• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 12, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

    Guild Wars 2 Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

    Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    When GW2 feels like the Alien movies

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    New GW2 expansion confirmed, concept art looks REALLY Canthan

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Mike Silbowitz, previous Head of Global Marketing left ANet/NCSoft for Wargaming

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    There was an attempt

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    So, my toons protected after some panic buying. How's yours? The ascended has aloe vera and is super fluffy (just an extra 5% mind)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I'm just here for the selfie man

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Its a party

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    Probably someone botting today in Amnoon.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Nightmare rune or Afflicted rune for condi soulbeast?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    Which one suit the d+t/sb soulbeast for all PvE content? I have full ascended gear and for weapons its sigils of malice and bursting.

    submitted by /u/Juventino_AM
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    Peak Hours of WvW (Isle of Janthir)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    New to the game and i really wanted the warclaw mount (purely aesthetic reason). I searched on how to get it and people say it only takes a few hours just to get it. So i tried WvW for the first time annnnd theres like 20 people there. I played for 3 hours and i only progressed 3 ranks of the reward track(with boosters) and i never gotten a keep yet.

    What time does the playerbase go online for WvW? I really just want the mount

    submitted by /u/lazzthethief
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    Anet needs to think of better marketing

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    So I downloaded one of those phone games that you see advertised through other phone games all the time because I was really REALLY bored and needed some things I could fiddle with on the go. (The game is called merge dragons btw and I would not suggest trying it as it's nothing but a micro-transaction nightmare)

    Imagine my surprise when I watched an ad in this shitty phone game to get some more actions and it was an ad for GW2.

    Now, I don't see anything inherently wrong with advertising a PC game through mobile apps, but the ad was AWFUL. They made it look like just another phone game. It wasn't mentioned as being a PC game anywhere. The graphics quality used made it look very flat and plain. The camera angles used were either straight on or from the side. Everything just made it look like those boring mobile games that try and look like top quality games.

    And the advertisement just mentioned all the new things like the new armor, new reward tracks, pvp seasons, and didn't actually show anything about what kind of game GW2 is.

    I don't wanna go through all the effort to find some way to record the ad on my phone, but trust me when I say it does not make GW2 look interesting or fun at all.

    Anet, please, for the love of your game, get some better marketing.

    submitted by /u/Slick_Hunter
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    Gliding like a true hero

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    [Event, NA] EVOS / RnT Triple Trouble Joint Training Run: Spooky March Edition

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Hey, folks! EVOS and RnT -- 2 of the guilds that bring you Triple Trouble to the NA servers daily--are looking for a few more brave or patient folks to help us at our training run. It rises spookily on March 13th, at 9:30 PM EST/6:30 PM PST. (Time conversion here. )

    If you haven't heard of it, Triple Trouble is one of the hardest to coordinate meta or boss events, due to the level of communication, specialized knowledge that it takes to avoid common pitfalls, and number of roles that need to be filled every time it's ran for success. However, with those things, it is an event that makes it easy to get core Tyrian mastery points, and also, its own unique loot. Plus, we like proving successful runs for our membership and community, as both guilds have for several years! But that also requires a stream of new folks to take up the torch after other members have to step down. Running training runs is a good way to expose many students to the core concepts they need to run the event successfully, and to help people achieve new skills. The more folks that show up, the more parts of the event we can run for our students!

    Our guilds cordially invite you to Firthside Vigil ( [&BKoBAAA=] )at the appointed time and date: taxis will be in LFG > General > World Bosses. We will, of course, still be running our normal runs that day, both before, and after the training run. It's an easy way to get in some achievements if you have the time.

    If you cannot make the training run, and would like to catch us at another time, other standard NA Triple Trouble runs currently include:

    Organizer name Taxi Start Time In UTC (Server Time)
    Community/RnT 0:30
    EVOS 3:30
    RnT 7:30
    Community 19:30
    submitted by /u/Flytitle
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    LFG - Highlight our options

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    The problem: Looking at categories to find no-one. It's a little tedious to check each tab, zone, and/or instance just to find an active group that may or may not be there.

    Solution: Highlight all the categories and subsections with a listed group, so people know immediately where other players are waiting upon opening LFG. Clutter-free. (If Icon, not unlike the blue one leading you to "Your Group".)

    I don't think a list of all the listed groups in one section would be as ideal. Creating a clutter while making categories only necessary to narrow things down if used at all.

    submitted by /u/BeNice108
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    Mysterious shade

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Hi, I have no idea where else to ask and I'm really curious what this is.

    This minion-looking thing was doing perfect circles around this necro, for perhaps 3-4 minutes. It then just vanished. I looked at her weapon and it was just a boring staff, and since the thing disappeared it can't have been an aura? I'm too shy to ask in game, and maybe it wasn't hers anyway, but it was clearly circling around her.

    Is it a mini? Something that belongs to a legendary weapon? I've tried looking it up elsewhere but I can't find anything. Agh I should have recorded it, didn't know I could post videos here.

    submitted by /u/addera_kirsikka
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    LF Friends

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I have not played much of Guild Wars 2. I am looking for a group or a guild. I am in Na. I want to learn more about the game. I started playing a few years but only got to like level 10 to 18 ish. I have been looking for MMORPG to get back into. I hope to find a few new friends or group of people. I do have a mic and discord.

    submitted by /u/DarkRaGaming
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    [Speculation] A possible character to meet during Visions of the Past

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom. Also since I'm not a native english writer or speaker there might be some formulations which might read awkward. For that I apologize.

    Since the last teaser page confirmed the "debut of an unexpected fun character that players haven't yet seen in person" my speculation gears started turning. I think I'm with most people here when I say that the person we're meeting most likely is the mysterious E. Then I was thinking "Who could E be?" I've seen speculations that it's most likely Faren. But I feel like Faren is too much of a goofball to actually have schemes in the background (Though one could argue that this is exactly why he's the most likely candidate then as this persona is just a distraction.) I started looking up when "E" actually started acting the first time at the story.

    I've noticed that E only acted in the story when human were somewhat involved - starting with the assassination of Theo Ashford, the captian in the Ship's Council of Lion's Arch before Ellen Kiel took his place. After that - and after some time - he contacted Majory shortly before the events of the tower of nightmare. Then at the beginning of Living World Season 2, where he mentioned strange disturbances at the brisban wilds - where Seraph were actually stationed. Another time when Queen Jennah was under accusation of conspiring with Scarlet. The last time during the events of Lake Doric. For me, Lord Faren falls out of the picture since I can't see him having actual interest in the political affairs of Lion's Arch.

    Now this is where my real speculation begins, but I have to take a step to the side here so that it actually makes more sense. Some time after we found out that Balthazar was an imposter of Lazarus, we met Livia - one of the possibly highest ranking Shining Blade members there is. The Shining Blades serve as guards of the royal bloodline of Kryta. The only time we might know about Livia acting was during the events of the book "Sea of Sorrow", where she accompanied Prince Edair on his quest to conquer the rebuild Lion's Arch and intergrate it back to Kryta.

    Back to my speculation, I think E is Prince Edair. For me it makes somewhat sense since he got relations to both Kryta and independent Lion's Arch. To be fair, Prince Edair is supposed to be dead about... .I think one and a half centuries now at this point. But I could see Livia giving Edair a really long extended life like hers. Why Edair makes sense for me here: He know almost every political action regarding Divinity's Reach and Lion's Arch. He has personal interest in keeping the relation between DR and LA intact since he basically owes Cobiah Marriner, one of the founders of independant Lion's Arch, his life.

    But then there's a problem lore wise: We don't have a man on the krytan throne but a woman - Queen Jennah. It doesn't make sense that Prince Edair is active when Queen Jennah is the legitimate heir to the throne. Now here it get's crazy. During the events of Living World Season 2 the Durmand Priory found a necklace which shows the current heir to the krytan throne. At this time it was kind of random. But what if - and that when we assume that E really is Edair - what if the necklace doesn't show Queen Jennah, but Prince Edair? That would raise questions: Who is Jennah? Is she only a figurehead? Why isn't Edair dead? Why does he act in the background? What is his goal? I think this could give a somewhat more interesting twist in regards of humans - since humans were shown enslaved by centaurs during the first Icebrood Saga trailer.

    But well... in the end it's just speculation. I might as well be wrong here - and I most likely am. But I thought it could be fun to share this idea.

    TL;DR: E is a not nessecarily very well known human character named Edair, who was a Prince of Kryta, accomponied by Livia during the Events of Sea of Sorrows. Livia might have extended the prince's life so that he can act in the shadows - which could make the plot point with the necklace thrown at us in Season Two relevant.

    submitted by /u/Veldarin
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    What is the best EU WvW server?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    My current realm gunnars hold is a bit dead and I'm looking to move to a more active server

    submitted by /u/FormalSauce
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    How to use Deflecting Shot (DH LB3)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Just a quick question regarding the Dragonhunter Longbow 3 skill Deflecting Shot It is a ground targeting skill. However, unlike other ground targeting skills like f.e. LB 4 and 5 skills and many others, this one seems to not automatically target your current target, when you have activated "auto-ground-target" in the game settings and will instead always fire in the direction your mouse is pointing at. As I would really like to always shoot the arrow in the direction of my current target: is there some option to somehow activate it that way? If not, any other tips on how to use it comfortably? I do know, that I can just use my mouse to ground target in the direction, but i don't really like that and miss quite a lot this way. I just want an easy usage of the skill by just clicking "3", even if I might loose the option to target at the opponents anticipated location via mouse targeting.

    PS: Mainly for pve plays, if that matters.

    submitted by /u/sigisiegert
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