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    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 I couldn't resist! GO, GO POWER RANGER!!!

    Guild Wars 2 I couldn't resist! GO, GO POWER RANGER!!!

    I couldn't resist! GO, GO POWER RANGER!!!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    idk if u feel like it

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Pls Make the Chest of the Khan-Ur Reset Consistant with Server Reset

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    The Chest of the Khan-Ur is the only chest i know of, which doesnt reset at server reset, but has its own reset cycle. I am not 100% sure how exactly it works, I assume it has an internal 24h reset period for each account.

    This is very annoying for someone who wants to compleat the daily routin consistantly in short time period and not log-in later in the day just for that one chest. The chest is something i absolutelly want to loot daily, if I would do only one thing per day, it would be the chest of Khan-Ur. I know not many players even loot that chest, but, I would greatly appreciate if the chest would reset with the server reset, which is consistant with everything else in the game (that i interact with). I hope i am not the only one with this issue.

    submitted by /u/kbskbs
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    So today my build templates bugged out, and for a minute or so my legendary armor merged with my ceremonial bear armor (and fuzzy bear hat). Actually looked kinda cool!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Big thanks to all the „Full homeinstance - join <3“ people, we appreciate u so much!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Gamers Gauntlet - Huge 1vs1 PvP Tournament !

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Gamers Gauntlet - Huge 1vs1 PvP Tournament !

    Hi there. I am hosting a 1vs1 tournament this weekend. The prize pool is currently over 2000 gold !

    It will be on both Saturday and Sunday at "5:00PM (CEST)" and will include some well known streamers to help me cast it.

    If you are interested in joining then please check it out here:


    If you have any questions then please feel free to message me on Discord too !

    My Server Link

    If anyone is interested in watching the event then I will be streaming it live on:


    I hope to see you guys this weekend !


    submitted by /u/Blamthrax
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    Guild Chat: Working at Home – GuildWars2.com

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Suggestion: unified gobbler

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    The Gleam of Sentience pops up a merchant window. I think that Mawdrey II, the Star of Gratitude, and all the others could be tabs within that window without too much work... We could add them to it like portal scrolls to a tome.

    This would save me many inventory slots and be extensible for other future currencies.

    submitted by /u/svtdragon
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    [ART] One of my character, Ahoude my chronomancer! I hope it's okay to post it here.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Is Temple of Balthazar ever available?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Haven't been active much since completing the PoF story, only daily logins and gathering plants.

    Now I'm almost ready to complete my second legendary and to get the 250 Obsidian shards I wanted to buy those with Karma again... at the Temple of Balthazar.

    I only checked for two days now but is the temple ever available nowadays, as nobody is playing on these maps anymore? Do I just have to be lucky one day that there are people doing the meta event?

    Any other advice on getting the Obsidian shards relatively easy? As I have tons of Karma I don't know what to use on...

    submitted by /u/SejaYT
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    Skill level difference between Transcendence and Conflux

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    I have done a quick search and I can't find a post on this but I was wondering what your thoughts were about the difference between the WvW and PvP legendary trinkets?

    if you wanted both rings with the aura, there is a huge skill difference.

    Conflux you kill 100 people to get slumbering, totally doable in a zerg or may be a little longer if you roam, and have to capture 100 things for the ball effect. There is zero skill in capturing 100 camps.

    Transcendence you need 120 PvP wins, this is doable, but can vary in time depending on how you play PvP, but to get the ball effect you need 20 torno wins. A torno win requires a premade group for starters, and you are most likely going to be against some well seasoned players and might be out of reach for a lot of the playerbase.

    Now, please dont get me wrong, I am not moaning about the PvP aura being out of my reach as I will just make the slumbering version if I find it to be an issue when I get round to making it, I am literaly querying the difference in each trinkets requirements as they seem worlds apart?

    I am wondering why this is the case?

    submitted by /u/EchoFalls27
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    Borrowed Gold From Mates to Get Dragon Wing Backpack for 100 Jorebrakers then found out it was on Auctions House for 60 gold :(

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Hello all. I'm pretty new here but I hope someone in community can help me figure out what to do. I borrowed gold from 10 guild mates to buy dragon bash skin from NPC vendor and I found out yesterday that it was on Trades post for only 60 gold buy out. I feel really stupid and I'm new to guild so I don't want to ask for favors. I knew it was going to take me a long time to pay them back because I'm 13 and my parents only let me play for 1 hour on weekdays and 2 hours on week ends, but knowing I wasted a lot of gold in game makes me very sad. I already sent a ticket to game support and they said they could not help me. Do you guys have any suggestion?

    Thank you and have a great day! Patrick

    submitted by /u/mahommes_is_my_hero
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    Dread Power Core Necro SPvP Guide: When you have no friends left to disappoint and plenty of enemies to BM

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Prefacing this by saying: This build isn't for everyone, it's incredibly squishy and inefficient, more on that at the bottom.

    Intro: Hi everyone. Never really done this before. I'm not on any real GW2 community sites like Metabattle nor want to make a Youtube video. So kinda hoping this gets some traction.

    So ever since the new spite trait Dread was revealed I was curious: Who TF was this for? It doesn't make much sense in pve, after all most fury and quickness buffs would be applied by a dedicated boon giver. Likewise, it's not really for Reaper pvp either. Reaper already gives itself quickness where it counts during shroud through Reaper's Onslaught. Even if you wanted to try taking Blighter's Boon or Deathly Chill (which I'm not sure why), you would have to sacrifice either the life force, crit, and damage from Soul Reaping or the only sustain keeping you alive in Blood Magic. Even then, there's probably more appealing options if you get that far considering that Reaper's Onslaught also reduces your shroud cds when you complete an auto attack chain and gives you 300 ferocity.

    So, through process of elimination, I nailed it down to Core (I never really considered Scourge that seriously despite Power Scourge in WvWvW, as it's shroud skills are more focused on conditions) and tried a couple different variants. In the end this is the disgusting abomination I came up with.

    The Build:

    1. Valkyrie Amulet (1200 Power - 900 Ferocity - 900 Vitality, this'll make more sense when you see the traits, you actually don't need any precision at all in this build so the extra vitality really helps)

    2. Runes of Speed (gotta go fast, especially key for juking)

    3. Staff - Axe/Warhorn (staff has fear on its staff 5, along with utility + good life force generation, while axe is the main power dps weapon and warhorn gives swiftness for rune of speed). Staff sigils are energy/escape, axe/warhorn sigils are doom and exposure (Staff once again is for utility/survive, axe is for burst so you want to apply vulnerability for axe 2 and poison to reduce healing they might be receiving).

    4. For Traits, top being 1 mid being 2 and bottom being 3... Spite 111 Curse 231 Soul Reaping 232 . The key thing here is you won't have Blood Magic's Unholy Martyr, so if you get conditions during shroud you're going to have to prioritize a condition cleanse after shroud ends. Furthermore, you don't have any real sustain or defense on your own without Blood Magic (ignoring allies you'll have protection from utility skills should you choose to take them and Weakening Shroud... that's it!). so you need the extra Vitality from Valkyrie Amulet. As for crit/precision, along with the default % you're picking up a random 180 precision from Curses, 2% crit per condition(you'll usually get 6-10% from your own conditions but can have like 14-16% on focused targets) , 20% from fury (which is often, its when you enter shroud or fear), and then 33% in shroud giving you about 40% out of shroud, 77% in shroud, and 90% in Lich Form. Lich Form gives added crit, which is key. I take improved fear over 10% damage in Soul Reaping since people are trained to just ignore the fear, and that's usually enough time to kill them. And it's also nice to keep enemies other than your target feared for longer, especially considering your spectral ring and staff 5 are aoe.

    5. Heal, Utility, and Elite traits are Consume Conditions, Spectral Ring, Spectral Walk, Lich Form. Again, you kind of need to sacrifice boonstrip for condi cleanses and stun breaks, since you're very squishy. You should still have enough boonstrip with Weakening Shroud, Chill of Death, and Unholy Feast to get kills anyways. The good news is with all of your fears and jukes you can avoid a lot of power damage. Though taking things like Flesh Wurm could be interesting, I have found a lot more success with things like Well of Power and Spectral Ring due to their persistence in shroud and Lichform.

    How to play: So what does this all mean? This means with this build you are generally getting powerful spikes of burst damage off of axe 2, Shroud 5+4, Shroud 1, and especially Lich Form when combined with Fear. Lich form with no quickness is scary. Lichform with quickness, especially on a squishy target that's being feared by Lichform 3, just rips through people like they're paper. You can generally surprise a lot of people in average combat as they aren't expecting a Core necro to burst down so quickly. And every 150 seconds you get access to a form that kills multiple people in about 4-6 seconds. It's... it's cute.

    The key thing to remember though is that Dread has a 3 second internal cooldown, meaning you don't want to spam your fears. Instead, you want to intermix them in your rotation. Ideally for instance you'll start off with a staff 3 to set some chill and poison on the target, staff 5 to fear (or just initiate with a staff 5 if you think the person will try to dodge roll after the staff 3 or is too close), and then immediately switch to axe/warhorn and axe 2. You should prepare to go either Lichform or Shroud depending on the situation, but remember to time yourself to wait on fearing until the 3 second internal cd is done. You don't want to waste a cooldown, especially on your lich form, for a not-as-OP state. A good indicator is when you notice your quickness is about to expire. A quickness from fear about to expire mean it's been a little less than 5 seconds and means you're ready for another one.

    So why does this suck? Well for starters it's incredibly unreliable. Power Reaper does its job a lot better because it has access to three stacks of stability on shroud 3 during its combo. You barely have access to one stack of stability during Lichform. Getting interrupted makes you panic as you try to hide, contemplating why you chose to be a disappointment in life. If you get interrupted and rooted in shroud just sit there even more useless. It also takes away a lot of the sustain of Core Necro. There's only so much 900 vitality, shroud, and your small bag of tricks can do. You're going to have to be incredibly judicious with jukes, stunbreaks, and dodge rolls to not be downed all the time. Lastly, it takes away the support aspect people have come to know and expect from Core (even if Ritual of Life was nerfed into the ground). The good news is you can kill enemies faster than a core necro can rally them anyways (besides, an Elementalist's glyph of renewal is the new team rally anyways).

    tl;dr: It's a meme build for killing unsuspecting players who won't target you because they think you're tanky and won't avoid your damage because they think you hit like a wet noodle. But it is more unreliable in killing than Reaper, and more unreliable in supporting/surviving than a traditional Core necro.

    submitted by /u/dEn_of_asyD
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    Problems trying to use Reshade?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Hey guys. I'm struggling to get the marvelous qUINT shaders working with GW2 (using Reshade 4.3 or 4.7.) On 4.3 they don't do anything, and one doesn't even calculate. With 4.7 I can get them working, but if my character moves at all, they stop functioning until I am no longer moving. Has anyone successfully managed to get these working with the game? If so, how? (I tried with and without the DX12 addon, installing the appropriate Reshade versions for each as well.)

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/WitAndWonder
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    Avid twitch viewer here, what's up with DurdenGaming?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    So, GW2 does not have much twitch coverage, barely 1k+ viewers usually (in evenings), MightyTeapot was at the top most the time (at peak hours). When expansion got announced and maybe because C0ViD happening it's some more, around 1.500, but suddenly this German streamer, who actually is regular and dedicated, but not so long ago out of nowhere he had almost 5 thousand viewers and right now he having more than 1 thousand, when he averaged 120 or so. He cant view-bot so shamelessly, right?

    submitted by /u/brb_gotta
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    Looking for friends

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I have been playing guild wars 2 off and on now for years and just yesterday decided to go all out in this game and make it my goal to do all facets and experience everything the game has to offer. In the past I have never achieved getting a character past the 40's. Just got my first max character the other day and looking for some noob friendly helpful friends or guilds to guide me. I own all expansions and none of my friends play so I am always forced to alone.

    I play on Sorrow's furnace playing a Elementalist in hopes to get it to a place where I can be of use and support friends and do content. Would appreciate any friends to play with or even any guidance people can give on this post for a completely fresh first ever time max character. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/ctopher22
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    Anyone else having TP troubles?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet, so I'm trying to figure out if I should state in my support ticket if it's just me or not. Since the last patch, I haven't been able to access the full TP. I can't see anything that would fall under the general accessories categories, like back, earrings, rings, and amulets. So far, everything else is available. I've cleared the cache, and I've had PoF and HoT for years, so it's not the fact I'm a free account.

    I'm going to send in a ticket regardless, but I can't tell if it's a problem in my account, or the game in general. Anyone else with this problem, and is there a solution I don't know of?

    submitted by /u/lilisonofabitch
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    Terrible Balance Reward Issues

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Ok guys, this is gonna be a very long one, just take a few minutes and try to see it from a non biased perspective.

    The Game Guild Wars 2 is split into 3 Game Modes, World vs World, sPvP and PvE.

    All of them have different ways to obtain Materials and Game Mode specific Currency.

    World vs World specific Currency consists of Tradeable "Memory of Battle", non-tradable Accountbound Wallet Currency "WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets" aswell as "Badges of Honor" and "Testimonies of Heroics".

    sPvP specific Currency consists of Tradeable "Shards of Glory" and non-tradable Accountbound Wallet Currency "Ascended Shards of Glory" as well as "PvP League Tickets".

    Open World / PvE specific Currencies are Map Specific Currencies such as Geodes, Bandit Crests, aswell as Fractal of the Mist Currencies, Raid Currencies and Strike Mission Currencies.

    Also listed in the GW2 Wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Currency

    Now comes the actual Problem with those as well as with Rewards in general, they are pretty unbalanced when it comes to the time invested in each Game Mode, let alone if you like a Game Mode so much you wanna kinda "Main" the Game Mode.

    World vs World:

    If you would start the Game to play mainly World vs World you would quickly realize it is a pretty long way to get your Ascended Gear through World vs World alone.

    For World vs World Ascended Armor you need a total of: 1310 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets; 1500 Memories of Battle; and 20 Grandmaster Marks (either Armorsmith, Leatherworking or Tailor depending on Class). The WvW Skimirsh Claim Tickets are the smallest problem, they are time-gated with a limit of 365 per Week if you get all the Pip Reward Chests, the real problem are the Memories of Battle and Grandmaster Marks, in the 4 Weeks you wont get enough of either just by playing the Game Mode alone.

    World vs World Pip Reward Chest also have huge diminishing returns if you get to the Point where you hit the Repeatable Diamond Chest, where as the sPvP Pip Reward Chests are well balanced, but we get to that in a minute.

    The next Issue with it are the Grandmaster Marks, in World vs World you only gain "Shards" of them, you need to get 10 Grandmaster Mark Shards to trade them for a Grandmaster Mark of your choice. The only other way to obtain Grandmaster Marks is through Crafting them, which is time-gated and requires you to get the specific Crafting Profession to Rank 500.


    If you start the Game because you love the simplicity of just creating a Character and hop into PvP after the Tutorial, you are in extremly good hands.

    For PvP you don't really need anything to get started, the Game Mode is balanced around Stats provided by Necklace and Runes, with Sigils giving you a bonus on each Weapon Set. Don't let the fool you tho, you still should wear the Basic Armor the Game gave you upon creating the Character, otherwise you wont have less if any Armor.

    PvP Rewards are pretty good, obviously not as good as PvE, but for something you don't need to invest much into it is incredible. If you reach Rank 20 through Unranked, you can hop into Ranked and get started with farming for ?.

    And here it happens, my Brain starts to hurt thinking about how unbalanced the Rewards are, in sPvP you have very little Gold sinks, if any, it really depends on what you play, some Runes and Amulets are locked behind a few Gold, yet the Game Mode throws so much Gold at you that we now have Bots in sPvP, but thats a whole different story.

    Back 2 Topic.

    PvP Pip Reward Chests are huge, yes the Season compared to World vs World is 8 times as long, but it Rewards you with: 100 PvP League Tickets per Season as well as a few Grandmaster Marks of Choice, but the most incredible Part is the amount of Gold and Ascended Shards of Glory, those you get as much as you are active, the Reward of the Repeatable Pip Reward Chests "Byzantium" dont really change apart from Removing the Mini Llama and PvP League Tickets.

    Comparing sPvP to WvW Rewards:

    WvW is time-gated in for Skirmish Claim Tickets, so you will need a total of atleast 4 Weeks if you reach the last Diamond Chest every week.

    PvP is not time-gated but "activity-gated" the difference is, you need to reach Rank 20 first before you can get started.

    Tradeable Currency you need 1500 Memories of Battle for WvW ; 1500 Shards of Glory for sPvP. Which at the time of writing this is: 10s97c vs 62c per. (Instant Buy)

    In 4 Weeks of WvW you gain a total of 12 Grandmaster Shard's which is 1 Grandmaster Mark of your choice.

    In sPvP assuming you hit the last Pip Reward Chest you get a total of 3 Grandmaster Marks of your choice.

    So you need to Craft 19 Grandmaster Marks for the WvW vs 17 for the sPvP Ascended Armor.

    All that while you also get a significant amount of Gold in the sPvP Pip Reward Chests (20g for the last Repeatable alone) vs no Gold at all for WvW Pip Reward Chests.

    Ok lets hop onto


    PvE has the most ways possible to get Ascended Gear, you can get them via:

    • Raiding
    • Strike Mission's
    • Crafting
    • Fractals of the Mist
    • Collection Achievement Rewards

    The fastest way for new inexperienced Players would be crafting, but it is also quite expensive. The longest way would be Fractals of the Mist and Strike Missions.

    A way in between those would be Raids and the "Envoy Armor I: Experimental Armor" Collection.

    In PvE you are the only limit to how fast you can get Gold and / or Friends to play Group/Raid Content, it is pretty straight forward, you could also swipe the Credit Card to get full Ascended Armor pretty much in one evening when converting Gems -> Gold and using that to Craft.

    Side Notes:

    Shards of Glory vs Memories of Battle differences are also a factor for the WvW/sPvP Ascended Trinkets, meaning you should never buy them from the WvW Skirmish Vendor with Memories of Battle.


    WvW needs better Rewards, sPvP needs less Rewards, PvE needs to be adjusted (Fractals and Strikes take too long compared to other options).

    submitted by /u/TheLiquidMelody
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    VPN for the OCE Players

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    This question might've been asked quite frequently, but does using a vpn really helps with your ping? And if so, then which one is recommended?

    submitted by /u/jackson4213
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    Cannot register, some fields are apparently invalid

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Sorry for making another post here but I just finished downloading the game and tried to register.
    It won't let me. I turned off my adblocker because I thought that was the problem, doesn't change anything.
    No matter what I put in as password or name, it gives me a red error saying some fields are invalid. Not stating which fields or what the problem is.
    Can somebody help?

    submitted by /u/IridescentLuminosity
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