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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 My four phases of Guild Wars 2 PVE

    Guild Wars 2 My four phases of Guild Wars 2 PVE

    My four phases of Guild Wars 2 PVE

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Another Very Special Commander Yes

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    Comic - Beginnings - Page 1/4 [OC] [Art]

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Guild Missions - TacO Marker Pack - Bounties / Treks / Races

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Finally, after a lot of time and effort, I've finally finished markers for Guild Missions. Enjoy:-) It was a massive project and even after I've spent almost a week debugging, there still might be some error, so if you find some, let me know on my Discord in the taco-issues channel: https://discord.gg/ArU72Ae

    Download: http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download

    Video Guides Playlist

    All treks have their individual routes starting at waypoint corresponding with the Wiki, even if it's often not the closest one. In the TacO menu are Treks sorted by alphabets and accompanied by their zone and waypoint so it's easy to find them in-game.


    TacO & Markers Installation

    • Download the latest version of GW2 TacO
    • Extract TacO from the archive somewhere - I recommend Guild Wars 2 folder.
    • Download ALL-IN-ONE markers pack from my website.
    • Move downloaded tw_ALL_IN_ONE.taco file into the POIs folder inside GW2TacO folder (do not unpack it!). Override if asked.
    • You may have to allow using archives from other sources in the file properties or repack the archive (just rename .taco to .zip) it as your own if you don't have admin privileges in the Windows.
    • Launch the game in Windowed Full-Screen mode and TacO as an Admin (does not work on Mac).
    • You can toggle my markers in TacO menu -> Filter Displayed Tactical Markers -> Tekkit's Guides ->

    Check this for more in-depth TacO guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quKSP6hdqFo

    If You like my work, you can support me on PATREON:-) https://www.patreon.com/TekkitsWorkshop

    Or directly via PayPal https://paypal.me/TekkitWorkshop


    submitted by /u/sankurix
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    ONWARD! To #TyriaPride2020 Day 2!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    The Weekly Map Recap, Week 15 - Dredgehaunt Cliffs

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 52 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    15 of 51 - Dredgehaunt Cliffs - Level 40-50

    Dredgehaunt Cliffs is another map where I've had to work hard to separate my personal sentiments and my objective observations. You see, my first exploration of this map was on a thief - and accordingly, given the prevalence of dredge and my reliance on the blind condition at the time, I had a bad time.

    And I think that's a shame, because there's a lot to like on this map. It has a bit of an interesting release history as well, having had the Tribulation Caverns area added with one of the earliest post-launch updates.

    Theme/Concept - 9/10

    The fourth map for the Shiverpeaks progression, Dredgehaunt Cliffs is all about delving into the unknown and the lost, and it's one of my favorite themes. We've got all kinds of 'digging' here. Whether that's the dredge building their industrial underground state, or Priory trying to unearth relics, or players looking for dwarven treasure, it's all in the caverns and caves that litter the map.

    This goes back to the thematics that we've talked about for other Shiverpeaks maps, dealing with the mountains as the 'sanctuary' of Tyria. In the game's story, the Shiverpeaks are where you go to survive when the Elder Dragons rise. The dwarves and the jotun both managed to find refuge here.

    But the Shiverpeaks are also an open grave site. Because so many societies come here to stay, they leave their remains behind over the centuries like a layer cake. Dredgehaunt Cliffs is an 'excavation' in every sense of the word. It's got the dredge scaffolding all over the mountains to prove it.

    Lore - 4/10

    One of the interesting things about this map is that it's one of the few which is largely in a 'hole' in Tyria in GW1. Only slivers along the southern edge of the map were present in a couple different maps in the first game. That means that the designers had pretty much free design space, so long as they got Tribulation Rift, Sorrow's Furnace and Granite Citadel in here.

    There's really not much to say regarding the lore - it wasn't even particularly the strong suit of this area in GW1. The dwarves in the first game always had kind of vague but generic lore until EotN. Tribulation Rift and the associated dungeon wasn't much different - Sorrow's Furnace was gorgeous for its time but didn't have much beyond 'Stone Summit dwarves evil. Go kill Stone Summit dwarves.'

    A couple nice touches in regards to the lore implementation on this map are that they've added hidden tombs for a couple GW1 dwarves, and gravestones for npcs found at Granite Citadel.

    The one other thing that I would note about the lore on this map is really more of a wish. I wish there had been more lore for the jotun and dredge on this map. Where does a Commissar sit in the dredge governmental structure? Do the jotun have any legends about when they were in power and more (for want of a better term) civilized? Ah well, perhaps some day.

    Design - 7/10

    I'm not sure I realized until well after launch that Dredgehaunt Cliffs is built largely as a ring around a central mountain - Dostoev Sky Peak. That mountain serves as a central axis for the rest; around it is a generally open plain of snow and villages/settlements, and beyond that in the outer ring is a series of caverns that litter the edge of the map.

    From the look of the level balancing across the map, players are intended to move clockwise, starting from the entrance from Lornar's Pass. They are supposed to move up and north past Dostoev Sky Peak, then around it and down the east side of the map. Once they get to Theign Spiritwalk and the Wide Expanse, they're supposed to go into Dostoev, and then finally should be funneled out south to the meta event that covers the bottom third of the map.

    I'm not sure the extent to which this flow is successful. This map thrives on 'I wonder what that thing is in there?' It's a map that encourages players to go off the beaten path and dive into caves that turn out way larger than they first appeared. Given that, my guess would be that few players encounter much of the events in the north side of the map before diving into caverns scattered around and into Dostoev.

    Where there have been fairly large caves in maps up to this one, this map is all about the caves. They're everywhere, and there's a surprising amount of variety. I wish there was data on the number of caves per map, but by my count there's something around 15 or so separate unconnected cave environments here, which seems quite high for a vanilla map. Obviously we aren't yet at peak cave in GW2 map design, given what will come later, but it's significant for the time.

    Again, especially for their variety. The difference between the dredge excavations and Tribulation Caverns or Forsaken Halls is actually quite stark. It's impressive work - though I will note that two of those were added after launch.

    So many words and we haven't gotten to events yet! There's a couple interesting quirks about events on this map. First is that in keeping with the theme and design there's a lot of events that are activated by your exploration on the map. Of special note are the 'Dwarven Keys' that can be found and give little indication what they should go to - but open tombs that start events somewhere on the map. Appropriately, there's a lot of monsters and elementals being released in the depths.

    There is a meta event - and potentially one of the largest in vanilla. "In Pursuit of Knowledge" is its name and it's composed of a total 39 possible scripted events that can occur covering the different combinations of allies/foes holding different camps.

    Here's the thing, though - the whole chain only requires allies to hold two main bases that are involved in most of the chain permutations to advance to the final boss. What this means is that if players are present for the start of the meta, it will almost certainly be over after four events (the pre event, two defend events, and the boss event). It seems like an awful lot of work making all those events when it's pretty likely most of them will never fire when players are participating.

    Gameplay - 3/10

    Whoo, that was a lot for the design section. Is Dredgehaunt Cliffs fun, though? Well, that depends. There are a number of pieces which can make this map more frustrating than others, and your mileage may vary.

    First and foremost is the dredge. They're everywhere, and as I alluded to at the start of the article they are immune to blind. They also have a tendency to use stun and knockdown effects. This makes them particularly annoying, especially if you're just trying to get by them to explore that thing over there.

    Secondly, there's a fair amount of jumping puzzle-esque platforming throughout this map, including in major areas like Dostoev. Some of it is quite precise, like the Tribulation Rift jumping puzzle. If that's not your bag, you're gonna have a bad time.

    Finally, the meta event is pretty notorious for its bugs. There are a number of states in which it can get stuck and simply fail to progress. Unfortunately, these bugs have existed for years and remain with us to this day. Mix that with the way the design for the chain can end up quite shallow, and the meta event ends up being a flop more often than not.

    Again, I think all of this is a real shame. Dredgehaunt Cliffs really plays up the treasure hunting exploration side of the game, and that is a big hit with a large portion of the GW2 player base. But between the dredge and the bugs, I personally have struggled to enjoy my time on the map.

    I do adore the Forsaken Halls mini dungeon on this map. It presages some of the work that we'll see later in the masterpiece of GW2 explorer dungeoneering - Fortune's Vale in PoF.

    Art - 7/10

    Shiverpeaks maps almost always look good. Dredgehaunt Cliffs is no exception. The landscape is stark and imposing. Some of the largest jotun stelae dot this map, which always look mysterious and dramatic.

    The settlements are a good mix - we've got some norn lodges, some priory camps, a dwarven town ruin, a monastery, even a jotun camp being occupied by scholars. Even some of the dredge excavations are visually unique - the Dociu Excavation being a standout.

    The ruins and caverns, as I noted previously, are overall excellent. They do a good job being visually distinct, with a couple exceptions. I'm of mixed feelings on the dredge caverns. On the one hand, they look fine visually, but key areas like the interior of Dostoev are incredibly easy to get turned around in. I wish they had added some more distinguishing props like those they'll use later in Tangled Depths - mushrooms, water features, moss, etc.

    Shoutout to Forsaken Halls minidungeon for playing with light and shadow. We actually saw a bit of this in the vanilla game, here and in the Weyandt's Revenge jumping puzzle in Lion's Arch.

    Long Term/Retention - 5/10

    Somebody at Arenanet likes this map. I'm not sure 'really likes' is appropriate, but somebody definitely likes it. Following the release of the game, they added Tribulation Caverns and Forsaken Halls in the first patch for the game - October 2012. Following that, they've fairly regularly added achievements and collections that steer players to this map. I would say a couple times a year. I'm not suggesting a conspiracy or anything, just saying it's very suspicious and potentially a conspiracy.

    That said, this map has poor retention overall. Sorrow's Embrace was always one of the least run dungeons in the game, even back at release. I don't imagine those numbers have improved. The meta event has no associated achievements or real rewards.

    That leaves the personal story, jumping puzzles, and guild missions. The personal story sends you here if you support the grawl - which I would wager is a less-chosen option than the others. Speaking only from the point of view of my own guild, I can say that there is both great fun and great consternation to be had at the guild race on this map. It is chaotic, buggy, frustrating, and pretty hilarious.

    Overall - 6/10

    I've had a hard time liking Dredgehaunt Cliffs. I want to, because I think there are some great elements. The map features some of the best examples of ancient Jotun architecture and magic that we have, which is a favorite of mine. It's a map that is dedicated to my personal favorite pillar of the game's gameplay - the exploration. There are some great secrets and puzzles, and I admire the work put into the spaghetti-code meta event, even if it's bugged and designed in a way that prevents players from seeing it.


    That's it for today! Next week, we'll be headed to Bloodtide Coast. Yarr.

    What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others?

    EDIT: It's been pointed out to me by u/iopish that there is a treasure hunter achievement trinket that boosts the retention on this map. I've adjusted the retention up accordingly by one. This does not change the overall score.

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Question About a Removed Mechanic

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    Shortly after I begun playing GW2, there was a mechanic that was removed. It had something to do with earning skills or passives by defeating bosses or buying them with gold. Anyone know what I am talking about and where I can find information on it?

    submitted by /u/RhinoBarbarian
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    A hacker in a golem under the ground is on Gandara EB keep in WvW right now. Anet please do something about it!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    We cant report him since he is underground and not possible to target him. So could we please get some help from you Anet since this is second week we have to deal with hackers who is jumping over walls or being under ground.

    submitted by /u/Lovaa
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    Anyone else notice how Dragon Arena has Branded minions prior to the Mordrem boss, while all of the other Elder Dragon bosses get their minions?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Tips for a new holder of Comm tag on leading?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    So I got my Comm tag a few weeks ago cause I'd love to take a little more active role and lead(plus it's fun). That and it's so frustrating seeing a comm no talking and everyone running around with their head cut off.

    Are there any tips I could get from experienced commanders in how to run a fun but effective ship? I figured my main attempts should be for PvE till I get more experienced in WvW(only R51).

    submitted by /u/CHAZisShit
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    Who is the first krait prophet?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Does anybody find it interesting that we know not of the first krait prophet or the elder dragon of the sea? I belive there may at least be some kind of connection between the two. No written records would exist as the krait spread their knowledge through the oral tradition, and the obelisks of their great cities in the endless sea (which are unknown to many of the surface world of Tyria) have mysterious origins as well. This could also explain the mysterious nature behind the dragons identity because the other intelligent races probably would not interact with the krait in a learning engagement. Even if they had, the kraits own ideas of many things about it's own ancient culture is lost on them and lost to time. Is it possible that the last elder dragon is also the first prophet of the krait? Does anybody have any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/FaithoFlip
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    Is this a skillful MMO?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I was watching some gameplay videos, and i'm planning to download the game to try it out but I'm looking for some comfort during the download time ( slow internet, ISP monopoly ).

    Is this a skillful MMO or is it an attrition MMO? The video I watched seems to indicate the former as I saw someone fighting a monster and they seemed to be using defensive moves to avoid taking any damage - but I'm not sure if it was just a high level player beating up an easy low level monster though.

    I'm fairly bored of attrition MMOs where success is just a function of your dps vs the monster's mitigation being higher than the monster's dps vs your mitigation. I'm also bored of MMOs that do have some defensive abilities for players, but the content overall is so simple that you don't really need to use them and you just spam attacks into groups of enemies until they fall over. I'm okay with some trinity tank/healer/dps gameplay, but big bonus points if that's minimized.

    I'm a fan of stuff like dark souls and devil may cry games where you have defensive abilities that, if used skillfully, allow you to completely avoid taking damage, and that have attacks that do more than just inflict damage on enemies. I don't need GW2 to let me juggle things in the air or anything like that, just some level of interactivity that goes behind making a number appear over their heads - huge bonus points if I can knock them around. An MMO I enjoyed a lot was Tera, but the performance issues it has really killed the enjoyment for me.

    So, to sum up:

    - Does the game have defensive techniques, and does it require you to use them to succeed?

    - Do players get moves that do things to enemies beyond just damaging them?

    - Does the game require skillful play while leveling up? Does it continue to require skillful play even after you're well geared?

    submitted by /u/WrestlingDakimakura
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    Should I 100% each zone I level in?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    I'm on my 1st character and level 24. Is it best to 100% each zone? I am having fun doing it but I'm only on my 2nd zone and feel like I will already out level it if I do it. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/enddream
    [link] [comments]

    Why crafting weapons parts is so slow?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    As title says, crafting weapon parts (for example in weaponsmith) is much slower that crafting armor parts. Do you know what is the reason of that? It's kinda annoying when you want to level up weaponsmith and 3/4 of the time you have to simply look on the progress bar...

    submitted by /u/pawlenty89
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    Tips for a new Engineer?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Starting a new engineer and looking for some direction to get off on the right foot. I know that the leveling process is easy and it doesn't really matter what I weapons or setup I use, but I'd like to try to play as I should at max level (skills, weapons etc.) as much as I can.

    Seems like most of the more recent guides I've been able to find are from last year. Not sure how much has changed or weather they're relevant at this point.

    What weapons are best? Which skills should I focus on. Which should I avoid? The basics :)

    Thanks in advanced!

    submitted by /u/Taladryn
    [link] [comments]

    PvP Question

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    What is the point of using Demolisher Amulet over Marauder? Toughness only helps against Power damage while Vitality helps against both, the other stats are the exact same. So my question is why would you ever want to use Demolisher instead of Marauder?

    submitted by /u/Theonlyshluk
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    Daily Hologram Stampede achievs are annoying

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    So to get all daily Dragon Bash rewards you have to complete 10 full stampedes, they are easy and not really time consuming, each stampede taking less than 5 minutes. But the problem is the fact that they start every 15 minutes, and one can't really commmit to any other activity in this 10-13 minute window between events.

    I just wish instead of 10 stampedes we'd have to complete X full rounds of Dragon Bash Arena (equal to ~50 minutes of active playtime) which can be done on demand, so players would be able to complete dailies and move on to their other preferred activities instead of AFK waiting for another stampede.

    Sorry for a rant, just as a new player this event is easy source of gold for me, but it just annoys me that I have to chill in Hoelbrak between stampedes instead of finishing Icebrood Saga story :(

    submitted by /u/escapereal1ty
    [link] [comments]

    Quick guide on how to solo legendary bounties without cheese

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Step 1: choose your desired legendary bounty

    Step 2: if they have phase shifter, petrifier, restorer, signaler, or survivor, go back to step 1

    Step 3: kill it

    I hope you enjoyed my quick guide

    submitted by /u/GCSpellbreaker
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