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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 King Turai Ossa - All Classes + Builds

    Guild Wars 2 King Turai Ossa - All Classes + Builds

    King Turai Ossa - All Classes + Builds

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I saw the last video on Turai Ossa with all builds is 2 years old by now, so i decided to make one with current balance. These are not perfect builds, most of them are altered raid/fractal builds. I am not an expert on every class. I simply took enough survivability skills/traits i needed while keeping enough damage to finish the fight. If you feel you need more defense go for it. This is simply showing that the fight can be done on every class even if you don't execute everything perfectly. If you have suggestions for others on stuff to switch out feel free to comment here or on the video.
    Timestamps and builds are in the description :)

    submitted by /u/UNIT_Darkz
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    A necro art comission (by atilleart)

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Boss Rush Workout - Day 3 - Stability

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Professor Courage Minimoose from the Asuran College of Statics here to issue your daily Boss Rush Workout routine. Thank you for all your kind messages and all the positivity I've seen in map chat during the event. Your feedback is what keeps me motivated! Keep an eye out for Pink Commanders and/or show your support by activating your Pink tag or wearing Pink!

    You survived yesterday's "Swiftness" routine so today we are going to tackle "Stability". Stability exercises will focus on core strength and stability muscles. You'll be engaging your core and back which will activate many under-utilized muscles and also help improve posture. Please scale these numbers to your fitness level, stay hydrated, and even if you don't do the workout make sure to get up and move around every hour.

    Easy options are designed for those with low mobility, just getting started in their exercise routines, or have an injury which restricts movement. The Superman Rows and Bird Dogs should be slow and controlled movements. Engage the muscles and briefly hold for each repetition.

    1. Dragons - 10-20 Superman Rows
      1. Easy - Future Superman Rows
      2. Intermediate - Superman Extensions
      3. Hard - Superman Rows
    2. Elementals - 10-20 Bird Dogs (Shadow Behemoth, Megadestroyer, Fire Elemental, etc?)
      1. Easy - Touchy Dogs
      2. Intermediate - Light Bird Dogs
      3. Hard - Bird Dogs
    3. Other - Plank (30-60 cumulative seconds. Please ignore my use of the foam roller. I have to use it due to fused toe joints.)
      1. Easy - Knee Plank (rest by putting hips on ground)
      2. Intermediate - Full Elbow Plank (rest position shown in video after a few seconds)
      3. Hard - Arms Extended Plank (rest position shown in video after a few seconds)
    4. If multiple boss encounters without a break stack 5 (Superman Rows, Bird Dogs), 10 seconds of planking, and then add 5 reps/10 seconds for current boss. (e.g. Admiral+Karka and waiting in Maelstrom do 10 Superman Rows, 15 Bird Dogs, 20 seconds of plank)
    5. Bonus Kettlekitty Squats

    Never let anyone knock you down and that includes yourself. The hardest part of any memorable journey is taking the first few steps.

    Statistically yours,

    Professor Minimoose

    College of Statics

    submitted by /u/Nythious
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    We should be able to buy Matal Legion Music Box ingame!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Why isn't it a thing yet? I want to rock out on every boss! :D

    submitted by /u/Evangeder
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    When it happens to you...

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    So is my personal story quest complete after beating that first boss in the tutorial?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    I literally just started this game. After being injured from the blast after killing the first boss. I don't see a green star anywhere on the map. The only thing it is telling me to do is do these little heart things to help people near by. Is that part of the story mission? Because they feel like side quests.

    submitted by /u/mycrusade33
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    Suggestion: Enhanced mount / item preview

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Where the player will be transported to a special preview area where they can ride the mounts or use the armor / weapon skins, apply dyes, etc

    submitted by /u/phoenixxx86
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    The lack of communication is legit frustrating at times

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    So I've came back to this game, I've been getting back into the scene. I'm watching the streamers and particularly Teapot's unrelenting energy in getting groups together to do content has made me decide to go the same way. I bought a commander tag, i grinded 1000's of gold to open up extra character slots so I can multi class.

    So I decided I want to lead my guild and grow it with a group of core players that can do end game content. Unfortunately, I am nowhere near that point as I need sooo many resources and I am so many years behind other long term player that I basically have no experience in the end game of fractals and strikes/raids.

    So I realise I am gonna have to grind through fractals, learn them from scratch. I am gonna have to grind through strikes and raids and learn them too.

    My first runs on any level I am asking what to do, where to go, do I need anything to look out for with bosses etc. Usually I get some kind of response (not very well explained 90% of the time though) but this is fine, I am making my own personal effort to learn these levels so I will look up on Wiki/youtube if any help is needed.

    So I start feeling more confident having run these fractals. I start LFG's so that I can power through the rest of the fractal levels I have remaining. People join, I don't know them. They have ~100 or more AR usually at my current progress state. I say hello to my new party members, ask them if they know what they are doing. I am greeted with silence.

    We go through the level, we get to the boss, and half my party will run around in circles, get confused. They ignore break bars, they do not understand basically half the mechanics. Quite often they do not even understand the core mechanic of the boss (Underground Facility is probably the clearest example of this) so then I have to ask them if they are confused, then I have to explain mid boss fight while trying to dodge AoE what they are supposed to be doing.

    This happens over and over and over again.

    What is wrong with this game's community? Why are half the players completely braindead and getting 100% carried through so much content all the time? Why are they not bothering to learn mechanics, and even worse, why are they not even communicating to their party-mates that they don't know what to do? They hide this critical information until the group is about to get wiped or sometimes say nothing at all and then the group gets frustrated with each other and the party disbands...

    In conclusion, I am sticking with my plans to try and get fully acquainted with all levels of content in this game so I can lead others, but goddamn since deciding to make this my personal mission I sure am finding the game frustrating. What do these players do when there is nobody to hold their hand through all the content? Why do players not engage with this game properly?

    Am I just being over the top here or is this frustration something others are experiencing a lot with this game? I want to engage with the real hardcore endgame content but I can already see visions of failing raids/strikes over and over again as I explain mechanics over and over to people, every time. It feels like whenever I wanna jump in casually and not lead, any group I am in has the potential to quickly fall apart.

    Sorry if this post is whiney but this is a bit of an "off my chest" moment.

    To all the other content leaders and commanders out there, you are living saints and I honestly believe this community and game would be a clusterfuck of idiots if it wasn't for the few who decide to lead others.

    submitted by /u/trotsky187
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    Bowing when your back hurts

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Now that im level 80 which masteries do I get first?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Legendary weapon, fractal, or commander pact? And why?

    Also I have 9 points how do I exactly spend them?

    submitted by /u/DogeAndGabbana
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    Boss Blits advice required

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm a fairly new player having just completed the 20 hours into GW2 milestone last night. As a new player and a sucker for exploration I tend to complete each new map area to 100% before moving to the other one and being the curious lad that I am I found out The Krown Pavilion and with that Boss Blitz! Now I completed it a few times since it was my first ever community boss battle and it looked awesome visually (to me). So without further due here are my questions:

    1. Is it worth it reward related? ( I just reached level 27)

    2. What are the best items to spend The Festival Tokens?

    3. What's the best way to use Queen's Gauntlet Entrance Tickets?

    Thank you in advance to anyone who might take the time to reply :)

    submitted by /u/lightshadower
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    In Pursuit for an MMO

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT


    I'm looking for a casual MMO to play, I tried to get into Guild Wars 2 a few times for the past 3 years but never got "into" it, actually I have never had a character above level 20, so it's fair to say that I never gave the game a chance.

    A little background - I used to play WoW and ESO for years just because it has dungeons and raids which is fun. But it does take a toll on you when you have to work 9 hours a day, have a kid to raise and a wife. Dailies, weekly tasks and gear grinding is what made me quit.

    What do you think of Guild Wars 2, is it a second job for some? Or I can hop in and enjoy it whenever I want without feeling obligated to do stuff?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Vitguld
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    Returning after a few years away, advice/tips for a new start?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:43 AM PDT


    So I was a huge fan of this game on release. It was probably one of the best games i've played in terms of enjoyment, I loved it! Unfortunately irl stuff got in the way and I just never got round to picking the game back up again. I left when HoT got released and haven't been back since. I'm going through a phase now where I've got a bit of time on my hands and I'd really like to start enjoying this game again. Before I crack on, I thought I would ask everyone for some tips/advice on starting all over again. What's the best way to do it, just start a new char and level up to 80 again? How has the game been? Is it still in a good space?

    I'd really appreciate some advice from the community on this. One of the best things I remember about this game was how awesome the player base was. I hope its still the same!


    submitted by /u/Hyphron
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    What are some really cool back pieces you can get through achievements / collections?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Question about T4+ "meta"

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Hey so I've never really committed to high end pve before but I'm making a push for it at the moment. Still only in T1s but I'm starting to craft ascended gear and I got a question.
    I play revenant and I understand that alacrity rev is the meta, but to me that's a bit boring. I've always played healer in other games so I really wanted to play harrier rev, so I'd still give perma alacrity but I'd replace dps with healing.

    In your opinion would I get turned down a lot for T4s because I'm not playing the absolute most meta build atm or would it be fine?
    Unfortunately I can't open 76-100 bracket LFG to see what people ask for. In case people don't want heal revs at all, how about heal firebrand since the gear is transferable? I also want to eventually try out raids and I don't wanna craft diviner gear then not have it be good for raid as rev

    submitted by /u/Eremoo
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    Blasted for coming to Guild Wars

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Played WoW for years since it launched... went on a hiatus for a few more. Recently some buddies talked me into trying out GW2. We started a small 10 man guild about 2 weeks ago. I asked in my main Discord if anyone else wanted to join and everyone flame sprayed the game. Saying there's no meaningful progression or challenging content. That this game gives casuals a steady drip feed of walking simulator leveling with shiny gear skins waved around the cash shop. This game has been a fun change of pace but I'm not sure they're not wrong. Still have a lot to learn about GW2. Does anyone recommend any Thief/Necro guides that aren't dated? Currently mid-50's on the Thief

    submitted by /u/mapplejax
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    Only 17 Bank Tabs to buy, why?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    I really do not get it why Anet is not constantly raising the storage space over the years. I would be very happy if i could buy more storage for the sale tomorrow. I want more bank Tabs!

    Before some of you recommand any different form of storage, i already have that. I want bank tabs to collect and order my items, 17 is not enough.

    submitted by /u/Biestosaurus_Hax
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    Destroyers and minions of Primordus don't take burning damage. Jormag's minions should take extra. Change my mind.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    ANet ditched the armor type system that existed in GW1, which is great because given how much there already is about combat in this game, that would seem unnecessary and cluttered. Except destroyer mobs are immune to burning.

    If ANet wants to have their little RP dragon minion mobs of the destroyers make builds like condi firebrand nearly useless - granted only in the open world/specific dungeon scenarios - then they should at least be consistent (lol) with this RP fantasy and make Jormag minions take more burning damage.

    I'm not asking for double damage or +50%, but something along the lines of taking 10-25% more damage from burning for RP purposes and reparations for how they burned burning damage builds on destroyer mobs.

    And if ANet doesn't do this and then decides to continue the elder dragon crusade to the point where we kill Primordus and his minions who are still immune to burning damage, well then :VSauceCringeFace:

    Change my mind.

    submitted by /u/RUBIK1376
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