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    Sunday, March 14, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Extreme Dragon Slayer weapons cost (mega rant)

    Guild Wars 2 Extreme Dragon Slayer weapons cost (mega rant)

    Extreme Dragon Slayer weapons cost (mega rant)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    A bit of context to help understand my position:

    I am an AP hunter with over 43500 achievement points and currently around 20k gold that has played this franchise from GW1 so I feel that I can provide a different perspective in this matter from somebody that can actually afford these collections.

    I'm used to paying big gold to get some achievements as it comes with the territory when AP hunting but this this is honestly one of the worst things they have ever implemented since I started playing this franchise. I just cannot justify buying these weapons for the collection due to the insane price. These collections have been an absolute motivation killer for me which is rare considering the amount of grindy and time consuming achievements I have completed in the past however these collections just take it a bit too far.

    Doing the 3 daily DRM's a day isn't really much of an option as they only give you enough ore to create 1 ingot per day so it is just an insane and boring grind as they are just not challenging or engaging in any way and you soon lose the will to live when doing them so many times for such little reward.

    I feel that I must be the intended demographic for these collections (AP hunter with lots of gold) however the fact that I personally feel these achievements are completely unreasonable in comparison to literally anything else in the game means that these collections are essentially unreachable for 99% of the player base. All of this gold for only mediocre skins which is especially bad when you consider that full black lion weapon sets ( which look MUCH better) can be bought for around 600g when they are on rotation.

    For context of how ridiculous the prices are here are some things that are considered extremely expensive so you can compare the value to these collections and make up your own mind:

    -All dragon slayer weapons ~8-9k

    -Black lion weapon sets: ~600-700g when on rotation

    -Legendaries: ~ 1.5-2.5k depending on item

    • I'm rich you know: 1k gold thrown away for only a title

    -Queen bee infusion: 6500g

    -Permanent bank contract: 6000g

    So as you can see the pricing is just way way out, you could have multiple legendaries or tons of different black lion weapon sets instead of these weapons. The fact that the dragon slayer weapons are just upgrades of the previous tiers means that you essentially have a ton of useless skins as you are most likely only going to use the final tier of the weapons ( if you use any at all).

    There is also no prestige in the weapons, only gold. If you have the gold to buy them you are probably extremely wealthy in game and have a significant amount of legendary weapons to use instead. I for example have at least 1 legendary of every weapon type so they are completely useless to me. Essentially the collections boils down to spend 9k for some achievement points which clearly just sucks due to the extremely unreasonable price.

    The final cherry on top is that they have put these in the story section and attached mastery points to the volcanic weapons knowing that there is absolutely zero chance that 99% of players can ever complete them. If you check GW2 Efficiency you can see that only 10% of players have over 4000 liquid gold and this is still only half of the gold required to get these weapons. Also note that these figures are already heavily skewed to players that actively engage in the game enough to register for the site so the percentage of people with this amount of gold is likely to be much smaller. Out of these players how many of them would spend gold on this collection rather than Legendaries? Very little I imagine.

    Sorry for the rant but I feel that this is just a really poor direction to be going in and I'm disappointed with Anet, it is hard to believe anybody there thought this was a good idea, even if the prices were halved it would still be insane. Where does it stop? Will they just keep pumping these collections out and labelling it as "content"?

    TLDR: Dragon slayer weapons are mega overpriced compared to anything else except expensive infusions and they are tied to story achievements / masteries with no hope for 99% of the player base ever getting them.

    submitted by /u/HotCare2456
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    Desperate for new hair and cantha hype had me end up drawing some enoki styled hair

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:06 PM PST

    It's that time of year again...

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 02:48 PM PST

    How to stack in WVW

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:52 AM PST

    Checkmate and Match - My chess themed toon I spent weeks on and off trying to find armor in the game that works. I am very happy with the results!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:44 AM PST

    Just lead my first HoT HP train! :)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:50 PM PST

    Well like the title says I lead my first train. I was sooo nervous but everyone was really cool and friendly. (Thank God) I kept messing up on how to get to places. Halfway through the first map I realized I have no idea how to get to most of these places without a skyscale. (I did HoT after PoF) I can get to them and know what they entail which I thought I'd be good with but no lol. I need to practice getting there on foot. Like I said everyone was really chill and I want to give a shout-out to Zander! Thanks so much for helping a newbie at leading people. I really appreciate it! <3 Hopefully the next train won't take 4 hours XD

    submitted by /u/xxWolfMan1313xx
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    Slow Uptime for Power Chronomancer

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    The Dominion of Winds Conundrum : Strongest People in Tyria or One of the oldest Plot Hole.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:32 AM PST

    Hey Ladies and Gentlemen,

    With the direction the last IBS episode is taking, some old existential questions just popped into my mind once again. Some questions I had since GW2 launch and some new ones coming from the established lore and story thus far. I'll try to organize my thoughts as best as I can but I promise nothing.

    There is a main point that sparks some more matters as we dig deeper into the subject. It may be a bottomless hole, but I'll be glad if some of you jumps with me !

    SPOILER ALERT, MAYBE PLOT POINTS RELATED TO : - Guild Wars Beyond : Winds of Change - Sea of Sorrows (Book) - GW2 Personal Story - All GW2 Living World chapters up to now including LS1

    Topic : In light of the countless hardships anyone in Tyria faced : How the hell could the Tengus alone defend the Dominion of Winds and prevent any invasion ?

    We know for certain at least two unexplored areas owned by the Tengus : - West of Lion's Arch (Old and new), there is a wall with 4 tengus scouts guarding the path to what used to be D'Alessio Seaboard. (Temple of Tolerance music intensifies) - East of Caledon Forest and South of Kessex Hills, there is an island once known as Sanctum Cay. Aagain, Walls are clearly visible with a Tengu hero challenge in front of a door and one Tengu asking for help against destroyers.

    There is two smaller islands we have yet to visit which could house some birdpersons : - Between Sanctum Cay and Southsun Cove - The old D'Alessio PvP Arena just south of Claw Island. This arena was part of GW Prophecies before the introduction of the Battle Isles.

    Some things to consider : - As of now, we only witness the Dominion's walls on actual lands surrounding it. - The actual lands we can assume to house Tengus are Sanctum Cay and D'Alessio Seaboard which are separated by the sea. - If Tengu people inhabits the previously mentioned small islands, they are even more scattered than we may think.

    With that said, we can try to guess what threats the Tengus had, have and will face.

    From the Ocean :

    In 1219 AE, we know firsthand that Tengus who fled Cantha had to go through Zhaitan's undeads before even establish a foothold. We don't know how many left Cantha and if there were casualties during migration but I don't recall ever seeing risen Tengus. I find hard to believe that no Tengus died during the trip when we know they had to deal with the tsunami caused by the Rising of Orr and attacks from various colossal risen monsters dwelling in the ocean at the time. As described in the book Sea of Sorrows (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Maw).

    Anyway, they succeeded. So assuming there were no casualties they did not expend farther on the continent and finished to build their walls somewhere between their arrival in 1219 AE and 1325 AE when we begin GW2 personal story.

    So, yeah, great, no trespassers from the land. This is genius ! But what about the seaside ? Did they build walls into the Sea of Sorrows too ? A wall that would have to reach from bottom of the ocean to a fair amount above sea level ? Even in this world, I don't think it's remotely possible. Then, weren't they vulnerable to any and all aquatic threats we witnessed thus far ?

    • Pirates
    • Corsairs
    • Risen Bone Ships
    • Swimming risen getting ashore
    • Karkas
    • Kraits

    Well, I don't think I need to be exhaustive... you got the point.

    From Below Ground :

    We know since launch that the Dominion of Winds has destroyers popping from the ground. But destroyers aren't the only subtearran things we meet. There is few friendly dredges out there and we even encounter some bad ones as near as Bloodtide Coast in Kryta. Don't forget the insane amount of Skritts in every area of the Tyria which can be violent, to say the least. We can imagine some Mordremoth vines in there as well.

    From the Sky :

    This part is my favourite. This is where, sadly, the 4th wall exploded to my face and I began ignoring any following story releases. We know how to fly since a bit before fighting Zhaitan with the introduction of Charr choppers, Glory of Tyria and smaller zepelins.

    At that very moment, this one particular instant when all people of Tyria decided to share their knowledge to miraculously engineer multiple flying vessels is where any notion of safety or isolation became irrelevant. The Overpowered Pact Fleet which was created in less than an in-game year (1325 - 1326 AE) just megalasered an Elder Dragon. Somewhere after Zhaitan's demise, we got to know the Zephyrites, who knew how to fly even earlier than us with crystal-powered giga mega wood vessel. But wait, Rata Sum is floating so I guess Asuras knew how for a long time too ? Or at least levitate to some height ?

    These people are all about peace and love, so I guess making the Dominion of Winds a no-fly-zone was not a problem for them. But no one had the curiosity to even look a bit from afar ?

    Wwhat about evil factions that have access to flying machines or just have actual wings ? Let's take a trip down LS1 memory lane.

    Do you remember what Aetherblades were all about ? MOTHA-TREE F-WORD SKY PIRATES ! With lots of actual available airships before we destroyed the ones in their lair (+ Mai Trin's last one for AP :p) We have no signs, not a single clue whether Aetherblades attacked the Dominion of Winds. Which I find odd since their HQ was actually in Tengu territory with the secret entrance being just a bit into the cliff next to the Tengu's wall.

    On the same note, we do not know if Scarlet with her giant drill thingy to awaken Mordry, even looked above the wall or visited their land. The scars left by Scarlet on several core Tyria maps don't need to be developed further. I just wonder what kind of damage she could have done inside the Dominion.

    If Tequatl-like risen attacked Claw Island and Sparkfly Fen, why was the Dominion safe from risen ?

    To end this section, be ready : THE ONE AND ONLY NEVER-ENDING MYSTERY OF THE WIZARD'S TOWER. By looking at the world map, Isgarren's castle is not only inside Tengu territory. We know that the Wizard's Tower can be moved, can Isgarren move freely in the area ? Besides, the bay of the village of Garrenhoff is open to the sea. Which mean that any boat coming in or out is basically sailling in the Dominion of Winds.

    What kind of relation Isgarren have with the Tengus ?

    From Out of Nowhere Portals :

    I don't want to elaborate much on this topic as I find this sort of transportation lame. What about all the random spawning invaders we faced so far ?

    • Scarlet's weirdos alliances
    • Joko's awakened attacks
    • Ley Anomalies
    • Riftstalkers
    • Bloodstone-crazed creatures
    • and so on

    After all the time passed since the Tengu's migration, why the hell do they start to react now ? Knowing their walls are pointless from the very moment they were erected.

    Some other topics :

    What does the population look like ? How many are they ? How many are workers, fighters, etc ? How do they sustain themselves ? Depending on their numbers, the Dominion of Winds is so small I don't know what they can grow to eat. How were they even able to build the walls AND defending it at the same time ? With their technology and belongings from their past home, I find it hard to believe they could raise such structures so fast. I don't recall Tengus to be well-versed in building things so... what kind of power did they use to build and sculpt those insane walls ? Why leave most of the land open to invaders when as far as we know their technology is far from advanced, with sword, bow and some healers ?

    TL;DR : I'm surprised that the Tengus inside the Dominion of Winds were able to dodge all the shitstorm that happened in-game. All vilains just ignored them for some reasons. We have zero pieces of information regarding this area despite the fact that we technically can take the boat or just fly above since dawn of GW2. Wizard's Tower stuff.

    submitted by /u/DaKureman
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    Are the Tenugs...eyeright? (Sorry for the bad pun lol)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Teriyaki Tiger - The Chef themed toon (mostly for anyone curious about him in my last post)

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:00 PM PST

    Awesome easy-to-miss skin change!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:12 PM PST

    Awesome easy-to-miss skin change!

    I absolutely love this and actually wished for it several times.

    This is exactly what I've wanted and I think this is a great change especially for veterans who gets tons of skins in this way and don't want to use them right away.

    Consumable skins that grant 1 transmutation charge.

    Thank you anet for doing something clever and nice for the community. I hope this becomes the new standard!

    I actually didn't believe my eyes when I first saw this. I had to run to the vendor, preview the boxes and see for myself.


    submitted by /u/Ionenschatten
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    Teapot shows new kind of reward for Gw2 community events on stream

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Mysterious Murders In Tyria - Episode 1: Origin - Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:41 AM PST

    Should I just accept that this game isn't for me and move on?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    So far, I've played many different mmorpgs, from free2play ones like Dekaron, Perfect World or Cabal to tripple A titles like World Of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14. I also really like to try new ones from time to time, and I've only heard the best things about Guild Wars 2 ...

    Usually, leveling tends to be by far my favorite aspect of mmorpgs. Learning about your class, exploring the world they are in, doing quests (I also usually read every single quest text a game throws at me).

    Guild Wars 2 happens to be the very first mmorpg that manages to bore me to death with its leveling process. It weirdly feels more like work than like having fun. Being a completionist doesn't really help either.

    So far, it took me a bit over a week to get my human necromancer to lvl 31 ... yes, I did the character quests as soon es they came up. No, I did not find them engaging in the slightest.

    Did I just pick the wrong race? Does it get better over time? Or should I just accept that my own interests clash too much with this game and move on?

    submitted by /u/Belorum1991
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    Had to draw Taimi, she’s the best!! ��

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:03 PM PST

    Casca (from Berserk) cosplay at GW2

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 09:37 AM PST

    How To Chrono - The Burst

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 06:38 PM PST

    Drm Lake Doric Cm Solo

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:23 AM PST

    Bloodtide Coast DRM QuickGuide

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:51 PM PST

    Hey everyone! Just finished up the Quickguide for this boss fight in my normal fun way! Hope you all enjoy! I really appreciate the love and support!


    submitted by /u/Pritch7
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    Apparently weapons can be Unique now and not just trinkets?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 08:54 AM PST

    So, I was running pistol/pistol on my holo with 2xQadim's Assaulter Pistol in a mainhand/alternate offhand configuration. This morning, I unequipped the offhand one by mistake and found I couldn't reequip it. On closer examination, both pistols were marked 'unique' in the same way as trinkets. I can equip both in mainhand or both in offhand, but not main/off in any configuration. Anyone experience this before? Already submitted a support ticket and a forum post.

    Picture here: https://imgur.com/a/cU7UvDA

    submitted by /u/Vjetar
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