• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 6, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 We are the community behind the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki—ask us anything!

    Guild Wars 2 We are the community behind the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki—ask us anything!

    We are the community behind the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki—ask us anything!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Greetings and welcome to the second AMA of the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki community!

    The wiki is a player-run initiative intended to collect and present all game-related information in an accessible manner. While the site is hosted and owned by ArenaNet, its community consists of players like you and me, volunteering their free time to help others out. Everyone can be an editor and is very welcome to participate in this project.

    If you have ever wondered how this community works behind the scenes, you are in luck! We will be answering appropriate wiki-related questions until you run out of them. Learn about our motivation, our proceedings, who is responsible for the features and content you use daily, and most importantly, what you could do to become an editor yourself!

    This time, editors from all four language wikis (English, French, German, and Spanish) will be waiting for your questions.

    As with the last AMA, this event is open-ended, and everyone is free to come and go at their leisure. Since our editors are from all around the world, we have coverage from all time zones.

    Please be civil and respectful so everyone gets to enjoy this event. Additionally, please be aware that the wiki is not directly involved with ArenaNet, which means that we cannot answer questions relating to the development of the game.

    The following lists a small selection of people who will be here to answer your questions. Do keep in mind that these are by far not the only ones participating today, though!

    • u/Alexlecj (Gorgaan Peaudesang, FR wiki: patrol ("Arcanists"), is obsessed with story and lore)
    • u/doodleplex (EN/ES/FR wiki: EN admin, images & historical content | ES admin, anything to make the ES wiki usable | FR wiki, interwikis/link fixes)
    • u/DJembacz (Djemba, EN wiki: extended editor, does templates etc.)
    • u/Feldhamster (Almdudler, EN/DE wiki: extended editor, does story, achievements etc.)
    • u/FelixOmni (Felix Omni, EN wiki: admin, only wiki-er to attend fan parties, his face is a discord emoji)
    • u/Incarnazeus (EN wiki: admin, responsible for equipment images, patrolling, occasionally creating page header images)
    • u/IruleManik (FR wiki: admin, been there for a while)
    • u/Isekk (Kvothe, EN wiki: admin, patrolling, formatting, adding new items & achievements)
    • u/JajeNiya (Aylia, DE wiki: does lore-related things, NPCs, areas)
    • u/r0dolf (Graouuh, FR wiki: admin, does templates/widgets/everything, procrastinates a lot)
    • u/Saphirklaue (Saphir, DE wiki: updates skills, traits, other class-related things, occasionally dialogues)
    • u/SimeAi (Sime, EN wiki: extended editor, mother of choya, patrolling etc.)
    • u/theSkrool (Skrool, FR wiki: interface admin ("Scribe"), patrol ("Arcanists"), proud asura, does generally lore-related stuff)
    • u/Think421 (Think, DE wiki: admin, does overall structures, templates, recent changes, formatting)
    • u/ThisIsIsi2 (ThisIsIsi, DE wiki: admin, does maps, NPCs, achievements)
    • u/Zekiirah (Muirellthe Moon, ES & EN wiki: does interwikis, co-manages "On Wiki of Gold", combat & droprate data, updates Dry Top pages) & more!

    Ask us anything!

    PS: You can find the last AMA here.

    submitted by /u/Incarnazeus
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    Mesmer vs Necromancer (OC)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:59 AM PST

    gold mysteriously leaving wallet?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    i'm only level 11 so i'm fairly new but i noticed an issue. i'll accumulate about 100 gold and then i look at my wallet and i'm all the way back to 2. it's happened multiple times. i'm not spending it at all. does anyone know why this is happening?

    submitted by /u/woahhkayla
    [link] [comments]

    I just wanted to get some tokens.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:57 AM PST

    A reminder : never give up, the start of a match doesn't decide the outcome unless you idle to make it so.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Graphic enhancer preset - update2

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Please let us use shoulders on the empty shoulder with dominion tribune manica

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Bella was the name my first big doggo I ever had... didn’t know I could see her again.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:34 PM PST

    This is what's really wrong with sPvP

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Long ass post incoming. I've been contemplating posting this for some time now since I've basically given up on the game mode but I feel like a last love letter and criticism is necessary for me to finally make peace.

    I want to preface this post by saying that sPvP was my primary game mode for many years. I've seen many metas, good, bad and terrible come and go in that time and have been quite vocal about anets lack of direction, communication and irregular balance.
    The issues have been a long time coming and I am by no means saying things were always sunshine and roses in the past.

    With that said on average the game mode has slowly been regressing with fewer, more asinine changes coming through lately with anets changes being completely disconnected from their own goals of a slower, more deliberate combat system. I'll break this up into a few sections to try and make it easier to digest since I am writing this on my phone in bed.

    What is actually wrong with pvp?

    Well there's a lot wrong. Bots, hacking, small community, lack of support, poor balance cadence(not so much imbalance so much as stale metas) are all obvious things that the community brings up very regularly. I don't want go into these as these are not the core issues to me. They are products of an anet that doesn't understand the mode and doesn't care to invest into it. That's fine.

    The real issues in my opinion are two fold.
    1. Anet doesn't understand the mode and by extension their combat system.
    2. Incessant power creep in all its forms that are very much catered to wowing(pun intended) people with new content.

    Now what do I mean by the latter?
    Just before HoTs launch the game had the specialization update which combined many traits, changed a few and generally paved the way for the new elite specs.
    This was an incredibly good change and pvp was at its peak in terms of potential during this time, my excitement was high, my interest was even higher and God damn was I having fun.

    Enter HoT.
    The first expansion brought with it a great many good things for the game but unfortunately also started a trend in the combat that can only be described as spam.
    Cooldowns were universally lower.
    Damage was universally higher.
    Skills did more in every respect, more utility, higher number of skill facts across the board.
    Instead of fewer hard hitting singular hitting effects we now had skills that hit harder during its duration but hit way more times diminishing the effect of a well timed blind, dodge or block to mitigate damage.
    Boons went from being over 20seconds in duration to being much shorter and more regularly applied, the biggest problem of these were pulsing stability, might and some others.
    Conditions went from a more attrition based playstyle to bursty or a constant battle to remove and reapply as you play. Rather than being a skillful condition clear bait out you now were able to constantly apply condis and your enemies were able to constantly remove them.
    And I can't forget to mention aoe abilities. We got way more of them and way more of them meant way more pulsing blinds and effects.

    All of this came together to make pvp less of a thought provoking and skillful experience and dumb it down to an almost rotation like motion of constant application, removal, burst, disengage and re-engage when your short cooldowns were back up. At least in higher tier games. In lower tiers this had the effect of players running in, spamming everything and hoping for the best. Whomever died first lost the fight, very little thought required.

    Of course most notably on top of all of this skill and spam visual noise took a turn for the worst. Suddenly seeing a skill as simple as a guardian symbol ob the ground was an effort in futility underneath the necro greatsword field, tempest fields and a million other things and effects all over the place.

    Enter PoF.

    Anet double down HARD.
    All of the above were turned up to 11!
    Holo and scourge gave us eye cancer.
    Boons, sustain, damage and cc went through the roof and the game took another massive leap towards a place it couldn't return from.

    Enter the BIG BALANCE PATCH.

    Anet finally realizes the issue. And they did, the goal of this patch was spot on, perfect even. They nailed the analysis and I suspect that's because of the ex pro players being involved.

    Unfortunately the actual plans went in completely the wrong direction.
    Of the primary 4 things they did, only 2 remotely aligned with the goals they set.
    Let's start with those 2.
    Reduce damage. Great. Perfectly fine. Slow it down.
    Reduce healing and sustain.
    Perfect... But wait... There's more. I am of the opinion this should have come down way more, and I'm not talking about sheer healing numbers. I mean condi clears and boons. But I'll get to that soon.

    Cc doesn't do damage.
    Now this is a weird one, I initially thought this wasn't a bad idea but it was half arsed and didn't achieve anything. Since stability and other boons are harder to access on demand, which I'll get to in a second what exactly was the point here? To have people ping pong around until they one day escape or die? Anyway moving on.

    Finally the big one. The factor that proved to me they have no clue. The very thing I've been saying they should not do for fucking years.

    Reducing boon, condition duration.

    Just. No.

    The problem in the game is spam and a lack of deliberate gameplay. Boons themselves are not the issue. The frequency and the lack of player agency in applying them is the issue.

    Instead of reducing boon durations, boons should have been stripped from many many skills, pulsing boon effects should be a niche almost elite only ability(see warrior rampage). Having holo apply literally a bar full of boons by using 2 skills and passive effects from alchemy on a low cool down and low duration is the very opposite of deliberate gameplay.
    I want to see a return to warriors popping balances stance at a critical moment to deal omegalevel damage spikes without being locked down or securing a stomp(and then that valuable cool down is spent and he has to wait before that level of power is available again) not boons randomly popping off all over the fight with the player not giving a second though.

    The same goes for conditions.
    Why does every skill have several hits all applying a high stack count constantly rather than a higher damage amount and low stack count?
    To reduce spam they should INCREASE condition duration, reduce stack damage, reduce stack application on a skill by skill basis or straight up remove condi application from many skills.
    Obviously this requires that condition clear should be treated the same way. Every class should have numerous condition clears stripped away or at least make it so that hevay investment and tradeoff is required to gain access to heavy condition clear.
    By doing this suddenly even condition based builds require skill to play and play against rather than the spam apply and remove that is constantly the case in the game.

    Make the players think about when should I boon up, when should I remove condis, when should I apply large condi bombs.

    Pvp has dumbed down a lot over the years and I truly believe that it's too late to implement real change for the better. These kinds of changes are incredibly difficult to implement this late into the games lifespan and would literally require a combat and skill rework exclusively for pvp that is beyond what anet is willing or even capable of doing.

    Edit: forgot to mention that this all goes hand in hand with making it near impossible for players to learn from playing pvp. The games entire system makes it impossible for them to progress in skill when nothing is clear and everything is a visual and effect mess.

    Anyway though I would share my thoughts. Hope it made sense since I didn't put too much effort into this.

    For those that still enjoy pvp, I'm happy for you. Wish I could still play it.

    Greetings a Salty Sea Dog.

    submitted by /u/Novuake
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    I like how recent Living World stories went completely offroad compare to what Personal Story have tried to achieve

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:58 PM PST

    In Personal Story u have a option to choose one between there great Orders, each processes a different way to handle the big bad EDs. Back then, it seemed to be a great foundation to start up ur own adventures (remember we used to have their order's symbol at login screen?) But ever since Kralky they literally let the Vigil take all the credits with their mass deployed presence, the Priory has been low-key replaced with Taimi and the Whispers is now where to be found (or been replaced with Shadows in PoF). Basically our choice lore-wise dont matter for whatever comes afterward the Final celebration cutscene), but i can only guess that where Books and Backstabs dont tend to work, its always handly and efficient when it comes to Brute force, right?

    submitted by /u/sonysidez
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    What's the best way to use qFB weapons and trinkets for a cFB?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    I want to play both cFB and qFB. I have legendary armor. But only ascended weapons and trinkets. The gear is made for the meta qFB. So all viper and smoldering sigils. I want to use my legendary armor to make that gear fit a cFB as much as possible.

    Right now I'm running with Sinister Chest and Head pieces, Krait Runes and the food is the +15% burning duration food to reach 100%.

    Is there a better way I can use my armor and runes to fit my qFB gear for cFB purposes?

    submitted by /u/Tur_In
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    Low fps problem

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Hello! I have a small problem in GW2 lately

    At the start i had really good FPS and my game ran very smoothly

    Lately, my FPS is 40 for about 2 seconds and then about 7 the rest of the time

    My graphic settings have been set to the lowest possible, but characters on low, not lowest

    Is there a way for me to fix my low FPS? (I don't have too little memory left either, btw)

    submitted by /u/Bersneeze
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    A tool to show all active achievement steps on current map

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I am currently doing mutliple legendary weaponms (Step 1) achievements. Is there a tool that will show all tasks to do on the current map? It's a lto of things to do and I want to do them by traveling the maps...

    b.) is it OK to use that tool anyway (if it exists)?

    submitted by /u/wolfgangbures
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    Multiplayer in PvE

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Hi there GW2 Community! I'm a rather new player (my main is lvl 30) and i'm really enjoying the game so far. However there is one problem: it feels more like a single player game and I don't have any interaction with other players. I've only played PvE and I know that there is definitely more interaction when doing raids or in WvW and PvP. But I don't intend to play WvW or PvP in the near future, because they frankly don't interest me. I just want a mate I can explore the world with, kill stuff and do missions together I'm too underlevelled to clear on my own.

    My Question: Is there any way for me to meet (and possibly befriend) other players in PvE's lower levels?

    submitted by /u/Lyos07
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    Making a list of WvW Guilds

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST


    I'm trying to put together a list of WvW guilds to help beginners find folks to play with.

    As a starting point, please complete the form linked below.


    Entries will be compared against an activity database I have, and guilds that exceed minimums (currently flip and claim 5 objectives a week) will be added to the public list.

    I expect the public list to be made available on my web site in approximately 2 or 3 weeks.


    Comments and Questions Welcome.


    PS. You can visit this link to find your guild ID string


    Replace the guild name with your own

    submitted by /u/PemberlyStreams
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    Careful with that Mesmer juice...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Support Praise

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I just have to get this off my chest:

    I made a mistake while creating ZAP today and did the " Experimental Sword Hilts " twice (instead of just once), you know 15 deldrimor steel down the drain? I wrote to support at 20:34.

    I got the first answer by 21:12 and my stuff by 21:34!!!


    submitted by /u/wolfgangbures
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    Salvaging a Golden Fractal Weapon with a Black Lion Salvage Kit

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Hey fellas, I dropped a Golden Fractal Trident and looked what it could be used for on the wiki - I saw the ingredients of it if I would craft it in the mystic forge. Then I asked myself if I would get the ingredients it needs to craft it if I would salvage it with a Black Lion Salvage Kit? Do you guys know something about it ? Would be glad about an answer 😁 Ingredients that are needed to craft:

    10 Golden fractal relics 1 Fractal Weapon 100 Glob of Ectoplasm 50 Stabilizing Matrix

    submitted by /u/DieLockee
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    What do you guys think about Cold War and Forging Steel?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:42 AM PST

    I only knew strikes up to Boneskinner but those 2 I had no idea. I somehow managed to enter them via lfg and I felt like it is more like a DRM then a strike which is like raids. It seems like they are breaking the nature of strikes themselves. I was so confused at first and thought that is a DRM at first lol

    submitted by /u/volvie98
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    Forget about the state of the game and join me in making some fresh memes. I bring you this brand new template. (template in comments)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:33 AM PST

    [3/4] You know what's better than a Skyscale ? A branded Skyscale. See you on Tw!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:01 AM PST

    I found this amazing view on the Mordremoth's Vantage

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:12 PM PST

    I found this amazing view on the Mordremoth's Vantage



    Just for clarification this is without any shader. Screenshot was taken from the top of Guilded Hollow GH.

    submitted by /u/HundsWolf
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