• Breaking News

    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Guild Wars 2 Bubbles the Deep Sea Quaggan!

    Guild Wars 2 Bubbles the Deep Sea Quaggan!

    Bubbles the Deep Sea Quaggan!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:01 PM PST

    Shout out to the GW2 Raid Academy

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:14 AM PST

    I have played GW2 since launch. I raided in WoW but never tried to raid in GW2 because of time limitations and because it felt a bit too much like work.

    I joined the GW2 Raid Academy about a month back with an eye to getting into raids a bit but didn't do much other than join the discord server. I thought I would dive in when their "Zero to Hero" raid event was announced.

    What an absolute pleasure. I only managed to get in one raid boss because of time limitations on my side but it was a great experience. The mentor (Queen Namorita) was patient and friendly and I had a lot of fun. I am sure the other people did too. There were plenty of other groups and the server had guides on a lot of the builds.

    You guys (and gals) are an asset to the GW2 community. I will definitely be joining some more groups in the future.

    submitted by /u/SomethingMatter
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    Really happy Arenanet throws in these references to a Charr Pact Commander's personal story in Icebrood Saga

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:07 PM PST

    King Caudecus of Kryta

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    DRM clear mobs like a pro

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:28 PM PST

    Try Raptor 1, charr bazooka 1, then charr bazooka 2 combo on the mobs.

    Two people doing this will wipe out the group of mobs even without stripping their protection because bazooka 2 does ~27000-29000 damage on the first hit alone and then leaves a power damage aoe like ele staff 2 for 4 seconds each hitting for ~5k. If you tilt your camera to bird's eye view too down onto your character, the bazooka 2 backward leap also travels a shorter distance. This means you can do the combo then drop the bazooka and use your weapon skills to finish off that one or two almost dead elite.

    So far with our party doing this we've managed 8/9 attempts at all CMs across various maps. We didn't dps the boss particularly fast or anything, we just had a ton of extra time from finishing the events leading up to it so fast.

    Thought I'd share this, Good luck to your crms!

    submitted by /u/Kfct
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    The Commander And The Champion

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:40 PM PST

    GW2 Raids: Solo W3 Escort on a Mesmer

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:06 PM PST


    A few years ago I brought you solo escort on a reaper: http://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7ki3dm/gw2_raids_solo_escort/

    In that original post I redacted quite a bit, but after taking a 3 year recess, and coming back to find that some other people have managed to solo escort and posted their POV, and that ArenaNet has all but abandoned raids, I wanted to show how it could be done on mesmer!



    • Total time was 53 minutes. 42 minutes of which was spent fighting McLeod -_-

    • To kill the wrong-color clone, I used a combination of life stealing food, sigils (blood and leeching- draining doesn't work on the wrong-color although it works on the right-color), and maintaining retaliation.

    • This is a very relaxed run, and a couple of minutes could be shaved off of both the run up to McLeod and the McLeod fight. Even still, it probably can't ever beat the Herald POV. Portal and no-kill tower capping beats everyone at getting TO McLeod but Mesmer does not have as much access to life steal as Herald to kill McLeod.

    • I'm well aware that I jumped out of the map for this POV. It can be done without jumping out of the map, but that's slower, and no fun. The point of this video is to highlight that raids are indeed a meme and to showcase some of the tricks [VIP] developed for escort over the years.

    • There are some things unique to this POV that you won't see in the others that have been posted: I don't bother going into the cave, I don't bother killing wargs or trash mobs on the towers, and the towers are capped out of order.

    About Me:

    submitted by /u/chrish162
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 33 - Bloodstone Fen

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    33 of 52 - Bloodstone Fen - Level 80

    Bloodstone Fen is one hell of an odd map. The poster child of Season 3 experimentation in map and gameplay design, Fen is tall and thin where other maps are broad and wide. It has gliding mechanics seen only on one other map (by the same design subteam), as well as a level of tie-in to the raid stories and characters not seen anywhere else.

    The first map after Heart of Thorns, this was the beginning of an unprecedented level of consistency in content delivery from the Arenanet team. It's hard to remember now, but before this the company had never really managed to hold true on promises of release cadence, save for a few short months at a time. Beginning with Season 3, they would consistently hold to release schedules (for Living World releases, mind you) until the end of Season 4.

    What that kind of pace brings with it is, as we mentioned in our primer analysis, a lot of borrowing and cross-pollination across teams within the company. This was the first of a number of maps where we see ideas brought over from the Raid team - who for a brief time served as the vanguard for experimental PvE gameplay elements and structures that were then brought over to the open world.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    Bloodstone Fen, perhaps more than anything else, is about flying. Taking a look back at the fun of gliding in Heart of Thorns, one gets the sense that the design team sat in a meeting and asked "where could we take this next?" The additional magic glider skills on this map are a blast, and the most fun to be had in the air until the release of the griffon mount. There is an incredible sense of freedom and joy in movement that is perhaps at odds with the catastrophic scene around us on this map.

    On top of that, we have a throughline of mystery and investigation. Tied into the raid storyline, this was a time where we weren't quite sure where the story was going to go next. Would we see a full return of the Mursaat, hiding away somewhere in a pocket dimension? Would we go to the Isles of Janthir? If you look at the first two maps released this season, it didn't seem that unreasonable. So lorehounds pored over every clue on the map, and the team provided a lot of them. The journal entries presented on this map are some of the best in-map lore documents that the team has ever done, to my mind. Piecing together what on earth happened on this map to cause such destruction is incredibly satisfying.

    Finally, and it feels silly to say it out loud, but this map is about explosions. Not just the big one that caused the whole shape of the map in the first place, but practically every enemy here has some kind of bloodstone detonation mechanic. If you are not on your toes you will be blown to kingdom come. This brings with it its own frustrations, but is a neat angle that certainly marks the White Mantle and Bloodstone enemies as different from other npc factions.

    Lore - 9/10

    One of the great reliefs for lore aficionados in Season 3 was the return of real lore to the game. Following Heart of Thorns, one wondered if we would ever see lore documents, info dumps, or mysteries given the same focus that they had been given in the past. But thankfully, the lore jumps back to the forefront in an enormous way in this map.

    This map, in combination with the associated raid wings, gives a surprisingly whole picture of what on earth the White Mantle have been up to the last couple hundred years, with a special focus on the last decade. Throw in some dark experiments that rely on one of the biggest and juiciest mysteries left over from Guild Wars 1, and you've got a satisfying package.

    On top of all of that, we have one of the strangest inclusions here in terms of lore delivery in an open world map: npcs from a raid wing. They're here to stand around, sell you things, and tell you what's been happening in the associated raid. Why didn't we get more of this? This only ever shows up one more time, and never quite to this extent: some NPCs in Domain of Vabbi and Jahai Bluffs will reference the Mystic Forge and Ahdashim wings.

    Design - 7/10

    The design of Bloodstone Fen reminds me most of an ant farm. It is narrow and tall, with a ridiculous amount of vertical space, all boxed in by a very visible wall. It's astonishing, frankly, how well the 'giant red magic wall' works in this context, such that I've never thought twice about it despite how artificial it is.

    Boiled down to the essentials, we have four main 'meta areas' which are separated vertically rather than horizontally - with two of those areas containing meta bosses. Up in the higher floating islands we have a meta focused around portals dropping in creatures from around the world, culminating in a minor bloodstone golem fight. Further down, we have Justiciar Hablion and the White Mantle arena - which consists mainly of a pre-event and boss fight on a short timer. On the ground level below, we have a short event meta which happens routinely at night, but which no group ever bothers to do because it's tuned oddly with no real associated reward. Finally, in the enormous crater itself, we have the meat of the map - the jade golem meta followed by the Unbound Guardian boss fight (with elements borrowed from the raid wings).

    There are surprisingly few events on this map, at 24 - with three of those being close the portal events on the upper islands, and two being different versions of the White Mantle Cleric boss. Combined with the very narrow nature of the map, this combines to create a sense of a small and intimate map - despite the actual amount of play space vertically. These elements together with the size of the zone on the world map actually led to a small outcry when the map was released worrying about the ability of the Arenanet team to deliver maps through Living World. At least in terms of pure map size, we would later find out we needn't worry with maps like Draconis Mons and a number of Living World Season 4 zones.

    We can see in the design of this map a push-and-pull between Heart of Thorns design principles and what would come to be a Living World Season 3 structure. While future maps in the season would bring back renown heart areas to produce a 'pseudo-vanilla' map structure, this map has none. It is closer to Heart of Thorns maps in that sense. However, it does introduce the 'two alternating boss metas' as anchoring the overall design, something that will become the dominant meta design structure for Living World Season 3 and 4 until we get to Dragonfall (with the exception of Siren's Landing).

    Gameplay - 6/10

    What immediately sticks out for Bloodstone Fen in terms of gameplay is its difficulty. It retains the challenging nature of open world design in Heart of Thorns by introducing tough-as-nails White Mantle mobs. You will find different opinions on this depending on who you ask. On the one hand, it does introduce the White Mantle immediately as a real and present threat, and makes both this map and Lake Doric seem like real warzones. You have to fight for every inch of ground. On the other hand, feedback about Heart of Thorns difficulty and this map will lead to future maps in both this season and Path of Fire backing off on the tough mobs - becoming more 'soloable' in the process.

    We've already talked about how the main attraction of gameplay on this map is movement. Riding the leylines, using the wild magic glider abilities, it still feels good even after you've ridden a griffon. There is nothing quite so satisfying as riding around all the way to the top of the map to mine rare materials, or jumping all the way down from there to the jade constructs. It's exhilarating.

    Beyond that though, it's hard to deny that the aforementioned White Mantle enemies and bloodstone creatures have some, shall we say… anti-zerg mechanics. Being tossed around like a ragdoll by tiny bloodstone elementals might not be for everyone.

    The main meta on the map, the jade constructs and Unbound Guardian boss, are fun with an appropriately sized group. The White Mantle Cleric and Justiciar Hablion, on the other hand, border on simply frustrating.

    Art - 8/10

    Bloodstone Fen sticks out a bit simply because no map looks quite like it. The permanent red magical haze and lighting, the dominance of enormous chunks of bloodstone floating in the air, the sense that everything has gone horribly wrong… few maps have come close in terms of depicting total disaster, save perhaps for Kessex Hills or Verdant Brink. The map has to get points alone for having a color palette that we just don't find anywhere else.

    But then on top of that you have some really neat and haunting images, like the burn marks at the epicenter of the blast from the white mantle who were at the ritual. Special shoutout to the airship on this map, where we really have one of the few examples of an airship with a crew running around really feeling like they're flying the ship.

    Regardless of whatever else we think about the map, I think we can agree that it has a haunting quality: something that makes it unsettling to play on in some ways. In fact, I believe that might be part of the reason it doesn't enjoy as much popularity as other LWS3 maps - it really feels like a horrible disaster zone.

    Long Term/Retention - 6/10

    I would pin Bloodstone Fen in the middle of the pack in terms of LWS3 retention. It's not at the top, simple because of how difficult the mobs are and how low the returns are on the map's unique material. If you're not running jades or Hab, you're not getting a lot of blood rubies. In fact, many feel to this day that the drop rate for rubies is oddly low for the difficulty of the events on the map. However, the rewards for blood rubies are fairly enticing - some of the only ascended accessories or backpacks with stat prefixes which can be reset using an item purchasable on this map. With the advent of legendary accessories, this is less of a draw.

    Overall - 7/10

    Like Southsun Cove, Bloodstone Fen sticks out in its strangeness. It is the last of the pure HoT map designs, before renown hearts make a comeback and the game switches to a 'hybrid' map design structure. It has movement and other mechanics which exist on no other map. It is weirdly narrow and alarmingly deep. It has a strangely steep difficulty spike, and meta events that seem disjointed - strange for a map that again is more of a pure HoT map in structure. Finally, it has an oddly stingy reward distribution level - producing a map that all things considered is a mix of fun and frustrating.


    That's all, folks! What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others? Next week, you'd better prep for the heat, because we'll be headed to Ember Bay.

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Deldrimor Infusion + Legendary Envoy Armor

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:14 AM PST

    drawing weapons with the infusion equipped makes it so the infusion only affects the skin+hair, and not the entire characted with armor included, finally got infu today and i'am positively surprized because i actually get to wear it just because of that :D

    submitted by /u/Azzinaughty
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    [BUG] BUG and PSA for those who care. Frost Legion track awards dominion cyrstal box

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:54 AM PST

    When the developers made WvW, why the make Minitures visible to enemy players?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:21 AM PST

    I never quite understood why the developers made this decision in the first place to make them visible to enemy players. I could understand allies seeing them, but dont see the point of enemy seeing them, since they can let enemies know where you are in stealth. I never knew that was a thing at first until I came across a thread on here about it from about 5 years ago. I dont really see it mentioned on other forums.

    Just curious, has this been patched since then?

    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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    Deldrimor Stoneskin Infusion bug on legendary armors after unsheathing/sheathing weapon T.T

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 05:42 PM PST

    Noob here, confused on classes?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    I'm from FFxiv and after hundreds of dollars and hours spent on an MMO I dont like I've come to GW2. I used to be really into GW but obviously thats very different from this one and I also don't remember much.

    So I guess I'm just confused on what I've read. I've read that Rangers are boring but good, necromancer are boring and lackluster, thieves are mediocre, and warriors and elementalist suck.

    I cant seem to find up to date info either on what exactly each classes role is or however that works. Any help would be awesome

    Edit: Wow thanks for all the answers guys! I feel like I have a much better understanding of what the classes are now and decided to go engineer to start out. I appreciate the help everyone explaining how GW2 works!

    submitted by /u/Gambinoxmhw
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    Chrono starting tips/guides.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:46 AM PST


    I have been playing the game since 2013 and I have always found mesmer to have a high skillcap but after learning and playing most of the other classes and joining a raiding guild on top of that I think it's time to dive into Mesmer and learn it well.

    Playing very little and watching a few guides online it seems there is already a lingo surrounding the Chrono that people assume we already know and here are a few examples:

    • What is the difference between a Phantasm, Clone and illusion?
    • What does Shatter mean? Just the Chrono skills?
    • What is STM?
    • When do you use a boon chrono?
    • What are the common builds for a chrono?

    I have seen Chronos saying I'm going boon, I'm going STM, I'm 10 man alac and it seems there is a very big variety of builds that I don't even know where to start looking into.

    Metabattle doesn't seem to be that useful for endgame PVE and snowcrows just give a rough description of what each build is good for without providing context in terms of team composition(when should I bring that build).

    Effectively I am looking for a quick answer to the above foggy questions as well as what are the builds I should look forward to learning?

    I am on my way to creating my second Legendary Armor(light) and I will probably wear it on my chrono to help using those builds.

    Any answers, tips, guides resources you can give me are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ZhaitanK
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    PSA - Karma bought Sickles that give bonus materials are working once again.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:39 AM PST

    Rejoice, your frostbitten volatile sickles of unbound magical gathering bought from karma vendors are once again working correctly.

    I am almost shocked that Anet fixed this problem in under 3 months. Hooray!

    submitted by /u/trotsky187
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    Anyone else having issues progressing with Vision?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:45 PM PST

    I'm currently working on the Visions of Istan quest line and I've defeated Warden Amala TWICE now while holding a memory essence encapsulator in my inventory and it's still showing up as incomplete. The encapsulators aren't in my shared inventory either. Am I missing something or is it a bug?

    submitted by /u/leeeelypad
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    Any Corsair Scimitar mouse users?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:28 AM PST

    Hi there,

    First of all sorry, I know this is not a hardware sub but I've heard a lot about Corsair Scimitar RGB Pro/Elite here and I have a question for users of the mouse.

    I have size 17x8cm hands (quite small). I really like the mouse and everything but when I rest my thumb on the side buttons, I end up pressing them by accident as I use the mouse. I am not sure how to grip the mouse as the small area above the side buttons is too far for me.

    Anyone else experiences this?

    submitted by /u/d8os-bodeech
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    Soulbeast VS Core Ranger For Open World

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    I've been switching a lot between soulbeast and core ranger for a bit now. And I just can't make my mind up for which is better. I don't really like merging with my pet at all. Because I play ranger for the pet. Sometimes I use my abilities then unmerge but that feels kind of clunky to me. So I thought I might get some outside perspective here. Both soulbeast and core I use metabattle for the builds. So soulbeast is "worldly impact" and core is "longbow beastmastery". I appreciate any responses.

    submitted by /u/dattodoesyeet
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