• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Dulfy.net update. "Where has Dulfy been? What happened?" Short update on Dulfy, with a site redesign.

    Guild Wars 2 Dulfy.net update. "Where has Dulfy been? What happened?" Short update on Dulfy, with a site redesign.

    Dulfy.net update. "Where has Dulfy been? What happened?" Short update on Dulfy, with a site redesign.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Guardian vs Necro (doodle)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:48 PM PST

    PSA: 20 Ascended salvage tool in fractal reliquary.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:04 AM PST

    Finally came around again. For those that don't check everyday.

    submitted by /u/Grolorm
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    PSA: Shared inventory slots are on sale

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:36 AM PST

    Doesn't seem to be getting much attention, but they're 25% right now.

    Happy New Year all and stay safe :)

    submitted by /u/onevstheworld
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    I made some Norn-inspired art

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Opinion : big item cooldowns (like recharging tp to friend or xera's portal) should keep ticking while the character is offline.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Same for limitations like the invisible mail cooldown.

    If it's technically not possible because cds are designed to be character-bound and get stored away with the character when it's offline, consider resetting them when loading the character if it was offline for longer than the total or remaining cooldown.

    submitted by /u/Keorl
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    Suggestion: Fractal Leaderboards

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Hey everyone, before I start this, I want to say I know this post/idea might be controversial to some people, but I'd like to stress that's just what this is: a suggestion. A fun thought experiment let's say. If you think the idea is bad, feel free to tell me why, but let's keep it civil. I know many of you will say you don't care about something like this, but if you really don't, maybe don't make a lengthy internet comment about how much you don't care.


    With the new expansion having been announced, the Icebrood Saga (un)officially done/dead, there is going to be a rather significant content drought coming up. This usually means that many people will either take a hiatus or some people quit the game completely, as has happened with the previous releases. One of the game's populations that has suffered from these exodus's (exodi?) is the hardcore raiding/Fractal community. Raids are officially in a medically induced coma until further notice, Fractals just got its first update in over a year (and reception was mixed), Strikes were okay-ish but even those were abandoned and DRMs are... well... DRMs. As a result, many experienced PvE players are leaving the game or putting it on hold. My suggestion serves as a way to revitalize some of our community, as it pains me to see so many skilled and passionate players leaving because they feel like their game mode is being abandoned.

    As some of the more veteran players might remember, in November 2013, Anet made a huge and somewhat controversial update to Fractals in their Fractured! update. I was an active Fractal player at the time and I was one of the players that was less-than happy with the update. The feeling it left me with later also contributed to me leaving the game for several years.

    At the time, Fractal levels were character bound, but so were the daily rewards. As a result, players like me who had multiple characters at max level (which was 50 at the time) could farm Fractals for more rewards. Anet also introduced the first Mistlock instabilities starting at level 30. Because of these changes, Anet decided to level the playing field and set Fractal levels back to level 30 for anyone who was above this level. As a compromise they proposed Fractal Leaderboards as a new way we can compete with other players. From their update page:

    Announcing Fractals of the Mists Leaderboards

    Soon you can earn the envy and adulation of your friends and total strangers through our new leaderboards, which show off the players with the highest fractal levels! As part of the introduction of leaderboards, everyone whose current personal reward level for the Fractals of the Mists is above 30 will be reset to 30 so the competition can begin in earnest.

    When those Leader Boards never arrived, many players who had been displeased with the update became even saltier. So salty even, some of them still bring it up 7 years later in pointless internet discussions.

    The concept

    One of the reasons the original Leaderboards were never implemented was because most hardcore players were max level again less than 24 hours after the patch and there would be very little point in comparing max Fractal levels. The whole concept was dead on arrival and was never going to work. Which is why I want to suggest a different concept that might actually work and actually already exists in the game.

    When playing adventures, you can compare your performance to your friends and guild members, which is a pretty neat feature. The leaderboards even go as far as showing your rank. This has driven some players to really push the times on these adventures, especially with Griffon mounts.

    I want to suggest a similar feature in Fractals, but for all of the CM bosses. A leaderboard where you can see the fastest kill times of the individual bosses. A kill timer would start when the first team member goes into combat and ends when the boss dies.

    I would also like to combine this with the concept of Challenge Missions from Guild Wars 1. These were missions where you would for example have to stay alive as long as possible against increasing waves of monsters or save as many NPCs as possible before wiping. These missions also came with leaderboards where you could see the top 50 scores of the past day, month and quarter. Some of these missions were at some point legitimate farming options for Faction points and quite fun.


    The leaderboards would show kill times for each individual CM boss on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. These could be private like the adventure leaderboards, but I would even suggest a public format, potentially one where only the top 200-1000 players are shown. You could implement a checkbox in the UI where a player could choose to make their scores public or not, which would be a compromise and allow both systems to exist in parallel. The reason I want this to have a public option is because it allows people to more accurate gauge the differences between the top kill times and the ones that barely made it, as I suspect this to be quite large.

    Players could only occupy a single rank in the leaderboards. If you improve your kill time, you go up in the ranking, but your previous rank no longer exists. This is to avoid situations like the ones you often had in the challenge missions where the leaderboard was completely occupied by a single team or guild. The skill level and kills times between organized tryhard groups and normal groups is immense. As you can see in speedkills such as this. While a kill like that takes hours upon hours of grinding and there would be little incentive to flood the records with these kills, it would still allow a broader range of kill times to occupy the leaderboards.

    I also suggest players be placed individually instead of listing team kills for a similar reason. Theoretically a group of 20 hardcore players could make 625 unique team combinations and flood the leaderboards with their speedkills. This is highly unlikely and with my proposed rewards system would be a monumental waste of time, but I never underestimate the dedication and creativity of toxic trolls as I have been one of them in the past. On top of that, it would allow players that mix their statics to appear separately in the weekly or monthly tables.


    Rewards are often a difficult topic, as you don't want to over or under rewards players for their time. Some people feel difficult content in this game isn't really all that rewarding and casual content is too much so. Other players feel like certain rewards (kp) breed toxic behavior and exclusion practices that hurt the community at large. I would like to propose a reward system that does neither. I don't want to fuel toxicity, but I still want to reward skilled players.

    If the leaderboards are implemented like adventures where there is no limit to getting a placement in the rankings, I think that players should only be eligible for rewards if they rank above a certain threshold. I would suggest somewhere between 200 and 1000, but I think it is better for Anet to gauge that number as they have a better view on how competitive those rankings would be.

    On top of that, you would only be eligible for the reward of a certain tier once per time period. If you improve your time on a weekly kill on Wednesday, you don't get the weekly reward again. This is to prevent farming easy/fast bosses and abusing the reward system.

    The rewards could be quite simple:

    Daily Weekly Monthly
    25 Fractal Relics 50 Fractal Relics 100 Fractal Relics
    3 Stablizing Matrices 6 Stablizing Matrices 10 Stablizing Matrices
    3 Fractal Encryptions 6 Fractal Encryptions 10 Fractal Encryptions
    1 Pristine Fractal Relic 2 Pristine Fractal Relics 5 Pristine Fractal Relics
    7 +1 Agony Infusions 15 +1 Agony Infusions 30 +1 Agony Infusions

    Alternatively, the rewards could be:

    Daily Weekly Monthly
    25 Fractal Relics 50 Fractal Relics 100 Fractal Relics
    3 Stablizing Matrices 6 Stablizing Matrices 10 Stablizing Matrices
    1 Fractal Master's Chest 2 Fractal Master's Chests 5 Fractal Master's Chests

    The reason I prefer the first method is because the Fractal Master's chests have a chance of dropping ascended gear and my storage is getting full some people might not feel it's fair, especially since you could theoretically earn 7 of those chests per day.

    These rewards would amount to a little better than 1 extra CM fractal if you manage to place in the daily rankings of each CM boss. Which to me feels like a fair reward while also not being too rewarding. This would also make it slightly faster for some skilled players to move up their Mist Attunements, which are honestly already quite a grind as it is.

    Alternatively, as some have suggested in the comments, no rewards would be necessary at all and this feature would still be loved by the community. I actually agree with this sentiment, I just like rewarding skilled play and feel like it could give extra incentive for players to improve their skill level.

    Pro's and Cons


    • This would really please some of the most dedicated players in the game who have felt like they're only an afterthought for a long time.

    • Letting tryhard players push for times like this often leads to new and interesting strategies and builds.

    • Most of the required development already exists in the game: the rankings exist in challenges, daily/weekly/monthly reward systems have existed since launch, etc. I am a programmer myself, so I would never try to pretend I know how easy or difficult it is to implement new features, but I don't feel like this would require a massive amount of dev time.

    • Making good on a 7 year empty promise would improve player morale in a content drought and after a series of disappointments over the last few years. I wouldn't even mind if they were cheeky about it, on the contrary, I would be pleasantly amused.

    • Very little opportunity to breed toxicity in the PUG scene as there is no kp involved.

    Strawman Con's and my rebuttal

    • Instabilities will have a significant impact on the weekly and monthly leaderboards. True, and I only thought of this after writing this all down, but everyone gets the same instabilities, so this would be more of an annoyance than an imbalance.

    • PUG groups could demand rank in order to join. While true, I doubt they would help themselves. If the rankings are limited to a top group they would be doing themselves a disservice. Most of those kill times would be done by organized groups and they would be limiting their own potential player pool. Let them shoot themselves in the foot if they like.

    • Any dev time spent on elitists is dev time wasted. While I agree that the amount of players that would be enthusiastic about this would be limited, I still think it benefits the player community at large. People often forget that those toxic elitists are the ones that are often producing and maintaining guides, theory crafting, optimizing and sharing all that knowledge with the player base. Thousands of players use Snow Crows's and Discretize's resources. Those are the players that would love something like this and those are also the players that are leaving the game by the droves.

    • I don't care about this stuff. Good, I don't care about open world meta events or infinite collections either, but I'm not trying to force Anet to abandon those.

    • Well, what about [insert neglected game mode or other empty promise]? Why should Anet deliver on this first? I agree that Anet has been more neglectful to some aspects of their game than an alcoholic parent during happy hour, but let's not make this into a pity contest. Anet needs to fix its culture of creating features and abandoning them immediately, but that's their prerogative, not mine. I'm just here to make a suggestion and hear community feedback. I also think that this would require only a modest amount of development time for a pretty big return in player satisfaction. I also feel for the WvW and PvP players. I know hardcore PvE players aren't the only ones who have been getting a cold shoulder for years.

    Let me know what you think or if you have suggestions to improve the idea or reward system.

    submitted by /u/Abell370
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    What are your thoughts on the new "Stylish Shoes Skin"?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 11:15 AM PST

    "Roles" for instanced content?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Can someone explain the 'roles' for group content? I am level 50 ish, and it seems like for open world, literally any build/weapon combo works just fine, and the world bosses/events that spawn can be done with any setup as long as you have 2 people (if it says "group event" 2 seems fine, if it doesn't 1 seems fine).

    But what about other content? Like dungeons, etc. I was reading about the game when I came across some builds that were marked "support", "heal", " secondary healer", "boon". There were also some that were labeled "power" and "condi". What arrangement of these do you need/want for each type?

    Also which classes/specs can "primary heal" to a viable level?

    Which classes/specs can "secondary heal" to a viable level? (And what does the secondary healer bring that primary doesn't, as the trade off to worse healing?)

    Also, how does "aggro" work? How does the boss decide which person to hit? (I didn't see any builds labeled "tank")

    submitted by /u/LelsersLasers
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    How is PvP balance after big balance patch?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 07:50 AM PST

    Haven't played the game for over a year now and I was wondering how is pvp balance after the big patch I have heard about few times already? Wasn't it really that huge? Is pvp better than it was - better meaning more balanced between the classes/builds? There were always couple of builds that felt distinctly better than the rest - is that still a case?

    submitted by /u/niebieskooki1
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    Easiest way to get Ascended gear

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Hello again.

    A week ago i started playing Guild Wars 2, thanks to you guys, i got the expansions and a lvl 80 boost for my revenant. My Revenant is fully Exotic geared but now im looking to started gearing him up with Ascended gear. My question is: What is the easiest way to get Ascended gear? I did fractals and got 1 Ascended piece but now days have passed and i dont have any luck with fractals.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Recognition-Think
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    Edit Guild Message of the Day externally?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 04:01 AM PST

    Is there a way/tool to edit the Message of the Day without starting Guild Wars 2? Like an API or something?

    submitted by /u/wolfgangbures
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    Help with Infinite Gathering tools and glyphs?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:32 AM PST

    Hi, new player here, recently got into GW2 and thought that infinite gathering tools were pretty nifty. Was thinking about getting a set for myself. Read that unbound and volatile gathering tools were the best. I don't really understand how they work though and what the magics are for. I bought the ultimate edition for this game but am just halfway through HoT. Could anyone explain what are the differences between unbound and volatile magic gathering tools and which is better? Also tried my luck with black lion chests recently and got myself a glyph of bounty. I somewhat understand what it does but do not know if I should use it or sell it. I saw that the infinite magic tools already come with a glyph of volatility/unbound. Does that mean I can't use my glyph of bounty together? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Deadrecruit
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    How is WvW now?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I used to be a WvW player, but stopped playing about 2 years ago. Am thinking of coming back is WvW still active? Has it changed much?

    submitted by /u/Raxzor
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    Are home instance nodes worth it?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:31 AM PST

    Curious if I should totally bling out my home instance. Is it profitable to farm? Like even remotely so to the cost of the nodes?

    Or is it just a gimmick?

    submitted by /u/Blackdragon1400
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    Revenant attack animation WHUUUM WHUUUM WHUUUM is driving me crazy!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST

    I just made a new character, a Revenant. I loved the kit so much I got a level 80 boost and got to playing. The class is super fun and a great experience except for one thing. Fairly quickly I noticed it and after a while it became unbearable. There is a very loud WHUUUM sound that plays with every single attack animation, for EVERY SINGLE WEAPON. Almost every ability within each weapon type procs this sound. Is there a setting or slider I can use to turn this off, or is it some kind of bug? I love the character but I don't think I can play it unless I can get rid of this sound lol. Help Meeeee...

    submitted by /u/BigYellowOctopus
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    Glyph and home instance

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 02:34 AM PST

    I'm a returning player (stopped before HoT) and i was doing a bit of reaserch to get up to date and i came across glyphs...

    after a bit of reaserch i came to the conclusion that since i'm not planning to play for more than a couple months i would be better off just ignoring glyphs since i wouldn't even make back the initial cost. The same principle goes for the home instance.

    In conclusion i think i will just ignore glyphs and home instance, do you think i will be wasting an opportunity to make money or my reasoning makes sense?


    submitted by /u/G1NOs
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    Story journal locked episodes

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:31 AM PST

    I'm a returning player (stopped before HoT) and i was looking at my story journal and i noticed that even if i bought the new expansions i still have some locked episodes..

    i have "my story" and "scarlet's war" completed but starting from season 2 some episodes are locked and they cost gems..

    do i just lose lore content if i don't do them or do i lose some other important stuff?
    I noticed that some mastery points are gained this way later on in season 3 and 4, will i still be able to reach the mastery point cap if i dont unlock these episodes?


    submitted by /u/G1NOs
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    Change my mind: Stealth mechanic is toxic and makes me wanna quit WvW and playing Renegade completely

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 03:03 AM PST

    This is not supposed to be a rage post, but will propably end up sounding like one.

    To me, the stealth mechanic seems just ridiculously toxic. By no means overpowered, I've won against stealth builds as often as I've lost to them. But some classes have no way of dealing with stealth enemies, e.g. Renegade or Mesmer in general, which puts me in a disadvantage in a duel, just for playing the wrong class. This makes me feel totally powerless, and made me quit Renegade and WvW in general. Now people will advise to just switch to Herald builds, but I usually like playing off meta builds, like power Renegade. But I won't anymore, if playing them puts me in a bad spot for every duel with a thief or trap ranger.

    To make matters worse, the deadeye's "Shadow Meld" removes the "Revealed" debuff while gaining stealth. How is a spell that counters it's own counterplay counterplayable? This leaves only a few classes able to deal with stealth, those that can reveal stealth in an area around them.

    Could you give me some advice what to do now? Just suck it up, if I want to keep playing my two mains, renegade and chronomancer? Switch to meta classes?

    I'd also appreciate some advice for playing against stealth classes in WvW, in case I want to keep torturing myself.

    Thanks, stay healthy.

    submitted by /u/Dontmindmyfartspls
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    Can't run GW2 at max settings with a decent computer?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2020 12:22 AM PST

    So I recently reinstalled GW2 on my new build can have noticed that GW2 just gives me absolutely horrendous FPS when I attempt to keep the game on mostly high/ultra settings and cant figure out why.

    My current build is:

    GPU- RTX 2060

    CPU-Intel I9 9900K


    SSD - 1TB

    So my build isn't exactly terrible and the fact that it runs other games namely Cyberpunk 2077 on high everything excluding Ray tracing and run's every other MMO I play on max settings (XIV/WoW) I just can't understand whether its something I have done wrong or if GW2 is just badly optimized.

    Any info is appreciated thanks :).

    Edit: Really appreciate the responses it just seems that GW2 is running an outdated engine so aside from getting this D912PXY thing I'll have to just lower settings in some areas but thanks all the same for the really helpful info :D

    submitted by /u/Captainmervil
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