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    Friday, January 3, 2020

    Guild Wars 2 Ever had this?

    Guild Wars 2 Ever had this?

    Ever had this?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:44 PM PST

    This is late, but I still remember

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:01 PM PST

    Now that we're able to wear capes, does anyone else want a casual looking rustic cape?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:08 PM PST

    PSA : only few days to get the Frostfire Outfit !

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:21 AM PST

    The game really needs its new content to be more difficult

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Hello reddit, first post here after all these years! Wanted to share my thoughts and hear what you think.

    After reading a post about rewards and how there are very few meaningful rewards in game (see the link : short version is that "there are very few interesting rewards or loot from anything you do. For a game that's heavily centered around cosmetic endgame, it's very hard to get new cosmetic or interesting items outside the gemstore").


    I asked myself : "Is that so? Is the problem the lack of meaningful rewards?"

    The answer for me is yes but not because of the gemstore, but rather because of the content from which we get the said rewards.

    Indeed, we have plenty of rewards outside of the gemstore! Sure the gemstore is sometimes annoying but it isn't the main problem imo (like not a single mount that can be earned in game... They should, indeed, put at least the basic mounts with 4 dye channels as a reward for some kind of quest/collection/other). Though, if you want to discuss about that, check the topic in the link.

    The root of problem for the veterans, imo (as a veteran player), is not really the rewards but the fact that the content is not hard enough, not challenging enough... And therefore, the rewards we get feel meaningless (Teapot would say that we should play the game for the game and not for the reward (true) but let's be honest, a carrot is always good, it gives you a goal).

    So, the game doesn't offer enough challenge anymore? Let's check that!

    1. They took off the CM's from fractals (by that I mean, no new CM's and they are not planning to do new ones), plus it has been one year (almost) without a new fractal.
    2. Not enough new raids either (they don't want to do them harder than dhuum, it's ok, their choice imo, I still like them (the new raids)). Maybe they sould diminish the power creep of players but that's another topic.
    3. Now we have strikes but you can just press one and complete it without any problem (aka glorified world boss).
    4. Living world story is brain dead easy, you can just press one too. But it's more like press F to make it move forward... Imo, LW shouldn't be easy now (or that easy anyway), not after having the core story, 2 expansions and 3 seasons of LW... If people still don't know how to play, they can train on those former things (sorry if that seems harsh but this content is so soporific if you know how to play a little bit).
    5. At least, put back the CM's in the LW, like in season 2 or in HOT story (same for fractals, PUT THEM BACK!)!

    In conclusion, they really need to put something more challenging up there, we need to fail, everyone needs to fail!! That only makes the success more delicious! Sweet success!

    After that, even if the rewards aren't amazingly beautiful and shiny (like most people like, it seems. Not all of you, I know, I'm not trying to insult your fashion sense, easy!), they'll be, at least, a bit of prestige or sense of accomplishment to them...

    Thank you for reading me.

    PS: Sorry for the English, I'm not native.

    submitted by /u/Rurikxan
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    Tixx is the patron saint of alcoholism.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:24 PM PST

    Consider for a moment: Tixx spends all year creating presents for the denizens of Tyria to pass out to each other. He hands everyone a gift who asks for one. He wishes you cheers, and sends you on your merry way.

    And in nearly every gift is some kind of alcohol. Some of it is "cask-strength" alcohol, enough to knock your character on their asses. Based on that, I'd have to assume it's 100 proof or greater. Where exactly does Tixx get all this booze that he hands out FOR FREE? Not only is some of this alcohol really strong, he's passing out MASSIVE quantities of it.

    My theory? He spends all year brewing alcohol in that giant blimp of his. The toys are just a side hobby while he waits for the booze to ferment. You may notice that his toys (and his robot assistant) are prone to errors and going rogue. His robot assistant is also (somehow) sloshed much of the time. He must spend way more time on the booze than he does on the toys. That, or he creates the toys while he's imbibing, because they go rogue at an alarming rate.

    So I proclaim Tixx the patron saint of alcoholism. Somebody prove me wrong.

    submitted by /u/Vagrant123
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    Took us almost 5 hours to complete this JP. Found a good friend today which was the reward of this puzzle.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Exploiting or Hacking?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Not Guild Wars 2, but I'm sure someone will like this. "City of Heroes return likely as NCsoft files western trademark".

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:31 AM PST

    NPC/Mobs disappear if i set players and gear quality to lowest

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:53 AM PST

    Hello, i think this is not a bug but intended right? Since is months that i have such issue, but come on, this shouldn't happening, i can understand limiting players to increase the fps during the lagfest of meta and world bosses, but such options should never affect the npc and enemies.

    Yes, the nameplate remain but i'm not able to dodge the patterns attacks since i don't have idea when the boss will do it, the 3d model completely vanish.

    If a developer read this, please, fix this issue, moreover give us the options to completely erase other players and display only the green nameplates, but npc and yellow/red enemies should never disappear.


    Notes: my rig is a i7-9700K, RTX 2060 Super, 16 Gb Ram DDR4, ssd is Crucial MX500.

    submitted by /u/Fnights
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    A Couple of Non-Raiding Raid Questions

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

    I could waffle on about the reasons for not raiding but I won't bore you, you've heard them all before. I have a couple of questions that hopefully won't result in a ton of 'git gud' replies!

    1) Can someone suggest to me some good, complete Youtube/Twitch raid videos that DO NOT include player voiceover? I'm not looking for a guide, just something to watch casually to catch me up on the basic story (however shallow it actually is).

    2) I understand certain kind individuals are offering to port people in post-raid for some exploration but I've never seen anything on the LFG. Are these kind, awesome, benevolent people still around? :) I'm EU.

    I don't tend to post much on Reddit so apologies, I feel bad asking for something without contributing much prior.

    PS: +1 for Story Mode/easier/solo raids but I'd never feel as if I'm entitled to it. I feel like I am missing out but isn't that the point of hardcore content? Rewards for just being that good?

    submitted by /u/There0n
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    returning after +- 2 years

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:34 AM PST

    i am just trying to get back into the game, last i played around 2 years ago and stopped right when i hit lvl80. what should be first things to do? i am more of a pve than pvp player and i am totally confused at 80, also thinking of rolling new character to make things easier for me...

    submitted by /u/HanzlCZ
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    Ellutherius Wintergust Respawn

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm currently doing the achievement where one has to solve 5 riddles (once per day) from Ellutherius Wintergust, I've already read from some posts that 1-2 years ago his spawn was bugged and that it is apparently on the dev's agenda to fix (lol). However, the legendary bounty still spawns irregulary or not even at all within hours, I've just been lucky to once seen a comm fight him to solve riddle 1.

    Does anyone know how to get him to spawn? The other PoF legendary bounties respawn regularly at the bounty boards, just this one seems to be still broken. I really appreciate your information :)

    submitted by /u/vanillaz55
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    I keep seeing ads of Gw2 on my YouTube, has anything changed, or is there multiple new content?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Seeing all those promotions with ads might hints there is a new expac or some amazing content? Right?

    submitted by /u/Neilug_Hyuga
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    How do Elder Dragons' death affect its minions?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:03 AM PST

    I always feel it's stupid that after Zhaitan's death its minions still have intelligence to serve him and work together. They should either collapse or mindlessly attack whatever around including their own, or get free will.

    I mean, Zhaitan must have some strong hivemind system to let its Risen works so tight as a strong army. Why shouldn't its death blow up the hivemind structure and set free the Risen? Why would the Risen still work together when their master is gone?

    Mordremoth makes more sense since we saw Mordrem guards could get away with its control when they went too far.

    And why didn't Kralkatorrik's branded listen to Aurene took the mantle with Kralkatorrik's own wish?

    submitted by /u/Slowpokebread
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    ReShade and d912pxy

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:33 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    So I made a post yesterday about performance increase etc that provided alot of useful information and I think I understood most of it but the one thing I can't wrap my head around is how to install ReShade AND d912pxy. I have ReShade installed and it's working fine but when I install d912pxy it asks all these questions which I don't understand. The one that sticks out is the last one I belive and it's something like "Are you using other mods that impact the overlay" or something like that and I don't know if ReShade counts as that. I've read somewhere that I need to "chainload" but I can't find any information that I understand anywhere after googling for hours.. :C

    Please help <3

    (Also as a sidenote, how can I confirm that d912pxy is actually runnning in-game? Is there suppose to be a UI or something?)

    submitted by /u/Lanzohan
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    download stuck a 251k files

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:38 PM PST

    hey guys, im downloading Gw2 but my client is stuck at 251k files remaining but im still downloading at 3 to 10mb/s and i have over 20gb downloaded already.... im confused lol

    submitted by /u/Thcatch
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    I wish Fire longbow designs were this cool in GW2

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:26 PM PST

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