrading my CPU or GPU help improve performance or would simply buying a Windows license and partitioning my HD yield better results?

    Also, are there any specific settings I should make sure are set to low/disabled to still have a nice appearance but without all of the issues that comes with a bagillion people in the same area?

    Thank you, have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/ThickAsPigShit
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    Hardstuck Conquest League NA Starting in 1 hour!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Hello again!

    Yesterday brought us the beginning of our brand new tournament series, the Hardstuck Conquest League! We saw many teams battle it out on EU, but now it is time for NA to shine. In just under an hour, the games will begin.

    Just like yesterday you can see all the action at:


    Good luck to all participating, and we'll see you there!


    submitted by /u/Roile
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    Karma to gold conversion

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Hey all, so im sitting on sth like 4.5 mln karma and have no idea what to do with it. Is there any decent way to convert it into gold or sth valuable? What do you do with your karma?

    submitted by /u/stonedyoda69
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    What can I do?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    I am buying the PoF with 4000 gems to buy the Dragon's watch bundle (2800 gems). But when I try to buy it says unfortunately error occured try later. I contacted CS, they said process can take up to 12 hours but the bundle expires in 2 hours from now. I am conflicted with the situation. Is there any way to get the bundle after CS solves the problem?

    submitted by /u/Blaze_studios
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    [NA][EU] CROSS-REGION Zero to Hero Community Raid Event (Part 6)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    GW2 Raid Academy and Raid Training Initiative are pleased to share that we will be co-hosting the next Zero to Hero community event for anyone interested in learning to raid in NA or EU.

    It will take place this upcoming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (March 19th - 21st). If you're curious about our past events, you can see the post about our most recent event in January

    NA and EU Event Weekend!

    For the first time, this event will be a cross-region collaboration between RA and RTI!

    • If you are playing in the NA data center, the event will primarily take place in GW2 Raid Academy.
      • There will be public channels open during the weekend event, but we encourage you to follow the steps in #🌟-getting-started to get verified ahead of time
    • If you are playing in the EU data center, the event will primarily take place in Raid Training Initiative.
      • Join the server, press the checkmark in #welcome to verify yourself, and then press the checkmark at the bottom of #announcements to get early access to some of the raid trainings organised during the event!

    We recommend joining the server(s) ahead of time. While you can only join training sessions held in your region, there will be mentoring sessions/class workshops streamed on both servers which you can attend regardless of region.

    Everyone is encouraged to join - no prior experience or a particular build is required for this event, although we do suggest doing some preparation in advance, such as unlocking the elite specialization you are interested in.

    Training and Mentoring

    Raid training sessions will be happening throughout the weekend, so be sure to hop into groups as they become available.

    Additionally, trainers and mentors will be on hand to go over profession specializations, including streamed open sessions/workshops about particular builds and roles. Here is a link to our mentoring/workshop schedule for the event. The spreadsheet will update throughout the week as more of our staff fill in the various time slots.

    Expect to see trainings and mentoring sessions starting each day by ~1pm EST (for RA), ~12:00pm CET (for RTI), if not earlier. (We have trainers based in multiple time zones, so they may start things at different times)

    What do you need to get started?

    Still have more questions?

    • Feel free to join the server(s) and use the #ask-a-question channel (RA) or #ask_questions channel (RTI), or post questions in this thread and we will try to answer what we can.
      • We would be happy to help you get started with any build - this includes class fundamentals, how to begin gearing, and anything else you may have a question about.
      • We realize for some users this may be their first time using Discord. We suggest reading the Beginner's Guide to Discord if this is the case. If you still have questions about how to use Discord or how stuff works, we can also try to help you with that.
    submitted by /u/ValkyrieVance
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    Fireheart Rise CMs Boss Fight is the most visual vomit fight ever

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Alright I know this game already thinks more AOEs equals more challenging, but holy shit did they outdo themselves for this.

    I joke a lot that I can't see what's going on while fighting sometimes, but I mean it literally here.

    All the adds creating AOEs, the boss creating AOEs, Braham creating AOEs, the spinning axes AOEs spawning out of nowhere. I blink and I lost 97% of my health bar and all I see is red.

    How did they think this would be fun to play or look at at the very least?

    submitted by /u/Iandrago
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    Roleplaying the Crystal Bloom?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    I know the Crystal Bloom is Aurene-related, but what are they actually about? What are their beliefs, their principles, their goals, their guiding philosophies? Do they worship her? Are they a cult? A religion? Do they have a leadership structure? Does Aurene tell them what to do? Does Caithe? What do you get out of joining up with them? What happens if you decide to quit?

    I ask because I'm in an RP guild and one of my characters (a sylvari) has completed their Wyld Hunt and now they're wondering where to go from here, and the Crystal Bloom seems like an interesting option...but I don't know if it'd be for them or not.

    submitted by /u/YokelFelonKing
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    Where can i maybe download high res elite specialization icons?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Where can i maybe download high res elite specialization icons?

    Would like to create wallpaper for myself and wondering if there's a way to download good quality Gw2 wallpapers/files like elit spec icons


    submitted by /u/Nawrotex
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    After a week of playing wvw a guard FINALLY dropped the warclaw tail armor and right as I finished the warclaw track! I honestly was starting to think I was cursed and it was never going to drop it XD

    submitted by /u/xxWolfMan1313xx
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