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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    Guild Wars Raising the stakes

    Guild Wars Raising the stakes

    Raising the stakes

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    Destroyer core irl

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    help with a class and tips to solo main campaign as new player

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Hello, I just bought the game again (I had at launch, but can't find my account).

    so I am totally new to the game considering I don't remember much from 15 years ago when I played it

    I want to go through the main campaigns first

    I don't know the difference between henchmen and Heroes but it sounds like the Heroes are better, but I don't have access to them yet as fresh character

    so which class combination would be good to play those campaigns solo with henchmen (and maybe later heroes when I get to them)?

    submitted by /u/Falkanoxx
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    PSA – Returning players from 2005/2006, check your inventory you might have some very valuable unobtainable items

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    In the last 2 months I have seen a lot of players return to the game for the 15th anniversary celebration. Sadly, I also heard about a lot of players throwing away priceless items or getting absolutely ripped off by some power traders in Kamadan.

    So I decided to throw together this guide to help you see if you have some valuable unobtainable/collector items. This guide is mostly aimed at returning players, but if you played the game from 2005 to 2007 I think you should also have a look.


    Note: The market for "pre-nerf items" (as they are commonly called in the trading community) is quite small, and the prices can vary a lot. The price I mentioned are indicative and on the lower side, the specific item could be sold for way more if you find the right buyer.

    The prices are given in ecto (e), currently an ecto is worth around 4.5 plat (=4.500 gold).


    =>Unobtainable festival items <=

    Winter Gifts (Grenth version)

    • What is it : Consumable item that used to drop during the first Wintersday festival in 2005. In 2006 it was replaced by the Wintersday Gift

    • When did it drop : During 3 weeks around Christmas 2005

    • How to recognize it : See below

    • How rare is it : Very rare

    • Price check : Hard to say, but it's worth something for sure

    Winter Gifts (Dwayna version)

    • What is it : Consumable item that used to drop during the first Wintersday festival in 2005. Contrary to the Grenth version, you could get the Dwayna version from a specific NPC until 2010.

    • When did it drop : 2005-2010

    • How to recognize it : Image link. The Dwayna version and the Grenth version share the same inventory icon and the same name. Only difference is the Dwayna version will give you some festive items (eggnog, snowman) while the Grenth version will give you some Charcoal or just kill you when you click on it. The only way to know what kind you have is to actually use the item or to see if it stack with other gifts (Dwayna and Grenth gifts don't stack together).

    • How rare is it : Way more common than the Grenth version

    • Price check : Not sure if there is a market for them. Maybe 1/e each as a novelty item ?

    Naga Fangs

    • What is it : Token that used to drop during the GW Faction head-start event called "Day of the Tengu"

    • When did it drop : During 24 hours in April 2006

    • How to recognize it : Image link

    • How rare is it : Quite rare, only people who pre-ordered GW faction had access to it and the event only lasted for 24 hours

    • Price check : Hard to say, but it's worth something for sure

    Jade Wind Orbs

    • What is it : Token that used to drop during the first Dragon Festival

    • When did it drop : During 1 week in June/July 2006

    • How to recognize it : Image link

    • How rare is it : There are still many of them floating around and being sold here and there

    • Price check : The usual price is around 1e/each and might be a bit more if you are selling a full stack (=250 units)

    Zaishen Medallions

    • What is it : Token that used to drop during the Guild Wars Nightfall PvP Preview Event

    • When did it drop : During 2 days in July 2006

    • How to recognize it : Image link. Not to be confused with the "Blessing of war" that share the same inventory icon but was introduced much latter.

    • How rare is it : Rarer than the Jade Wind Orbs

    • Price check : I have seen it goes for around 3e/each or more


    => Pre-nerf green weapons <=

    Pre-nerf Wroth's Holy Rod

    • What is it : Green weapon (boss drop) that got its stats changed in 2006

    • When did it drop : 2005-2006

    • How to recognize it : Image link. The stats were changed. See the before/after image.

    • How rare is it : Quite rare, the boss was hard to farm and not many of them dropped

    • Price check : 200e+

    Pre-nerf Kepkhet's Refuge

    • What is it : Green weapon (boss drop) that got its stats and skin changed in 2007.

    • When did it drop : 2005-2007

    • How to recognize it : Image link. The color of the item was updated to a slightly darker tone and the stats order was changed. See the before/after image.

    • How rare is it : More common than Wroth's, many people have it stored somewhere on a hero, but there are not many of them on the market atm.

    • Price check : 100e+


    => Pre-nerf runes <=

    Pre-nerf rune : Blue text & "Wrong" Icon

    • What is it : A Superior rune or Major rune with a Minor icon AND a blue text color

    • When did it drop : During the first 3 weeks of the game in 2005

    • How to recognize it : Some examples. Wrong icon and blue text instead of purple/gold text

    • How rare is it : Quite rare

    • Price check : 150e+

    Pre-nerf rune : Blue text only

    • What is it : A Major or Superior rune with blue text color (but a normal icon)

    • When did it drop : During the first 5 months of the game in 2005

    • How to recognize it : Example Superior rune. Example of a Major rune. Blue text instead of purple/gold text

    • How rare is it : Rare, but more common than the Wrong icon runes

    • Price check : 75e+

    Pre-nerf rune : Major -50hp

    • What is it : Major runes (+2 attributes) with a -50hp penalty. The current version of those runes only has a -35hp penalty

    • When did it drop : 2005-2006

    • How to recognize it : Some examples. Major runes with a -50hp penalty. If the rune also has a blue text or a "wrong icon" it belongs in the previous categories.

    • How rare is it : Uncommon but not really rare

    • Price check : 40e+, a bit more for Assassin and Ritualist runes.

    Note : Don't forget to check on your old armors, you might have some of those runes slotted in. You can use the salvage preview to check the icon and text color of the runes.


    => Bugged weapons <=

    "Unconditional weapons"

    • What is it : Un-inscriptible martial weapons with a damage bonus and no drawback. While the true origin of those weapons is still up for debate it seems they used to drop for a very short period of time when the game was released. Later on some "unconditional weapons" may have been created using various in-game exploits.

    • When did it drop : During the first 2 weeks of the game in 2005

    • How to recognize it : Some examples. While all the regular weapons have a drawback (for example +15% damage if heal>50% or +15% against hexed foes) the "unconditional weapons" have absolutely no drawback.

    • How rare is it : Exceedingly rare, there is 30 or so known weapons in the game and most of them are on inactive/banned accounts.

    • What are they worth : It's the holy grail for any collector, it's basically priceless.

    Triple-stats "Mausoleum" items

    • What is it : Bugged weapons that dropped for a short time during the 2010 Halloween event while the players were completing the quest "Commandeering a Mortal Vessel". Thanks to a bug in the drop-tables those weapons can sometimes have 3 mods instead of 2.

    • When did it drop : 3 weeks in October 2010

    • How to recognize it : Some examples. Some more examples. Wands, Focus and Shield with 3 mods instead of 2.

    • How rare is it : It's quite rare for one to go on sale, but the event was heavily farmed so there might be a lot of them still around

    • Price check : Heavily depend on the weapon type/skin/stats, but even the worse one will sell for quite a bit


    => Pre-nerf weapons <=

    Pre-nerf low req weapons

    • What is it : Weapon with the maximum damage range but a very low requirement (req7 or req8) that use to drop before the drop-table update in 2006

    • When did it drop : From 2005 to 2006

    • How to recognize it : You can check the weapon damage range on the official Wiki, and compare it with yours. If your weapon is req 7 and has max damage it's automatically a pre-nerf. If your weapon is req 8 and has max damage, it's a pref-nerf only if it's a : staff, axe, hammer, or bow .

    • How rare is it : Depend on the skin/req/stats

    • Price check : Depend on the skin/req/stats, some perfect stat Q7 can be insanely valuable. Pre-nerf or not, if you weapon has max damage (or max Armor in the case of a shield) and is req 7 or req 8 you should get a price check.

    Pre-nerf weapon mods

    • What is it : Weapons mods that can no longer drop.

    • When did it drop : From 2005 to 2006/2007

    • How to recognize it : Some examples. Some more examples As far as I know only 2 kind of mods are pre-nerf : the Charrslaying mod : Damage +25% vs Charr (The current version of this mod only offers +20% damage). And the sundering mod : armor penetration +10% (chance: X%). (The current version of this mod offers 20% of amour penetration instead of 10%).

    • How rare is it : Depends on the weapon type and on the mod.

    • Price check : Depends on the weapon type and on the mod, I'm not quite up-to-date on their prices but I would say 100e+

    Note: Don't forget to check your old weapons you might have some of those valuable mods slotted in.


    Pre-nerf stat combo/stat range/skin

    • What is it : The drop tables were updated a few time during the life of the game. Some skin/stat combo/stat range can't drop anymore.

    • When did it drop : From 2005 to 2006/2007

    • How to recognize it : This would be way too long to list. You can check this forum post for additional info

    • How rare is it : Depend on the skin/req/stats

    • Price check : Depend on the skin/req/stats. Get a price-check.


    => Miscellaneous <=

    Mixed dyes

    • What is it : Before the dye update in October 2006 players were able to mix up to 4 vials of dyes together. Some of the colors resulting from those mix are unreplicable nowadays.

    • When did it drop : From 2005 to 2006

    • How to recognize it : Some example. The vial mention [Mixed], has a unique color and has a value of 1g.

    • How rare is it : Quite rare

    • Price check : I haven't seen one in quite some times but it's definitively worth a lot. The price might change based on the specific color mix.

    Bugged Gray Dye (red icon)

    • What is it : A Gray dye with a red icon in the inventory. In October 2006 the dye system was revamped and the Dye removers were converted in Gray dyes. Some of those dyes got bugged in the process and now appear with a red inventory icon.

    • When did it drop : 2006 around the same time the dye remover was removed from the game.

    • How to recognize it : Image link. Gray Dye with a red icon in the inventory and a 25g value.

    • How rare is it : The bug was quite uncommon at the time

    • Price check : I haven't seen one being sold in a long time. I have seen the price of 200e+ mentioned about 1 year ago.

    Customized miniature

    • What is it : When the Eye of the North expansion was released, the Hall of Monument allowed players to customize miniatures. About 2 months after EotN release an update removed the possibility to customize a mini and replaced it by the current system (dedicated mini).

    • When did it drop : From September 2007 to October 2007

    • How to recognize it : The mini display that it's customized to player X (instead of dedicated to player X).

    • How rare is it : Depend on the mini

    • Price check : There is a market if the mini is considered to be high-end (promotional mini, limited edition etc..), not sure there is a market for the more common birthday minis.


    Final note : If you need more information on your prenerf item, don't forget to check the official GW wiki, ask for info on some external forums (like GW legacy) and feel free to PM me on reddit.

    submitted by /u/IWearHipsterGlasses
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    GWToolbox in wine (Instructions included)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    If you run guild wars in wine you may have been deprived of toolbox, but I just figured it out.

    1. winetricks vcrun2015 will install the necessary stuff, but toolbox will confuse x86 and x64 and look for the wrong registry key, so you'll have to click "skip" in the launcher
    2. Directx is provided by wine itself, so you can skip that check too
    3. One copy of GW detected. PID: 8
      Cannot find Guild Wars process

    So toolbox is looking for the process then checking that it exists, but unlike windows we don't have a gazillion processes running before the game so the game ends up with an abnormally low pid that autoit's ProcessExists function assumes is an error code.

    The solution is to run some program like winecfg regedit notepad or taskmgr before running GW so that by the time GW starts the PID is high enough that AutoIt won't freak out.

    And that's how you run toolbox on linux.

    If anyone knows a registry key or some other setting to force wine to start at a higher PID, I'd love to hear it.

    submitted by /u/JnvSor
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    Forgotten Ritualist build

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    I used to play a ritualist build probably ten years ago called a "Continous Channeling Ritualist" . It did pretty heavy single target damage.

    I can't find the build listed anywhere. Is anyone familiar?

    Help appreciated

    submitted by /u/Kharvok
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    Minis Checklists

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    After yet another time running to the HoM and scanning the whole list of minis to see what I had, I decided to make a checklist for all minis organized alphabetically and color-coded. I also threw a second one together that marks the ones that are now unobtainable.

    Mini's Checklist

    Mini's Checklist Unobtainables Highlighted

    Apologies if someone else has already put something like this together. I didn't see anything but a jpeg to download and print out. With the spreadsheet, you can have a much easier time manipulating it to fit what works best for you.

    submitted by /u/Slythistle
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    Warrior Builds

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Hey can people please post/link some exciting warrior builds that aren't a dagger spam build? Don't mind if it's not like the best DPS because my heroes do a lot of the work anyway, just want to try out some fun builds!

    submitted by /u/adammo97
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    A place for Paragons

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    During the Anniversary event I created my first paragon to try out the elite, Im about halfway through NF and Im finding the class horribly boring, I'm basically running Imbagon with a couple of attacks until I can get the proper elite but the build is so boring, keeping SY! up constantly doesn't seem to do much in NM as my team wipes everything quickly, are there any offensive Para options? I've asked my Alliance but they say Paras just arent built to do damage

    submitted by /u/AmunTheIncandescent
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    Which class for Solo/how long for content

    Posted: 24 May 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Hey guys, After like 10 years i would Play Guild wars again. there are classes that you can recommend for Play All Solo content? How Long would ist take to Play all the content?

    submitted by /u/BananenT
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    Looking for a build for PvE Ele

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    Hello, i'm back on GW since years.

    Looking for Gwamm title, with my ele

    I have read some builds on PVX but i'm not sure what's the best option for PvE (missions + hardmode + vanquish), with Heroes (7heros caster support i suppose ? )

    Air fire earth or water i looking for the best

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/catalan66
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    Lottery Week 4: Fundraiser for Night of 10,000 Ectos 2020 (Even Bigger Pot This Week)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hope all is well!

    The cost of the tickets will be split equally between the lottery prize pool and the prize pool for Night of 10,000 Ectos 2020.

    The way this will work is every Sunday I will make a post here on the subreddit for the following week. I will also be streaming the "Drawing" of the lottery each Sunday as well, here.

    You may also join our Discord for regular updates.

    Current Prize Pool: 335e

    150 Tickets available this week.

    Max Pot Size: 419e

    No winner last week. Prize Pool will roll over to this week's drawing. The drawing clip can be seen here

    To Participate:

    • 1 ticket costs 2e.
    • You may buy as many tickets as you wish, but no more than half the entire number of tickets (75 max for a pool of 150 tickets).
    • Tickets numbers will only be reserved at the time of purchase in game, not before.
    • This round the number pool will be between 1-150. This is subject to change week to week based on number of players. Numbers are first come first serve, but all winning numbers will be chosen by a random number generator live, on stream.
    • If a number is chosen without a name, the pot will be transferred to next week's prize pool.
    • Prizes must be claimed by the Saturday following the drawing. If not claimed by then, that week's prize pool will be added to the following week's pool.
    • Purchased Ticket Numbers may be viewed on this spread sheet.

    I am working on being online more, but sometimes I am either alt-tabbed. The best way to reach me is through the discord. I am happy to jump on quickly, almost any time to do ticket purchasing.

    As always, your support is greatly appreciated! Thank for for supporting this amazing community!

    For more info on Night of 10,000 Ectos please visit here.

    IGN: Callme Monk X or Wtb A

    submitted by /u/ninja_panthar
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