• Breaking News

    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 I have a friendly champion sandshark i dragged across the map for you necro's hanging out afk.

    Guild Wars 2 I have a friendly champion sandshark i dragged across the map for you necro's hanging out afk.

    I have a friendly champion sandshark i dragged across the map for you necro's hanging out afk.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:45 AM PST

    New year on gw2 !!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:18 PM PST

    MightyTeapot's events Roadmap for 2021 RECAP PvP and PvE tournaments of all kinds confirmed

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 04:22 PM PST

    [Suggestion] Infinite Slayer Potion

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:53 AM PST

    Click it. Potion opens up a vendor. A list of potions you can choose appears (as in the Guild Hall Boosters.)

    Why Implement it?

    Pros for Arenanet:

    Shared Inventory slot sells will increase. Arenanet will make more money.

    Pros for Players:

    Dungeons/Fractals/World Events will be easier since obtaining pots will relatively be easier. Nobody has to carry each type of the potions in their bags or banks anymore.

    How to obtain ?

    I don't want to suggest how to obtain this infinite potion and leave it to developpers and players imagination but one simple idea could be obtaining 250 of each Powerfull Potion somehow and throw them into mystic forge as in Fractal Omnipotion. with a gift called Gift of Alchemist? Gift of Potion? I really don't know ^^

    I would like to hear your comments!

    submitted by /u/rayman903
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    WvW Zerg Staff Thief Build

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    �� Happy New Year ��

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:39 PM PST

    One year in GW2

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:49 PM PST

    I am now approaching my first GW2 anniversary and thought I would make a post noting some milestones and what I have experienced and achieved during the last 12 months. Thank you in advance for indulging me if you do bother to read this wall of text!

    Special thanks to everyone who has helped me but especially the great people of the officially unofficial GW2 discord who have put up with me and my constant questions (and whining) during the last year - it has been much appreciated. Special mention to Fae, Shadow, Dak and Raseus who I think have put up with me the most.


    By way of a little background, I previously played GW1 (playing it almost exclusively during 2018 and 2019). I have both GWAMM and 50/50 HoM. It was actually my titles that made me try GW2 because I found the idea of a level 1 character running around with the GWAMM title and absolutely no idea what they were doing hilarious (this did come back to bite me once). I had the account set up and both expansions purchased some time ago (I always thought I might give it a shot) but logged in and made a start at the beginning of January 2020.

    I have mained elementalist (primarily tempest, sorry but weaver still confuses me) and have total ele playtime of just over 1,000 hours. Total across all characters is just shy 1,300 hours. I won't lie, at least 100 or so hours will be AFK… maybe more.

    My approach to the game is, I understand, different to a lot of people. I wanted to recapture the original experience as much as possible. This meant not using guides straight away, not skipping ahead and generally trying to figure things out in release order for myself. Some people may think I'm a masochist but this included first core map completion prior to entering HoT (i.e. pre mounts etc).

    I may be considered a filthy open world casual by some of you at this stage as I have not got far in fractals (Tier 2 at the moment with 81 AR) and I haven't done any raids. Sorry. I did foray into strikes in December and have now managed to complete them all at least once so that is something!

    I have made a few (too many) gem store purchases but I have a hard and fast rule of not turning gems to gold and not buying black lion keys (that way lies danger). I've broken the key rule once when they were on sale but thankfully got nothing good and regretted it so I won't make that mistake again.

    My goals for the year

    After googling, wikiing and generally chatting on the GW2 discord when I started, I set myself a number of goals for the year as follows:

    • Finish all of the story including living world and expansions. (Achieved)
    • Full game map completion (Achieved – core map completion finished twice!)
    • All dungeons stories completed (Achieved)
    • Full ascended gear (Achieved)
    • All mounts (Achieved)
    • All PvE Mastery Points excluding raids (Achieved)
    • 3 legendary weapons (Achieved – Bifrost, Bolt, Meteorlogicus – this one I really did not expect to finish but managed a mad rush on the final day to finish it off)
    • One piece of legendary armour (Achieved – light chest armour)
    • All Professions to 80 (Achieved – I have 10 level 80s now – one of each profession and an extra ele for WvW)
    • All crafting disciplines maxed (Achieved – ignoring scribe as I made the conscious decision to exclude it)
    • Full home instance bar that one expensive chest (Achieved – with the exception of the super adventure box node which I somehow just forgot existed at the time)
    • All large map Meta events (Achieved - some I have done much more than others, sorry PoF and LWS4 but you lag too much :()
    • All world bosses (Achieved)
    • Acquire catmander tag (Achieved)

    From the above you can see I have basically achieved everything I set out to do which I am pretty proud of and was absolutely not the case when I started writing this up at the beginning of December. I have received a lot of motivation from other players pushing me to finish what I could in December with the final one coming down to the last day. Overall, it was a great experience but I do not think I will set quite so many goals for next year!

    Interesting/stupid experiences:

    • Level 1-2 me grabbing all of my HoM rewards and then proceeding to be stubborn and refuse to play further until I could apply the skins. This lasted for over an hour while helpful people explained how to do it. Many screenshots shared and debates later (I think they all thought I was trolling or stupid) we realised you don't unlock the ability to transmute gear until level 6 or whatever if it is the first character on your account. Good use of time.
    • At around level 30 I joined my first guild. Everyone was super nice and we chatted a bit but I realised during most of my play time it was silent, no biggie we all have different schedules. Took me a couple of weeks to realise I had joined an NA guild as an EU player (I'm still a member :D)
    • I was stuck trying to reach a vista in Orr at around level 72 and asked in map chat. Someone proceeded to help me and we exchanged a few messages about me being new etc. When they reached me, they saw my GWAMM title and did not know it was from GW1 and got very upset and offended claiming I was trying to scam them by pretending I was new when I obviously couldn't be if I had that title. They left and I was sadface for a little while :(.
    • It was nearly midnight on the day I reached victory or death for the first time. I convinced myself to carry on and finish because I was so close to finishing the story only to have the mission crash during a cutscene over and over (and I mean a lot of crashes over a couple of hours as my blood pressure slowly began to rise). I was stubborn and decided there was no way I was not going to finish it. This led to me being so tired when I fought the mouth at about 2am that I didn't read anything. I decided this was the hardest boss fight ever as it took no damage from any attacks and only a small amount of burning sometimes. I whittled it down to 12% hp before I threw a stone at it and it popped. I was so confused.
    • The first time I did the not-so-secret jumping puzzle it took me over five hours. I was only there because I needed my final core mastery point and I had been told the goggle one was probably an easy option. I left all the jumping puzzle goggles until last opting to do the other easier ones first. This I decided was a terrible mistake when I spent longer on not-so-secret than getting all of the others combined. Eventually I got a lot of help from a friendly Mesmer and we spent the final couple of hours together finishing it. I then burnt through all of my TP to a friend going up and down until I managed to land the goggle jump! I recently retried not-so-secret and was astounded when I cleared it in less than 20 minutes… that is progress.

    I have done many silly things in this game and I wish I could remember them all – deleting a stack of mystic coins was a low point – I will add any that I can remember later.

    Things that nearly made me quit:

    • Trying to work out HoM skins at level 2
    • The terrible Zhaitan fight which I was certain would be epic. I was certain after he fell to the ground we would go down and battle him for real... nope. Thankfully I was convinced that there were better fights to come.
    • Repeated cutscene crashes that made me repeat story instances over and over again from the very start
    • Burnout. When things are not fun do not do them… A lesson I sometimes forget and end up regretting.

    What do I like most about GW2:

    • The people. While I have experienced a couple of toxic people almost everyone has been amazing. From being given bags and at least an hour of 1 to 1 Q&A / help when I first started to people being willing to login and join a party to help me with a random dungeon/bounty so I can finish off a collection or more recently a legendary at very short notice.
    • Story and lore. As a GW1 player, this is what primarily brought me here. I know the story gets a bad wrap from some people but I genuinely enjoy it and I can forgive a few plot holes here and there. Overall, I think the game does a good job with it.
    • Unique combat. Coming from GW1 I was initially not a fan of the action-based combat of GW2 but after trying it out for a while I could not help but be impressed. Interestingly I think GW2 is similar to GW1 in the sense that its combat is unique to all other competitors I have seen in the market but at the same time it is also completely unique to GW1. Additionally, they are similar in the sense that you have to know and be prepared for the enemies you will face – they all have unique abilities and attack patterns that can catch you off guard if you are not prepared.
    • Mounts – the best realisation of mounts in a game that I have seen. I have enjoyed using all of them and only the Springer does not really get any love since it has basically been replaced by the Skyscale for me… the rest I use frequently.
    • Character Progression – playing it in order from scratch gives you an amazing feeling of progression and accomplishment
    • META events, I do not know any other game that has such large-scale events like these. The first time I did Dragon Stand it blew my mind.
    • There is so god damn much to learn and do. I feel like I still have not even scratched the surface of this game despite an entire year and far too many hours of playing. Cannot wait to see what else I can learn in the new year!
    • WvW. I used to play EvE online a lot and WvW might be the first time I have managed to recapture the intense combat of EvE online but without the job required to support it. You can Zerg (fleet combat) or roam (solo/small gang) and it genuinely brings me the same feels that EvE used to. As I only stopped playing EvE due to the time commitment this was a big and most welcome surprise - I have thoroughly enjoyed playing and will be playing a lot more in the year to come.
    • Edit1: I really like how you can achieve almost anything in GW2 via a variety of methods. My memory was jogged on this one by a question on legendary armour crafting - I love that you can choose to either do raids, WvW or PvP to get your armour rather than simply being restricted to one game mode. This holds true with almost everything in GW2 and it can make all game modes feel rewarding and like you are not missing out.

    Goals for 2021

    I have already begun thinking of my goals for the new year but am completely open to any suggestions or recommendations that anyone might have. Let me know if there is anything you think I might be missing out on!

    Below are my current ideas but I do not think I will pick all of them as I do not want to overload myself and burn out – I will likely pick a few that sound the most interesting.

    • Finish one set of legendary armour (5 more pieces)
    • Craft 3 legendary weapons
    • Craft Aurora
    • Craft Vision
    • Unlock every elite spec in full
    • Properly learn to complete every strike
    • Clear every raid and unlock all raid masteries
    • Complete T4 Fractals


    Happy to answer any questions you might have – whether you are new and starting out or a bitter veteran who wants to know what it is like for new players starting the game!

    Thanks for stopping by!


    Edit 1: Edited to add in an additional like!

    submitted by /u/Silimaur
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    Is this an accurate summary of the relative strengths of classes in the various modes?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:27 AM PST

    Based on godsofpvp, discretize, snow crows, metabattle, etc. it seems that:

    Elementalist: Tempest better in PvP, WvW, OW; Weaver better in Raids & Fractals

    Engineer: Both good in PvP and OW; Scrapper better in WvW, Holo better in Raids & Fractals

    Guardian: Both good in OW; DH better in PvP, Firebrand better in Raids, Fractals, WvW

    Mesmer: Both good in OW; Chrono better in Raids, Fractals, WvW; Mirage better in PvP

    Necro: Both good in OW; Reaper better in PvP and Fractals, Scourge better in Raids and WvW

    Ranger: Druid better in PvP and Raids, Soulbeast better in Fractals, WvW, OW

    Revenant: Both good in PvP and OW, Herald better in WvW, Renegade better in Raids & Fractals

    Thief: Daredevil better everywhere

    Warrior: Berserker better in Raids and Fractals; Spellbreaker better in PvP, WvW, OW

    submitted by /u/nonchalantnotice264
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    Preview item help

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    ...is there a way to default "preview" of things at "wielded" status?

    It would seem like an obvious thing to default, so I just assume I'm missing it in the config somewhere, but I don't see anything from googling.

    submitted by /u/styopa
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    Celebrating Wintersday with other festive gamers -- I love this community!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Difficulties to find events after "new event nearby" message

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:13 AM PST

    Sometimes I see the message "new event nearby", but I have no clue in which direction I should head. Sometimes I can find it, sometimes not.

    Is there any trick to tell where that event mentioned is taking place or is it more or less looking around?

    submitted by /u/DreizehnX
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    Is there any fun professions? Should I buy Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools from BLTC?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:58 AM PST

    I'm a returning player and I think this time I would like to get into professions, not to make gold, but rather to make fun items. Are there any professions that make toys or any special items?

    I also noticed Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools is available on the AH, is that a good buy?

    edit: by professions I'm talking about crafting

    submitted by /u/Orefeus
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    Fastest gathering tools

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:53 AM PST

    Happy new year everyone !

    That question has been asked quite a lot already, but there are always conflicting answers and no real data to back them up.

    Last real datas are from 2018 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1stw9RIOjS2ENOelHPhp494ne90e2G3xQNUUfmQ6mXBs

    So, - without taking glyphs into account - and without number of hits of the tool (now, all gathering tools are equal on this anyway) Which are the current fastest gathering tools in all 3 categories ?

    Previous threads were conflicted on the fastest : - logging axe : some said Unbound Logging Axe, others Firestorm Logging Tool and some even talked about the Focussed Solar Logging Tool - mining pick : Unbound Mining Pick, Shifting Sand Mining Pick - people seem to agree on the Consortium Sickled being the fastest, but there are some interesting talks about the Thresher-Sickle 5000 being ultra efficient.

    But there might be bias on some tools because people did not take glyphs into account. Also other tools were released by now and maybe there are new "best in slot" tools.

    submitted by /u/Kronos_8
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    Crafting 2nd Twilight, need INFOrmation.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:09 AM PST

    Hello there, happy new year.
    ~Keep in mind, I'm a returning player with a 2 year gap.~
    Until recently, I had a Twilight on a Warrior character of mine. An ex-"family"-individual deleted my Twilight out of spite. I want to craft it again, but, I can't find definitive info on how to go about it. I can only find guides on a material list and crafting steps, which I've also used the first time around, years ago. A couple guild members have told me that precursors are only craftable once and I have to buy Dusk a second time around. Random players in map chat have told me that's not true because they've sold extra ones for gold income Thing is, almost everyone I've spoken to gives me cryptic answers as if I need to pay someone for some advanced crafting input or as if it's my fault that I don't know these things already. I'm stuck in the middle, I want to start the process and I can't find anything definitive on Google or Reddit. Any info on how exactly I would go about crafting Twilight on an account that has already crafted one in the first place, would be much appreciated.

    Apologies for the longish read, in my head, I had to give enough info for context.
    TL:DR How to craft a 2nd Twilight.

    P.S. To avoid needless replying and posting, support can't help me. Already reached out.

    submitted by /u/Life_of_Soki_Paine
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    question on difficulty

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 03:12 PM PST

    as i understand it this is on the more casual side of MMO's. and honestly after having just played a couple days of BDO, im looking for something like that. but with that being said if i wasnt looking for a LITTLE bit of grind and rng madness i wouldnt play an mmo i would play something else.

    outside of leveling, does this game have something like that? its not a deal breaker if it doesent, but sometimes im just in the mood to waste 2 or 3 hours on something brainless. something along the lines of kill a thousand of (x) to get (y). give or take.

    im still having fun so whatever to answer turns out to be im still going to play it to the end, but i just want to see just how mmo-like this mmo really is.

    edit- forgot to mention how hard does PVE get? obviously its an mmo so once you figure out a bosses mechanic its not difficult but... how complex do they become?

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    Time to weapon/armorsmithing yet? And how?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:54 AM PST

    Hey everyone and happy new year. I'm rather new to the game as my only character is a lvl 53 revenant and I wanted to start crafting. I've already went to lvl400 cooking following a quite good guide but i wanted to know how should i make my way into weapon/armorsmithing given that i much enjoy the sword gameplay of the revenant (and that i only play pve not pvp). I take any advice with open hand. Cheers to you and to a good 2021

    submitted by /u/FyreUx
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    Do saga episodes already have voice acting?

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:48 AM PST

    Just the title, I am curious if they already made it or you are all still waiting.

    submitted by /u/Stinkyundead
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