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    Friday, July 31, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 [Fanart] Gallant Lightbearer without armor - from smartphone :)

    Guild Wars 2 [Fanart] Gallant Lightbearer without armor - from smartphone :)

    [Fanart] Gallant Lightbearer without armor - from smartphone :)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    Hidden cat in the first instance of Jormag Rising

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Hey, just wanted to share this. I looked in the searh bar with the words "cat" and "hidden" and nobody mentioned it yet apparently.

    So, in the first intance of Jormag Rising there is a cat in location. Spoiler tag just in case someone want to discover itself. Hope it works, never used the spoiler tag. Mobile format: in a bush just next to where the mission start

    As far as i know, there is no achievement related and you can´t take it to your home. If you play with him, it will give you a gift at the end of the instance (dead bird). So looks like is just an easter egg.

    Note: you can´t interact with the cat if you are transformed.

    submitted by /u/darkmatt_M
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    The mount key should default to skimmer when you are in the water (take 2)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    What say you?

    Even though the previous thread had over 100 comments and 1k upvotes a moderator removed it because it was an image. The moderator suggested I move it to the GW2Funny sub even though the point of the post wasn't to be funny... it was to suggest a real QOL change. Meanwhile artwork, which are images, are somehow allowed. I digress.

    I'm reposting (in text form) in the hopes a developer might see it and people can continue to discuss the suggestion. Have at it.

    submitted by /u/BAR0N_AL0HA
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    Those who do this has a special place in Davy Jones' locker, oh and those who portal trolls too lmao

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Super disappointed

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    I rarely can play for more than an hour or two at a time during the week. Tonight was the first time I've been able to attempt the new meta.

    Part 1 is fine, and fun, and not particularly confusing.

    Part 2 is none of those things.

    It takes too long to even start it. The terrain and map in general looks like someone threw random bits everywhere; if you don't have a skyscale already, I feel very sorry for you.

    Parts are obvious and reasonably fun ("kill these trash mobs until a boss shows up, kill him, move to next area repeat"). Then the super lag starts in. The box of rifle,hammer,rocket was completely unexplained and confusing. There's apparently a gate somewhere that you can't see until you go towards it later. Maybe you can use rams on it, or maybe just stuff from the waystation that you can't unlock until later due to not enough mastery points and xp, but regardless you'll never be able to see the ground to tell what's going on. It's downhill from there.

    Boss fights that have so much effects spew going on and instructions that mean nothing, floor effects that kill you too fast for you to be able to read the tooltip on the effect, a crazy need for either perma-stab or jumping constantly to avoid waves that you probably can't see anyway, and oh yes, now you get to wander all over creation to find a few chests before the timer runs out. What the heck?

    Sorry, guys, that's just not fun. How did we get from the first half of the map to the second? The gameplay doesn't really match at all. I'm assuming two completely different teams worked on the two parts, and they didn't talk to each other. This is incredibly disjoint.

    I won't do the meta again.

    submitted by /u/jdsok
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    EU Path of Fire HP train, today at 17:00CEST | Noobie friendly

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Hey folks! I'm gonna be running a PoF HP run today at 17:00 CEST (1:45h from posting), so I'm trying to spread the message.

    You'll be able to find my LFG on the Crystal Oasis map, EU.

    We're gonna be taking a total of 26 HPs (which should be just enough to complete a single Specialization) across the first 4 zones, completing all the HPs in them.

    You will need Raptor, Rabbit and Skimmer for the run, (You need Raptor and Springer at level 3), but if everyone has Jackal (at level 3) it will go slightly smoother.

    Route will be: Crystal Oasis -> Desert Highlands -> Elon Riverlands -> The Desolation

    We'll be taking it slow, potentially grabbing caffeinated Skritt and a few other events on the way, if they are not too much of a detour. I will try to answer any questions people might have and will be trying to wait for everyone to pick up their points.

    Donations will be absolutely welcome!

    It will also be my first time as a HP train commander, so be prepared for a few hiccups. :)

    submitted by /u/Haldaz
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    What’s Zojja up to these days?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Like seriously, we haven't seen her since Heart of Thorns. I get that she was in the blighting pod or whatnot, but so was Logan and he's been in a bunch of stuff. Is she frickin dead or something?

    submitted by /u/Panamania1
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    Thoughts on the latest episode

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    I've been playing other MMOs for a bit and came back to play the new episode before I go back. Completed it and I felt this one needed the voice acting more than the last episode, that said, I liked parts of it, such as helping the spirits they were very different from one another, really liked that one was a good trainning for simple boss mechanics such as using the dodge roll and jumping over projectiles, I really really think this kind of fight should be something that's put in the game much earlier honestly.

    The story itself was ok, it felt like more of a build up than a pay off...kinda. I guess I'm a bit mixed on it and that might be due to the lack of voice acting right now so I may have missed a lot of what happened. I did laugh at a few of the jokes like the raven bit and the comander complaining about constantly turning into things.

    One of my biggest complaints was the puzzle to the door. It wasn't very clear on what you had to do as all of the pillars looked the same and at least for me, there was no clear indication as to what I had to do so...I just went with trial and error which was a shame as I wanted to solve it properly. Did anyone get what the puzzle was?

    Overall, the story was ok, felt very fillerish or rather, the filler before the main story itself, could be due to no voice acting though.

    submitted by /u/Thurinn
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    I actually like the Wolverine Adventure

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    The really dull Eagle adventure aside, I really like this adventure. It's simple, yet it's similar to the Queen's gauntlet where players are forced to be intimate with their profession. You have a lot of freedom to tackle this adventure (And to really tryhard it with weapon bundles, precasting, and other gizmos if you'd like)

    "Impressive" is an interesting mechanic which means you get extra "flair points" that can serve as tie breakers between times that are exactly the same. However in the end, the adventure still prioritizes time so if you want to boast about how many "Impressive"s you've gotten, you'll have to record yourself doing it.

    Of course the bar to receive the rewards are really low so that people who just want to breeze through and farm it can, but this is one of those few adventures where I've enjoyed repeating it countless times, thinking about my build and using whatever I have in my arsenal to edge out just a few more seconds. But I still think the adventure could use a few more tweaks:

    1. There needs to be an Adrenal Mushroom outside the arena so I can reset cooldowns.
    2. PLEASE, can the exit and the adventure dialogue be further apart? Put the exit in a hall way further away or something. It's extremely annoying
    3. This is probably too much effort for it's worth to Devs but I kinda wish the leader boards could also be arranged by profession. It gives the Adventure more replayability because as it stands, you just see a timer so it boils down to just one profession being optimized to the maximum.
    4. To add to that thought, I also wish we could have more challenge instances with leader boards per profession. that would be really cool to see and I think drive people to improve themselves in professions they don't use.

    I hope this gets more visibility so that Anet can develop more simple solo content like this because it builds on GW2's amazing combat system rather than replace it.

    submitted by /u/RhenCarbine
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    [SAND] Birthday Celebrations This Weekend

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    Hey folks! Our birthday was about a week and a half ago. Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes and kind words!! I've set up a schedule for us to celebrate in Dry Top this weekend:

    Saturday August 1st: 11 am - 1 pm PST+ & 6 pm - 8 pm PST+. First is 6 hours before reset, second set is 1 hour after reset.

    Sunday August 2nd: 11 am - 1 pm PST+ & 6 pm - 8 pm PST+. First is 6 hours before reset, second set is 1 hour after reset. The + is to show that we may go an extra hour. We are on NA, so heads up on that!

    There will be prizes funded by our guild bank, shenanigans, lots of Geodes, an open Discord to all, and more! 5 years is a huge milestone for us, and we've always believed in "the more, the merrier!" We'd love to have you there to celebrate with us. ♥

    ~ Moon

    submitted by /u/Zekiirah
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    Strike Missions

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    I know that many of the veteran players are disappointed with the strike missions. They are too easy, you can mostly ignore the mechanics, they don't work as a stepping stone to raids etc.

    1. Since I personally disagree with the latter, I would like to know if strike missions got other players than me into raiding? They did it for me. Yes, they are (too) easy, but they provided a comfortable environment for me to practice different rotations on actual bosses while being in a group and being able to compare my performance to others. They introduced me to some (very basic) mechanics. They showed me the basic logic of group composition. They give bad rewards, but the weekly chest is at least an incentive to play them regularly. They finally got me into raiding once they became too easy. Yes, they are far from perfect and they should be improved, but I like the basic concept.

    2. Here's an idea I haven't thought through: Why not add mechanics to future strikes that are introduced by a mandatory tooltip? Or simple, unignorable mechanics that players have to vote on before the fight starts (if that's possible) that give extra rewards when completed once per week? Like: At 50% a. you have to break the bar, otherwise he wont't take damage for 15s b. you have to collect enough orbs (similar to KC) or the boss's next attack deals lethal damage. Etc. etc.

    As I said, just some naive thoughts but I do believe that strike missions (or an easy raid mode, as many people seem to prefer) actually have a lot of potential to make raids more popular.

    submitted by /u/infolgedessen
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    Am i the only one thinking the assault on the frost citadel could be re-used as a raid ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Seriously, everything is there, from the asset to how the fight goes on.

    Pre-event with canons against the door, then ice elemental as a first boss, event + trashmob as you progress in the citadel, the giant tank as a second boss, advance again in the citadel while killing a few trashmob, then Claw of Jormag as a final boss.

    Boom. Done, you have your raid. You just have to tweak it a bit to make it a raid, obviously (scaling ennemy stats, a few more mechanics on each boss) but the skelleton is already there.

    It would be a shame to not use all this design. There is a great base here. At least make it a strike mission like forged steel/vision of the past, a fractal, whatever but DO something with it ! The ennemies and the setting are great.

    submitted by /u/scarocci
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    "Jormag Rising" Guild Chat: We want your questions!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Game Update Notes: July 28, 2020 (hotfix #4)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Anet, you know what the players want, why won't you give it to us?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Okay okay hear me out here. Remember that first time you walked into Auric basin. That epic music heralding an event like no other. You hear it, you feel it. An event where the whole community comes together to shout their battle cries! "Wtf is south doing? "Panic, PANIC" Wait its just those two things. But I digress. Anet, the time has come. I'm talking about Octovine. AN OCTOVINE ON EVERYMAP.

    YES, every map. Alpine borderlands? OCTOVINE. Raid on the Capricorn? OCTOVINE. Your personal instance? OCTOVINE, but a mini one under your bed for personal reasons.

    Imagine a legion of players running around with mustard gas, uh I mean, "Herbicide" . Or those guys who turned themselves into sporelings. Sporeling-commander, funniest shit I've ever seen.

    We might have an issue with Lions Arch because East gate is going to look a bit like Pearl harbour. Whoopsie.

    Like, who seriously cares about Jormag? Bloke doesn't even have any tentacles. Laaaaame. Octovine's name is misleading. He has countless love tendrils. Now that's hecking chad.

    And instead of sacrificing all those poor exalted when all the players in north refuse to WP on death, just throw some human females using sorcerers armor. Dwayna knows there's too many of them.

    Sincerely, Octovine Simp

    submitted by /u/Hopeless_Slayer
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    [SPOILER] (not really) [HUMOR] Wait a damn minute..

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Is there any lore related reason why ancient norn and dwarves used the exact same style of architecture ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Been wondering this for a while now, since other than Norn occupying/repurposing old dwarven sites or the two races heavily working together I can't really think of any.

    I thought it might be easier for them to just reuse these assets, but then charr got a lot of new architectural assets added so why not norn as well ?Or at the very least retexturing the dwarven stuff so it's not 100% the same.

    submitted by /u/jesselavender
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    Boneskinner vial drops bugged?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    I previously cleared boneskinner 6 times this week and got vials each time. However I ran it 5 times today and did not get a single vial drop. Everyone else in my group got a drop and according to those I've talked to at least 3 vials are guaranteed to drop. Is there something I'm missing here or are the drops bugged for some people?

    submitted by /u/derm_plays_DS2
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    Charr culture in the new Episode. "Oh my gods!"

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Hey all. Slightly annoyed/perplexed by the inclusion of the line "Oh my Gods!" as a method of exclamation by some of the new charr NPC's in the new Drizzlewood map expansion. Thought I'd open up the floor here for discussion on it - I'd assume it's either a mistake or an oversight, which has me incredibly disappointed that the charr, of all races, would be praising the six in such a way. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/NorthernGosfox
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    DAN is still kicking !

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    DAN is still kicking !

    Eyah ! It's actually my first time finding on my own one of this mark, make me so happy !

    Was also really close to the map-closing, so it's not the best screenshot possible...


    submitted by /u/Lucyller
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