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    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Forging steel boss fight be like

    Guild Wars 2 Forging steel boss fight be like

    Forging steel boss fight be like

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    No, I am your father.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Achievement Back Button

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    Please up crafting speed

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    It takes so long to craft ascended stuff because there is so much stuff please don't make it longer by having a slow animation. Crafting 400 fulgurite took such an unreasonable amount of time.

    submitted by /u/pyule667
    [link] [comments]

    I'd love for this to be a mount skin!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Map - Search Function (QOL improvement)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Map - Search Function (QOL improvement)

    Add a search function to the map.

    With the map of Tyria getting bigger, its getting more difficult to find something - can this be fixed ...

    Add a search and filter function to find:

    • POIs
    • Waypoints
    • Maps (e.g. Diessa, Eye of the North)
    • World Boss (returns nearest waypoint - including one which is currently active)
    • NPC (returns nearest waypoint)
    • Heart (e.g. Assist the Ash Legion )
    • Map region (e.g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holystone_Caves )
    • Roller Beetle Races
    • Jumping Puzzles
    • Living Story Episodes
    • Home Instances
    • Major Cities
    • Champions
    • Hero Points
    • Resource Nodes - e.g. Wood -> Hard / Elder ; Metal - Gold / Iron / Platinum etc. (This would have to just highlight the map areas with an outline where they can be found)

    - Allow a drop down selection based upon the category.

    Zooms into that area you have selected in the search function.

    Would this be helpful?

    submitted by /u/anewhome
    [link] [comments]

    Let's talk about how Braham is Svanir 2.0.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I want to talk story today. If you are invested in the plot, even though we are yet again balls-deep into Elder Dragon business - this is for you. TL; DR at the end.

    The recent release is stirring up a lot of questions in regard to Jormag and Primordus, the role of Bangar Ruinbringer in Jormag's schemes, and what Jormag may want to propose to the Commander. These are all valid and interesting questions, and as of the Visions release, I am starting to see the potential for some really juicy speculation. We have this much more to include in our analysis.

    However, today I want to talk about the plot of the last episode, Shadow In The Ice. Because there are some big implications there, too.

    The story on the surface

    The story of last episode essentially seemed to center about Braham fulfilling his "destiny of becoming a true Norn", in the sense of developing the ability to finally shapeshift into his Wolf form. Braham sought out to achieve this by absorbing the essence of three spirits of the Wild, who reluctantly granted him their powers even though they are corrupted by Jormag.

    The finale of the episode saw Braham using these powers against Drakkar and ultimately transforming into his Wolf form to fight off Bangar and Ryland and get his friends to safety. Braham achieved his destiny, and by wolf's blessing he can now shapeshift at will. A happy end, for now.

    But wasn't there something else?

    Why Braham is in trouble (and we are, too)

    The finale of the story had a lot of things happening. And some of you might already have noticed this. However, it took me a second playthrough of the story to catch something that may have been the most crucial moment of the entire episode. More crucial than Drakkar's death, more crucial than fighting Rytlock, and more crucial than everything that happened with Ryland and Bangar. Perhaps more crucial than Jormag's conversation with us.

    Let me cite this passage of "Voice in the Deep":

    The Whisper of Jormag: Braham, you earned all three of the Spirits' blessings. Why then do you still fight me as a norn?

    Braham Eirsson: What...what are you talking about?

    <Character name>: Don't listen to it, Braham! Shut it out!

    The Whisper of Jormag: It was Wolf, wasn't it? Said you could take their power, maybe even become Wolf yourself. Yet here you are. Just a norn.

    Braham Eirsson: Just...just a norn.

    Rytlock Brimstone: Commander, you gotta...you gotta kill it! Quick!

    The Whisper of Jormag: Your whole life you've tried to become Wolf, but never could. Braham, please—let me give you my power. Let me help you.

    Braham Eirsson: Yeah... Help me...

    <Character name>: Braham, concentrate! Braham! Dammit!

    The Whisper of Jormag: Commander. It's finally time for us to talk.

    You realize that the Whisper focuses Braham, taunts him, like he did with Crecia and Rytlock who turned against us as a result. Braham does not turn. But something happened in that moment. And I believe that a deal was made.

    I think the writers were being sly here. Because with such a "lore bomb" as the following conversation between Jormag and the Commander was, we were bound to forget the seconds before.

    But what if Braham let Jormag in?

    I would like you to recount some of Jormag's whispers. The ones that even we, the Commander, heard during Whisper In The Dark.

    1: You can't help them.

    2: You're stronger with me...

    3: I can show you the way...

    3: Let me help you...

    4: Take it.

    And this one, from before the Drakkar world boss fight:

    1: Drakkar is only a vessel of my voice. An innocent. Svanir asked for power, and I freely gave it to him.

    2: I have never in the history of this world given something to one who did not ask*.*

    This is it. Because Braham did ask him. And in the end, he was able to become the wolf.

    But Jormag doesn't make gifts. His corruption is based on an exchange, akin to a devil's pact.

    As Cloudseeker says in "Chasing Ghosts":

    Cloudseeker: Jormag's truth becomes your truth. If you desire power, Jormag will give it to you. And you give yourself to Jormag.

    This is the irony of it. We were warned, and we still did not see it coming. Not even Jhavi, Jora's granddaughter, saw it coming. She rooted for Braham, because of her faithfulness to wolf.

    But the faithfulness to the spirits of the wild may be not just Braham's folly, or Jhavi's, but that of the entire Norn race. I am talking of a really huge lore bomb, akin to the moment where we realized that the Sylvari were actually purified Mordrem. So let's talk Norn history, let's talk Jormag, and let's talk Spirits.

    Part 1: A Burden

    Deep in the icebrood-infested area of Asgeir's Legacy, we found his journal. A journal that should already have shaken Norn society to its very foundations by now. Except it does not, because, as Asgeir himself notes, the Norn can never know what he did, and I suppose the Commander is keeping his secret, for better or for worse.

    In short, to those who might not have read A Burden:

    Asgeir Dragonrender made a deal with Jormag. About a hundred and fifty years ago, Asgeir went to Jormag to slay him in battle and secure safety for his people. The battle must have been epic in proportion, it lasted for days on end, and in the end, Asgeir was losing. But instead of dealing the killing blow, Jormag offered a deal. They both knew that the Norn race would perish if it were to continue fighting Jormag. They both also knew the Norn would never just "exist at Jormag's mercy".

    So Jormag offered Asgeir a tooth. And Asgeir offered his people a lie. He took them south, along with four Spirits of the Wild, and founded Hoelbrak.

    The Norn of today exist because Jormag willed it. He could have wiped them out back then. In fact, he probably could have wiped them out until he was weakened by Taimi's machine. It is my belief that the Icebrood have never actually fought the Norn to the fullest of their potential. Both the Norn and the Svanir/ Icebrood are pieces on a game board, perhaps both of them not really knowing it.

    Jormag has been giving the Norn a fight they can manage, and he continues to play for time, creating ever more fodder for his army. He doesn't corrupt creatures by force. If he speaks the truth about what he did in history, maybe he never could corrupt creatures by force, he has always had to persuade. So his choice was between a huge pile of dead warriors or an army of willing ones. During those one-hundred and fifty years, the Svanir cult and the Icebrood became the greatest threat to the Norn people. But it is a threat that is meant to occupy. Jormag is keeping the children busy.

    Why would Jormag do this if he could have wiped out the Norn? Let's keep in mind what Elder Dragons usually do: Elder Dragons ravage civilizations. They kill and corrupt indiscriminately, consuming magic in the process. When they have consumed their fill, they drop back into slumber. Some of them go mad over time because they have consumed too many different magics. But what does Jormag want?

    Part 2: What Jormag wants

    Jormag's position is somewhat unique. If we go by the lore, Jormag has never, in his last ~250 years of being awake, actively sought to consume vast quantities of magic; at least this is not something we can prove he did. He has not truly carried the fight to the Norn either - they suffered from a blizzard caused by his awakening, they saw their territories being threatened, and they brought the battle him.

    Despite of all of his history with the Norn, Jormag has been a pretty damn passive Elder Dragon. For all we know, he might be consuming only so much magic as to keep himself sustained - he is in control of his hunger. And from all the Dragons we know, he might be the furthest removed from madness, the exact opposite of Kralkatorrik. He seeks to be in control of the situation at all times.

    It is my theory that Jormag does, in fact, tire of the Elder Dragon cycle. He does not want to sleep, as that limits his power and his control over the world. So what is his goal? I am not sure.

    The most obvious answer is: Jormag wants to be at the peak of all things. Instead of just co-existing with other Elder Dragons and laying waste to worlds to sate his hunger, he wants to rule them. Not just Tyria, Jormag wants to spread beyond Tyria. He wants to rule the mists, and other worlds, and gods and dragons, and everything there is.

    That's why he expands with restraint. That is why he wants a real army, not a heap of mindless thralls. That's why he needs an alliance with Aurene and the Commander.

    The only real threat to Jormag is Primordus, because they are each other's weakness. If he manages to win over Aurene and the Commander, and take care of Primordus, that's it. The remaining Dragon would be the Deep Sea Dragon. I won't speculate much about Bubbles, because what do we know, really? But it's then one dragon against two, and their armies. Because if Jormag can convince the Commander to join him, Jormag can likely also persuade the Pact... or at least turn one half and make them slaughter the ones that remain.

    But then, for all we know, Bubbles might have the power to make the oceans flood all of Tyria, and is simply exhibiting restraint the way Jormag is. Time will tell us more about the Deep Sea Dragon.

    As we now know, Jormag is incredibly interested in having the Commander at his side. He wants this to such an extent, I believe, that he is willing to save the Commander's life. If Braham turned wolf because Jormag granted him this power at the right moment, then Jormag de facto saved the Commander from Bangar.

    Bangar is way less important to Jormag than the Commander, but he is an opportunity. Jormag still needs to expand his army, especially while he is asleep and thus more vulnerable. The renegade Charr are basically coming to his lair. If the Dragonspawn and Drakkar could already turn people, then coming to Jormag's lair will spell doom for the renegade army. All Jormag needs to do is to tell them that his power is theirs to command.

    Fortunately, the Commander has more experience with Dragons. He is not making the same mistakes that Bangar is making. But Jormag seems to have an argument to win over the Commander, too. And now he also has Braham.

    Part 3. Braham, the Norn, and the Spirits of the Wild

    Remember that lore twist I talked about earlier? Well, in a way we already knew that the Norn exist at Jormag's mercy. My theory that the battle between Icebrood and Norn is sort of a farce is a mere extension of that theory. But I would like to extend it even further, by claiming this:

    ALL spirits already serve Jormag.

    Think of it. We know that, like many Norn, Owl Spirit perished by fighting Jormag. The rest, is said, were taken, corrupted. But we know now that Jormag doesn't take, he makes deals.

    Jormag's truth becomes your truth. If you desire power, Jormag will give it to you. And you give yourself to Jormag.

    Braham claimed the power of the corrupted spirits of Ox, Eagle and Wolverine, and they seemed like they were fighting against Jormag's influence in giving him these powers. But Jormag doesn't force - he persuades. By all rights, the spirits should not merely be corrupted, the should be Jormag's willing champions.

    And if we take this further, what is to say that the remaining spirits like Wolf and Raven are not his servants, too?

    Because they aided the Norn in coming south? But that's what Jormag wanted.

    Because they grant their power to Norn as they go to battle with the Icebrood? But that's what Jormag wants.

    The powers of all the spirits are already at Jormag's command. Three more arguments for this:

    1. Svanir's power of becoming the bear was twisted by Jormag, indicating that Jormag commands bear's magic.
    2. Jora's power of becoming the bear was taken, possibly by Jormag, indicating the same thing.
    3. Wolf instructed Braham to take power from corrupted Spirits of the Wild that serve Jormag. This would have to mean that he also serves or works with Jormag.
    4. While in the Raven sanctum, Raven spoke to us, making us think about choices. Right ones, and wrong ones, and how sometimes, both options are bad, but one still must make a choice. This must not necessarily imply that Raven serves Jormag. However, it certainly made the Commander consider his options, which interestingly, if you are playing a human, already has an effect on you after facing the Fraenir in the sanctum:

    Braham Eirsson: Commander... About what Jormag said. We're not gonna take it seriously, right?


    If human: <Character name>: Uhm... Right.


    In the end, this is still just a theory. But if I am correct, a lot of exciting things could happen.

    - Jormag can further manipulate Braham to an extent where Braham needs to choose Jormag for good or Jormag will deny him the transformation in crucial moment, meaning someone will die

    - Jormag might twist Braham into a "Nornwolf", essentially Svanir 2.0., since Braham has already taken all the steps that Svanir has taken, which means we will have to fight Braham, and possibly kill him

    - Likewise, since Braham now bears the power of three more corrupted spirits, he might transition between Nornwolf, Norneagle, Nornox, and Nornwolverine, or he might become a horrifying lovecraftian amalgamation of all four (though I think that's a stretch)

    - If we want to avoid killing Braham, Jormag might try and make it a condition that we join him to save Braham's life

    - Should any other Norn decide to help us, for example Jhavi, Jormag can deny them the powers of becoming their spirits, as he once denied Jora, long ago, and might still deny others without them knowing it (they essentially just keep believing the Spirits don't deem them worthy)

    TL; DR as promised:

    - Jormag has begun to make Braham into Svanir 2.0., and the evidence is in the story

    - Jormag wants to break the Elder Dragon cycle so he can stop destroying civilizations that war with him and instead rule everything there is, for which he needs the Commander and Aurene

    - Jormag commands all the Spirits of the Wild and can deny the Norn their shapeshifting

    submitted by /u/Taiaho
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    New toon using Runic Armor

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Conflux Suggestion: Add a low cost recipe that allows switching between two modes of the ring.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Right now as you make the legendary ring Conflux, you first make the Slumbering Conflux which can be upgraded to regular Conflux with a few items, however there's no way to convert it back to Slumbering variant if people want to get rid of the effect.

    So i suggest some kind of low cost / no cost recipe so that the item can be converted between two modes so players can show it off / hide it. This would allow people who want to hide all the various legendary trinkets an easy way to do so if they want a clean look without sacrificing any of the functionality.

    The ideal case scenario would be a simple checkbox similar to the backpiece, but that requires a lot more work than this.

    A similar thing can be done to existing Legendary Armour (Envoy Armour) from PvE so that you can have the stowed versions of certain pieces permanently / unlock it via the wardobe system as some of the stowed pieces are quite nice looking but become a bit ugly when unstowed (cough medium armour cough).

    submitted by /u/xAtri
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    What's your go-to solo class for hard content (Bounties, Champs etc)?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I usually play pretty late in the evening and a lot of areas are pretty deserted by this point, especially regarding PoF bounties, HoT champs and such things. Also as a GW1 veteran, I just love farming difficult bosses :)

    I watched a lot of videos lately and mostly came across viper or trailblazer variants of herald, mirage and weaver (but a lot of these videos are usually over a year old, so I don't know if they can be considered up to date).

    Are there any up to date solo builds for these types of situations (examples include: solo bounties, soloing bigger events (not complete metas obviously) and slaying hard champs / hero points) ?

    edit: I'm not asking about general trashmob PvE, we all know how strong Necro is there.

    submitted by /u/SnowdropFox
    [link] [comments]

    The Weekly Map Recap - Week 5, Metrica Province

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Weekly Map Recap, a series where we will look back at one map in the game each week. We'll look with a critical eye at how each map represents its theme, proves faithful to its lore, and implements its design. We'll see how effective its gameplay is, whether the art holds up, and the forecast for the map's long term retention. With 51 maps to date, it'll be quite the journey!

    We took quite a long break there - some of you might not remember this series. I was a bit dispirited about the game, but with the new expansion announcement I'm back and ready for more!

    Links to the previous entries in a reply at the bottom!

    5 of 51 - Metrica Province - Level 1-15

    Reaching the last of the starter areas in GW2, we have Metrica Province. The starting area for the asura, Metrica was revealed at the same time as the sylvari Caledon Forest, in preparation for the final beta weekend in 2012.

    Partly, I wonder at the extent to which this was based on development 'readiness' versus marketing 'mystique'. For both the asura and the sylvari, their culture and homelands were sort of an 'unknown' coming from GW1. Sure we had a sense of the asura on the surface in EotN, but much of what they'd done was 'retrofit' existing ruins to suit them. We hadn't seen a home-grown asura culture. Now, after centuries on the surface, we were going to really see what they had made for themselves.

    And so accordingly, I wonder whether the reveal of the sylvari and asura maps was motivated by a desire to tease the fanbase leading up to those beta weekends. No interviews exist to hint at this - it's just something I've wondered.

    Theme/Concept - 8/10

    Metrica Province is one, big laboratory. If the asura have one key theme, it's experimentation and mad science. That's easy enough to spot, but how can it be implemented at a map-wide level? Metrica Province's answer is to cover the entire map in different labs.

    The mad-science theme is well represented, with some of the most ingenuitive event structures present on the starter maps. Some events have you conducting experiments yourself, playing golem chess, or teleporting through large puzzle environments.

    If there were one other theme on this map - as with many asura areas - it would be comedy. The asura (don't tell them I said this) are the comedic race of the game, and their starter zone matches. A number of events have amusing dialogue or transformations. This is offset or multiplied (depending on your taste) by the extent to which things can go horribly wrong in asura experiments.

    Overall, Metrica Province has two clear themes and implements both strongly.

    Lore - 5/10

    Metrica Province is a little bit hard to pin down in comparison to any GW1 map. It seems to represent parts of Magus Stones (Oola's Lab) combined with sections of Riven Earth (Golem labs and floating rocks). Especially given the fact that Rata Sum has moved southwest in comparison to GW1, there aren't any particular landmarks in Metrica that tie it to the first game (other than Oola's).

    All the things that we might expect to find based on lore are here, with the notable exception that there are far less kinds of dinosaurs than one might expect, and no destroyers (!?). Given the asuran lore beef with Primordus, one would think they might get a large presence on this map.

    Additionally, there are no White Mantle around - but that's not unreasonable given the history of their organization between games. The one other thing that one might expect to see is the waterfall from Riven Earth, but that terrain feature isn't about, either.

    Design - 5/10

    As mentioned previously, Metrica is designed as a big 'campus' of laboratories. Each lab is associated with a native population of creatures nearby that it runs its tests on. Whether that is hylek, skritt, or oozes, none of it goes well for the test population. Inquest labs are located along the sides of the map, hidden away from the other labs underground or high up.

    The design and flow of the map is based partially on a single river - unusual for a GW2 map. The river runs from the northeast of the map towards the middle left side, and then back down towards the southeast - like a great curve. Tributaries run off this river to form the marshes that cross the midsection of the map.

    The flow is largely southwest to northeast - two clear lanes out from the starter area, but it opens up after that. Finally, once the player confronts the inquest in the northeast, they are clearly intended to cross the river to the Thaumanova Reactor - separated from the rest of the map not only by the river itself, but also by a large buffer of terrain with few features.

    What we end up with in the design is a lot of repetition. Go from this lab to that one, deal with the problems their experiments are producing, repeat.

    Gameplay - 7/10

    Gameplay in Metrica is varied, especially for a starter map. Activities include a number of renown hearts with mini-game-esque features. Based on those and the predominance of jumping puzzle-type areas, it is easy to classify this map as another one worked on later in starter map development.

    In fact, special notice should go to the mini-dungeon puzzle areas. Oola's Lab, Thaumanova Reactor, and Goemm's Lab. All three are quite long, comparatively - and incorporate puzzle elements. While Caledon Forest has more, Metrica's puzzles really are puzzles.

    The map is neither flat enough to merit derision nor varied enough to give a strong standout.

    Art - 7/10

    Asuran architecture looks great. I think I take it for granted after all of these years, but it consistently strikes a strong identity that I've not seen replicated by another fantasy race in gaming. When you see an asuran building, you know it. Their shapes are interesting and make for great jumping challenges.

    That said, the map does suffer a bit from same-ness in its art layout. It is hard to differentiate one lab from another, visually - or the north-east of the map from anywhere else. It all blurs together in a jungle-swamp-lab soup.

    While Thaumanova Reactor does have some visual interest on the interiors, it has little identity as a visual 'weenie' - something that you see across the map and head for, like Divinity's Reach or the Great Wall of Ascalon.

    Long Term/Retention - 6/10

    Like other starter maps, Metrica Province has a world boss. This world boss is one of the easiest, and few stick around after killing it. Asura are not a particularly popular race (again, don't tell them I said that). Out of the starter areas, this map has one of the lowest retention rates.

    Overall - 6/10

    Confession time - all these years and I've only made one asura character. I find Metrica Province fun, but less engaging than Caledon Forest or Plains of Ashford. While I adore the art assets produced for the asura culture - and find the puzzles areas on the map great fun - I have spent little time in this area in comparison to the others.

    That said, I can see the appeal in its events. The gameplay on this map is more varied than some of the others - perhaps back when the devs intended to implement polymock this map might have seen more visitors?

    That's it for today! Next week, we'll do a bit of a retread to repost Wayfarer Foothills. What do you think of today's map? Any fond memories, or strong complaints? How well do you think this map stands up in comparison to all the others? Which map would you like to see after we round out the starter zones? Should we do them in order of level?

    submitted by /u/Jonah_Marriner
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    Duplicate untradeable tonic drops from the black lion chests are unrefundable.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    So I got the desert tonic, which is untradeable and which I already have unlocked, twice from the black lion chest, taking up two rare drop slots.

    According to support, they can't do anything and the chest will remain this way, meaning that everyone who opens up the chests are basically screwed out of potentially valuable drops.

    Doesn't really make sense to me that they would keep it that way when they already solved it for wardrobe unlocks, but it is what it is. An informed customer can draw their conclusions as to whether they want to open chests while those are in the drop table I guess.

    submitted by /u/Kantoku83
    [link] [comments]

    What toon to bring to Strike Missions?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    What do you think is the most helpful at a PUG strike mission? My choices are druid, condi soulbeast; or my necromancer, but I'm not sure what is the best build. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/daspang
    [link] [comments]

    Moving up the Ranks Achievement

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    There seems to be a lot of confusion both in-game and on Reddit about this so I figured I'd share my experience.

    I tried a run after being told it was flat out bugged by people in EOTN. I turned on the following CMs

    • Final Boss
    • Hordes of Foes
    • Powerful Foes (Hardest standalone one IMO)

    I didn't put Tank Escort because with all the other CMs, that would've been a death sentence/huge waste of time with the threat of a full mission wipe. The squad comp was pretty basic, nothing too meta and we pulled it off fine, except for a bit of a struggle at the boss.

    Speaking of which, this seems to be pretty lenient. As long as you do the Nicabar/Cinder events and don't flat out wipe, you should be able to get this with this setup. We never wiped, though a lot of us got downed and it got hairy during the boss fight because of the swarms of mobs. It took us about 4 full burns to kill the boss, so it's lenient here as well.

    Lastly, the tank getting damaged (as long as it doesn't die fully) doesn't seem to affect scoring too much (the tank got damaged 5-6+ times)

    All squad members got the achievement. I was seeing reports of some getting it and some not so I figured I'd add that as well.

    That's about it. Try it out and have fun!

    submitted by /u/Iandrago
    [link] [comments]

    PSA: Shared Inventory Slots currently on 30% sale

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Title. I remember being really down when I missed the sale around New Years, so there's probably others like that

    submitted by /u/HeliosAlpha
    [link] [comments]

    Recipe for Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup is available today

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    If anyone still needs/wants it! Though I think crafting ascended stuff is cheaper by now.

    North of [&BIkHAAA=] btw.

    submitted by /u/hold_my_cocoa
    [link] [comments]

    Can we use Two Different "On Interrupt" -type Sigils in a Two-handed Weapon Set?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    The Wiki's sigil article is unclear on this and I'm having trouble spotting whether this works on my own.

    Can we successfully use, for example, a Draining sigil and a Severance sigil in the same two-handed weapon, or will only one of the sigils proc? Thanks ahead of time for clarification / confirmation. <3 -CF

    submitted by /u/ClaraFee
    [link] [comments]

    Hello from an old Mesmer

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    So, I'm I guess you could say new to the game (again) have been in active for a few years with life and all that fun stuff. As I've just lost my job in this chaotic time I'm got some time to kill. Just wanted to say hello and see if anyone wants to hang out online. I'm gonna have questions ha ha!

    Hope you're all staying safe

    submitted by /u/hellohenry-
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    Condi Weaver?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Greetings. I have a question; I have been playing my Weaver as Condi (with Carrion armor), but I haven't seen these type of Weaver being played and I haven't seen any guides on Metabattle with this type of Weaver (Carrion Condi).

    Am I playing him wrong? Should I switch to DPS with Berserker armor?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Wryetui
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    PvP Automated Tournaments (AT)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    I really like to do pvp for the daily 2g and the potions but I never participated in an AT cuz I am under the impression it's for Platinum 2 players and above. At least that's what people in map chat tell me.

    I'm in Silver 3 and I am not experienced enough but does that really exclude people in my rank to join an AT for the daily?

    If not, where can I find players of the same rank to form a party together? Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/icey1899
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    DPS benchmarks rotations without food, utilities and infusions

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, is there any place where I can find dps benchmarks that focus solely on the rotation, without food, utilities and infusions? I just want to compare myself, and commit to the rest of the build only after I find comfortable with the rotation.

    submitted by /u/Apolyon_BS
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    Anyone else not getting Prophet Crystals?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    I got my 3 crystals last week. Now, all of my "echos" turned to "hums" so doesn't that mean that the weekly reset on the strikes has happened and I should start getting Crystals again? I did today's daily and didn't get a crystal.

    submitted by /u/Whilyam
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    [Question] Standard? Deluxe? Ultimate? Pros/Cons?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    Hi planning to get the game.
    My question is, can i get by just by buying the Standard edition? My worry is that if I buy the Standard, I will be needing gems eventually and will miss the opportunity to buy the Ultimate edition.
    1. Will i be able to buy inventory expansion using gold?
    2. Will i be able to buy bank expansion using gold?
    3. If i dont buy the living stories, what will i miss?
    4. How critical is the Lily of the Elon Pass? Will i be able to get it eventually by just playing the game? or any alternative to it that doesnt require gems or buying the deluxe/ultimate?
    5. Any other way to increase character slot beyond 2?
    6. Any other "critical" things that I need gems for to obtain that cant be obtained by gold? or anything else i will miss if i just choose to buy the game and not to buy gems?

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/bumlife911
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