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    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - August 01, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - August 01, 2020

    Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - August 01, 2020

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


    Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I made my own GW2 wallpapers for my phone, so I'm sharing them in case anyone else wants 'em

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    I really appreciate Guild Wars 2

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Ok, so this is a post to say how surprised I am by this game. When i bought the two expansions, i thought that this is just a chill game, while i take a break from my main mmorpg. lvl a char up to 15,then boosted it(i have lvling) to 80 and i was overwhelmed by how many things happen after you reach 80. So i created a new class and this time i take it slowly. I got it to lvl 20 and it is such a pleasant surprise to see that i level up by walking around the map and doing random events and random zone quests. I feel like an adventurer that just grows up by exploring and learning new things. I also see how beautiful this game is and how big the map is, with so many caverns, npc camps and small towns siting around, waiting to be discovered. This is a really good mmorpg and i really appreciate the lvling system, that just lets you walk around the map,see beautiful places and get easy exp at the same time.

    submitted by /u/ItsmeFizzy97
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    About the increasing grind and clutter in the story journal achievement sections

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Fair warning, this is kind of a long rant and if you don't generally hunt achievements it is not going to be relatable.

    I've long appreciated how anet splits achievements into more and less doable categories, eg the story journal achievements have trended towards feeling like something that's meant to be finished while grindier achievements (whether in terms of cost or effort) go in other categories, like Slayer or Rare Collections.

    Since sometime in the middle of LS4 and continuing into the Icebrood Saga, though, this has been less and less true. The 3 "kill 1000 mobs" achievements in Dragonfall where not even all mobs in the designated areas count was when it started getting to me. Having to do the meta 25 times to complete the achievement for it was weird too. And of course there were also the skyscale achievements, but enough people have ranted about how grindy those are.

    In Grothmar, the "you need the extremely rare/expensive skin to finish the last tier of this collection" was a terrible decision, though it was later made completable without the helm. Stamping out 100 devourer nests and popping 300 balloons are both pointless busywork presented as achievements, and the inclusion of the balloons one confuses me considering a much more engaging objective is also tied to that event: shooting every balloon once. Not too bad of an episode overall, though.

    Then with Bjora Marches, the story journal mess increased a lot. Drakkar was given its own achievement section, but for some reason strike mission achievements are scattered throughout the story journal sections for the episodes they came out with, complicating both the notion of finishing the chapter and the ability to track strike specific achievements. The Whisper Boxing and Vortex, Interrupted achievements don't even mention whether they're attached to the story boss or the strike boss (the former and the latter, respectively).

    The light puzzles in Bjora Marches have to be done 3 times each instead of 1 like almost every other open world exploration puzzle thing. Two of the weapon collections are in the story journal while Illuminated Boreal Weapons are in Rare Collections were it belongs. The Storms of Winter meta has to be done 15 times, which is better than 25 but still feels needlessly grindy - not that the meta is bad. I've done it more than 15 times, but the achievement could just as easily have been "do the meta once". It's a long way from Flashpoint's "beat either of the meta's end bosses once".

    The "do [type of event] 20 times" achievements in western Bjora Marches are absolute trash. It's events that don't serve any purpose to the map at large, don't give any rewards of note, and they don't even benefit from having groups at them. The only reason to even do them at all is the achievements, and 20 of each is so many. 100 pointless events. The event designs themselves are fine, but they stop being any kind of fun long before doing 20 of each.

    Visions of the Past was largely fine, though Slaver's Extinction seems like it should maybe have been a Slayer achievement. Or a Strike achievement, if that category existed.

    No Quarter was back it at again with the introduction of "do the new strike 50 times" - an achievement that even stops giving AP two fifths of the way through, possibly because it's just a poorly implemented way to guarantee access to the bear skins. It also brought the Stormcaller weapons, a pretty expensive collection that should definitely have been in Rare Collections, but instead either it or the "do the strike 50 times" achievement are required to complete the episode mastery. Episode masteries have varying amounts of wiggle room from episode to episode, but this is unusually tight and demanding.

    The newest episode has the second Stormcaller collection, which currently eats around the value of a gen 2 legendary. It'll get less pricy, but it should be in Rare Collections. Then there's 10 meta completions, of a meta that can take over 2 hours to run. Four 0 AP achievements for an extremely expensive infusion. I appreciate the craftable infusion idea (it's much better than pure rng imo), but why is it in the story journal? Why is it in the achievement panel at all instead of just being a recipe?

    And the Special Missions.

    Special Missions have to be unlocked before they can be progressed, almost always have grindy objectives, give 0 AP, and- kind of might as well not have existed, from my perspective. They aren't interesting, they aren't particularly rewarding, and for the most part they're pure busywork. If they had their own achievement panel section I would just ignore them as something that's not worth the time/effort, but instead they massively clutter up the story journal.

    I'm not a 100% completionist. There's plenty of achievements I will probably never complete, so more of those continuing to be added to the game isn't conceptually a problem to me. Up until relatively recently, though, none of them were in the Story Journal and I enjoyed working on finishing each chapter between releases. I'm sad that enjoyment keeps getting sapped by having to choose between doing unenjoyable grinds for little to no rewards or missing out entirely on being able to finish the chapter.

    submitted by /u/Incoherrant
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    i screen capped all 3 Cache keeper journals

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Drizzlewood Coast - Assault on the Frost Citadel Meta Guide

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Hello from the otter side,

    I am otterly excited to present to everyone the new meta guide plus some otter stuff that was added in the patch, Jormag's Rising, released on 7/28/20. I otter warn everyone beforehand that there might be some minor spoilers such as names and otter things contained in this guide. The amount and varieties of loot obtained are very otteractive and otter this world! If you have any otter questions, feel free call my otterney or whisper me in game (Lama.2735). Otterwise, go on otterpilot and hope you get an otterable otter in the end!

    "Alluring Sabotage" Meta

    • Goal - Control the northern half of Drizzlewood Coast to begin the assault on the Frost Citadel
    • Time - ~25 to 35 mins
    • To achieve this, players must capture all four camps (Canopy Crag, Sentinel Bay, Archstone Coast, and Frostvein Watch) by completing three events in each of the camps and defeating 5 Dominion Tribunes before advancing.
      • Note - The sequence of capture does not matter and the Tribune's Chest persists for 5 minutes from the time of a Tribune's death.
    • Each base is captured in a very similar way by completing similar events. The possible event spawns are as follows…
      • Destroy 3 Svanir portals
      • Destroy 3 Aberrant portals
      • Destroy 3 Dominion artillery
      • Destroy the corrupted shard
      • Destroy Dominion heavy artillery (tank)
      • Destroy 6 Dominion camp tents
        • Use explosives found on a nearby cliff to do massive damage to tents. "Explosives" do 40% damage to tents
      • Free 8 Prisoners
      • Kill Dominion supply dolyak
      • Kill Prisoner Warden
    • The death of a tribune will spawn an "Tribune's Chest" which contains 1-3 Memories of Otter for the "Significant Otter" achievement. For further information, I highly encourage you to check out the lovely guide made by Jen linked in the Other Resources section.
      • At the mercy of RNG, you can obtain 5-15 Memory of Otter from the entire "Alluring Sabotage" meta.

    "Assault on the Frost Citadel" Meta

    • Goal - Assault the Frost Citadel and drive back the Claw of Jormag
    • Time - ~18 to 25 mins
    • The entire assault consists of many different parts that I will list in order to avoid any confusion. It is fast paced and I suggest bringing a class with stability or be a support for others as there is a lot of damage and knock backs going around.
      • Outside the Frost Citadel
        • Split into three groups to defeat portals and then construct siege by grabbing a hammer in the nearby Toolbox.
        • Protect the cannons while it destroys the citadel gate and kill the "Guardian Elemental"
        • Destroy the citadel gate with siege weapons
      • Inside the Frost Citadel
        • Main Courtyard - First thing you encounter is a line of Frost Legion Phalanx. Use Electromagical Pulse (EMP) on cooldown to break the line of phalanx. Focus on Elite Ice Giant as they tend to knockback and do massive damage (Tip - You can squeeze by on the left of the second set of phalanx and kill the snipers in the back by jumping over the phalanx near the left wall.)
        • Tank Room - Destroy the Left + Right Shield Generator on the giant tank as it casually strolls around the room.
        • Blood Processor Room - Destroy blood processors, kill champion mobs + big boi and destroy conversion chambers. Push to the final area at [The Spire] to fight the Claw of Jormag.
      • Frost Citadel "Balcony" [The Spire]
        • Build cannons by throwing scraps given by the Charr copter periodically. It is advised to split back into the three groups again for this part to kill the three champions mobs until Claw of Jormag lands at the NE corner of [Claw's Perch].
        • Proceed to the final area where you will fight the Claw of Jormag. It only has 35% health but will put up a fight if too many people are afk.
        • Claw of Jormag has two major phases and has three spots to attack.
        • Avoid frost shock waves by jumping over them. You will need to practice this otherwise you will be constantly knocked back or downed. And don't stand in the icicles of death on the edge of the arena.
    • After killing the Claw of Jormag, be sure to loot the Magnificent chest for 4-9 Memory of Otter and then you have ten minutes to fly around the map to loot Enemy Caches, Frost Legion Chests, and Shard of Crystallized Blood of Jormag.
      • These appear randomly on the map and can be done in 4-6 minutes if you are diligent and time efficient.


    • "Death to the __________" achievements reward a variety of loot. Each of the legions award different rewards as you collect commendations on the map. This achievement is repeatable and can be farmed for materials.
      • Dominion Legion --> T1 -T6 Ore + Wood + Fangs + Claws, Sacs, Bloods + Crystal materials
      • Corrupted (Frost) Legion --> T1 -T6 Cloth + Leather + Totems + Scales + Dust + Bone + Corrupt materials
    • Dominion Tribunes
      • 1-3 Memory of Otter
    • Magnificence Chest
      • 4-9 Memory of Otter Dominion Enemy NPCs
    • Frost Legion Chests (requires Cache Key)
      • 1-3 chance of obtaining 1-5 Shard of Crystallized Blood of Jormag
    • Enemy Caches (requires Cache Key)
      • Cloth, Ingots, Leather, Logs (T3s - T4s)
      • Jewels (T5 - T6)
    • Charged Stormcaller Weapons (craft-able or purchasable from Trading Post)
      • Salvage for 10 Memory of Otter

    Special Missions

    • There is a new tier of Special Mission Documents found in this new Episode which unlocks its own set of new sets of Special Missions.
      • Charr Intel Document
      • Dominion Intel Document
      • Corrupted Intel Document
    • These can be found by completing the meta, completing champion events or opening camp containers from the southern part of DWC meta. They can also be traded via Special Mission Documents from the previous episode. The Quaestor NPC Vendor will trade them at the rate found below and has a daily purchase reset.
      • First Intel Document - 20 Special Mission Documents + 100 War Supplies
      • Second Intel Document - 40 Special Mission Documents + 200 War Supplies
      • Third (and onward) Intel Document - 100 Special Mission Documents + 500 War Supplies

    Meta Strategy ("Alluring Sabotage")

    • Option #1 - Crag → Bay → Coast → Watch
      • This is the most common path that most commanders take to complete the meta. Follow the tag and complete events one by one until all four camps are captured.
    • Option #2 - Crag → Bay + Coast + Watch
      • Have two separate smaller groups (5-10 people) to capture Archstone Coast and Frostvein Watch. The events scale very nicely with low player count and generally take the same amount of time to complete. Friends and/or Guild members are recommended
      • Progression
        • Group 2 - Everyone in this group will follow tag and head WEST to capture Sentinel Bay per normal
        • Group 3 - Head NORTH to capture Frostvein Watch
        • Group 4 - Head EAST to capture Archstone Coast
      • The advantage of splitting into three groups is simply for time reasons. You are cutting down 10 minutes of the meta by splitting up. If done correctly, all the tribunes will die and the chests will spawn approximately the same time. Players do not need to attack or participate to loot the "Tribune's Chest" and the chest persists for 5 minutes.

    Other Resources


    • Has anything changed for the "United Legions Waystation" that I should know?
      • Yes. Each of the abilities can be upgraded to v2.0 with the new Mastery. This increases the number of charges it holds and also increases its damage/healing capabilities.
        • Electromagical Pulse (EMP) - Excellent for breaking blue bar and slowing enemies in a large radius around you. Use on cool down when you see a blue bar anywhere on the map. (Upgrade to 5 charges)
        • Remote Charge (RC) - SUPER powerful against buildings (Tents, barricades, doors, gates, etc.). If you want to push the meta fast, dps should use this on cool down (Upgrade to 8 charges)
        • Medizooka - Excellent in spamming decent healing if you are on a healing build. Offensive and Defensive buffs can only be used once but lasts for 20 seconds (on healer with concentration) and the spam heal puts a nice small regeneration on many players. (Upgrade to 8 charges)
    • What is the best way to farm Memory of Otter?
      • Praise Otter for RNG. They drop at the beginning of the meta from Dominion tribunes (1-3 each) and the Magnificent Chest (4-9 per meta) at the end after the Jormag's fingernail is defeated. You can also salvage "Charged Stormcaller" weapons for 10 Memories. Craft or purchase on TP if you are impatient.
    submitted by /u/coldy9887
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    A Memetastic Jormag Rising

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Difference between gold and platinum pvp.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    I play PVP primarily for daily achievements and to slowly grind towards legendary armor, just solo queuing. I do look at builds and tweak things to have fun and be useful to my team. As a result, I've mostly been in gold2-3 for the few seasons I've played, and stop for the season after I finish the last chest.

    I've recently managed to break into platinum and holy hell, what a difference! People actually play as a team! We help res teammates, and communicate, and games actually feel close! Toxicity is minimal, and people just seem to play to the best of their abilities. On top of that you two bonus pips per game just for being in plat! It feels like a magical place.

    I'm fully expecting to drop down to gold since I'm just hovering around the border, and I will definitely miss it. I feel like I'm learning a lot more playing in platinum as to what constitutes good play, and it just seems like a shame that all my games lower than platinum have felt like disorganized RNG in comparison.

    I guess one thing I'm hopeful for is that as I get better, I will more consistently place closer to platinum and spend more time there. I definitely noticed feeling less and less like "how in the hell are they doing that much damage/healing?!" and more recognizing the skills that people have in timing and smart gameplay. It felt good to be earning multiple medals and winning a lot at the end of my gold matches, but it is INFINITELY more enjoyable to play platinum.

    Anyway, just wanted to share. I know pvp isn't everyone's favorite and there is certainly a lot of passionate discussion about balance, but I just wanted to let people know that there are certainly really satisfying, fun, and rewarding aspects to it as well, if you put in the time to learn it.

    Hope everyone is staying healthy and sane during these wild times!

    submitted by /u/I_am_Henwee
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    Just started gw2 and it's my first mmo on pc ever

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    So I'm a little over whelmed with it and just looking for some general tips and tricks

    The class I picked was an archer human if that helps

    All Information welcome

    submitted by /u/Armitage_Shanked
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    I give you another bugged/broken Drizzle meta

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 09:02 PM PDT


    Tank gets stuck in the air.....wasted meta/time.

    Edit:In case anyone wants to know...timer hits 0, artillery goes off and the whole meta wipes/restarts...

    Edit 2: Vishen never came back and the tank stopped firing the blue crud and never dropped back down

    submitted by /u/Birkiedoc
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    Tuning crystal station (master) costs as much to craft as buying 150 master tuning crystals. That's 3 per person in a squad of 50.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Posted on the forums, putting it here too:

    The station costs about 18g-20g, which is as much as buying 3 master tuning crystals for everyone in your squad of 50 people. With ascended food costing under 1g to craft, I think we should speak up as a community about needing the utility feasts to cost less: especially when they don't come with the magic find boost and all (life steal, less damage, more healing, ect.)

    It's such a nice experience to be able to share food buffs with a squad, and many new players never bother with food/utilities. Allow us veterans to share our buffs for an appropriate price!

    Edit: I was dummy about food prices.

    submitted by /u/ThirteenthSage
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    World Linking 7/31/2020

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    Who needs Spotter: A cheat sheet.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Quickly compiled a cheat sheet for power classes that require Spotter vs those that do not, to help make sorting subs a tad easier.

    Obv condi classes are excluded. All info is from the SC website.

    Class Req Spotter?
    Power Tempest Yes
    Power Weaver Yes
    Power Chrono Yes
    Power Deadeye Yes
    AlacRev Yes
    Power Bannerslave Yes
    Power Berserker Yes
    Power Spellbreaker Yes
    Power Reaper No
    Power Holo No
    Power Daredevil No
    Power Guardian No
    Power DH No

    The only class not included here is Power Soulbeast as it's worth a special mention due to it providing spotter as part of its build.

    submitted by /u/flamedbaby
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    TP is not working

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I'm posting this so others realize they aren't the only ones experiencing this. Log-In errors have been happening for about 15 minutes now. Hopefully it starts working soon!

    Edit: As of 3:31 PM PST it seems to be working again. Let's hope it stays like that!

    submitted by /u/Akainuhasnosoul
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    The things you deal with as a WvW player.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    The moment when you start to suspect something isn't right.


    submitted by /u/Rogue-Spectre
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    What's up with Gw2efficiency?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Could someone explain what Material Storage "value" means? Liquid Gold Sell/Buy are clearly the actual worth of the materials you can sell (mine is currently ~200-220g) but the "Value" column seems to consistently stay at about 1,100 gold. What is this referring too? I was thinking it was the total value of all materials you can store but a quick calculation on just a couple of the more expensive items that you can store shows that this can't be the case (especially since my storage is 500 rather than base 250)

    So what is it?

    Secondly, is it worth signing up to use the TP section to full potential? What does this offer than other websites don't offer? Overall I really enjoy using gw2efficiency so it would be nice to have everything I need on 1 site.

    Also I would like to point out that the crafting page is buggy as heck for some reason I can't properly edit things I want there, is this just me using Chrome and should I use a different browser? There is one particular medium ticket item that you can turn over super hard right now that is giving an easy 7-8G profit which is banana-nuts but there is no way to enter this item properly onto the crafting section. I would have thought this item would have been one of the things that gw2efficiency recommends players to craft using a particular currency under the currency section but it is not mentioned anywhere even though some of it's base items ARE recommended. This strikes me as particularly odd because going from the base items to the final item definitely is adding a lot of value (currently) (also sorry I can't say what the item is for obvious reasons)

    submitted by /u/trotsky187
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    Lore Question: What happened to the Underworld and the Fissure of Woe in GW history?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    The title says it already.

    Do we know anything about these two areas since the events of GW1 (+expansions)?

    Are these mentioned by someone in the game/books?

    Did they just disappear and nobody talks about them anymore?

    Additional question: Ectos were mostly (only?) farmed there. How did they appear in the „normal" world? (Not true about the Ecto places, so if false be kind to me please :))

    submitted by /u/maxmania228
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    Account serial codes gone

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    So my account recently was hacked, and because of this I have to find the serial codes for my account and I've looked everywhere and can't find them. It's starting to look like I'm going to be loosing everything

    submitted by /u/TaddyPoles
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    What’re some good Guild Wars 2 content creators?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Preferably on YouTube, but I suppose twitch streamers and whatnot are good as well :)

    submitted by /u/kydroud
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    Hitting 80 lv, what next?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    It's my first time playing GW2 and I finally reached 80 lv. I have no idea how Wvw, raids, fractale etc. works, I'm solo player so should I join guild to someone explain me this? Or just keep open-world exploring? How to get ascendend gear, just craft it? I'm playing ranger are that builds ok? http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Power_DPS , http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Worldly_Impact

    I love this game so I really wanna achieve 100% fun of playing. I know that's annoying type of post, but I hope that someone will answer me :)

    submitted by /u/Alfabia
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    Who could not like the enrichment?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    For Gods old and new give us option to do MF recipes in bulk or like crafting ....

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I just spend 30 minutes turning my cores to lodestone to amalgamated lodestone to make charged stromcaller weapons...2 of them. And while I have most of cores I need to make all of them, to think I need do MF thousends more times is killing me....

    And this is not first time - its fine when you go for 1 item in MF or when you try discover new one, but we need make hundreds after hundreds of them -and its just pointless grind. And I know you can use autoclicker for that, but thats not really good option if you get acidently banned for it....

    edit -oh yeah and looking for some good, easy to use and tested autocliker too if you know about any.....

    submitted by /u/Servel85
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