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    Monday, October 14, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 Snowcrows Gear Optimizer and Website Update!

    Guild Wars 2 Snowcrows Gear Optimizer and Website Update!

    Snowcrows Gear Optimizer and Website Update!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    A few months ago I managed to trick someone into making a raid gear optimizer for the Snow Crows website. This mysterious man was excited at first until he realised the pain he was about to subject himself to. Anyways, he braved through the pain and now we have a beautiful gear optimizer for your raid requirements!

    The Gear Optimizer

    The gear optimizer is aimed at power classes and support classes. Optimization of condition builds requires a lot more preparation from the user and we figured that this wouldn't actually be useful for many people due to insufficient preparation or knowledge. Before I move any further into this, I will immediately tell you that you should not try to use this on your mobile phone if you are trying to use infusions or an insane amount of variables. Your phone will die.

    This is your run of the mill gear optimizer that covers all classes.

    • You can choose if you're an "Offensive Role" or a "Healer Role". Offensive role includes Support Chronomancer builds as they use offensive stats in their gear. Healer role covers all healing builds. Pretty straightforward stuff.
    • You can then choose if you want to go with Dual Wielding or Two-Handed Weapons. The decision was made to always have weapons as the same stat to make it easy to move into Fractals.
    • You can then choose your sigils and runes. Different options will appear depending on if you've chosen Offensive or Healer role.
    • After that, you have your food and utility choices. As with sigils and runes, different options will appear depending on what you previously chose.
    • If you are optimizing a build that requires boon duration, you can also adjust your desired value.
    • You can pick your party buffs and if you want to use infusions or not. It should be noted that using infusions does increase wait time for the calculations to complete. If you aren't on a complete potato, it shouldn't be too bad.
    • The last thing you will want to do is choose your class and traits.

    You also have the option to optimize around Fractals and select your desired number of outputs.

    Why is this Optimizer Different?

    There were a few specific functions that I requested that would give the user more flexibility when making gear setups.

    • You can pre-select gear of your desired stat. You might already have some pieces of gear that you really don't want to change. Please note that if you select all Berserker gear but want 100% boon duration, nothing will happen.
    • You can decide a uptimes for certain runes. This is extremely useful in the current meta where Scholar, Thief and Eagle runes can be extremely close!
    • This is also true for traits. You can select the uptimes that you want or number of boons/conditions. Some uptimes for traits have been automatically entered as they were taken from benchmark logs but obviously you can change whatever you want.
    • I have made pre-fabricated builds based on the builds on the Snow Crows website. You can quickly select these to avoid wasting time by finding the right traits.
    • In case you want to add random stats, you can do this under the "Extra Stuff" tab. I have no idea why you would want to do it but there ya go, the option is there.

    Future Hopes and Dreams

    I am continuing to beg the generous creator of the Gear Optimizer for additional features. I know as soon as he sees this section I will instantly get a load of hate messages from him on discord, but here goes nothing. After enough peer pressure, I hope that there might be the option for the following optimizations:

    • Toughness optmization. This can come in useful for Support Chronomancer players who need to optimize around different toughness values.
    • Dungeon scaling. This is actually on the table but certain traits and skills scale weirdly in dungeons. My DMs are always open for people who want to help out with this disgusting task.

    A Few Words of Warning

    • Never, ever use this on your phone if you want it to calculate with infusions. It will die.
    • Adding infusions increases the duration by a fair bit, it's not painfully long but it does take a few seconds more. Infusions are automatically unchecked when you open up the optimizer.
    • Boon duration calculations take twice as long as normal calculations. It's working but the hamster needs some of that good old cocaine to spit out some fancy numbers.
    • If you decide to select every single variable, good luck. Say goodbye to your RAM and your browser.
    • You will notice that some builds that you get from the optimizer are slightly different to those that we have on the website. Most of these are done for simplicity's sake, i.e spotterless situations. This was done not only for simplicity, but the fact that the difference in epower is like 1% or less.
    • You will get multiple outputs with the same epower just with rings swapping stats or shoulders/gloves/boots. That happens, we accept it and so should you.
    • There is an option to pre-select gear i.e. if you want to keep berserker shoulders or whatever. If you pre-select too many options and then try to optimize to, for example, 100% boon duration and it's physically impossible, well...nothing will happen.
    • Condition damage builds are not going to happen. This is because to optimize condition builds, you first need a good golem log. To get a good golem log, you need a good rotation with relatively decent gear. You then need to use the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's not going to happen, forgive me.
    • Fuck around...lots. Try out all the traits, utilities, food, things and other stuffs. Please report any funky results on our public discord in the Gear Optimizer channel.

    Website Update

    The website has been updated for the current balance patch. All builds, benchmarks, team compositions and guides have been updated. You can find a TDLR of the changes on our public discord.

    I've started to mess around with a new design for the guides section. I'm doing full rewrites of all of our current guides and you'll be able to see once I've finished a guide as it'll have the new design! I am also adding new guides to the website. Probably by the time I've posted this, I will have begun work on the Guardian pages. That means that the Power Banner Berserker and Power Berserker guides have been added for all seven wings!

    I am currently looking for a couple of hands to help out with an extremely large content release. This has been in the works for over a year and will be fantastic once it's finished. I am offering paid work to people who are interested in helping out. I don't want to spoil what it is but the work will be a lot of content formatting, making gifs and images. I'm looking for people who are fairly knowledgeable about raids as the content also needs to be quality checked. Please hit me up on discord if you want to know more - Target#7629.

    If you've got this far and have read it all, I salute you. Thanks for reading and feel free to hit me up on discord if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/Target_Sc
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    Egg Hunt

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    The Commander And Rivalry

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    arcdps Build Templates to be Disabled Tomorrow

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT


    Scroll down to the top of the changelog, and you'll see:

    changes *** build templates will be disabled starting oct 15 2019 ***

    submitted by /u/InariKamihara
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    "SWiMsuItS ARe PrOBleMatIC"

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    So how are you guys ready for the Halloween ? Here's my cosplay on Nazghul Fell Rider

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    Had the Ultimate Comeback in Revenge of the Capricorn today! The best match to end my Ranked PvP Season with!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    [Fanart/OC] Jungle Dragon Mordremoth

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    Someone requested Metal Legion Icons so here they are. :D

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    The Nightmare and Shattered Observatory Are Peak Endgame Content

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    I really believe these two fractals are peak endgame GW2. I'm unsure if ArenaNet is continuing to build fractals, but if they are, they really should make more based on these. Every day, I see so many people doing them and having genuine, interactive fun. I really hope they're still building these out!!

    Anyone else want to give love to Ensolyss, Arkk, and the others? Show ArenaNet how much you love em!

    submitted by /u/RJD20
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    I can't discover this place :(

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    EDIT: Thank you so much, guys! I found it right away! :)

    Hi, I'm super super new to this game, started about 2 weeks ago so I am extremely noob. Therefore, sorry if I'm not allowed to ask for help (I did go through the rules though) or if this question seems obvious or dumb.

    Anyway, this is it https://imgur.com/a/EX9SkRu (middle of picture, the island) and I simply cannot discover this place. It says that it's neither above or below ground, but I've been exactly where the spot is, and it won't discover it.

    Do you guys know if it's a glitch, or if I'm just blind and can't figure it out?

    submitted by /u/Imliterallyabanana
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    I decided to make a Viking-ish character since the new living story will be partly Norn themed

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Spoilers? Is it just me, or does becoming Icebrood sound not bad at all? [NSFL]

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    PLEEEAAASE use spoiler tags if you need to spoil something. This is an honest question. Also, please see Rule 3.

    A few request appetizers before we get to the beefy main course:

    • Put on your big boy pants, big girl panties, or gay ass unicorn horn and be ready to be an adult about things
    • Or maybe take off the adult hat and remember you're allowed to be true to yourself on the internet
    • Eat your favourite food, but not to excess; if you partake, partake until you see reality but remain lucid - couches are your friend.
    • Dance like a fool, you fool
    • Check your ego and your drama llama at the door, they are not needed in this thread.
    • Get ready to talk shop

    Lesss go~

    Is it just me, or does following Jormag and the Icebrood sound good?

    I'm a first generation Pinoy Canadian cis female (read: obvious gay-ass WoC) who only uses those words because it makes it easier for other people to understand my context.

    This trailer really spoke to me on a lot of levels.

    "You do not fear death, you fear something far worse - fear outliving the ones you swore to protect."

    I would like to say that I know no one in my life needs my protection. Sadly, this year has shown me that too many people in this world need my protection. I know it isn't my job, but I'm just trying to be human, y'know? Cause charr don't exist irl.

    I met a Rwandan refugee on the streets of my city walking home one day, and he fast became my little brother despite being ten years older than me. He has severe PTSD. I've had to clean the blood off his apartment floor and snap the knife he tried to use to kill himself. Thankfully, his subconscious mind took hold and brought him to the police before he could finish the job. I'm not a social worker - I work in goddamn IT. I'm a private citizen who was in the right place at the right time to save a life, but it fucking fucked me up for three days straight.

    I do fear outliving the ones I protect. I'm only 28 and I've already lost a lot of friends and family. My mother is slowly dying because of systemic public health issues - most of which are her own fault in her life, I recognize, but if the system were fixed, her pain could have been avoided. The cycle could have stopped with her, and it would have saved me a lot of pain and suffering.

    What about you? Do you have people or causes to protect? Do you fear outliving them?

    "Do you fear the time when your children no longer know the chill of the frost, or the warmth of the flame?"

    YES and I don't even have kids nor can I. The world's children are my kids - by choice. Also animals. Because I'm a mother fucking druid (I'm not, I'm more a Bard, but y'know, pause for effect and all that - but a la Bard, I would fuck your mother).

    I grew up in Alberta, Canada. Thanksgiving to me is going to the Rocky Mountains, clambering on rocks and scrabbling up hiking trails, and the Kananaskis Country. (Also, Happy Thanksgiving, Canucks!)

    I remember when Lake Louise was all snow on the far shore. All snow, all glacier, chilled all the way up. It was magic. I felt like an ice queen (the OG, not Elsa).

    I went back this month and... it's like, almost all gone. The glacier has receded so far back. My Lake Louise looks ill to me and it makes me deeply sad. I still hike there, I still enjoy nature, I still commune with the same favourite tree my friends and I all clambered on when we were 8. Thankfully, it's near the top and not a lot of tourists seem willing or able to make the trek up there (it's only 5 fucking km, but don't tell them - it's our special secret).


    I'm not so inclined to worry about the "warmth of the flame" considering I'm still processing the reality of Fort McMurray's fire. Don't fucking @ me, leftists, my family lives there and I know about all the shit you're gonna spew at me - take it to your circlejerk, this isn't for you. (Also, @ me, but only if you're ready to get your ass handed to you on a gear box. Rawr.)

    The warmth part, though, for me, relates to matters of the heart. To me, warmth is best experienced when your partner drapes a fuzzy blanket over you, or a stranger passes you a joint and goes "dude you gotta try this - so much love", or a cat deems you worthy to come over and snuggle.

    As someone with diagnosed (by a medical professional, not WebMD) Generalized Anxiety Disorder but has found solace in medical weed, the world has definitely become cold. Fearful people respond in anger, and those of us who have learned to deal with our egos decide not to war with them. We choose silence. This is, in my mind, wrong. And one of the biggest reasons I have to join Jormag.

    Jormag listens. He shows me warmth. Moderation is not for me - I want to feel the coldest chill, I want to feel the warmest sun. And if I die, then I go in peace, fulfilled. If that makes me Icebrood, so be it. Jormag, show me the world.

    Do you crave the ice and fire, or do you wish you could not feel? Do you wish for something else entirely?

    "It is this fear that is your enemy, not I; the prison in which all races of Tyria suffer."

    I have a lot to unpack and it isn't just words this time.

    The imagery to me, is concerning. I am speaking from the perspective of a left-leaning socialist woman of colour (there you go, politics, have you got me in your boxes yet? Keep your hands and feet in the box at all times or reality might warp them into tentacles fit for hentai).

    To me, this will only weaponize people who view slavery, indigenous cultures (centaurs are analogous to indigenous cultures to me - just empowered and with whips and no qualms about killing), and oppression as causes strong enough to fight for. Which is a lot of people.

    THAT SAID, I am an anxious wreck and I am in an illegal state without my weed to chill me out. So please do correct me if I'm wrong on that. I want to be wrong, but I don't want to be patronized. Speak to me as an adult or I will speak to you like the child you couldn't be.


    I totally think that fear is really a prison. Fortunately, I haven't needed to join Jormag to face my fears. I just came out publicly as bisexual, suffered the rejection of my mother (she's a closeted bi, calling it now), found out I had built myself the support systems I needed to "fall", fell in love, found myself in tall trees and kinky sex and lots of really good weed, then suffered an existential crisis on fast-forward because of the amazing dabs I did when I got back home - alone. (stupid decision, never get high alone if you're lonely - set and setting, kids)

    But yeah, short of an extended existential crisis, I'm not sure what would work to break more people out of that prison. I hope this game can help - I know it helped me. I'm an imaginative creative with a traumatic past, so having fun take me gently by the hand? It's lead to some amazing things.

    I haven't said this to anyone other than my guilds (shout out to the late Gladium Waypoint [GWP] and the ever-strong Daughters of Valkyrie's Exile [DoVE]): I used to play men in all my games, then when I arrived in Tyria and as a F2P lucked out and got a cosmetic change thingy, I finally felt comfortable enough to play a female character and went balls to the wall on it. To me, that's a huuuuge thing. To finally feel comfortable playing a female main. In this regard, Tyria is second only to Mass Effect. (RIP Bioware, I still don't forgive you, EA. #FuckYouEA).

    What are your thoughts? What is your prison?

    "You need not fear me, champion, for I can set you free"

    But I suppose this is where we find the heart of the matter. Jormag, in this and this alone, I stand against you. For I am not alone.


    Political Shop Talk Time. Engage like adults, and remember that the red 'x' is at the top right of your screen - I love you, please be safe.

    I am a Canadian. I would love to vote. I have voted every year since I came of age as I found it my civic duty. Now, having worked in nearly all levels of government, and finally having "arrived" in my own skin and found it not so bad after all, I am able to stand up for myself and say "I will not be voting in this election".

    I reject the notion "you didn't vote, you don't get to complain". My passport says "Canadian", I own a piece of government-issued ID for my province, I speak French and English. I am, in essence, Canadian. Therefore, I have a right to hold my governments, and the people in power who run them, accountable.

    I want to vote NDP.

    Sadly, the NDP in the area that I live in refuse to speak with me. They use language of hatred, war, and conflict to write their message. They are less focused on listening, more focused on forcing through democratic change. I believe in the values and the policies and the legislation they present. I do not believe in the way that they operate on a local level. Sadly, the party's communication has only weaponized their opponents. The citizens of my city, the people who live in my streets, they don't have a voice anymore - we've chosen silence because we're exhausted every time we try to talk to these people.

    How can a people stand behind a party when that party refuses to listen to its people? I do not understand.

    For this reason, I choose not to vote. I boycott the system. Yes, I leave my fate in the hands of others. This is not my fight to fight, not my cross to bear. My fight is in the boardroom, my community is my team. I cannot bear to hurt innocents by fighting on the frontlines - I am too anxious for that. I could get used to it, but it would harden my heart and that is not a wise decision. For I have thick skin, and an elastic heart.

    But my heart has been disused until now, and like an old and shriveled band, it will break if it is not gently stretched. (that's what she said)

    The Humans had it wrong, Kings are not Gods; the Charr had it right, Kill Your Gods.

    But be Bards about it - don't actually kill them, that doesn't solve anything. Vicious Mockery is often the most dangerous spell of all. Let them go home - and then regret their life choices. End of life doesn't get us anywhere. End of Ego does.


    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

    This has been brought to you by cynicism, bardic humour, and a distinct lack of weed. Legalize, Minnesota. Legalize. I can't wait to be back home.

    If you read this far, you are my Hero for the day. And luckily, I am full to the brim of admiration this morning. So I can have more than one hero, just like how Tyria can have more then one Commander. We're all in this together, after all. And I think through games, we can make the world an alright enough place - so that we don't feel a need to escape into a virtual reality, and so that our physical reality can be as safe for us as our game worlds are.

    If you read this far, please hear me: I love you. And I mean it, as impossible as it may seem. I love you. Rawr.

    submitted by /u/CheesyCharr
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    Did I do something wrong in pvp?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:34 PM PDT

    Did I do something wrong in pvp?

    Hey guys! So im sort of a casual pvper and was just wondering if I stumbled into a faux pas with this guy?

    The pic speaks for itself. But context, I was chasing a rev around in circles trying to kill him (he was REALLY good at staying alive vs my fb hybrid). The other salty player was our support fb and he was supporting me during this fiasco. I just lol'd in say cuz I couldnt take him down lol.

    We did win 500 to 200... so I'm not sure what i did? I tried to correct any hard feelings in a whisper following.


    submitted by /u/Vylunex
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    [art] Instead of inktober, I'm doing OCtober: simply doodling my OCs all month. Meet my spooky asura herald.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    Is it possible to buy this game without credit card/US paypal?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    I played the trial version some time ago. I want to return to the game but to get the full experience.

    Problem is: I'm not in the US and I don't use credit cards. I saw some heroic editions to sell on Amazon, but that seemed like a scam, because the base content is already playable for free.

    Do you guys know a workaround to buy the game, or I'll just have to forget it exists?
    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/dokscy
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    New Aurene model?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Should i just focus on ascended + AR or not ? A Vet (& Casual) payer need you help.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    Hello !

    I know those kind of posts has been seen a lot, but i guess I need a large reminder to finally know what i should do and understand why.

    I'm a vet on GW2 i guess, but still pretty casual and I only play PVE.

    I mean i've been on the game for a long time, i did a lot of endgame (all LW content, nearly lvl 100 on fractals on my Ele full ascended / AR, except for Raids) but i have tendencies of following trends and builds like snow crows without trying to really understand why.

    Here is the kind of player i am (with the time i can allocate to GW2)

    Since the summer i rerolled on a Druid, still based on the snow crow's guide. With my GF we want to learn Raids, that's one of the reason i rerolled Druid (everyone needs a druid right ? and apparently it's beginners friendly)

    I'm lvl 80 and started to gather my Ascended gear by doing fractals. Well, i focused on weapons (nearly finished) but here's his the hard part with the armor. I know i need to max huntsman to have it, but i think that what I did for my Ele was dumb (following guides and spending all my money to obtain it), i didn't try to understand why i was doing this that way, and if it was really necessary. So i want to do things right with my druid.

    So with all that context, here is my questions :

    1. I want a build where i can be "efficient enough" on PVE, fractals and learn Raids (i will never be a hardcore raid player, i just want to learn them slowly). Should I follow only the snow crows' build or not ?
    2. About this build, it has a lot of trinklets, stats, etc that can only be obtained by grinding PoF maps and more .. I don't really want to spend all my times doing that exclusively. So can i try to build an ascended gear only with the most important stat ("healing power" i guess), without trying to have exactly all the stats that they're avise you to choose ? (power / healing / concentration) I will never be (and i don't want to) the best druid, i just want to do my part correctly with a gear that doesn't cost too much you know ...
    3. I saw that for raids (this is the part where i don't have any knowledge) you need another kind of infusions that give you extra stats, does it mean that you have to get two sets of armor for playing fractals and raids (one with agony infusions and the other with stats infusions) ?
    4. If yes, what should i do by knowing that i don't want to put my self only in one or the other, but both while staying in my casual player life (don't hate me, i know i may ask for impossible) ?

    I want to optimize the time i spend on GW2 by doing what's necessary but not what's the best for hard core players.

    i don't want to do all the T4 fractals and all raids whenever i can, i want to do a bit of fractals sometimes, a raid from time to times, and PVE mostly.

    I don't know if i'm clear of if i'm loosing myself in an utopic "i'm casual but i want an endgame content situation" and loosing you in the same time in it with that too long of a post (sorry sorry).

    To resume that in one question, do you have instruction for a versatile build & set of armor that can do some PVE, fractals content (even if i can go further than T3), learn raids, which doesn't cost too much (i'm reaaaaaally poor since i'm casual and maybe dumb), and if you're brave enough, why should I do it (since i want to learn why) ?

    Thank you if you read all of this "imperfect english / fail to be clear and simple" post, since you're here, i know some of you doesn't like the type of people who wants an accessible endgame, i respect that. I love playing GW2 with my GF, i just want to discover more without spending more time that i can on it. I'm looking for a solution or an alternative if it exists. If not you can say it to me nicely, but stay cool i'll accept your answer whatever it will be even if it means that i can't do what i want :)

    Love u.

    submitted by /u/Mynowah
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    With GW2 game engine and Anet's hard working, do you think they can make a new zone with city like this? (the city is Toussaint from Witcher 3)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Guild Wars 2. LOVE, PEACE, CYRILLIC! [Ultra HD — 4K]

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Times have changed

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    Caledon forest problem regarding map completion

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    There is a problem in the marked place - basically there is no waypoint in game whereas there should be one(as seen on the wiki page - left one) and also the event that is going on in there just never ends(you have to defend a village from waves of risen and the 8th wave just never comes). Also i checked on my other character that has 100% world map completed and when you're outside of caledon forest map you can see the waypoint but when you try to tp to it, it says that "this wp is contested..." and when you open world map(in caledon forest) the wp just isn't there, as i said - i was checking on a character with 100% world map so it isn't an old issue. Also the event i was talking about, it isn't just long, i was standing there for almost 30 minutes and nothing happened, there were also lots of new player jumping around and (i guess) searching/waiting for the last wave of risen. Quite a big issue because you can't really finish world map completion so you can't get gifts of exploration.


    submitted by /u/MetanowaKrowa
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