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    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Guild Wars 2 Every single time

    Guild Wars 2 Every single time

    Every single time

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:30 AM PST


    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:17 PM PST

    Bjorma Meta Defense.....

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:59 AM PST

    Can we lower the defense time and increase the mob? Its so boring. For 10mins, you need to try and kill bomber and defend from 3-6 mobs that spawn with huge interval.

    It would be better if lower the time and increase mobs, put some champion... Make players feel like they are actually defending from jormag army trying to break through

    Don't care about rewards much but atleast make the game fun... Its 10mins of clearing 7 enemy that spawns every 30 or 20seconds.

    Lower the time and increase the threat.

    submitted by /u/SheepPoop
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    New release from a "casual" perspective

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:07 AM PST

    I consider myself a fairly casual player, although I have logged in a thousand hours in GW2 in last 3 years. When I used to read complaints about "no hardcore content", I understood them, but they were not my concern. And I didn't complain at all, I just played at my own pace. I enjoyed the story, the open world events, maps and achievements in all previous seasons. So let's compare last 5 releases from a "casual" perspective:

    Grothmar valley - 3 nice + 1 epic metas, pretty map, lots of open world content, 1 daily easy strike mission that has a chance of 50+ gold drop (ebon shoulders), cool story with the combination of "atmospheric storytelling" and actual fighting. And that's a PROLOGUE

    Dragonfall - cool story, lots of fighting, finale of season. Truly epic replayable meta. Very beautiful map with lots of different masteries (mushrooms, oak...), the whole skyscale collection and the mount itself, legendary greatsword, mist shard upgrade armor, skyscale masteries (which you will often use)

    Thunderhead Keep - One epic story. Several decent metas. Really cool looking map. Dragonsblood upgrade weapons collections and dwarf catacombs. Siren's Reef fractal. Legendary longbow. New mastery, bond of faith, which players often use.

    Jahai Bluffs - Good story. Great open world events with a great world boss, Shatterer. New legendary scepter. Elegy and Requiem armor. New mastery, bond of vigor, also useable in all maps and often. New raid (ok not casual but still). Sun's Refuge multiple collections.

    Domain of Kourna - Ok story with cool boss fight. Roller beetle collection and mount. Legendary warhorn. Banner of the commander long collection. Deepstone fractal. And this was considered a very underwhelming release.

    So let's see what the new SAGA ("better then season episode") has.

    Less engaging story then all of the above. More talking to NPCs and just clicking on stuff then ever before. A truly beautiful map and atmosphere. Underwhelming meta and much better (fairly repeatable) champion run. 1 Strike mission every week for 3 weeks. New mastery "worse" then the previous ones because you can use it only in saga. And it only really opens chests. Weapons collection (long) and fetch food collection (short). That's it. And remember, I used here features from wiki, you can actually go there and it's obvious it has LESS content.

    So this release we got everything we got in previous ones (minis, gem store items, some form of collections, pretty map) PLUS the atmosphere, and BETTER strike missions. But LESS story content, LESSer mastery, LESSer meta, NO legendaries, NO fractals, NO features like new mounts/sun's refuge etc. Oh yeah, and the Launcher. Which is great, i LOVE IT!! But not content.

    To be fair, I like the new map, the atmosphere, It wasn't the worst release ever, it was good. But there is a legitimate argument that the first episode of this SAGA (which should have MORE features then season episodes) has equal amount of content as the "worst" release of S4 - Long Live the Lich. And this is from a fairly casual player (9,5k AP, maybe 1-2k hours, 6 characters, 1 full ascended). So lets not get divided between casual vs. hardcore elitist, this release was subjectively pretty, enjoyable and fun, but honestly underwhelming, short and lacking of content, when comparing to releases that didn't advertise having "expac lvl content".

    Not trying to stir drama, I am really enjoying the release (as we should all), but criticism is legitimate here.

    submitted by /u/Korg6
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    New cheaper time-gated 32 slot bags and why it's time to make all bags account-bound

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST

    With the new patch we got a new set of normal bags that can be upgraded from 20-->24-->28-->32-Slots. Unlike the Bandolier Bag, this new bag actually costs a lot less gold to craft in favor of the new map materials. You unlock the crafting recipes by unlocking the new Restored Boreal Weapons for the Master of the Ancestral Forge Tier 7 + you get a free 24 slot version. (13 weapons unlocked)

    Price Comparison:

    32-Slot Reinforced Boreal Trunk (Normal Bag, 85ish gold + map materials)

    32-Slot Orichalcum Locker (Normal Bag, 123ish gold)

    32-Slot Reinforced Olmakhan Bandolier (Container/Consume Bag, 121ish gold + map materials)

    The even more interesting part here is that the new 20-Slot Simple Boreal Canteen, 24-Slot Sturdy Boreal Duffel, 28-Slot Hardened Boreal Barrel and 32-Slot Reinforced Boreal Trunk are ALL account-bound, unlike how the 24-Slot and 28-Slot of the Bandolier Bag are still soul-bound and how all the other 24-Slot and 28-Slot slot crafted bags, like 24-Slot Orichalcum Locker and 28-Slot Orichalcum Locker, are also still soul-bound.

    This seems like a perfect time to finally make all of the 24-Slot + 28-Slot bags account bound.

    submitted by /u/TheMrMadzen
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    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:41 PM PST

    The Trading Post is like four times as fast now than it was before the patch.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PST

    It seems like they finally did some optimization to it to restore most of the speed that's been gradually lost over time. This is a major fix: the TP is a critical component of the overall game experience, and I for one am glad that I no longer have to spend a significant amount of time staring at it to do incredibly basic interactions, like buying or selling a single item.

    submitted by /u/Shaman_Infinitus
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    For those who missed the Quiznos giveaway and REALLY need the pet

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:03 PM PST

    Can this be moved back please?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:15 AM PST

    PSA: You don't need Essence charge to open chests

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:35 PM PST

    I have seen on here and in the game that people think you need to have Essence charges to open chests. You don't. You only need to have the corresponding mastery, T1 for small chests, T2 for Medium chests. (Im assuming there will be T3 and big chests next ep)

    also the essences are rock-paper-scissors

    its Red->Green->Blue->Red. so u need T2 red to open Medium green chests, and so on.

    submitted by /u/Llamagr4m
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    black kitty trading company nyah

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:48 AM PST

    I can't believe I heckin' died

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    Game Update Notes: November 20, 2019

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:10 PM PST

    I've always disliked doing stories/quests in all the MMOs I've played. But by the gods...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:48 AM PST

    This new episode of Silence opened with such intensity that it was unnerving.

    Like I was playing a mystery horror story and it was so engaging!

    I feel totally hyped to find out what happens next.

    And I've never had this feeling before in a game story/quest.

    Well done Anet.

    submitted by /u/angeleremite
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    What I EXPECTED from Boneskinner / Dark Forest (Suggestions)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    I guess I just let my imagination get the better of me...actually I DEFINITELY let my imagination get the better of me. I had a lot more expectations from this particular section of content that just were not even close.

    My Expectations: ANY of these would have sufficed.


    • No mounts / No Gliding

    • DARK forest (something akin to the LA Pirate JP darkness, not as dark though)

    • Closed in camera/vision (the opposite of what world boss camera does, when entering the forest it would close your vision/camera in, making it harder to get a grasp of your surroundings)

    • No nameplates (for enemies or allies, everything looks like an enemy when you see movement)

    • Obscured minimap

    • Faded screen edges (like the frost/blind outer edge effect)


    • Not a killable enemy, something you would need to "drive/fight away"

    • Hot and Cold game where the closer you are to the Boneskinner, you would hear a Heart Beat, getting faster the closer it gets.

    • When the Boneskinner chooses a target player in the forest, and appears, the Player would let out an audible sound (yell) alerting other nearby players to come help.

    • Each time the Boneskinner is chased off, you would be able to loot its den.

    submitted by /u/Zietlogik
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    Season 5 Portal Tome

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:13 PM PST

    Where is it, anet? WHERE IS IT?!

    submitted by /u/Xeltoor
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    It may seem small, but this perfectly sums up the frustration I have when I look at GW2 compared to GW. How come a game that came out 14 years ago can handle my 32:9 monitor perfectly in the title screen, but a game that was patched today displays my characters like this?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:15 AM PST

    Disappointing Boneskinner, and idle thoughts for improvement.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    Minor edit: Dunno why this is marked as question when I wanted it marked as Discussion. That is entirely my fault, and I'm a dingus. I also don't see how to fix that but if I can please may somebody let me know so I can correct my dingus mistake, thanks. <3

    I'll say it flat out the gate: I had high hopes for this episode (because I love me some eldritch-horror themes) and I am beyond disappointed. But perhaps my biggest disappointment, the one that really bites me, is the Boneskinner and just how lacklustre it is. I remember, during the just as disappointing half an hour of talking that was to hype up the Icebrood Saga (along with many minutes of asinine merch-pushing) that the Boneskinner was, for me, the coolest part of the talk. It was a cool design. It was something we really hadn't seen the likes of in GW2 at all, and the developers spoke about how it would "set traps, throw their voice and mimic the voices of past prey". How the design intent was to make you feel unsafe in this new map, like something was out to get you.

    Aaaaand it... just didn't appear. At all. Except in one non-story related quest chain where you help a small team of Vigil try to rescue survivors in the Aberrant Forest, where it gets a small spoopy cameo in the Escort and then is just an underwhelming Champion fight at the end of that small three-event chain. But I don't see why it had to be so hyped up for this release, only to be such a joke and a non-threat.

    PLEASE NOTE: everything after this point is just me talking about what I might have done. Things that could have been. Things that probably are beyond GW2 to actually implement but just ideas on how they could have, potentially, implemented it. Pure conjecture and opinion. ALSO SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THE STORY OF THIS UPDATE. It's also probably gonna be TL;DR so if you don't care about speculative "What I might have tried" then you can stop reading now. With this note out the way...

    I think I would have much rather they weave the Boneskinner together into the story itself. You get to the barracks and find it empty and you start your journey with Braham to find Almorra and Jhavi, fine whatever. Maybe along the way, you find a lone Vigil Recruit, terrified of his own shadow. Perhaps you have to attack him to pacify him (much like you do a Vigil member during the escort event that involves the Boneskinner!) and when he's calm, you ask him what happened. "I... I keep seeing something, Commander. It's hunting me. Keeps talking to me using my comrades' voices." The Recruit doesn't tell you much, but you manage to talk enough sense into the recruit to come with you and Braham and help to find the missing general and Jhavi.

    He tags along all the way with you until the Aberrant Forest, and the instance. You enter the personal instance, and he'll appear there alongside Braham. HOWEVER.

    You get five steps in and you're forced to halt, as the Recruit suddenly panics. "It's there! It's there, I see it!" and he points ahead. You see a huge, looming shadow in the distance, which then moves off away from sight (on a mechanical level, player can be tethered to the spot or forced to walk so that they cannot reach it before it disappears from view and despawns. Failing that, the spectre can spawn outside of explorable instance boundaries. Boneskinner shadow itself can be like the Risen Giants in the maze later on.) The Recruit panics and flees, and you shout after him to come back but he doesn't listen. You never find out what happens to him.

    The rest of the instance proceeds as it does currently. At the end however, after Braham already leaves, your Commander verbally questions Jhavi about the Vigil Recruit, and Jhavi answers with similar talk that the Vigil escort team leader says. "Oh, well some of us call it the Boneskinner. We think it's responsible for many disappearances of our units, hunting any of us when we leave the safety of the Keep. Bad enough we have to deal with the Svanir and Jormag..." or something.

    At this point, your character triggers an invisible "Boneskinner active" flag. If you're in combat, in a "safe zone" (where friendly NPCs reside, at event start locations and inside the keep) or in specific enemy territory (such as any of the Svanir camps, the Fallen-infested Bear Shrine and Asgeir's Legacy) and during the meta event, the Boneskinner will not spawn. However, if you haven't been in combat for a couple of minutes, you're on the ground (mounted or not) and you're not in a specific zone where the Boneskinner can't spawn, then you have a chance at being attacked. Maybe it starts with audio, a whispered voice that isn't Jormag's but actually sounds like somebody on the map - maybe the Recruit from earlier cries for help suddenly. You follow the sound and find nothing. Stuff like that.

    Eventually the Boneskinner can spawn and attack you. It still gives you an audio cue, and the attack itself can be dodged if you know it's coming or, conversely, just have good reactions. The Boneskinner shouldn't be unfair when it spawns. But it spawns, maybe does a quick attack or two (that, if it hits you, puts you into down state) and then, just as quickly, it leaves. It never outright kills you, at least not in this chapter of the story, but it establishes itself as a threat while you're out exploring. Because it can instantly down you, this is why it doesn't spawn if you're already in combat, or in an area where combat is inevitable (like the Svanir camps.)

    I know it probably couldn't be coded to behave in such a way, with GW2's engine. But man I just... I really wish they'd done something with the Boneskinner. I wish they had done something to make it as threatening as they claimed it would be. Something that made me feel like my character was at risk when out exploring this map, keeping me on my toes. Maybe there could even be a hypothetical "threat" system, so the Boneskinner spawns can't be entirely predicted and it has to steadily ramp up to an attack. This could be timed in such a way that the Boneskinner never becomes an active annoyance by spawning too frequently. Similarly, I feel like if the Boneskinner was more of a prominent threat like this, the map could be a bit more... empty. And I know that must sound really weird but hear me out: imagine if there are less patrols between mob-infested areas. Places where you will inevitably fall out of combat, in turn making you able to trigger the Boneskinner mechanics above. I don't think the map should be entirely empty, but I think if the Boneskinner could have been made a more persistent and dangerous threat, then we wouldn't need as many mobs littering the map, which in turn would emphasise the feeling of eerie, spooky emptiness in the map itself. That feeling that something exists in this map that consumes everything it can, when it can. That something is inherently wrong in the map, and now it's out to get you. But hey that's just my two cents. Maybe they'll do more with the Boneskinner next episode... but for me that feels like it's too little too late.

    submitted by /u/AiryAerie
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    Weird trees in Bjora Marches

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:15 PM PST

    Anyone notice odd spots in the new map? There will be a blue glow and sometimes an npc, but as you walk closer, the Boneskinner noise will start and the light will change into a tree. It will stay a tree for some time before it resets into the odd glow again.Not everyone sees the tree and the glow. I'm not sure why, I've asked people who have done the story and people who haven't and it doesn't make a difference.


    Here's another spot I've found

    submitted by /u/Thelostbiscuit
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    Unpopular Opinion- I really liked "Whisper in the Dark"

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    I know this sub is always criticizing the game for not doing this or that, and that's fine, but this episode was solid. The story was good, creepy, and a new direction from the narrative team and I really liked it. The new map is full of dynamic events and hunts. The first Strike mission, while not raid-level, is much harder than the one from the Prologue. We've got a new upgrade-able weapons set, new mastery's and achievements, incredible ambient dialogue, and 3 new strike missions. Yes the story was a little short, but it was the first episode in the Saga, not an expansion. Yes, they didn't update WvW or PvP or add Fractals or a Raid wing, but they never said they were going to. Stop crying and expecting all these things from an EPISODE of FREE CONTENT!

    submitted by /u/ScottStormborn
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    Lighting puzzle achievement reset for anyone?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:31 PM PST

    I did all 4 of the puzzles yesterday, but at daily reset, I lost credit to all of them and lost 4 AP, but still have luminary done.

    Bug maybe? Did it happen to anyone else?


    submitted by /u/mylomilk
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