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    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Baby bot finding out his life is meaningless without content.

    Guild Wars 2 Baby bot finding out his life is meaningless without content.

    Baby bot finding out his life is meaningless without content.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:48 AM PST

    I think y'all need a bit of a refresher into this whole "Norn of Prophecy" aspect of Icebrood Saga

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I've seen some murmurs from people about how they don't like that Braham is "suddenly" calling himself a "Norn of Prophecy" when running around the Icebrood Saga stories. However, this is not a new invention of the series and has been an element of Norn lore since GW2 first launched.

    What? You mean to say that you are a human female/charr lover/tree hugger/diminutive arrogant garden gnome and think Norn are just tall humans who don't wear clothes? Well, let's set the record straight then.

    Back when Jormag first woke up (not long after Primordus did) it drove a lot of the denizens of the Far Shiverpeaks south. We've seen that the majority of these affected were the Kodan, the Norn, and the arctic Quaggan. At one point Aesgir slew Frostfang, champion of Jormag, and then knocked a tooth from Jormag's maw*. Afterwards Aesgir led the Norn south to where they currently dwell and where Hoelbrak was built. That same tooth* that Aesgir knocked free now hangs suspended in the center of the Great Lodge of Hoelbrak and SO MANY Norn both in the personal story and in the area surrounding the Fang of the Serpent speak of the prophecy that the one who can crack the Fang will lead the Norn back up into the North and defeat Jormag.

    (Editor's Note: It appears that the so-called Fang of the Serpent has been questionably retconned into a piece of a tusk (which is NOT a fang) and Aesgir may have lied about how the fight with Jormag went down.)

    So now that we have established that the Norn have waited for someone to crack the damn Fang for over two hundred years, let's get to Braham Eirson. See, a few years ago Braham's mom died and some people were sad about that. Braham was one of those people. Braham was so sad that he shaved his head and entered a phase we like to call "emo teenager" because he had a poor ability for processing grief. This was considered extremely unpopular with everyone, so I forgive you for forgetting the events of Living World Season 3 Episode 3 "A Crack in the Ice"

    The full events of the story don't really matter, but let's just establish that the Commander is in Bitterfrost Frontier investigating Jormag and trying to meet up with Braham and Rox. Braham's got himself a new guild that he is calling "Destiny's Edge" because he forgot that Norn are supposed to forge their own legends and not graverob the ones established by their scantily clad mothers, and he's also really not happy with the Commander. Braham has somehow tracked down a scroll of Ancient Jotun Fire Magic that Aesgir supposedly used to fight Jormag all those years ago, and after a very long and annoying boss fight Braham leaves with his mother's bow successfully enchanted with fire magic.

    Then he goes and shoots the Fang of the Serpent in Hoelbrak in a full in-game cutscene and if you've ever finished that episode you can go to Hoelbrak right now and still see the arrow and the crack on the Fang's model.

    So this is what Braham means when he says he is a Norn of Prophecy. It was foretold that a Norn would crack the Fang and lead the Norn in battle against Jormag, which is ultimately what Braham did. He kind of failed the first time, but he's back for Round 2 after getting over his Emo-itis in Season 4. Braham has forcefully made himself that Norn of Prophecy. He is not a Chosen One. He was not marked at birth as Someone Important. He grew up hearing the legend and decided that it should apply to him.

    And apparently that prophecy also said that one of either Braham or Jormag must die at the hand of the other, so I think we all know exactly how this is going to go down at the end of Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 5 The Icebrood Saga Episode 5 Champions Chapter 4.

    Thank you for coming to my Norn Talk.

    (On and in case anyone wants to complain that their character is somehow not the foretold Norn of Prophecy, most of you guys aren't playing Norn characters. Using GW2efficiency's sample size of 632,730 registered characters, only 15% of them are Norn. Braham is your token Norn NPC. It has been that way since Season 1. You cannot be an Asura and be a Norn of Prophecy. That violates all the rules.)

    submitted by /u/TannenFalconwing
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    What is the longest continuous trek you can do in the current GW2 world? (no fast travel, no re-entry of any regions)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:28 AM PST

    The fact that we couldnt even reach tier 4 out of 5 shows how little people cared about this update. The Least Anet could do to even slightly save the situation is to add something actually worth it into traders and maybe adjust future DRM releases before they come out.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Aurene written to the tune of Jolene for any singers in the Guild Wars community that wants to sing it.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:32 AM PST

    Heard the Bardcore version of Dolly Parton's song Jolene the other day and rewrote the lyrics to make the song about Aurene instead. I have no singing talent whatsoever so posting the Lyrics here for the Guild Wars 2 community to have. Just in case someone with talent wants to sing it. Feel free to do whatever you want with them, consider it Creative Commons/parody.

    Aurene. Sing to the tune of Jolene by Dolly Parton.

    Aurene, Aurene, Aurene, Aurene.

    I'm begging of you please, please save this land.

    Aurene, Aurene, Aurene, Aurene.

    Please save the world with your champion.

    Your beauty is beyond compare

    Prismatic beams soar through the air.

    With Sparkly skin and eyes of golden sheen

    Your crystal wings are glimmering

    Your light is bright and shimmering

    Jormag cannot compete with you, Aurene.

    Jormag whispers to me in my sleep.

    Theres nothing I can do to keep

    From crying when they call my name, Aurene.

    I won't give in to their demands

    The elder dragon's wicked plans

    Only you can save this land from them, Aurene.

    Aurene, Aurene, Aurene, Aurene.

    I'm begging of you please, please save this land.

    Aurene, Aurene, Aurene, Aurene.

    Please save the world with your champion.

    You could have your choice of men.

    But chose me as your champion.

    Oh your the only one for me, Aurene

    I had to have this talk with you

    My happiness depends on you.

    And whatever you decide I'll do, Aurene.

    Aurene, Aurene, Aurene, Aurene.

    I'm begging of you please, please save this land.

    Aurene, Aurene, Aurene, Aurene.

    Please save the world with your champion.

    Aurene. Aurene.

    submitted by /u/AutumnOctavia
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    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:18 AM PST

    [Hobby art] Bifrost

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 12:12 AM PST

    Chilling in the desert during the PoF campaign

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Dawn just dropped for me from a icebound chest :)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:29 AM PST

    No New Content?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:06 AM PST

    So, no new content today or what? Is this little tiny fucking chunk of story and these unrewarding DRM's literally the whole fucking patch?

    submitted by /u/jaberdeen8
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    can any ele players explain how my friend got blown up in WvW by such a seemingly innocuous skill?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Dhuum record by The Hybridosaurus [Aves] | 4:37

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Hello redditors,

    [Aves] would like to present you our new Dhuum record with a time of 4:37.

    Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3 Sub 4
    Soulbeast (Philipp)* Berserker (Bekko)* STM Chrono (Cineq)* Druid (Samara)
    Soulbeast (Christoph)
    Soulbeast (Eren)
    Soulbeast (Oty)
    Soulbeast (Resetzz)
    Soulbeast (Lunar)
    Renegade (Leder)

    * Some POVs are not from the actual kill but similar ones. This is because either the person forgot to record or was unsatisfied with the performance during the record kill.

    ** For builds please check the hyperlinks in the composition section below or the description of each YouTube video.

    Log: https://dps.report/eLar-20201122-225352_dhuum


    Originally we wanted to beat the previous record set by dP (4:41) by using a comp without a Druid and minimal healing. While we managed to solve many of the issues that result from a comp like that (such as surviving bombs/soulsplit, stealthing reapers or having a BS kite the entire time), the overall DPS was sadly not enough to compete.

    In the end we decided to make a U-turn and use a comp/strategy that involved sending only support classes (STM Chrono/Rene/Druid) to greens and using a DPS class that could bring higher personal DPS compared to Power Chrono when stacked - the Hybrid Soulbeast.


    The Power STM Chrono went with a 80% BD build to cover quickness for the entire squad. In order to achieve this while also doing second G1 he had to CS and use Time Warp near Throne before going to G1. By using off-hand Shield and Inspiration traitline he was also able to generate enough excess Alacrity for everyone so that Alacrity didn't drop when our Renegade wasn't together with the squad while doing G3.

    We used a Power Renegade with 100% BD to cover Alacrity and tank the boss. Since it wasn't reliable for our Chrono to give enough Quickness to the Renegade (STM quickness is proximity based with these subgroups), the Renegade used an axe-offhand with Celerity sigil to generate enough self quickness (by using Temporal Rift). Since the Renegade was supposed to do G3 during the fight, he used toughness infusions on the main weapon set and not the other, so that we could swap the tank from Renegade to Druid (or the other way) via weapon swapping. We put the Renegade together with Soulbeasts since he could provide them with AP and Soulcleave (insane value with soulbeasts) without stealing OWP/Vulture stance stacks (this is also proximity-based and tank is not with the stack).

    We used a mostly standard Heal Druid setup with enough Minstrel pieces so that the Druid would become the tank when our Renegade did G3 during the main fight. We swapped the Transference sigil on the Axe/Warhorn with an Agility sigil. This increased the quickness uptime on the Druid a bit. But the main reason for this change was to ensure that the Druid would have Quickness while channeling during the ritual phase (achieved by weapon-swapping before channeling).

    The Power BS Berserker used the Tactics traitline to provide high EA uptime for the squad and also generate a bit of Might by using the trait Phalanx Strength. We used Battle Standard for 10-man Fury/Swiftness uptime. Since these boons were extended by our Chrono, the BS could pick-up the Battle Standard after the mini soulsplit reducing its cooldown. This way he could place the elite banner again on the boss during soulsplit which gave us Swiftness/Fury for the remainder of the fight. Battle Standard was also helpful during the soulsplit since the BS is supposed to drop it on top of the boss towards the end which ment any person that downed around that time while being pulled in would be instantly revived (this happens during the record run).

    We used Hybrid Soulbeasts as our main damage dealers. There are many reasons why Hybrid Soulbeast is really good in this fight. The presence of Druid is crucial here since Hybrid Soulbeast gains significant DPS from Frost/Sun Spirit and Spotter combined. We've also realized that under these conditions Hybrid Soulbeast possesses a higher base DPS (around 37-37.5k on golem) compared to other soulbeast variants and also gains significant more DPS through Vulture Stance/OWP sharing when stacked together. On top of all this we left some spiders alive near Dhuum so that we could fully utilise the merged pet skill Rain of Spikes) by sending 9 projectiles towards Dhuum instead of 3 by standing in his hitbox (spiders are in 600 range). This significantly increases the overall DPS (around 2.5k) of the class. It is also important to mention that Hybrid Soulbeast has burst DPS capabilities which come in handy for phasing the boss as soon as possible after the soulsplit and also during the ritual.


    We spent considerable time working on the prephase.

    To start with we left 3 spiders alive at the Circle Reaper to boost Soulbeast DPS as mentioned above.

    When it comes to bombs in the prephase we used a similar strategy to dP with a simple rule: Detonate the bombs as soon as possible. This is done because Dhuum stops giving additional bombs after the 4th bomb and waits until 30 seconds into the fight before giving the 5th bomb. This way we are done with the bombs earlier than usual in the prephase and don't need to detonate any as we are going towards the throne preparing for the fight.

    We also figured out we can make our Druid's life easier by having our Chrono kite 1-2 messengers before he prepares to go to second G1 just before the fight starts. This gave our Druid some free time so he could be close to the stack at the start of the fight increasing Might/Spotter uptime. To increase the number of messengers that are kited by the Chrono, we used the following trick. By taking one medium orb during the first 3 greens (it didn't matter which one), one can shift the time and location of messengers spawning during the prephase. By doing this the messenger that spawns just before the fight starts no longer spawns close to Swirl Reaper but to Square Reaper (where second G1 is). It also spawns earlier which means sometimes it could be picked up by the Chrono who dropped his Well of Action on the spawn location of the messenger just before going up. This way our Druid only had to pick the last messenger that spawns around 10 seconds into the fight.

    We also used different stealth timings for Triangle and Arrow Reapers by taking advantage of the fact that they stay stealthed for 20 seconds (regardless of the stealth duration of the skill used). We stealth the first reaper 10-12 seconds before the fight and stealth the second one 4-5 seconds after the fight starts. This also increases the amount of duration Druid can stay with the group increasing Might and Spotter uptime.

    For the main fight we used the standard throne tanking where the squad members are supposed to position themselves close to the tank during the mini soulsplit.

    The shackles were baited by the Chrono and instantly broken by blinking away.

    We kept the Star Reaper alive by killing as many spiders as possible before the fight starts and giving him Regen. We also let our Druid stealth the Star Reaper after coming down from G2 so that the spiders move to Square Reaper (this sadly didn't work on the record run due to a bug but we still managed to keep Star Reaper alive).

    After the mini-soulsplit, the Renegade weapon swapped to lower his toughness so that the Druid could become the tank. After Renegade was finished with G3 he could take back tanking again. This strategy sadly has one downside to it in that the person who will get the next bomb is decided way in advance so that it is theoretically possible for the Druid to get the third bomb of the fight while tanking. We tried to deal with this situation as it happened a couple of times during each evening, but sometimes you simply have to GG and start again.

    We cleansed the torment during Soulsplit by precasting Bear Stance and Healing Spring.

    Boon-strip was handled by the Chronomancer utilising Vicious Expression and the Renegade who had an Absorption sigil in his second weaponset which could be triggered by using Darkrazor's Daring.

    To make the ritual go as fast as possible we sorted 7 people to go to marks. Renegade, BS and a Soulbeast let the designated people gather the orbs first before picking theirs. The Chrono provided Quickness for the marks by using Time Warp as soon as we are ready to go out and extending it via SoI. On top of this every person who is going out for channeling had ways to generate self Quickness so we were extra-safe in this regard.


    Thanks to Solwolfer, Sascha, Liam [CnD], Koszkaty, Hologramm [XVII], Gerard, Aries, Mikko, Skafloc, Marco [cA], Korneliy [Inn], Mellsoul [Ws], Spinerek and Divorus for helping us while testing comps and filling as we worked with our main comp (terribly sorry if I forgot anyone).

    Thanks to the guilds Crits N Dips [CnD], Seventeen Elitists [XVII], Calamity [cA] and Refine [HC] for their overall contribution to the kill.

    Thanks to Eliphas from Elite-Insight-Parsing for adding soulsplit and orb-gather timings to arcdps logs which made analysis easier.

    submitted by /u/near-critical
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    Suggestion: Wardrobe Templates - Main Window Art.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 04:00 AM PST

    Suggestion: Wardrobe Templates - Main Window Art.

    With upcoming release of Legendary Armory, it is still unclear how we will be able to handle appearance of our characters if Legendary Armory will be used by more than one character.

    Right now, Wardrobe Skins are part of the Armor item or Weapon item, it creates a small concern that Legendary Item placed in Armory will enforce one single Skin on all Characters who will be using that item.

    To that i propose idea of Wardrobe Templates:

    Sorry for Low Graphics, but i like Low Graphics :)

    Each character on account will have it's own Wardrobe Template, starting from Level-1.
    Wardrobe Template should be able to store skins for Armor, Backpack, Glider, Aqua-Breather and all possible Weapons character can equip, also template will hold it's own Dye Pattern. Main-hand and Off-hand slots will allow to set Different skins. Even if weapon type will be same in both hands, weapon skins will be different. Cost of adding\replacing skin in respective slot will cost 1 Transmutation Charge. Once skins are set, Wardrobe Template will override any other respective skin from Equipment Template. Right-click on Wardrobe Template skin slot, will allow to use 'Remove Skin'. If Skin Slot will be empty within Wardrobe Template, Equipment Template skin will be shown instead from current armor\weapon piece. Changing skins in Equipment Template should not be removed. Players should be able to freely swap between Wardrobe Templates ( maybe maximum of 6? ).

    Advantages of Wardrobe Template:

    - Wardrobe Template will keep Character Appearance independent from Legendary Armory.

    - Wardrobe Templates will allow to Store your favorite character appearances for later use ( you will be able to participate in Fashion Contest without losing main skin-combo :) ).

    - I didn't add that into art-work, but Wardrobe Template should be able to store Mount Skin selection and dye pattern too, allowing to match Mount skins and color to Armor-Weapons.

    - Unchangeable Appearance for 'Old-School' leveling.
    New Players will find this useful, and everyone who prefer to level up characters without 'Level-Up' books or Max Level boosters. When you try to level up your character doing Open World Exploration, you will loot\craft better stat-gear. But that gear will bring different skin, and that can ruin your character appearance. With Wardrobe Template appearance will be static, and new gear won't effect it.

    - It won't allow to store Cosmetic Infusion effect, since Infusions are put into Character's Equipment. Cosmetic Infusions will be present on all Wardrobe Templates.

    submitted by /u/AeonNaranek
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    for a Christmas present �� I hope Anet drops some feature hints for EoD

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:03 AM PST

    for a Christmas present 🎁 I hope Anet drops some feature hints for EoD.
    Agree or disagree?

    submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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    Question: I have to travel to Venlin Vale, but I can't travel through the portal because I'm not level 35, or I have to upgrade. How to finish my quest?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Salvage Volcanic Weapons

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:42 PM PST

    Like the Title says, when you salvage the Volcanic Weapon, you became always "10 Memories of Otter" per Weapon. I tryed the salvage with the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. The Weapons are pretty expansive right now. But i thought, its nice to know.

    submitted by /u/NovellyFay
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    Another day in PvP. 3/5 games with bots, 1/5 with AFK and 1/5 good game.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:50 PM PST

    Big Discounts and Magical New Items – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:01 AM PST

    The only actual moment i've enjoyed this new last content

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:42 AM PST

    My roller bettle is evolving!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Dumb Question, Story stopped?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 03:54 AM PST

    So I reached the point were i am supposed to talk to a certain NPC in the current story.

    However it appears she hasn't arrived yet. Does it mean I have to wait for some arbitary meta (like the weird countdown in the top right corner), or will it continue way later with the next release?

    Both options are annoying and I don't like it.

    submitted by /u/StrikerJaken
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