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    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 This happens way too often

    Guild Wars 2 This happens way too often

    This happens way too often

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Anyone else miss the old Lions Arch? I feel like the "new" one feels just like a Hub and not like a City anymore.. (I know this is old news for most of you but i just recently came back to the game)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    No downstate event is the most fun i had in WvW for a very long time.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    the event barely started and i am already having fun.

    suddenly roaming and hunting parties become viable against larger groups. you can now wreck havoc in unorganized group of player wandering around.
    outnumbered is possible if not too outnumbered.
    i was amazed as we successfully pushed a 3 time larger PUG (yes PUG, not organized guild bus but still) bus.

    i made other post about WvW balance in the past like, nerfing downed state auto attack, nerfing overall damage was a bad decision, etc..
    but no downed state just resolve most of the problems.
    because even if you have a boon ball in front of you, if you kill one player, he is dead. (amazing concept!) instead of getting immediatly rez back and having to put extra effort in killing one.
    you can still revive dead mates when out of combat anyway.

    if i had to make a list of good and bad things:
    ■ outnumbered is more possible than before.
    ■ smaller groups have a chance of dealing effective blows to bus.
    ■ boonball meta gets affected as a kill will be a death and not an instant rez.
    ■ roaming and hunting feels more rewarding as you don't have to go in and take extra risk for a finisher.
    ■ works very well with the overall damage reduction and CC damage nerf. downed state is atm too strong as a group mechanic and unbalanced for some calss. having to deal extra damage when a boonball or a larger group is already hard to down... as less builds can destroy people in one seconds, i feel it is fait to get less.
    ■ to kill faster players tend to actually use more power builds than condi builds.
    ■ players naturally tend to play together to increase survivability since they can't abuse the downstate mechanic to win a fight.
    ■ when you die you can quickly come back to the fight insetad of waiting to die while downed. (tho it may cause some slight balance issue when taking on a fort close to the enemy starting base)

    ■ death of duels. (obsidian sanctuary and edge of the mist should not have that no downstate debuff.)
    ■ less bags. hard to spam 1 on every downed to get the bags. now you need to commit into the fight to earn your bags. (i personnaly don't care about this but i am sure some does!)
    ■ no finisher. anet needs to sell some cool finishers right? either auto enable finisher on death (but that may be a bit problematic in large group fight.)
    ■ resurrection ability are useless... well what if you could use them to actually revive dead people like i other games instead of downedstate?
    ■ less casual friendly. yes i know that downed state (and less overall damage) helps new players alot in trying to survive against veterans. but maybe that would force those who want to commit to WvW to join a WvW guild and learn with a group?

    i am always for changes that makes bus less stronger. this event does that without changing much WvW core mechanics or class balance.
    i am for this event to be permanent. tho i don't know how this may be recieved by the community as there is players who would hate that either because it change the way they would play or becasue they would die too often without coming back to the fight instantly after.
    or maybe this event could be everyweekend? or every saturday or sunday?

    anyway, i am really enjoying this event so far :)

    submitted by /u/ledernierrempart
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    Fell through the floor in Frostgorge Sound looked pretty tho

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    The Zephyrite color swatches are an insult to customers that does nothing but risk alienating new players.

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    Zephyrite color swatches in the gem store, they cost upwards of 50 gold worth of gems even when on "sale", but even if they unlocked every dye you could choose from, you're still only getting less than 5 gold worth of items. There is no rational scenario where it is preferable to purchase this item, and anyone who does so by mistake or simply out of ignorance, is going to feel cheated.

    The pricing might have been more balanced back when dyes were actually worth more, but now that even most exclusive dyes can be bought with 1 or 2 gems worth of gold, this item is probably best retired completely.

    submitted by /u/Prezombie
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    I am truly trying to stick with the game, Anet, but the lag (EU) is making it impossible.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    This past few days have been just a slideshow, trying to play in the Icebrood Saga maps. I have been trying my best to get back into the game after a break - really giving it my all - and have actually been quite enjoying it. That is, until a couple days ago when the lag really set it.

    I have a 1000 Mbit line at home, and certainly no connection problems to anything else. I assume because everyone else in the map is also complaining that it's a server side issue.

    Seriously Anet, we are the community that is trying to see the bright side of the game and hang in there playing until the next expansion. Throw us a bone here and sort this out.

    submitted by /u/davidchanger
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    Guild Wars 2 Scenery - Labyrinthine Cliffs

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    [Spoilers for LWS4 - Art] World's Last Whisper

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Passive-aggressive PSA: Juggernaut III is still bugged

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    As an FYI in case you're planning on doing it. There's a point in the collection where you have to get an Experimental Ooze. This requires doing an event chain in Cursed Shore, and then talking to a merchant within 2 minutes after the chain ends.

    The chain doesn't start. There is virtually never enough people in Cursed Shore to trigger a new map instance where it might start.

    The NPC who sells the item sits in camp, but because you have to speak to him within 2 minutes after the event ends, you won't be able to buy it. It's on the known issues list, but I'm pretty sure it's been there for awhile as there are threads on this topic from when legendary journeys were originally added. There are also two separate threads in the bug forum for this same issue.

    It's cheaper to buy the precursor and then create Juggernaut without the journey, but if you want the ooze gizmo that lets you gain the Juggernaut shine effect on anyone, be warned that you're still going to hit this problem.

    submitted by /u/Tulki
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    Alliances info?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I don't doubt that coronavirus has put a bottleneck on developer resources for the game for more than half of the year now. That being said, I know as much about alliances today as I did on sep. 17th a year ago. Is there more information / updates available on the forums?

    submitted by /u/inertialambda
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    MightyTeapot - Basementside Chat (Podcast)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Low FPS on High End Setup

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Hello community,

    after upgrading from my old PC to a high end rig, I encountered a problem starting up GW2 for the first time. For the two months that I have this PC, I was able to play every single Game in my Library at 60+ FPS on max settings (a true blessing after playing most games downscaled or barely on 60 fps before). Starting GW2 I immediatly turned all settings to max.
    I'm getting around 40 fps, which wouldn't surprise me in populated areas, but even standing around in old maps I'm getting stutters and freezes.

    My specs:

    RTX 2080 Super
    Ryzen 3900x
    32GB DDR4 RAM @ 1199 MHz
    Gw2 is installed on an SSD

    It seems like although I set everything up to run at maximum performance, GW2 does not utilize all of my Hardware, as GPU runs at 40-50% load, CPU at around 30%.

    If anyone else ran into this issue or has a quick fix I would be grateful

    submitted by /u/JavaMozaku
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    Can you still obtain the Ascended weapon from Broken Caladblog?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Basically a new playing wanting to know if this is still a thing or already retired.

    I have seen posts but they are from years ago.

    submitted by /u/PhillipIInd
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    Desired Mastery in Cantha

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    Each expansion has a mastery that improves QoL across the entire game. HoT has gliding, and PoF has mounts. What would be a good mastery in Cantha that improves QoL across the entire game without breaking the game?

    I propose a mastery that allows minipets to gather from material nodes. Minis could automatically start gathering from a node within your 240 radius, but you don't have to stay near the node while it is gathering. You could run by nodes on your mount and gather without dismounting. Or if you're gathering in a location with several nodes, you and your mini can split up the nodes to gather them twice as fast. The only draw back would be that the mini needs to return to you to dump off its loot before it can gather from another node. So you can't zip across the entire map on a mount to gather all nodes from a map in only a few minutes. Stages of this mastery can include expanding your radius to 360, increasing the mini's movement speed, and allowing the mini to gather from 2 nodes before it must return to you.

    Now that skimmers will swim underwater, it seems unlikely that the global QoL mastery from the Canthan expansion will have anything to do with underwater travel.

    Edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/ebonblood
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    WVW and issues

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I come from the EU servers, and I love gw2 wvw. I don't like the pve much, so literally everything I do is wvw. A couple of weeks ago I finally transferred to the north American servers. My lag to my Eu server got me killed constantly and I just couldn't take it anymore.

    There are several differences between the EU servers and the NA ones. But, the most glaring and embarrassing, is the North American cheaters.

    I have seen necros and weavers stealth. Several people double to teleport and as a thief, I have been hit in stealth with a direct shot while not engaging in the current battle. I have even had players run directly at me when I am at a safely distanced and stealthed. I was not revealed nor was I marked.

    The worst I have seen is the 15 to 25 second single target evade/block invincibility. That just isn't in the mechanics, especially when my character has a 85.2% chance of criting. I've see ghosts just standing there as a byproduct of teleport and speed hacks. I know this isn't nor a bug or glitch in the servers or builds, I know what it is suppose to look like because, I never saw any of this shit on the EU servers. Besides the stealth thing, I was never sure if they were using radar or just that good, or perhaps stealth is and always will be broken.

    Each side in my current link up accuses the other side of hacking, however, I happen to be on both servers and the hacking is happening on both sides. This is shameful, if you have to hack you have no place in pvp, you are not skilled or cool. You are just a mean spirited looser, and if you think that other people are not on the other side of the keyboard, you are a sociopath. You are a shame to the gaming community and a shame to your self.

    submitted by /u/MaDpOpPeT
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    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 22 - Straits of Devastation

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    Also, before we get to the recap, you should know that I'm currently conducting a survey on map preference. I'm currently still accepting responses - and I'll be publishing the results in a Weekly Map Recap Special article. Get in those responses while you still can!

    22 of 52 - Straits of Devastation - Level 70-75

    Straits of Devastation is the first map in the Ruins of Orr region. Teased throughout pre-release in concept art, interviews, and a couple gameplay videos, we had very little idea of what truly awaited us in Orr.

    In fact, the curiosity about Orr goes back to the start of the franchise. The manual that came packed with Guild Wars: Prophecies painted an enticing picture of the city of the gods, of a "rich and vibrant" civilization. The most we got to tell us what Orr was like in the first game was Orrian Vizier Khilbron and his outfit, and the 'Shards of Orr' dungeon in Eye of the North. The latter didn't really have any unique environmental design - so we were pretty in the dark about what Orr would be like in GW2.

    When we began to get concept art filtered through the pre-release marketing, the hype built astronomically. Finally seeing the exteriors and interiors of Orr - and reading the lore - was a huge draw for me, personally, leveling up at the launch of Guild Wars 2.

    Straits of Devastation, as the first map in a chain of three, tells the story of how we get to the lost continent. It is an early example of a large 'conquer the keep' style map, with many of the events focused on the Conquest of one point, the Temple of Balthazar. It is intended for characters of level 70-75.

    Theme/Concept - 9

    As we've discussed in the past, before the launch of the game Arenanet devs talked about Orr as a more intense version of the dynamic event system present throughout the vanilla game. They painted the picture of the invasion of Orr as a multipronged assault, taking the fight on airship, submarine, and land. They talked about the temples of the gods and the persistent effect that taking each one would have in the world.

    Straits of Devastation, then is all about 'invasion' itself. In a larger sense, these Straits are more tied in with the eventual fate of Orr than even the city of Arah: the Cataclysm that sank the continent started here. Our Pact is, in their own way, re-enacting the charr invasion of Orr that led to that very Cataclysm. The temple of the god who enabled the Cataclysm, Abaddon, is here.

    So here we are, trying to stop a new 'Cataclysm' by invading the continent and killing Zhaitan. This map is more about the invasion itself than any of the other Orrian maps. This is the only one of the three maps where we see that initial 'pitch' of these maps realized: a multipronged assault featuring a whole map working together.

    Lore - 9

    Orrian maps are going to have uniformly high scores in this category. The writing team did a great job making sure that our first visit to Orr proper felt like it paid off. We get, on this map, the tower, study, and personal journal of Vizier Khilbron. We get the Temple of Abaddon, as well as information about the Royal lineage of Orr and their governance. On top of that, we have Fort Trinity - a fantastic location where numerous inventions that players have helped create over the course of their exploration of the world - like submarines and helicopters - all come together. We get some great lore on how the different Orders of Tyria are working together, and what they think about the invasion.

    Yes, there's not as many grand revelations on this map as there will be in Malchor's Leap, but Straits is no slouch.

    Design - 8

    Here's where things get really interesting. Straits of Devastation implements the dynamic invasion of Orr more successfully than any other map, but it's easily the least favorite of the three with the community. It all comes down to underwater combat (as well as a slew of bugs that were part and parcel of Orr on release). Straits of Devastation has an absolutely huge proportion of content underwater. And the enemies down there are tough, too - they swarm easily and have a high density. If you're swimming down there alone and you're not prepared, watch out.

    But we're getting ahead of ourselves. The map is designed to send players from the northeast to the southwest, with players intended to choose one of three 'lanes' across the map in the invasion of Orr. From Fort Trinity, players can choose to swim across with Pact submarines, swim across with Pact ships, or walk across the slew of small islands to the south. Once the forces meet in the middle in the southwest, they advance on the Temple of Balthazar and take it in a climactic battle.

    I want to emphasize that this is really the first full appearance of the 'three lane' meta structure. This map is in many ways the blueprint of all meta maps to follow.

    Straits of Devastation is the first map with no renown hearts. Or rather, the first map which didn't have renown hearts added. During testing, no maps in the game had renown hearts - they were added fairly late in the development cycle when the developers found that players did not understand how to play an mmo without stationary 'quests'. Dynamic events were apparently difficult to get if you hadn't seen them before. So hearts were added to every map, save the Orrian ones.

    There's a surprising amount of content in the northwest, on the mainland. There's even a secret jumping-puzzle-esque area called Lightfoot Passage, with a wealth of tameable ranger pets. There's 12 or 13 events altogether on the Pact side of the strait, which is not too shabby.

    In the ocean itself, there's an enormous amount of content. There's not one, but two minidungeons in the depths, and one unlockable area. The first, The Long Way Around, features a series of switches while swimming to avoid Orrian hands and their projectiles. The second involves searching for buried treasure on a sunken Orrian ship. The Vizier's Tower, of course, is a major attraction as one of the only lore-rich jumping puzzles in the game. I do wish that more of the Temple of Secrets were made accessible in the Open World. Given the lore tidbits we get later in Orr, one can only imagine what we would have found in Abaddon's temple.

    Straits of Devastation displays one of the traits of all Orrian maps: a huge inventory of dynamic events. There are 96 possible events on the map. Ninety-six. One gets the feeling that the development team wanted to make sure these maps were durable 'end-game' maps for the population for some time. The sheer variety and number of events speaks to that intention.

    Gameplay - 6

    Is it fun? Generally, yes. Again, this is going to depend so heavily on your personal tolerance for underwater combat that it's difficult to make broad generalizations. Statistically, it's not really that much of the content on the map: perhaps a quarter to a third. But for some that's too much - especially when activities like the mini-dungeons are required for several legendary crafting quests.

    Even beyond that, you'd better get used to fighting Risen. They'll be here to stay over the course of the next three maps. Now, to be fair, the team introduces a variety of new Risen mobs on this map, and will continue to introduce new ones in each Orrian zone.

    Some of the angst in the community regarding Risen and this map in general is leftover from growing pains at launch. On release, the general density of mobs in Orr was much higher. As part of an update early in the game's lifespan, new rewards were added to Orr along with rebalancing the mob density and diversifying them and their abilities. Notorious among the early Risen was the prevalence of a difficult to dodge 'pull' skill. It made traversing the map in the pre-mount world difficult.

    Aside from that, Straits was notorious for bugs in the early days. Being the most complex of the Orrian map metas cost it dearly. For the first two-to-six months of release, the three escort missions would bug fairly commonly and prevent progress. The final escort to the Temple of Balthazar sometimes wouldn't trigger properly. The rewards vendor after taking the Temple sometimes wouldn't spawn. This was all much more of a problem when the game ran on discreet world servers with overflow maps - it was hard to find a map with the population to succeed at the meta that wasn't bugged.

    But those are no longer problems. These days, I find the Straits of Devastation meta to be fun in line with the Heart of Thorns metas or other post-release efforts. Perhaps it's closer in complexity to, say, a Path of Fire meta, but nonetheless it's the most intense dynamic event experience to be had in the vanilla release.

    The other events on the map, while plentiful, are largely cut from the same cloth. This is an invasion, and most of the events are taking objectives and holding them. Thankfully, fighting the Risen is more interesting and less frustrating now than it ever has been. Overall, Straits will probably always play second fiddle next to its siblings, simply as a result of its high proportion of underwater content.

    Art - 7

    The look of the Orrian maps has always been a bit controversial among the playerbase. While they are universally praised for their sense of scale and almost alien architecture, some players have complained about a general 'muddy' color scheme and 'sameness' to the environments.

    There are a couple different sides to this. It's pretty obvious that the overall art direction on the Orrian environments is visually impactful and distinct. They don't look like anything else. Especially given that high-level zones in mmos tend to be fire/lava focused in some way, Orr stands out. The sense that this place was built by some power greater than humankind is very evident. Worth applauding, as well, is the consistent application of the circle in an enormous number of different ways, architecturally, throughout the Orrian environments.

    That said, this strangeness in the architecture does consume the human element of Orr. There is little sense, in any of the maps, that people actually lived in any of these environments. None of them look habitable. If different locations were not named, it would be impossible to tell that one were a temple and one a market. Of course, that may all be intentional - in archeology it can be difficult to interpret different spaces found in ruins. But even our strangest ancient ruins on earth have the sense that someone used them in some way. Everything in Orr feels like an art object rather than a functional space.

    This is especially true of the interiors. Most of the interiors are maze-like, with little sense of interior planning or design. The interiors often use exterior textures. When I see art like that I posted above, and here, I'm excited about connecting with a culture through their architecture. That image connects the world of Orr very explicitly to the muqarna elements of Islamic architecture. Given the arabic connection in the names of Orrian places and people, that would continue to build a clearer idea of these people and what they were like. Instead, the Orrians continue to feel as alien as the giant arches they left behind.

    Again, if that was the intention - to remind us of the impenetrability and foreignness that the past sometimes has - it's definitely worked.

    I'm not sure that criticisms about color on these maps are well founded. Yes, with shaders all the way up the lighting can sometimes dull the colors. But they're definitely there underneath. The Orrian maps make strong use of the colors commonly found in oil slicks - sickly purples, greens, blues, and pinks. Everything here shines as if recently doused in a thin film of gasoline.

    One last criticism I would levy at the Orrian maps in general is their lack of a sense of geography. Because the architecture is so alien and incomprehensible - and different buildings seem placed with no clear rhyme or reason - it can be very easy to get lost. Think of Verdant Brink. It has a maze-like structure, but it is always easy to tell where you are in relation to major landmarks. The Itzel village, the cliffs at the start, the vine pit in the ruins, the noble refuge - all these things are clearly marked by their art and layout. In the Orrian maps, we have no sense of that. Other than the major temples of the gods, I could not tell you much about the layout of these maps on a micro level.

    Leaving with a positive though, Straits has less of that problem than Malchor's Leap and Cursed Shore. In fact, it has the beautiful Fort Trinity to really balance out the Orrian strangeness. The look of the Fort wonderfully combines charr architecture with asura tech and sylvari magic. I've always adored the color palette in Fort Trinity - deep red coppers and electric blues. It gets me jazzed to take on the whole continent of Orr.

    Long Term/Retention - 7

    Orrian temple metas are relatively stable, though low population in comparison to expansion meta maps. Straits in particular is a bit lower - largely due to the reliance of the meta on underwater combat. Cursed Shore and Malchors are more popular for rewards. That said, this meta still needs to be done for a number of achievements and crafting journeys. It is also lower population these days as a direct result of the increased availability of exotic and ascended gear. Given that Orr was once one of the cheapest places to get exotic gear (via karma after conquering temples), its population is reduced as exotic gear becomes cheaper. I know very few players that would spend that much karma now versus buying gear from the TP.

    The minidungeons and jumping puzzle also have consistent low-level populations.

    Overall - 7.5

    Straits of Devastation is the best example of the initial 'pitch' of Orr. It's the blueprint for all of the map wide meta events that would come after it. For those reasons alone, it should get props. But on top of that it's got a cool Pact fortress and some really interesting secrets and lore nods. The only downside is that if you don't like underwater content, this map is hampered. Overall, a map that is the least popular of three strong maps for reasons that I'm not sure are really its fault.


    That's it for today! Next week, it's a break from Orr as we head up north for Frostgorge Sound.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    Don't forget that survey!

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Relatively fresh 80, confused on a few things

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Title, bought a set of exotic gear and finishing up personal story, likely moving onto HoT and PoF for hero points. Did some research on what I should be doing and decided I want to get into fractal, general world events, and better gear. I have little understanding of all stated and I hope to be enlightened.

    Do I just join LFG for low fractals and is going in blind fine with the rest of the group?

    How do I navigate the world events timer site, specifically speaking, does the red timer/marker mean the event is active and needs to be started, or has it already begun? I'd also like to know which ones are higher priority/more lucrative than others.

    Will my character's overall strength get to a point where soloing smaller events (i.e. champion events) become extremely easy?

    Thanks in advance for the help and any other general tips or advice for post-80 content would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: Quick responses and very helpful at that, you guys are great! Thanks again!

    submitted by /u/skiff11
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    My last Gw2 WvW video, also best week to give WvW a try!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Posting my last Gw2 WvW video here. Outnumbered thief roaming and duels!


    Hope you enjoy while stuck working from home!

    On that same note, with everything going on my focus will be shifting and I don't see myself being able to play much or upload anymore.

    I started making these videos for fun and to try and convince friends on discord and in game to give WvW a try. It's a great game mode, and one of the few places where you can log in and see the same faces and get to know some of the people you play with even if you aren't in the same guild, you are all on the same team! If you've never had the time to give it a try, this week is a great opportunity with double EXP to nab some of the more useful ability upgrades and get a chance to roll with some active groups! If you've never done it before don't worry about the gear too much to start, just hop in the server's public discord and listen to the commander to know when and where to move and I promise you'll have a great time!

    In the end, what is the point of all the shinies in Gw2 if you don't get to use them to hit people with your friends?

    submitted by /u/Rogue-Spectre
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    Invitation to the Party gone from my account

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    I logged in today to find Invitation to the Party GONE from my account!

    I checked all of my characters (ALL OF THEM!), and it's not on them either. It's also not in my bank.

    I don't recall deleting it, since attempting to delete it forces you to type the name. I also don't recall deleting any characters recently either.

    I have the collection done, since I've actually USED the item to get to the festival area. I'm sure I wasn't hallucinating.

    I even plugged my API into GW2efficiency and the item is gone there too. https://i.imgur.com/0qB9ceg.png

    I've been primarily WvWing the past few days, so I wonder if it's a rare bug caused by that. While it may sound crazy, can siege somehow delete items from your account? Maybe it's a very rare occurrence, and what happened to me was some weird server side bug completely unrelated to WvW and my gameplay. But it's still odd.

    So.. what's up? Did this happen to anyone else?


    Two other things I did recently are:

    1. Charging quartz in my home instance

    2. Planting 4 Varietal Mint Seed Pouch in my home instance garden.

    While it may be a wild shot in the dark, could home instance gardens be related? Both Varietal Mind Seed Pouch and the Invitation are ascended tier.

    submitted by /u/Razah_93
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    Crafting 400 to 500 as a fresh 80?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am a fresh 80 guardian and I was trying to set my list of priorities not to feel too overwhelmed by the amount of content available at max level.

    Yesterday I finished the map completion and got my first crafting profession, weaponsmith, to 400. I plan on progressing my armorsmith next. With a friend, we are also planning on doing fractals step by step to get our first ascended gear (rings and trinkets IIRC?).

    My question is: should I bother upgrading weaponsmith and armorsmith to 500 right now? I heard that 400 to 500 is a bit hard, gold consuming and should be adressed later. On the other hand, I would like to work on my ascended gear as fast as possible. Also, I have 5 gold available.

    submitted by /u/MysterioCI
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